Tomatoes with carrot tops for 5 liters. Recipe: Marinated tomatoes with carrot tops - Just a song! How to pickle tomatoes with tops: cooking rules

In winter, you cannot find a better dish on the table than crispy cucumbers or juicy tomatoes from a jar. To give your pickled tomato preparation a special taste, unlike all others, you should add carrot tops. The marinade will become original, and the dish itself will be presented in a new light, since the carrot tops will give the dish a special, unique look.

You can surprise your loved ones and friends with this preparation. In addition, such a preparation can suit absolutely any feast. Of course, all the recipes are somewhat similar to each other, but there are several variations of canning tomatoes with carrot tops that stand out above other recipes.

The most important and distinctive part of these recipes is that the pickled tomatoes must be left for at least two to three months for a more pleasant taste that makes it stand out from the rest.

Winter recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops

Tomatoes with carrot tops are also irreplaceable in winter on the New Year's table. For this recipe, you should choose meaty tomatoes. Dense variety, small size- that's it. This is necessary not only for maximum preservation of taste, but also for appearance. In this position, they will be more advantageous to show off in the bank. And also lush carrot tops.

What do you need for this?

At the end, about 5 three-liter jars of tasty, rich preparation come out.

At the very beginning, you should thoroughly rinse and dry the carrot tops and tomatoes. Prepare three-liter jars(rinse and sterilize in any available and usual way, such as placing in an oven, oven, or using a proven method, keeping the dishes steamed). For the preparation you will need a large saucepan in which you will need to boil water. While the water is boiling, place five or six branches of carrot tops in each of the prepared jars.

The next step is to fill the jars containing the future pickled tomatoes with boiling water and wait about twenty to thirty minutes. At the end of time you need to drain the water back into the pan, add spices, stir and bring to a boil again. Until the sugar and salt dissolve completely. After these steps are left behind, you should remove the marinade from the stove and add 400 g of vinegar to it.

And at the end it follows pour out cans of tomatoes and tops prepared with boiling marinade, roll up with sterilized lids. The main thing after all this is to wrap the cans in a blanket and turn them upside down. They should spend the remaining time in this state until they cool down.

Tomatoes with carrot tops recipe

In contrast to the first recipe, you can also add a second, equally tasty and original recipe, differing from the first, except for a slight sourness. For the winter table - what you need!

For one such serving, i.e. one three-liter jar, you will need:

First, you should thoroughly rinse the tomatoes and carrot tops, and then be sure to dry the products. Using a toothpick or a similar sharp and thin object, you need to pierce the tomato in several places. This is done so that the tomatoes do not crack when they are poured with boiling water. Add a couple of branches of carrot tops with tomatoes to a pre-sterilized jar.

After completing the steps, you need to fill the jars with boiling water and wait about thirty minutes. Next, when thirty minutes passes, you should pour the water back into the pan, season it thoroughly with spices, in the form of salt and sugar, and bring to a boil again. After pouring into jars, hot marinade with added half a tbsp. spoons of citric acid and screw on the lids.

Wonderful canned tomatoes with carrot tops ready. Be sure to take this recipe into use. Also, this recipe for pickled tomatoes with carrot tops will go wonderfully with any other dishes, for example, pickles. There is a wonderful recipe for pickled cucumbers.

Cucumbers with carrot tops

The recipe is infinitely simple, and is suitable for both avid and novice housewives. This is a surefire and great way to end up with a very tasty dish.

To prepare this winter recipe you will need:

Cooking process:

First you need to prepare the jars. Banks are also sterilized in your usual way. Add sprigs of tops to each jar. Place pre-washed cucumbers on top and pour boiling water over the contents. When the water has cooled, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and salt and bring to a boil again. After finishing the spices, add vinegar and bring to boiling water again.

The next step is to tighten the lids and turn them upside down. For that so that the cucumbers cool more slowly, you should wrap them in something warm. Only after they have completely cooled down on their own can they be moved to a cool place for further storage.

