Cake with sour cream and kefir. Sour cream cake with kefir Light cake with kefir with sour cream

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

kefir cake


1 hour

310 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

For many of us, making a cake seems like a long and painful undertaking that requires a lot of time and money. If you think so too, then you have never made a cake with kefir. This is one of the fastest recipes that I know, because you don’t need to wait for the dough to rise, and the cakes bake very quickly.

And if you prepare sour cream for it, then the whole process will take you no more than 1.5 hours, and only if you do everything very slowly. For this cake you don't have to look for expensive ingredients - everything you need can be found in the refrigerator. I make this cake on holidays and without them, when I just want something sweet and don’t want to run to the store.

Plus, it's much healthier than store-bought cake because I know what I'm putting in it and can reduce the amount of any ingredient if I want. A little cocoa, kefir, sour cream and imagination and after a couple of hours my family and I are enjoying chocolate cake. Even my cat always asks for a piece and won’t leave until you give him some.

So today I will share with you a couple of great recipes for this cake.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Choose rich thick sour cream, so that the cream does not spread.
  • You can take any kefir, but works best with 2.5% or 3.2% fat.
  • If you want to dissolve the sugar in the cream faster, you can replace it with powdered sugar.

Kefir cake with sour cream

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer; sieve; Bowl; spoon; large bowl; baking tray; oven.

Required Ingredients

Cooking process

  1. For the cream, mix sour cream with sugar. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator.

  2. Break 3 eggs into another bowl and beat them with a mixer until fluffy. Add soda to kefir and stir well, then add it to the eggs, pour into sugar and beat well.

  3. Sift the cocoa and flour into the liquid ingredients and knead the dough. Pour it into a parchment-lined form and place it in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180°.
  4. To ensure that the cakes are baked well, it is better to bake one half of the dough first, and then the other.
  5. Thinly cut off the top crust from the finished cakes, thereby leveling their surface. Then cut the cakes horizontally in half. You should get 4 cakes.
  6. Lubricate them with cream. The top should also be covered with cream. Tear or cut the part of the cakes that you cut off earlier into pieces and sprinkle them on the cake.

Video recipe for making chocolate cake with kefir

Watch this video and make sure you understand everything correctly. The man explains his every action and gives advice as he prepares, so everything will be clear to you.

Kefir cake with VERY simple cream

Online kitchenware store

Hi all! I think you will definitely make this kefir cake after watching this video! It turns out, well, incredibly tasty! Very amazing chocolate cake! After watching the video, like and write your opinion.

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Kefir cake in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8-10 pieces.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, fork, bowl, sieve, knife, blender.

Required Ingredients

Cooking process

Video recipe for making a delicious kefir cake

In this short video you can see a recipe for a delicious kefir cake at home, made by a lovely woman. Everything is shown in detail, so you will not have any difficulty preparing the cake after watching the video.


Chocolate cake. How to make chocolate cake in a slow cooker, chocolate cake recipe. Recipe for a slow cooker.

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How to decorate a cake

On white sour cream any decoration will look beautiful and very bright. Therefore, you can decorate it with chocolate chips or cookies, sprinkle with raisins, dried fruits or nuts.

You can use candied fruits or marshmallows for decoration, you can even buy gummy bears for this purpose. The cake can be decorated with topping or melted chocolate, drawing beautiful patterns on it. You can lay out a drawing or simply decorate the top with fruit. Show your imagination and create a culinary masterpiece.

What to serve with

Sour cream chocolate cake turns out to be very tender, so it is best to combine it with weak tea or coffee with milk. This cocoa and marshmallow cake would be perfect for this cake.

You can eat a piece of cake with a glass of champagne or sparkling wine, because it is very light and airy. And on a cold evening, hot mulled wine made from juice or wine would be appropriate. Pair the cake with your favorite drinks and enjoy it.

  • For cream use cold sour cream, otherwise it will spread.
  • If you are afraid that the cakes will not bake, then divide the dough into several parts and bake the cakes separately.
  • If you want a real rich chocolate taste, add melted chocolate instead of cocoa.

Other options

Kefir for dough is an ideal option. At the same time, it makes not only sweet cakes delicious, but also dishes served as a side dish. For example, it turns out very tender and rosy and at the same time cooks very quickly. It is prepared according to the same principle and, thanks to the structure of the dough, it turns out very juicy.

