Spaghetti with boiled shrimp and cheese. Pasta (spaghetti) with shrimp in creamy sauce. Step-by-step photo recipe. Video: Spaghetti with shrimp in creamy sauce: step-by-step cooking process

Pasta with shrimp is a very simple, but at the same time exquisite and delicate dish. You can prepare it in half an hour, but no one can resist the taste of such pasta.

What to take:

  • olive oil for frying;
  • pasta – 270 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • shrimp – 0.25 kg;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs;
  • tomato – 1 piece;
  • basil.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The tomato must be dipped first in boiling water, then in cold water. This makes it easier to remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into small pieces.
  2. Free the garlic from the husk and pass it through a press.
  3. If you have fresh shrimp, you need to peel them. At the same time, start cooking the pasta and gravy.
  4. For the sauce, add the garlic to a frying pan with heated olive oil and sauté until it turns golden brown.
  5. We take the prepared product out of the pan, and put shrimp in its place.
  6. Wait for the liquid to come out of the shrimp and continue frying for 10 minutes.
  7. Then add the tomato pieces and simmer, add salt and sprinkle a little ground pepper. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  8. During this time, the pasta should be cooked. We take a little water from them and pour it into the gravy in the frying pan. After this, transfer the washed pasta.
  9. Before serving, add a couple of basil leaves for decoration.

In creamy sauce

List of ingredients:

  • parmesan – 30 g;
  • onion – 1\2 pcs;
  • pasta – 350 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • parsley – 4 sprigs;
  • shrimp – 40 pcs;
  • black pepper – 20 g;
  • a piece of butter - 45 g;
  • four garlic cloves.

How to make pasta with shrimp in creamy sauce:

  1. Cook pasta in a saucepan with water for 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to salt the water. Rinse the pasta with clean water.
  2. Throw a piece of butter into the frying pan and melt it.
  3. In it, saute the chopped half of the onion and garlic cloves until soft.
  4. Add shrimp to the vegetables, add heat and fry for a minute.
  5. Pour in the cream and cook the gravy until it becomes thick.
  6. Place the cooked pasta on plates and pour over the creamy sauce with shrimp. Yummy!

With king prawns

What to take:

  • olive oil – 30 ml;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • black pepper – a couple of pinches;
  • king prawns – 12 pcs;
  • parsley sprigs;
  • pasta – 200 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt – 10 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut the peeled garlic cloves into large slices.
  2. Remove the shells, heads and entrails from the shrimp.
  3. Add butter and olive oil to the pan. In the mixture of oil, begin to fry the shrimp and pieces of garlic.
  4. Pour in the juice from one lemon and continue frying for one minute.
  5. Cook macaroni or pasta in a saucepan and discard.
  6. Return the pasta to the pan, pour the sauce over it, stir and serve. Bon appetit!

Pasta with shrimp in creamy garlic sauce

Recipe Ingredients:

  • fresh parsley – 25 g;
  • shrimp – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • onion – 50 g;
  • pasta – 0.25 kg;
  • cream – 0.15 l;
  • two garlic cloves;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • ground pepper to taste.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Finely chop the garlic and onion. Fry the chopped vegetables in melted butter in a frying pan.
  2. After 2 minutes, add the peeled shrimp and cook everything together for about three minutes.
  3. Add 10 grams of salt and a couple of pinches of black pepper.
  4. Add cream and wait until the sauce boils.
  5. Chop finely chopped parsley. The gravy is ready, you can turn off the gas.
  6. Cook the pasta together with the sauce in a nearby pan and rinse under the tap.
  7. Mix pasta and gravy and serve hot.

With added mushrooms

Grocery list:

  • Provençal herbs – 10 g;
  • peeled shrimp – 0.45 kg;
  • olive oil – 70 ml;
  • parmesan – 100 g;
  • mustard – 25 g;
  • pasta – 450 g;
  • champignons – 0.35 kg;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • cream – 300 ml;
  • flour – 40 g.

Cooking option:

  1. Bring the water for the pasta to boil, first salt it and pour in 20 ml of olive oil.
  2. Pour the remaining oil into a frying pan and fry finely chopped garlic in it.
  3. After 4 minutes, add the chopped mushrooms and sauté for another 7 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, the water in the pan should boil - add the pasta there.
  5. Add shrimp to the pan, after a minute pour cream, add mustard and spices.
  6. Add flour and mix all ingredients.
  7. If the mixture seems under-salted, add some salt. We wait until the sauce begins to boil over low heat.
  8. We wash the slightly undercooked pasta with clean water and add it to the gravy, mix everything.
  9. When serving, sprinkle the dish with grated Parmesan. Bon appetit!

