How to cook juicy beef and chicken cutlets? Delicious chicken and beef cutlets - step by step photo recipe Minced chicken breast and beef

Tested in practice: the most delicious minced meat is obtained by combining different types of meat. Classic mix - pork and beef. The pork and chicken cutlets are also incredibly good. They turn out juicy, soft, tender, aromatic, regardless of the cooking method: frying, baking, stewing in sauce, steaming.

Recipe with a traditional set of ingredients. Method of preparation: frying in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

  1. Pork is cleaned of films and fat. Wash and dry. Cut into pieces convenient for grinding in a meat grinder.
  2. Chicken fillet is washed, dried, cut.
  3. The meat is ground into minced meat.
  4. The bread is soaked in warm milk.
  5. The onion is peeled, washed, finely chopped. Fry until golden brown in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  6. Minced meat is mixed with soggy crumbled bread, fried onions, and eggs. Add salt and spices to taste.
  7. The minced meat is well kneaded and beaten so that the mass is dense and homogeneous.
  8. The frying pan is placed on medium heat. Pour 1 cm of vegetable oil. Warm up.
  9. Small oval cutlets are formed from the minced meat. Dip in flour. Fry on both sides without a lid for 3 minutes.
  10. Golden cutlets are served with any cereal, vegetable side dishes, pasta with or without sauce.

    Recipe for frying without oil

    The fundamental difference between this recipe and the standard one is the same proportions of meat and onions in the minced meat. Thanks to this “balance”, the cutlets turn out unusually juicy. The absence of oil reduces the calorie content of the finished dish.

  11. ground chicken fillet – 300 g;
  12. ready-made minced young pork – 500 g;
  13. onion – 800 g;
  14. milk – 150 ml;
  15. crumb (stale) of white bread – 100 g;
  16. 2 grams of salt and ground black pepper.
  17. Time – 40 minutes. Calorie content – ​​130 kcal/100 g.

  18. The bread is soaked in milk. Crumble into pulp.
  19. Onions are peeled and washed. Chop as finely as possible.
  20. Minced chicken and pork are mixed. Add a slurry of bread crumbs in milk and chopped onions.
  21. The cutlet mass is thoroughly kneaded. Season with pepper and salt. Leave for 10 minutes alone.
  22. A frying pan with a thick bottom is heated over high heat. Then the heat is reduced to medium.
  23. Small round cutlets are formed from the minced meat. Fry without adding oil on both sides for 2 minutes.
  24. The fire is reduced to a minimum. Leave the cutlets in the pan, covered, for 15 minutes to finish cooking.
  25. Despite the absence of eggs in the minced meat, the cutlets do not fall apart. The dish is dietary, low-calorie. The ideal side dish for these cutlets would be boiled vegetables.

    Baked cutlets with gravy

    Baking cutlets in the oven is more convenient than frying, if only for the reason that you don’t need to stand over a frying pan splashing with hot oil. In addition, baked meat cutlets in gravy contain fewer calories.

  26. 500 g each of chicken breast fillet and pork neck;
  27. 1 egg;
  28. 2 potatoes;
  29. 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  30. salt + ground black pepper to taste.
  31. The gravy for cutlets baked in the oven is prepared from sour cream, tomato paste, flour (1 tablespoon each), diluted in 250 ml of non-cold water.

    Time – 60 minutes. Calorie content – ​​155 kcal/100 g.

  32. The meat is washed, dried, and cleared of films and fat. Cut into strips.
  33. Onions and potatoes are peeled and washed. Cut into small pieces.
  34. Chicken, pork and vegetables are passed through a meat grinder.
  35. Break an egg into the minced meat and add sour cream for softness. Salt and pepper. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  36. Grease a baking tray with a small amount of vegetable oil. Turn on the oven and preheat it to 180 degrees.
  37. The minced meat is formed into balls. Place on a baking sheet.
  38. The cutlets are baked for 20 minutes.
  39. Meanwhile, make the gravy by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl.
  40. The browned cutlets are taken out of the oven and poured with sour cream and tomato filling on top. Return to place and bake at the same temperature for another 15 minutes.
  41. A side dish for baked cutlets can be any pasta, porridge, fresh or stewed vegetables.

    Chopped chicken breast cutlets prepared according to this recipe are suitable for the diet menu.

