How to make kvass from birch sap at home. Kvass from birch sap with raisins

Birch sap has gained wide popularity due to its rich chemical and biological composition. In addition, such a drink brings great benefits to the body.

But you can drink it in its pure form only for a limited period of time, but on its basis you can prepare very tasty, refreshing, and most importantly healthy kvass.

Our ancestors also noticed that birch sap fermented in wooden barrels significantly increased efficiency and perfectly quenched thirst and hunger.

There are several different options for making kvass based on birch sap.

All of them are united by two traditional factors:

  1. Freshly collected sap from this tree.
  2. Wooden barrels for fermentation and direct preparation of the drink itself.

In modern conditions, it is not always possible to use containers made of real wood to prepare a drink, so you can replace it with a glass jar or enamel pan.

With raisins

This is one of the most ancient recipes. The finished drink has a distinct taste of birch sap. It perfectly quenches thirst and helps to quickly restore strength after heavy intense exercise.

For preparation you will need:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g dark raisins.

Important! It is not recommended to wash raisins before use. It is this that will act as yeast, since on the surface of unwashed dried berries there are all the necessary bacteria.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Add granulated sugar to it and mix thoroughly until all its particles are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into a fermentation container.
  4. Add raisins to the liquid and mix well.
  5. Cover the container with a cloth and place in a warm place for three days to ferment.
  6. Pour the drink into bottles and put it in the refrigerator for another three days. After this, kvass is considered ready for use.

Reference! The finished drink made from birch nectar should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a cool place. In this case, its guaranteed shelf life is 20 weeks.

Watch the video that tells you how to make kvass from birch sap with the addition of raisins and dried fruits:

With barley

Another ancient option for making tasty and healthy kvass. It uses a minimum of products, and the end result will pleasantly surprise and delight you with its taste and aroma.

Ingredients for preparation:

  • freshly collected birch sap - 6 l;
  • dry barley - 200 g.

The non-alcoholic drink prepared according to this recipe is very similar in color and aroma to ordinary bread kvass. It can be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in a cool place for up to 7 months.

Preparing kvass from birch nectar is very simple:

  1. The liquid must be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze.
  2. Sort the barley and remove damaged or empty grains.
  3. Pour the grain into a suitable container.
  4. Heat the juice over low heat to 65 degrees and pour it over the barley.
  5. Cover the container with a cloth and put it in a dark and warm place for 4 days. Then the kvass is filtered and cooled.

Reference! To enhance the taste of the finished drink and color it a pleasant brown color, it is recommended to fry the grains in a dry frying pan until golden brown. It is necessary to take into account that if the barley is not separated from the husk, the finished kvass will have a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.

The video shows how to properly prepare birch kvass with barley, oats and wheat:

With bread

Another option for making delicious and refreshing kvass is with bread.

Method 1. Ancient

Ingredients for cooking:

  • birch sap 2 l;
  • 3 crusts of rye bread;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

This recipe appeared several centuries ago.

Preparing kvass is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to carefully strain the birch sap.
  2. Place scalded and dried raisins in a jar.
  3. Add granulated sugar and bread crusts to the container.
  4. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees and pour it into the contents of the container.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and put it away for fermentation for two days in a warm place.

Ready kvass, strain and bottle. It is ready to eat immediately after cooling in the refrigerator.

Method 2. Refreshing

Ingredients for preparation:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • 15 pcs. raisins;
  • 450 g rye bread;
  • 50 g fresh mint leaves;
  • 250 g barley.

Reference! The finished drink has a pleasant, invigorating and refreshing taste. It is best used in its pure form.

The more chilled it is, the more pleasant it is to drink.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes with a side of about one and a half centimeters and dry in the oven until crusty. The main thing is that the crackers do not burn.
  2. In a thick-walled frying pan, preferably cast iron, melt the sugar and boil it until a caramel color is obtained. No need to add water!
  3. In a similar container, you need to fry the barley grains until golden brown.
  4. Thoroughly strain the birch sap through cheesecloth and pour into a large saucepan.
  5. Boil the nectar over low heat for a couple of minutes, then remove the container from the stove.
  6. Finely chop the mint leaves and add them to the container with the hot juice.
  7. Pour all other ingredients into the liquid, mix well and leave for half an hour. During this time, the granulated sugar will completely dissolve and the crackers will soften.
  8. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and put on a glove with a small hole in the finger.
  9. Leave for three days at room temperature.
  10. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, adding three raisins to each bottle for each liter of the finished drink.
  11. Cool the kvass for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

Important! Kvass based on birch sap, prepared according to any of these recipes, should not be stored in plastic bottles. For storage, ordinary glass jars are best suited, which can be hermetically sealed with thick nylon lids.