In tomato sauce

You will need:

  • two tomatoes;
  • two limes;
  • pasta – 0.3 kg;
  • salt to taste;
  • shrimp – 0.5 kg;
  • dried basil – 10 g;
  • head of garlic;
  • a pinch of black pepper;
  • tomato paste – 20 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The shrimp must be boiled and peeled.
  2. Transfer the product into a bowl, add finely chopped garlic cloves (3 pieces), salt, lime juice and add black pepper. Cover the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Recipe Ingredients:

  • one onion;
  • parmesan – 50 g;
  • broth – 100 ml;
  • cognac – 18 ml;
  • 8 tiger shrimps;
  • sour cream – 25 g;
  • pasta – 0.3 kg;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • sea ​​salt – 15 g;
  • herbs and other spices to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cook the shrimp, place them separately and clean them. Strain the broth and pour into a separate bowl.
  2. Fry the finely chopped onion in oil for 2 minutes.
  3. Add shrimp, sour cream, cognac, and spices.
  4. Pour in the broth and simmer the dish under the lid for 5 minutes.
  5. Add chopped garlic and turn off the heat.
  6. Cook the pasta with salt and 20 ml of olive oil, place in a frying pan and cook with the sauce for about 5 minutes. Decorate the finished delicacy with grated Parmesan. Bon appetit!

Italian cuisine has taken pride of place in the lives of many peoples. The most famous is pasta, which is cooked with various sauces. The process is always simple and easy. One of my favorite types is spaghetti with shrimp, sauce and various additives. Sauces are prepared both creamy and tomato. It turns out just as tasty if you add vegetables, mushrooms, and other seafood to the dish. There are a lot of options. Let's look at some of them.

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right basic products. In order for the dish according to the chosen recipe to turn out amazingly tasty, it is important to purchase only the highest quality spaghetti. Don't skimp and give preference to pasta made from durum wheat.

Choose fresh shrimp without any foreign smell. If only frozen ones are on sale, then check the expiration date. At the same time, make sure that they are not frozen. Before adding to the sauce, be sure to clean unpeeled shrimp, removing the shell, heads and inner film. Then rinse with water. If it is difficult to remove the inner film, then pour boiling water over the product.

Please note that the recipes indicate the volume of already peeled shrimp. With smaller specimens the dish will look more attractive, and with larger ones it will be juicier.

Spaghetti with shrimps in tomato sauce with garlic

The classic sauce for cooking spaghetti is tomato, so you can’t ignore the recipe for making shrimp pasta with the same sauce. Both pasta and seafood go well with the flavor of tomatoes, so you can add fresh tomatoes as well.

Place pasta only in boiling water. There should be enough liquid so that the product does not stick together. For 100 g of pasta, use 1 liter of water. During the cooking process, do not overcook them, otherwise the spaghetti will not be elastic enough and will become soggy when mixed with the sauce.

Required Products:

  • Spaghetti – 250 g.
  • Salt.
  • Peeled shrimp – 250 g.
  • Pepper.
  • Puree tomatoes – 150 g.
  • Basil.
  • Onion – 130 g.
  • Oregano.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.

Cooking process:

Heat a frying pan with oil. Place shrimp in a single layer. They must be cleaned. It is better to buy large specimens, in this case the dish will turn out more juicy.

Fry. On each side, the seafood should become a beautiful golden color.

Place spaghetti in boiling salted water. Boil until done. Constantly monitor the cooking process. If the pasta is overcooked, the taste of the dish will be ruined. It is better to remove them a little undercooked; they will be ready in the hot sauce.

Transfer the cooked shrimp to a plate. Do not pour out the oil.

Chop the onion into small cubes, then the garlic. Place in the pan in which the seafood was fried. Simmer over low heat until golden brown.

Pour in the pureed tomatoes. Stir.

When the sauce comes to a boil, return the shrimp. Stir and simmer under closed lid for 5 minutes.

Add spices and salt. Stir. Pour over spaghetti. Stir gently. Serve spaghetti with shrimp in tomato sauce with tomato slices and fresh herbs, always hot.

Cooking shrimp pasta in white wine

White wine will ideally highlight the taste of shrimp, and chili in combination with tender tomatoes will help add a slight spiciness and piquancy. Chopped greens will fill the pasta with a special aroma and flavor brightness. Despite the simplicity and ease of preparation, the dish turns out to be so tasty that it will certainly delight everyone.

Required components:

  • Spaghetti – 350 g.
  • Parsley.
  • Parmesan.
  • Shrimp – 450 g.
  • Dill.
  • Butter – 150 g.
  • Flour – 20 g.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 200 g.
  • Onion – 160 g.
  • Chili pepper – ¼ pod.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.
  • Spices.
  • White wine – 300 ml.

Cooking process:

Rinse the vegetables and dry with a paper towel. Cut each tomato in half.

Finely chop the garlic cloves.

Chop the chili pepper as finely as possible. This vegetable is particularly hot, especially if you use a red fruit. Therefore, wear gloves when working to avoid irritation. Immediately after grinding the pepper, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

Chop the greens. Cut the onion into small cubes.

Heat a frying pan and melt half the butter. Add garlic. Mix thoroughly.

Add spices to taste and chopped chili pepper. Add shrimp and flour. Stir quickly to avoid lumps forming in the sauce.

Pour in the wine. Simmer until it evaporates. Season with salt and pepper. Continue to simmer over low heat.

At the same time, melt the butter in a separate frying pan and fry the onion. It should become golden and soft. Add cherry halves. Continue cooking over medium heat for 3 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.

After 2 minutes, combine with the shrimp mixture. Simmer for 2 minutes.

Add boiled spaghetti. Stir. Simmer for 3 minutes.

