Chantilly cake with champagne and wild berries. Champagne sponge cake Champagne mousse

It was bookmarked by all and sundry, it was passed off as their own, and I even had to quarrel with one “respected” magazine, where they cut off my signature and put their own.

This year I redesigned it for one magazine, and now it looks like this:

Last year I didn’t like the way it was cut: thick jelly and soft mousse, and this time I decided that they needed to be swapped. The result is a cake with a surprise in the cut.
This time I used thinly sliced ​​(5 mm) genoise sponge cake as a base and a layer between the jelly and mousse, added strawberry liqueur to the impregnation, and made the mousse itself with new knowledge (and with Italian meringue instead of raw proteins). And everything is the same.

For a cake with a diameter of 22-24 cm (height 6 cm):


4 eggs
1 yolk
120 g flour
120 g sugar
15 g butter


150 g water
150 g sugar
50 g strawberry liqueur


250 g strawberries
400 ml champagne
200 g sugar
15 g gelatin
Juice of 0.5 lemon
200 g fresh strawberries

Champagne mousse:

250 ml champagne (dry, semi-dry)
Juice of 0.5 lemon
200 g sugar
50 g water
3 eggs
10 g gelatin
200 ml cream 33%


The sponge cake and jelly can be prepared in advance.

For the biscuit: mix eggs and yolk with sugar, heat in a water bath to 52C, beat into a strong foam. Add sifted flour and melted butter, stir gently. Pour into the prepared mold (smaller in diameter than the one in which the cake will be prepared), bake at 180C for 15-20 minutes. Cool.

For impregnation: Boil water with sugar. Remove from heat, add liqueur.

For jelly: mix 100 g of champagne with sugar, add lemon juice, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, add pre-soaked and squeezed gelatin. Pour in the remaining champagne and cool. In a mold of smaller diameter than the one in which the cake will be prepared, place the strawberries cut into quarters, pour a 2.5-3 cm layer of jelly, and let it harden for several hours. Reserve the remaining liquid; it will be needed for glazing the cake.

For the mousse: Separate the whites from the yolks. Heat champagne with 50 g of sugar and lemon juice. Grind the yolks with 50 g of sugar. Pour hot champagne into the yolks, cook until 82C, stirring with a whisk. Remove and add pre-soaked gelatin.
Italian meringue: Boil syrup from 100 g sugar and 50 g water to 117C (soft ball). At the same time, beat the whites. Immediately pour the hot syrup over the whipped whites and beat without changing speed until the meringue cools completely.
Whip the cream. Mix half of the meringue with cream, half with cooled champagne cream. Combine both mixtures.

Cut the biscuit into 3 equal parts (you will only need two). Place the bottom cake in the pan. Soak. Place the frozen jelly disc on top. Cover with the second cake layer. Soak. Fill the sides and top with mousse using a pastry bag. Let set for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Remove the ring from the frozen cake. Heat the remaining jelly. Place the cake on a wire rack and pour the remaining jelly over it, like glaze. Garnish with fresh strawberries, herbs, etc. if desired.

I decorated it with fruits and sugar balls; it seemed to me that they looked like champagne bubbles.

I want to give you a wonderful story in honor of this wonderful holiday, which is woven from my feelings. Happy holiday to you, my dears!

Darling, good night!
I want you to see a beautiful story about our love in your dreams, let you dream of our most beautiful moments... so... look... the doors open and you find yourself at the edge of the azure ocean! The splendor of the landscape fascinates and beckons. You run into clear water, full of incredible and unprecedented fish, corals, stars. Warm water caresses us... and the page turns first

...and we are in a chic cafe, and the swimsuit turns into a luxurious dress - in a dream, everything is possible.. The sounds of live music invite us to dance, and we kiss and circle in each other’s arms, attracting the admiring glances of those around us.

And now again we are in flight and stop in front of a waterfall, streams of water shower us with myriads of diamonds... we close our eyes...
And now, instead of water, an endless shower of petals of the most beautiful flowers comes from the rock. This is all for you, my love

Another revolution... And we are at the carnival! Everything is spinning, turning upside down, tambourines are beating, glasses are being drained without sparing, trumpeters are blowing and castanets are crackling... Crazy and thoughtless joy takes over our bodies, and we laugh, laugh... “Let's run away from here!” - I shout. "With you to the end of the world!" - you answer.

