Apricot jam with gelatin recipe. Apricot jam in slices - the most delicious recipes for the winter

This is incredibly similar to witchcraft! You take the fruit, wave your magic wand, and now the sweet fruit turns into amber, transparent, delicious apricot jam in slices. I will share cooking recipes, there are many of them: with orange, in a slow cooker, with gelatin, with kernels, without water and with soda. How are you? I hope it's happy - apricot. Of course, because we will begin to cook a wonderful treat for the winter that can delight us unspeakably and will not leave our family indifferent.

How to make jam from apricot slices correctly

You can’t do without the secrets of making apricot jam in slices for the winter, so I start the story with them:

  • Be careful when choosing apricots. Select ripe ones, without damage or signs of spoilage. Do not use crushed or overripe fruits, since the jam will turn out soft and you will not achieve the desired transparency (use them to make jam, they will be just right there).
  • Please note: green specimens are not suitable for cooking; they will make a dessert without aroma or special taste.
  • To make the jam look beautiful, select slices of the same size.
  • To ensure that the slices are intact and the dessert is transparent, cook the apricot jam in several stages, step by step. Then the treat will meet the requirements.
  • The next secret to clear jam and whole slices: after filling half the fruit with sugar, do not immediately put it on the fire. Otherwise, the juice will quickly turn into syrup, and the apricots will unsightly boil into porridge. Be sure to give the fruit time to soak in the sugar.
  • Extremely important advice from experienced housewives: do not stir the slices during cooking; the correct thing to do is to lightly shake the cooking container from time to time. Then the halves will remain intact in the jam, undamaged.
  • Be sure to remove the foam.
  • Place the delicacy hot and in sterilized jars - a guarantee that it will be preserved without unpleasant surprises.

How long to cook:

The cooking time for the delicacy depends on the recipe; the jam is considered ready if it has become thick, transparent, a pleasant orange hue and soft fruit.

Apricot jam in slices - five-minute recipe

Five-minute jam has great advantages over other apricot jam recipes. The fruits are less boiled, do not lose their shape, and will require much less cooking time. Thanks to this, the treat brings more benefits - maximum vitamins remain, up to 70%. And it will take less sugar!


  • Apricots – one and a half kg.
  • Water - half a liter.
  • Sugar – one and a half kg.

Recipe for five-minute apricot jam:

  1. Remove the seeds from the washed and slightly dried fruits and divide them into slices.
  2. Place in a saucepan, adding layers of sugar. Set aside for 4-6 hours, let the slices release their juice and soak in it.
  3. Pour in water. Here's a little advice: if you want the jam to be thick, then don't add water, the dessert will cook perfectly without it. Look, if the fruit is juicy and a lot of juice has come out, then you can do just fine without water.
  4. So, decide whether you will add water or cook without it, set the fruits to cook. Five minutes after the dessert boils, remove it from the burner and set it aside for several hours. During this time, the slices will be saturated with juice, become transparent and the jam will turn amber.
  5. Repeat the event three times. I remind you: if you want the slices to remain intact, do not stir, but shake the pan from time to time. And be sure to remove the foam.
  6. After the third cooking, spread the jam and store it.

Amber apricot jam with kernels and soda

Amber in color, with slices floating in syrup, and with grains of kernels! This delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, to get the kernels out of the seeds you will have to tinker, but in winter you will not regret it. The dessert is cooked with soda.

You will need:

  • Apricots - one kg.
  • Granulated sugar – one kg.
  • Baking soda - one teaspoon.
  • Water - a quarter glass.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

  1. Pour a liter and a half of water into the pan and add baking soda. Stir.
  2. Divide clean apricots into halves, removing the seeds; we will cook without them. If the fruit is large and fleshy, cut the halves into slices. Remove the kernels from the seeds.
  3. Place the slices in a soda solution for five minutes. What does baking soda do? It allows the slices to retain their shape. Don't be afraid, you won't feel the taste of soda in the dessert.
  4. Drain the soda solution, wait until it has completely drained and mix the slices with the kernels.
  5. Boil the syrup from a quarter glass of water and sugar, it should turn out thick.
  6. Pour boiling syrup over the apricot slices and let stand until the piece has cooled completely.
  7. Drain the syrup and boil again. Fill the slices again. Repeat the procedure several times, at least four, or even more.
  8. When you pour it in for the last time, cook the jam for 2-3 minutes and immediately roll it up.

Original jam with ginger and lemon

Delicious apricot jam in slices with kernels - recipe without water

No less amber jam from apricots with kernels can be made without the use of soda and without water.


  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.3 kg.