The video describes the technology for preparing kvass from birch sap with bread:

How to drink correctly?

Birch kvass contains all the same beneficial properties as the sap of this tree. Despite its apparent benefits, this non-alcoholic drink should be consumed in limited quantities, and not all people can drink it.

Reference! Birch kvass has a powerful diuretic effect, so it should be drunk in limited quantities by people with diseases of the urinary system, as well as by those people who suffer from urolithiasis.

This drink should be consumed in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. If kvass is used for the first time, then a single dose should not exceed 100 ml. In this case, on the first day you are allowed to drink no more than 250 ml of this drink.
  2. If this drink is used as a basis for preparing cold soups, then it must be diluted with purified water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Even if this healthy non-alcoholic drink is well tolerated, you should not consume more than 1 liter per day. In this case, it is better to divide the daily volume of kvass into several equal portions.
  4. It is best to drink this liquid after a meal, especially for those people who have high stomach acidity and diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.

Attention! It is better not to give birch kvass to children under 10 years of age. Most pediatricians say that it is best to include this drink in the diet no earlier than 12 years of age. In this case, you can drink 150 ml of kvass once a day, no more than three times a week.

Properly prepared birch sap is a real benefit for the body, but only if it is consumed, stored and prepared correctly.

Particular attention should be paid to the main ingredient - birch sap:

  1. It is better to collect nectar away from urban settlements.
  2. It is necessary to collect sap from trees in early spring; it is at this time that it contains the maximum concentration of useful substances.
  3. Birch trees that are at least two years old and with a trunk diameter of at least 25 cm are suitable for harvesting.

Important! Before further use, it is recommended to leave the collected nectar for 3-5 hours, and then carefully filter through several layers of gauze.

Only birch kvass prepared taking into account all these recommendations can be considered a truly healthy product.

Birch sap is rich in vitamins and macroelements that are so necessary for our body, but not everyone knows how to make birch kvass from it at home

Birch sap is rich in vitamins and macroelements that are so necessary for our body, but not everyone knows how to make birch kvass from it at home. After all, a fresh drink does not have a long shelf life, and kvass can be enjoyed for many more months.

Birch kvass is an excellent alternative to preserving sap using preservatives. During its production, no beneficial substances are lost, but remain in the drink.

Useful properties of birch kvass

Kvass infused with birch nectar is rich in substances that have a good effect on the human body, improve the functioning of the immune system, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

By drinking this drink, you can not only get a pleasant taste and quench your thirst in hot summer weather, but it also helps remove harmful substances from the body and improve digestion (if such a problem exists). Kvass made from birch sap has diuretic properties. It is recommended to drink it to get rid of swelling. Regular consumption of birch sap or kvass restores the environment in the stomach and normalizes its acid-base balance.

The organic acids and enzymes included in the composition, magnesium and iron, calcium salts, vitamins and macroelements saturate the human body. This drink can be drunk by children, adults and the elderly.

Birch kvass is consumed not only as a tasty and healthy drink. It is used for cosmetic purposes; it is used to make anti-aging face masks or hair strengthening products.

Advice! Drinking birch sap helps in the fight against colds, and is also an excellent preventative during the cold season and for boosting immunity.


Even one of the healthiest drinks has minor contraindications. They are based on individual intolerance to the product and the body’s allergic reaction to birch pollen. It is in these cases that it is not recommended to use birch sap or kvass or use it with caution.

Rules for collecting birch sap

In early spring, along with the end of frost and rising temperatures, sap flow begins, and it is at this time that lovers of this drink begin to collect it. In order to determine its beginning, you should carefully make a small depression with an awl, about 5–7 cm. A drop of birch sap that appears means that you can start collecting it.

The choice should be made on a birch tree whose trunk is at least 25 cm. A tree of this size has only one cut to collect sap. For every additional 10 cm, 1 hole can be added to the diameter of the trunk. If you do not follow these rules, you can ruin your birch tree.

