How to fry beef liver in a frying pan. How to fry liver so that it remains soft and juicy?

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Beef liver is one of the best offal not only in taste, but also in nutritional value. Unlike pork, it has a slightly bitter but pleasant taste.

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If speak about nutritional value beef liver, then it is an indispensable product for people leading active image life, and athletes, as it contains protein with an optimal set of essential amino acids.

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Also this product rich in selenium, which is powerful antioxidant, which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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In addition, beef liver is a real storehouse of vitamins, especially rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B vitamins. In 100 g boiled liver contained daily norm all these essential vitamins.

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Liver is rich in microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and especially iron, so doctors recommend including it in the diet of patients with anemia.



There are many ways to prepare beef liver: it can be boiled, stewed, fried, baked.

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We will tell you how to fry the liver so that it turns out juicy, soft and tasty. This process has several subtleties and features.

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1. First of all, it should be said that the taste of the finished dish will directly depend on the quality original product and its type.

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An important point is the freshness of the liver. Since this by-product has a very short shelf life - no more than 3 days - you should be careful when choosing it.


WITH aged beef liver will have a rich color. A product that is too light or too dark may indicate poor quality.


The film on the surface of the liver should not be damaged, and the cut should be smooth, not grainy.

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2. Before frying the liver, it should be properly processed. First you need to remove the outer film.


To do this, pour boiling water over the liver, then immediately dip it in cold water. After this simple manipulation the film can be removed from the liver very easily.

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3. After the liver is prepared, it should be soaked in milk.


This will get rid of the specific odor and give the liver delicate taste. The liver should be soaked for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour and a half.

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4. Decide how you want to fry the liver - in cubes or in large portions.


If the liver is cut into portions, then these should be wide, flat pieces the width of a finger. When slicing the liver, you may encounter bile ducts. They must be removed otherwise the dish may be spoiled.


Wrap portions in cling film and beat lightly with the back of a knife. It is not recommended to use a kitchen hammer for this purpose, since the liver is much softer and more tender than meat, and the hammer can crush or tear it.

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5. After the liver is cut and beaten, you should soak it again in milk for 15-20 minutes.



6. While the liver is soaking, prepare the breading.


Mix flour and a small amount of spices. Rosemary, thyme and savory are good for this.


You should not salt the liver at this stage, as it will become tough., even heat treatment will follow all the rules.

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7. When the liver is completely ready for frying, the question arises of what and how to fry it.


It's better to do it on vegetable or melted butter. The heat level of the pan should be medium. If you cook the product over high heat, the outside of the liver will burn, but the inside will remain raw. And when cooked over low heat, it will turn out dry and tasteless.


Frying time depends on the size of the pieces. The best guide is the color of the product. As soon as a piece of liver changes color up to half the cut, it should be turned over. The readiness of the liver can be easily determined by piercing it with a fork or knife.


If it is secreted from the liver clear juice, she's ready. 5 minutes before cooking, add salt to the liver.

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8. If you cut the liver into small cubes, it is best to fry them with onions.


The liver is prepared as already described above. The onion should be cut into thin half rings at the rate of 2-3 onions for every 300 g of liver.

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9. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Dip the liver in flour mixed with spices and fry in a frying pan along with the onion. It is important that the liver is placed in a single layer in the pan.


If you need to cook a lot of liver, you will have to fry it in several batches. Fry the liver, stirring it until it changes color.

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10. When the liver turns light, pour a small amount of water over it and simmer for 3-5 minutes.


After this, the liver can be salted and peppered.

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One of the valuable by-products is liver. Often in the finished dish it is tough and bitter.

How to fry the liver in a frying pan, and how much time should be spent so that it remains juicy and tender, but without blood?

For cooking, turkey, chicken, beef, pork, rabbit, and goose liver are used. Beef liver is considered the most valuable. In 100 g of product, the content of vitamins B2, B5, B12, A, H, choline, as well as the minerals copper, molybdenum and cobalt exceeds the body’s daily requirement several times. This by-product is rich in iron and phosphorus. It also contains vitamins B1, B6, B9, C, PP and D.

Pork liver is considered more high in calories, but no less valuable. It contains more iron than beef. For those who have low hemoglobin, this by-product is necessary, provided there are no contraindications. Chicken liver is in third place in value and is inferior to beef and pork in mineral content.

However, if there is a lack of B vitamins in the body, it is recommended to include it in the diet first. Chicken by-product The taste is specific and may be slightly bitter. However, with proper initial preparation, the bitterness is completely eliminated.

All of the above types of liver are different high content protein (up to 20%) and low fat content (up to 6%). In addition, it is an animal protein and is considered easily digestible. Rabbit liver dishes are considered dietary.