How to make delicious jam:

  1. Divide the clean fruit into slices, and remove the kernels from the seeds.
  2. Place apricot slices in a saucepan, layering them with sugar, and leave for 6–8 hours; during this time, the fruit will release a lot of juice and you won’t need water to cook the dessert.
  3. After this time, bring the dessert to a boil over low heat, remove the foam and cook for an additional 40 minutes. The delicacy is poured into jars hot.

Apricot jam with almond kernels for the winter

You will get an incredibly interesting effect if, instead of apricot kernels, you add almond kernels.

  • Apricots – one and a half kg.
  • Baking soda – 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Sugar – one and a half kg.
  • Water – one and a half glasses.
  • Almond kernels - a handful.

How to make jam with almonds from apricot slices:

  • First step: remove the seeds and divide the apricots into slices.
  • Make a soda solution in one and a half liters of water and leave the slices for at least three hours. Then drain the solution (so that not a drop remains). Rinse the slices additionally with running water.
  • At the second stage you need to boil the syrup. Cook over low heat, and when the sugar dissolves and the syrup boils, add the apricot slices.
  • After boiling, add almond kernels, mix very carefully and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Now the jam should sit, ideally overnight.
  • At the third stage, boil the dessert for the last time for 20 minutes and put it in jars.

How to quickly cook jam in slices

Jam from apricot slices with seedless gelatin

Apricots are a rather juicy fruit, and the delicacy sometimes comes out liquid. I suggest cooking apricot jam with gelatin. It will turn out thick, as you like, and transparent at the same time.

To be fair, I want to say that the consistency of the jam can be adjusted by adding more sugar than indicated in the recipes. But in this case we will take a different route.

To make jam, take:

  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 2 cups.
  • Gelatin – 30 gr.

How to make thick gelatin jam:

  1. First, prepare the apricots: wash them and divide them into two halves, removing the pit. Place the slices in a saucepan and add sugar, then stir and add gelatin.
  2. Stir well again and leave for about a day so that the fruit releases its juice.
  3. Cook the jam over low heat without rushing. Do not forget to constantly skim off the foam so that the delicacy stands well and does not ferment.
  4. Boil until the fruit is ready and roll up, pouring it hot.

Transparent apricot jam slices in syrup with vanilla


  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Vanillin – a pinch.
  • Fruit essence – 10 drops.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg. (if the fruit is quite sweet, reduce the amount of sugar).
  • Water – 500 ml.

How to make simple jam according to this recipe:

  1. Wash the fruit and divide into medium-sized slices, removing the seeds. Place them in the pan, cut side up.
  2. Now boil the syrup and pour it into the pan with the slices. Set the pan aside for a day - the apricot slices should be soaked.
  3. The next day, drain the syrup again, boil and pour it over the slices again.
  4. After a day, cook the jam to the required thickness. At the very end, you need to pour in the fruit essence and add vanillin (dilute in a small amount of syrup). The delicacy is laid out cold and can be stored under a nylon lid.

Apricot jam from slices with orange - recipe

Oranges added to the jam add an additional and unbearably pleasant flavor to the delicacy. Would you like to make a dessert with lemon? Follow the same recipe.


  • Apricots – 2.5 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg.
  • Water – 150 ml.
  • Orange – 2 – 3 pcs.

How to make jam with apricot slices and orange:

  1. Remove the seeds from clean fruits and divide them into slices. Place in a saucepan.
  2. Prepare the syrup in a separate bowl and, when it boils and the sugar dissolves, pour it over the fruit.
  3. When the apricot slices boil, cook them for about five minutes and set aside to infuse.
  4. The dessert is cooked in several batches, determine the number yourself: from 2 to 5. During the last cooking, add oranges cut into small slices with the peel into the jam. By the way, you don’t have to cut the zest, but grate it.
  5. Boil the orange slices for 10 minutes and pour into jars.

Video recipe for jam from Alla Kovalchuk

Have a good apricot mood, my dears, may the preparations bring you joy! I picked up a video with a wonderful recipe for jam made in slices from Alla Kovalchuk, I hope you like it. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

100 g - 180 kcal

Cooking time

1 hour 35 minutes

One of the unusual but popular canning recipes is apricot jam with gelatin. During its production, all vitamins are retained in healthy fruits, the product does not spoil for a long time, has an attractive and appetizing appearance, is quickly prepared and stored for a long time.
So that you do not have any special problems with preparing this preservation, you should listen to my advice. The most important thing is to choose ripe, juicy, but at the same time tight fruits without deformations or damage, preferably large in size. Gelatin may lose its binding properties when boiled for a long time, so it is best to add it at the end of cooking. Nowadays, it is also better to choose granulated sugar by testing it so that it is sweet, without any aftertaste. And then your jam will turn out excellent and wonderful, and everything will work out for you.


