Crab sticks roll in pita bread recipe. Lavash roll with crab sticks: recipes with photos

Servings: 7

Cooking time: 30 min.

Lavash roll with crab sticks is a popular dish that is especially popular in the summer during the picnic or holiday season. The roll is an excellent alternative to sandwiches, especially since it can be prepared long before consumption, using a minimum of ingredients and time. Such a light snack will come in handy after a hot and rich meal. chicken soup with celery .


    240 gr. crab sticks

    2 sheets of thin pita bread

    240 gr. soft cheese

    mayonnaise (optional)

Making crab roll from pita bread

  • Step 1

    Place the first sheet of pita bread on the table and spread it with cream cheese. Chop fresh dill and sprinkle it on the pita bread.

  • Step 2

    Cut each crab stick lengthwise into 4 strips and then chop. Place the second sheet of pita bread on the first one, grease it with cheese, and place chopped crab sticks on it.

  • Step 3

    Carefully form the crab roll from the pita bread. If you initially think that the roll is a little dry, you can grease the sheets with a small amount of mayonnaise. Wrap the product in foil and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

    Serve the appetizer chilled and sliced. You will get a delicious, aromatic roll. Pita bread and crab sticks go perfectly, you just need to use enough cream cheese or mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

    In preparation we will use sheets of thin Armenian lavash. They have a light structure and a fresh taste, great for creating various dishes.

    Recipe for crab roll in pita bread


    • 2 sheets of pita bread
    • 300 gr. crab sticks
    • 200 gr. cheese
    • 4 eggs
    • 100 gr. greenery
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 400 gr. mayonnaise
    • freshly ground pepper, salt

    Method for preparing the roll

    1. Grate crab sticks and boiled eggs on a fine grater. Grate the hard cheese onto a coarse one. Finely chop the thoroughly washed greens.

    2. Pass the garlic cloves through a press. Mix herbs, garlic and mayonnaise in a separate bowl. Add salt and pepper. Mix all components well.

    3. Now we begin to lay out the prepared ingredients. Spread the first sheet of lavash, grease with mayonnaise sauce. Sprinkle half of the grated cheese on top. Distribute crab sticks over the entire surface. Lightly grease with mayonnaise.

    Place another pita bread on top. Soak it with the remaining sauce. Spread the remaining cheese. And at the end, sprinkle with grated eggs.

    5. If desired, you can also make a mesh of mayonnaise. Roll the layers into a roll, wrap them in foil and put them in the refrigerator. It is advisable to keep the roll in the refrigerator for several hours. Then we cut it into neat pieces and put a delicious crab roll in pita bread on the table.

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    The recipe for such a snack can be changed each time by adding some new ingredient to the filling. You can use meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables. If you don't like mayonnaise, you can use sour cream or any other sauce. Children will be delighted with the sweet filling of berry jam or assorted fruits.

To make a pita roll with crab sticks, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 sheets of pita bread (be sure to take a product made from thin dough);
  • 300 g crab sticks (crab meat is also suitable);
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 100 g hard or processed cheese;
  • a can of canned corn (can be replaced with peas);
  • a bunch of fresh herbs, onions according to preference;
  • mayonnaise.

Additionally, you can season the roll with garlic. Crab sticks are made from minced fish. For lovers of natural food, you can replace them with lightly salted or smoked red fish. If you have a sufficient budget, natural crab meat is suitable. It should be salted and boiled until tender.

If a different number of lavash sheets is taken, then the amount of ingredients must be changed proportionally. Depending on tastes and preferences, the filling can be changed in any way. The main thing is to maintain a balance to taste, add a sufficient amount of mayonnaise and processed cheese.

Step by step recipe

The total cooking time for a dish with crab filling takes no more than 40 minutes. The finished roll will need to sit in the refrigerator for 1 hour so that the salad inside will set and soak the dough. If you have enough time, the package can be infused for up to 3 hours. The more time the dish spends in the refrigerator, the more tender the dough will be.

Before making the roll, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • Boil the eggs hard, cool, peel them;
  • If you choose hard cheese, it must be grated on a coarse grater.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grind all ingredients evenly. The crab sticks are cut first. Instead of chopping them, you can grate them on a coarse grater or use a blender. You need to blend carefully so that the stick does not turn into porridge.

