Kefir cookies with eggs without butter. Kefir cookies, recipe, very tasty at home. How to bake oatmeal cookies in the oven

Combine kefir (preferably not from the refrigerator) with an egg. Mix.

Add vegetable oil. It is better to use refined oil for baking: this way the finished dish will not have the strong smell of vegetable oil. Also, for the dough to be successful and rise faster, all components must be at approximately the same temperature.

Sift the flour in advance and combine with baking powder and a pinch of salt. Mix it into the liquid dough base.

Carefully combine all the ingredients and knead into a soft, elastic dough. Depending on the quality of the flour, it may turn out more or less tight. Mine turned out soft and tender.

Let's start forming the cookies. If the dough sticks to your hands, you should beat it, adding flour. You can get out of this situation by lightly lubricating your hands with vegetable oil for further work. Pinch off a small amount from a piece of dough and roll it into a finger-sized sausage. Roll it in granulated sugar. At this stage, you can use your imagination to the fullest: it’s up to you what shape you give to the finished cookies. You can roll the dough into a sausage and cut it into snouts, make rings, roll out the dough and cut out any shapes - in any form the taste will be great.

Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Place the cookies in the oven for no more than 15 minutes, bake until golden on the sides at 180 degrees.

Carefully remove the finished cookies from the parchment and place them on a serving plate. We brew tea, pour cocoa or milk - with any drink, kefir cookies will go with a bang!

Ruddy on the outside, with sugar crystals, tender and airy on the inside, kefir cookies will undoubtedly delight you at the table in 10 minutes. Bon appetit!


To prepare cookies with kefir and vegetable oil you will need:
kefir - 130 ml;
egg - 1 PC .;
sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (in dough) + 1 tbsp. l. (for sprinkling);
salt - a pinch;
refined vegetable oil - 100 ml;
flour - 350 g;
baking powder - 1 tsp.
From the specified amount of ingredients you get 19-20 cookies.

Cooking steps

To make homemade cookies, I took these ingredients.

Add kefir, chicken egg, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar and vegetable oil to a bowl.

Using a fork, beat the contents of the bowl until smooth.

Add sifted flour and baking powder, knead the dough.

The dough turns out tender, soft, and easily comes off your hands.

Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment so that the side sprinkled with sugar is on top. Place the balls at a short distance from each other; there is no need to press them with your palm.

Bake in a preheated oven at 170-180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cool and serve with tea or coffee. These cookies, mixed with kefir and vegetable oil, become even tastier on the second day, so very often I bake them in the evening.

Everyone loves homemade cakes. It does not have time to deteriorate or become stale. They will certainly eat it and ask to cook more. For this reason, a recipe for kefir cookies will not be superfluous in the collection of wisdom of a good housewife. What kind of homemade cookies should you make? We recommend making simple kefir cookies. Ingredients such as kefir and soda will ensure the softness of the cookies. Even people who are allergic to milk or eggs can afford these cookies. Let's find out how to bake kefir cookies. Like all ingenious things, the recipe for these cookies is very simple. Moreover, you can find a great variety of such recipes. We bring to your attention several recipes.

Kefir cookies, recipes with photos, simple and delicious:

1) Cookies “The Joy of Taste”

A simple recipe that even someone inexperienced in baking can handle. If desired, you can add pieces of fruit, nuts, seeds or chocolate to the dough. This will give the cookies a more refined taste.

To make cookies we will need:
  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 150 gr. kefir;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 150 grams of margarine (or butter);
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 grams of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l cinnamon.

Let's start the cooking process.

Eggs must be ground with salt and sugar. Then you should add pre-softened margarine, soda mixed with kefir. Without stopping stirring, add flour. The dough must be kneaded thoroughly. The finished dough should be refrigerated for half an hour. While the dough is in a cold place, combine the cinnamon with two tbsp. l. Sahara. Now roll out the dough into a layer. Cut out figures from the dough using a knife, glass or using cookie cutters. Sprinkle the mixture over the cookies and place them on a greased baking sheet.

Bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature. Ready baked goods can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

2) Kefir cookies

The following recipe can be called unique. If you add a little less flour to it, you will get a cake as tasty as these cookies. So, we need:

  • 200 grams of kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • 250 grams of premium flour.