Advice!It is better to collect birch sap during the day, since sap flow slows down at night, and as a result, a little less will flow into the bottle than you would like.

To make a cut to collect sap, it is better to choose the southern side of the tree, at a height of 50–60 cm, insert a special boat-shaped groove into it. From one tree you can collect from 3 to 7 liters of juice per day. After collecting, it is necessary to cover the cut with dirt or moss, otherwise the liquid will continue to drain and the birch tree may dry out.

It is more convenient to collect juice in a plastic container, but for storage it is better to pour it into glass bottles, which will preserve the healing properties of the drink.

Advice! To collect birch sap, you should not choose a young tree or one that grows outside the window. Birch should be looked for away from populated areas and roads, as trees tend to absorb all harmful substances in the air.

Nuances of preparation

In order for birch kvass to turn out tasty, you need to know some rules:

Advice! Birch sap and kvass contain a large number of phytocytes. They are a natural antibiotic. Drinking this drink for sore throat, bronchitis, and pneumonia is very useful.

Best Recipes

There are many recipes and ways to make birch kvass at home. Below are the most common ones.

Birch kvass with raisins (classic recipe)

To prepare you will need:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • Granulated sugar - 500 grams;
  • Raisins – 100 grams (50 pcs.)

Cooking method:

Clean the birch nectar using a strainer or gauze filter, rinse the raisins well and dry. In an enamel saucepan, mix sugar and juice until completely dissolved. Add raisins and cover with a cloth lid. Leave to ferment at room temperature for three to four days. Pass the resulting drink through a gauze filter again and pour into clean glass bottles, close the lids tightly, and cool. A tasty healthy drink is ready to drink.

Advice!Classic birch kvass with raisins is ideal for making okroshka. It will add interesting notes to your favorite dish.

Birch kvass with the addition of large dark raisins

When using large dark raisins, the recipe and fermentation time changes slightly.

Required components:

  • Fresh birch nectar – 3 liters;
  • Large dark raisins – 25 berries.

Cooking method:

Rinse and dry the berries well, strain the nectar through a strainer. In a glass or enamel bowl (it is best to use a three-liter glass jar), mix all the ingredients. Close the container with the future drink tightly and place it in a cool place for three months, for example, in a basement. After the allotted time, the kvass must be filtered and you can enjoy the wonderful drink.

Birch honey kvass


  • Fresh birch sap - 10 liters;
  • Raisins - only 3 berries;
  • Live yeast (fresh) – 50 grams;
  • Liquid honey – 35–40 grams;
  • Lemon (medium size) – 3 pieces.

Cooking method:

Squeeze the lemons and mix in a deep container with strained birch sap. Add live yeast, honey and raisins. Make sure that all components are mixed evenly, pour the resulting mixture into a glass container, close tightly and place in a cool place where bright light does not penetrate. After 3-4 days, you can try a fresh tonic drink.

Birch sap with orange

Required Products:

  • Natural and fresh birch sap – 2.5 liters;
  • Orange – 1 piece;
  • Raisins – 15–20 grams (10 pieces);
  • Melissa and mint to taste;
  • Granulated sugar 250 - grams;
  • Yeast – 10 grams.

Cooking method:

Grind a little sugar and yeast and pour into a prepared glass jar, add the orange cut into pieces. Pour in the remaining granulated sugar, add a sprig of lemon balm and a few mint leaves. Fill the jar with juice, cover with a lid and leave for two days.

Strain the fermented mixture through a sieve or gauze filter and pour into bottles. Add 2-3 raisins to each of them. Place the drink in the refrigerator for a day. Exactly one day later you can quench your thirst on a hot day with a delicious drink with citrus notes.

Advice!Early spring is the best time to prepare kvass based on birch nectar with raisins. This way, a delicious cold drink will be ready for summer. It’s better to stock up on a drink that contains honey before winter to boost your immunity.

Bread birch kvass with coffee beans

To prepare kvass you will need:

  • Fresh birch sap – 2.5 liters;
  • Borodino bread (preferably stale) – 2-3 pieces;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • A handful of coffee beans.