2. Boiled and peeled eggs also need to be chopped. If the sticks are grated, then the eggs should also be grated. The ingredients in the filling of the future roll should be homogeneous. You can focus on the size of the corn grains. Pieces of other products in the dish should be approximately the same.

3. Eggs, corn, crab sticks and greens should be poured into one deep bowl. Grated hard cheese is also added to the bowl. If it was decided to use melted one, then it should be greased with a sheet of pita bread. A sufficient amount of mayonnaise is added to the ingredients and mixed. There is no need to salt the resulting mixture; crab sticks and mayonnaise are salty enough. If desired, you can add ground black pepper and other spices.

4. A sheet of pita bread is spread directly on the kitchen table or on a cutting board. The flatbread dough is thin and tears easily, so you need to act carefully. To avoid staining the work surface, you can place cling film under the pita bread. In addition, you will need cling film to wrap the finished roll, which will be stored in the refrigerator.

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5. The dough is greased with melted cheese. If it is decided not to add it, then the filling is immediately laid out on the sheet in an even layer. It is recommended to additionally lubricate the edges of the pita bread, where the filling does not lie, with mayonnaise. This way there will be no voids in the roll with one dough, and the edges of the structure will better connect and stick together.

6. The flatbread with filling should be rolled into a tight roll. This must be done carefully, without squeezing the structure, so that the filling does not get out of the package or tear the thin dough.

When the pita bread with crab sticks is rolled into a sausage, it should be placed on a board or large dish and put in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 hours. The structure can be additionally wrapped in cling film or foil. This way it will grip better and will not be damaged when transferred to different surfaces. If the dish is wrapped in film, there is no need for storage containers in the refrigerator.

Completing preparations and serving the roll to the table

The roll that has been left in the refrigerator must be prepared for use. It is recommended to use a very sharp knife to cut the roll, otherwise the appearance of the portioned pieces will be untidy and the filling may fall out. To make the portions look neater, you should cut off the edges of the whole roll, where the uneven edge of the dough is visible. This can be done before putting the dish in the refrigerator, but you should act carefully so that nothing falls out and the roll does not come apart.

Portion pieces should not be cut less than 3 cm wide. The optimal width of portioned pieces is 5 cm. Such portions are convenient to eat and the filling will not fall out of them due to a lack of framing dough.

Possible cooking option

In addition to changing the composition of the filling, it is possible to prepare the snack in various ways. One of the unusual options for creating a dish of pita bread stuffed with crab sticks is this. The ingredients are not mixed and are not soaked in mayonnaise. All parts of the filling are laid out in layers:

  • The flatbread dough is coated with mayonnaise;
  • Crab sticks are laid out;
  • Thin layer of mayonnaise;
  • A layer of crushed eggs;
  • Grated cheese;
  • Another thin layer of mayonnaise;

At the end, the layers are sprinkled with greens. At the last stages, the pita bread is rolled up and sent for soaking, as in the previous version of the recipe. A roll made in layers looks unusual when cut, although the layered structure has little effect on the taste of the dish.

Video recipe for making pita bread with crab sticks:

- after all, it is with them that you begin serving dishes, which means they are the first to cook for you as a hostess. That is why I try not to ignore them and prepare something new and interesting every time. Lavash rolls help me a lot with this - after all, by changing the filling for them, you can get a completely different dish each time.

A very good option is a lavash roll stuffed with crab sticks and cheese. This appetizer looks appetizing and has an excellent taste - delicate, unobtrusive. Lettuce leaves add juiciness to this crab pita roll, and cheese makes it filling.

Another advantage of the pita bread snack with crab sticks is that it is prepared quite simply and quickly; it does not require any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients. So I recommend that you try this recipe too. And now I’ll be happy to tell you how to make a pita roll with crab sticks and cheese.


  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 100 grams of crab sticks;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 2 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 50-70 grams of hard cheese;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-4 lettuce leaves;

How to prepare a lavash roll with crab sticks and cheese:

We will need thin lavash, which is also called Armenian - this is what rolls are made with. Sheet size is approximately 20x40 cm.

Combine sour cream, mayonnaise, grated hard cheese. And garlic, passed through a press.

Mix and grease the lavash sheet with the resulting mass.

Our next ingredient is crab sticks. They need to be cut - either into small cubes or thin bars.