Serve spaghetti with shrimp and white wine, sprinkled with finely grated Parmesan cheese.

A simple recipe for spaghetti with shrimp and spinach in creamy sauce

Many people cook pasta with cream, but even without it you can quickly create an amazingly delicious creamy Alfredo sauce that will turn ordinary pasta into a work of culinary art. For cooking, use tiger prawns. They are much tastier and juicier than regular ones.

You will need:

  • Shrimp – 300 g.
  • Cheese – 70 g.
  • Basil – 10 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml.
  • Spaghetti – 400 g.
  • Oregano – 10 g.
  • Flour – 40 g.
  • Salt.
  • Milk – 500 ml.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Spinach – 1 large bunch.

Cooking process:

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add peeled shrimp. Fry until beautifully golden brown. Transfer to a plate.

Pour flour into the same pan. Stir. Fill with milk. Mix thoroughly.

Add spinach, oregano, basil, salt, pepper.

Then add the boiled spaghetti. Mix well.

Return the shrimp. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Stir. Serve hot immediately after cooking.

Pasta with zucchini and shrimp in cheese sauce

This recipe for spaghetti with shrimp is very suitable for summer and autumn, when there are fresh young zucchini in our garden beds and stores.

To prepare this amazing dish you will need not only a minimum of ingredients, but also time. The recipe is suitable even for those who do not know how to cook at all, since absolutely everyone can make pasta the first time. The main thing is to follow all the simple recommendations.


  • Shrimp – 400 g.
  • Cheese – 100 g.
  • Cream – 300 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Spaghetti – 450 g.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Pepper.
  • Zucchini – 1 medium.

Cooking process:

Grate the cheese. You can use a fine or medium grater. Finely chop the garlic.

Peel the zucchini. Cut with a knife designed for peeling potatoes. The result should be thin slices. For cooking, it is better to use young zucchini. It is more delicate and does not contain seeds. Be sure to remove all seeds from mature, stale fruits.

Fry the garlic in oil. Add zucchini. Simmer for 5 minutes. The vegetable should decrease significantly in volume. Transfer to a plate.

Pour oil into the same pan. Add shrimp and fry for 10 minutes.

Fill with cream. Sprinkle with cheese. Stir. Add salt to taste, then pepper. Put the zucchini back. Stir.

Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Boil the spaghetti. See the packaging for cooking time. Place in a heap on a plate and pour over the sauce.

Pasta with shrimp, fresh asparagus and olives

A real Italian dish is prepared only with olive oil. If you don’t have this, then you shouldn’t cook only with sunflower. Combine it with butter. In this case, the pasta will taste better.

If you can’t buy cherry tomatoes, then use regular tomatoes, but choose ripe ones, with thin skin and not sour.

You will need:

  • Cherry tomatoes – 120 g.
  • Parmesan.
  • Shrimp – 150 g.
  • Asparagus – 300 g.
  • Olive oil.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Basil – 5 g.
  • Chilli.
  • Olives – 50 g.
  • Thyme.
  • Spaghetti - a pack.
  • Soy sauce – 50 g.

Cooking process:

Heat a frying pan with oil. Cut the asparagus in half and add to the hot oil. Lightly salt it.

Cook over medium heat for 7 minutes. Add peeled shrimp. Fry on both sides. The process will take about 4 minutes.

Place cherry tomatoes, finely chopped garlic cloves and basil. Lightly salt everything.

Add chili pepper, olives, thyme. Stir and pour in a little lemon juice.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to package instructions.

Pour a little soy sauce into the pan with vegetables. Combine with pasta.

Transfer to a plate and garnish with Parmesan cheese. Spaghetti with shrimp and asparagus is best eaten hot.

How to cook spaghetti carbonara with shrimp

We have already prepared this before, but in this recipe let’s make a variation with shrimp. The blouse turns out aromatic and very tasty. For variety, you can add squid to the composition. If the gravy turns out to be too thick, dilute it with the broth left after cooking the pasta.


  • Spaghetti - a pack.
  • Nutmeg – 1 g.
  • Pepper.
  • Parmesan – 80 g.
  • Shrimp – 340 g.
  • Butter – 30 g.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Salt.
  • Yolk – 4 pcs.
  • Cream – 250 ml.
  • Avocado oil – 40 ml (can be replaced with olive oil).

Cooking process:

Place spaghetti in salted water and cook until done.

Heat the pan, then add oil and chopped garlic and butter.

When you smell a strong garlic aroma, add the peeled shrimp. Fry until beautifully browned. The fire should be minimal. Stir occasionally during the process.

Grate the Parmesan and combine with the yolks. Sprinkle lightly with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Pour in the cream and mix thoroughly.

Transfer the boiled spaghetti to the shrimp. Stir. Simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.

Pour in the sauce. Stir and serve immediately, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Spaghetti in a frying pan with shrimp and bell pepper

Spaghetti with shrimp can and should be supplemented with various vegetables; sweet peppers are great for this dish. For cooking, choose only ripe bell peppers, otherwise the paste will acquire a not very pleasant bitter taste. If you want to get a juicier dish as a result, the vegetable should be thick-walled, without damage or stains on the surface.