Cooking method:

In a frying pan, without adding oil, fry the coffee beans. Dry the pieces of bread in the oven. Rinse the raisins thoroughly and dry. Mix all the ingredients in a glass container (a three-liter jar is good for this), pour everything with juice. Place a rubber glove over the neck of the jar and carefully pierce it with a needle. Place the starter in a warm place for two to three days. After this time, the kvass should be won, the deflated glove will indicate this. Pour the already strained drink through a gauze filter into glass bottles and place in a cool, dark place. After three days, you can enjoy a divine tonic drink, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Advice! To be sure of the naturalness of the birch drink, you should not buy it in the store; it is better to collect it yourself. When preparing kvass, you can add various medicinal plants and herbs. This will only add vitamins and substances that are so missing in early spring to the healthy drink.

Birch kvass with added dried fruits

There are two ways to prepare kvass from dried fruits based on birch nectar.


  • Natural fresh birch sap approximately three liters;
  • 150 grams of dried fruit mixture.

Cooking method:

Place thoroughly washed dried fruits in a glass jar, fill with nectar and cover with a gauze lid. There must be access to oxygen. Place the jar of future kvass to steep at room temperature for two weeks. After time, strain the finished drink and you can drink and enjoy the amazing taste.


  • Freshly collected birch sap - 3 liters;
  • Mixture of various dried fruits – 200 grams;
  • Dry yeast – 10 grams;
  • Honey optional.

Cooking method:

Rinse the dried fruit mixture well under running water and dry. Place in a container for future fermentation (not plastic). Pour in the yeast and pour birch nectar over everything. If desired, add honey to the starter for taste. Cover the container with a gauze lid and place in a warm place. After two days, the drink is ready, all you have to do is strain through a fine strainer and you can drink the tonic cool kvass.

Advice! When preparing kvass using yeast, you must carefully monitor the time and try not to overcook it. In a warm room, this drink is prepared very quickly, so you need to be especially careful.

Birch-barley kvass

Lovers of traditional bread kvass will love birch-barley kvass. They have almost the same taste, but this drink is richer in vitamins and microelements. It will also be a good base for okroshka. Below are two recipes for a birch-barley drink.

For preparation you will need:

  • 10 liters of birch nectar, preferably freshly collected;
  • 1 kg. selected barley.

Cooking method:

Wash and dry the barley, then fry it in a frying pan until golden brown. Pour the grains into a container with strained birch sap and mix. Place in a cool room. Gradually the juice will begin to get stronger. After making sure that it has reached the desired strength, strain and pour into the prepared container. This kvass can be drunk until mid-summer.

Required ingredients:

  • 10 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • Half a kilogram of barley;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 800 grams of rye bread;
  • 100 grams of dried mint.

Cooking method:

Cut the rye bread and dry it in the oven. Fry pre-washed and dried barley in a frying pan until golden brown. Boil the juice in advance and add all the ingredients to it when it has cooled slightly. Leave the mixture at a temperature of 22–24 degrees for fermentation for three days. Next, you should strain it, pour it into a specially prepared container and leave it to cool. You can enjoy the divine taste of a cool drink. Kvass prepared in this way can be safely stored for six months.

Making birch kvass at home is not a complicated process. If you want to enjoy a healthy tonic drink, you need to spend very little time on it. A good addition when collecting birch nectar is to walk through the forest and enjoy its beauty. And you will be sure that birch kvass is made exclusively from natural ingredients.

In the sultry heat, you want to drink cold kvass made from birch sap, the recipe for which our ancestors knew in Ancient Rus'. The drink not only quenches thirst, but also fills the body with useful components. The presence of prebiotics in birch kvass puts it on a par with fermented milk products. This product is quite common on supermarket shelves, but it is better to make it at home to be 100% sure of its quality and usefulness.

Many historians say that as early as 6,000 BC, ancient people drank a drink very similar to modern kvass. It was prepared from bread crusts, tree bark and herbs.

The first memories of a healing drink are found in the manuscripts of Pliny, Hippocrates and Herodotus. Ancient scientists spoke of this product as a cure for many ailments.

In general, the word “kvass” in Old Russian means “sour drink.” As you can see, initially this word had a slightly different meaning. “The Ipatiev List” and “The Legend of the Rich” mention a useful product. A little later, kvass became a very popular drink in Rus'; both the boyars and the mob drank it.

