Lasagne makfa sheets reviews. Lasagne makfa recipe

Price, comfortable shape, good quality


Not available everywhere


Good day (evening, morning or night) to everyone who looked at my review!

I won’t say that I really like to cook, but in our family everyone really loves to eat tasty and varied food, so sometimes I try to pamper my beloved household members.

One of the favorite dishes of all members of our family is LASAGNA.

To prepare it, pasta in the form of sheets (layers) is used. The range of them in stores today is not small, but the price tag is impressive.

And this summer I was lucky enough to come across pasta in the store from the brand "MAKFA" LASAGNA WITH DOUBLE WAVE.

PACKAGE. A rectangular cardboard box, decorated in the colors of the brand, with a transparent window.

The box will also delight the common man with its informative content, or rather, with a very detailed and practical recipe:

INTERNAL CONTENT. Rectangular sheets (layers), with parameters 4x23cm, with wavy edges on both sides.

The package weighs 500 grams. This number of sheets is enough for me to prepare two climbs.

As a rule, there is scrap in the pack (on average, two to four broken plates). There is no need to despair, these layers can be successfully used in the middle layers of our lasagna.

There are a great many options for filling lasagna, here everyone chooses to their own taste, but the principle of preparing lasagna is the same. And in general, everyone can handle the preparation of this dish; there is nothing complicated here, but it is worth considering that this process is time-consuming.

LET'S GET STARTED. (Today I am not preparing lasagna according to the recipe in the box, but I have also tested it and deserves praise).

STEP 1. Prepare the filling (whatever your imagination tells you: mushrooms, minced meat, vegetables, etc.)

This time I have a mushroom option. I used champignons, fried with onions.

If the filling is meat (minced meat), we cook it in tomato sauce, this adds piquancy to the dish.
If you don’t have a lot of time and (or) don’t want to fuss for a long time, you can use ready-made spaghetti sauce (for example, Dolmio).

STEP 2. Cook Bechamel sauce. In my opinion, this is where the success of this dish lies.


For this sauce it is better to use full-fat milk (the taste will be creamier);
- during the cooking process, the sauce must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn;
- it is best to stir the sauce with a regular whisk to avoid lumps;
(if they still form, when ready, the sauce can be whipped with a blender).
- the finished sauce must be covered with a lid, otherwise a crust will form on the surface, which will subsequently float in our sauce in pieces.

STEP. 3 Grate the cheese.

According to the recipe, for lasagna, Parmesan cheese is required, it will add a piquant taste to our dish. But today the price of this cheese is high, and I calmly replace it with other cheeses.

It is also worth noting that according to the recipe, only the final layer is sprinkled with cheese. I like to sprinkle cheese over all the layers, so the taste is richer and the layers adhere better.

STEP 4. Assembling lasagna. Here everything is as simple as shelling pears and the undeniable advantage of the Makfa layers is that there is no need for their pre-cooking.

Generously grease the mold with bechamel sauce, tightly place layers of lasagna on it, and alternate: - sauce, filling, sauce, cheese, layers, etc.

We finish everything off with a generous layer of Bechamel sauce and cheese.

- if the layers of lasagne lie tightly in your pan on all sides, at this stage it can be placed in the oven.
- if there is a significant gap between the layers and the edges of the mold, then before placing the lasagne in the oven it is better to cover it with foil,

otherwise the edges of the lasagna will end up dry and burnt.

Remove the foil 10 minutes before the lasagna is ready and thereby allow the top layer to brown slightly.

The cooking time indicated by the manufacturer is 30 minutes at 200 degrees. And I completely agree with him, during this time my lasagna is always completely baked.

Before cutting, I advise you to let the lasagna cool, in this case it will be easily removed from the mold.

Let's start the eating process.

Lasagna made from Makfa pasta is not only attractive in appearance, but also very tasty.

In conclusion, I’ll say a few words about the PROS and MINUSES of pasta “MAKFA” Lasagna double wave:

Affordable price (especially in comparison with imported analogues);
+ do not require pre-cooking;
+ the layers do not boil over and keep their shape while having an excellent taste;
+ a double wave along the edges of the layers allows you to retain more sauce inside the lasagna, making it more juicy.

