Technical and technological map of apple strudel. Apple strudel with raisins, prepared. How to make classic apple strudel

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Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Only for authorized users!!! School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) and schools. Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. National cuisine- from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, click the button Find the recipe.

To quickly clear all filter parameters, click the Reset button

If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see common list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

Site search

The site is searched in all sections, including recipes, news, regulatory documents, product directories and company directories.

To call the search string, click the button located on the top panel of the site.

In the line that opens, enter a search query and press Enter

Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally validly used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

Not everything is clear?...

Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.

Apple strudel, which we will talk about today, comes from Austria. It is no coincidence that this dessert has become widespread. The baked goods are aromatic, tender, and most importantly, low in calories.

You can treat yourself to apple strudel quite often without worrying too much about the extra pounds. I highly recommend trying it, it cooks very quickly!

Ingredients for 2 small strudels:

  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces,
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups,
  • Medium sized apples - 4 pieces,
  • Butter – 30 – 40 grams,
  • Breadcrumbs - ¾ cup,
  • Ground cinnamon or nutmeg - to taste,
  • Sugar – 2 – 4 tablespoons,
  • Powdered sugar – 25 grams.

Making apple strudel.

You can reduce the ingredients by half if you want to make one apple strudel. One is not enough for my family of four - it turns out to be small. Two is just right.
Beat the eggs into a bowl and mix well.

Add flour and knead the dough.

The dough, as you understand, consists only of flour and eggs, as in. It turns out quite steep and is difficult to roll out.

You need to roll it out very thin, so that the dough is visible through. But before you roll it out, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
The next stage is preparing the cracker mixture. Melt the butter in a frying pan and pour the crackers into it. Fry the crackers in oil for about 2 minutes.

Peel and core sweet apples.

Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Roll each into a thin layer. The thinner you roll it out, the tastier the apple strudel will be.

Grate the apples on a coarse grater. We do this as a last resort so that they do not darken in the air. You can sprinkle them with more lemon juice. Add cinnamon or ground nutmeg to the grated apples. By the way, I made it with nuts - I really liked it!

Place breadcrumbs fried in butter on a layer of dough

(don’t forget that you have two layers, so we divide the crumbs and apples equally), distribute it evenly over the dough.
Then put a layer of apples, level it and sprinkle it with a little sugar.

Roll the rolls, pinch the edges, transfer the rolls to a baking sheet greased with oil.
We make punctures to allow steam to escape.

Bake apple strudel for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Puff pastry without yeast - 800 g (half a standard package of ready-made dough)

Wheat flour -100g

Butter - 20 g.

Apple - 10 pcs.

Sugar - 100 g

Cinnamon - 10 g

Technical and technological map for preparing hot dessert “Apple Strudel”

Name of dish: " Apple strudel"

Application area : Laboratory

List of raw materials: puff pastry (yeast-free), wheat flour, butter, apples, sugar, cinnamon, butter,

Quality requirement: food raw materials used for preparing dishes comply requirement current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality

Cooking technology

First, let's prepare the apple filling for the strudel. Apples need to be peeled and cored. Then cut in half and into thin slices. There is no need to strive for thin until transparent, the apples will undergo heat treatment twice and will become soft in any case. Next, melt some of the butter (2 tablespoons) in a medium-sized frying pan over medium heat (we will use the remaining spoon of butter later). You can melt all the butter at once, and then set aside one spoon to grease the strudel. Place apples in the melted butter. At first there will be a lot of them in volume, but during cooking the volume will decrease. Then add sugar and cinnamon. Then you need to increase the heat slightly and simmer the apples until they soften and all the liquid has evaporated. This will take about 15 minutes. There is no need to cover the apples with a lid, this will of course speed up their softening, but in this case the liquid will not have time to evaporate. In the meantime, roll out the pre-thawed puff pastry (such a strudel takes half of a standard store package: if you have the dough in sheets, take one sheet, if in a roll, unroll and cut off half). The dough should be laid out on a work surface or table sprinkled with flour, a rolling pin also dust with flour. You need to roll it out into a rectangle approximately 30 by 35 cm. It is better to roll out the puff pastry only in one direction. When the filling is ready, turn on the oven to preheat at 200 degrees. Then take out the dough, unfold the rectangle with the short side facing you and spread the filling in a wide horizontal stripe in the middle of the rectangle. The filling should occupy about a third of the size of the dough in height, and depart from the edges by about 2-3 cm in width. Cover the filling with the top of the dough. Then cover with the bottom one. Carefully turn the strudel over, seam side down, and place it on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Then you need to grease the strudel with the remaining tablespoon of melted butter, sprinkle with two tablespoons of sugar and make cuts along the entire pie with a small knife to allow steam to escape. Bake the apple strudel in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes, until the top is confidently brown. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top