At first, kvass was prepared only from stale rye bread. But time does not stand still, and traditional recipes are supplemented and changed. So, later kvass was prepared from rye and barley malt, adding mint leaves and raisins. Interestingly, the northerners used currant leaves and Irish moss as integral ingredients of the drink. At the same time, they began to prepare kvass from birch sap.

In the 19th century, Russian scientists began to study kvass for the presence of useful components. Even the legendary scientist Mendeleev, who loved to drink kvass, studied it for the content of micro- and macroelements.

Birch sap was popular in the vastness of the Soviet Union in the 50s of the last century. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1946, thanks to the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences, a recipe for making kvass from birch sap was recommended. In those days, juice, granulated sugar, lactic acid bacteria and yeast were used to make the drink. It was then cooled to 6°C, sweetened, decanted and poured into containers.

After the collapse of the USSR, the production of birch sap and kvass from it fell sharply, and now the product has become less accessible.

Unfortunately, the modern quality of most food products does not correspond to those produced during the Soviet Union. Therefore, the question of the usefulness and quality of products is very acute, especially when it concerns young children. Therefore, most people, choosing between store-bought and homemade kvass, choose the latter option.

Birch kvass - benefits and harm

The drink, made from natural birch sap, is a fermentation product.

On a note! According to recent studies, when drinking one glass of drink daily for 14 days, general health improves: vitamin deficiency, depression and chronic fatigue disappear.

Due to the fact that kvass from birch sap contains a colossal amount of vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, macro- and microelements, it has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of human internal organs:

  1. Normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Birch kvass is a source of prebiotics, which contain a group of B vitamins. Along with lactic acid products, the fermented drink helps restore the balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines.
  2. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. This property is again associated with the presence of prebiotics and B vitamins in kvass. Traditional healers use birch kvass to combat pimples, acne and acne.
  3. Increases the body's defenses and prevents the development of many pathologies. Due to the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), taking kvass from birch sap helps prevent colds and ARVI, and also strengthens the immune system.
  4. Has a diuretic effect. Birch kvass, by slightly accelerating the work of the kidneys, helps get rid of swelling. Due to this property, it is taken for weight loss, although there is debate about fat burning.
  5. Removes toxic substances and waste from the body. This property is associated with the presence of prebiotics and other beneficial elements in kvass.

On a note! Sometimes birch kvass is used as a steam-generating agent in baths.

Inhaling steam helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and skin diseases.

Despite its great benefits, it has some contraindications. It is highly not recommended to drink it for the following pathologies:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis with increased acidity;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • food intoxication.

There is no consensus on whether birch kvass can be consumed by young children, pregnant and nursing mothers. In many sources you can find completely different information. Therefore, it is better to introduce the drink into the diet, starting with a small dose (50 ml), so as not to cause an eating disorder or increase lactation.

Traditional recipes for birch kvass

Since ancient times, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers loved to experiment just as we do now. Therefore, recipes for preparing a healthy drink with the addition of honey, cranberries, barley and other ingredients have survived to this day.

Birch kvass with yeast. To prepare the product, you need to prepare:

  • birch sap – 10 l;
  • yeast – 40 g.

First, the juice is boiled, cooled and yeast is added. Then it is placed in a cool room for two to three days, this can be a cellar or basement. When the drink is infused, three-liter jars are “blown” over hot steam, kvass is poured into them and the lids are rolled up. It can be stored in the pantry for about 6 months, and even longer in the refrigerator.

Recipe with Borodino bread. To prepare a delicious drink you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • Borodino bread – 1 loaf;
  • birch sap – 3 l;
  • raisins – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • roasted coffee – 1 tbsp. spoon.

A few crusts of Borodino bread should be placed in a three-liter jar, as well as raisins and roasted coffee. The entire mixture is poured with birch sap, and gauze is placed on the neck of the jar and a rubber glove is put on. When it swells, the kvass should be filtered and poured into a clean container. The drink is placed in the refrigerator for two days, after which it is ready to drink.

Cranberry and honey recipe. To prepare birch kvass, you need to prepare:

  • birch sap – 3 l;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cranberries – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • mint leaves.

Add honey, cranberries and mint to a three-liter jar. Then the container is filled with birch sap, a rubber glove is put on it and placed in a warm place. When the glove inflates, it means the fermentation process has already ended. Kvass must be strained and poured into a clean jar. The drink is left for 2 days in the refrigerator and then drunk.