Italian lasagna is becoming a very popular dish here in Russia. Lasagna is essentially layers of dough with fillings and sauces. The filling can be meat, vegetable or seafood.
To prepare lasagna according to the classic recipe, you need to prepare dough for sheets.
And for the lazy or for those who don’t like fiddling with dough, you can use ready-made sheets.
"Makfa", for example, has original corrugated sheets, and at a price much cheaper than sheets from Barilla.
The Makfa package also contains a simple recipe for making lasagna, which I used as a basis.
And by the way, Makfa plates do not require preliminary boiling, which is very convenient and greatly facilitates the cooking process.

To prepare lasagna, you will need to prepare two sauces: Bechamel and Bolognese.

For Bechamel sauce you will need: 900 ml of milk, 50 grams of butter, 50 grams of flour, nutmeg on the tip of a knife, salt.

For Bolognese sauce you will need the following ingredients: 400 grams of minced meat, carrots - 100 grams, tomato sauce 400 ml.
I have homemade minced meat already with onions, if the minced meat from which you will cook does not have onions, then you need to add it accordingly.
Instead of tomato sauce, you can take 30 grams of tomato paste and 400 ml of water.

And you will also need grated cheese. Ideally you need Parmesan cheese, but I use Gouda.

The process of preparing lasagna begins with preparing the sauces.

Bolognese sauce.
Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the minced meat with onions and carrots until almost done.

Then pour in the tomato sauce, add bay leaf, salt to taste, a little pepper and leave to simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

While the Bolognese sauce is preparing, start preparing the Bechamel sauce.

First you need to pre-boil the milk.
Then you need to melt the butter in a saucepan.

Add boiled milk and flour, stirring gradually so that no lumps form. Bring to a boil and add salt and nutmeg.

At this stage, the preparation is complete, we begin to “assemble” the lasagna.

Grease the pan in which the lasagna will be baked with vegetable oil.
First pour Bechamel sauce onto the bottom, then part of the Bolognese sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Place the first layer of lasagna plates on top of the filling.

Place the prepared lasagna in a preheated oven.
The temperature should be 180-200 degrees.
Baking time - 30 minutes.
Remove from oven, cut into portions

And we enjoy both the taste and beauty!

The wavy edge of the Makfa plates does not straighten out when baked, and lasagna with such wavy edges looks very appetizing!
It turns out delicious, not like in a restaurant of course; the lasagne sheets are a bit thick in my opinion. But at home and taking into account the fact that we take ready-made sheets and don’t bother with the dough, it turns out excellent!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

A great way to please your loved ones with a delicious and unusual dish on a family day off!

In our family, the entire male half loves pasta, in all its forms. Both the son and the husband are unanimous in choosing a brand on this issue - this is “Makfa”.

I recently discovered a new product for me from the Makfa brand in the store - Pasta “Makfa” Lasagne with double wave.

Everyone in our family loves lasagna, so I decided to buy it without hesitation.

A package weighing 500 grams cost me 75 rubles.

I'm inside counted 27 layers.

– do not require pre-cooking;

– made from durum wheat.

durum wheat flour for premium pasta, drinking water.

It is also worth noting that These pasta belong to the highest category (class A) and according to information from the manufacturer:

Without food additives and dyes. Does not contain GMOs.

Which is slightly alerted:

- In my opinion, square layers are still much more convenient than long and thin ones(size of one layer is 23x4 cm).

Information for those who count calories and watch their diet:

Energy value: 338kcal.

Nutritional value per 100g: carbohydrates 70.5g, dietary fiber 3.7g, proteins 11.0g, fats 1.3g.

I am familiar with lasagna firsthand; I have prepared it according to different recipes from different types of pasta (and even pita bread).

I would like to point out right away that cooking lasagna requires a lot of time and a good mood, otherwise the result will be disastrous.

This time I decided to cook lasagna according to the recipe on the package.

In general, everything is simple here, I made the sauce according to the recipe from the package. But then I had a misfortune - I measured everything according to the indicated volumes, In the end, the sauce turned out to be runny, I had to urgently dilute one heaped tablespoon of flour in several tablespoons of milk and add it all to the sauce.