  • 3 kg apricots
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 5 tablespoons instant gelatin
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid

Method for making apricot jam with gelatin:

Wash the apricots, dry them on a towel and carefully remove the pits. If your fruits are too large, it is better to cut them into slices.

Boil and place hot in sterile half-liter jars, roll up.

The cooking time should not be more than 7 minutes, otherwise the apricot fruits will disintegrate and the preservation will lose its original appearance.

Already in the process of cooling our dish, you will see that in the jars it acquires its jelly structure. At its core, this preservation is a five-minute preserve, since it does not cook for a long time, retaining all its vitamin potential.
The combination of fruit and gelatin forms a delicious, interesting and incredibly tasty preparation; you can prepare it not only for consumption in the winter, but also as an independent dish. This practical jam in the form of jelly can be used as a layer for cakes, pastries, it can be successfully served with pancakes, pancakes and as a dessert in addition to nuts and various dried fruits. It is also very pleasant to drink a cup of coffee or tea in winter with this unique preserve. Our housewives can experiment and prepare the same twist, only use other fruits as the main ingredient, for example, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and even exotic orange, mango or kiwi.
The recipe for apricot jam with gelatin allows our housewives to get an extraordinary, healthy, beautiful and nutritious dish that will delight your family and guests.

How to make jam and preserves from apricots at home for the winter, recipes with photos tell you in detail. It is proposed to prepare delicacies in the classic way, as our grandmothers once did, or use modern technologies and cook sunny orange desserts in a slow cooker or bread maker. If you have very little free time, you can put the fruits directly with the seeds in sugar syrup. When you want to be somehow sophisticated and make an impression, you should pay attention to more complex options and pamper your family, friends and loved ones with a royal dish of whole apricots, boiled with kernels from the seeds. Even the most fastidious gourmet, who is skeptical about homemade fruit preparations, will not refuse such sweetness.

Apricot slices cooked in clear syrup, or thick, almost marmalade jam, in which delicate apricot pulp is complemented by oranges and lemons, will seem no less rich and juicy.

Housewives will have to decide for themselves which recipe to choose. But it’s very fortunate that any apricot delicacy, rolled up under a tin lid, will perfectly “survive” until the cold season and will pleasantly brighten up harsh winter days with a bright, summer taste.

Transparent apricot jam in slices - recipe with photo

Fruits that are too ripe and soft are not suitable for making clear apricot jam. It is better to take slightly unripe and even greenish fruits that will not fall apart during heat treatment, will not cloud the syrup and will perfectly retain their original shape. The lemon present in the recipe will help preserve the bright, rich color of the dessert and add a subtle, piquant sourness to the taste. If you don’t like the hints of citrus, you can omit this component and add a bag of vanilla sugar or a pinch of cinnamon to the treat to enrich the aroma.

Necessary ingredients for the recipe for clear apricot jam in slices

  • apricot – 2 kg
  • sugar – 2 kg
  • water – 200 ml
  • lemon - half

Step-by-step instructions on how to make clear jam from apricot slices

Luxurious apricot jam with pits - royal recipe with step-by-step photos

The recipe for royal apricot jam with pits is quite complicated and requires a lot of free time. However, the finished delicacy more than compensates for all the labor costs with its extraordinary taste and aroma.

Necessary ingredients for the royal recipe for apricot jam with pits

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • sugar – 2 kg
  • citric acid – ½ tsp
  • water – ½ l

Step-by-step instructions for luxurious apricot jam with pits

  1. Select strong, dense and slightly unripe fruits for jam without external damage or cracks.
  2. Wash thoroughly in running water, dry with a paper towel and carefully remove the seeds, being careful not to damage the integrity of the berries. To do this, insert a thin bamboo stick or pencil into the recess near the tail and push out the bone with careful circular movements.
  3. Break the pits with a hammer, remove the kernels from them and stuff the apricots with them.
  4. Pour sugar into a deep enamel pan, add water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. Pour hot syrup over the apricots stuffed with kernels from the seeds and heat over low heat, regularly removing the foam that forms on the surface. When the mixture boils, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from the stove, cover with gauze or a clean towel and leave to soak overnight.
  6. The next day, repeat the boiling operation again and let it brew again for about 12 hours.
  7. Boil a third time, add citric acid, mix carefully, being careful not to crush the apricots, place while hot in jars and seal with sterilized lids.
  8. Cover with a warm blanket, cool, and then take it to the cellar or basement.

