Lasagna with homemade sheets. Homemade lasagne sheets. Lasagne with liver, bacon and mushrooms

Lasagna is a type of pasta that comes in long, flat, wide sheets that are ideal for layering. The length of each sheet should be 6 by 7 inches or 15 by 18 cm. Special lasagna sheets can be flat or grooved. Grooved lasagna is common in southern Italy, but is rarely used in northern Italy. It is also popular in the United States.

Was first described in the 14th century in the first cookbook Form of Cury, published in England, which describes in great detail how to make lasagne sheets.

There are three stories behind the origin of the lasagna recipe. Two of them claim that the dish originally originated in Ancient Greece, because the word “laganoz” translated from Greek means “dough without yeast,” that is, only flour and water. A flat sheet of pasta dough cut into strips or "lasanon" is Greek for "pasta cooking pot." Subsequently, the Italians “borrowed” the name of the container and over time it began to designate the dish itself. A third theory suggests that lasagna originates in the fourteenth century, where the English dish loseyn (sounds like lasagne) was very popular during the reign of Richard II. However, despite all the numerous theories and assumptions, lasagna has long been considered to be often prepared for holidays and family dinners.

In Italy, lasagna is completely flat, but in America, lasagna sheets are typically folded inward to retain the sauce. The traditional dish is stuffed with meat, which is seasoned with red wine, nutmeg, béchamel sauce and Parmesan cheese. But this basic recipe today is quite modified and expanded. Good lasagna is a perfectly balanced taste of dough and filling. All recipes for preparing this dish are as follows - lasagna sheets are alternated with various sauces and fillings, as well as other ingredients. This can be meat, spinach, eggplant, tomato sauce, and spinach, as well as ricotta and parmesan. Layered lasagna can be frozen without further cooking and cooked at any time.

Lasagna sheets are made from durum wheat, so they are quite tough even after baking. You can buy them ready-made or make them yourself. But how do you make lasagna sheets at home? Everything is quite simple.

To do this, sift the flour onto a large, smooth surface or into a large bowl. In the center of the flour, beat the eggs, olive oil and salt. Mix the ingredients with a fork, using all the flour. Continue kneading the dough with your hands until it becomes smooth and homogeneous. If necessary, add a little water or flour so that the dough is not too sticky or too tight. Next, shape the dough into a ball and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour, wrapped in cling film or covered with a damp kitchen towel.

To roll out the dough into flat lasagna sheets, you need to use a special pasta machine. This will speed up the process of producing uniform and identical sheets. Separate a small piece from the ball of dough and roll it out to 0.3-0.5 cm thick, giving it the shape of an even rectangle. If you don't have a special machine, you can roll out the dough into sheets by hand. Prepare lasagna according to this recipe by first boiling the sheets in boiled water, to which you need to add a tablespoon of oil.

Even in the colorful world of comics, lasagna has gained considerable fame - the favorite food of the lazy and fat cat Garfield is this Italian delicacy. It is also sung by famous singers - Weird Al Yankovic made a parody of the song "La Bamba" called "Lasagne", which was included in his album "Even Worse".

require special sheets. You can buy them in a store, or you can cook it yourself. If you decide to cook lasagne sheets on your own, this one recipe for you. All you need is flour, eggs, salt and butter.

Portions: 8.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Lasagna dough ingredients:

  1. Flour – 400 gr.
  2. Eggs – 2 pcs.
  3. The water is cold 40 gr.
  4. Salt – 1 teaspoon.
  5. Sunflower oil – 1 tablespoon.

Lasagna dough recipe:

Sift the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen and becomes more fluffy.

Make a hole in the resulting mound of flour for the eggs.

Beat the eggs into the well and add water. Add oil and salt.

Selected eggs were used for this recipe; if you use grade 1 or 2 eggs, you need to increase the number of eggs, otherwise the dough will turn out too tough. Eggs of 1st grade will need 3 pieces, 2nd grade - 4- 5 pieces.

Knead dough, you will have to knead for a long time (5-10 minutes). If dough too steep (hard) add a little water. Knead until it becomes homogeneous and stops sticking to your hands. Cover dough cling film or put in a bag to prevent it from drying out and let stand for about 30 minutes.

Divide dough into 6 equal parts. It can be divided into another number of parts, it all depends on the size of the plates that you want to get in the end. The size can be equal to the size of the dish in which the lasagna will be baked or a smaller size for more convenient storage.

Take one of the parts and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of approximately 1-1.5 mm.