Country recipe. To prepare kvass from birch sap you will need the following ingredients:

  • birch sap – 10 l;
  • black bread crackers – 200 g;
  • dried cherries - to taste;
  • dill - to taste.

Birch sap is poured into an oak barrel. Rusks are placed in a linen bag and lowered into a barrel, tied on a long rope. The fermented juice must stand for 2 weeks in the basement or cellar. After the fermentation process is completed, dill and some dried cherries are added to the kvass.

Original recipes for birch kvass

By adding a variety of ingredients, you can prepare very tasty kvass, which will be much healthier than Coca-Cola, Fanta and other carbonated drinks.

Recipe with added orange. To prepare the drink you need to purchase:

  • birch sap – 2.5 l;
  • yeast – 10 g;
  • granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • mint - a few leaves;
  • raisins – 3 tbsp. spoons.

On hot summer days, a soft drink instead of soda is the best solution. Especially tasty with raisins. This drink quenches thirst well and has many beneficial properties. It is very easy to prepare, even with your own hands. The basis for such a drink can be not only flour and malt, but also berries, fruits and other natural ingredients.

Useful properties of kvass

Kvass made with birch sap and raisins is very refreshing in the heat and has a beneficial effect on the body. The drink is good for the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and has a diuretic effect. Kvass can prevent the development of many diseases. contains:

  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium salts;
  • microelements and a whole complex of vitamins.

Birch sap helps restore immunity after winter and improves blood circulation. During fermentation, the beneficial properties of the drink are not lost. Birch sap is good for reducing fever and helping with headaches. Nectar has proven itself in the treatment of bronchitis, sore throat and tuberculosis and has a healing effect. Birch sap is very useful for kidney problems and urinary tract diseases.

Nectar speeds up metabolism. Birch sap helps treat joints and removes swelling, and has a beneficial effect on the skin. When preparing kvass from nectar, many of the listed properties are preserved. But only if the ingredient is collected away from the city, and the prepared drink is stored only in the refrigerator.

Which birch trees can you collect sap from?

In order to make it with raisins without preservatives, you need to collect the ingredients yourself. Birch sap is best taken from forests located away from the city. Older trees are selected to collect nectar. But at night there is no movement of juice, so it is collected in the morning. A birch tree with a circumference of approximately 25 cm is selected.

To collect the sap, a small incision is made in the bark, just touching the trunk. The excavation should be made at a height of half a meter from the ground. A small groove or tube is then inserted into the incision. After collecting the juice, the excavation must be covered with dirt, clay, moss or other (but preferably only natural) substances.

Classic with raisins

To prepare classic birch kvass with raisins you will need:

  • 10 liters of natural nectar collected in the forest;
  • 500 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 pcs. dried raisins.

Cooking method

The collected birch nectar is cleared of microscopic pieces of wood. To do this, the juice is filtered through gauze folded in several rows. Then the raisins are washed and dried. Birch nectar is mixed with granulated sugar. Stir until it is completely dissolved. Then raisins are added. The container in which the kvass is prepared is covered with a cloth lid and placed in a room with a temperature of approximately 22 degrees.

The drink must ferment for three days. After this, it is filtered again. Pour into bottles and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe for kvass with honey

The recipe for birch kvass with raisins and honey is very simple. The resulting drink helps prevent colds and has antibacterial agents. To prepare you will need:

  • 10 liters of birch sap;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 4 raisins;
  • 50 g live fresh yeast;
  • 40 g liquid honey.


Birch sap is cleaned and filtered through cheesecloth. Lemons are squeezed and added to the nectar. Then yeast, honey and raisins are poured out. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into jars or bottles. The container is tightly sealed and stored in a cold place. The fermentation lasts four days.

Recipe for kvass with coffee beans

Birch kvass with raisins can be prepared with coffee beans. To do this you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of birch sap;
  • 3 pieces of stale;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • a small handful of raisins;
  • the same portion of coffee beans.


A frying pan is placed on the fire. Oil is not pouring. Coffee beans are roasted. The bread is cut into pieces and slightly dried in the oven. The raisins are washed and dried. A three-liter jar is used for the starter. All the ingredients are placed in it and filled with birch sap. To determine the fermentation of the drink, a medical glove is pulled over the neck and pierced with a needle. The container is left warm. Kvass begins fermentation after 2-3 days. At the same time, the glove inflates. When it subsides, the drink is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. It is better not to touch the kvass for several days, as it needs to brew.

