Transparent apple jam for the winter. How to make delicious transparent apple jam in slices: a recipe for the winter

Preparation time - 35 minutes (plus 20 hours for infusion)

Yield: 2 liters of prepared jam

To make apple jam in slices you will need:

  • Apples - 3 kg
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg

Appetizing half-moon-shaped slices floating in fragrant sweet syrup and the aroma of ripe juicy Antonovka are childhood memories of autumn homemade preparations for the winter.

There are many recipes for making delicious apple jam in slices. But the easiest and most reliable way to prepare a fruity sweet dessert is to boil chopped apples with sugar. You just need to adhere to some cooking rules, which will be discussed below.

How to make apple jam in slices:

To begin, select the apples suitable for this dish. Fruits should be firm, strong, with dense, juicy pulp. Ideally, they will only be picked from the tree. Overripe, soft fruits are definitely not suitable; it is better to make jam or marmalade from them. Cut the apples into slices about 0.5 cm thick and place them in the container in which you will cook the jam. Apples cut too thin will quickly lose their shape, and if you overdo it with the thickness of the slices, then they simply won’t cook properly.

Sprinkle sugar on top of the apples and let sit for a while until the fruit releases its juice. This process will take from 2 to 5 hours depending on the juiciness of the fruit.

Place the pan with the fruit over the lowest heat and simmer for five minutes. Remove from the stove and leave the jam to cool completely.

Then cook the jam over low heat for another 10 minutes, using a spoon to dip the slices into the sugar syrup. Turn off the heat and leave it to steep again. Repeat this step again until the slices are completely transparent and the syrup itself has thickened.

Place the hot jam into clean jars, seal and store in a dry, dark place.

From dense apples of autumn varieties, you can make jam for five minutes. This jam is good because, thanks to short heat treatment, it retains a maximum of nutrients and vitamins.

Five-minute apple jam

To make jam, take sugar and apples in equal proportions, one to one. Place peeled apple slices in a saucepan. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and leave for several hours to allow the fruit to release its juice. Then cook the semi-finished product over low heat for five minutes and leave it at room temperature for 6-8 hours. Boil the jam again for five minutes and roll into jars.

Lovers of the East will appreciate this sweet apple dessert with the addition of cinnamon. This oriental spice will very favorably emphasize the aroma of a fragrant apple and give the jam a rich and rich taste.

Apple jam slices with cinnamon

This aromatic delicacy is prepared in the same way as five-minute apple jam. Only at the end of cooking, in about five minutes, add a cinnamon stick or powder, to taste, into the pan with jam.

Lemon will add a refreshing citrus flavor to apple jam. Usually, for a brighter taste, lemon is placed in jam along with the peel.

Apple jam slices with lemon

For three kilograms of apples, take one medium-sized lemon, three kilograms of sugar and 200 grams of water. Wash apples and lemon thoroughly with hot water. Grind into equal sized slices. Place the fruit in a metal container, add water and sugar. Cook the dessert for 15 minutes over low heat. Use a spoon to gently dip the fruit into the syrup. Remove the jam from the heat and leave for 12 hours to soak. Then place the pan with the jam on low heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Delicious, aromatic jam is ready!

To ensure that the apple pieces do not turn into puree during cooking, but retain their shape, it is recommended to soak them for a short time in a soda solution.

Apple jam slices with soda

Peel two kilograms of apples, remove seeds and cut into equal pieces. Fill them with a liter of water mixed with a tablespoon of soda and leave for two hours. Boil syrup from two kilograms of sugar and 1.5 cups of water. Rinse the apple pieces to remove soda and place in sugar syrup. Cook the jam over medium heat for 20 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally so that all the apples are mixed with the syrup. Pour hot jam into prepared jars and roll up.

You can make a beautiful, tasty jam if you chop the apples coarsely. Only in this case it takes a little more time to prepare it.

Apple jam in large slices

Wash the apples. Remove the core along with the seeds. Cut small fruits into four parts, and large fruits into 8 parts. Remove the core along with the seeds. Pour hot sugar syrup over apples. Cook the jam over low heat in two batches for 20 minutes until a drop of syrup holds its shape and the fruit slices become transparent.