We are back in our paradise. The wise ocean lulls us to sleep with the roar of waves. The sky is strewn with bright stars. Look! They moved! In the dark blue sky, the most beautiful stars formed the words: “I am happy! I love you! Be with me forever!"

Sleep... on Valentine's night you have beautiful dreams... and the fairy tale of this dream has come to an end... but our love continues, and we will wake up happy and loved!

Ingredients (21)
6 eggs
1/2 tbsp. powdered sugar
a pinch of salt
a little less than 1 tbsp. flour
Show all (21)

Ingredients (26)
eggs – 2 pcs
sugar – 80g
flour – 60g
butter – 30g
Show all (26)
Ingredients (13)
For the test
6 eggs
180 gr. Sahara
1 packet vanilla sugar
150 gr. flour
Show all (13)

Ingredients (25)
For the biscuit
2 eggs
80 g sugar
60 g flour
30 g plums. oils
Show all (25)
Ingredients (27)
apricot jam for lubricating the surface
4 medium eggs
4 tbsp. l. (heaped) brown sugar Mistral
4 tbsp. l. flour (with a slide)
2 tbsp. l. milk
Show all (27)
Ingredients (17)
4 eggs
160g sugar
60g flour
60g starch
Show all (17)
Ingredients (14)
For the test:
Flour -150 gr.
Baking powder -0.5 teaspoon.
Sugar - 65 gr.
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.
Show all (14)
Ingredients (25)
Shape 20 cm.
For the biscuit:
2 eggs
80 g sugar
60 g flour
Show all (25)
Ingredients (24)
For the strawberry mousse:
300 gr. strawberries
125 gr. yogurt,
70 gr. granulated sugar,
20 gr. instant gelatin,
Show all (24)
Ingredients (12)
* Champagne (semi-sweet, mousse + jelly) - 1 bottle.
* Flour - 130 g
* Egg (sponge + mousse) - 7 pcs
* Sugar (biscuit + mousse + jelly) - 600 g
* Baking powder - 1 tsp.
Show all (12)
Ingredients (23)
For the test:
Flour -300 gr.
Baking powder -1 tsp.
Sugar - 130 gr.
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.
Show all (23)
Ingredients (17)
The basis
2 eggs
100 g soft margarine or butter
½ tsp baking powder
100 g flour
Show all (17)
Ingredients (18)
300 gr. flour
75 gr. starch
half a packet of baking powder
150 gr. Sahara
Show all (18)
Ingredients (31)
-250g flour
-75g sugar
-1 egg
-1 tbsp. milk

I come to you with a New Year's gift! While our New Year holidays and visits are still ongoing, let's make a birthday cake? I'm more than sure - a bottle of champagne, perhaps started, is lying around somewhere, so why not put it into battle? A dense, but melt-in-your-mouth sponge cake with the aroma of your favorite sparkling wine (and here it’s better not to skimp, add champagne that you would be happy to drink yourself - after all, the more aromatic it is in its usual form, the brighter the aroma you will get in the cakes). And if you go according to the classics, then you can add strawberries or raspberries to the filling, I, out of my great love for lingonberries, added them, but this is not for everyone, since they can also be found with bitterness. I suggest using cheese cream, it’s already like a real classic!


For the biscuit:
4 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup of sugar
1 sachet (10g) vanillin
150 grams melted butter
1 tablespoon sour cream
1 glass of champagne
1 sachet (10g) baking powder
0.5 tsp soda
3 cups sifted flour

For confit:
10 grams of gelatin
300 grams of berries
80 grams of sugar
40 ml water

1. First, let's do the confit, because it needs time to harden:
We take two molds, 1-2 cm smaller in diameter than the diameter of the cakes, foil and line the bottom and walls of the molds with it (this makes it easier to pull out if the mold is not detachable), make sure that there are no holes or other things, otherwise our confit will leak.
Fill sheet gelatin with water (sheet gelatin is always more convenient to use, for me personally, but if you don’t have it on hand, soak it in the ratio of 1 gram of gelatin: 6 ml of water).
We take a saucepan, add any berry we need (in my case, lingonberries), add sugar and 40 ml of water, put it on low heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
After the berry mixture boils, add gelatin and stir. Then take a blender (you can skip this step) and beat the berries with gelatin. I don’t punch through all the berries, I like it when I get them whole. Pour the mixture equally into molds prepared in advance, cover with cling film in contact and put in the refrigerator until hardened. If you're in a hurry, you can put it in the freezer.