So you found out a couple of secrets about tomatoes and cucumbers with carrot tops, recipes for the most delicious preparation. And in order for the taste of this preparation to be full and lasting, you should wait at least three months before the first sample. The main thing is not to be afraid to try and experiment, that’s when your recipe will acquire its originality and uniqueness. And eating such a marinade in winter is a pleasure!

The simplicity of the recipe always causes some caution. Will tomatoes really be as savory as they promise? Roll up a few jars for the winter and try it. You'll be surprised how excited your pickles will be.

Rules for canning tomatoes

Canning tomatoes is not a difficult task. Most often, it is the preparatory stage that requires a lot of time. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the jars and sterilize them. Prepare the tomatoes. Then comes the turn of herbs. They should be washed no less thoroughly. After all, even a minor mistake will lead to the penetration of bacteria into the jar. By canning tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter, you reduce the preparation stage by almost half. After all, it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of only a few branches of the tops and the tomatoes themselves.

6 secrets to make it tasty and beautiful

Before you start canning, be sure to check out these six tips that will make your homemade preparations even more appetizing.

  1. Appearance of tomatoes. For homemade preparations for the winter, it is best to choose elongated fruits. Such tomatoes have a characteristic “spout”. These are plum-shaped or cube-shaped fruits. It is the oblong tomatoes that are more fleshy, have a thick skin and have a sweetish taste.
  2. Tomato size. Small fruits are best. They are easily preserved, fit well in a jar, are soaked in high-quality marinade, and always look impressive on the plate.
  3. Carrot tops. Only fresh herbs are suitable for preservation. If you have your own garden, then cut it immediately before conservation. For those who purchase tops on the market, you can use the following trick. Dip the greens in cool water and leave it for 15 minutes. You will immediately notice how the “bouquet” has freshened. Rinse the tops under water and immediately use them for preservation.
  4. Bright color. Canned tomatoes often lose their bright, beautiful color. If you don't want your workpieces to become dull, remember one more trick. Add vinegar to the marinade after turning off the heat under the pan. If the vinegar boils over in the brine, it will not be able to preserve its rich colors.
  5. Crack protection. Very often you can see a picture when, while pouring boiling water, the peel of tomatoes cannot stand it and bursts. Such fruits look unaesthetic. To protect tomatoes from a similar fate, you need to make several punctures in the stalk area using a regular toothpick.
  6. Filling cans. When canning vegetables, always fill containers up to the top. Try to pour the marinade so that it slightly overflows. Following this rule will allow your preserves to successfully withstand the entire winter.

You can taste the tomatoes three months after preservation. If you open them earlier, you will be able to see for yourself: the tomatoes have not “arrived” yet. They will be lightly salted and will not have time to absorb the spicy and aromatic taste.

Recipes for tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter

If you want to seal a few jars for the winter using a new recipe, use the options below. Depending on your preferences, you can slightly change the flavor range. Fans of “sparkly” tomatoes can add a pod of hot pepper. And those who are used to enjoying spicy aromas will like preparations with cloves.

With vinegar

Peculiarities. If this is your first time rolling up pickled tomatoes with carrot tops, use this recipe. The tomatoes turn out sweetish, with a slight sourness. And when there is not a single tomato left in the jar, the marinade will begin to rapidly “destroy.”


  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • vinegar – 200 ml;
  • carrot tops - eight branches.

How to cook

  1. Place the washed tops in three-liter jars, four branches in each.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and chop them.
  3. Place the fruits on the tops, trying to lay them as tightly as possible, but without pressing.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.
  5. Leave them for 15 minutes.
  6. Then pour the liquid into a saucepan.
  7. Based on it, cook the marinade, adding salt and sugar.
  8. Lastly, add the vinegar.
  9. Pour the prepared marinade over the tomatoes and roll up.