Delicious pitted apricot jam in a slow cooker - a recipe for the winter

The beauty of making pitted apricot jam in the slow cooker is that it requires virtually no attention. Household appliances do everything themselves and require almost no intervention from the owner. There is no need to spend a lot of time at the stove and worry all the time that the workpiece does not burn. It is enough to choose the right mode, set the timer, wait for the end of the program and enjoy a delicious, aromatic and sweet dessert.

Necessary ingredients for pitted apricot jam prepared in a slow cooker for the winter

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • sugar – 2 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make delicious winter apricot jam

  1. Wash the apricots well in running water, dry them on a clean kitchen towel, remove the pits, and cut the pulp into slices.
  2. Place the fruit pieces in a multi-cooker bowl, layering with granulated sugar.
  3. Select the “Extinguishing” mode on the display, close the lid tightly and set the timer to 1 hour. After half an hour, pause, open the lid, stir the fruit mixture, close again and continue cooking.
  4. When the program has finished and the unit turns off, select the “Steam” mode, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 1 minute and immediately turn off.
  5. When hot, pack into dry, sterile jars, screw on the lids, turn over, wrap in a thick warm cloth and leave until completely cooled.
  6. Place in a basement or cellar for storage.

Thick homemade apricot jam - grandma's recipe

To make apricot jam thick, you need to make it without water. At least that's what the recipe our grandmothers used says. For preparation you only need the fruits themselves and granulated sugar. The syrup for the bunch is prepared from apricot puree, and then pieces of fruit are boiled in it until tender. This gives the dessert a thick, almost honey-like consistency.

Necessary ingredients for thick homemade apricot jam

  • apricots – 3 kg
  • sugar – 3 kg

Step-by-step instructions for grandma's recipe for making thick apricot jam

  1. Wash the ripe apricots, dry them, remove the pits and sort them, dividing them approximately in half into softer ones and those that are denser.
  2. Pass the soft ones through a meat grinder with a fine mesh twice to obtain a liquid, homogeneous puree.
  3. Cut the dense fruits into large pieces, sprinkle with half a portion of sugar and leave for 3-4 hours to release the juice.
  4. Combine the fruit puree with the remaining sugar and place on the stove. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar has completely dissolved. Remove any foam that appears regularly.
  5. When the semi-finished product boils, add apricot pieces and the released juice, mix gently, reduce the heating level to a minimum and cook for about 25-30 minutes. Make sure that the mixture does not stick to the bottom. To do this, stir the jam in a timely manner with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  6. When hot, place in sterilized dry jars, roll under tin lids, cover with a thick cloth and cool to room temperature.
  7. Place in the pantry for storage.

How to make apricot jam with gelatin in a bread machine - recipe with photo

Modern household appliances make life much easier and help you quickly and effortlessly prepare delicious and healthy meals at home. But the functions of “smart” machines are not limited to this. Kitchen units also cope with more complex tasks, for example, preparing winter preparations.

This recipe tells you how to make apricot jam not in a traditional saucepan, but in a bread machine. The composition includes food gelatin, thanks to which the dessert acquires a pleasant density and is easily spread on bread, cookies or biscuits.

Necessary ingredients for making apricot and gelatin jam in a bakery

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • sugar – 2 kg
  • gelatin – 100 g

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for gelled apricot jam

  1. Sort out the ripe, sweet apricots. Wash the dense, not crushed fruits thoroughly, dry them on a paper towel, remove the seeds, remove damaged or rotten areas, and grind the pulp through a meat grinder with a coarse mesh.
  2. Mix sugar with gelatin, pour into fruit mixture, mix very well with a wooden spoon, cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave overnight at room temperature.
  3. In the morning, mix the semi-finished product again, place it in the bowl of the bread machine, select the “Jam” mode in the menu and cook for one and a half hours.
  4. While hot, place the dessert into dry, sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids. Store in a cellar or basement until winter, making sure that the jam is not exposed to direct sunlight.

Simple apricot jam with orange and gelatin for the winter - recipe with photo

A simple recipe with photos will tell you how to make apricot and orange jam for the winter. A delicacy cooked in this way will be quite dense due to the gelfix included in the composition and is suitable not only for consumption as a sweet dessert, but also for use as a filling for homemade baked goods.

