Is pink salmon fried? How to fry pink salmon fish - delicious recipes. Rules for choosing fish

How to cook pink salmon to make everyone gasp? It's easy and simple! The beauty of pink salmon is that the fish is universal - it is surprisingly tasty baked under a cheese cap, it produces amazingly aromatic soups, and it can be salted so that it will be indistinguishable from salmon. Our selection of the best recipes with pink salmon!

Many people blame pink salmon for being dry. In this regard, I would like to recall a good old joke about cats: Don’t you like cats? You just don't know how to cook them! It’s the same with pink salmon - if you cook it correctly, it turns out to be a surprisingly tasty dish. Juicy, aromatic, tender. But remember: fried pink salmon in a frying pan will only be tasty if the original product is absolutely fresh.

Fresh pink salmon is silvery, smelling of the sea, with light eyes and delicate pink gills. A second-rate product produces a gray color, dullness, and the carcass itself looks dried out.

For preparation you will need:

  • large fish carcass – 1.2 kg;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying – 100 ml;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. We clean the pink salmon from the insides, wash it, and cut it into neat pieces-steaks. Spread each one with salt, pepper and roll in flour.
  2. Place the fish in a heated frying pan and fry until golden brown on both sides. The pink salmon will be fried evenly, and the crispy crust will remain if the fire is kept gentle, that is, medium. The high heat will cook the fish, but the inside will remain raw.

Serve the finished pieces on lettuce leaves. Be sure to offer eaters chopped cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and homemade pickles. The taste of the dish will also be enhanced by a spicy tartar sauce made from yogurt with pieces of pickled gherkins and a squeezed clove of garlic.

Rich fish soup with pink salmon

Often, after frying fish, the head and tail are left behind. These are the most delicious morsels for preparing an appetizing, fragrant fish soup. You can cook it with rice or pearl barley, but we offer the standard version with potatoes.

So, let's prepare:

  • fish tail and head;
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • spices to taste;
  • Bay leaf;
  • a large bunch of greenery;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.

Let's get started:

  1. Cook clear broth from the head and tail. It will turn out like a tear if you carefully cut out the gills - they absorb dirt from the pond, which makes the broth cloudy.
  2. Lightly fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  4. Bring the broth to a boil and add the potatoes, and after 5 - 7 minutes fry. Cook the vegetables until done.
  5. The final touch is to add greens and pieces of fish: we clean them from the tail, take them out of the head (especially the tasty cheeks!), not forgetting to pick out the bones.
  6. Season everything with herbs, add bay leaf and let it brew a little. It turns out to be an awesome quick soup. It is especially tasty with black bread and a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

A quick option is soup with canned pink salmon. It is enough to boil the potatoes, add vegetables to them and at the last moment pour out the canned food along with the juice. The soup will turn out wonderful if you season it with a large bunch of fresh herbs.

How to cook juicy pink salmon in the oven

Juicy pink salmon in the oven is obtained by baking it on a bed of salt. In this case, there is no need to salt the fish. Surprisingly, the product absorbs just enough seasoning to prevent the dish from coming out dry and bland. For the recipe, we will prepare a pack of salt and a large cleaned fish, with or without head, weighing 1.3 kg.

Then everything is as simple as shelling pears:

  1. Pour a pack of coarse rock salt onto a baking sheet.
  2. We lay out the carcass, washed and cleaned of scales.
  3. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes.

Serve fish with lemon, cherry tomatoes, tartar sauce or any other taste. And don’t forget to open a bottle of young white wine – the combination will be divine!

Bake fish fillets in foil

Pink salmon fillet baked in foil looks festive. Especially if you pack each piece in a neat envelope and serve it on the table just like that, only slightly opening it. We serve each serving with fresh herbs, pieces of vegetables, olives... And now, a light Mediterranean-style lunch is ready for your guests!

To prepare, prepare: 4 servings of fish fillet, 20 g of oil for greasing the foil, 4 potato tubers, one onion, black pepper, 50 g of cheese and mayonnaise for the “mesh” - 100 ml.

Instead of potatoes, rice or bulgur can be used as a substrate.

We proceed in stages:

  1. Prepare 4 foil envelopes and lightly oil them.
  2. Place potato slices on each metal sheet. Distribute the fillet on top. Let's add salt and pepper.
  3. Add the thinnest onion half rings to the fish preparations and sprinkle everything with grated cheese.
  4. Pour mayonnaise over everything and carefully wrap it in foil.
  5. Place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  6. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes.