With garlic and horseradish

Peculiarities. Do you want to reproduce the spicy-harsh taste of salted tomatoes that you remember from childhood? Then use the following recipe. Unlike the classic version, pickling tomatoes with carrot tops is done immediately in a glass container. And such preservation is stored in an apartment no worse than in a cellar. The amount of ingredients given in the recipe is calculated for one three-liter jar.


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 120 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • garlic - two cloves;
  • carrot tops - three branches;
  • horseradish leaf and root;
  • mustard plaster (medical) - one.

How to cook

  1. Place the peeled root and some of the herbs on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Fill with tomatoes, not reaching the top a little.
  3. Place garlic in container.
  4. Scatter the remaining herbs on top.
  5. Fill the tomatoes with regular cold water to the very top so you can understand how much brine you will need.
  6. Drain the liquid into a separate pan.
  7. Pour sugar and salt into it.
  8. Place the pan on the fire and boil the filling.
  9. Fill the jar with hot brine.
  10. Cut a small piece the size of a matchbox from the mustard plaster, put it under the lid and close it for the winter.

This preservation is best preserved in the cellar. But if you decide to salt tomatoes with carrot tops in an ordinary apartment, then sterilize the jar for 20-25 minutes before rolling.

With aspirin

Peculiarities. This recipe for pickling tomatoes with carrot tops contains aspirin. It does not affect the taste or smell at all, but ensures the elimination of microbes and allows the preservation to “stick.”


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • carrot tops - four to five branches;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • aspirin (for each liter jar) - one tablet;
  • vinegar – 30 ml;
  • greenery.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the carrot tops well and put them in jars.
  2. Place tomatoes on top.
  3. Place one small sprig of herbs on top of the tomatoes.
  4. Now you need to prepare the brine. If you seal tomatoes in liter jars, then each will need approximately 0.5 liters of liquid.
  5. Calculate the required amount of water, add another half liter to make sure there is enough.
  6. Add salt and sugar to the water.
  7. When the brine boils, pour it over the tomatoes.
  8. Infuse the tomatoes for 15 minutes.
  9. Do not rush to pour out the remaining brine; it will come in handy when you refill it.
  10. Drain the jars.
  11. Boil the brine again and let it simmer for five to seven minutes.
  12. Pour over the tomatoes, let stand for ten minutes and drain.
  13. While the brine is preparing to boil for the third and final time, take some aspirin.
  14. Crush the tablets and pour them directly into the jars.
  15. Pour boiling brine on top, not adding a little to the top.
  16. Add a spoonful of vinegar to each jar.
  17. Now add brine to the very top.
  18. If there is not enough filling, then use the reserve (it is better to put it on the fire in advance so that it is always ready).
  19. Roll up the tomato preparations.

With citric acid

Peculiarities. Tomatoes preserved with citric acid instead of vinegar have an original taste. However, keep in mind that thanks to this component, the tomatoes acquire a more pronounced sourness. This recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops is for one liter jar.


  • tomatoes – 600-800 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • carrot tops - two or three branches;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Place the thoroughly washed tops in a jar.
  2. Next, lower the tomatoes, filling the container tightly.
  3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes.
  4. Wait 20-30 minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan.
  5. Pour salt and sugar into it.
  6. Boil the marinade.
  7. Lastly, add citric acid to the brine.
  8. Fill the jar with marinade, then roll it up.

Add citric acid immediately before rolling the jar. If you leave it earlier, it will quickly lose its characteristic, slightly sour taste. Such preservation will lose its exquisite spiciness.

With hot pepper

Peculiarities. This recipe for canned tomatoes with carrot tops will appeal to lovers of savory snacks.


  • tomatoes – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • salt – 90 g;
  • garlic - four to five cloves;
  • chili pepper - one pod;
  • carrot tops - eight to ten branches;
  • acetic acid (per liter jar) – 15 ml.