Place chopped crab sticks on pita bread with cheese spread, and washed and dried lettuce leaves on top.

The filling is placed in a thin pita bread, now we need to roll it into a roll. Take your time, do it carefully: it is very important that the roll turns out tight - this way the filling will not fall out of it, and it will be well soaked and will not fall apart when slicing. We pack the lavash roll in cling film or foil and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Well, after that you can cut the roll into small rolls. Their thickness can be different - some make it minimal (about 1 cm), while others make it quite large (up to 4 cm). I prefer the golden mean - 2-3 cm.

Sometimes people don’t realize how many unusual dishes can be created using Armenian lavash. This is due to the fact that it has a bland taste, and its main taste is not pronounced. However, it is precisely this quality of Armenian lavash that makes it so versatile in cooking.

Indeed, thanks to its mild flavor, it can be combined with a wide variety of fillings, be it fresh or stewed vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc. In addition, ease of preparation is a second, no less important characteristic of stuffed pita bread.

Recently, variations on the preparation of pita bread with crab sticks have become especially common recipes among housewives. If you know what other ingredients you can combine them with, then you can achieve an incredibly harmonious combination.

Lavash roll with crab sticks: step-by-step recipe

Before you start preparing the various fillings for this dish, you should learn the most basic recipe for crab stick pita bread. Thus, you can at the same time study the nuances, such as the correct sequence of layers in pita bread and rolling it into a roll.

It is always necessary to begin any culinary creation in order to prepare the necessary ingredients for use. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly rinse any vegetables or herbs that may be used. In this case it concerns greens.

After washing, the greens should be finely chopped. It is worth noting that in this dish, herbs will by no means be superfluous, so you can use several types of herbs at once.

It is better to put the eggs on the fire first, even before preparing the ingredients. This way, you can save a lot of time. Once they are cooked, they cannot be peeled immediately. You need to immerse them in a deep saucer of ice water so that they cool faster.

Only after this has been done will it be possible to remove the shells from them and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. These elements must be grated on a medium grater separately from each other.

As for the main ingredient of the future dish, namely crab sticks, they need to be grated.

The same applies to hard cheese. So, the filling for the pita bread is made.

You need to start forming the roll by giving the pita bread the required shape. Most layers have rounded edges, which will have to be removed with a knife. The result should be a rectangle shape.

The entire surface of the sheet should be lubricated with tartar sauce or mayonnaise.

You can complete the preparation by wrapping the pita bread in a roll. It is important to do this tightly so that all components are pressed tightly against each other.

It is important to cut the roll into equal portions only with a sharp knife. Otherwise, the structure may be damaged. It is better to cool the appetizer before serving.

Roll with crab sticks and Chinese cabbage in lavash

To give the pita bread a crunchy, juicy flavor, you can use Chinese cabbage in the recipe. In addition, it is very healthy and goes well with other components of the dish.

So, for the recipe you will need:

  • Thin Armenian lavash – 3 layers;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Processed cheese – 4 packs;
  • Beijing cabbage – 5 sheets;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • Crab sticks – 200 g.
  • Mayonnaise or tartar sauce – 5 tbsp. spoons

Calorie content per 100 g - 205 kcal.

As usual, preparing any recipe should begin with preparing the ingredients for use. So, you should rinse the herbs thoroughly. After washing, they need to be chopped.

As for the eggs, it is better to start boiling them before preparing the greens - this will save time. Before peeling, immerse the eggs in ice water to allow them to cool. Once this happens, you can remove them from the shell and grate the yolks and whites separately from each other.

Crab sticks and processed cheese should be grated on a fine grater. Mix them and then add chopped herbs and eggs. Season the mixture with 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise or tartar sauce.

Chinese cabbage leaves should be finely chopped, mixed with a tablespoon of mayonnaise or sauce, and pre-chopped garlic cloves should be added to them.

In advance, you should give the pita bread a rectangular shape by cutting off the curves. You need to assemble it into a roll as follows: 1 layer of mayonnaise or sauce, Chinese cabbage with garlic, a mixture of crab sticks, cheese curds, herbs and eggs. In this form, you can wrap the roll by squeezing it tightly. All that remains is to cut the dish into portions.