During such culinary experiments, the house is filled with the aromas of fish, potatoes, and mayonnaise. And this dish is very tasty not only when it’s hot, but when cooled down, it resembles a light and satisfying casserole. We eat with white wine among friends and enjoy life.

You can cook pink salmon in the oven in foil the day before and then reheat it: it does not lose its taste, but on the contrary, vegetables and fish are soaked in each other’s juices. The dish becomes complete.

In creamy sauce in a slow cooker

Pink salmon cooked in creamy sauce will give odds to any expensive red fish. And it's a pleasure to cook. The only worry is to buy a fish carcass in advance, cut it up and pour creamy sauce on it.

In addition to the fish, we will need for the sauce 300 ml of heavy cream, tbsp. l. flour, Herbes de Provence spices, white pepper and salt to taste.

You can pre-fry the fish using the “Frying” mode - this way the juices will be “sealed”, remaining in each piece, and the dish will come out even tastier.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the fish into pieces, which we place on the bottom of the multi-bowl.
  2. Mix cream, salt, pepper and herbs in a bowl. Add a spoonful of flour.
  3. Pour the sauce over the fish and turn on the “Fish” or “Stew” mode.
  4. We are waiting for the signal to finish cooking.

Remember: the fish should not be overcooked. The meat is tender and cooks quickly. We recommend serving the dish with new potatoes, brown rice or pasta cooked until al dente. Don't forget to serve a glass of cool cranberry juice or water with lemon. We eat, savoring every bite.

Frying fish with lemon juice

Followers of a healthy lifestyle know that any fish can not be salted, but can be replaced with healthy lemon juice. It will add a touch of citrus freshness and subtle sourness, which combines surprisingly harmoniously with seafood.

We will need:

  • large carcass of pink salmon;
  • lemon or lime;
  • pepper mixture;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Cut the carcass into slices, and divide the lemon into 3–4 parts.
  2. Pour lemon juice over the fish and season with spices. Let marinate for 10 - 12 minutes.
  3. Place the fish pieces on a heated frying pan and fry on both sides until cooked.

Never cut fish too thin - it risks falling apart in the pan. The pieces must be at least 2 cm wide.

This option is simply created for a diet dinner! Garnish can be lettuce, bell peppers, herbs and fresh cucumbers. Make it a rule to have a fish dinner a couple of times a week: the kilograms will quickly melt away, and soon you won’t recognize yourself.

Baked “under a fur coat”

If unpretentious pollock turns out to be fabulously tasty “in a fur coat,” then pink salmon in a vegetable marinade is simply a song and a paradise for gourmets.

Let's prepare:

  • fish – 1000 g;
  • large carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 2 pcs;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, spices to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Peel the carrots and onions, grate them and cut them into half rings. Simmer in vegetable oil in a frying pan, adding salt, spices, tomato paste and vinegar. In a separate frying pan, lightly fry the fish pieces. Now put the vegetables in a thick layer and then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, covering with a lid. The dish is tasty and tender, but we highly recommend waiting and eating it cold. The result is a finger-licking appetizer!

Grilled fish steak

Pink salmon steak is especially tasty when cooked on an open grill. You can also fry it on a grill pan: you will also get an appetizing piece. Serve it with vegetables or sauce, garnish with french fries, place it on a fish burger-shaped bun and be known among your friends as a trendy modern chef. All you need is a piece of fish, salt, pepper and a little butter.

How to prepare:

  1. From the fillet we make a steak the size of the palm of your hand.
  2. Coat it with salt and pepper.
  3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  4. Quickly fry the workpiece on both sides until golden brown.

Serve on a large flat plate, garnished with herbs and pickled jalapeno peppers. We eat, snacking on peppers with a glass of tequila.

How to cook pink salmon in the oven with potatoes

French meat is delicious, but somehow very banal. What if you cook not meat, but fish in French? This is unusual and easy, considering the number of goodies on the holiday table.

To prepare, let's prepare:

  • potatoes – 5 – 6 tubers;
  • large onion – 1 pc.;
  • cheese – 200 g;
  • pink salmon fillet – 800 g – 1000 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet and frying.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Peel the potatoes, boil until half cooked and cut into slices 1.5 cm wide.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings and fry in a frying pan until soft.
  3. Rub the fish with seasonings.
  4. Place potatoes on a greased baking sheet, fish on top, and then a layer of stewed onions. Rub the cheese with a “cap”.
  5. Place the pan in the oven at 220 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes. Since we have all the ingredients almost ready, we won’t have to bake it for long. Once the cheese has melted and acquired a nice crust, turn off the oven. Let the fish cool slightly and serve on a large flat platter.