So, grind kefir with butter and sugar. Add soda to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. For cookies, add flour and knead the dough thoroughly. Cover the sheet with parchment paper and spread the resulting dough in an even layer. In an oven heated to one hundred and eighty degrees, bake the cookies for about thirty minutes. Then remove the baking sheet from the oven and cut the hot pastries into pieces with a knife. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

3) Extraordinarily delicious kefir muffins with a crispy crust

You can put candied fruits, raisins or dried apricots in them. To make them you will need silicone molds. We need to prepare:

  • 200 grams of butter (margarine);
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 400 grams of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 800 grams of flour;
  • 1 cup raisins (dried apricots, candied fruits);
  • 1 tsp. vanillin.

Let's start the cooking process. First, grind the sugar with the eggs. Raisins must be soaked in boiling water for twenty minutes and dried on a clean napkin. Heat the butter (margarine) and add it to the mixture of eggs and sugar, and then mix thoroughly. Next, add soda and kefir to the resulting mixture. Leave for ten minutes. Then add vanilla and flour. The resulting dough should look like thick sour cream. Now add the washed and dried raisins. We spread the dough into the molds, filling them halfway, since during the baking process it will increase in volume by exactly half. Now all that remains is to place the cupcakes in the oven, heated to two hundred degrees for twenty minutes. Check the readiness of the cupcakes using a toothpick. The resulting cupcakes can be dusted with powdered sugar.

4) There is another recipe for delicious cookies using kefir

So, let's take:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • egg,
  • half a kilogram of flour,
  • 10 gr. oils,
  • ⅓ glass of sugar,
  • half tsp soda,
  • vanilla sugar to taste,
  • and a little bit of any jam.

You will need to cool all the ingredients first. Sift the flour, add baking soda, granulated sugar and butter. All this needs to be chopped until a loose crumb-like mass is obtained. Then pour in the chilled kefir and egg yolk. Knead a loose dough that may stick to your hands a little. Divide the resulting dough into parts and leave for one hour. After this time has expired, roll out one part of the dough into a layer and place it on a baking sheet. Lubricate it with any jam, preserves or condensed milk. Roll out a layer from the second piece of dough and cover the first sheet. We bake our cookies in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for about half an hour. Remove the resulting pastries from the oven and cut into neat pieces. We dust it with powdered sugar and treat it to our relatives and treat ourselves.

Have a nice day and bon appetit))

Who doesn't love homemade cookies?! Absolutely everyone loves homemade liver! The best option for making homemade baked goods is kefir cookies. Thanks to the use of kefir and soda, these cookies are soft and crumbly. It won’t spoil, and it won’t get lost, because your household will quickly eat it! Therefore, the recipe for delicious shortbread cookies with kefir will become your lifesaver in your everyday culinary life.

A detailed description of the recipe and the sequence of steps for preparing shortbread cookies with kefir will help you cope with this task in a matter of minutes.

  • 0.5 cups of kefir.
  • One large egg.
  • 100 gr. butter.
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar.
  • A teaspoon of baking soda or 1 small packet of baking powder.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • A small pinch of salt.
  • Vanillin packet.


Remove the finished cookies from the oven so as not to dry them out. You can also sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

If you and your loved ones prefer homemade baking, but you have absolutely no desire to bother with it, then a simple recipe for making kefir cookies was created just for you!

You just need kefir, vegetable oil, baking powder or soda, granulated sugar and sifted premium wheat flour. That's all. It is from these products that we will prepare delicious homemade cookies, which are baked exclusively in the oven. In addition, these cookies are a light, low-calorie dietary dessert that can be eaten during a diet.

In addition, you can add cottage cheese, honey, raisins, apples, jam and nuts to this standard recipe for homemade kefir cookies. By adding a variety of products, you will create your own unique family recipe for homemade cookies.

To make homemade cookies more flavorful, add cinnamon. Simple cookie recipes will help you get the hang of making homemade baked goods that your family loves to enjoy with tea. By the way, simple kefir cookies can be prepared in absolutely any shape, for example, squares, diamonds, circles, wrapped in rolls or using molds in the form of interesting figures for cutting out dough.