Even the most capricious gourmets with a sweet tooth will not be able to resist the tempting candied apples in thick honey syrup. In order to get transparent apple jam in slices, pour boiling sugar syrup over chopped apples and leave them in this form for 12 hours. Then pour the syrup into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and pour over the apples again. Leave again for 12 hours. Then boil again, pour over the fruit slices. Repeat this procedure two to three more times. Then put a pinch of citric acid in the pan with the jam and cook the apple jam for ten minutes.

Apple jam is one of the most popular preparations for the winter, since there are quite a lot of apples in season, it would be a sin not to cook something tasty from them.

Since the apple season is on the horizon, and the harvest at the dacha is in full swing, the pressing question becomes more and more urgent: what delicious thing can you make from apples for the winter? Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is jam. And who doesn’t know how to make apple jam, we’ll tell you.
In this article we will try to tell you the most popular recipes for apple jam for the winter.

Transparent apple jam in slices for the winter

A fairly popular recipe; as a rule, apples of the Antonovka variety are used to make this jam.


  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg.

Transparent apple jam in slices - step-by-step recipe with photos:

As you can see for yourself, everything is extremely simple with the ingredients, except that if your apples are very sweet, and you don’t like cloyingly sweet jam, you can add less sugar.

The cooking process, as always, begins with preparing the most important thing - apples, we will wash them thoroughly. Remove the core from the apples and cut the apples into slices.

Pour the ingredients into the prepared pan in layers - a layer of apples, a layer of sugar and leave in the pan for several hours so that the apples release their juice.

The difficulty of making apple jam in slices is that it must be prepared in several stages, to be precise in three.

Place the pan with the syrup and apples on low heat and bring to a boil, cook for ten minutes and turn off the stove. Slowly cool the jam, as soon as it has cooled completely, return to the fire and cook, and so on three times four times if necessary.

Once all stages of cooking apple jam have been completed, cool and pour into sterilized dry jars.
You have learned this simple but time-consuming recipe; the recipe is really worth your attention.

Apple jam Pyatiminutka

Jam prepared according to this recipe is not only quick and easy to prepare, but also retains almost all the benefits of fresh fruit. It’s not called “five minutes” for nothing.


  • sugar – 300 g;
  • apples – 1 kg.


  1. Core high-quality fruits, cut into thin strips or grate.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar, stir, as soon as the juice comes out, put on the stove.
  3. Let it boil on medium gas, reduce it and cook for no more than 10-15 minutes.
  4. At this time, sterilize the jars over steam and the lids in boiling water. As soon as the jam is cooked, place the hot mixture into the prepared container and seal.

A simple recipe for apple jam for the winter

You will need:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 glass of water.


How to make apple jam according to a traditional recipe. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a boil, put apples cut into beautiful thin slices into the boiling syrup, cook the jam, stirring gently so as not to damage the apples, until the slices are transparent.

If desired, at the end of cooking, you can add lemon zest, ground cinnamon or a little vanillin to this jam.

You can check the readiness of apple jam in the classic way - drop by drop, which, having dried slightly, should not spread over the saucer when turning it over. Also, if the jam is ready, the apples will not float to the top; they will be evenly distributed throughout the syrup.

Apple jam with orange slices

Properly prepared apple jam allows you to retain most of the beneficial properties of the original product. And according to the following recipe, jam for the winter turns out to be extremely tasty.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • peeled fruits – 1 kg;
  • oranges without peel – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg.


Select strictly whole apples without rot or wormholes. Cut out the center of each fruit. Cut into equal medium-sized cubes.

Peel the oranges and remove as much white membrane as possible. Divide each into wedges and cut them into slices corresponding in size to apple slices. It is best to do this directly above the container in which the delicious apple jam will be cooked.

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, as in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

Place the orange and apple pieces together, add sugar and stir. Allow about 2-3 hours for the juice to release.
Place on low gas and after the syrup boils, cook for 10 minutes.

Then put it aside and leave for another couple of hours so that all the fruits are saturated with sweet juices.

Cook for about 40 minutes on very low gas until the mixture turns golden brown.

To ensure that the jam cooks evenly, do not forget to stir it with a spatula from time to time.

Place the finished, delicious jam into jars when cooled. For long-term storage, they can be rolled up with metal lids.

Apple jam for the winter with lemon

In order to prepare delicious apple jam with lemon flavor for the winter, you will need the following:

  • granulated sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • apples – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 400 ml;
  • lemon zest;
  • vanillin.