When cooking spaghetti, pay attention to the recommendations indicated on the packaging, since the heat treatment time for pasta varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If you follow all the recommendations, the spaghetti will turn out delicious and will not stick together.


  • Linguine or spaghetti – 200 g.
  • Salt.
  • Peeled shrimp – 150 g.
  • Boiling water for cooking pasta.
  • Low-fat cream – 150 ml.
  • Blue basil – 3 sprigs.
  • Olives – 50 g.
  • Bell pepper – 280 g (1 large).
  • Parmesan – 20 g.

Cooking process:

Grind the pepper. Make any shape, the main thing is that the pieces are not large.

For cooking, use a wide-bottomed frying pan. Add spaghetti, olives, chopped peppers, shrimp and basil.

Pour boiling water over the pasta. This way it will become soft and fit completely into the pan. The liquid should completely cover all the products, but you shouldn’t pour too much.

When the spaghetti is soft, mix it with the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Add salt to taste.

Cook over medium heat. When the liquid is completely absorbed, taste the paste. If it is still raw, add more boiling water.

When the spaghetti becomes soft, add cream. Boil for 3 minutes. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and stir. When the sauce becomes more viscous in consistency, remove from heat and serve immediately.

A simple recipe for spaghetti with shrimp in creamy tomato sauce

A proven recipe for making spaghetti sauce with shrimp contains two of our favorite ingredients - cream and tomato sauce. The result is a pink sauce that many people like. Try it too.

In the recipe, the sauce is prepared on the basis of cream. Buy fat content up to 20%. You can add some sour cream or milk to them. Buy cream fresh and natural. The composition should not contain plant components. You can use a mixture of Italian herbs as spices.


  • Spaghetti – 300 g.
  • Salt.
  • Shrimp – 250 g.
  • Green onions – 50 g.
  • Olive oil.
  • Passed tomatoes – 300 ml.
  • Spices.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Cream – 200 ml.
  • Onion – 160 g.

Cooking process:

Clean the shrimp and rinse thoroughly.

Chop the onion. Try to make the cubes small.

Boil the pasta.

Preheat the pan. Pour in the oil, then add the onion. Add garlic and shrimp passed through a press. Simmer for a couple of minutes.

Fill with sautéed tomatoes. If you don’t find such a product, you can replace it with tomato sauce.

Top with cream. Stir. Add spices and salt.

Chop the green onions. Add some to the sauce. Simmer for 2 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, add hot boiled spaghetti. Sprinkle with remaining green onions. Stir and serve immediately.

How to quickly and tasty cook spaghetti with shrimp - video recipe

All the proposed recipes for spaghetti with shrimp are famous for their taste. At any time you can diversify the dish by adding your favorite vegetables and spices to the sauce. It is also allowed to use chopped nuts and herbs for cooking. Don't be afraid to experiment and your family will be able to enjoy the amazing taste of Italian pasta every day.

Prepare the ingredients.

Thaw the shrimp, rinse under running water and remove the shells (if the shrimp are large, make an incision along the back of each and remove the black vein).
Place shrimp on paper towels and dry well.

Advice. It is better to defrost shrimp slowly - they then lose less juice. For slow defrosting, the shrimp should be placed in a colander and placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator (place a bowl under the colander to allow water to drain into it). They will thaw in about a day or two. Defrosting time depends on the cooling capacity of the refrigerator. If you don’t have time for long defrosting, at room temperature they will defrost in 1-2 hours.

Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems (you can remove the skin) and cut into slices.

Advice. It is better to use ripe seasonal tomatoes. Out of season, it is better to take a can of tomatoes in their own juice.

Peel the garlic and chop finely.
Rinse the basil with water, separate the leaves from the stems and chop into thin strips.
Place the pasta in a large amount of boiling salted water.
Once the water returns to a boil, reduce the heat to medium.
Cook the pasta according to the time indicated on the package, or about 7-10 minutes.
Heat 6 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan.
Place shrimp in well-heated oil and fry for about 1-2 minutes on each side, add salt.
The shrimp are ready when they turn pink and the flesh becomes opaque (that is, no longer transparent).

Instead of raw shrimp, you can use boiled frozen shrimp. They do not need to be cooked for a long time, otherwise the flesh will become tough.
The shrimp need to be thawed, if necessary, the black vein removed, rinsed, dried, and then literally reheated for 30-40 seconds over high or medium heat.
Unfortunately, small shrimps will not give such a bright taste as raw tiger or king shrimps.

Transfer the shrimp from the frying pan to a bowl and place in a warm place.
Place the tomatoes in the frying pan where the shrimp were fried, add a little salt, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar, pepper and simmer over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes.

Add chopped basil and garlic to the tomatoes, stir and remove the pan from the heat.

Spaghetti with shrimp- this is an incredibly tasty dish, which, according to one legend, was invented by an Italian chef for his beloved. These days it is prepared all over the world.

Spaghetti with shrimp has been prepared for a long time and culinary experts have come up with many different recipes with a variety of ingredients. The cooking process itself is extremely simple and allows you to give free rein to your imagination and, based on the recipes we offer, come up with your own from the products that you like best or are available.

