Raspberry marshmallow andy. Delicate airy dessert made of chocolate and marshmallows. What is marshmallow

Marshmallows can be consumed as an independent dessert, decorated with cakes, roasted over a fire, and in hot drinks they turn into the most delicate caramel foam.


Invert (or corn) syrup (invert syrup recipe included) - 160 g
Powdered gelatin - 25 g
Sugar - 400 g
Water - 200 g
Salt - ¼ tsp.
Vanilla extract (or vanillin) - 1 tsp.
Mixture of powdered sugar and starch 1:1 for rolling

Invert syrup:

Sugar - 175 g
Water - 75 g
Citric acid - 1 g
Soda - a pinch


1. First, let's prepare invert syrup. The amount of ingredients is given for one serving of marshmallows, but you can safely increase it four times, since you will be preparing vanilla clouds many times! The syrup stores well in a jar or container at room temperature.
2. Pour sugar, citric acid into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water. Boil. Cover the saucepan tightly with a lid and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes. The syrup should be pourable, but not viscous. Cool slightly and add soda dissolved in 1 dessert spoon of water. Foam forms. After 5-10 minutes, the foam will subside and the syrup is ready. When hot, it will be almost colorless, but when it cools down, it will become this magical golden color!
3. Let's go directly to the marshmallows. Soak gelatin in 100 g of water. When the gelatin swells, heat it until completely dissolved (temperature no higher than 60C!). Set the heated gelatin aside.
4. Mix sugar, invert syrup, salt and water in a saucepan. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Boil over low heat, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 110C (about 8 minutes).
5. Prepare in advance a pastry bag with a 10-12 mm round nozzle and baking paper or silicone mats greased with vegetable oil for marshmallow strips, which we will then cut into beautiful small pieces.
6. At low mixer speed, begin to beat the dissolved gelatin. Without stopping whisking, slowly pour the hot syrup down the side of the bowl, so that the syrup does not get on the whisk.
7. Gradually increase speed to maximum. When the mass begins to increase in volume, add vanilla essence. Beat for another 15 minutes until the mixture becomes fluffy and very dense.
8. Immediately transfer the mixture into a pastry bag and squeeze strips onto the paper along the entire length of the paper and leave to harden for several hours.
9. After at least 3 hours, remove the strips from the paper and roll in a mixture of powdered sugar and starch.
10. Then cut into 1.5 cm pieces with scissors and roll again in a mixture of powdered sugar and starch. It's best to cut directly into the bowl with the sprinkles so they don't stick together. Store in a closed container at room temperature.

The French name for marshmallow is Guimauve. This is an easy-to-prepare airy dessert that can serve as a stand-alone treat or serve as a decoration for cakes or pastries.

One of the main ingredients is invert sugar. It does not contain any color, smell and does not add additional flavor. This type of sugar is only important for the overall structure of the dessert. If you could not find this ingredient, you can replace it with honey - but be prepared for the aroma and taste to be felt.

Recipe and photos from my training.

300 g sugar
70 g berry puree (any)
105 g invert sugar or honey
28 g gelatin
57 g water (for gelatin)
70 g berry puree (optional)
105 g invert sugar or honey (optional)


Place a silicone mat on a baking sheet, place a metal frame on it, the size of the baking sheet itself, well greased with grape seed oil or some other oil, odorless and tasteless. If there is no such frame, you can use a baking dish, but also generously greased.

In a small saucepan, heat the first berry puree with invert (or honey) and regular sugar to 106C.

At this time, start beating the second part of invert sugar (or honey) and berry puree in a food processor.

Soak the gelatin in cold water (57 g) and let it swell. Then melt in a water bath. Add to hot fruit and sugar syrup, stir until combined.

Pour the syrup in a thin stream into a food processor, where you beat the invert sugar with the fruit puree.

Continue beating until the mass is visually transformed and cools to a temperature of 45C.

Distribute the finished air mass into the mold and leave at room temperature for a day.

In the morning, grease parchment paper well with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Flip the finished marshmallow over it and remove from the mold. Wipe the knife with oil or heat it in hot water and cut into small cubes. Roll each cube in sugar.

In large confectionery shops and schools, including, a special device with thin strings is used to cut such a delicate dessert as marshmallow.

To make sugar colored, add food coloring and a few drops of any white strong alcohol to regular sugar. Rub with your hands until the color is uniform.

Store at room temperature in a sealed container.

Enjoy your tea!

First, soak leaf gelatin (17 g) in a glass of ice water. If you are using powdered gelatin, soak it in 100 grams of water.

In a saucepan, combine sugar (200 g), invert syrup (100 g, you can take corn syrup, glucose or molasses) and water (80 g). Place on medium heat.

Check the temperature with a thermometer. It’s very difficult to do without it here, because we need syrup at a certain temperature.

Pour the whites (110 g) into the mixer bowl.

Start beating on low speed. Gradually add a pinch of salt and vanilla extract (2 tbsp, optional).

When the syrup temperature is close to 100 degrees, increase the mixer speed to high.

At this time, melt the squeezed sheet gelatin (or the entire gelatin mass of the powder) in the microwave. Pulses for 10 seconds. Only until the gelatin becomes a liquid mass.

Pour syrup into the whites until it reaches 118 degrees.

Then the gelatin mass.

Continue beating until the mixer bowl comes to room temperature. By this time the mass will be thick, airy and dense.

Transfer the mixture into the mold. I have a square frame 20x20 cm, lined with parchment, generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can put it in round shapes. The main thing is that you have a layer thickness of at least 2 cm.