How to cook:

First you have to make sugar syrup from water and sugar. You need to cook it until the drops of syrup become very thick. As soon as the drop begins to solidify on the saucer, the syrup is ready.

Afterwards, take the apples, wash them, peel them, remove the seeds and membranes. Then you need to cut them into slices, cubes - whatever you like. The apples need to be carefully transferred to the boiled syrup and cooked over low heat for about half an hour.

Be sure to ensure that the apples do not overcook.

Afterwards you need to take a lemon and wash it, grate it on a fine grater, add its zest to the jam with a small amount of vanillin. Afterwards, the jam you have made needs to be poured into jars and rolled up as you usually do.

Recipe for thick apple jam with cinnamon

The thickness of the jam in most cases depends on the initial looseness of the apples. If you take fruits that are too hard and dense, you will have to boil them for a very long time, and as a result the jam will not be as thick as you would like. In addition, the fruits must be fully ripe and have been left in the shade for a day.


  • chopped slices – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • ground cinnamon – 1–2 tbsp.


Remove damaged parts, core and, if necessary, skin from the fruit. Chop into arbitrary cubes, place in a bowl, layering with sugar mixed with cinnamon. Leave to release juice overnight.

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Place on medium gas and bring to a boil, remembering to stir. As soon as the syrup boils, reduce the gas slightly and cook for about 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for at least a couple of hours, maximum for a day.

Repeat the procedure two more times at the same frequency.

Boil the jam for the last time for about 7-10 minutes, pack it hot into jars and store sealed after it has cooled completely in the pantry or basement.

Jam with tiny whole apples floating in an amber syrup reminiscent of honey even looks delicious and appetizing. But the most amazing thing is that it is very simple and easy to prepare.


  • very small apples with tails – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • drinking water – 1.5 tbsp.


Sort the fruits without breaking off the stems, wash them clean and dry them. To prevent them from bursting during cooking, prick each one with a toothpick (ordinary fork) in several places.

Make a syrup from the above ingredients by boiling it for 2-3 minutes over high heat.
Pour the sweet liquid over the apples placed in the saucepan.

Once completely cooled, place on the heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for no more than 5 minutes.
Drain the syrup into a separate container and simmer it slightly over medium gas for 15 minutes.

Sterilize the jars, fill them loosely with boiled apples, and pour hot syrup on top.
Immediately roll up the lids. Turn upside down and cool slowly, covered with a warm blanket. You can store it in the basement, pantry or just in the room.

Video: Apple jam in a slow cooker for the winter

Hello dear housewives and readers of our site. If you are the happy owner of a personal plot on which apple trees grow, then during the harvest season, the topic of processing them is relevant to you. You can make a lot of different preparations from apples; in this article I share recipes for jam.

This sweet treat will be useful to you as a filling for pies or as cake decorations, and in general, such jam can be added to absolutely any baked goods. It will bring even more pleasure and pleasure in addition to a fragrant cup of hot tea. Whoever likes it more, the taste and color, as they say.

The variety of apples for jam does not matter. It’s just that if you have fruits with a pronounced sourness, then most likely you will need to add a little more sugar than indicated in the recipe. Feel free to try and edit the recipe to suit your needs. Let's finally start creating!

1. Apple jam for the winter

The beautiful amber color of the treat is mesmerizing, and the aroma will be simply unique. Citric acid diluted in water will help preserve the color of sliced ​​apples and prevent them from darkening.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 800 g
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples and sort them. Cut into large pieces, removing the core and seeds. Place in a basin and fill with water mixed with citric acid; a teaspoon is needed per liter. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour, no more.

3. After this, place the dishes on the stove, bring the future jam to a boil over medium heat, boil for 10 minutes, then set aside to cool.

4. The second time after the jam boils, cook for 15 minutes. The procedure will need to be repeated a third time.

5. Place the finished treat in pre-washed and sterilized jars for further storage and close tightly with lids.

Good luck with your preparation and great results!

2. Transparent apple jam in slices

Sweet apple dessert amazing in taste and appearance. The jam is perfect both for serving with tea and for adding to various baked goods. A little strength, patience and a miracle delicacy will delight the whole family.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1.2 kg
  • Soda – 2 teaspoons
  • Salt – 1 tsp. Spoon

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly under running water, then cut them into thin slices, removing the core and seeds. Place the chopped fruits in a bowl, then fill them with salted water. Add a teaspoon of salt per liter of water. You need to keep the apples in the solution for about 10 minutes.