Enjoy your tea!

Almost everyone loves homemade cookies, but sometimes there are problems finding a successful way to prepare this dessert. We have selected for you several simple recipes for kefir cookies, once you try them you will no longer have problems choosing.

Homemade kefir cookies

  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • flour – 300-400 g;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon.

To make delicious kefir cookies, mix the latter with sugar and beat until it dissolves. Then add vegetable oil, soda, slaked with vinegar, and mix everything thoroughly again. Gradually add flour and knead the dough, first with a spoon and then with your hands. As a result, it should not stick to them.

Cover the finished dough with a plastic bag and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes. After this, take out the dough, roll it out into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out the cookies using cookie cutters. Place the pieces on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, sprinkle them with sugar on top and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Quick kefir cookies

This recipe for homemade kefir cookies will allow you to prepare baked goods quickly and with minimal effort.

  • flour – 500 g;
  • kefir – 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 0.75 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • ground cinnamon - for sprinkling.

Beat kefir, butter and sugar until creamy, then add soda, slaked with citric acid, flour and knead the kefir dough for cookies. Roll it into a thin layer, place it on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Cut into pieces while it is hot.

A simple recipe for kefir cookies

These kefir cookies are prepared without eggs, but with the addition of chocolate, which makes them especially tasty and appetizing.

  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • flour – 350 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • baking powder for dough – 2 teaspoons;
  • milk chocolate – 100 g.

Whisk kefir and sugar with a broom until the latter dissolves. After this, add oil and baking powder. Mix well again and add flour and chocolate pieces. Knead the dough, cover with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Sprinkle a baking tray with flour, form small round cookies from the dough, place them on it, sprinkle sugar on top and bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Recipe for yeast cookies with kefir

If you want soft and airy kefir cookies, then this recipe is just what you need.

  • kefir – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Sift the flour and add dry yeast to it. In a separate bowl, combine butter, kefir, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar and salt. Mix these two masses and knead the dough. Leave it for about 40 minutes to rise. After that, roll it out into a layer, place it on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top and put it in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cut the dough while it is hot into portions and treat your family with fresh cookies.

Recipe for delicious kefir cookies

Dissolve sugar and salt in kefir. Grate the butter and mix with flour to form crumbs. Finely grate the boiled yolk. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Form small balls from the dough, place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, press the balls down a little and place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Cookies are not the only delicacy that can be prepared using kefir. This fermented milk product is also used to make wonderful muffins and donuts.

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The name of the “Minutka” cookie speaks for itself, and although the delicacy does not take exactly one minute to prepare, nevertheless, this process will not take much effort and time.

Hard cookies got their name due to the elasticity and density of the dough, which, when rolled out, quickly returns to its previous shape. Thus, the rolling process is noticeably delayed, which gave the sweet dish such an original name. Read this article for recipes for long-lasting cookies.

Dietary carrot cookies are not only a joyful treat for women who are losing weight, but also a healthy and tasty dessert for children. Carrot cookie recipes are not particularly complicated, so they will surely appeal to your taste.

Shortbread is a favorite delicacy from childhood that was always sold in school canteens. Delight your household by preparing them an unforgettable delicious dessert from the past using simple but incredibly tasty recipes.

Hello dear readers website

I decided to dedicate this Saturday morning to baking. I'll do baby stuff today with photo(but as always). I like this recipe because it doesn’t contain eggs at all, which is important for those who are allergic to it. And it turns out fluffy, soft and very tasty.

Irina Garodnya Kefir cookies

Grocery list

  • Kefir – 200 gr.
  • Sugar – 100 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Flour – 300-400 gr.
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

I start preparing the dough. Mix kefir and sugar in a bowl, beat them well until the sugar dissolves

Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

I quench the baking soda with vinegar and add it to the dough.

I begin to gradually add flour, first kneading the dough with a spoon, and then with my hands, until the dough stops sticking to them.

I cover the dough with cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. During this time, I prepare a baking tray and sprinkle it with flour.