Fish is not inferior in taste to meat, and often it is perceived even better. The pickiest eaters love this dish and eat it with pleasure. Its best accompaniment is a light salad of pekinka and greenhouse cucumbers.

Recipe for cooking whole fish in foil

The secret to cooking whole fish in foil is very simple: there should be enough foil to tightly wrap the fish in a shiny “skin.”

To prepare, prepare fish weighing 1.4 kg, salt, pepper, spices, lemon and a sheet of foil (large).

  1. We wash the fish, remove gills and scales, and rub with spices. Place lemon slices inside the belly.
  2. Wrap the carcass tightly in foil and place in the oven at 200 degrees. Bake for 30 – 40 minutes.
  3. Unwrap the finished fish and let the crust brown (if desired).

It looks impressive on the table with a side dish of baby vegetables and herbs. Prepare a sauce for it and eat with a group.

How to deliciously pickle pink salmon at home

Do you know that sometimes pink salmon is tastier than any salmon? And it’s certainly more accessible. You can salt the fish so that you will lick your fingers! We will tell you the simplest and most delicious recipe for homemade dry pickling.

Meat for salting needs to be exceptionally fresh, dense, and elastic. A low-quality product will fall apart and salt unevenly.

Let's prepare the products:

  • fish - 1000 g without head (you can use ready-made fresh fillets);
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • spices to taste;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • laurel – 2 pcs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. We cut the pink salmon into 2 large plates, removing the ridge. Rub the fillet on both sides with salt and sugar, which we pre-mix in one container.
  2. On each layer we put broken bay leaves (but you don’t have to add it), sprinkle with any spices, and pour in oil.
  3. We stack the layers on top of each other and place them in the prepared container. Leave for 2 - 3 hours at room temperature, put in the refrigerator.
  4. The fish is salted for 7 - 8 hours. If you like the salt “steeper”, increase the amount of salt.

All that remains is to take out the pink salmon, cut off a delicious piece, and place it on a fresh loaf, greased with butter. A sprig of dill on top will transform the dish into a luxurious morning snack. It’s hard to think of a better breakfast with a cup of coffee latte.

Pink salmon goes well with cheeses, dried fruits, pineapples and even raisins and nuts. Try filling it, bake it whole or in parts - the result will always please you.

Many housewives want to know how to fry pink salmon so that it is juicy. And this recipe will help them. Fish cooked using it does not lose its fat and does not become dry during frying. In addition, the maximum amount of useful substances remains in it. And this is zinc, fatty acids and many other valuable elements.

Fried pink salmon will be an excellent addition to side dishes in the form of rice or mashed potatoes. It can also be served with vegetables - raw or stewed. Thanks to the secrets taken into account in this recipe, the dish turns out incomparable. The household will definitely like it, becoming one of the favorites on the family menu. So, how to fry pink salmon tasty and juicy? Read, memorize and try!

Required Ingredients

  • - one fish carcass;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - one lemon;
  • - four tbsp flour;
  • - tbsp mustard;
  • - a teaspoon of red pepper;
  • - salt.
  • Method for preparing juicy fried pink salmon

    Before frying pink salmon, to ensure it is juicy, you need to wash it thoroughly under running water, remove the fins and husks, if any. But you can’t touch the skin! This is one of the secrets of the recipe. Just under the skin of the fish there is a fatty layer, if damaged or removed, you can hardly count on a juicy dish.

    When the pink salmon is washed and cleaned of all excess, it is cut into portions approximately seven centimeters thick. And then - another secret.
    Squeeze the juice out of the lemon into a deep bowl. A little vegetable oil is poured here, salt and mustard are added. It turns out to be a marinade. It is necessary to immerse pink salmon in it, making sure that each piece is generously lubricated. Then the fish in the marinade is sent to the refrigerator to soak in the magic solution for two hours. The specified time must be maintained if you are concerned about the question of how to fry juicy pink salmon in a frying pan.