The saline solution will prevent the sliced ​​fruits from changing color.

2. Then mix soda with water at the rate of a couple of teaspoons per liter of water. Rinse the apple slices and soak in the baking soda solution for 5 minutes.

The soda solution will prevent overcooking and keep the slices intact.

3. Rinse the fruits in clean water, place them in a saucepan or other container for making jam, and sprinkle sugar on top. Wait until the juice comes out.

4. Place the dishes on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil over moderate heat and remove from the heat.

5. Wait 6 hours for the jam to cool completely, repeat the procedure 2 more times. During cooking, the apple slices will swell slightly and become transparent.

6. Prepare the jars, wash, sterilize in a way convenient for you. And then fill them with ready-made, fragrant and still hot jam.

Enjoy your tea and have a nice day!

3. Fragrant apple jam in syrup

On cold winter days, it’s nice to warm up with a cup of hot tea and aromatic jam as a snack. To make the jam beautiful, boil it in sugar syrup. Difficulties are reduced to zero, and you will certainly like the result.


  • Apples – 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Water - glass

Cooking steps:

1. Dry the apples, washed to remove dirt, and cut into thin slices. Remove the cores with seeds.

2. To prevent the cut slices from changing their color, lightly sprinkle them with lemon juice.

3. Take a saucepan, preferably one with a thick bottom. Pour a glass of water into it and add most of the required amount of sugar.

4. Place the pan on the stove, do not turn on high heat. On the stove at moderate heat, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved, then the syrup should boil.

5. After this, immediately transfer the apple slices into the pan.

6. Cook, stirring gently so as not to damage the slices; it is most convenient to use a wooden spatula for this.

7. Sprinkle more sugar on top and bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

8. Next, leave the jam to cool, preferably overnight. And the next day, bring it to a boil again. It’s not difficult to check the readiness of the delicacy; drop a drop on a flat plate; if it doesn’t spread, then the sweet dessert is ready.

9. You can treat your family to hot jam right away. To prepare for the winter, pour the treat into clean jars and roll up the lids.

Enjoy your tea!

4. Apple jam with cranberries and mint

This sweet dessert is not suitable for long-term storage for the winter. But I couldn’t help but share this amazing recipe for simply magical jam. This delicacy is suitable in addition to pancakes or pancakes for breakfast, for example. If you don't like cranberries, replace them with lemon.


  • Apples - 3 pcs
  • Cranberries - a handful
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Maple syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Cider - glass
  • Mint - 2 sprigs

Cooking steps:

1. Wash the apples, cut two of them into medium-sized cubes.

2. Place the pieces in a saucepan and add cranberries. Pour in olive oil and maple syrup. By the way, the syrup can be replaced with any other, or you can not add it at all.

3. Add sugar, pour cider into the fruit and berry mixture.

4. Mint sprigs need to be chopped as finely as possible and placed in a saucepan.

5. Place the saucepan on the fire, which should be moderate. Stirring gently, bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat on the stove to minimum.

6. The apple pieces should become very soft, the liquid from the dish should evaporate to a reasonable extent. Cut the remaining apple into thin slices, add to the jam, and mix. Cover the saucepan with a lid and keep on the stove for 5-7 minutes so that the fresh apple slices soften slightly.

That's all, such a beautiful dessert with apples of different textures will not leave anyone indifferent. And the aroma is simply amazing, I advise you to try it too.

Have a great day and good mood to you!

5. A simple recipe for apple jam in the microwave

It is, of course, difficult to prepare such a dessert in large quantities. But, like the previous recipe, it is ideal as a quick sweet filling for baking or in addition to it. Cinnamon is added as desired; you can do without it.


  • Apples – 300 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Lemon - 1/2 pcs
  • Cinnamon - to taste

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the washed apples and cut into cubes. Size doesn't really matter here, make it to your taste.

2. Sprinkle fruit pieces with sugar.

3. Sprinkle juice from half a lemon on top and stir.

4. The apple pieces should release their juice; this won’t take much time.

5. Then you can immediately put the bowl in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power.

6. As soon as the microwave beeps, take out the bowl, add a pinch of cinnamon and send it back for another minute, stirring the contents.

Enjoy the taste and aroma of a sweet dessert!