How to cook

  1. Place carrot tops in jars.
  2. Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise and chop the hot pepper into rings.
  3. Fill the jars with tomatoes, topping them with chili pepper rings and pieces of garlic.
  4. Pour boiling water over the preparations.
  5. Wait 15 minutes, drain the liquid.
  6. Add salt, sugar, bring the brine to a boil.
  7. Fill the jars with marinade.
  8. Add acetic acid to each.
  9. Roll up the tomatoes.

With green fruits

Peculiarities. If you have a lot of green tomatoes left in your garden that don’t “want” to turn red, you can prepare a delicious preserve from unripe fruits.


  • tomatoes – 2.5-3 kg;
  • onion - two heads;
  • bay leaf - four to five pieces;
  • carrot tops - eight branches;
  • water – 1.8 l;
  • sugar – 120 g;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • vinegar – 100 ml;
  • ground red pepper – 10 g;
  • allspice, ground pepper.

How to cook

  1. Divide the tomatoes into halves.
  2. Chop the onion into thick rings.
  3. Place the tomatoes in an enamel pan, topping with onions.
  4. Prepare the brine by adding salt, sugar and red pepper to the water and boil it.
  5. Pour the marinade over the tomato and onion mixture and leave it to marinate for seven hours.
  6. Drain the brine.
  7. Place carrot tops in jars, and aromatic tomatoes and onions on top.
  8. Boil the marinade, add allspice and peas, throw in a bay leaf.
  9. Add vinegar to the brine last.
  10. Fill the jars.
  11. Such tomatoes need to be sterilized for 15-20 minutes. After this, the preservation can be rolled up.

When rolling canned tomatoes with carrot tops, don’t be afraid to experiment. The combination of tomatoes with cucumbers or bell peppers is delicious. An appetizer of tomatoes and cauliflower is no less appetizing and piquant.

Tomatoes with carrot tops: secrets of harvesting for the winter

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Carrot tops are always thrown away without regret. And it was completely in vain - scientists have found that in terms of the content of useful substances, carrot leaves are in no way inferior to the root vegetable itself. In addition, it has a pleasant aroma and appetizing decorative properties. In home preparations, the tops are used as an alternative to spices. Canned tomatoes with carrot tops are especially tasty.

Tomatoes, canned with carrot leaves

Choose small tomatoes and all the same size. Otherwise, large fruits will “understeam” and ferment, while small ones will spread and turn into mush.

Quantity of products based on 4 large jars or 8 “one and a half jars”:

  • 7 kg of unripe tomatoes, be sure to take elastic, slightly unripe fruits;
  • 1 bunch of carrot leaves, weighing about 150 g;
  • 200 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 grams of table salt;
  • 350 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 5 liters of water.

Rolling up:

  1. Wash the selected vegetables and leaves thoroughly. Dry.
  2. Prepare the available container in any way.
  3. Place 5-6 carrot leaves on the bottom of the jars.
  4. Place tomatoes of the same size and variety on top.
  5. Pour boiling water over the prepared products and cover with lids.
  6. After a quarter of an hour, pour the slightly cooled infusion from the jars into the pan.
  7. Bring to a boil and add salt and sugar to the marinade. If necessary, add boiling water to the solution to the volume required by the recipe.
  8. Turn off the heat, add vinegar, stir.
  9. Pour the marinade over the vegetables and tops and roll up. Place the finished canned food upside down and insulate it.

The greatest taste effect will be achieved in about three months.

Marinated tomatoes with vegetables and carrot tops

Not everyone loves canned tomatoes. Some people prefer pickled peppers. Some people prefer crispy cucumber.

The proposed recipe is designed to satisfy the tastes of all family members. And carrot leaves will successfully replace regular seasonings, and will give vegetables an interesting, slightly sweet taste.