    Chopped chicken and pork cutlets

    Chopped meat cutlets taste more like chops. You can cut (chop) pork and chicken with a knife or grind it through a special attachment in a meat grinder. To ensure that the dish is well fried and juicy, it is recommended to leave the cutlet mass in the refrigerator for half an hour to marinate.

  42. 500 g chicken breast;
  43. 300 g pork neck without lard;
  44. 2 eggs;
  45. 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  46. 3 tbsp. l. potato starch;
  47. salt, spices, ground black pepper to taste.
  48. Time – 1 hour 15 minutes. Calorie content – ​​230 kcal/100 g.

  49. The meat, cleaned, washed and dried with a napkin, is cut (chopped) into very small cubes. The smaller the pieces, the more tender the chicken and pork cutlets will be.
  50. Peel the onion and grate it.
  51. Mix the meat with onions, beat in the eggs, add mayonnaise, spices, and salt.
  52. The cutlet mass, which turns out to be quite liquid, is stirred with a spoon.
  53. Pour starch into chopped minced meat. Mix well again. The finished minced meat is left to infuse in the cold for half an hour.
  54. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil over medium heat.
  55. Chopped cutlets are not formed by hand as usual, but scooped and placed in a frying pan with a spoon. Fry on both sides for 1 minute over medium heat.
  56. Recipe for a dish with minced beef

    Dietary poultry goes equally well with both pork and lean beef. Minced meat from three types of meat is moderately fatty, dense, and aromatic. The principle of preparing cutlets from mixed minced meat is no different from the traditional one.

  57. 200 grams of pork without fat, beef tenderloin, chicken breast fillet;
  58. 2 onions;
  59. 20 g chopped greens (parsley);
  60. 2 tbsp. l. with a heap of flour;
  61. 2 grams of salt, ground red and black pepper.
  62. Average time – 50 minutes. Calorie content – ​​158 kcal/100 g.

    1. Beef, chicken, pork are cleaned and cut into pieces.
    2. Peel the onion and cut it into slices.
    3. The meat and onions are ground in a meat grinder.
    4. Add spices, salt, chopped herbs. The mass is thoroughly kneaded and beaten on the table. Leave for 15 minutes alone.
    5. The minced meat is used to form oval cutlets. Fry on both sides until golden brown over medium heat in hot vegetable oil.
    6. Leave the cutlets in the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

      Festive dish with mushrooms and cheese

      To make a familiar dish take on a new meaning, zucchini, carrots, apples, bran, oatmeal, etc. are added to the cutlet mince. But the most successful combination is meat + mushrooms + hard cheese. Pork and chicken cutlets with such a twist turn out stunningly tasty and aromatic.

    7. 300 g pork neck;
    8. 300 g chicken breast;
    9. 1 onion;
    10. 100 g of fresh mushrooms (oyster mushroom, champignon);
    11. 70 g hard cheese;
    12. salt, spices to taste;
    13. green basil, parsley.
    14. Time – 50 minutes. Calorie content – ​​225 kcal/100 g.

    15. Pork and chicken are ground into minced meat in a meat grinder.
    16. Peeled onions, greens, mushrooms are washed. Finely cut. The cheese is grated coarsely.
    17. Vegetables, mushrooms, chopped herbs, cheese, spices, and salt are added to the twisted meat. Beat in the eggs.
    18. The minced meat is thoroughly kneaded and beaten forcefully on the table several times.
    19. Form balls from the cutlet mass with your hands and flatten slightly.
    20. Fry the cutlets in hot vegetable oil over medium heat. Brown each side for 2 minutes.
      1. The calorie content of mixed minced meat cutlets depends on the proportions of meat. If there is more pork, the dish turns out to be more satisfying and dense. If you take more chicken, the cutlets come out soft, tender, and dietary.
      2. Not only flour, but also breadcrumbs are used as breading. In this case, an appetizing crispy crust appears on the fried cutlets.
      3. To reduce the calorie content of fried cutlets, place them from the frying pan not on a dish, but on a paper towel. Excess oil will be absorbed and the dish will not be greasy.
      4. If the minced meat turns out dry, add sour cream, milk, water, mayonnaise, and vegetable broth. Thanks to such additives, pork and chicken cutlets are especially juicy.
      5. You shouldn’t add a lot of different spices to minced pork and chicken. Herbs and seasonings interrupt the taste of meat. Ideally, all you need to cook cutlets is salt and black pepper.
      6. For children and those on a diet, it is recommended to steam cutlets made from mixed minced meat. Add less pork and more chicken to the minced meat, cook for 30 minutes on a greased steamer rack.
      7. In the video you will find a recipe for pork and chicken cutlets for cooking in a slow cooker:

        Pork and chicken cutlets can be cooked on the stove or in a frying pan! Recipes for juicy and golden brown pork and chicken cutlets

        Cutlet is the most famous minced meat dish.