6. Apple and pear jam with lemon slices for the winter

Sweet jam with an amazing taste, the highlight is lemon. It will give the delicacy a slight sourness. Preparing a treat for the winter is easy, you can easily cope with this task, the main thing is to start.


  • Apples – 2 kg
  • Pears - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking steps:

1. Pre-washed and dried apples, cut into arbitrary small pieces. Place them in the pan in which you will cook the jam.

2. Add chopped pears to the apple slices.

3. Sprinkle the fruits with sugar, mix gently, and leave on the table for half an hour. We need juice from them.

4. Then place the pan on the stove, cook the sweet dessert on low heat for about half an hour or a little longer. Watch the consistency; the fruit should become much softer.

5. A few minutes before readiness, add lemon cut into small cubes and stir.

6. Fill sterilized, clean jars with the resulting apple-pear jam with lemon, close the lids. After the jars have cooled at room temperature, they can be moved to a cool place for further storage.

Eat with pleasure and treat your friends!

7. Video - Amber jam from apples in slices

Enjoy your tea and have a good day!

Simple, easy, and in most cases, making apple jam at home will not take much of your time. Don't be afraid to try something new, this is a very good opportunity to diversify your jam preparations that you prepare from year to year. Thus, you will please yourself and your loved ones by opening and trying a sweet treat according to a new recipe.

Today we are making apple jam. Housewives stock up on fruit and continue to prepare for winter. They are happy to share tips and tell with gusto how they make jam from wonderful amber-colored apples.

This page contains five of the simplest recipes for apple jam with a sweet and sour taste. You can pack this delicacy for the winter and enjoy its beautiful color, seductive aroma and, of course, excellent taste throughout the cold season.

Transparent apple jam in slices - quick recipe

Transparent apple jam in slices is prepared quickly. It turns out quite thick. For this recipe, the best apples are late varieties - Antonovka, Anise or Papirovka. Only from them do you get transparent slices with a summer aroma and sweet and sour taste!

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Antonovka - 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Stale apples, bruised and wadded, will not be cut into slices for jam. It is better to make jam or marmalade from them.


Let's prepare the Antonovka for cooking. Cut the fruits into 8-10 pieces into neat slices, remove seeds and birthmarks. We don't remove the skin! Cover the apples with sugar in layers and leave for 10-12 hours. It can last all night.

In the morning, the future jam is already full of juices and you can bring it to a boil. Then remove from heat, press with a plate and place any weight. This way the apples will soak in the hot syrup and become translucent.

After cooling completely, cook the syrup with apples for another 3-5 minutes, set aside, cover with a plate, and let stand. Repeat the cooking procedure one more time. Again, leave the apples overnight to soak. Cook in the morning for the third time after boiling for 10-15 minutes.

Pour the hot jam into sterile jars and leave one bowl for testing. Bon appetit!

Recipe for apple and chokeberry jam

This original recipe will help housewives prepare delicious and beautiful jam with a unique tart taste. The delicate sweetness of apples goes well with the sour and viscous taste of healthy chokeberry.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • chokeberry - 2 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 3 kg;
  • water - 4 glasses.


  1. First we prepare the syrup. Pour some water into a basin and add 1 kg of sugar into it. Over low heat, wait until the sand is completely dissolved and pour the prepared syrup over the prepared rowan.
  2. Bring the berries to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the gas to a minimum and boil the future jam for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Now we set the bowl aside and keep the berries under the lid for 8-10 hours.
  4. The next step is chopping the apples into small pieces. Juicy fruits must be peeled. Cut into small pieces and place in a bowl with the rowan berries.
  5. Add the remaining 2 kg of sugar, place the container on high heat and stir gently as cooking progresses. After boiling, reduce the gas, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.

When hot, the jam can be poured into clean jars and covered with lids. Makes approximately 10 half-liter jars. There will be enough for family tea parties throughout the long, cold winter.

Apple and orange jam for the winter

Some of the most delicious recipes are apple and orange jam. It turns out jelly-like, tasty and very aromatic! You can prepare it at any time of the year or roll it up for the winter. The ingredients are always on sale in green shops.

For cooking you will need:

  • hard apples - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Apple jam is the lowest calorie treat. It is ideal for those who are losing weight and dieting. Apple and orange jam is a useful substitute for heavy desserts.


