How to cook beef liver tasty and soft. How to cook liver to surprise yourself and your family. Beef liver goulash

Cookie and banana cake with sour cream, step-by-step recipe with photos

The cookie cake with sour cream is prepared in record time, and it requires baking. Cookies replace cakes and go well with fruit filling - banana. Walnut - worthy decoration for any sweetness, and sour cream with powdered sugar is perhaps the simplest version of the cream. You can add any other fruits, berries, nuts to this cake. A wonderful addition would be fruit jam or jam with pieces of fruit.

No-bake cookie cake with sour cream turns out crispy if served immediately. But in this case, the sour cream must first be kept in the freezer for about 10 minutes, and the cookies can be frozen a little - the dessert tastes better when it is cool. If you keep the finished cake in the refrigerator, the cookies will become saturated with moisture and the cake will look more like cream.

Cookies from the store will always help out the housewife if there is no time to bake cakes. Here's another one interesting option: cookie cake with condensed milk without baking. And added to sweet condensed milk butter, due to which the dessert turns out to be more fatty. At the same time, the cookies remain crispy because they do not get soggy.
Both biscuits and shortbread cookies are suitable for cakes. The main thing is to choose your favorite, time-tested, so to speak. I have these shortbread cookies" baked milk”, which already comes with a pleasant aftertaste. You can add your own flavors to the cream: vanilla, condensed milk instead of powder, citrus oil, cocoa powder, chocolate, and so on, whatever your heart desires. The recipe with photo is in front of you.


  • 500 g of your favorite cookies;
  • 1 l. sour cream 20% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. peeled walnuts;
  • 2 large bananas.

Cookie cake recipe with sour cream and bananas without baking

1. Chop the nuts with a knife.

2. Roast the nuts to make their taste richer. Place a dry frying pan on slow fire, scatter the nuts in a thin layer and lightly fry for a few minutes, constantly stirring with a spatula. After frying, cool completely. If you use hot or warm nuts, sour cream may leak.

3. Crumble 3-4 cookies to decorate the cake. Shortbread crumbles beautifully by hand.

4. Cut bananas into small circles. The layers should be even and thin, the cake with big pieces fruit will be unstable.

5. Prepare sour cream: combine sour cream and powdered sugar in a bowl (it will dissolve better, unlike granulated sugar). You can buy powder or make it yourself. We use fatty and thick sour cream so that the cream does not spread too much.

6. Mix the cream a little with a spoon. It will become more liquid. You can add flavoring to taste. Our goal is to achieve a cream consistency such that it saturates the cakes well and at the same time forms a thick layer between them. If it is too liquid, the cake will float. Therefore, we do not beat it too thoroughly so that the sour cream remains thicker.

By the way, to liquid sour cream became thick and fit well on the cake, you can weigh it out first. This method is suitable if you have 6-8 hours left. Let's prepare large saucepan and a long (preferably wooden) spoon or ladle. Cut off the gauze and put sour cream in it, then fold it in, twist the ends and tie it in a knot on a spoon. We hang the bundle of sour cream on a spoon in the pan so that the gauze does not touch the bottom. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The process is described in more detail in this recipe.

7. Assembling the cake. To begin with, grease the dish big amount sour cream so that the first layer of cookies is fixed.

8. Lay out the cookies. We estimate the number of cookies and height before assembly. I have five rows, each of 6 cookies.

9. Cover the layer sour cream.

10. Lay out the bananas and sprinkle everything with nuts.

11. You will need one more spoon of sour cream to make the cake stick together.

12. Form the cake, repeating the previous layers. Do everything carefully, the structure will move apart during the process, but then
The finished cake can be adjusted. There is one trick: when you are short on time, you can soak the cookies in milk and then assemble the cake. So cakes
will become softer.

13. Correct all the unevenness, coat the top and sides with the remaining sour cream.

14. Sprinkle with cookie crumbs and nuts. Let the cake cool; it will taste better cold. Time: from 5 minutes in the freezer to 2 hours in the refrigerator, depending on how soft you want the dessert. The cookies are soaked quite quickly.

Cookie cake with bananas and sour cream is ready. Bon appetit!

In the distant days of our student youth, we often prepared a no-bake cake from cookies and condensed milk. For two hours we took turns on duty in the hostel kitchen while the treasured jar of condensed milk brought from home was being cooked, and then, locked in the room, we prepared our own culinary miracle. Times have changed, but the idea remains the same - fast and delicious dessert You don't need an oven to cook it.

No-bake cookie cake with condensed milk and sour cream

Kitchenware: bowl, mixer.