    After 120 minutes, the fish is removed from the refrigerator and each piece is thoroughly coated in flour. Sunflower oil is poured into a heated frying pan. Pieces of pink salmon are laid out so that they do not touch each other too much. Pink salmon should “feel” free in the pan.
    Pink salmon is fried for literally a few minutes on each side. No more time will be required, because fish soaked in marinade cooks faster.
    After both sides of the piece are covered with a golden brown crust, the pink salmon is removed from the pan and placed on a napkin to drain the fat.
    Before serving, you can decorate the fish with herbs.

    Bon appetit!

    There are many fish dishes, from soups to pastries and salads, but with all the variety of options, a certain “classic” remains simply juicy fried pink salmon in a frying pan. And this article is dedicated to this dish. How to cook pink salmon so that it is juicy?

    It would seem like nothing special, pour oil, add pieces of fish and fry until done, but there are small nuances, without which you can end up with dry, tasteless fish, causing sadness due to unjustified expectations.

    Although pink salmon does not outwardly differ from the same salmon, trout (all of them belong to salmon fish, the so-called “red fish”), its meat is less fatty and more dense. Actually, this is why there are many complaints about the “dryness” of pink salmon, and a similar problem can arise both during frying and baking.

    You are probably asking the question “How to cook pink salmon so that it is juicy?”

    Juicy fried pink salmon, how to make it?

    • Firstly, you don’t need to fry the pink salmon too much; you shouldn’t simmer it in a frying pan for a long time. Usually it is enough to fry for 4-6 minutes on each side (depending on the thickness of the piece). When the color of the meat becomes less saturated, lightish, it means the fish is ready. We don’t leave the fried pieces in a hot frying pan; we immediately transfer them to a plate.
    • Secondly, if pink salmon itself is “dry”, then why not flavor it with some fat. Butter is perfect here, which can be added both during frying and after (a cube of butter on a hot piece of fish). The oil will saturate the fish, make it tender, melting in your mouth, plus this “fat” layer will prevent the evaporation of moisture. All juices will remain in the meat.

    Below you are offered 3 recipes for pink salmon in a frying pan. They are quite popular, extremely simple and you can easily change them in accordance with your taste preferences by adding some new spices, sauces and other ingredients.


    Tender juicy fried pink salmon in creamy lemon sauce

    Slightly crispy on the outside and very juicy on the inside, pink salmon is coated in a flavorful sauce based on butter, lemon juice, onion and garlic. A very tasty and nutritious dish that is suitable for any occasion. If you decorate accordingly, then at least serve it on the holiday table!

    Which part of pink salmon to use is at your discretion. It can be fillets, steaks, or just pieces. The essence of the recipe will not change.

    It is also worth noting that in this way you can cook not only pink salmon, but also trout, salmon and other “red fish”.


      • Pink salmon (salmon) fillet – 600-900 g.
      • Salt and black pepper - a few pinches to taste;
      • Vegetable oil for frying (flavorless) – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

    For the sauce (gravy):

    • Chicken broth (or from a cube) – 1 cup;
    • Butter (or spread) – 5-6 tbsp. spoon;
    • Juice of half a lemon;
    • Onion - a small piece;
    • Garlic – 1-3 cloves;
    • Milk – 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • Salt - to taste;

    So, here we will tell you how to cook pink salmon so that it is juicy and reveal a little secret.

    How to deliciously cook juicy fried pink salmon

    In this example, we will prepare pink salmon fillet. Cut it into nice chunks like this. Sprinkle them lightly with salt and pepper. If you wish, you can add some other spices to taste, the same garlic powder, curry, red hot pepper, etc.

    If you have frozen pink salmon, then first defrost it, cut it, cut it in a convenient way, and then lightly blot it with a paper towel so that all this formed water is removed.

    Heat a few tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the fish there.

    Fry over medium heat for about 4 minutes until golden brown, then flip and cook for another 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

    This is the end result of fried pink salmon fillet, bright, with a golden crust. But I note that the layer of crust is very thin, and the fish remains juicy.

    Actually, you can finish the recipe here, but if you want a more wonderful taste and aroma so that the fish literally melts in your mouth, then be sure to prepare a sauce for it. There are a lot of ingredients for the sauce, but it is prepared extremely simply and quickly.

    How to make delicious pink salmon sauce

    Finely chop a small piece of onion, you should get 2-3 tablespoons of chopped onion. Chop the garlic cloves in the same way.

    Pour broth into the pan, add onion, garlic, lemon juice and milk. Stir and bring to a boil over low heat. Simmer until the liquid reduces in volume.