Use a knife to give the desired shape lasagna sheet and repeat with all parts test. Shape the scraps, divide them into two parts and form two more sheets. Lasagne sheets Can be used immediately, dried or frozen. Dried up sheets Before use, boil for 2 minutes in salted water, as they crumble a lot, and

Lasagna is a very hearty and incredibly tasty dish of Italian cuisine. These are sheets of dough layered with meat, cheese, and mushrooms. Read below to learn how to make lasagne sheets at home.

Lasagne sheets - recipe


  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour – 400 g;


Let's start preparing lasagne sheets at home by sifting the flour. In the resulting slide we make a depression, into which we drive 1 egg and pour in 30 ml of vegetable oil. Now mix carefully. An elastic dough should come out. Knead it for about 15 minutes. If it turns out too steep, add about 30 ml of water. After kneading, leave it for half an hour, and then divide it into 6 parts. Roll out each of them thinly. After this, leave the sheets to dry. Before use, boil them in salted boiling water with vegetable oil (10 ml of oil per 1 liter of water) for 1 minute. And then we use the lasagna sheets according to the recipe.

DIY lasagne sheets


  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 500 g;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • chilled water – 80 ml.


Sift the flour into a heap onto the table. Make a hole in it and beat in 2 eggs. Beat them in one at a time and lightly mix with the flour. Then add vegetable oil. Then add cold water little by little. Knead the dough. We check its readiness by cutting it, if the cut is even, then the dough is ready. We divide it into 8 parts. Roll out thinly with a rolling pin, giving the desired shape. Place them on a cutting board, sprinkle with flour. Cover with a napkin and leave in a bright, dry place. After 30 minutes they will be completely dry. They can be stacked, placed in a bag and stored for up to 2 months in a cool place. Before use, place them in boiling water for a minute, one at a time. Then we take out and.



Mix milk with eggs and a pinch of salt. Gradually add flour as much as the dough takes and knead until elastic. Let it stand, and then roll it out and divide it into rectangular sheets of the desired size. Boil them in boiling water with the addition of vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes, and then take them out and use them for their intended purpose.

We told you how to prepare and cook lasagna sheets. Now you can quickly and easily prepare this delicious Italian dish at home.

Making multi-layer lasagna is not an easy task, but believe me, the time and effort spent is worth it. There is no one who can resist this dish! What is “lasagna”?

When we think about Italy, in addition to tanned and white-toothed representatives of the nation, we also imagine delicious food. This is pasta, pizza, lasagna. The latter refers to the second course; it is hearty, nutritious and, of course, incredibly tasty. Preparing lasagna, at first glance, is not easy - you will need dough and filling, which are combined in an elaborate combination to form a dish. This article will describe all the intricacies of creating “good” foxes for lasagna, which will allow the dish to be perfect.

The general principles of preparing dough are both similar to the technology for preparing regular dough and different. Basically, you can choose any recipe, but some subtleties will bring homemade lasagna dough closer to the classic Italian one.

Lasagna dough - preparing food and utensils

How many layers of dough should there be in lasagne? According to the classic Italian recipe, it is considered six. For this number of sheets you will need 350-500 grams of flour.

The main ingredients will be flour and egg. Let's take a closer look at the first component.

For lasagna dough, you can use classic premium flour, which is most often used for regular baking and dumplings. The dough will turn out soft, tender, there is no need to boil it additionally, and the dish will be guaranteed to be delicious. But not everything is so simple! This kind of dough is not used in Italy, because there they use wholemeal, unrefined flour for any baked goods and flour products.

It's easy to explain. Refined flour has high taste qualities. Pasta made from this product is delicate in taste, light in color, and the baked goods are white and airy. But it should be noted that these products are far from healthy. They fill you up for a short time and are very high in calories. There is no benefit from such products, since refined flour is free of everything, including the beneficial substances of whole grains.

Another thing is coarse flour or durum flour. Behind this concept lies the same product, but containing parts of a whole grain of wheat or another type of cereal. Products made from such flour do not look very aesthetically pleasing and taste coarser and harsher. But in this “rudeness” lies the benefit. In Italy, lasagne dough is made from this type of flour.

Recipe 1: White Flour Lasagna Dough

If you make lasagne sheets from traditional high-grade flour, the dough will be tender and tasty. If you take the products in the proportions given below, the resulting flour mass will be dense, but soft and pliable. For every hundred grams of flour, take 1 egg and 20 ml of cold water.