        Adults and children are happy with the tasty, juicy, ruddy products.

        Especially if they are made from chicken and pork, and according to all the rules!

        Let's make perfect cutlets?

        Pork and chicken cutlets - general cooking principles

        Chicken. Fillet, pulp trimmings are used, you can take it with skin. The product is twisted or finely chopped.

        Pork. Boneless meat is used. Like chicken, it needs to be shredded.

        Vegetables. Usually these are onions and garlic, but some recipes include carrots and potatoes. Added raw.

        Breadcrumbs, flour. Used for external coating of products. No preliminary preparation is required.

        Bread, semolina. Added for volume, dilute the minced meat.

        Eggs. They help to hold together all the ingredients of the cutlet mass, prevent cracks from appearing, and make the product smoother. They are not always added.

        Sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup. Typically used for gravy or greasing cutlets before baking in the oven.

        Pork and chicken cutlets “Juicy”

        A recipe for simple pork and chicken cutlets, but with a little secret. You can use any part of the chicken, but if you use breast, the pork should be fatty.

        2 cloves of garlic;

        Breadcrumbs, butter;


        1. Immediately soak the bread in milk. It's better if it's callous.

        2. Twist the pork and chicken, then skip the onions and garlic. Lightly squeeze the bread and pass through a meat grinder.

        3. Add the egg, pepper, salt and mix the cutlet mixture well.

        4. Cut the butter into small cubes.

        5. Form small cutlets of 50-70 grams. Roll into balls and put a piece of butter inside. Place on a cutting board.

        6. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

        7. Roll the cutlets in breadcrumbs (you can just use flour), flatten them with your hands, giving them the desired shape. Place it in a frying pan and start frying.

        8. When the first side is browned, turn it over. It's time to cover the cutlets. Cook under the lid until done.

        Chopped pork and chicken cutlets

        The recipe is not only very tasty, but also profitable. For chopped pork and chicken cutlets, you will need 300 g of meat each, and you will get a whole mountain of delicious, tender, incredibly juicy chops.

        0.3 kg chicken fillet;

        4 spoons of sour cream;

        5 tablespoons flour (approximately);

        Salt, pepper and oil.

        1. Wash the chicken and pork fillets. Cut it all into small cubes within 0.5 cm. Throw it into a bowl.

        2. Peel the onion and cut it smaller than the meat. Let's add.

        3. Now season it all with sour cream, spices, and stir.

        4. Break the eggs one at a time and continue stirring. In the process we introduce flour. Quantity is approximate. If the onion is juicy or the sour cream is runny, you may need a little more.

        5. Now we leave the minced meat to stand for an hour and the meat is soaked.

        6. Pour a thin layer of oil into the frying pan, a few millimeters is enough. Turn on the fire and warm it up.

        7. Place the cutlets with a spoon; they will resemble chops. Fry on the first side.

        8. Turn the browned products over to the raw side. Now you can cover the pan. Cook for about five minutes.

        9. Take it out. Place the next batch in the pan. If necessary, add oil.

        Pork and chicken cutlets in the oven

        A recipe for pork and chicken cutlets for those who don’t want to stand at the stove. The oven will solve the cooking problem and save time!


        For filling: 2 tablespoons of tomato, 100 g of sour cream, a clove of garlic and 100 ml of water.

        1. Fill the recipe pieces of bread with milk or water. Soak for ten minutes.

        2. During this time, wash the meat products and cut them into pieces. We peel the onion and also cut it so that it fits into the hole in the meat grinder.