Choosing boiled condensed milk, carefully read the information on the packaging. Natural product contains only whole cow's milk and sugar, and no other additives. Its shelf life is no more than 12 months. We will need thick sour cream. Choose square or rectangular cookies.


Step by step recipe

  1. Place 400 g of sour cream, a can of boiled condensed milk, and 2 heaped tablespoons of cocoa powder into a bowl.
  2. Mix with a mixer until smooth. The cream is ready.

  3. Prepare a rectangular or square dish. Take the first cookie, grease the top surface with cream and cover with the second one.

  4. Apply a layer of cream on top of the second cookie and place the third one. Place the assembled workpiece on a dish.

  5. Glue the next 3 cookies together in the same way.

  6. We put both pieces together, greasing the top of one of them with cream.

  7. Place the prepared cake fragment on a plate so that the cookies are positioned vertically and glue the next 6 pieces together.

  8. We install the second fragment next to the first, increasing the length of the cake. Fill the space between the two fragments with cream, slightly squeezing the cookies and pouring the cream on top.

  9. We form the cake in this way to the required length. Grease the remaining cookies one by one with cream and glue them to the sides of the cake.

  10. Sprinkle with a mixture of chopped walnut and crumbled cookies. Ready cake send it to soak in the refrigerator. The most impatient can start tasting after 3 hours, but it is better to hold out longer, 5-6 hours.

Video recipe

In this video you will see how to prepare the cream and assemble it correctly a delicious cake without baking so that the cut forms vertical stripes.

How to decorate and serve

  • To decorate a no-bake cake made from cookies and condensed milk, you can use walnut halves and roasted peanuts.
  • It can be decorated with alternating stripes grated chocolate and coconut flakes.
  • This cake is cut into thin slices or rectangular pieces and served with tea and coffee.

Cake with cookies and bananas without baking

Cooking time: 40-50 min.
Kitchenware: bowl, mixer, springform pan with a diameter of 26 cm.
Calories: 311 kcal.


We choose thicker sour cream so that when whipped we get a thick and lush cream. Instead of instant coffee you can use ground. It will have to be boiled and strained. Cocoa is necessary for decoration; it can be replaced with a chocolate bar or nuts.

Step by step recipe

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of coffee in 300 ml of boiling water. While it cools, prepare the cream.

  2. Gradually add 150 g of sugar and increase the speed of the mixer. When the sour cream increases in volume and thickens, the cream is ready.

  3. Dip oatmeal cookies in iced coffee and lay out an improvised crust using whole cookies and pieces.

  4. Peel 2 bananas and cut into thin slices. Lay out the next layer with these circles.

  5. We take the soaked cake out of the refrigerator, separate it from the sides of the mold with a knife and remove the removable ring. Level the shape of the cake using a knife or spatula and begin decorating.

  6. Sprinkle the top surface of the cake with cocoa powder. Cake from oatmeal cookies It’s ready without baking, it can be cut into pieces and served.

Video recipe

In this video you will see all the simple and fast process preparing our dessert.

  • Reduce calorie content of cake You can use yogurt or sour cream with less fat, and a packet of thickener for sour cream.
  • Make the cake more attractive or you can emphasize its belonging to any holiday using paper and scissors. First, we cut out some thematic figures: snowflakes, flowers, numbers, letters, then we put a congratulatory inscription or drawing out of them on the cake. Sprinkle cocoa on top and carefully remove the paper figures.

No-Bake Chocolate Cookie Cake

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Kitchenware: bowl, saucepan, springform pan 23 cm.
Calories: 386 kcal.

The cream should be fresh and rich. Vanilla extract can be replaced with a packet vanilla sugar.


Step by step recipe

  1. Lightly fry 150 g of walnuts in a frying pan for no longer than five minutes with constant stirring. We set aside one third of the nuts for decoration, and pour the rest into a bowl with cookies.

  2. Add 150 g of butter and place the saucepan over moderate heat. Wait for it to boil and cook for 7-8 minutes.

  3. We pause for 10-15 minutes to allow the contents of the saucepan to cool slightly, then add 1 teaspoon to it vanilla extract and mix.

  4. Pour it out chocolate mass in a bowl with cookies and nuts. Mix thoroughly.

  5. Let's take it springform and fill it with the prepared mass. We compact it with a spoon and carefully level the surface. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  6. Break 120 g of chocolate into pieces, put it in a bowl and pour boiling cream over it. Stir thoroughly until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

  7. Take the cake out of the refrigerator and, without removing the mold, place it on top chocolate buttercream, level the surface, cover the mold and return the cake to the refrigerator.