I take out the dough, roll it out into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out cookies with cookie cutters. Of course, this process could not have happened without the active participation of the comrade for whom these cookies were being prepared. You can see the little playful hands in the photo. We also use children's molds, it is very convenient and the child likes such fun cookies more.

I place the cut out cookie blanks on a sheet and sprinkle sugar on top of each cookie. These cookies are baked at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. I place the cookie sheet in a warm oven, not yet heated to the required 180-200 degrees, thereby giving the dough time to stand warm and rise.

The cookies are baked for about 8 minutes, when they have risen, but have not yet browned, I take out a leaf and coat each cookie on top with milk, and again return to the oven for 5-7 minutes until that time until it turns golden.

That's all, take out the finished cookies, remove them from the sheet, let them cool. For us, it begins to disappear from the plate as soon as you can pick it up. This does not dry out for a long time and remains soft and tasty. Maybe based on what is eaten in one day? Somehow I never thought about this before.


P.S. My oven is electric, I turn on the mode where it heats “top and bottom”, the first time I put the leaf in the middle of the oven, the second time higher towards the heating elements (so that the cookies brown faster). When I take out the cookies for the first time, they are still really raw, and the second time they need to be left for 5-7, well, maybe 10 minutes (it all depends on the oven), but under no circumstances for 30 minutes. If you keep it in the oven for so long, the cookies will become like a “brick”.

That’s all for today, I’ll go cook another delicious dish, but I won’t say yet what it will be. I probably won’t have time to show it today, but look forward to it tomorrow. And today you can see how or

Many culinary experts have long adopted the fact that tasty and crumbly cookies, like those in the best confectionery shops, are made from a kefir base. It rises well and becomes slightly fluffy, porous and very aromatic. Our mothers and grandmothers especially loved this method of cooking! Today we invite you to remember several recipes for simple and tasty kefir cookies. As a rule, it is supplemented with jam, powdered sugar, pieces of dried fruit, or cooked together with ground oatmeal.

Recipe for simple kefir cookies with apples

  • Kefir - 100 ml
  • Flour - 15 - 16 tbsp
  • Baking powder - 10 g
  • Small apple - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Butter
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the flour through a sieve and mix with baking powder and vanilla.
  2. Pour sugar into kefir and mix with a mixer until completely dissolved.
  3. Next, you need to gradually introduce half of the dry mixture, as well as a peeled and finely grated apple.
  4. We begin to mix the cookie base with a spoon, then add the second half of the mixture and form the dough. Everything is done correctly if the mass does not stick to your hands. Otherwise, add flour.
  5. Divide it into three parts and roll each into a sausage.
  6. Already at this stage you need to turn on the oven.
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease with butter.
  8. We cut each sausage into pieces, carefully pull them out by the edges and give them a crescent shape (just bend the pieces).
  9. Place the cookies and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees.
  10. Place the sugar in a coffee grinder and grind for a few seconds.
  11. The finished products must cool before they can be sprinkled with powder, otherwise it will melt on the hot surface of the cookies.

Recipe for crumbly and delicious kefir cookies

  • Kefir - 170 ml
  • Butter - 130 gr
  • Flour - 400-450 gr
  • Small egg - 1 piece
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Soda - 0.25 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, mix granulated sugar, vanillin and soda. Pour the mixture into kefir and whisk until smooth.
  2. Break the egg into the mixture and beat.
  3. Before doing this, put a thick-walled saucepan on the fire, add butter, cut into pieces and heat over low heat.
  4. Pass the flour through a sieve.
  5. Mix the melted butter and pour it into the future dough, while continuing to mix, add the flour mixture in parts. First, we rub it along the walls of the container, getting rid of lumps, then mix it towards the center.
  6. Wrap the finished dough in film and leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  7. Bake cookies in a preheated oven for about 13-15 minutes.