Essential ingredients for simple apricot jam made with gelatin and oranges

  • apricots – 2 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • oranges – 2 pcs.
  • water – 400 ml
  • Zhelfix – 2 sachets

Step-by-step instructions on how to make delicious apricot and orange jam for winter

  1. Sort the apricots, take only very ripe fruits without visible damage, wash thoroughly in running water and drain in a colander to dry. Then divide into halves and remove the seeds.
  2. Rinse the oranges, blot with a paper towel, cut into pieces of any shape and pass through a meat grinder together with the apricots.
  3. Pour the fruit and citrus puree into a deep enamel pan, pour in water, add gelfix combined with two tablespoons of sugar and mix very well.
  4. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. When the mixture begins to boil, add the remaining sugar, reduce the heat, stir again and wait until the mixture begins to boil again.
  5. Boil the jam for 3-4 minutes, regularly removing any foam, then remove from the stove, pour into sterilized jars, roll under tin lids, cover with a warm blanket and wait for the product to cool.
  6. Until winter, store in a pantry or basement where sunlight does not penetrate.

Delicious apricot jam with orange and lemon - recipe in a slow cooker

Rich and bright apricot jam with orange and lemon can be prepared in a slow cooker. The recipe is quite simple and does not require much effort. The finished delicacy turns out to be very unusual due to the original combination of the sweet taste of apricots with the piquant sourness characteristic of citrus fruits. The consistency of the delicacy resembles thick marmalade, and the vanilla included in the composition gives the aroma exquisite shades.

Necessary ingredients for making jam with apricots, oranges and lemons in a slow cooker

  • apricots – 1 kg
  • sugar – 400 g+3 tbsp
  • orange – 1 pc.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • vanilla – 1/3 tsp
  • water – 1 l

Step-by-step instructions on how to make delicious jam from oranges, apricots and lemon

  1. Wash ripe but firm apricots and citrus fruits thoroughly in running water and dry on a paper towel.
  2. Divide the dry apricots into halves, remove the pit, cut into large cubes of the same size, add sugar, mix gently and leave for 2-3 hours so that the fruit is thoroughly soaked.
  3. Carefully remove the skin from the lemon and orange, cut the pulp into squares, sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of sugar combined with vanilla and mix very well.
  4. Place all ingredients into a multi-cooker bowl, carefully mix again with a wooden spoon and add water at room temperature so that it covers the contents by about 0.5 centimeters.
  5. Cover with a lid, set the “Baking” mode on the menu display and cook the jam for at least 60 minutes.
  6. When the water has almost completely evaporated and the fruit mass has acquired a dense, thick consistency, turn off the unit. Place the finished product in dry, sterilized jars, seal with lids and leave on the kitchen counter until completely cooled.
  7. Store in a cool place, protected from sunlight.

Making apricot jam is one of the simplest. Soft fruits are easy to boil and have sufficient sweetness. Moreover, they can be cooked with or without seeds. And the royal dessert can be made using peeled kernels. A recipe with the addition of cherries will help you prepare an unusual and very tasty apricot jam. A sweet combination of apricots and tea rose leaves will help you surprise your loved ones and friends. The proposed step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will help you easily prepare vitamin preparations for the winter or simply please your loved ones with aromatic sweets during the summer and autumn periods. The recipe with photos offered to housewives will help you prepare apricot jam no less easily. After all, it can be made with the addition of oranges, lemons, and gelatin.

Unusual apricot jam with pits - a royal recipe with photos and videos

Jam with apricot kernels can be considered quite original and surprising. Its owners call it royal. Due to the use of kernels from seeds, the sweetness receives an unusual almond aroma and a unique taste. The recipe with photo and video tips below will help you prepare such an exquisite apricot jam. Detailed instructions will simplify the work and allow you to prepare sweets in a minimum of time.

Ingredients for royal jam recipe with whole apricots and pits

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemongrass - a small bunch.

Royal recipe for making unusual jam from whole apricots with pits

  • Carefully make cuts along the edges of the apricots to remove the pits. You should push them out while holding the fruit using a long wooden spoon. The thin handle will not break the apricot and will not slide off the pit.
  • Without much effort, break the seeds and remove the kernels from them. Then carefully place the prepared kernels into the pitted apricots.
  • Put half the water on the fire, add sugar. Add the apricot and gradually heat the mixture, adding the remaining sugar and water to the jam. Add lemongrass. Boil the apricots for 5 minutes. Then leave the mixture to cool for 6 hours. After cooling, put it back on the fire and boil the jam for another 10 minutes. Then remove the lemongrass and pour the jam into jars.
  • Video recipe for apricot royal jam with kernels

    To easily familiarize yourself with the stages of preparing royal jam, it is recommended to study the proposed video. It will help to make the sweetness correctly, not to overcook the apricots and prevent their excessive softening. The following tip will help you simply and easily make jam from apricots with kernels:

    Delicious seedless apricot jam for the winter with roses - recipe

    An amazing apricot dessert can be made by adding non-standard ingredients. These can be not only the usual berries and fruits, but also very unusual components. For example, adding tea rose leaves to the jam will help you prepare original apricot jam for the winter. They will give the jam a light pink tint and allow you to remember summer during cold weather and enjoy a culinary masterpiece at home.