  8. After 3-4 hours, take out the mold, remove the removable ring and sprinkle 50 g of roasted nuts on top of the cake. The cake is ready.

Video recipe

In this video you will see how to make a no-bake cookie cake using the recipe described above.

Other preparation and filling options

Using the first two recipes, you can make a cake without baking from cookies and cottage cheese, recipes curd cream may be different:

  • Beat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 2 cups of powdered sugar with a mixer until smooth and airy;
  • Beat 400 g of cottage cheese, 200 g of condensed milk and 8 g of vanilla sugar with a mixer.

You can make world-famous cookies from ready-made store-bought cookies.

Write in the comments which recipe you used and whether you liked it. Add your recommendations, comments and similar recipes. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook liver deliciously! To keep the liver soft!

If before this time you did not consider a liver dish tasty, then it’s time to make sure that it is in vain! We reveal the secrets of properly preparing liver! What to do and how to cook liver correctly so that the dish is tender, soft, aromatic and tasty!
1Not everyone likes fried liver; it is completely wrong to consider it tough and not very tasty. However, this toughness is most often the result of improper preparation. Properly fried liver is light, airy and incredibly delicate taste and aroma. Remove film and veins from one kilogram of beef liver and cut into pieces in portioned pieces no more than one centimeter thick. Sprinkle each piece of liver a small amount soda and let sit for an hour, then rinse under running water and drain. Lightly salt and sprinkle the liver pieces with black pepper, roll in flour and fry in very hot vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes on each side. Before serving, drizzle with a small amount of melted butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

2 Fried liver with oranges is very tasty and aromatic. Wash, peel and cut 500 g of beef liver into slices about 1 cm thick. Brush the slices with a little mustard and roll in flour. Fry on all sides in hot vegetable oil for 8 minutes, then add salt, black pepper and ground ginger taste. Fry for another 3-5 minutes on low heat. Ready liver transfer to another bowl. In the frying pan in which the liver was fried, add ½ cup of water and 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, let it boil, then strain. Peel one orange and cut into thin slices, squeeze the juice from the second. Mix frying liquid with orange juice and ½ glass of dry red wine, heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Place the fried liver on a plate and pour over orange sauce and garnish with orange slices. Serve immediately.

3 Beef stroganoff made from liver is incredibly tasty and tender. Half a kilo pork liver rinse, peel off hard ducts and cut into long pieces 1-1.5 cm thick. Finely chop two onions and fry in oil until golden brown. In a separate pan, heat two tablespoons of melted or vegetable oil, place the liver in it, add salt and fry for 7-10 minutes, stirring often. Add fried onion and 1 tbsp to the liver. spoon of flour, fry for another 5 minutes, do not forget to stir. Then add 2 s. spoons of sour cream, mix thoroughly, cover cover and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Remove the finished beef stroganoff from the heat and serve immediately, sprinkled with parsley.

4 Beef liver turns out tender and aromatic if you stew it with mushrooms. Cut 800 g of liver into small pieces, add salt and pepper, roll in flour and lightly fry in vegetable oil. 5-6 dried mushrooms Soak in water, boil, finely chop and fry with finely chopped onion until golden brown. Place the liver along with the mushrooms in a baking dish, pour mushroom broth, add 1 cup sour cream and 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste, mix gently and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve with sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers.

5 Many people think that making homemade liver pate is backbreaking work. However, this is not true at all! Delicious homemade pate It’s not at all difficult to prepare, and its tenderness and softness will delight you much more than any store-bought one. Cut 500 g of pork liver into small pieces. 80 g pork fat finely chop and fry in a hot frying pan. When the bacon is rendered dry sufficient quantity fat, add grated coarse grater carrots and finely chopped large onion. Fry until half cooked. Add liver pieces, salt, ground pepper and grated nutmeg to taste, fry until golden crust, and then bring to readiness over medium heat under the lid. Cool the liver with vegetables and pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid 3-4 times. Pour ½ cup into the prepared mixture meat broth or milk, bring to a boil and cool. Mix with 100 g of softened butter and beat with a mixer until homogeneous consistency. Place the finished pate in the form of a loaf or small balls and decorate fine mesh from butter.