Kefir sugar cookies

  • Sugar - 70 gr
  • Cane sugar - 20 gr
  • Kefir - 230 ml
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 12 g (quench with vinegar)
  • Flour - 350 gr
  • Milk - 20 ml
  • Sugar for decoration

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the kefir into a large bowl, and grind the sugar in a coffee grinder into powder and add to the kefir. Dissolve by shaking with a mixer.
  2. Add olive oil and mix thoroughly. Pour a couple of drops of vinegar into a teaspoon of baking soda, add the solution to the dough, and then add the pre-sifted flour.
  3. It needs to be poured in parts, continuing to mix.
  4. The mixture will gradually begin to thicken. Place it on a work surface sprinkled with sifted flour.
  5. Form into a ball. If required, add flour.
  6. We send our bun back to the container, cover it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator. After 10-15 minutes you can take it out.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, line a baking tray with baking paper.
  8. We take the mass out of the refrigerator, roll out the layer, but not too thin, and cut out the figures.
  9. Place on a baking sheet. Cookies need to be baked for about 15 minutes. To prevent the bottom from burning, place the baking sheet on the highest level, and place a metal ladle or thick-bottomed saucepan in the oven. You need to pour cold water into it.
  10. At the end of cooking, remove the cookies and brush with a brush dipped in room temperature cream. Very thin layer.
  11. Next sprinkle with sugar.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Sift the wheat flour. Add softened butter. Mix the ingredients by rubbing the oil with your fingertips until you obtain a homogeneous crumbly mixture.

Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and 1 tsp. ground ginger.

In a separate container, combine kefir, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of soda.

Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves and add to the dry ingredients.

If desired, grate and add the apple to the prepared mixture.

Mix everything thoroughly, knead the mixture and, adding flour if necessary, form a ball of soft dough. Divide the dough into 2-4 parts.

Roll out the first part of the dough thinly, adding flour if necessary.

Brush the surface of the dough with melted butter.

Mix 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon. Sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture over the surface of the dough.

Roll the dough into a log and repeat the procedure with the remaining dough. Place the resulting cookie dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

And then cut into pieces about 1 cm wide.

Place the resulting cookies on a sheet of baking paper. If necessary, pre-lubricate the paper with vegetable oil.

Brush the surface of the cookies with melted butter and lightly sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

Place the cookies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Then transfer the cookies to a plate, cover with a towel and cool.

Kefir cookies without eggs are ready. Bon appetit!

Kefir cookies are one of the simplest treats that you can prepare at home. There are various options for this delicacy: you can cook it without eggs, make it soft, bake in a frying pan or in the oven. This selection contains the best options for preparing dessert.

This delicacy can be called magical, because it turns out soft on the inside, and on the outside it is covered with a crispy sugar crust that evokes appetite. You will spend no more than eight minutes preparing the dough, and the cookies are baked in the oven for only a quarter of an hour. For preparation, you can use kefir of any fat content. Even a slightly acidified fermented milk product will not spoil the taste of homemade baked goods.


  • flour – 520 g;
  • kefir – 240 ml;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 190 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar - for sprinkling;
  • vanillin – 1 g;
  • egg - 2 large.


  1. Set up the oven. For cooking you will need 180 gr.
  2. Grind the butter. Cut to any size. Sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Grind. Use a fork for this purpose.
  4. Pour over eggs.
  5. Pour in kefir.
  6. Beat. Use a whisk.
  7. Add some salt.
  8. Add vanilla.
  9. Sprinkle with flour and baking powder.
  10. Knead.
  11. The mass should be thick, but not steep. It will stick to your hands. But it is easy to scoop up with a spoon and lingers well on it.
  12. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Pipe out the circles using a spoon.
  13. Dip your hands in water. Flatten the cookies.
  14. Sprinkle with sugar.
  15. Hide in the oven.
  16. After a quarter of an hour, the delicacy is ready.

Recipe without eggs

Kefir cookies without eggs are soft and tasty. Well kept. Baked goods remain fresh and tender for a long time. An excellent option for allergy sufferers.


  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • kefir – 240 ml;
  • milk;
  • flour – 340 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sugar – 190 g.