    Pour hot creamy garlic sauce over fried pink salmon and let cool slightly. That's it, the dish is ready, if you wish, you can decorate it with chopped herbs, for example, parsley.

    You can prepare a variety of sauces in a similar way. Replace butter with sour cream, liquid cream, mayonnaise, tomato paste or mustard. Add a little soy sauce or honey for color and taste.

    By the way, if you have minced fish, you can cook delicious with these homemade recipes. Go to the article, everything is described there in detail, with step-by-step photographs and all the subtleties.

    Spicy fried pink salmon in marinade in a frying pan

    A simple but very tasty option for cooking pink salmon steaks in a frying pan. They are kept in a spicy mustard-soy marinade (sauce), which forms an appetizing crust when fried.

    At the same time, the fish remains very juicy inside, plus all the spices will permeate it through and through. I don’t see any point in describing the taste, it’s just worth trying!


    • Pink salmon (fillets or steaks) – 900 g.
    • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
    • Paprika – 0.5-1 teaspoon;
    • Ground ginger – 0.5 teaspoon;
    • Garlic powder – 1-2 teaspoons;
    • Starch – 5 teaspoons;
    • Mustard – 2 teaspoons;
    • Semolina – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
    • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
    • Soy sauce – 4 teaspoons;
    • Black pepper – 3 pinches;
    • Vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

    Cooking process

    1. Cut the pink salmon into pieces of the desired shape, then mix all the above ingredients in a separate cup. The result is a thick, fragrant marinade, slightly reminiscent of batter.
    2. Immerse the fish in this marinade, mix well, cover and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes. Of course, if you marinate for an hour or two, the fish will turn out even more delicious, but let’s imagine that we don’t have time to wait for a long time.
    3. Next, everything goes according to the standard, heat a little oil in a frying pan, put pink salmon in there and fry it for 3-5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the steaks. If desired, you can simmer lightly under the lid.

    Pair this fried fish with some side dish. This could be boiled rice, legumes, pasta or some stewed vegetables.

    Option – fried juicy pink salmon in batter

    Familiar to many, loved by many, is the method of preparing fried fish. With batter, pink salmon meat will be guaranteed juicy!

    The outside is a crispy golden pastry shell, and the inside is delicious, fragrant fish. What could be more beautiful? Of course, there are options, but we will talk about them in the following articles.

    Required ingredients:

    • Pink salmon fillet – 500 g.
    • Water (ice) – 150 ml. (you can take mineral water);
    • Flour – 6 tbsp. spoon;
    • Onions – 1 pc.
    • Egg – 1 pc.
    • Salt – a few pinches to taste;
    • Black pepper – 0.5-1 teaspoon;
    • Any favorite spices - 0.5 teaspoon;

    Let's start cooking

    To make the batter good, tasty and crispy, you need to knead it in ice water. If desired, you can use beer, kvass or mineral water instead, in general, drinks with gas.

    1. Cut the fish fillet into thin small slices, salt and pepper on all sides. Set aside.
    2. Peel the onion and grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender to a paste. Beat the egg into the onion, add all the spices and flour.
    3. Mix well, then add water and mix again. The consistency of the batter should resemble sour cream.
    4. Heat the oil in a frying pan (it is advisable to pour more of it), dip the pieces of pink salmon into the batter and send them to fry in the frying pan. Fry on both sides until a bright golden brown crust forms.

    Video on this topic

    Pink salmon is a tasty fish, but not too juicy. Not every housewife manages to cook this fish so that it is juicy. Whatever they have to do: pour milk, add mayonnaise, marinate...

    How to cook juicy pink salmon in a frying pan

    To fry fish in a frying pan in oil, you will need:

    • pink salmon – 1 kg;
    • flour – 2 tbsp;
    • salt, ground black pepper, maybe fresh herbs - to taste;
    • olive oil – 3 tbsp;
    • sour cream, fat content from 20% - 3 tbsp.

    Principle of frying fish:

    • Preparation: the carcass needs to be thawed, washed, and the entrails removed. You will also have to cut off the fins and head. And if you want the fish not to fall apart, you can fry the whole pink salmon.
    • Pour oil into a frying pan and place over medium heat. While we prepare the fish, the oil will heat up.
    • Whole fish or pieces of pink salmon need to be rolled in flour.
    • Fry in well-heated oil so that the crust sets immediately. This method of frying will preserve the juiciness of the meat.
    • Pink salmon needs to be fried over high heat on both sides, then reduce the heat on the stove, add sour cream mixed with spices and salt. If desired, you can add a sprig of fresh dill or chop the dill and add to the sour cream.
    • Now you need to pour water into the frying pan so that it just covers the pieces of fish. Set the heat on the stove to low and cover the frying pan with a lid.
    • Simmer the fish under the lid for no more than 10 minutes.