6. Oven-baked liver pate with vegetables turns out to be unusually aromatic and colorful. Pass 500 g of pork liver, a clove of garlic and an onion through a meat grinder. 100 g hard cheese and 250 g smoked brisket cut into small cubes. Cut one small carrot into thin slices. One yellow bell pepper cut into short pieces. Two egg whites beat until a stable foam forms. Combine all ingredients, add salt and mix thoroughly. Cover a baking dish with foil, grease with oil and fill with the resulting mixture. Two egg yolks mix with 1 teaspoon of flour and spread on top of the pate mixture. Cover your pate with foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees, then remove upper layer foil and bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown crust. Cool the finished pate, remove from the mold and serve, cutting into portions and placing on fresh lettuce leaves.

7 Tender, tasty and flavored pancakes Many of us have loved it from liver since childhood. It's not at all difficult to prepare them! 500 g beef liver, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder, along with the onion. Add 2 eggs, 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. spoon of sour cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, salt and black pepper. Beat thoroughly with a mixer. Ready mass Place a tablespoon into hot vegetable oil and fry on both sides for 5 minutes. Serve with sour cream and any vegetable side dish.

8 You can surprise your guests by preparing aromatic liver in an unusual way Japanese recipe. Cut 200 g of pork liver into thin portions, dip in vegetable oil and bread in rice or wheat flour. Fry on both sides until golden brown, then sprinkle with salt and red ground pepper. Cook 1 cup of rice until fluffy, mix it with 40 g of canned green peas, 1 teaspoon ground paprika and keep in a water bath for 10 minutes. Peel 50 g of tangerines, separate into slices and lightly fry in butter. Place the liver pieces on a warm plate, cover each piece of liver with a slice of tangerine and serve with a side dish of rice, lightly sprinkled with soy sauce.

Of course, within the framework of a short article, we could not tell you even a hundredth of the endless variety of cooking methods and recipes delicious dishes from the liver. However, we hope that our advice today, coupled with your own experience and imagination, will help you easily diversify both your daily and holiday menu. And “Culinary Eden” on its pages is always ready to please you with a large number of new and interesting recipes.

Among meat products The liver stands apart. It is especially recommended for people with low hemoglobin, since it contains a large number of iron in an easy-to-absorb form. How to cook soft beef liver so that it is juicy and aromatic and goes well with any side dish? This page contains basic recipe, on the basis of which you can experiment and prepare a dish in a slow cooker and in the oven. We will prepare juicy and soft beef liver fried in a frying pan in sour cream and gravy, which has an exquisite piquant taste.

The dish goes well with buckwheat porridge, fluffy rice, mashed potatoes and pasta.

Cooking time is 35 minutes (plus 1 hour for soaking in milk)

Calorie content of 1 serving – 98 Kcal

Approximate cost of 1 serving - 65 rubles

Product layout is shown for 8 servings

Before cooking fried liver in sour cream with drizzle

So, before you prepare delicious and soft fried beef liver with basting, you will need to collect the following ingredients:

  • beef liver 1 kg;
  • white onion 200 gr;
  • sour cream 10% 200 ml;
  • milk 3.5% - 500 ml;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil for frying 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, spices.

The first stage of preparing the dish is soaking the washed, defrosted liver in milk. To reduce the holding time, you can cut in large pieces. Pour milk over the product and leave for 1 hour.

When the liver is soaked, we begin to peel and chop the onion. Then fry the cut into half rings onion in a frying pan with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown. You can sprinkle it lightly granulated sugar– it turns out an excellent color for future gravy.

Then we cut the liver into thin slices, as shown in the photo:

Dry the slices with a paper towel and roll in flour poured into a plate:

Quickly pour 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and fry the liver until golden brown:

You need to put it on top fried onion and mix everything thoroughly, first reducing the heat to minimum. Add salt, black pepper and other spices to taste:

Mix sour cream with 100 ml warm boiled water and pour over the liver pieces until they are completely covered. After this, simmer on low heat for 25 minutes:

To serve, you can serve it as follows:

Secrets of how to cook juicy and soft beef liver

This dietary product, different minimum calorie content and having mass useful properties. However, its preparation requires special skills and craftsmanship from the housewife. Therefore, we suggest you learn the secrets of how to choose and properly prepare beef liver at home so that it is juicy, healthy and soft.

First of all, you need to learn how to choose correctly original product. It is recommended to buy only chilled products. After freezing it loses some useful substances and becomes even more rude.

Remember that fresh beef liver has a sweetish smell; no sourness is allowed, which indicates that the product is not fresh. The color should resemble ripe cherries. When pressing on the film, a hole is formed, which should completely recover within 2 minutes.

The presence of blood clots, scratches, cracks and other mechanical irregularities on the surface is a signal that you should refrain from purchasing this piece.

