Berry cheesecake. A recipe for a simple berry cheesecake made from cottage cheese at home with photos of the step-by-step process. Curd cheesecake with berries.

Cheesecake- curd (cheese) pie, a dish of European and American cuisine, one of the main ingredients of which is cream (or curd) cheese. Typically, Philadelphia cream cheese is used to make cheesecakes. We used Arla Natura curd cheese in our recipe. You can also use such curd cheeses as: Buko, Almette, etc., the main thing is that it is without additives and does not contain vegetable fats.


For the base
  • shortbread cookies 300 g
  • butter 80 g
For filling
  • cream cheese 500 g
  • cream 33-35% 200 ml
  • sugar 150 g
  • fresh strawberries 400 g
  • gelatin 18 g
For jelly
  • Strawberry juice 250 ml
  • gelatin 10 g


Pour gelatin for filling (18 grams) into 100 ml of cold boiled water and leave for an hour.

Pour gelatin for jelly (10 grams) with strawberry juice and leave for an hour. Instead of strawberry, you can use any other red juice (for example, cherry), but it will be tastier if the jelly has a strawberry flavor.

Grind the cookies in a blender, you can also pass them through a meat grinder or simply roll them out with a rolling pin.

The result should be a homogeneous free-flowing mass; there should be no large uncrushed pieces of cookies left.

Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove. If you heat oil in the microwave, be careful not to let the oil overheat and boil, otherwise you will have to wash the microwave later. Add ghee to the cookies and mix thoroughly with your hands until smooth.

Place the resulting mass in a springform pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm (you can use a pan with a larger diameter, but then the cheesecake will be lower). Distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​the mold and compact it well. Place the pan in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling.

Wash the strawberries. It is better to wash strawberries together with the stems; if you tear them off before washing, the berries without stems will absorb moisture and become watery and tasteless.

Separate 200-250 gr. the most beautiful berries for decoration, separate the remaining strawberries from the stalks and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin for the filling on the stove until completely dissolved. Cool.

Beat the cream with sugar until stable peaks form. In order for the cream to whip, firstly, of course, it must be of good quality, and secondly, the cream must be very well cooled. It’s even better that the whisks and the container in which you will beat are also cooled.

Add cream cheese, mix thoroughly.

Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix well.

Add the strawberries cut into pieces and mix the mixture very carefully with a whisk. Do not use a mixer, otherwise you may damage the berries and they will give juice. You need to stir until the strawberries are evenly distributed throughout the mass.

Spread the mixture onto the cookie base.

Level the mass and place the mold in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. The mixture should just set a little so that you can put strawberries on it for decoration and it won’t sink.

While the mass is setting, heat the gelatin for jelly, soaked in juice, on the stove until completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Cool.

Cut the remaining strawberries for decoration into thin slices.

Carefully spread the strawberries over the entire surface of the cheesecake. Using a tablespoon, carefully pour a thin layer of jelly that has cooled to room temperature between the berries and place the mold back in the freezer for a few minutes. This is necessary so that the berries set and do not float when we pour all the jelly onto the cake.

Pour the remaining jelly on top and refrigerate the cheesecake for 3-4 hours, or better yet, overnight.

To ensure even edges of the cheesecake, heat the springform pan with a hairdryer before opening.

Strawberry cheesecake is ready. Bon appetit!

Looking ahead, I want to say that this cake is prepared in advance, because it will have to cool in the form in which it was baked, and also stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours to better set and harden. Particularly impatient people, of course, ate this pie warm, but there is a risk: the pie will be difficult to cut and will lose its “marketable” appearance.

So, berries. The berries can be anything, just not too watery. Cherries and any currants are suitable, and cranberries, blueberries and blueberries are generally an ideal option. There is no need to put raspberries and strawberries in cheesecakes, these berries cannot withstand 40-minute heat treatment in the oven, they release a lot of juice, which can leak, the berries can sink, turn into an incomprehensible mushy puree when baked, giving the cheesecake an unpresentable appearance. Excess juice will not allow the curd mass to set properly, thereby increasing the cooking time, etc. I took frozen blackberries, this “sister” of raspberries passed the oven test with dignity)).

1. So, even before we start making the pie, take the berries out of the freezer so that they thaw (if your berries are fresh, just rinse them well). Frozen berries release a lot of juice and water, they will drown, the pie can leak, and other troubles await it. therefore, the berries must thaw and the released liquid will need to be drained from them. I took 200 grams of berries, the rest of the berries were simply too large, they would have sunk and fallen out of the overall decoration concept. I advise you to take 300 grams so that the berries completely cover the top of the cheesecake.