Lenten lavash roll

People who lead a certain lifestyle or adhere to strict diets prefer lenten recipes in their culinary skills. There is a recipe for rolls with crab sticks, the other ingredients of which are fresh vegetables. So, to prepare a lean dish you will need:

  • Thin Armenian lavash – 1 layer;
  • Tomatoes (tomatoes/cherry tomatoes) – 2 pieces/6 pieces;
  • Large cucumber – 1 piece;
  • Greens (dill and/or parsley and/or cilantro) – 1 bunch each;
  • Crab sticks – 125 g.

Cooking time – half an hour.

Calorie content per 100 g - 250 kcal.

Since the basis of the recipe is vegetables, you need to pay attention to their preparation for use. So, after thoroughly washing the cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, it is important to start processing them. You need to cut off a couple of centimeters from each end (butt) of cucumbers, and remove excess greens from tomatoes.

Afterwards, all components must be cut. It is better to do this only in cubes, so that the resulting pita bread is easier to assemble. The greens should be finely chopped.

All that remains is to assemble the lean roll. To do this, you need to give the pita bread a rectangular shape, put crab sticks, herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers on it, and roll it tightly. Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into portions.

Other fillings with crab sticks for lavash roll

As already noted, cooking has many different fillings for lavash rolls. In addition to the above, you can also find:

  1. With corn;
  2. With Korean carrots;
  3. Cottage cheese and herbs;
  4. With cucumber;
  5. With salmon and other types of fish;
  6. With vegetables and canned food;
  7. With chicken and potatoes.

Lavash rolls are one of the most versatile snacks:

  • It can accompany breakfast or a holiday table;
  • Very filling;
  • Doesn't have a lot of calories and also has lean cooking options;
  • As a rule, any of the recipes does not take more than half an hour to prepare;
  • The ingredients of the dish are extremely budget-friendly;
  • Rolls can contain any variety of fillings.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients.

Crab sticks, if they are frozen, then they must be one hour before cooking defrost at room temperature, then remove from packaging and grate on a coarse grater.
Place the chicken eggs in a small saucepan, add water to completely cover them, add a teaspoon of salt to prevent the shell from bursting during cooking, and place the saucepan over medium heat. After the water boils, cook them some more. 8 minutes so that they turn out hard-boiled. After this, drain the hot water and place them under a cold stream of water. This is necessary to make the eggs easier to peel and at the same time cool faster. Next, peel the eggs and also grate them. Also grate the cheese onto a coarse grater. Peel the garlic, rinse under cold water, and then grate on the finest grater, or pass through a garlic press. Rinse the greens well under running water, then dry with kitchen paper towels, place on a cutting board and finely chop. There is no need to mix all the prepared ingredients, just place them in different containers.
Place the finished pita bread in the microwave, literally for a few seconds. This must be done to make it more elastic and easier to wrap later.

Step 2: Layer the filling and form a lavash roll.

After this, on the working surface of the table, unfold 1 sheet of warmed pita bread. Apply chopped crab sticks onto it in an even and neat layer, sprinkle with herbs on top, lightly pepper and salt to your taste. Next, apply an even layer of mayonnaise. Roll the pita bread into a roll and set it aside for now.
Now unroll the second sheet of pita bread, place the crab sticks evenly on it again, pepper and salt on top as you wish. Apply an even layer of mayonnaise. Place the first rolled roll on the edge of the second pita bread and roll it into a double roll. Set aside.
On the table, unroll the third sheet of lavash, place grated cheese on it, then chopped egg, evenly distribute chopped garlic over the entire surface of the lavash. Add just a little salt and ground pepper on top and spread evenly with mayonnaise. Place the double roll along the edge of the pita bread and make a triple roll.

Step 3: Serve the pita roll with crab sticks.

Now that our roll is assembled, place it in a thick plastic bag of a suitable size, tie it tightly and airtight at the base and place it in the refrigerator, for at least 2 hours. Before serving the roll, remove it from the bag and cut it into portions, the thickness of which should be
Place beautifully on a serving platter and serve as a juicy and tasty snack.

Enjoy your meal!

You can easily change the filling of this dish, depending on your personal taste preferences. You can also prepare a sweet roll for children using various fruit and berry jams or preserves.

This roll is very easy to prepare and will not take much effort from you, so when guests are already on the way, be sure to use this recipe, especially since this appetizer is perfect for strong alcoholic snacks.