Classic recipe

To prepare spaghetti with shrimp in creamy sauce you will need the following: products:

  • cream (high fat content) - 300 grams;
  • half a kilogram of frozen shrimp;
  • several garlic cloves;
  • olive or refined vegetable oil;
  • fresh basil, if you can’t find it, dried will do;
  • spaghetti;
  • salt.


  1. Almost any commercially available pasta can be used to prepare this dish; the choice is entirely yours. They need to be boiled to the so-called “al dente” state, i.e. Cook a little so that they are still a little firm.
  2. Next, finely chop the garlic.
  3. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat it properly with oil.
  4. Add the garlic and fry until it releases juice and the aroma begins to release.
  5. Next, remove the garlic and set the pan aside.
  6. Defrost the shrimp, clean and fry in a second frying pan (preferably it has a thick bottom) until they acquire a pleasant golden hue and set aside to cool.
  7. Now you need to pour the cream into a frying pan with garlic and butter, add a little salt, add a pinch of basil and simmer over low heat until the mixture begins to thicken.
  8. Now add the shrimp to our mixture and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  9. Next, act at your discretion, namely, you can mix it with pasta or simply pour it on top of the dish. In both the first and second cases it will turn out amazing.

As you can see, this dish requires the simplest ingredients and is not difficult to prepare.

Spaghetti with shrimps in cream

As in the previous recipe, this one allows the use of any type of pasta, but in order not to deviate from the classics, take premium spaghetti.


  • spaghetti;
  • cream;
  • shrimps;
  • basil;
  • garlic;
  • oregano;
  • thyme and other spices can be used.


  1. The first step is to tackle the shrimp. They need to be defrosted and cleaned, then put in a colander so that excess liquid can escape. Next, cook the spaghetti.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it. Chop the garlic and put it in a frying pan to fry. This is necessary for the oil to become aromatic. You need to fry until the garlic turns golden, then remove it from the pan. After this, add and fry the shrimp for a few minutes and transfer them to a plate.
  3. Then pour the cream into the butter and bring to a boil over low heat. Grate the cheese and add it to the cream.
  4. Add spices and salt.
  5. Add the shrimp and simmer until the sauce has evaporated a little and begins to thicken.
  6. Cook the spaghetti and drain in a colander. The water should drain from them. Then we add them to the sauce. It’s okay if they are a little undercooked; it will be even preferable because they can be cooked directly in the sauce itself.
  7. Mix carefully and remove from the stove.
  8. All pasta with shrimp in garlic cream sauce is ready and can be served.

Bon appetit!

Pasta with seafood in creamy sauce

To prepare shrimp pasta in cream cheese sauce you will need the following: Ingredients:

  • 15 pieces peeled shrimp;
  • cheese (it is advisable to take a not very fatty variety, Parmesan works well) it will need to be grated;
  • sour cream or heavy cream 1 tbsp. l;
  • butter one tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower or olive oil one tablespoon;
  • large clove of garlic;
  • a pinch of dry pepper mixture and a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • dill (quantity at your discretion);
  • a pack of spaghetti or other pasta, whichever you like best.


  1. Cook the spaghetti for about eight minutes. Place in a colander to drain the water and leave in the saucepan covered with a lid. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the sunflower oil.
  2. Divide the garlic into several parts and add it to the oil.
  3. We wait for it to start releasing its aroma and put the shrimp in the frying pan.
  4. Fry them with garlic for about four minutes. Then the garlic must be removed.
  5. Pour sour cream or cream into the frying pan and cover with chopped dill, add the pepper mixture. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about three minutes.
  6. Combine the shrimp with the boiled pasta and mix thoroughly after adding salt.
  7. Keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes.

The whole dish is almost ready and all that remains is to divide it into portions and sprinkle with cheese.

Shrimp with spaghetti


  • Spaghetti - 340 g,
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • garlic - 4 cloves,
  • shrimp - 500 g,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • parsley - ½ tbsp.,
  • lemon juice - ¼ tbsp,
  • lemon slices - ¼ pcs.,
  • red pepper flakes - ⅛ tsp.


  1. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Season with salt and add a couple of drops of olive oil. Add spaghetti and cook according to package instructions.
  2. Next, finely chop the garlic. Squeeze the lemon juice and cut ¼ of the lemon into quarters.
  3. Then place the juice and lemon slices in a bowl.
  4. Finely chop the washed parsley.
  5. Add red pepper flakes and stir everything together.
  6. Now, melt the butter, add the garlic and simmer for a minute.
  7. Add cooked peeled shrimp, salt and pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes until the shrimp turn pink. Remove from heat.
  8. After this, add parsley and lemon.
  9. Drain the pasta and add to the pan with the shrimp and stir well.

Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with shrimps in creamy sauce with lemon

A recipe for a spicy shrimp sauce for spaghetti, prepared with lemon juice and zest. Red pepper is used for spiciness; its quantity can be reduced.


  • 150 grams of shrimp;
  • 190 grams of cream;
  • 200 grams of spaghetti;
  • 0.3 tsp. red pepper;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • a clove of garlic.