2. Make the dough. Here are the ingredients for it.

3. Take 200 grams of flour (I measured it twice), sift the flour through a sieve. Don’t be too lazy to do this, let the cake be fluffier, enrich the flour with oxygen.

4. Next, 1 teaspoon of baking powder is sent through the sieve into our bowl. This time I decided not to use regular soda, but to use baking powder. Once again I am convinced of the excellent quality of the products of the Dr. Oetker brand; the baking products are always at the highest level. I got the baking powder with saffron, I highly recommend it!!! The aroma even from the raw dough was insane, I wanted to eat the dough itself without anything else. And what a smell there was when baking... Song!

5. Measure out 150 grams of butter. The rest of the oil will be used to grease the mold. The oil must be chilled.

6. Cut the butter into cubes.

7. Send the butter to the flour with baking powder.

8. Grind the flour and butter until it looks like crumbs.

9. Add 100 grams of sugar to the dough,

Break 1 egg into the dough.

10. Knead the dough thoroughly. It turns out to be a ball like this. Don’t be alarmed, the dough turns out greasy, sticky, not elastic, fragile, or something... this dough is not for rolling out. But you shouldn’t add more flour, in the end everything will turn out great, the specified amount of flour is enough.

11. Place the dough in a plastic bag, or wrap it in cling film, and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

12. Let's make the cream filling. Here are the ingredients for it.

13. I recommend using 18% fat cottage cheese for baking cottage cheese pies and cheesecakes. The fattier the cottage cheese, the better the pie. You can take a lower fat content, but not less than 9%. Let me explain. With a lower percentage of fat content, you end up with a more liquid curd mass in the cream, the cake gets wet, takes longer to set, can leak, bakes for a very long time, as a result, the outer edges of the cake dry out, and the inside gets wet.
The cottage cheese should be taken not wet or dry, not grainy, but something like the usual mass in braces. I was lucky to buy this hanging one.
14. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Don’t be too lazy to do this either, this way you are guaranteed to get no lumps in the pie, a delicate and homogeneous consistency.

15. Add a small bag of vanilla sugar to the cottage cheese.

16. Break 2 eggs into the cottage cheese.

17. Measure out 100 grams of sugar and add it to the cottage cheese.
18. Now we measure out 100 grams of sour cream, it also goes with the cottage cheese. There are no tips on the fat content of sour cream, any will do, I used 20%.

19. Mix all the ingredients of the curd mass with a mixer at LOW speed. Advice again. Mix the curd mass with a mixer at low speeds, and when all the ingredients have already been added to the bowl. It’s not worth it, as I, for example, am used to, first grind the whites with sugar, then the cottage cheese with the yolks, and then carefully combine everything. In this situation, as well as when stirring for a long time at high speeds, you can end up with cracks in the cake.

20. Thoroughly grease the baking pan with butter. A mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm is well suited for this recipe. You can also use a mold with a larger diameter, but you will simply have to try harder when forming the cake. I had someone play with the bottom of a round shape somewhere, I looked in all possible places (the playpen with toys, under the sofa, under the refrigerator, I even looked in the utensil drawer)), I couldn’t find it, so I took this “heart” shape .

21. Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Flatten the ball and carefully distribute the dough into the mold with your hands, making sides. For a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, the sides should be 4-5 cm. The height is the same and we adjust the side by hand. Here the dough is not rolled out, but distributed by hand. Somewhere it has become thinner - pinch off a piece from the thick edge and stick it to the thin edge. The main thing is that there is no such thing that the shape is visible through the dough. The dough should not be too thin (5-10 mm thick).
A little tip: to ensure that the tetso is well distributed and does not stick to your hands, periodically wet your hands under running cold water.

22. Carefully pour the curd-cream mixture into the mold. Carefully level the surface with a spoon.

23. Drain the released liquid from the berries (I got a third of a glass in total!).

24. Carefully place the berries in the mold on top of the curd-cream mixture. It is better to lay out the berries individually, or in small handfuls, so as not to disturb the surface of the pie, so that the berries do not drown and everything looks neat. Ideally, the berries should fill the entire surface of the pie, but it turned out quite well the way I did.

25. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes (I have a “bottom heat + fan heat” mode in my oven - ideal for cheesecakes and yeast baked goods).
Tip: in 40 minutes your pie will not run away or burn, so there is no need to open the oven. Such a temperature difference will only spoil it, and the notorious cracks will appear.

26. Take the finished pie out of the oven. Every oven is different, and the time required may vary. How to check the readiness of cheesecake? First, you should be able to see the sides of the pie browned. Secondly, there should be no liquid on the surface. Thirdly, you can slightly move (shake gently) the pie from side to side. It is acceptable that the middle will tremble, that the entire surface of the pie will sway slightly. There should be no waves or sudden changes in the plane.