How else can you prepare birch kvass?

Birch kvass with raisins can be prepared with orange slices. For this, classic ingredients are used with the addition of mint sprigs, lemon balm and 10 g of yeast. They are ground with granulated sugar. Then the remaining ingredients are added, mixed and fermented for two days.

Birch kvass, which is prepared with the addition of dried fruits, is very tasty, nutritious and rich in vitamins. And for a more interesting taste, you can add a little barberry. All ingredients are mixed and the drink ferments for four days.

In order to prepare high-quality kvass, birch nectar must be thoroughly cleaned of wood debris. To do this, the juice is filtered through cheesecloth. Birch nectar kvass should be prepared only from nectar collected in the forest outside the city. Because exhaust gases and smog affect the raw materials taken from trees.

It is better not to use plastic containers for sourdough. Glass containers (can be made in 3- or 5-liter jars) or enamel dishes are best. Prepared birch kvass with raisins can be stored for no longer than 120 days. Large dark raisins are best suited for this drink. It’s better to make the drink in early spring so that it brews by summer. Birch kvass is great for okroshka.

It is best to make a drink with honey in the fall. This kvass helps maintain immunity in winter. To do this, you can add medicinal herbs to a drink prepared at any time of the year. Kvass should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Hello friends!

How are you? We haven't seen you for a long time! There were all sorts of different things... I promise that I will improve. And today we have an interesting topic. After all, the busy time for collecting very healthy birch sap has now begun. And so let’s look at what can be prepared from this product.

How do you know what you can already collect? To do this, observe the buds of birch trees. As soon as they swell, they immediately make punctures in the wood. If a drop appears, you can collect the useful liquid. It is important to make only one hole on one tree so as not to destroy it. Then all holes should be covered with clay.

Collect moisture in jars, bottles or bags. The so-called taste, in my opinion, is not particularly aromatic or tasty. It may seem slightly sweet. Therefore, various ingredients are added to the juice, which will give the drink the desired taste and aroma. But at the same time it remains very useful, which treats many diseases.

Let's look at what kind of ambrosia can be made from birch water. And as always, you can leave your recommendations and reviews below in the comments.

Useful properties and contraindications of kvass drink

Why is our ready-made drink so useful? First of all, the absolute absence of any chemicals. The same cannot be said about store-bought lemonades, which contain too much sugar and other preservatives.

It will perfectly refresh and quench your thirst in the summer. At the same time, the body will receive beneficial prebiotics that normalize the digestive system. Therefore, the fermentation product is good to take before meals. That is, I drank a glass and you can sit down at the table for dinner.

It is interesting to know that our ancestors called birch sap with the beautiful word “birch tree”.

B vitamins will perfectly improve the health of your skin and hair. They will help get rid of pimples and acne from the body. In this case, it is better to apply lotions to problem areas.

Berezovitsa improves health well during the spring season of colds. For prevention, it is good to take it several times during the day, and also add crushed cranberries or lingonberries.

Birch kvass does not promote active weight loss. But it helps get rid of excess swelling due to its diuretic effect.

Kvass has no particular harm. But it is better not to drink it for those people who have diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Effervescent liquid with sourness is contraindicated for pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis with high acidity.

People with allergies due to pollen should drink fizz with extreme caution. Well, in other cases there is no harm, only benefit. The low alcohol content of up to 1.2% does not harm anyone, including children. It happens that even kefir contains much more of these same alcohols.

So drink with pleasure and for your health!

Recipe with raisins without yeast at home

This is perhaps the easiest way to prepare a foamy dish. The condition requires only three ingredients. And the drink itself can be stored until late autumn in a dark and cool place.

We need:

  • Birch sap - 10 liters;
  • Seedless raisins - 10 small handfuls;
  • Sugar - about 400 grams.


1. Wash the raisins in running water and dry on paper towels.

2. Strain the juice into a large 10-liter container. This way all the debris will settle on the gauze and we will get the purest liquid.

3. Add and stir all the sugar. And then we pour it into liter or one and a half liter bottles.

4. Add a small handful of raisins to each liter. We cork the bottles and put them in a cool place.

Our kvass will be ready in 4-5 days. You will need to carefully open the bottles and pour into glasses. If we do everything quickly, the effervescent liquid will run away)

We drink with pleasure!