  1. Melt a full tablespoon of butter, add chopped garlic, stir.
  2. Pour juice from half a lemon over peeled shrimp. If you have time, then leave it for fifteen minutes.
  3. Place the shellfish in oil and fry over high heat for a couple of minutes.
  4. Add hot pepper, sprinkle evenly, stir.
  5. Pour out the cream. Let them boil and immediately turn the heat down to low. Simmer the shellfish in the sauce for a couple of minutes.
  6. Rub 0.5 tsp. lemon zest, sprinkle on the dish, turn off. Be sure to cover the pan and let the sauce sit a little.
  7. Cook spaghetti in boiling water. Drain the products into a colander. There is no need to rinse them, especially since running water is not used for this purpose.
  8. Transfer the pasta to plates and top with the spicy shrimp sauce.

Cheese spaghetti with shrimp in creamy sauce

In general, any cheese can be used for spaghetti with shrimp and cream sauce, but a true Italian dish is prepared with Parmesan.


  • 170 g peeled shrimp;
  • 190 ml cream;
  • 40 g grated parmesan;
  • 50 g soft cheese;
  • 250 grams of spaghetti (dry);
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l. olive oils;
  • basil or other herbs.


  1. It is best to cook the sauce in olive oil, pour it into a frying pan. Let's heat up.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise. Place in a frying pan and fry until golden brown so that the oil has a pleasant aroma.
  3. Now you can discard the garlic.
  4. Place the peeled shrimp in garlic oil, fry until almost done, but do not overheat so that the shellfish do not turn out dry.
  5. Mix soft cream cheese and liquid cream, salt and pepper, add chopped basil.
  6. Pour the almost finished shrimp with the creamy mixture and heat.
  7. Grate the Parmesan and add to the sauce when it is almost boiling. Stir until completely dissolved and remove.
  8. Pour the finished spaghetti into the frying pan with the shrimp and stir with the sauce. The dish is served immediately while it is hot. You can additionally sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top.

Spaghetti with shrimps in creamy sauce with wine

Seafood becomes incredibly aromatic if you stew it a little in wine. Here's a recipe for a simple onion-flavored sauce.


  • 50 ml wine;
  • 1 tsp. Italian herbs;
  • 200 g shrimp;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • a glass of cream about 15%;
  • 200-250 g dry spaghetti (boil according to instructions);
  • 60 grams of onion;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 50 g parmesan.


  1. Heat the olive oil and add the onion, cut into large rings. Fry until brown, but the onion should not burn. Carefully remove all the rings with a fork.
  2. We wash the shrimp. Lightly dust the top with flour, place in onion oil, and fry over high heat until lightly crusted.
  3. Pour in the wine. Reduce the heat, stir and evaporate the alcohol for about a minute.
  4. Mix the cream and Provençal aromatic herbs, add salt and immediately add grated Parmesan.
  5. Place the creamy mixture in the frying pan with the shrimp, stir, cover and simmer for a couple of minutes.
  6. Mix the pasta and prepared sauce, distribute into portions, garnish with herbs.

Spaghetti with shrimps in cherry cream sauce

A recipe for very bright and tasty spaghetti with shrimp in a creamy sauce, which definitely requires cherry tomatoes. It won't work with large tomatoes.


  • 160 g shrimp;
  • 10 cherry tomatoes;
  • a glass of cream;
  • boiled spaghetti (4 servings);
  • 4 tbsp. l. parmesan;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • four tablespoons of butter;
  • any greens (basil, dill);
  • spoon of flour for tomatoes.


  1. Lightly fry the peeled shrimp in three tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Chop one clove of garlic, add to the shellfish, stir. After a few seconds, add cream.
  3. Warm the sauce for a minute, add spices and two tablespoons of Parmesan. Heat until it dissolves.
  4. Pour the remaining oil into another frying pan, just lightly grease the surface. To warm.
  5. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Sprinkle the slices with flour, you can simply dip them. Quickly place the tomatoes in a hot frying pan, cut side down, and fry a little.
  6. First place a portion of boiled spaghetti on a plate. Top with shrimp and pour cream sauce over it. Scatter the cherry halves. For brightness, you can add a few sprigs of greenery to the dish.

Spaghetti with shrimp in creamy tomato sauce

This sauce is prepared with the addition of tomatoes. Tomatoes should be ripe, fleshy, not sour. The fat content of the cream is arbitrary.


  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 120 g peeled shrimp;
  • 50 g onion;
  • 30 ml oil;
  • 4 servings of spaghetti;
  • 2 sprigs of basil.


  1. To prepare this sauce you will need two pans. Divide the oil in half and pour. We put one on the fire and heat it up.
  2. Cut the onion into small cubes and pour into one of the frying pans. We begin to fry, but do not brown. Sauté over low heat until soft.
  3. Dip the tomatoes into boiling water, rinse for a minute, and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into small cubes, add to the onion, cover, and simmer for about five minutes.
  4. Heat the second frying pan too, add the shrimp and fry for about two minutes.
  5. Add cream and heat.
  6. Add the tomato mixture and onions from the second frying pan and stir.
  7. We wash the basil sprigs, chop them very finely, and add them to the sauce. At the same stage you need to add salt and add hot ground pepper to taste. Mix everything well and bring to a boil.
  8. Add the sauce to the boiled spaghetti, stir and divide into portions. For decoration we use basil, you can sprinkle the dish with Parmesan, but just a little.