27. Let the pie cool in the mold; don’t rush to take it out earlier, as the dough may crack and the warm filling may leak out. When the cake has cooled, you can remove the pan. For now I only removed the sides and then put them in the refrigerator. I made the pie during the day; it had time to sit in the refrigerator, so it was ready just in time for my husband’s arrival.

It can be seen that the dough is well baked:

28. Take the pie out of the refrigerator, now you can definitely remove the bottom of the springform pan.

By the way, if you don’t have a springform pan, bake in a regular one, just when the pie has cooled down and hardened in the refrigerator, attach cling film or a bag to the top of the pie, carefully lift it into your hand “upside down”, and then turn it over, as expected, onto a plate .
29. All that remains is to cut the pie, make tea and invite everyone to help themselves. Bon appetit!

I hope my tips will help you make a successful cheesecake and not make it difficult to read with too many letters. I just tried to give more useful recommendations.

I highly recommend making this cheesecake, it’s successful, juicy, incredibly tasty (I even tried a couple of spoonfuls), and quite easy to prepare. The creamy texture just melts in your mouth, the cake retains its shape, and the dough is very crumbly and airy, it can be made for various baskets, it will be perfect!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 45 rub.

Berry cheesecake is a wonderful treat. The main component of cheesecakes is soft cheese or fatty cottage cheese. You can use any berries: fresh or frozen. Currants, lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, and raspberries are perfect.

I made cheesecake with frozen blackcurrants (the new crop is not yet ripe). Defrost the currants (if frozen) in the refrigerator in advance - this way they will give a minimal amount of juice.

We add starch only to thawed berries; there is no need to add them to fresh ones, except to cherries from which the pits have been removed.

Preparing a berry cheesecake will not take much time and will delight you with a delicious result: a combination of a fragile sand base with the tenderness of cottage cheese and the sourness of currants.

Grind the cookies in a blender.

Pour the melted butter into the cookies and stir.

Place the cookies in a springform pan (24 cm in diameter), lined with baking paper, compact and put in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat in a blender. Pour condensed milk into cottage cheese, add eggs and vanilla, beat well.

Add lemon juice - 2/3 tbsp to the whipped curd mass, mix.

Pour starch, sugar and lemon zest into the currants and mix.

Pour half the curd mixture into the cookie pan, place the berry mixture on top and pour the other half of the curd mass.

Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for 40-50 minutes - use your oven as a guide. Cool the finished berry cheesecake on a wire rack, then put it in the refrigerator (preferably overnight).

Cheesecake with cottage cheese is one of my favorite desserts. The combination of delicate cottage cheese, berries and pastries is very elegant and tasty. I used to think that this dish was quite difficult to prepare, and I always bought it at the supermarket to treat myself and my family. However, not everything is really that complicated. I would like to share with you with great pleasure a simple homemade recipe for curd cheesecake, which I have been making for several years now.

Cheesecake ingredients

  • flour - 3 cups
  • cottage cheese – 350 g
  • lemon – 2 pcs.
  • cream – 150 g
  • butter – 150 g
  • sugar – 1.5 cups
  • salt – ¼ tsp.
  • a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon
  • frozen or fresh strawberries, currants and cherries – 300 g
  • gelatin 15 g.

Making curd cheesecake

  1. Scald the lemons with boiling water and grate the zest on a fine grater. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. Place the butter in the flour that has been previously sifted through a sieve.

  3. Grind the flour and butter into fine crumbs. It is most convenient to do this with a spoon or your hands.

  4. Add salt, nutmeg, cinnamon and ½ part of grated lemon zest to the flour ground with butter.

  5. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 4-5 tablespoons of boiled water and knead the stiff dough.

  6. Take a baking dish. It is best to use a mold made of foil or silicone. Lubricate it with sunflower or butter and spread the dough. Using your hands, distribute the dough evenly over the pan and make sides. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and set the pan with the dough to bake for 20-30 minutes.

  7. After the specified time has passed, remove the pan with the prepared cheesecake crust from the oven and let it cool.

  8. While the crust is cooling, let's prepare the filling. Place cottage cheese, cream, 0.5 cups of sugar, lemon juice and the remaining zest into a deep container.

    Advice: Lemon juice should not be added all at once, but gradually while whipping the cottage cheese. Taste the cottage cheese periodically to avoid making the filling too sour. The curd mixture for the cheesecake should be sweet and sour with a pronounced lemon aftertaste.

  9. Beat the curd mass with a mixer at low speed for 10 minutes, then gradually increase the mixer speed and beat for another 5 minutes.