The second secret to making soft beef liver is to prepare the product at home. Usually the liver is covered with a dense, rough film, which is very important to remove correctly.

To remove the film, rinse the liver under warm running water and soak for 10 minutes in water at a temperature of 40 degrees. After this, place it on cutting board and make a cut with a sharp knife. Gently pulling the film, separate it from the parenchyma. Carry out the procedure on both sides.

The third secret is soaking, which removes foreign odors and softens the structure of the liver. Cold milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% is best suited for this. If this product is not in the refrigerator, it will be replaced soda solution with a concentration of 1 tbsp. spoon for 500 ml of warm water. Soak for 35 minutes.

Slicing beef liver to obtain juicy and soft dish with gravy in sour cream must be a certain size. The standard slice thickness is 15 mm. And not a millimeter more.

In principle, this is all a housewife needs to know to prepare soft beef liver in sour cream in a frying pan; pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious and varied diet.

By the way, the dish described here is better known as “Stroganoff-style liver.”

Many home cooks ignore offal due to ignorance of the intricacies of their preparation; for example, not every housewife knows how long to cook the liver so that it turns out tender, tasty and without bitterness. Beef liver, can be either an excellent main dish or a filling for a pie or an ingredient in an unusual salad.

Due to its composition, this offal is indispensable for people with low hemoglobin, and if boiled, then for those who adhere to proper nutrition, as it contains only 100 calories per 100 grams.

Selection of by-products and their preparation.

When choosing a liver, you need to carefully examine it - the beef should have an even texture without visible tears or adhesions, be rich red in color with a rich “bloody” smell, it should be elastic, but soft. If spots of thickened blood, pronounced vessels or areas with green tint– it is better not to buy such a product, since these signs indicate that the carcass was damaged during cutting gallbladder and the resulting dish will be very bitter. Experienced chefs advise soaking beef liver in milk before cooking. After soaking, the offal must be thoroughly cleaned - rinsed, removed the film, cut out the veins. Frozen beef liver is the easiest to clean - to do this, just briefly dip it in warm water, then remove the film with your fingers. But when purchasing, you need to remember that frozen beef liver is not nearly as healthy and nutritious as fresh one. In order to cook liver for pate in cream or milk, you do not need to soak it.

Advice. You can clean this capricious offal after soaking just before cooking, to do this you need to rub it with coarse salt and immerse it in ice water for 3 minutes. After this procedure, the film will begin to peel away from the meat with ease.

Cooking beef liver.

How long to cook the liver in a pan depends on the size of the product - a whole liver takes about 40 minutes to cook until done, and if you overcook it, it will become tough. If the liver is cut into portions, how many minutes will it take to cook? The chopped beef liver should be cooked over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. To check the degree of readiness, just pierce it with a knife - light juice indicates the readiness of the product, and pink juice means that the liver is raw. Offal should be cooked in boiling water, not cold. In order to understand how long you need to cook beef liver in a pressure cooker, you should take into account its size - a whole liver will cook in 15 minutes, a chopped liver should be cooked in half as much. Before cooking, the liver must be cleaned so that it is not tough. You can cook the offal in a slow cooker - in the “steam” mode it will take 30 minutes.

Advice. Beef liver is salted only at the end of cooking, literally a couple of minutes before removing from heat, if you do this earlier - ready dish it will be bitter. But if salt was added at the wrong time, the bitter offal can be stewed in a sauce made from sour cream and tomato paste or with vegetables to which you need to add a little sugar. To prepare liver for a child, you need to boil it without adding salt, and then puree it in a blender, adding boiled vegetables and lightly salt it.

How to make amazing liver pate.

Liver pate is a dish that is suitable for morning sandwiches for every day and in combination with bruschetta for festive table, and even a novice cook can cook it.

How long does it take to cook beef liver for pate? The same amount as for other dishes - hard liver pate will not be able to give the desired texture, it will become either liquid or excessively grainy.

To make beef liver pate you will need:

  • boiled liver, lard, butter (1 part butter and lard per 5 parts offal)
  • onion - 1 head
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pieces
  • cream – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • spices.

Grind the carrots, finely chop the onion, then fry the vegetables along with finely chopped lard in a frying pan. After fried mixture Once it cools down, it must be mixed with the liver, cut into small cubes, and passed through a meat grinder or food processor twice. Add cream and butter to the resulting mass, then mix the pate thoroughly and cool. There are a lot of options for preparing liver pate, adding ingredients such as smoked paprika and smoked meat, mushrooms, olives, fried bacon, etc. allow you to change the taste healthy dish every day.