Spaghetti with shrimp and broccoli in creamy sauce

You can prepare the sauce with cauliflower in a similar way, but you need to boil it for two minutes more. Broccoli florets can be taken frozen or fresh; in the first option, they are immediately put into boiling water.


  • 250 g broccoli florets;
  • 200 g shrimp;
  • 360 ml cream;
  • 2-3 spoons of flour;
  • 60 g grated cheese;
  • a little oil;
  • 4-5 servings of boiled spaghetti;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic.


  1. Place broccoli florets in boiling water and cook for three minutes. Pour into a colander and wait to cool.
  2. Fry the shrimp in oil, remove from the frying pan into a bowl, and let them wait in the wings.
  3. Dust the broccoli florets with wheat flour, you can roll them, but then shake off the excess so that they don’t burn.
  4. Fry the inflorescences on both sides. Once they are almost ready, add chopped garlic cloves.
  5. Now return the shrimp to the pan.
  6. Then pour in the cream. Add spices to the sauce and add salt.
  7. Let the dish simmer over low heat for about three minutes. Add half of the grated cheese.
  8. As soon as the cheese has dispersed in the sauce, you can turn off the stove.
  9. Place the broccoli and shrimp on the spaghetti and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.

Spaghetti with shrimp


  • spaghetti - 150 grams
  • shrimp – 150 grams
  • cheese - 100 grams
  • tomatoes - 200 grams
  • lemon juice - 50 ml
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • salt - to taste
  • pepper - to taste


  1. So, so that the preparation itself does not take much time, we first chop all the vegetables. So, be sure to wash the tomatoes and cut them into small pieces, maybe cubes, or just halves. If you have a cherry variety.
  2. Then we also peel a few cloves of garlic and simply put them on a board and cut into very small pieces. You also need to prepare the cheese first. Grind it on a simple, very fine grater.
  3. Pour a little vegetable oil into a saucepan with a non-stick coating. Then add the peeled shrimp.
  4. Fry them for about three minutes and immediately add the tomatoes. To make the dish aromatic and appetizing, before adding the shrimp, add garlic. Stir and only then add the shrimp.
  5. While the shrimp are stewing with tomatoes, boil the spaghetti. But you can boil any other pasta that you like best, or that you just have. You need to cook the spaghetti for the number of minutes indicated on the package.
  6. Then put the spaghetti in the pan. Mix everything with a wooden spatula and immediately install the lid. The entire mixture should be allowed to simmer for a while and then only removed from the heat. Read more:

Black spaghetti and other black pasta, despite its slightly scary appearance, is a very interesting variety of Italian pasta! The exotic black color is achieved by adding cuttlefish ink to the dough, which gives the paste a slight shrimp flavor, which is why it is usually combined with fish and seafood. If you are preparing black spaghetti for the first time and want not to make a mistake with the choice of sauce, I suggest this very simple recipe for pasta with shrimp, garlic, lemon juice and parsley, this is a classic of Mediterranean cuisine - the taste is incomparable!


  • 250 g cuttlefish ink paste
  • 300 g peeled shrimp in vacuum packaging
  • 0.5 lemon
  • small bunch of parsley (10 stalks)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt for adding salt to the water for cooking pasta
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil


  1. Finely chop the parsley.
  2. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater.
  3. Thaw the shrimp and drain the water.
  4. Boil spaghetti in salted water until tender and drain.
  5. Simmer the shrimp in olive oil for 5 minutes, they will release delicious shrimp juice, try it if the juice is salty, you don’t need to add salt.
  6. Turn off the heat, add garlic, parsley, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, mix well. The sauce is ready.
  7. Add spaghetti, stir.

Bon appetit!

There is some trick that allows you to cook pasta correctly and achieve its maximum readiness. The pasta must be boiled according to the instructions indicated on the package, and after the specified time has passed, turn off the heat and pour 1 glass of cold water into the pan. This will reduce the temperature of the liquid, due to which the pasta will be fully cooked, but not boiled.

Shrimp pasta in creamy garlic sauce with milk

This cooking option is quite simple and does not require energy. For this recipe, we recommend using farfalle pasta. These are pasta products presented in the form of small butterfly bows. If they are made from durum wheat, they cannot be overcooked, so the taste of the dish will not be spoiled. You shouldn’t risk preparing a gourmet dish from second-class pasta. It is better to give preference to high-quality flour products.


  • Farfalle pasta – 250 g.
  • Cream – 100 ml.
  • Milk – 250 ml.
  • Onions – 100 gr.
  • Unpeeled king prawns – 800 gr.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Olive oil -3 tbsp.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil king prawns in salted water for 20 minutes. Drain the water and leave the seafood in the pan with the lid closed.
  2. Fry onions in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Pass the garlic through a press and also place in a saucepan. Place peeled shrimp in a frying pan and fry for 2 minutes on each side. It is better to stir the contents of the pan so that the dish does not burn.
  3. Boil the prepared pasta in salted water until half cooked. The product should be cooked according to the instructions described on the package. Add 1 tbsp vegetable oil to the water. Once ready, drain the products in a colander.
  4. Beat the yolk of a chicken egg with a small amount of milk. Pour a little milk into the flour and mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear. Combine the resulting mixtures.
  5. Add a peculiar sauce to the frying pan with the shrimp and simmer the mixture for 3 minutes under a closed lid.
  6. Add cream, salt and any spices to taste to the saucepan. This flavor ensemble is perfectly complemented by herbs of Provence. Simmer the shrimp with spices and sauce for 5 minutes.
  7. Pour the shrimp cream sauce over the pasta and mix well.