    Recipe for cooking juicy pink salmon with sour cream in a frying pan

    To fry fish in a frying pan, you will need:

    • pink salmon – 0.5 kg;
    • vegetable oil for frying – 3 tbsp;
    • flour – 100 g;
    • eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • medium onion;
    • salt, spices - to taste;
    • sour cream – 50 g.

    How to cook:

    • In a bowl, mix eggs with sour cream and flour, add salt, spices, beat lightly with a fork. Set aside for now.
    • Peel the onion, chop until pulpy, add the pulp to the egg mixture.
    • Knead the dough for frying (batter) to the consistency of thick sour cream.
    • Cut the pink salmon into small pieces, roll each piece in batter and immediately place it in the frying pan with a fork.
    • The oil must be heated in advance so that the fish immediately gets a golden brown crust.
    • You need to fry on both sides. Allow 3 minutes for each side.
    • Place the fish on paper towels folded in several layers to remove excess oil.

    Juicy pink salmon with cheese and mayonnaise in a frying pan

    To cook juicy fish, you will need the following products:

    • pink salmon fillet – 0.5 kg;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • hard cheese – 100 g;
    • salt and spices - to taste;
    • mayonnaise – 100 g;
    • olive oil - for frying;
    • fresh herbs - 5 sprigs.

    How to cook juicy pink salmon:

    • Each whole piece or fillet of pink salmon should be rinsed under running water and cut into portions (to make it convenient to fry).
    • Make mayonnaise dressing: add salt and spices to mayonnaise, roll each piece.
    • Peel the onion and cut into rings.
    • Heat a frying pan with oil until the oil is hot.
    • Place the fillet and onion rings until golden brown.
    • The fish should be placed on a dish, grated with chopped cheese (on a grater) and herbs.

    Secrets of cooking juicy pink salmon in a frying pan

    To make the fish juicy and tasty, you need:

    • cook pink salmon chilled, not frozen;
    • You need to fry the fish on the day of purchase, without putting it in the freezer;
    • Pink salmon has tender meat, so it cooks quite quickly. If you are going to fry pink salmon, then allow 10 minutes for medium pieces, fry large pieces within 20 minutes, but no more;
    • An excellent marinade for this fish is: lemon juice, onion, seasoned with pepper, salt and vinegar, as well as homemade mayonnaise. You need to marinate the fish for 30 minutes, but no more than 2 hours. Otherwise, the meat will fall into pieces;
    • You will get tasty and juicy pink salmon if you soak it in olive oil for about 60 minutes; you can enrich the oil with spices and add dried herbs.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan is, of course, not as healthy as steamed or baked. But even in this form it retains some of its beneficial substances.

    Only fried pink salmon will have a crispy crust and a pleasant taste. In addition, its cost is affordable for almost everyone. Pink salmon is easy to purchase in any store or market.

    Many housewives believe that fried pink salmon turns out dry. It’s just that this fish has a thin layer of fat under the skin. And to make pink salmon juicy, fry it with the skin.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan - general cooking principles

    For cooking, take fresh fish.

    Fry the fish by cutting it into pieces.

    Thaw frozen fish in water.

    Before cooking, bread the fish in wheat flour.

    Fry the fish on both sides over medium heat.

    Leave the pink salmon covered with the vegetables after cooking.

    Place the finished fish on a paper towel to absorb all excess oil.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan - a classic recipe

    One pink salmon;

    120 g wheat flour;

    Vegetable oil;

    Black pepper;

    Fish seasoning.

    1. Clean the pink salmon from scales, remove the fins, tail and head with a sharp knife. Make an incision on the belly and remove all excess from the fish.

    2. Dip the carcass in water and rinse it. Dry with a towel and cut into pieces 3.5 cm thick.

    3. Roll fish pieces in salt and pepper. Leave them to marinate for 18 minutes.

    4. Pour flour into a plate, add half a spoonful of fish seasoning and mix.

    5. Bread each piece of fish in the resulting mixture one by one. The flour should lie on the pink salmon in an even layer.