        3. Now take out the soaked bread, squeeze it, but not too much.

        4. Grind all the cutlet ingredients through a meat grinder, including peeled and chopped potatoes.

        5. Salt and pepper the minced meat, add the egg. Mix well. Ideally, the mass should be beaten on the countertop.

        6. We divide all the minced meat into pieces of 100 grams, but you can make the cutlets a little smaller or larger.

        7. We form the products in the form of elongated droplets.

        8. Transfer them immediately into a greased form.

        9. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

        10. Prepare the filling from the above ingredients, season with pepper and salt.

        11. Take out the cutlets, pour the mixture over them and put them back into the oven. Bring the dish to full readiness. If you need more gravy, increase the amount of ingredients for the sauce proportionally.

        Pork and chicken cutlets with mushrooms

        A recipe for amazing pork and chicken cutlets with pickled mushrooms. They are used in small quantities and very little is needed.

        150 g pickled mushrooms;

        0.5 bunch of greenery;

        1. Prepare bread. Fill it with milk, broth or plain water. We are waiting for it to limp well.

        2. Toss the chicken with pork and onions. If you add garlic, you can immediately chop it with the rest of the ingredients.

        3. Add egg, bread, stir. Add salt, pepper to taste and leave the minced meat for a few minutes to steep.

        4. Cut the pickled mushrooms into slices and mix with chopped dill. You don’t need to add anything else, but you can add a little sour cream, just a little bit, so that the dill sticks easier.

        5. Pour breadcrumbs into a plate. Pour oil into the frying pan.

        6. Divide the minced meat into pieces. The size of a small apple. We flatten each one in the palm of our hand, put a little mushroom filling and hide everything inside. Flatten the cutlet with your hands and roll in breadcrumbs.

        7. Turn on the stove and heat the oil.

        8. Fry on both sides. After turning over, you need to cover the pan with a lid so that the cutlets are well baked.

        Pork and chicken cutlets with semolina

        A variation of the popular chicken and pork cutlets, to which semolina is added. You can also add it if the minced meat turns out to be liquid.

        Breading (flour, croutons).

        1. Twist the meat with onions and chicken.

        2. Add semolina, spices, eggs. Stir well and set aside. The cereal should swell and the minced meat will become thicker.

        3. After half an hour, the cutlet mass needs to be mixed.

        4. Put the frying pan on the fire, pour in the oil.

        5. Make cutlets of arbitrary size and shape. Roll in flour or breadcrumbs.

        6. Fry on the first side without a lid, then turn over and cover. We bring it to full readiness.

        Pork and chicken cutlets with cheese crust

        Just an amazing recipe for cutlets, which are also baked in the oven. It is better to use hard cheese to give the dish a beautiful crust.

        2 slices of bread;

        1. Prepare meat and poultry. Peeled onion. Soak the bread in milk.

        2. Grind all the ingredients of the cutlet mass in any convenient way.

        3. Add spices, beat in one egg. To stir thoroughly.

        4. Form cutlets, place in a baking dish tightly to each other.

        5. Place in the oven for 15 minutes.

        6. Mix sour cream with garlic and pepper.

        7. Take out the cutlets and generously coat them with sauce.

        8. Grate the cheese and immediately sprinkle on the dish.

        9. Put it back in the oven and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

        Pork and chicken cutlets with cabbage

        A recipe for extraordinary cutlets that always turn out juicy. They can be safely called lazy cabbage rolls. You can even serve them without a side dish.

        0.3 kg each of chicken and pork;

        1. Grind the meat products together with onions through a meat grinder.

        2. Finely chop the cabbage. Place in a bowl and knead well with your hands to reduce the volume of the mass.

        3. Combine minced meat with cabbage. Salt and pepper.

        4. Add an egg to them. If it is small, then you can take two pieces. Stir the mixture and form into oval patties.

        5. Transfer to a greased pan and place in the oven for 10 minutes to allow the products to become stronger and slightly baked. Temperature 200.

        6. Combine tomato with sour cream. Dilute the sauce with water. Add garlic and pepper to taste, do not add too much salt, as most of the filling will be absorbed into the cutlets.

        7. Take the pan out of the oven and pour over the products.

        8. Put it back. Cook for another 25-30 minutes. Now the temperature needs to be reduced to 180 degrees.

        If you are preparing a small number of cutlets, you do not need to add a whole egg, you can get by with half. Otherwise, the minced meat may become liquid and the cutlets will be difficult to form.