If we return to sweets, I often cook a wonderful one, since it can be prepared in literally half an hour. The same goes for, because you can add different ingredients to it, but the cookies still turn out soft, tasty and airy. So, if you have kefir in the refrigerator, then try making a delicious dessert or other pastries using it.

Tell us what you think about this cake. Did everything work out for you? How did your family react to this recipe? How did you decorate it? Tell us what you did and you can send photos in the comments so that we can rejoice at your success together.

Good day to readers of the Notebook site! Congratulations on the holiday of May 9! Happy Victory Day to you!

Recently I baked for my family, following a recipe from a German magazine from Elena Pchelintseva. Today’s post is about this, but I will call my work not a pie, but kefir cake with sour cream, it seemed so airy and tender to me!

Kefir biscuit dough is not difficult to prepare. The eggs and sugar were beaten quickly, so I want to note that anyone can make kefir dough for the cake!

Recipe recipe for quick kefir cake I left the same:

  • 4 eggs,
  • 500 g sugar,
  • 500 ml kefir,
  • 500 g flour,
  • 2 packs of vanillin,
  • 1.5 small packets of baking powder.

Often you have to answer questions: how much flour or sugar is in one glass?

For reference:

in one 250 ml tea glass - 160 g of wheat flour and 200 g of sugar,

in one 200 ml tea glass - 130 g of wheat flour and 160 g of sugar.

Preparing a kefir cake:

Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer or whisk. The amount of sugar per egg is quite large, so they are beaten quickly, no more than 7 minutes.

Don’t worry, sponge cakes made with kefir will not be cloyingly sweet; the sweet taste will be diluted by half a liter of kefir. Kefir is poured into the beaten eggs at a slow speed, vanillin and baking powder are also added there. Next, take a spoon or spatula and gradually add flour, continuing to stir. The consistency of kefir cake dough is similar to pancake dough.

You can make a lot of kefir dough! That's why I was afraid to bake it in a round pan. I had a deep baking sheet with 5 cm sides (it is slightly smaller in size than a regular baking sheet), so I used it. She lined it with oiled paper and poured in the dough for the kefir crust. While you are whipping the dough, do not forget to turn on the oven so that it warms up thoroughly. The kefir sponge cake is baked in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. This is how I got the ruddy base for the kefir cake!

Be sure to cool the cake, then you can easily cut it lengthwise for soaking. The top of the cake was shaped like a lump, so it was convenient for me to cut the cake upside down. Look how porous the kefir sponge cake is!

I coated its halves with sour cream and left it to soak for 10 minutes. Then I applied more sour cream to the bottom cake layer and combined it.

Then I coated the top and sides of the kefir cake with cream.

For sour cream it took me

  • 500 g sour cream and
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

To decorate the kefir sponge cake for this recipe, I used multi-colored coconut flakes. It turned out kefir cake with a light coconut flavor and vanilla aroma. Great taste!

When cut, the cake pieces turned out so snow-white! Help yourself!

Sincerely, owner of the Notebook Anyuta!

What is not included in the photo recipe is mounted in a video slide show, look at the detailed report:

P.S. If the network is busy, you may not be able to access it, just try again several times :)

Step 1: Prepare the flour mixture.

Pour the flour into a sieve and sift over a medium bowl. This must be done so that our cakes turn out tender and airy. And all because this process allows you to saturate the flour with oxygen and eliminates excess lumps.
Next, pour the baking powder into the container and, using a tablespoon, mix everything gently but thoroughly until smooth.

Step 2: prepare eggs with sugar.

Using a knife, break the eggshells and pour the yolks and whites into a large bowl. Pour sugar here and, using a mixer, beat everything at high speed. We do this until the last component dissolves. Subsequently, we should end up with a thick, pale yellow mass, like eggnog.

Step 3: prepare the crust dough.

Start adding kefir into the bowl with the egg-sugar mixture in a thin stream and at the same time beat everything with a mixer, but at low speed. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour vanilla sugar into it, as well as mixed flour and baking powder in small portions. Attention: To prevent lumps from forming, we continuously continue to whisk everything with a hand whisk. At the end we should have a beautiful dough with the consistency of pancakes.

Step 4: prepare the cake layers.