  1. Pour kefir over sugar. Stir. It should all dissolve.
  2. Add baking powder.
  3. Add oil.
  4. Cover with flour.
  5. Stir. With this amount of flour, soft cookies are obtained. If you like it crispy, then the amount of flour needs to be increased.
  6. The dough should not stick to your hands. Place in the refrigerator.
  7. After a quarter of an hour, take it out and roll it out. You need a thickness of five centimeters.
  8. Cut out. You can use special molds, glasses or glasses.
  9. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  10. Distribute the workpieces.
  11. Set to 200 gr. oven.
  12. Bake for eight minutes.
  13. Dip a silicone brush into milk and coat each cookie.
  14. Place back in the oven.
  15. Bake for a quarter of an hour.

Soft kefir cookies

This delicacy always turns out delicious. The consistency is similar to a biscuit. Softness is achieved due to the fact that the dough is liquid.


  • baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • kefir – 240 ml;
  • salt;
  • egg – 2 larger;
  • sugar – 180 g;
  • flour – 320 g;
  • butter – 110 g.


  1. Pour sugar over kefir. Mix.
  2. Pour in the eggs.
  3. Melt the butter. This can be done quickly in the microwave.
  4. Place in kefir mixture. Mix.
  5. Add some salt.
  6. Add baking powder.
  7. Sprinkle with flour.
  8. Mix. The mass will turn out mushy, easy to scoop with a spoon. If it is too liquid and flows easily from a spoon, then add more flour.
  9. Place the dough using a spoon onto a baking sheet in the shape of a circle.
  10. The oven needs to be preheated (180 degrees).
  11. Bake until golden brown.

Oatmeal treat

Oatmeal cookies with kefir are one of the healthiest homemade treats.


  • oat flakes (rolled oats) – 210 g;
  • kefir – 210 ml;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. a spoon of natural;
  • raisins – 70 g;
  • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons.


  1. Grind oatmeal. You can use a blender.
  2. Rinse the raisins.
  3. Mix.
  4. Pour in honey.
  5. Pour in kefir.
  6. Sprinkle with cinnamon.
  7. Knead.
  8. Leave for half an hour.
  9. Take a pastry syringe. Fill with the resulting mass.
  10. Place on a baking sheet.
  11. The oven is preheated at this point (210 degrees).
  12. Bake for a quarter of an hour.

How to quickly cook cookies in a frying pan?

If you don’t have an oven, but want to make homemade baked goods, then you can cook cookies in a frying pan. Believe me, the result will be no worse than in the oven.


  • flour – 420 g;
  • cinnamon - for sprinkling;
  • kefir – 210 ml;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Pour kefir into the oil. The ingredients must be at the same temperature.
  2. Add baking powder.
  3. Add sugar. Mix.
  4. Cover with flour.
  5. Knead. You will get a dense, pleasant mass.
  6. Roll. The thickness will be one centimeter.
  7. Cut into squares.
  8. Turn into triangles.
  9. Heat the frying pan. Do not add oil.
  10. Place the blanks. Wait three minutes.
  11. Turn over. Fry.

Armenian cookies Gata

This pastry is an oriental pleasure. It looks like a puff pastry or a roll that contains a sweet filling. Every Armenian home knows how to prepare these cookies.


  • butter – 240 g;
  • salt;
  • flour – 520 g;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • kefir – 180 ml;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 90 g;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 large.


  1. To prepare you will need a blender.
  2. Place flour (370 g), baking powder, and salt into a bowl.
  3. Chop butter (120 g). The pieces should be large. Place into the bowl.
  4. Grind.
  5. Pour in the egg.
  6. Pour in kefir.
  7. Knead the dough.
  8. Roll into a ball.
  9. Place in a bag.
  10. Hide it in the refrigerator.
  11. Leave for half an hour.
  12. Melt the remaining amount of butter. Use the microwave.
  13. Sprinkle vanilla sugar on top.
  14. Cover with remaining flour.
  15. Mix. The result was a soft mass.
  16. Cut the dough.
  17. Roll out two ovals. The thickness is approximately four millimeters.
  18. Spread the filling. Leave some space on one edge of each cake.
  19. Twist. You will get rolls.
  20. Mix the yolk. Dip the silicone brush. Grease the rolls.
  21. Each one is cut into pieces. Two rolls should yield 14 pieces.
  22. The oven is preheated (175 degrees).
  23. Place the preparations on a baking sheet.
  24. Bake for half an hour.