Requirements for registration, submission and implementation

Serve on a dessert plate; when serving, sprinkle powdered sugar on top of each piece. Temperature not lower than 140C.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance: the mass does not fall apart, is dense, the surface is light brown. cooking dessert parfait charlotte

Color: characteristic of this type of product, light brown crust

Smell: no foreign odors

Consistency: soft, tender, well baked

Quality and safety indicators

Physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the application to GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions"

Nutritional and energy value per 100 g of product

"I'm correcting myself.

Culinary inspiration hit me once again and I wanted dessert. And since apple season is starting soon, why not bake something apple-based. For example, apple strudel. And away we go...

The peculiarity of strudel is its thin and crispy dough crust. The dough is easy to make. 250 g of sifted flour, a little salt, 50 g of sunflower oil and 100 g of water. All this is kneaded intensively until the dough becomes smooth and silky, and most importantly, elastic. Roll it into a ball, grease the surface with oil and set it to rest for 30-40 minutes.

This is where I started to move away from the technological map. ;-) I’ve had a package of puff pastry without yeast (400 g) in the freezer for a long time. So she waited in the wings.

In the meantime, let's get started with the filling. I took 100 g of nuts - hazelnuts - and crushed them in a saucepan. Instead of hazelnuts, you can use walnuts, almonds, nutmeg, etc. If you have raisins, then feel free to add them too (100 g). There were no raisins. Added 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 10 grams of vanilla sugar. I finely chopped 5 apples, after removing the core, and sprinkled the juice from half a lemon on top. I poured 100 g of granulated sugar on top and mixed it all.

Well, our dough has already risen. ;-) Let's start rolling it out. It is important to achieve a very thin layer of dough. We transfer the pre-rolled dough onto a towel and, placing our palms under the dough, begin to stretch it until the patterns from the towel appear through the dough. Here you need to act very quickly and confidently before the dough dries, and the main thing is not to tear it.

I didn't have a towel of the right size on hand, so I rolled out the dough thinly right on the table.

Brush the top of the dough layer with melted butter. Now the important moment! Sprinkle the first layer with breadcrumbs. They will absorb excess “moisture” from the filling and the strudel will not turn out “wet”.

This is where I made a second deviation from the technological map. I didn’t have any breadcrumbs and I didn’t prepare them in advance. So I knew what “risk” I was taking.

Place our filling on top of the crackers. Moreover, we leave 3-4 cm on each side of the dough and 10-15 cm on one side. We bend the dough at the edges so that the filling does not leak out during baking, and carefully roll up our roll. Brush the dough with butter while folding.

Place our shrudel, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or foil greased with vegetable oil. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Grease the finished strudel with the remaining butter and sprinkle the strudel thickly with powdered sugar while it is hot.

Bon appetit!

You can clearly see that without breadcrumbs the strudel came out “wet”. But... it was still very tasty! Next time, I promise not to deviate from the recipe. ;-)

PS And here’s another bonus: chicken with a side dish of vegetables. It also went off with a bang. Under red dry. ;-)

registration on the site

Before using FOODCOST, users must register. Link to registration form

In the window that opens, select the tab Registration and fill out all the fields of the form:

  1. Specify Name And Last name.
  2. Think and enter Login, which should contain only Latin letters.
  3. Attention!!!

    Do not use your email address as a login!
    Using Cyrillic and special characters in the login NOT ALLOWED!

  4. Please provide a real email address where you can be contacted.
  5. Password may contain letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers.
  6. Attention!!!

    Using Cyrillic characters in the password NOT ALLOWED!

  7. Reenter password.
  8. Select your main profile to optimally customize the interface and click the button Registration

After completing the registration procedure, a message with a link to activate your account will be sent to your email address. Without account activation, your account will remain inactive!

Authorization on the site

To start using FOODCOST services, users must log in. Link to authorization form located on the top panel of the site. Clicking on this link will open the Authentication window.

Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Only for authorized users!!! School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) and schools. Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. National cuisine- from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, click the button Find the recipe.

To quickly clear all filter parameters, click the Reset button

If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see common list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

Site search

The site is searched in all sections, including recipes, news, regulatory documents, product directories and company directories.

To call the search string, click the button located on the top panel of the site.

In the line that opens, enter a search query and press Enter

Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally validly used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

Not everything is clear?...

Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.