    List of ingredients for delicious apricot jam for winter without seeds

    • apricot - 1 kg;
    • tea rose leaves - a handful;
    • sugar - 300 g;
    • lemon - 1 pc.

    Photo recipe for making delicious pitted apricot jam for winter

  • Prepare apricots for work (you need to take only whole, not damaged or rotten fruits). Rinse them well in water, be sure to remove the seeds and tails. Wash the seeds themselves and dry them. Extract a few nucleoli (literally 2-4 pieces are enough). Apricots cut into small pieces
  • Place the apricots in a saucepan and cover them with water. Bring to a boil, collect the foam that appears. Then add sugar and mix everything well. Place apricot kernels into the mixture (first remove the thick brown films from them). Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Place the washed tea rose leaves into the pan and boil for another 5 minutes. Mix thoroughly and cook for 2 minutes. Place the finished jam into jars and order. Turn over, cover with a blanket, leave for 1 day. Then put it in a cool place.
  • How to make jam from apricot slices - step-by-step instructions

    Beautiful jam made from apricot slices looks very unusual, which is why both children and adults like it so much. But if you don’t have enough experience in preparing sweets from apricots or rolling fruit, you simply won’t be able to get an original dessert. Regular cooking can damage the slices and cause the pulp to separate. Therefore, you need to use a non-standard cooking scheme for work. At the same time, the apricot jam discussed below in slices can be consumed by people with high blood sugar. Only slightly unripe fruits should be used for work. Instead of sugar, you need to make syrup from honey.

    Ingredients for making jam from apricot slices

    • apricots - 1.4 kg;
    • water - 2.5 tbsp;
    • honey - 1 tbsp.

    Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for apricot jam from fruit slices

  • Rinse the apricots well to remove dust. Place the fruits on a towel and wait until they dry.
  • Remove the pits from the apricots and then cut the fruit into small slices. Place them tightly in jars. Separately, heat the water and add honey to it. It is better to use liquid honey: candied honey will take a long time to dissolve. You cannot add honey to boiling water! Then pour the prepared syrup into jars and roll up. Sterilize jars for 5-10 minutes.
  • Video recipe for making jam with apricot slices

    You can make jam from apricot slices using another recipe. It is no less simple to perform, but allows you to slightly change the recipe. However, it is worth considering that the prepared dessert with sugar should not be consumed with high blood sugar, unlike the previous version of sweets.

    Simple apricot jam with fruit seeds - recipe with photo tips

    The presence of seeds in apricots allows you to give them a special amazing taste and unusual appearance. After all, round fruits in a jar look aesthetically pleasing and are great for serving. It is not difficult to prepare such apricot jam at home; you just need to strictly follow the recommendations and use bright red berries to color the syrup being prepared.

    List of ingredients for the recipe for simple apricot jam with pits

    • apricots - 2 kg;
    • water - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 2 kg;
    • cherries (can be replaced with strawberries) - a handful.

    Recipe with photo tips for making jam from whole apricots

  • Prepare apricots: select whole fruits without damage or crushed areas. Rinse thoroughly under running water to remove dust and dirt. Wait until the water drains. Then heat the water to a boil and literally dip each apricot into it on a spoon for 15 seconds. Wash the prepared berries.
  • Remove wrinkled skin from apricots prepared for use. Put water for jam and put red berries in it. Boil them for literally 5 minutes: this will allow the water to gently color. Remove the berries, add sugar and make syrup. Place the apricots in jars and then fill them with syrup. Roll up the cans. Sterilize for 10 minutes.
  • How to make homemade apricot jam - photo and video recipes

    Many families use classic and favorite recipes from childhood when preparing winter sweets or simply vitamin preparations. Homemade apricot jam is often prepared using them. The ingredients may vary somewhat, but the principle of cooking and rolling is basically the same. You can familiarize yourself with such recipes in the proposed instructions. They will help you prepare a great dessert for the whole family and friends. If desired, you can add a little cinnamon to the preparation to give it piquancy and sophistication.