In general, regarding this sauce I would like to note:

– custard and Bechamel sauce are much better brewed from milk in soft models;

– You need to cook it by stirring constantly. otherwise it will burn;

– I always stir the sauce with a whisk, in my opinion it is ideal for these purposes (no lumps).

  • We take out the form(I have a square glass one from Ikea) and follow the instructions on the packaging:

The layers themselves look very nice- dense, yellow and, as promised by the manufacturer, with wavy cream on both sides.

– the lasagna turned out very tasty;

– the layers themselves hold their shape perfectly, have a pleasant taste and density.

I guess, that I will buy “Makfa” Lasagna pasta more than once and I highly recommend it to you, please your loved ones with a delicious and unusual dish on a family day off.

The modern housewife does not have to prepare the dough for lasagna herself. There is a large selection of ready-made bases in stores:

  • Barilla Lasagne Bolognesi lasagne 500 g - from 170 rubles;
  • Makfa double wave lasagna 500 g - from 90 rubles;
  • Delverde No 103 Egg Lasagne pasta 500 g - from 220 rubles;
  • Pasta Zara Egg lasagna 250 g - from 120 rubles.

I chose Makfa lasagne sheets: the acceptable composition and low price promised to give good results.

Important! Healthy pasta made from durum wheat cannot always be selected based on the labels on the package. To determine a quality product, look at the composition: products made from durum wheat should contain at least 12 g of protein per 100 g.

Lasagna Makfa: calorie content, composition

The packaging of pasta indicates a short composition of the product (dur wheat flour, drinking water).

Ratio of KBZHU per 100 g of dry sheets:

  • calorie content 344 kcal
  • proteins - 12.5 g
  • fats - 1.3 g
  • carbohydrates - 70.5 g

The composition indicates the content of vitamins B, P, PP, and iron.

All sheets turned out to be intact, identical in size and uniform in color. Size - 5 cm wide, 23 cm long: convenient for a classic lasagna pan or for a small baking tray. The edges of the sheets are double corrugated - this shape gives the dish a sophisticated, interesting look and does not allow the sauce to spread.

Classic lasagna recipe Makfa

To prepare an Italian delicacy for 250 g of sheets you will need:

  • 500 g minced meat (pork, beef, chicken). You can mix different types of meat or use low-fat diet turkey fillet (for children's lasagna).
  • 100 g tomato paste without additives.
  • 1 large carrot and onion.
  • 200 g cream 10% or 700 ml milk 3.2% fat.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 300-400 g cheese.
  • 3 tablespoons of premium wheat flour.
  • Salt, nutmeg, fresh garlic.

Before assembling the lasagna, you need to prepare 2 types of sauce.

Bechamel sauce

Heat a frying pan and melt the butter over low heat.

  1. Heat the cream in a saucepan, dilute it with 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of flour and nutmeg (a quarter teaspoon) to the melted butter.
  3. Constantly stirring the mixture, fry it until golden brown and add diluted cream.
  4. Bring the sauce to thicken over low heat, without letting it boil.

Bolognese sauce

Tomato-meat mass is the basis of the classic lasagna recipe. Vegans or vegetarians can replace it with a mixture of stewed vegetables, and for children's lasagna you can use low-fat minced meat, carrots and tomatoes without adding oil.

  1. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  2. Salt and pepper the minced meat and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  3. Add vegetables and tomato paste, bring the sauce to readiness over low heat.
  4. At the end add finely chopped garlic.

Cooking steps

Before combining the layers of the dish, you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

For lasagna Makfa, you need to grease a glass mold with butter, put a few tablespoons of Bechamel sauce on the bottom, distributing it evenly over the base.

  • Lay out the dough onto the plates in an even, dense layer, trying to avoid any gaps.

  • Spread some of the Bolognese sauce so that it evenly covers the layers, sprinkle with cheese and pour in Bechamel sauce.

  • Place Makfa lasagne layers on top again and repeat all steps 3-4 times.

  • At the end, pour grated cheese in a thick layer, cover the pan with foil or a lid and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the dough is ready.