    6. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it. Place the pieces of fish evenly, they should not cover each other. With the stove on high heat, fry the fish for two minutes on each side. Constantly turn the pink salmon with a metal spatula.

    7. Serve the finished fish hot along with mustard, garnished with lemon slices.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan with mushrooms

    490 g pink salmon (fillet);

    370 g champignons;

    Sunflower oil;

    One glass of sour cream 3.5% fat.

    1. Rinse the fish fillets with cold water and get rid of excess moisture.

    2. Remove the skin and cut the fillets into 1/2-inch-thick slices.

    3. Rub the pink salmon with salt and sprinkle with black pepper. Set the fish aside to soak in the seasonings for a while.

    4. Peel the onion along with the champignons and rinse under water. Cut off the roots of the mushrooms, dry them and cut into thin layers. Chop the onion into squares.

    5. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry the fish until half cooked. As soon as it turns white, remove it from the heat. Place the fish on a plate.

    6. Pour oil into the same frying pan and fry the onion. Next add the mushrooms. Simmer them together until the mushrooms are ready.

    7. Then immediately add sour cream, cover and simmer for 16 minutes.

    9. Let the finished dish sit for 12 minutes.

    10. Serve the dish hot, arranging it on plates. First add the fish, then pour the mushroom sauce over it.

    Fried pink salmon with marinade

    520 g pink salmon;

    Tomato paste;

    Two onions and carrots;

    Vegetable oil;

    Spoon of vinegar;

    Bay leaf;

    Four l. wheat flour;

    A teaspoon of sugar;

    Spoon of cloves;

    45 ml water.

    1. Rinse and dry the fish. Place it on a cutting board and cut it into arbitrary pieces with a sharp knife. Sprinkle them on all sides with pepper and rub with salt. Place in a bowl and leave to soak for 11 minutes.

    2. Wash the vegetables, remove their peels and chop them. Cut the onion into strips and chop the carrots on a grater.

    3. Pour oil into the pan and heat it up. Dredge the fish pieces in flour on all sides and place in a frying pan. Cook the pink salmon until golden brown, then transfer it to a plate.

    4. Place a clean frying pan on the fire and fry the onion in oil. After some time, add carrots to it. Fry the vegetables together for 4 minutes. Then season the vegetables with tomato paste and cook for another eight minutes.

    5. Add water, pepper, sugar, vinegar, salt, cloves and bay leaf to the vegetables. Stir and simmer for 14 minutes.

    6. Place the fish in a plate in an even layer and cover it with hot vegetable marinade. Leave the dish to cool to room temperature. Then wrap the fish under the marinade in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

    7. Serve the dish cold, garnished with herbs.

    Pink salmon fillet fried in a frying pan with onions

    130 g onions;

    Three tablespoons of table flour;

    Sunflower oil.

    1. Clean the fish from scales. Cut off her head and wash it under water to remove blood and spit. Dry the pink salmon, cut along the ridge and carefully separate the fillet from the bone. Trim the skin and remove it with a pulling motion.

    2. Wash the fillet, cut into slices, pepper and salt. Leave it like this for 14 minutes.

    3. Take a knife and remove the onion skins. Next, rinse the onion, dry it and chop it into centimeter-thick rings.

    4. Place the frying pan on the fire and pour vegetable oil into it. While it is heating, roll the fish in wheat flour and place the pieces in the pan.

    5. Cook pink salmon for five minutes, turning once. Once the fish is golden brown, transfer it to a plate.

    6. Once all the fish pieces are ready, place the onion in the same frying pan. Fry it until fully cooked.

    8. Turn off the heat and leave the dish for 7 minutes.

    9. Serve the fish with the onion on top. Pasta or porridge are suitable as a side dish.

    Pink salmon fried in a pan with vegetables

    390 g pink salmon;

    Five tablespoons of flour;

    Black pepper;

    Five tablespoons of oil;

    280 bell pepper;

    120 g tomatoes.

    1. Place the fillet in warm water and wait until the pink salmon is completely thawed. Then wash the pink salmon and divide it into pieces.

    2. Clean the outside of the bell peppers with a brush. Divide the vegetables in half and remove the core. Cut the peeled peppers into strips.

    3. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

    4. Using a special vegetable peeling knife, remove the peel from the carrots. Cut the vegetable into thin slices.

    5. Wash the tomato, dry it and cut it into cubes with a sharp knife.

    6. While the oil is heating in the frying pan, prepare the breading. Mix flour with salt, seasonings and pepper. Dip fish in this mixture. Fry it for five minutes on each side. Place the finished pieces in a bowl.