Proportions and ingredients for preparing 5 liter assorted jars:

  • 20 pieces of small gherkin-type cucumbers;
  • 20-25 pieces of cherry tomatoes or any other, only the smallest ones;
  • half a head of cauliflower;
  • 10 pieces of very young squash or 2 zucchini, also young;
  • 25 pieces of shallots or onion sets, you can also take 2-3 regular onions;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 5 bell peppers;
  • a large bunch of carrot tops;
  • half a glass of regular salt;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 200 gr. vinegar 6%;
  • peppercorns.
    1. Peel the skins of the onion and garlic.
    2. Separate the cabbage into small florets.
    3. Do not remove the skin from squash and zucchini. If using zucchini, cut them into slices about 1.5 centimeters thick.
    4. Peel the pepper from seeds and stalks, cut into 4-6 pieces. Very small bell peppers are often sold at the market, especially at the end of the season - this is an ideal option.
    5. If there are onions in the preparation, chop them into rings of medium thickness.
    6. Cut off the ends of the gherkins.
    7. Place cabbage and squash (or zucchini) in boiling water for 5 minutes.
    8. Prepare the container.
    9. Wash and cut the tops into 1 cm pieces.
    10. Place herbs and 5 peppercorns at the bottom of the jar.
    11. Next, lay out the prepared vegetables in layers. Alternate all products yourself depending on texture and color. The order of layout will not affect the taste.
    12. For the marinade, boil water with salt and sugar. Turn off the heat, add vinegar, stir.
    13. Fill the jars without adding 1.5-2 cm to the neck so that the marinade does not splash out during sterilization.
    14. Sterilize with lids for 12 minutes. Consider the time from the moment the water boils under the jars.
    15. Roll up and turn over, wrap.

Readiness will occur in 2 weeks.

Tomatoes pickled with carrot tops

Our grandmothers had many children and did not have a single drop of free time.

They didn't have gas or glass jars, seamers or food processors. All vegetable preparations for the winter were carried out in barrels directly in the cellar.

Nowadays, this method is impractical, but the taste of slightly harsh and spicy pickles, familiar from early childhood, can be quite reproduced in city apartments. Moreover, this method of preparation does not require a lot of time.

Source products:

  • ripe but not overripe tomatoes;
  • carrot leaves, garlic, horseradish root and leaves;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ordinary mustard plasters.

How to salt in three-liter jars:

      1. Place some of the herbs and chopped roots at the bottom of clean, fat-free jars.
      2. Pack the tomatoes tightly to the narrowing point of the jar.
      3. Add leaves and tops on top.
      4. Fill with cold water to the top.
      5. Then drain the water - this will be the required amount of liquid for the brine.
      6. Mix water with sugar and salt - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt per large jar of vegetables, regardless of the resulting volume of water.
      7. Boil the brine, cool, strain if necessary, since sometimes table salt contains a lot of sand.
      8. Fill the jar with cold solution, put a piece of mustard plaster the size of a matchbox under the lid, and close it. Mustard plaster will protect the pickles from mold.

Store in a cool place for a month.

Tomato is a versatile vegetable with excellent taste characteristics. It goes well with many other vegetables: peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower, zucchini, even apples and plums. Cooking tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter - recipes for those who want to diversify their winter preparations. The main condition: compliance with the recipe and methods of preservation.

Features of preparing tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter

Thanks to carrot tops, pickled tomatoes are enriched with useful microelements and vitamins:

  1. It is known that it contains six times more vitamin C than the fruit.
  2. The tops contain vitamin K, which is absent in the root vegetable, which reduces blood pressure, normalizes metabolism and prevents osteoporosis.
  3. It has been established that one branch of tops contains the daily requirement of selenium, an element that strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of cancer cells.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

The main components are tomatoes and carrot tops:

  1. Sort through the tomatoes, select firm, unspoilt, undamaged fruits. Remove the stems. To prevent them from bursting during pickling, pierce them with a toothpick at the place where the stem is attached.
  2. The tops should be fresh, not limp, not spoiled. If, for some reason, dry tops are used, you need to take double the volume.