        If the minced meat is already liquid, then you can thicken it with semolina, breadcrumbs or ordinary flour.

        You can bread cutlets not only in breadcrumbs or flour. You can also use ground oatmeal and crackers for this purpose.

        Any cutlets can be made in a fluffy coat, like Kiev style. To do this, the product is dipped in egg, then rolled in a loaf and repeated. They are deep fried.

        If the cutlets are not cooked through inside, heating them in the microwave will help. 2-3 minutes is enough.

        Did you get a lot of cutlets? They can be frozen. Moreover, this can be done both with raw and fried products.

        It would seem that there is nothing unusual in mixing two types of minced meat. However, minced chicken and beef are different, thanks to this a recipe for original and beautiful cutlets was born.


      8. Beef 300 grams
      9. White bread 3 slices
      10. Cream 0.5 cups
      11. Garlic 2 cloves
      12. Salt, pepper, spices To taste
      13. Vegetable oil To taste
        for frying
      14. Flour To taste
        for breading
      15. Soak the bread pulp in warm cream.

        Mince the beef and chicken fillet separately. Prepare two types of minced meat. One is made from ground beef with the addition of half the bread, chopped onion and garlic, and the second is made from chicken. Add salt and spices to taste.

        Make flat cakes from each type of minced meat, place on top of each other and form cutlets. How to combine two colors depends on your imagination - you can take more minced chicken and wrap it around beef, or vice versa, and then the cut will have beautiful layers of multi-colored meat.

        Bread the formed cutlets in flour.

        Fry the cutlets in hot oil on both sides.

        Beef and chicken cutlets

        Every housewife has her own favorite recipe for making cutlets.

        They are made from beef, pork, chicken, and turkey.

        It just seems like the cutlets always turn out the same. Their taste, consistency, and juiciness depend not only on the type of meat, but also on the age of the carcass, additional ingredients, spices, and the amount of fat and liquid in the minced meat.

        Beef patties have a rich meaty flavor, but they sometimes turn out dense and tough.

        Chicken cutlets are softer, but dry. Especially if the minced meat is made from breast meat. Chicken meat is considered dietary, but it does not have the same flavor that is inherent in beef dishes.

        Pork cutlets are not made so often, because although they turn out soft, they have that specific smell that not everyone likes.

        Therefore, housewives try to mix several types of minced meat to get cutlets that would satisfy them in all respects.

        The cutlets turn out very tasty if you mix minced chicken with beef.

        Beef and chicken cutlets: subtleties of preparation

  • The taste and softness of the cutlets depend on how much beef and chicken was used to prepare the cutlet mass. If there is only a small amount of minced chicken, the cutlets retain the aroma and color of beef, while becoming softer. It makes the minced meat not so dense.
  • If there is more minced chicken in the cutlet mass than beef, then the cutlets turn out to be light, low-fat, almost dietary, but more flavorful than regular chicken ones.
  • Bread is placed in the cutlet mass: 250 g per 1 kg of minced meat. The bread should be made from white wheat flour, without crusts. Before use, it is dried, since the fresh pulp makes the minced meat viscous, and then soaked.
  • The cutlets will turn out juicy if you add water, milk, mayonnaise or sour cream to the minced meat.
  • To prevent the cutlets from falling apart, many housewives add an egg to the cutlet mixture. It holds the minced meat together, but makes the cutlet denser. If the housewife decides to add an egg, then it is advisable to use only the yolk.
  • The cutlets keep their shape not because of the eggs, but because of the thorough mixing of the minced meat. Therefore, it is recommended not to just knead it in a bowl, but to beat it.
  • Beef and chicken cutlets are fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven, steamed and cooked in a slow cooker.
  • Beef and chicken cutlets with cream

  • white bread without crusts – 250 g;
  • cream – 250 g;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil for frying.
  • Place the bread in a plate and pour cold cream over it.
  • Pass the beef and chicken fillets through a meat grinder with a fine grid.
  • Grind the onion in a blender.
  • Combine the meat with onions and bread. Add spices. Beat the cutlet mass well in a bowl to obtain a homogeneous minced meat.
  • Using hands soaked in cold water, form the cutlet mixture into oblong or round cutlets. Roll in flour.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan and heat well. Place the cutlets. Without covering with a lid, fry them until golden brown. Then turn it over to the other side, reduce the heat, and cover the pan with a lid. Cook the cutlets until they are well browned. If you like soft and juicy cutlets, pour 100 ml of broth into the pan and simmer the cutlets for another 15–20 minutes. Serve with any side dish.
  • Beef and chicken cutlets with apple