Gently level the top with a wet spatula or spoon.

In a mixer bowl, combine brown sugar (165 g, white can be used) and soft butter (175 g).

Beat on high speed for 3-5 minutes. At this time, sift soda (1/2 tsp), baking powder (1 tsp), wheat (220 g) and whole grain (220 g) flour.

Add eggs (2 pcs) into the oil mixture. Using a paddle attachment, beat until smooth.

Add flour mixture.


At some point the dough will begin to come together in large pieces.

Divide it into 2 parts. Shape each into a rectangular piece.

Wrap each in parchment and roll out to a thickness of 3-4 mm.

Place in the freezer for 25 minutes. Then take out and cut out the cookies into any shape.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees (top and bottom) for 8-10 minutes, until cooked and lightly crusted.

Let the products cool. At this time, prepare die cuts slightly smaller than those used to cut out the cookies. Roll them in powdered sugar.

Take out the marshmallows and cut out blanks from it. Constantly roll the die cut in powder.

To connect the pieces, drop something sticky (caramel, honey, melted chocolate, jam) onto the cookies.

Combine the pieces and serve. They can be stored in a container for a week.

The cookies turn out very tasty, and the marshmallows are incredibly springy.

After the vanilla marshmallows, my experiments were not over and I used a box of fresh raspberries to prepare soft pink sweet clouds with a slightly sour berry tint! And how happy I am with the result! These springy marshmallows are a must for cool fall weather. You can melt them a little in the oven or pour them into a cup of hot cocoa or thick chocolate, or you can simply leave them in the mold and cut them into cubes, and take a large spoon and eat them straight from there! That's what we did, dipping each piece in raspberry sauce :)

Berry marshmallows


300 g sugar

70 g berry puree, I used raspberry

28 g gelatin

70 g berry puree


Dust a baking tray approximately 20 x 35 cm with powdered sugar.

Soak gelatin in cold water (57 g).

Combine sugar, 70 g of berry puree and invert sugar in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Heat to 106 degrees.

At this time, in the bowl of a mixer, mix the second part of the berry puree and invert sugar. Start whisking.

Melt the gelatin in a water bath and add to the hot syrup. Stir until smooth.

Pour the hot syrup in a thin stream into the berry-sugar mixture (which is in the mixer bowl) without stopping whisking. Beat until the mass increases in volume and cools to approximately 45 degrees.

Place marshmallows on a baking sheet and smooth out. Leave at room temperature for a day.

Remove the marshmallows from the baking sheet and turn them out onto parchment or a board sprinkled with powdered sugar. Remove the parchment from the top and cut into squares with a knife, dusting it with powdered sugar.

Dip the cubes in powdered sugar and place in a container or bag.

You can roll in starch or mix starch with powdered sugar, and do not sprinkle the baking sheet with powdered sugar, but grease it well with vegetable oil, for example, grape or coconut.

Berry Marshmallows

300 g granulated sugar
70 g raspberry purre

28 g gelatine
57 ml water
70 g raspberry puree
105 g light corn (or sugar) syrup

Sprinkle the gelatin over the water and let stand until gelatin softens, about 15 minutes.
Place the sugar, syrup and puree in a heavy-based pan. Bring to the boil and continue cooking over a high heat until it reaches 106C.
Melt the gelatin in a water bath and add to hot berry syrup.
Meanwhile, beat second part of syrup and puree with an electric whisk. Continue to beat while slowly pouring in the hot syrup from the pan. The mixture will become shiny and start to thicken. Continue whisking for 5-10 minutes, until the mixture is stiff and thick enough to hold its shape on the whisk.
Dust 20x35cm baking tray. with sieved icing sugar and then spoon the marshmallow mixture over and smooth it with a wet palette knife.
Let the mixture set uncovered for at least 12 hours.
Dust a work surface with more icing sugar and cornflour. Loosen the marshmallow around the sides of the tray with a palette knife and turn it out on to the dusted surface. Cut into squares and roll in the sugar.

The first snow has fallen outside: light white snowflakes float across the sky and fall to the ground, like ballerinas bowing. What a pity that you can’t take fluffy snow home and admire it while sitting in front of the fireplace in the evening.

... And here you can! True, our snowflakes are pale pink, sweet and not at all cold.

Raspberry marshmallows from Andy Chef

Sometimes I find a mood when I want something tender, pink and thoughtful. It’s not clear what might fit the description, but it’s definitely something magical. HBS invites you to visit the food blog and watch how he makes a little pink miracle - raspberry marshmallows. If you wish, you can repeat it at home, because the recipe is not at all complicated.

First of all, the maestro prepares raspberry puree, for which he combines raspberries and sugar in a saucepan and cooks them for 2-3 minutes, and then strains the puree through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.

Raspberries, sugar, corn syrup and gelatin

The second step Andy Chef soaks the gelatin sheets in cold water. While the gelatin is taking a bath, our chef combines half the raspberry puree, corn syrup and sugar in a saucepan and heats them to 110 degrees. Then, transferring the mixture to a tall bowl, he adds the gelatin and, once it has dissolved, more raspberry puree and corn syrup. Now everything needs to be thoroughly beaten. Continuing to whisk, Andy Chef pours the syrup from the saucepan in a thin stream.

Whisk raspberry puree and add syrup

He pours the mixture, which has lightened and increased in volume, into a mold, sprinkles it with powdered sugar and leaves it for three hours. When the marshmallow has hardened, all that remains is to cut it into small squares and place it on a beautiful dish.