Methods for salting tomatoes with carrot leaves

There are a variety of recipes for pickling tomatoes in which carrot tops are an important and main ingredient. The first recipe is a classic one, which can be varied with additional ingredients and a set of spices depending on the family’s taste preferences. You can add sweet, hot, cappy peppers, horseradish leaves, cilantro or coriander, bay leaves, cloves, and garlic.

A simple recipe for a liter jar

Marinating in liter containers is convenient for a small family; you open it, eat it, and the tomatoes don’t stagnate. Recommendation: selecting small fruits; placing large fruits in a small jar is inappropriate. The presented proportions of salt and granulated sugar can be changed, taking into account the wishes of the family. This recipe makes them a little sweet.

Required components:

  • tomatoes - 0.7 kg;
  • vinegar - 33 ml;
  • sugar - 45 g;
  • carrot tops - 5-6 branches;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • laurel - one;
  • clove of garlic.


  1. Wash the vegetables, separate the stalks.
  2. Place sprigs of carrot tops, bay leaves, garlic cut into halves at the bottom of a clean container and pour in liquid brought to a boil. Wait 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the cooled liquid, add the specified amount of sugar and salt, and boil.
  4. Pour the required volume of vinegar into the tomatoes, add boiling brine and close tightly.
  5. Turn the container over and cover it so that the contents warm up thoroughly.

Recipe for tomatoes with carrot tops for a three-liter jar

Salting in a three-liter container is convenient in cases where the family is large or for dinner with guests. At the same time, larger tomatoes are placed in such containers, but the proportion of granulated sugar and salt is correspondingly greater than per liter volume.

Required components:

  • tomatoes - 2.4 kg;
  • laurel leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • allspice - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • black pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot tops - 5 branches;
  • vinegar - 95 ml;
  • water - 970 ml.


  1. Sort the tomatoes, separate the stems and wash.
  2. Place sprigs of tops on the bottom of a clean container. If desired, you can add 3-4 currant leaves; they give the brine and vegetables a pleasant aroma. Add peppercorns, bay leaf.
  3. Start arranging vegetables. When the container is filled, pour in the boiling liquid, cover with a lid and let sit for a quarter of an hour to warm up.
  4. Drain the liquid, add the specified volume of salt and granulated sugar, boil until dissolved.
  5. Pour the specified volume of vinegar into the tomatoes and pour boiling brine, close with an airtight lid, turn upside down and cover thoroughly to retain heat longer.

With spices

Preparation with spices gives tomatoes a piquant taste and an unusual aroma, it all depends on the type of seasonings chosen.

  • tomatoes - 1.6 kg;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • hot pepper - ¼ pod;
  • carrot tops - 5-6 branches;
  • garlic - clove;
  • sugar - 85 g;
  • water - 970 ml;
  • horseradish - a small leaf;
  • laurel leaf;
  • allspice - 4 peas;
  • cloves - 1 inflorescence;
  • French mustard - 7 g;
  • vinegar - 95 ml.


  1. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems.
  2. Place herbs and spices on the bottom of a cleanly washed container: horseradish, bay leaf, carrot tops, allspice and hot pepper, cloves, garlic, add mustard. Pour in the boiling liquid and let sit for 15 minutes until the vegetables warm up.
  3. Drain the cooled liquid, boil, adding the required amount of sugar and salt.
  4. Pour vinegar into a jar and fill it with boiling brine.
  5. Close tightly, turn upside down, cover.

With dill and garlic

Canning with dill inflorescences and garlic is one of the classic methods of pickling. The recipe is designed for a 3-liter container volume.

Required components:

  • tomatoes - 1.6 kg;
  • dill - 2 branches with inflorescence;
  • water - 980 ml;
  • green carrots - 4-5 branches;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vinegar - 95 ml;
  • black pepper - 4 peas.