  • beef fillet – 300 g;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • loaf without crust – 100 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour for breading - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Grind the beef and chicken pulp through a meat grinder.
    • Soak the loaf in water, squeeze it out a little and combine with the minced meat. Don't pour out the water yet.
    • Peel the apple and remove the core. Grate. Place immediately into the bowl with the minced meat. Add soaked bread, onion and spices.
    • Mix the minced meat well. If it turns out thick, add the remaining water from soaking the bread. Mix everything well again and beat it out.
    • Form cutlets, roll them in flour.
    • Fry in a frying pan: fry the first side over high heat without a lid, cook the second side under the lid, reducing the heat to low.
    • Note: these cutlets can be baked in the oven. To do this, place them on a greased baking sheet, place in an oven heated to 190–200 °C, and bake for 35–40 minutes.

      Beef and chicken cutlets with bran

    • beef fillet – 500 g;
    • chicken fillet – 500 g;
    • oat bran – 50 g;
    • milk – 150 g;
    • spices - to taste;
    • vegetable oil for frying cutlets.
    • Grind chicken and beef fillets through a meat grinder.
    • Grind the onion using a blender and place in a bowl with meat.
    • Pour the bran with milk and leave for some time to swell.
    • Combine all ingredients, add salt and spices (herbs and spices to taste).
    • Mix the cutlet mixture thoroughly.
    • Wet your hands in cold water and form the minced meat into cutlets.
    • Fry them in a frying pan first on one side, then turn them over to the other side, reduce the heat and cook under the lid until cooked. To make the cutlets soft and juicy, pour a little broth into the pan. Simmer over low heat for 20–30 minutes.
    • Pork and chicken cutlets

      Juicy, melt-in-your-mouth pork and chicken cutlets will be the highlight of your holiday table menu! A simple recipe for this dish will help you prepare tender, crispy cutlets.

    • Chicken fillet 300 grams
    • Pork 300 grams
    • Onion 1 piece
    • Egg 1 piece
    • Flour 5-6 Art. spoons
    • Spices - To taste
    • Bread 2 Slices
    • Milk 100 Milliliters

    Rinse and prepare the meat. You can also add bacon.

    We make minced meat together. Finely chop the onion, fry, add to the minced meat.

    Crumble the bread softened in milk into the mixture.

    Add spices and egg.

    Make cutlets and roll them in flour.

    Fry the cutlets in oil on both sides until cooked. Serve ready-made pork and chicken cutlets hot with any side dish. Bon appetit)

    There are a lot of recipes for making cutlets and each is good in its own way. I would like to offer another successful recipe for minced chicken and beef cutlets. The cutlets are not only very tasty, but also juicy, thanks to the addition of apples to the minced meat. By the way, you can make excellent meatballs or meatballs from such minced meat. Cutlets from this minced meat can not only be fried, but also baked in the oven or steamed.

    To prepare cutlets from minced chicken and beef you will need:

    minced chicken - 400 g;

    minced beef - 200 g;

    egg - 1 pc.;

    apple - 1 pc. optional

    green onion - 15 g;

    hard cheese - 50 g; white loaf - 80 g; salt - to taste; ground black pepper - to taste; sunflower oil for frying - 50 ml.

    Wash, peel and core the apple. Wash green onions. Place minced chicken and beef in a bowl. Grind green onions and apples and add to the minced meat.

    Soak the white loaf in cold water, squeeze, mince or grind in a blender, add to the bowl with the minced meat, onion and apple.

    Grate the hard cheese and add to the bowl.

    Add an egg to the remaining minced meat ingredients, salt and pepper to taste.

    Mix the minced meat thoroughly. You can also beat it with a blender to make it more uniform.

    Place minced chicken and beef cutlets in a hot frying pan with sunflower oil and fry on both sides until golden brown. If desired, the frying pan with fried cutlets can be covered with a lid and simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

    Juicy, tender and very tasty chicken and beef cutlets are served with any side dish for lunch or dinner.

    Bon appetit!