    7. In another frying pan, heat the oil and fry the onions until translucent. Add carrots to the fried onions and fry for another four minutes. Then add bell pepper, salt, tomato and pepper. Simmer everything together for another 12 minutes.

    8. Add fish to the prepared vegetable mixture and stir.

    9. Serve hot fish and vegetables as an independent dish.

    Pink salmon fillet fried in a frying pan in sour cream sauce

    460 g pink salmon (fillet);

    Four spoons of sour cream;

    200 g mushrooms;

    90 g onions;

    Six tablespoons of flour;

    Vegetable oil;

    Dry dill.

    1. Cut the mushrooms as desired and fry in oil for 12 minutes. Then peel the onions, cut them into rings and add to the mushrooms. Fry for another 6 minutes.

    2. Add one spoonful of flour and turmeric to the roast and fry until the flour is golden brown.

    3. Add sour cream to the pan, stir and add water.

    4. Add salt, spices and, stirring, bring the sauce to a boil.

    5. Dip the washed and dried pink salmon fillet in flour and fry in hot oil on all sides until browned.

    6. Add the finished fish to the sauce, stir and simmer all together until the sauce is thick.

    7. Serve the dish along with stewed vegetables, pouring sauce on top.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan with carrots

    610 g fish;

    A mixture of ground peppers;

    60 g wheat flour;

    Two large carrots;


    One celery;

    Sunflower oil;

    Four laurel leaves;


    1. If the fish is frozen, then it is better to take it out of the freezer the day before to thaw. If the fish is fresh, then immediately start cleaning it. Remove all excess from the fish, rinse it and dry it.

    2. Cut the pink salmon into portions and spread the spices with your hands, distributing them evenly over each piece of fish. Leave the pink salmon for 7 minutes.

    3. Pour flour into a bowl and roll each piece of pink salmon in it. Next, roll the fish in breadcrumbs.

    4. Fry the fish in a frying pan for four minutes on each side. Turn pink salmon over with a spatula. Place the finished pieces on paper napkins so that they absorb all excess fat.

    5. Take a special knife and peel the carrots. Finely chop the vegetable.

    6. Peel the onion, rinse and chop into half rings, rings or cubes.

    7. Wash the celery stalk and cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife.

    8. Place all the vegetables in a frying pan heated with oil. Add spices and bay leaves to them. Cook until vegetables are soft. Add water if necessary.

    9. When the vegetables are ready, remove the bay leaves.

    10. Place half of the vegetable mixture on the bottom of the plate, place pink salmon fillets on them, and cover everything with the remaining vegetables on top again.

    11. Garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

    12. Serve the dish with sour cream and a slice of bread.

    Pink salmon in dough, fried in a frying pan

    2.2 kg pink salmon fillet;

    Juice of half a lemon;

    Black pepper;

    Sunflower oil;

    260 g flour;

    250 ml milk.

    1. Pink salmon fillet, if frozen, immerse in regular water and leave it in it for 35 minutes.

    2. Rinse the fish and place on a cutting board. Shred each fillet three centimeters thick.

    3. Place pink salmon in a bowl, pour in lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, dried herbs and pepper.

    4. Mix everything, coat the fish with marinade and leave it alone for 18 minutes.

    5. Separate the whites from the yolks and distribute them into different dishes.

    6. Add warm milk, salt and a spoonful of vegetable oil to the beaten yolks. Beat everything and add the sifted flour. The dough should be free of lumps.

    7. Beat the whites with a mixer or broom until foamy. Add this mixture to the dough.

    8. Place the frying pan over medium heat and heat the oil in it. Dip the fish into the dough.

    9. Fry pink salmon on all sides until brownish.

    10. Place the finished slices on a plate. Serve them with pickles, vegetables and green onions.

    11. As a side dish, you can serve boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

    12. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill, basil, parsley and cilantro.

    Pink salmon fried in a frying pan - tricks and useful tips

    For a crispy crust, roll pink salmon in flour.

    To make the fish juicy, marinate it in lemon juice before cooking.

    To give the dish an exotic taste, sprinkle it with orange juice while frying.

    Any set of spices for preparing this dish is suitable.

    If desired, fry the fish in animal fats.

    Sometimes use breadcrumbs instead of flour.

    For flavor, roll the fish slices in garlic granules.