  1. Don't skimp on the sauce: it should evenly saturate the dough.
  2. Before laying out the layers, you can pour boiling water over them: this way they will cook faster.
  3. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can omit the Bechamel sauce and replace the cheese with a low-calorie one.
  4. To reduce the cooking time of Makfa lasagna, pre-boil the sheets until half cooked.

Lasagna is one of the most delicious dishes, the main ingredient of which is pasta. It is very nutritious, and besides, it looks more than decent, so it can be offered as the main dish even at a feast. In order to prepare it, we recommend buying Makfa pasta 500 g. lasagna What's special about Makfa lasagna sheets Traditionally, lasagna was prepared using fresh dough, but after the technology was developed, it was made



Array ( => Array ( => =>
  • drinking water.
  • =>
  • Group A.
  • =>
  • Top grade.
  • =>
  • GOST: 31743.
  • ) => Array ( => Premium durum wheat flour, => drinking water. => Group A. => Premium grade. => GOST: 31743.))
    • Premium quality durum wheat flour,
    • drinking water.
    • Group A.
    • Top grade.
    • GOST: 31743.


    Pasta Makfa 500 gr. lasagna

    Lasagna is one of the most delicious dishes, the main ingredient of which is pasta. It is very nutritious, and besides, it looks more than decent, so it can be offered as the main dish even at a feast. In order to prepare it, we recommend buying Makfa pasta 500 g. lasagna

    What's special about Makfa lasagna sheets

    Traditionally, lasagna was prepared using fresh dough, but after the technology for making pasta of various shapes was developed, the old method was practically abandoned. Indeed, using dried leaves, you can significantly speed up the preparation of the dish. In addition, it turns out to be much more attractive. The thin leaves look exactly the same, which is especially important if you make lasagna in portions in foil. The manufacturer offers corrugated sheets. They hold the ingredients of the dish much better, which makes the cooking process easier. The sauce used spreads less, which is important if it is liquid.

    Is it worth cooking?

    There are quite a few lasagna recipes, each of which has certain differences. This applies not only to the ingredients used, but also to the methods of direct cooking. The most important difference is the need to boil the sheets before using them.

    It is worth noting that double-wave Makfa sheets are quite thin, so they do not need to be cooked. At the same time, you should also start from the recipe according to which the lasagna is prepared. If the dish is quite dry, due to the small amount of sauce, it may not be cooked completely. In this case, it is better to pre-boil the sheets until half cooked. After this, they are carefully removed so as not to tear, and laid out in layers. In the same case, when a large amount of sauce is used, which is also poured on top, and the lasagna itself is laid out in a high bowl, then the sheets can be laid raw.

    It is also worth starting from where exactly it will be prepared. If in a slow cooker, the sheets will cook better than in the oven, since the closed bowl maintains a high level of humidity, which promotes even cooking.

    Useful properties of the product

    Lasagna sheets have exactly the same composition as any other pasta. Their only feature is their shape. The product is a valuable nutritional component, the use of which promotes rapid restoration of strength. Substances in pasta allow you to:

    • improve blood condition;
    • remove waste and toxins;
    • support the nervous system;
    • rejuvenate the liver;
    • establish metabolic processes.

    The product contains quite a lot of plant fiber. It is necessary for the body to bind waste and toxins. It also allows you to remove other toxic substances that accumulate in the digestive system.

    Due to the high content of several dozen microelements, consumption of the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Pasta helps lower cholesterol levels. They create favorable conditions in the stomach for the development of a culture of beneficial bacteria.

    Pasta Makfa 500 gr. lasagna at wholesale price

    You can order Makfa pasta 500 gr from us. lasagna wholesale. We offer products at low prices with free courier delivery. Each item in our catalog is certified and complies with GOST standards. We always have a large supply of products in stock, so we guarantee prompt delivery of the entire ordered volume. To place an order, call or leave a request on the website!


    No documents

    • Premium quality durum wheat flour,
    • drinking water.
    • Group A.
    • Top grade.
    • GOST: 31743.

    Packaging: box of 12 packs of lasagna pasta, 500 grams each.

    Shelf life: 24 months.

    Does not contain GMOs.

    Without food additives and dyes.