Let's prepare the apples. Remove the peel and seeds and chop into medium cubes. Cut the orange into slices, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder along with the peel. Combine the fruits in a bowl and add sugar. Boil the jam over low heat for about 1 hour. Stir occasionally!

At the end of cooking, the apples should become almost transparent, and the syrup should be difficult to drain from a spoon.

The jam is ready! It is best stored in the refrigerator, but can be transferred to a cold cellar.

Recipe for apple jam with cinnamon

This is a low-calorie and very tasty jam, since apples go well with cinnamon. This healthy spice gives off a pleasant aroma and adds an exotic taste to apples. Preparing the dessert takes 2-2.5 hours. According to the recipe, the delicacy is infused for one night, and in the morning it can be served for family breakfast.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • apples – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick.


  1. Wash the apples, peel them, and remove the seeds from the core. First chop it into slices, then into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Place the fruits in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and add water. Place a cinnamon stick between the apples.

For the first time, add 600 g of granulated sugar.

  1. Boil the mixture over high heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring gently. Then reduce the gas and simmer the jam for another 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the half-ready jam from the stove and leave for 1 hour. The fruit will release its juices and the syrup will cool. Place the warm dessert back on the stove and add the remaining 200 g of sugar.
  3. Cook the jam a second time for about 20 minutes until fully cooked. All pieces of fruit should become transparent, like real marmalades.

The finished treat should stand for one night. Afterwards you can roll the thickened jam into jars. The dessert turns out sweet, but not cloying. Great for tea drinking and as a filling for hearty pastries!

Apple and pear jam - a recipe for the winter

Homemade treats are very different from store-bought twists. Jams and compotes are the best way to remember the pleasant taste of late apples and pears in cold weather. Following a simple recipe, housewives can make jam themselves and roll it into jars for the long winter.

Ingredients for a delicious dessert:

  • apples and pears – 1 kg each;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 250 ml.


  1. To cook, peel the fruit, remove the seeds and cut into equal, not very large slices.
  2. Cook the syrup. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water. Gently stir the mixture so that the sugar grains dissolve and do not burn.
  3. Pour hot syrup over chopped apples and pears. When the workpiece has cooled completely, put it on the fire and boil after boiling for 5-6 minutes.

The fruit must be mixed very carefully so that the slices do not fall apart, but remain whole and beautiful.

  1. After the first cooking, you need to wait 6-8 hours and repeat the procedure. For those who like it thicker, you can increase the number of boils to 3-4 with 8 hours of standing time.

Beautiful apple and pear jam is ready. There will be enough dessert for about 4-4.5 liters. All that remains is to roll the sweets into sterilized jars and put them away for the winter. Enjoy your tea!

Good luck with your preparations and look forward to new recipes!

Apple jam: slices, transparent, recipe with photos step by step

Apple jam from Antonovka vulgare is very aromatic, tasty and has a delicate straw color. Unlike other apples, the pulp of these fruits is susceptible to boiling during blanching, so they are cooked using a special technology. To make the apple slices denser, juice is extracted from them using sugar, and then boiled over low heat and kept for at least 10 hours. Upon final cooking, the apple slices become transparent. This jam with a special taste and aroma is an excellent vitamin preparation for winter tea drinking! We also invite you to cook according to the recipe on our website.

Jam from apples of the “Antonovka ordinary” variety

Apples (variety “Antonovka ordinary”) – 1 kg

Granulated sugar – 1.3 kg

Water – 1 glass

Preparation time – 10 minutes

Cooking time – 40 minutes + standing time

Output – 1.2 l

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. The weight of apples is indicated without taking into account waste.

Step-by-step recipe with photos on how to make clear apple jam:

Wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into equal slices 1–1.5 cm thick. To prevent the slices from darkening while processing the apples, as you cut them, place them in salted water (2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter water). The time the apples are in the saline solution should not exceed 1 hour. When all the apples are peeled and cut, drain the brine solution.

Place the apple slices in a large bowl, sprinkle with sugar and shake well so that the sugar is evenly distributed on the slices.

Soak the apples in sugar for 6–8 hours to release the juice. Due to this, the apple slices become denser and will not be overcooked in the future.

Place apples with syrup in a cooking container and pour in water.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for no more than 5 minutes.

Leave the apples to steep for 10–12 hours.

Finally cook the jam until done. The syrup and slices in it should be transparent.

Allow the finished jam to cool, and then pack it into dry jars, cover with boiled lids and seal.