  • Flour - 420 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Cold water - 80 ml
  • Olive oil - 1 l. Art.
  1. Mix the eggs with water and salt, beating them for at least 6 minutes.
  2. Pour the flour into a container or on a clean table, make a hole in the center and pour the egg mixture into it.
  3. Mix the dough with your hands, pour oil into it.
  4. Cover the dough with damp gauze and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Divide the lump of dough into parts (about 6-8 sheets) and roll out as thin as possible.
  6. Place the sheets on a dry, warm surface for 10 minutes, sprinkle with flour, and then you can use them.

Recipe 2: Lasagna Dough with Bran

If you want to make the dough not only tasty, but also healthy, then you should add bran to the flour. Where can I get them from? Today, many stores sell food bran - wheat, oat, buckwheat. Oat bran is considered the healthiest (as it contains a lot of fiber). The bran is quite large, so it needs to be ground into flour. Use flour and bran in a 3:1 ratio.

  • Flour - 320 gr.
  • Food bran - 110 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  1. Grind the bran. The structure should be like flour, otherwise there will be rough pieces in the dough.
  2. Combine flour and bran, sift through a sieve.
  3. Using a mixer, combine the eggs with salt.
  4. Make a hole in the flour and pour in the egg mixture.
  5. Knead the dough with your hands until you get a homogeneous mass. If the dough does not knead, you can add a little vegetable oil.
  6. When the dough is ready, you can immediately start rolling out. Divide the dough into 5-7 pieces and roll out as thin as possible. Sprinkle the finished sheets with a little flour.

Recipe 3: Rye flour lasagna dough

Rye flour is an order of magnitude healthier than regular premium flour. The dough will turn out brownish in color. To soften the shade, you can add a little turmeric. Turmeric is a spice quite commonly used in India. It gives any dish a pleasant yellow tint.

  • Rye flour - 180 gr.
  • White flour - 220 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil
  1. Combine flour by sifting both types through a sieve.
  2. Beat eggs with water and salt.
  3. Make a well in the flour, add the egg mixture and begin kneading the dough. If you think that the dough is too stiff, then pour another 50 ml of water into it.
  4. Let the resulting dough stand for 20 minutes, then divide it into several parts and roll out.
  5. Lasagna dough made from rye flour must be boiled before cooking. Dry the sheets, then lower them into boiling water for two minutes. If you don't do this, the lasagna dough will turn out to be tough.

Recipe 4: Lasagna Dough (with Butter)

The dough you get by following this recipe can be used not only for lasagna, but also for making noodles. The secret is adding butter.

  • Coarse wheat flour - 410 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 40 gr.
  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Using a mixer, combine eggs, salt and butter. Beat the mixture for at least 6 minutes.
  3. Coarse flour needs to be sifted.
  4. Make a well in the flour and pour in the butter-egg mixture. Knead the dough for 10 minutes.
  5. Leave the resulting lump of dough for 25 minutes.
  6. Divide the resulting dough into 6-8 sheets and roll them out as thin as possible.

Recipe 5: Lasagna Dough “Colored”

If you are an esthete and like the dish to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, you can make lasagna dough of an unusual color. You won't need artificial colors. Take spinach, chop it with a blender, and then add it to the dough. That's all! You can also make unusual pasta from this dough.

  • Coarse flour - 420 gr.
  • Spinach - 55 gr.
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Sift the dough. Make a hole in the pile of flour.
  2. Mix eggs with salt and cold water.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into the hole in the dough and begin kneading it.
  4. Grind the spinach in a blender and add it to the dough along with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Knead the dough for 15 minutes.
  5. The resulting lump of dough should be covered with damp, clean gauze and left for 20 minutes.
  6. Divide the dough into parts and roll it into thin sheets.

Is it possible to store homemade lasagna dough for a long time? You can, but only frozen. Before use, it will need to be immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes. If you don’t do this and just let the dough defrost, then it will crumble in lasagna.

It is best to roll out lasagna sheets using a special machine - this way they will be uniform in thickness. If you don't roll out the dough well, the lasagna will turn out uneven in thickness. When you roll out the dough, keep in mind that it should be very thin, but not transparent.

If the dough doesn't knead well, you can add a little oil to it. It’s better to take pumpkin or olive instead of traditional sunflower.

Don't forget to sift the flour before kneading the dough. This is not just a cleansing procedure - during sifting, the flour is saturated with oxygen and becomes more fluffy.

You can add different types of flour to the lasagna dough - corn or buckwheat. This way, the lasagna will turn out to be more “interesting” in taste.

Flour that can be safely used to make dough for lasagna and pasta is called “durum” or “second-grade flour.” If you prepare the dough exclusively from such flour, then the lasagna sheets need to be boiled for 3 minutes in boiling water.