    Ingredients for homemade apricot jam

    • apricots - 1 kg;
    • water - 125 ml;
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

    Photo recipe for making homemade jam from chopped apricots

  • Rinse the apricots thoroughly to remove dust and dirt. Divide them into halves and remove the seeds. If desired, you can boil the halves, but it is better to chop the fruit immediately. This way they will boil faster to the desired state without becoming a homogeneous mush. Pour water into a saucepan, add fruit and put on fire.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, remove the first foam and any remaining debris. Next, add sugar and stir constantly until it dissolves.
  • Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, add lemon juice, mix everything and remove from heat.
  • Pour the jam into jars and roll up. Leave in an inverted position under a blanket or towel for a day. Then put it in a cool place.
  • Video recipe for homemade jam from crushed apricots

    There is another one - grandma’s apricot jam, which can be called a classic among the older generation. This recipe was widely used in the past and is therefore kept in many cookbooks of modern families. But you can improve this dessert by using auxiliary ingredients. For example, delicious cherry and apricot jam will have not only an amazing aroma and taste, but also an attractive shade. Children and adults will be happy to eat a preparation made according to this recipe:

    Original apricot jam with gelatin and lemon - recipe with photo instructions

    Jams are one of the most favorite preparations for children. Kids love their consistency and bright color. Such preparations also include a large amount of vitamins, which cannot but please caring mothers. That is why housewives can make apricot jam for the winter for their loved ones. It is prepared quite simply and does not require any special skills. But the resulting product will definitely delight you with its taste and aroma.

    Ingredients list for original lemon and apricot jam with gelatin

    • apricots - 1.6 kg;
    • sugar - 1.1 kg;
    • leaf gelatin - 12 g;
    • water - 100 ml;
    • lemon - 1 pc.

    Photo instructions for a recipe for jam made from chopped apricots, lemon and gelatin

  • Prepare all ingredients. Rinse the apricots thoroughly in running water, remove stems and seeds. Rinse three of them from the pulp and set aside to dry. Squeeze the lemon juice separately and reserve for use. Soak leaf gelatin in cool water.
  • Set the apricots aside and wait until they dry after washing.
  • Place the apricots in a saucepan and add water, bringing the mixture to a boil. Immediately collect and remove any foam that appears, reduce heat and simmer the apricots for 10 minutes.
  • Prepare nut kernels for use. Place them on a kitchen paper towel and break them with a hammer. Then separate the kernel itself from the seed, excluding the broken edges. You can also break the seeds with pliers and then chop the kernels with a knife.
  • Add the prepared kernels and leaf gelatin to the jam, pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Cook for another 5 minutes, then transfer the jam into jars and seal them. Hold in an inverted position for 18-24 hours, wrapped in a towel. Then put it on the balcony, in the refrigerator or in the basement.
  • Fragrant apricot jam with orange and lemon - recipe with video and photo instructions

    The combination of orange and apricots allows you to get a sweet, and at the same time very fresh preparation. The addition of citrus fruits eliminates the need to use water when preparing the sweets, which will make it homogeneous and prevent strong separation of the finished product. But the most attractive quality of such a dessert is the convenience of preparing it both with modern technology and in the classical way. Every housewife can make delicious and aromatic apricot jam in a slow cooker.

    Ingredients for making apricot-orange jam

    • apricot - 2 kg (excluding the weight of the seeds);
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • orange - 2 pcs.;
    • sugar - 3 kg.

    Detailed recipe with photos of making orange and apricot jam

  • Rinse the apricots under running water, remove the dried tails and thoroughly rinse the part of the fruit adjacent to them from any dust accumulated there. Divide the apricots into halves and carefully remove the pits.
  • Water is poured into a separate bowl and lemon and oranges are added. You need to bring them to a boil and cook for 1 minute. This will help remove excess bitterness and leave only the natural citrus taste.
  • After preparation, oranges and lemon are cut into small pieces. It is imperative to remove the seeds, otherwise when grinding the jam they will be ground and the finished dessert will receive an unpleasant bitter taste.
  • Place the chopped citrus fruits in a blender bowl. If you don’t have the equipment, you can grind them together with the skins using a regular meat grinder.
  • Video instructions for the recipe for aromatic jam from ripe apricot and lemon

    Preparing apricot jam with the addition of oranges can also be done using a simplified method. For example, put all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl and set the optimal cooking mode. After a short period of time, the hostess will only have to pour the dessert into jars and roll it up. Modern technology will do the rest of the work for her.

