Technological map for roasting beef. Pork roast. Seasonings for meat dishes

Roasting. GOST July 30th, 2013

Forgotten, forgotten, but tasty and very fast. Frying as it was done in restaurants in the USSR. I recommend using it, it’s hard to come up with something simple, but frying, in preparation, couldn’t be easier and, most importantly, very fast.

Beef (thick, thin edge,
upper and inner pieces of the hip part) - 159 gr.
Onion - 40 gr.
Rendered animal fat - 15 gr.
Tomato. pasta - 8 gr.
Garnish - 150 gr.
Yield: 285 gr.

Now what happened, in Russian:
Beef - 610 gr.
Onion - 1 large onion.
Rendered animal fat - 1 tbsp. with a slide.
Tomato. pasta - 1 tbsp.


First I cut it into plates.

And then in cubes, weighing 10-15 grams.

Then cut the onion into strips and dilute the tomato paste with water.

Let's cook. Place meat into boiling oil. We wait for the moisture to leave, adjust the color, add salt and pepper.

Then add the onion and fry until done.

Add the diluted tomato paste and simmer until it begins to fry. Readiness is determined by the coloring of the oil in the color of the paste; all the water should evaporate. We add salt to the taste and that’s it.
Frying is served in portioned frying pans. You can serve crumbly porridge, potatoes, and pasta as a side dish. I have rice. Garnished with olives, capers, herbs. I chose seasonal vegetables, lightly salted cucumbers and fresh tomatoes. It turned out great.

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Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

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Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.

The quality of meat dishes is determined by appearance, taste, smell, color, consistency.

Boiled meat is served in the form of pieces (1-2 per serving), cut across the grain, or small pieces of a uniform shape, and for younger children - in the form of crushed puree. The meat is placed on a plate next to the side dish, poured with oil, broth or sauce. The ground meat is laid out in a heap.

Sausages are sold without casing, either whole or cut into two parts.

The consistency of boiled meat is soft, juicy, slightly elastic. Color - from light to dark gray. The taste and smell correspond to this type of meat, side dish and sauce.

The color of boiled poultry is from white to cream, the smell corresponds to this type, a bitter taste is not allowed.

Fried meat is prepared in the form of finely chopped pieces, identical in shape and size, with or without sauce. The side dish placed next to it is poured with oil. The consistency is soft, juicy, the meat is easy to chew. The presence of films and tendons is not allowed. The meat is fully cooked. Color – from gray to light brown. The taste and stock correspond to this type of fried meat, side dish and sauce.

Stewed meat in the form of portions or small pieces and vegetables stewed with meat retain their shape. The meat is soft and juicy. The color of meat and vegetables ranges from dark red to brownish. The taste and smell correspond to the given type of meat, vegetables, and sauce.

Baked meat is prepared with sauce, which should thicken slightly, but not dry out. The consistency of the meat is soft, juicy: The color of the meat is light brown, the surface of the dish is covered with a light crust from dark yellow to light brown.

Dishes made from cutlet mass (1-2 pieces or pieces per serving) are placed next to the side dish and served with butter or sauce. Products must retain their original shape, have no cracks or roll-in of the breading inside. There is a soft, barely noticeable crust on the surface of fried products. Consistency – loose, juicy, homogeneous. The color of meat products ranges from gray to brownish-brown, and that of poultry products ranges from light gray to creamy gray. Pink-red tint is unacceptable. The taste and smell of meat or poultry without foreign odors and the taste of bread.

The amount of salt in meat and poultry products must correspond to the norm recommended for baby food. Dishes that are overly salty and have a dark, dried, crispy crust on the surface are not allowed.

Serving temperature for hot meat dishes is 65-70° C.

Before leaving, the prepared dishes are stored hot on a water bain-marie or stove. Boiled meat is placed in a bowl, a small amount of broth is added, a lid is placed, and stored at a temperature of at least 60°C for 2-3 hours. Fried dishes are stored in hot 2-3 hours, stewed and baked dishes - 1-2 hours. Dishes made from cutlet mass (meat and poultry) are stored for up to 30 minutes. Boiled poultry carcasses are stored hot for 1 hour.

Chapter 7

Calculation of sales prices for restaurant products

Before showing the procedure for determining the norms for the input of raw materials, it should be borne in mind that when determining the selling prices for dishes, culinary confectionery, and bakery products, the norms for the input of the products included in their composition are rounded to one gram. The exceptions are soda, ammonium, seasonings, spices, salt, spices, essence, cognac, wine and others, the rounding of investment rates of which is made to decimals of a gram.

All components of the set are included in the calculation of the sales price according to the gross weight provided for in the collection of recipes for dishes. The exception is enterprises working on semi-finished meat products and peeled potatoes and vegetables. In this case, the specified types of raw materials are included in the calculation by net weight.

Spices (pepper, bay leaves, etc.), seasonings, salt, used in preparing dishes and served at the table, are included in the cost calculation of appetizers, first and second courses, sauces, minced meats and side dishes, for which they are provided for by the technology of their preparation, according to norms for investing collections of dish recipes at retail prices with the use of markups in accordance with the category of the enterprise.

So, for example, when preparing dishes from meat and meat products, the consumption rate of salt, spices and herbs for preparing the dish is not indicated in the recipe. According to the instructions to the sections and subsections of the collection of recipes, for each meat dish you should provide: salt - 4 g, herbs (onion, parsley, dill) - 4 g net, pepper as needed - 0.05 g and bay leaf - 0.02 G.

In school and dietary canteens, only bay leaves are included in the calculation of the cost of a dish.

Since “Frying” (recipe 593) is a portioned dish, i.e. The yield is indicated per serving; the rate of input of raw materials is determined based on 100 servings. At the same time, we believe that enterprises of all premium categories work on quality meat raw materials, i.e. on pork meat. In this case, the rate of investment of this type of raw material for a category I enterprise is determined by net weight (147 g ■ 100 servings / 1000 g -14.7 kg). The remaining components of the raw material set are included using a similar method, gross weight according to recipe 593 (Table 7.2).

Table 7.2

Standards for input of raw materials when preparing fried pork for various categories of enterprises

Let us use the given standards to determine the selling price of one serving of “Roast Pork” for a cafe of the second markup category, which is part of the hotel complex (Table 7.3).

Table 7.3

Organization: Enterprise:

Hotel complex Cafe "Aelita"

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