Do not use thin-walled dishes to bake lasagna from homemade dough, otherwise the dish will not bake well. Take ceramic or heat-resistant glass molds.

The fact is that ordinary flour will not work at all, and the taste and appearance of such lasagna can bring disappointment. You should definitely purchase flour made from durum wheat; the best option would be to purchase flour specifically for preparing lasagna dough at home (a step-by-step recipe with photos is attached). Whole-grain flour, unrefined, will also be a good choice; even if it is not as light as for baking, it is just what you need for lasagna. Now let’s find out what types of tests exist.

Traditional lasagna dough recipe

The recipe will indicate olive oil, since this is what is used in the classic recipe, but you won’t feel much difference in taste if you use regular deodorized vegetable oil.


Flour – 400 g,
eggs – 3 pcs.,
olive oil – 2 tbsp.,
water – 2 tbsp.


There are no trifles in preparing dough for lasagna, therefore, in order for you to succeed even the first time, you should not neglect any of them when starting the process itself. Let's start with the fact that we definitely sift the flour, even if you are quite sure that it is clean without the presence of any foreign impurities.

By completing this simple procedure, you will thereby increase your chances of obtaining a more plastic and elastic lasagna dough at home according to this recipe.

Lightly beat the eggs, dissolve the salt in a small amount of cold water indicated in the recipe. We collect the sifted flour in a heap, as we usually do when kneading dough for dumplings, make a depression in the center and pour all the liquid ingredients of the recipe into it: butter, salted water, beaten eggs.

Now, armed with a long, wide knife, we knead the dough as usual, chopping and simultaneously mixing in the center of the flour mound, gradually expanding the flour grip radius. When all the flour is gone, and the kneading has not yet been done by hand, you can make some adjustments to the consistency of the dough, remembering that it should be quite dense. Usually, by this point, an experienced eye will already determine whether it is worth adding additional flour if the dough is a bit soft, or water if it is too dry for the final kneading.

Next, we knead the dough manually, taking into account the fact that you need to knead for quite a long time, at least 15 minutes, the secret is that it should be softer initially. Having made our work easier, we knead the lasagne dough at home (video), constantly adding flour so that by the end of kneading the dough is stiff but plastic.

Almost finished dough should be covered with cling film or placed in a container, leave the dough for half an hour at room temperature, during which time it will finally acquire the desired structure.

After resting the dough for the required time, divide it into small parts that are convenient for rolling out. We roll out each part of the dough quite thinly, ideally the thickness of the dough should be no more than 1.5 cm. Each rolled out layer of dough is cut into plates, the size of which you choose yourself (another advantage of home-made cooking), based on the size of the mold in which you plan to bake lasagna.

To make it easier to get dough sheets of the same size, after rolling each one, fold them in half and set them aside. When all the layers are rolled out, stack them on top of each other and cut out sheets of the required size using a sharp knife or a special disc knife for cutting pizza.

Having successfully completed the task, we enjoy the work of our hands, then we decide the very important question of what to do with them next. The fact is that lasagna turns out especially tasty, tender and homogeneous if the dough has previously undergone some heat treatment.

As a rule, at home, this can only be done by boiling the dough sheets in salted water for 2 - 5 minutes, then they should be dried. By the way, if you decide to boil the dough pieces, you should do this one at a time; to speed up the process, you can use several containers of boiling water.

However, if you lack time or want to complicate the process of preparing lasagne dough at home (photo), you can do without boiling, sacrificing somewhat the taste sensations. If you have prepared sheets of dough for future use, then you again have to choose how to store them; it can be simple freezing, or drying it like pasta. Dried dough sheets should be stored in breathable packaging, a cardboard box, or a paper bag in a dry place.

Recipes for preparing dough for dietary lasagna

The concept of “dietary” is very loose and everyone understands it in their own way, for some it means the complete absence of animal products in a dish, for others there are only some restrictions. Everyone decides on the filling themselves; our task is only to acquaint those interested with the preparation of dough for lasagna without eggs, which could well become, for example, the basis of Lenten lasagna.

Recipe 1


Flour – 250 g,
semolina or corn flour – 250 g,
vegetable oil (preferably olive) – 3 tbsp.,
hot water – 2/3 tbsp.,


Mix both types of flour, after sifting, heat the water to 60*C. Next, all the steps for preparing lasagne dough at home, step by step, are similar to those described above in the previous recipe. The only difference is that we do not add eggs to the well made from the flour mixture, but pour warm salted water and knead, also described in detail above.

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