The resulting dish can be served to the table; all guests present will certainly enjoy it, and the hostess will have to share the recipe. To make the dish not only tasty, but also bright, you should use multi-colored pasta, such as green or orange. This dilution will add uniqueness. Don’t worry, such dishes contain only natural dyes, most often vegetable juices.

Pasta in creamy sauce with shrimp and mushrooms

This cooking option is not considered a classic one, but despite this, housewives will really like this recipe. Mushrooms and spaghetti are an unusual combination, but both products go harmoniously with a soft, creamy sauce. It is better to use champignons for cooking, because the mushroom has a richer mushroom taste, which will stand out from the general array.


  • Spaghetti – 300 gr.
  • Peeled shrimp – 200 gr.
  • Mushrooms – 150 gr.
  • High fat cream – 200 ml.
  • Hard aromatic cheese – 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Pepper and other spices - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the garlic and cut into small slices. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry garlic in it for 1 minute. Then you need to throw it away, because it is not useful for cooking, the main purpose is to get garlic oil.
  2. Wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices; if this is inconvenient, you can make arbitrary cuts. This will not change the taste.
  3. Place previously defrosted shrimp in garlic oil. Fry for 2-3 minutes, and then add the mushrooms.
  4. While the prepared foods are stewing, you need to put a pan of water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  5. After the water boils, send the pasta to cook.
  6. Simmer the shrimp sauce over low heat, stirring constantly.
  7. After 10 minutes, the spaghetti will be completely ready; you need to drain it in a colander. There is no need to rinse hard products.
  8. Add cream and grated cheese to the pan. Mix the mixture well and keep the sauce on the stove for a few more minutes.
  9. At the last stage, you need to combine the spaghetti with the sauce.

The dish is ready and can be served. Bon appetit.

Pasta with shrimp and mussels in creamy garlic sauce

Pasta with seafood is a popular dish of Italian cuisine, which is often prepared in Russia and the former CIS countries. Some prefer pasta with a creamy sauce exclusively with shrimp, and true gourmets who are in love with the taste of seafood prefer the option, which also includes mussels. The cooking process remains simple.


  • Mussels – 150 gr.
  • Shrimp – 150 gr.
  • Cream – 250 gr.
  • Pasta – 300 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Oregano - to taste.
  • Paprika - to taste.
  • Mixture of peppers - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. At the initial stage of preparation, you need to boil the pasta until cooked. Place it in a colander and drain all the water.
  2. Start preparing the seafood sauce. They need to be defrosted and cleaned. Mix with spices. First fry the shrimp in vegetable oil and then add the mussels. Total cooking time is 5 minutes.
  3. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the pan. Pour in the cream and simmer the sauce for 5 minutes.
  4. The sauce should become thick during this time. Add prepared pasta to the pan. Warm up pasta.
  5. The dish can be served to the table. Bon appetit.

The main condition is to properly cook seafood and pasta. It is important not to overcook the pasta; it must be elastic, because during the process of stewing in the sauce it will reach the required condition. It is important not to overcook seafood on the stove, otherwise it will turn out quite tough and the delicate creamy pasta will lose its original taste.

Pasta with scallops and shrimp in creamy sauce

The traditional taste of Italian shrimp pasta in white sauce is diluted with the bright taste of fresh scallops. This cooking option is sure to please gourmets. Sweeten the dish slightly, so children will appreciate it, and to please your beloved man, you can add a little more spice. There are no more cooking secrets - everything is very simple.


  • Pasta – 300 gr.
  • Onion – 1 head.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp.
  • Heavy cream – 150 ml.
  • Shrimp – 300 gr.
  • Scallop – 300 gr.

Cooking process:

  1. Thoroughly peel the onions and garlic. Fry in a frying pan heated with butter until golden brown.
  2. Place shrimp and scallops in a frying pan (if they are large, they should be chopped additionally).
  3. Pour the cream into the pan, mix the sauce thoroughly, and leave on low heat with the lid closed.
  4. After five minutes, add the tomato and mix the mixture thoroughly.
  5. Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package.

Place the pasta in a serving plate and pour over the resulting sauce. There is a sufficient amount of sauce, so there is no need to save it. There will be enough for the entire serving of pasta.

The housewife must remember that only hard pasta is suitable for making pasta. Low-quality products will not be able to recreate a true Italian ensemble with other components. When choosing seafood for a dish, it is better to give preference to boiled and frozen products, in which case there are no risks of incomplete cooking. It should be borne in mind that shrimp, like other seafood, cook very quickly, so you should not keep them on the fire for a long time. Prolonged heat treatment will cause the dish to be spoiled by the main component.

Bon appetit.