1. We prepare in advance the forms in which we will bake - I got two cakes of 1 kg each with a diameter of 16 cm.
2. Beat eggs with salt and sugar with a mixer. In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Melt 150 grams of butter and stir in 1 tablespoon of sour cream.
3. Add 1 glass of champagne and beat, then add all the dry ingredients, mix well and divide into two parts. Place on baking sheets coated or lined with parchment paper and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180°C. As always, check readiness with a skewer.

Maraschino liqueur may not be used in the recipe. I replaced it with red Italian champagne wine "Fragolino".

Preparing jelly:
Soak gelatin (I used leaf gelatin) in cold water for 10 minutes. (or see the instructions for your gelatin). Heat half the berry puree, add sugar to taste, gelatin, and stir until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved. Mix with the remaining puree, pour into a mold 2 cm smaller than the one in which you will bake the sponge cake and assemble the cake (I assembled the cake in a 26 cm mold, I made the jelly in a 24 cm mold). Place in the freezer to harden.

* If the mold is not silicone, then you can line it with film to make it easy to remove the finished jelly.

Preparing the biscuit:
Separate the whites from the yolks. Start beating the whites with a mixer at low speed, then increase the speed and gradually add fine sugar to the whites (add 1 tablespoon at a time, without stopping beating). Beat until stiff peaks form.

* If you have coarse sugar, grind it in a coffee grinder or blender, because... coarse sugar takes too long to dissolve in the egg whites when beating.

Lightly beat the yolks and gradually, pouring in a thin stream, add in parts to the whites, very neat stirring with a whisk or spatula from bottom to top (there is no need to stir for a long time, the mass should remain airy).

Sift the flour and add it in parts to the egg mixture, also gently stirring with a whisk from bottom to top so that the dough does not settle.
Place the finished dough into a pastry bag fitted with a simple round tip. Draw a circle on parchment paper (diameter 24 cm, like berry jelly), turn the paper over with this (drawn) side down (so that a mark is not imprinted on the dough later), and fill with dough from a pastry bag.
Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes (depending on your oven). The surface of the finished cake will spring back slightly when pressed with your finger.

From the remaining dough, place small round “cookies” on a baking sheet (they will increase in size during baking), sprinkle them with powdered sugar (I did not sprinkle them) and bake them for about 8-10 minutes. You will need them to decorate the sides of the cake.

Prepare Bavarian mousse with champagne:
Lightly beat the yolks with fine sugar. 125 g Heat the champagne almost to a boil and pour it into the yolks in a thin stream, continuing to beat them. Cook this mass in a water bath until slightly thickened.

* If it suddenly seems to you that the mixture is not thickening at all, then you can simply put it to cook on low heat (without a water bath), but in this case you need to constantly stir it and make sure that it does not heat up too much and the yolks do not begin to curdle ( on the bottom and walls).

The mixture should not become very thick, but only thicken a little as in the photo.
If you dip a spoon into it, a thin layer will remain on the back of the spoon; run your finger over it - there should be a trace.

Add pre-soaked gelatin and stir until it dissolves. Cool to 30 degrees. Add the remaining champagne. Whip the cream to soft peaks, carefully add to the mousse, stirring from bottom to top.

*This mousse turned out a little thinner for me than in Zhemchuzhina (this is because of the champagne that is added to the finished custard base), but it still has an airy consistency, not liquid, if you mix the cream very carefully and gradually.

Prepare Chantilly cream with berries:
Soak the gelatin in cold water in advance.
Grind the berries into a puree (if desired, rub the puree through a sieve to remove the skins and small seeds of raspberries, blackberries... I did not wipe anything)
Heat half the berry puree, add gelatin, stir until it dissolves. Next, add the remaining puree, sugar, and cream whipped to soft peaks (carefully, using bottom-up movements). The cream turns out airy

Cake assembly:
Cover the bottom of the mold with film (I did not cover the sides). Pour the Bavarian mousse into the mold (reserve about 1 third) and let it “set” in the freezer for a while.

Place a frozen disk of berry jelly (we use the remaining Bavarian mousse under the jelly layer and to fill the gaps between the jelly and the sides of the mold.)