  10. While we were preparing the curd filling for the cheesecake, the crust cooled. Spread the curd mixture on top of the crust and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  11. Now let's start preparing the berry filling. In a saucepan, mix the berries with sugar, add a little water and put on the fire to cook for 10-15 minutes. This time I used frozen berries, but in the summer feel free to use fresh ones.

  12. Remove the cooked berries from the heat. Let it cool a little. Pour cold water over the gelatin, let it swell, stir with a teaspoon. Then gradually add gelatin to the berries, mix everything thoroughly.

  13. Remove the cake layer with curd cream from the refrigerator and pour the berry mixture evenly over it. The cheesecake is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for 5 hours or preferably overnight.
    Advice. Any berries and fruits are suitable as a berry filler; you can also use jam, then you will not need to boil or add gelatin to it.

  14. Take the finished curd cheesecake with berries out of the refrigerator and cut into portions. Serve the cheesecake to the table.

I love making fruit and cheese desserts this time of year. Their presence in the daily diet not only completely satisfies women’s incomprehensible passion for all sorts of sweets and pastries, but in addition to this, they are also a healthy dish due to the presence of a large amount of dairy products, berries and fruits. And what makes me even more happy is the surprise and joy on the faces of my friends, with whom we meet once a week to discuss the global situation in the world, country, city, district, street, entrance, stairwell, and we start it with a pleasant surprise, well, for example, in the form of such a simple cheesecake.

Number of servings: 12
Calories: Medium calorie
Calories per serving: 445 kcal

To make curd cheesecake with berries, you will need:

To obtain the bottom layer:
Cookies – 300 g
Chocolate butter – 150 g
For cream:
Cottage cheese – 500 g
Sour cream – 300 g
Yogurt (mango) – 300 g
Cream 10% - 200 g
Granulated sugar – 5 tablespoons
Vanilla - a pinch
Gelatin – 1.5 tbsp.
Strawberries – 300 g
For jelly:
Strawberries – 200 g
Here – 100 g
Granulated sugar – 3 tablespoons
Water – 500 ml
Starch – 1.5 tbsp.

How to make cottage cheesecake with berries.

1. I have been buying cottage cheese for seven years now from a kind village woman and I take fine-grained, wet, smooth cottage cheese, such that there is no need to wipe it. But I still use a blender to give the curd mass a fluffier and smoother texture. For the top of the dessert, I used the jelly filling method, which was introduced to me by another kind woman Larisa, whom I met on this site. For the jelly, I used strawberries and black mulberries and poured them over the cherries. Here you can use other berries and fruits that are convenient for you.
2. Prepare ingredients. Place the cookies in a blender bowl.

3. Grind the cookies into fine crumbs.
Melt the butter over low heat.

4. Pour liquid butter into the cookie crumbs. If the butter is very soft, you can combine it with the crumbs without melting and mix with your hands until they are completely combined and homogeneous.
Place the resulting mixture into a springform pan.

5. Compact the crumbs into one continuous layer, pressing firmly with your fingers or palms.
Beat cottage cheese, granulated sugar and vanillin in a blender for 2-3 minutes.

6. Gradually, with constant stirring, pour in the yogurt.
Place sour cream in a separate bowl.

7. Add cream to the whipped sour cream and mix at low speed for 30-40 seconds (you need to be careful with the mixture - it splashes).

8. Add the curd and yogurt mass to the bowl with sour cream and cream, stirring. Beat until smooth.
In advance, you need to pour 100 ml of warm water onto the gelatin, leave it until it swells (5-10 minutes), then put it on the stove and dissolve over low heat, without bringing it to a boil. Cool the gelatin a little and pour into the total curd mass.

9. Place strawberries to taste in the cookie pan. (It turns out beautifully when the strawberries are large and along the sides of the mold, laying out their halves after cooling the curd mass makes a beautiful ornament. We are running out of strawberries and therefore I used small ones in this cheesecake). Carefully, so as not to disturb the internal pattern, pour the curd-gelatin mixture into the mold, one ladle at a time.

10. Gradually pour in the entire curd mass.
This is what a whole unchilled cheesecake looks like. It must be put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

11. To obtain jelly, you must first prepare a compote of berries: place strawberries, mulberries (if you want to get a richer compote, use more berries than required) and granulated sugar in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes, insist. Strain the warm compote.

12. Remove the cooled cheesecake from the refrigerator, decorate with berries to taste, and return to the refrigerator.
To obtain a homogeneous jelly, I first place the starch in a saucepan and spoon, stirring constantly,

I bring the mixture until smooth and then, stirring again, gradually add the rest of the compote.
Boil the jelly until thick and simmer for another 2-3 minutes over low heat, avoiding strong boiling (I remind you that you need to constantly stir the jelly to avoid the formation of clots).