  1. Place sprigs of dill, carrot greens, cloves of garlic, and peppercorns at the bottom of the washed container.
  2. Place the sorted and washed tomatoes in a container. Boil water and pour into a container, wait a quarter of an hour until it warms up.
  3. Pour the cooled liquid out of the container, add granulated sugar, salt and boil.
  4. Pour vinegar into an empty container and add boiled brine.
  5. Close with an airtight lid, turn over and cover until thoroughly heated.

With onions and celery

Salted tomatoes with carrot tops have a pleasant smell, and celery greens will add their aroma to the bouquet of smell. It has a specific aroma, not for everyone, but it’s worth a try.

Necessary components for a 3-liter volume:

  • celery - branch;
  • tomatoes - 1.6 kg;
  • onion - medium;
  • horseradish - middle leaf;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • carrots - 3-4 branches;
  • water - 970 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 95 g;
  • vinegar - 95 ml;
  • black pepper - 3 peas.


  1. Place the greens at the bottom of the washed container, add peppercorns and halved onion, previously peeled.
  2. Place the selected and washed vegetables, boil the liquid and pour.
  3. After heating for 15 minutes, drain it and boil again, adding the required amount of salt and sugar.
  4. Fill the container with tomatoes with boiling brine. Seal tightly, turn upside down and cover to keep warm longer.

With citric acid

You can preserve tomatoes with citric acid, they have a different taste. But it is worth considering that the vegetables will be more sour. The recipe is presented for a 3-liter volume.

Required components:

  • granulated sugar - 115 g;
  • tomatoes - 1.7 kg;
  • green carrots - 5-6 branches;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • water - 970 ml.


  1. Place washed and dried carrot branches on the bottom of a washed container, add peppercorns.
  2. Add the washed vegetables and pour in boiling water. Wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the water from the tomatoes, add sugar and the required amount of salt, and boil.
  4. Pour citric acid into an empty container with tomatoes, pour in the boiling liquid, and close with an appropriate sealed lid.
  5. Place upside down and cover thoroughly.

With aspirin

Zakatka with aspirin is perfectly stored, since it acts as a preservative. It does not affect the taste and smell of the finished product.

Required set of components for a 3-liter container:

  • tomatoes - 1.7 kg;
  • carrot tops - 3-4 branches;
  • water - 970 ml;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • black pepper - 4 peas;
  • laurel leaf;
  • vinegar - 65 ml;
  • aspirin - 3 pcs.

Action plan:

  1. Place the washed and dried tops in a container, add a bay leaf and peppercorns.
  2. Rinse the vegetables, place in a prepared jar, pour boiling liquid and wait a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the cooled water, boil again, add the required amount of salt and sugar.
  4. Put crushed aspirin into the tomatoes, add vinegar and pour in boiling brine.
  5. Cover with a tight lid, turn upside down and cover warm to keep warm. Vegetables should be thoroughly heated.

With hot pepper

Necessary components for a 3-liter container:

  • tomatoes - 1.7 kg;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • black pepper - 3 peas;
  • salt - 33 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • carrot tops - 5-6 branches;
  • water - 970 ml;
  • vinegar - 95 ml;
  • jalapeno pepper - ½ pod.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the horseradish tops and leaves and place them in the bottom of a clean container. Add peppercorns and some fresh pepper.
  2. Place sorted and washed vegetables. Pour boiling liquid and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Drain the cooled water, add the required amount of salt and granulated sugar, and boil.
  4. Pour vinegar into an empty container, pour in boiling brine and close with an appropriate sealed lid.
  5. Turn upside down and cover to keep warm.

With green fruits

Required components:

  • tomatoes - 1.8 kg;
  • bulb;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot tops - 5-6 branches;
  • water - 970 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • salt - 65 g;
  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • ground red pepper - 10 g;
  • allspice - 3 peas.