Delicious drink prepared on bread

Berezovitsa with bread gives a light color. And, of course, a very pleasant taste. For lovers of dark shades, I recommend adding malt, but more on that in the recipe below.

The most relish still remains in the bread crusts. It is important to take black bread.

It is important to dry the crusts until slightly burnt. But don’t overdo it so that you don’t end up with really charcoal.

We need:

  • Birch sap - 15 liters;
  • Black bread - 1200 grams;
  • Sugar - 3 cups.


1. Pour the freshly collected juice into a large enamel pan without chips. At this stage, we leave it for a couple of days so that the fermentation processes begin.

2. Cut the black bread into slices. Turn on the oven and set them to brown at 100 degrees. If there are black barrels, remove the peels and cool.

3. Then add sugar and put it on a small fire. Stir until the sugar dissolves. If you prefer without sugar, you can safely replace it with honey or another sweetener.

Do not bring to a boil! The juice just needs to warm up and all the sugar dissolves.

4. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the crusts there and stir. Cover with a lid and leave for a couple of days in a dark place at room temperature.

After the allotted time, all our liquid foams and swells with bubbles. We filter it through a strainer and pour it into jars or bottles.

Please note that we have prepared an excellent dressing for okroshka. And below I suggest looking at another version of delicious kvass for a summer dish, but with the addition of malt.

Video about how to make kvass dressing for okroshka

Without a doubt, the best dressing for this is kvass. Do you agree with me? With sour cream and mustard, cold soup in the summer is simply amazing!

Therefore, let’s get ready and make not only a tasty, but very healthy liquid for any okroshka. How - watch a short video.

Prepare according to recipe with added yeast

Tutochki is the simplest recipe with compressed yeast. And really, why bother. And then you can sweeten it to taste or add berry and fruit juices as desired.

We need:

  • Birch juice
  • Fresh yeast


1. I specifically did not indicate the number of products. But we take it this way: for 2.5 liters of birch bark, 40 grams of fresh yeast.

2. Strain the juice through two layers of gauze into a saucepan. All unnecessary twigs, sticks, leaves and dust will remain in it. It even happens and often comes across insects. Therefore, it is better to strain the whole thing.

3. Place the pan on the fire and bring it to a temperature of 35 degrees. Dissolve the yeast and put it in a cool place for four days.

4. Now you can drink the drink. Or you can preserve it by simply rolling it into jars. It is stored for 6 months.

Delicious kvass made from birch sap for long-term storage

In advance, you need to dig small holes in the ground that can be lined with boards. In these homemade small cellars we put bottles of birch.

I recommend several more ways to sterilize jars.

Throughout the year, the containers can be taken out and the preserved, healthy kvass can be consumed. It turns out slightly fermented, sour and incredibly healthy.

Another way we need:

  • Birch juice
  • Lemon acid
  • Granulated sugar


1. Pour the purified juice into a stainless steel container. Add citric acid and sugar to taste. Bring all the liquid to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat.

2. Sterilize the jars and lids. Pour into containers and sterilize again in water at 90 degrees for about 15 minutes.

3. Now you can store lemonade all year. And if necessary, we take jars out of the pantry and use them with pleasure.

Needless to say, it’s both tasty and healthy!

A good and healthy option for dried fruits

I call a recipe with dried fruits a children's or dietary recipe. Because we only put in dried fruits, the birch tree itself, and no sugar. Which only makes it healthier and more natural, in the long run.

For 2 three-liter jars you need:

  • Berezovitsa
  • Raisins - 300 grams;
  • Dried apples - 1 kg.

Cooking process:

1. Clean the juice by straining through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

2. Wash dried fruits with running water and dry on a kitchen towel.

3. Take 2 three-liter jars and add equal amounts of raisins and dried apple slices.

4. Fill the top with juice up to the neck. In order for our lemonade to breathe, you need to cover it with a lid made of gauze and rubber band. This will protect against insects and debris and also provide enough oxygen for fermentation.

5. Place the jars in a cool place for 4-5 days. Stir the mixture once a day so that everything ferments evenly.

We use it with pleasure!

That's all for today! I wish you to enjoy this fragrant and effervescent drink and please your loved ones with new recipes!