    Bright yellow apricot jam, even in winter cold, reminds of sunny summer and warmth. This preparation is perfect for cooking for the winter or for consumption in rainy autumn. You can cook it in pieces or grind it into jam. It is also important to have an unlimited number of additional ingredients, with which the finished dessert will be as unusual as possible. A recipe with the addition of tea rose petals will help you prepare a colorful and very tasty apricot jam. But the preparation with seeds will help you make real royal jam. You can cook apricots by cutting them into slices or pitted halves. You can also use it to prepare apricot jam recipe with photo video, which describes how to make a vitamin dessert with lemon and oranges. Among the proposed instructions with step-by-step descriptions of actions, you can choose really good simple options for cooking apricots.

    A jam recipe with gelatin is a great way to prepare a tasty, healthy and most natural recipe. Want to know how to do this? Then stay tuned!

    The recipe for jam with gelatin is interesting because the resulting product can be stored for quite a long time and there is no doubt that it will contain the maximum of useful substances. True, a freshly opened jar of jam with gelatin is eaten almost instantly, and therefore you can hardly worry about shelf life.

    Jam with gelatin - classic recipe

      1 kilogram of any fruit or berries;

      1 kilogram of sugar;

      40 grams of gelatin.

      Wash the berries or fruits thoroughly, peel and cut in any convenient way. You can also grind them in a meat grinder - it all depends on what consistency of jam you need.

      Mix gelatin with sugar. Pour the resulting mixture over fruits or berries, and then leave them for 8 hours.

      Bring the jam with gelatin to a boil by filling it with water. After this, you need to let the products boil for 5-7 minutes. All this time they need to be stirred and the foam removed from the surface of the jam with gelatin.

    Jam with gelatin - recipe with cherries and wine

    Ingredients for jam with gelatin:

      lemon juice - 1/2 tbsp.;

      cherry jam - 150 g;

      sugar - to taste.

    How to cook gelatin jam?

      Mix wine, lemon juice and pectin in a saucepan. Separate the cherry jam from the berries, and add the syrup to the wine mixture. At this stage, spice lovers can diversify the taste of future jam with gelatin with cinnamon, cloves or anise.

      Cook the jam with gelatin over low heat for 1 minute after boiling, and then remove from the heat and pour into molds or jars. Add the cherries from the jam to the jelly and put them in the refrigerator. The finished jelly will not have such a dense consistency as the usual jelly with gelatin, but this kind of jam with gelatin is suitable for spreading on bread or putting on tartlets.

    Jam with gelatin - recipe with rhubarb

    Ingredients for jam with gelatin:

      5 cups chopped rhubarb;

      1 packet of gelatin or strawberry jelly powder;

      3 cups sugar.

    How to cook gelatin jam?

      In a large saucepan, stir rhubarb and sugar. Cover it and let it sit overnight. The next morning, boil the mixture over low heat. Cook the jam with gelatin, stirring, for 12 minutes over low heat.

      Then remove the pan from the heat and pour the gelatin or jelly powder from the bag into it. Stir the jam with gelatin and place in sterile jars. Either roll up jars of gelatin jam or put them in the refrigerator.

    Jam with gelatin - recipe with black currants and cream

    Ingredients for jam with gelatin:

      Black currant 150 grams,

      Raspberries 100 grams,

      Gelatin 1 sachet (15 grams),

      Dry red wine 50 ml,

      Cream 150 ml (fat content no more than 15%),

    How to cook gelatin jam?

      Half an hour before preparing the jam, pour gelatin with water to swell.

      Wash the berries. Mix them with water and pass them through a sieve, squeezing the juice from the pulp.

      Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan and bring to a boil on the fire, add granulated sugar and gelatin to it. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. After this, strain the resulting liquid. When it has cooled, stir the cream and pour into the molds. Let the jam and gelatin cool.

      You can make jam with gelatin from plums, peaches, apricots and other fruits or berries.

      To make jam with gelatin, give preference to regular gelatin rather than instant gelatin. The latter often turns out to be of poor quality or does not swell as needed. As a result, jam with gelatin will be spoiled. However, if you are confident in the quality of instant gelatin, you can infuse it for less than 8 hours (for example, 1-2 hours).

      Try not to mix the jam with gelatin too intensively with a spoon if you want the berries or fruits to retain their appearance, and vice versa.

      It is best to cook jam with gelatin in an enamel bowl.

      If desired, sugar can be replaced with fructose - it goes well with gelatin and does not affect its properties in any way.

    Note: about the benefits of gelatin

    Gelatin is a substance that is used to make jelly, marmalade and even jam. It is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system and bones. Gelatin is indispensable for those who want to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible, as this product has a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Therefore, it is worth making jam with gelatin - it will definitely benefit your body.

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