    We are used to making cutlets mainly from a mixture of beef and pork. Perhaps this is a stable combination, but I decided to experiment. I asked my friends. Some people added turkey to the beef, some added rabbit meat, and some added chicken. It turned out well. That’s why today we will prepare just such a dish - beef and chicken cutlets.

    Step-by-step preparation of beef and chicken cutlets

    Let's pass the loaf of bread swollen in milk or water, then the onion and garlic through a meat grinder. I always grind even the finished minced meat again - in our case, we alternately put in the ground beef and then the minced chicken, and that’s how it all mixes.

    The question of adding eggs to minced meat is an individual one. I wrote it down in the recipe for those who put eggs in minced cutlets. I don't do this and they still turn out juicy.

    After this, mix the whole mass thoroughly and beat it. Let's add salt and pepper. That's it, the minced meat is ready, fry the cutlets. Why heat a frying pan and oil, in which we fry the cutlets on both sides a couple of times until cooked. Bon appetit!

    Chicken and beef cutlets, prepared according to this recipe, turn out very tasty, tender and aromatic. The cutlets are simple to make, but the result is always magnificent. The main thing is to prepare the minced meat correctly, and for this it is necessary, after combining all the ingredients, to beat it thoroughly on the countertop: the minced meat will be additionally saturated with air, and the moisture will be distributed more evenly, when forming cutlets, the minced meat will not stick to your hands, and during frying, the cutlets will not crack and will become more juicy.


    To prepare chicken and beef cutlets you will need:

    chicken fillet - 500 g;

    beef tenderloin - 500 g;

    onion - 1 pc.;

    potatoes - 2 pcs.;

    egg - 1 pc.;

    breadcrumbs with spices (coriander, red pepper, onion, nutmeg, basil, turmeric, paprika, dill, utskho-suneli, cloves, cinnamon, garlic, mustard) - 3 tbsp. l.;

    salt - to taste;

    vegetable oil for frying.

    Cooking steps

    Prepare the necessary ingredients.

    Grind the beef tenderloin through a fine strainer in a meat grinder.

    Peel the onions and potatoes, wash them and mince them twice, the mass should become like a soft puree, without lumps. You can grind it with a blender.

    Combine the ground beef and chicken in a bowl, add the resulting vegetable mass.

    Mix the minced meat and beat well on the countertop or the bottom of a large deep bowl. To do this, you need to take all the minced meat, lift it and throw it forcefully onto the table. Repeat this procedure 20-30 times.

    Form cutlets of the same size from the resulting minced chicken and beef.

    Heat a frying pan well, pour in vegetable oil and after a minute add the cutlets. Reduce heat to minimum and fry cutlets on both sides for 5-7 minutes. The cutlets should become crispy and rosy.

    Serve juicy, tender and very tasty chicken and beef cutlets with any side dish or fresh vegetables.

    Total cooking time – 45 minutes hour

    Preparation - 10 minutes

    Number of servings – 4-6

    Difficulty level - easily


    How to cook

    What to cook with


    Minced chicken – 500 grams

    Ground beef – 250 grams

    Semolina – 1 tablespoon (without top)

    Onion – 1 head

    Garlic – 2 cloves

    Egg – 2 pieces

    Parsley – 1 handful

    Thyme – 1 stem

    Cayenne pepper – 1 pinch

    Nutmeg – 1 pinch

    Coriander – 1 pinch (optional)

    Salt, ground pepper

    How to cook cutlets:

    Peel the onion and garlic cloves. Cut the onion into large pieces and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Crush the garlic through a press.

    Mix ground chicken and ground beef in a bowl. Add chopped onion, garlic, eggs and semolina. Season with salt and pepper. Add cayenne pepper, nutmeg and coriander. Mix the minced meat well and leave for a few minutes so that the semolina swells a little.

    Meanwhile, wash the thyme and parsley. Finely chop and add to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat well again.

    Heat the frying pan. Add oil. You can fry the cutlets in ghee, butter or vegetable oil.

    With wet hands (so the minced meat will not stick to your hands), form round cutlets and fry on both sides until cooked.

    You can serve chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes or vegetable stew.

    Advice. If the minced meat is very liquid, add a little more semolina. Semolina prevents the cutlets from falling apart during frying.

    Bon appetit!

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