Action plan:

  1. Wash the green fruits and cut in half.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  3. Place tops, peppers, and bay leaves at the bottom of a washed container.
  4. Place tomatoes in a container, topping with onion half rings. Pour boiling liquid and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Drain the liquid, add the required amount of salt and granulated sugar, and boil.
  6. Pour vinegar into the tomatoes and add the re-boiled liquid.
  7. Close tightly, turn the container over and cover to keep warm.

Without sterilization

Sterilization technology is a special stage in canning. The jars with the ingredients placed in them are filled with boiling water once and placed in a water bath to sterilize for 10 minutes. Without sterilization, marinating looks like this:

  1. Place all components in a container.
  2. Pour in the boiling liquid and wait a quarter of an hour for all the ingredients to warm up thoroughly.
  3. The liquid is drained and the salt and sugar required by the recipe are added. Wait for the components to boil and dissolve.
  4. Pour the required volume of vinegar into the tomatoes and pour boiling brine over them. Tighten the lid tightly. Turn over and cover to keep warm.

Conditions and shelf life of canned tomatoes with carrot tops

Preservation, prepared in accordance with the recipe and in accordance with the preparation technology, is stored in the dark at room temperature until the next tomato season, that is, a year.

Tomatoes can be stored in a cool room (cellar, basement) for up to 3 years.

These amazing vegetables, prepared according to one of the suggested recipes, will be an excellent appetizer for a friendly or family dinner. But this is not the limit of recipes. The classic version of marinating can be diversified with new ingredients, change the set of those indicated and create your own unique culinary masterpiece.

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The peculiarity of the recipe is that you do not need to use the classic set of spices and herbs for canning. You won't need any dill, garlic or bay leaf. Instead, carrot tops are added - they are full of vitamins and valuable nutrients. It is not without reason that our ancestors prepared decoctions and tea from the tops, adding them to salads and snacks (but there are also contraindications, be sure to study them before consuming).

In today's recipe with photos, I will tell you in detail how to seal tomatoes with carrot tops for the winter in three-liter jars. Don't worry, there won't be any carrot flavor. During the long-term marinating process, the tomatoes will take on only a subtle, barely noticeable aroma from the green bunch. The main thing here is to let the preparation brew properly. The first sample can be taken no earlier than after 4 months, but it is better to wait 5-6 months. During this time, the tops will have time to impart to the fruits that same characteristic taste, which makes this preparation unusual and unique.

Total cooking time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Yield: 3 liters


for a 3 liter jar

  • tomatoes - approximately 2 kg
  • carrot tops - 6 sprigs
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • water - 1.5 l
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l. no slide
  • 9% vinegar - 80 ml


    First of all, you should sterilize the jars, boil the lids, rinse the vegetables and tops in running water. Before canning tomatoes with carrot tops, you need to prick each fruit with a toothpick in the area of ​​the stalk. 3-4 punctures are enough so that the tomatoes do not burst when heated and air comes out of them freely.

    At the bottom of the jars I put black peppercorns and tops - the same green tails that are usually thrown away when peeling carrots; you only need “fluffy” branches, without hard stems. Do not add too many tops, 2 pieces per liter are enough, that is, 6 branches per 3-liter jar. No other spices need to be added.

    I fill the jars with tomatoes to the very neck. I try to lay them tightly, but without pressing, so that the fruits do not burst.

    I fill it with clean boiling water (no additives). Cover with lids for 15 minutes. Then I drain the water into the pan. It is most convenient to use a plastic lid with holes for draining water. If you don’t have one, just hold the lid with your hand and carefully drain the hot water.

    Based on the liquid that was poured into the pan, I prepare a brine - add salt and sugar. As soon as it boils, add vinegar and immediately remove from heat. I pour boiling brine over the tomatoes and tops. I roll up the lids, turn them upside down and leave them for a day so that the preservation cools under the fur coat.

    As soon as it cools down, you can transfer it to a cellar or dark pantry for storage.

It is best to take a sample after 5-6 months, on New Year’s Eve, when the tomatoes are properly marinated. The total shelf life is 1 year.