Grease the bottom and sides of the baking dish with a small piece of soft butter. Then we cover the container with parchment (I usually play it safe so that the cake doesn’t burn at the base) and pour the dough into it.
Now turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 180 °C. Immediately after this, place the pan on the middle level and bake the cake for 25–30 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust appears on its surface. Attention: At the end you will need to check the dough for readiness. To do this, use a toothpick and, using oven mitts, remove the container from the oven and pierce the cake in several places. If the wooden stick remains dry and without lumps of dough, then you can turn off the oven. If not, then you should extend the baking time. for another 5–7 minutes. After everything, carefully transfer the cake from the pan to a wire rack and let cool to room temperature. In the meantime, we can prepare sour cream.

Step 5: prepare sour cream.

Pour sour cream into a medium bowl and add sugar. Using a mixer, beat everything at medium or high speed (depending on the power of your electrical appliance) until we have a homogeneous, rich mass. Important: The fattier the first component, the thicker the cream will be. If you use sour cream with a fat content of 15%, then during the whipping process it can turn into drinking cream. Of course, the cream will work, but it will not hold its shape.

Step 6: prepare sour cream cake with kefir.

When the cakes are at room temperature, use a knife to cut them lengthwise into two or three pieces.

Then we move the base of the cake onto a large flat plate and generously grease it with sour cream. Then cover it with the second cake layer and repeat the procedure from start to finish, using a tablespoon. If you still have a third of the baked dough left, then cover the cake with it and also grease it with cream. Attention: The baked goods can be completely covered with sour cream. At the end, if desired, decorate the cake with coconut or chocolate sprinkles, as well as berries or fruit slices. I had multi-colored marmalade, which I crushed with a knife into leaves and flower petals and decorated the surface of the cake.

It turned out very beautiful too! Now put the pastries in the refrigerator and let them soak in the cream for 3–5 hours.

Step 7: serve sour cream cake with kefir.

When the cake is ready, take it out of the refrigerator and serve it to the dessert table. Let your guests enjoy the baked goods and work up their appetite! After this, you can cut the cake into portions and treat your friends and family with fragrant tea or coffee.
Enjoy your tea party everyone!

To prepare the cream, it is best to use full-fat homemade sour cream. Then the mass will turn out thick, even after beating with a mixer;

To prepare the dough, kefir with a fat content of 2.5% is suitable. Then the cakes will not only be tasty, but will also remain fresh longer;

It is best to use a pan with removable sides for baking cakes. This will prevent the edges of the baked dough from breaking.


For the cakes:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 125 g (5 tablespoons);
  • kefir (sour cream) - 300 ml;
  • flour - 260 g (2 cups);
  • butter - 40 g;
  • condensed milk - 250 g (2/3 cans);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking powder - 10 g;

For sour cream:

  • sour cream - 400 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • cherries from jam - 2-3 tables. spoons

Preparation time: 1 hour 30 minutes + several hours of soaking time.

Yield: 8 servings.

There are many different recipes for cake with sour cream. The peculiarity of the sour cream cake recipe offered below is that the dough contains condensed milk, and the cream for sour cream cake contains berries from cherry jam. This allows you to prepare a very tasty sour cream cake. A step-by-step recipe with photos at home will tell you how to make the “Smetannik” cake tasty and beautiful.

How to make Smetannik cake at home quickly and tasty

First, check that you have all the ingredients needed for baking. Sour cream cake (classic recipe) involves the use of sour cream in both the dough and the cream. In this case, butter is not needed. But you can make a cake with kefir and sour cream by adding kefir and a little butter to the dough.

Baking powder can be replaced with soda (you will need 1 teaspoon). You don't have to take only cherry jam. Instead of cherries, you can use any other berries that have a sour taste, for example, gooseberries or currants.

Preparation should begin by baking a sponge cake with kefir for the cake. The recipe with photos will tell you step by step how to do this. First you need to beat the eggs until they form a thick foam. Then, gradually adding sugar, beat them until a stable light foam. Pour kefir (or sour cream) and condensed milk into a bowl, add a pinch of salt.

Melt the butter, reserving some for greasing the pan. Add butter and beaten eggs to the mixture of kefir and condensed milk (if sour cream is used, you don’t have to add butter). Stir everything carefully (so that the egg foam does not settle too much). Gradually add sifted flour to the dough and mix thoroughly.

Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. Heat the mold a little and grease it with butter. Experience shows that it is best to bake two layers. To do this you need to divide the dough in half. Add 1 teaspoon to one half. spoon of baking powder, mix everything and pour into the mold. Bake for 30 minutes. Do the same operation with the remaining dough.

The second option is if you want to make a quicker cake with sour cream. Then, if you have a mold of a suitable size, you can pour all the dough into it at once (after adding baking powder or soda to it) and bake one cake for 45-50 minutes.

After baking, the cake should be slightly cooled in the mold, then laid out on a flat surface to cool completely. If you baked one cake, you need to cut it into 2 parts. While the cakes are cooling, you can start preparing the cream. To do this, beat the sour cream with sugar using a mixer. It’s easier and faster to prepare sour cream if you use powdered sugar instead of sugar. It can be easily made at home by grinding granulated sugar in a coffee grinder. Grease both cake layers with the resulting cream, leaving some of the cream for coating the top of the cake.

Place cherries or other suitable berries on the bottom cake layer, greased with cream.

Cover the bottom cake with the top one and coat the cake with the remaining cream on all sides. The recipe for Smetannik cake at home involves keeping the cake for several hours for soaking, as well as decorating the finished product before serving. A cake with sour cream and cherries can be decorated using whipped cream, grated chocolate or cookies, colorful sprinkles, chopped nuts, poppy seeds, and raisins or berries.

Now you know a simple recipe for a sour cream cake and can easily answer the question of how to bake a “Smetannik” cake at home.

We wish you bon appetit!

Sometimes, during the preparation of the Smetannik cake, the step-by-step recipe with photos of which is described above, problems arise, which we will help solve by answering some pressing questions.

Frequently asked questions about making sponge sour cream cake

Why isn't the sour cream baked?

This situation can arise if the cake is baked at a low temperature (170-180 degrees) or for insufficient time, and the volume of dough is large enough. To avoid this problem, you must strictly adhere to the temperature and time regime specified in the recipe. Before removing the product from the oven, you need to pierce it in the center with a wooden skewer, toothpick or just a match. The dry surface of the match will indicate that the cake is baked.

Why didn't the sour cream rise?

This can happen if the eggs were not beaten well enough or if the dough to which soda was added was left for too long before baking. To solve this problem, soda must be added immediately before placing the product in the oven. You can also use baking powder, then the reaction between the acid and soda will occur while the product is baking in the oven. Baking powder is easy to make at home. To do this, you need to grind 3 teaspoons in a coffee grinder. tablespoons of citric acid, then mix it with 5 teaspoons. spoons of soda and 12 teaspoons. spoons of flour or starch. Stir everything thoroughly, pour into a completely dry container and cover tightly with a lid.

Why does sour cream settle after baking?

This can be facilitated by sudden changes in temperature and drafts. It is advisable that the product cools gradually. Immediately after turning off the oven, you can open the door slightly and leave the cake in the oven for 10 minutes. Then continue cooling at room temperature.

Why does sour cream crack?

If cracking of the top crust occurs in the oven while the cake is baking, then most likely the temperature was chosen too high, or the dough was too thick. If the baked goods cracked after removing the product from the oven, it means that the cooling conditions were incorrect. It is best to refrigerate baked goods at room temperature and away from drafts.

Why is sour cream rubber?

Sometimes this happens if the proportions between liquid and dry components are not met or low-quality kefir is used. You can try adding sour cream with at least 15% fat content to the dough.

Why did the sour cream turn out dry?

This option is possible if too much flour has been added to the dough and the baking time is too long.

Is it possible to coat sour cream with mascarpone?

It is best to add this cream cheese to sour cream prepared as described above (sour cream cake classic recipe with photos step by step) at the rate of 100 g of mascarpone per 300 g of sour cream. This cream turns out thick, which allows you to make a thicker layer of cream. In addition, it goes well with biscuit dough.

Can sour cream be decorated with whipped cream?

Yes, this decoration option is very successful. It is advisable to take cream with at least 33% fat content. If the fat content is less, then you need to add a thickener for cream (or sour cream).

Is it possible to cover sour cream with mastic?

To cover the sour cream, it is better to use sour cream or whipped cream. Because mastic is afraid of contact with moisture, then the surface of the cake must first be covered with butter cream, then put it in the refrigerator to completely harden and only then covered with mastic. Those. For one cake you need to prepare two different types of cream. How advisable this is, decide for yourself.