This is very delicate product practically without the specific smell of liver, it is easy and quick to prepare. It cannot be overcooked, which means there is virtually no chance of spoiling the dish. The iron content in rabbit liver is 2 times higher than in pork liver. It contains the entire group of vitamins B. The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids allows you to eat it even with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to prepare a semi-finished product for use

The liver is prepared as follows: the whole semi-finished product is soaked for 1 hour in water or milk. Soaked in milk, it becomes more juicy and tender. It is not necessary to soak the rabbit offal. And to cook beef liver Before frying, the white tubes are removed from it. The fat is removed from the liver of the birds using a sharp knife.

Then the offal is cut into portioned flat pieces. To give the desired uniform thickness to the finished dish, the product is lightly beaten. In order not to contaminate the room in which the dish is prepared and surrounding objects, before beating, the piece is placed in a plastic bag.

Pork liver is additionally blanched. To do this, immerse the cooked pieces in boiling water for 30 seconds, then pour over cold water, allow to drain or dry with a towel.

Frying liver recipes

Breading is a way to preserve nutritional value product, since this forms a protective shell, and useful material they are preserved better in a dish. Flour, lezon, and crackers are used for breading. Liezon is prepared as follows: beat 1 egg with 4 tbsp. l. water and salt (on the tip of a knife).

You can only bread it in flour or breadcrumbs. They are also breaded immediately in lezone and then in breadcrumbs. The most best view breading is the so-called " double breading", when the prepared pieces are first rolled in flour, then dipped in a lezon and finally sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

How to fry liver

How to fry liver so that it turns out both beautiful and tasty? Prepared portioned pieces fry on both sides in a preheated frying pan for 4-5 seconds on each side. Then place on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and finish in the oven at medium temperature.

If it is not possible to use the oven, then fry the liver for longer than 5 minutes over medium heat, periodically checking for readiness. To make sure the dish is ready, make a small cut with a knife in the thickest part of the liver and spread it slightly apart. If pink juice is released, then the dish needs further heat treatment.

The liver is prepared different ways. The most popular of them is frying, which uses cooking options without breading or with various types breading, after salting and peppering the product.

Liver fried with onions. The prepared semi-finished product, 100 g pieces each, is salted, breaded in flour and fried in heated animal fat until cooked. Separately, fry the onion at the rate of 20 g per 1 piece of liver. Place the cooked pieces on a dish and add onions on top.

Liver Stroganoff style. To prepare this dish, take one of the types of liver: beef, lamb, pork or veal. In addition, you will need sauce. 10 g of flour are fried for 2 minutes without oil, cooled and mixed with 200 g of sour cream. Bring the mixture to a boil, add salt, pepper and cook for 1-2 minutes. 80 g of onion are fried until soft and added to the sour cream mixture. 100 g of tomato paste diluted with water to a consistency thick sour cream and mixed with sour cream sauce.

The liver is cut into 3 cm strips, salted, peppered and rolled in flour. Poured into a frying pan sunflower oil and heat to high temperature. Lay out the prepared pieces and fry with constant stirring for exactly 4 minutes. Then pour in the sauce and boil for 1-2 minutes.

Beef liver can be fried in a frying pan without breading by mixing it with onions. At the same time, the onion juice will help give the dish special softness and delicate aroma. You can also prepare beef liver in this breading: first roll in flour and then dip in beaten egg.

Easiest and fastest way to fry chicken liver, since it does not need special cutting due to its shape. But how to cook chicken liver so that it doesn’t taste bitter? To do this, small cuts are made on each piece and soaked in milk for at least 1 hour, then thrown onto a sieve and the remaining milk is allowed to drain. You can use paper towels to remove excess liquid. Potatoes prepared in any way are used as a side dish. boiled pasta, crumbly porridge, boiled or steamed vegetables.

How to choose a liver

To avoid the question of how to cook liver without spoiling it, you should carefully select it when purchasing.

Signs of a quality product:

  • acid-free odor;
  • appearance uniform, bright red color, without weathered brownish sides;
  • the freshness of the product is indicated by the presence of blood drops on the sections;
  • the cut must be uniform, only white tubes - veins - are allowed. If, in addition to these tubes, there are strange inclusions or impurities, then this indicates an illness of the animal, for example, infection with helminths.

Liver - low calorie product, which is famous for the presence of many vitamins and microelements. A properly prepared dish from this most valuable by-product can decorate any menu.

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Beef liver is one of the popular and inexpensive offal. However, in some families, fried beef liver is an infrequent guest on the table. This is due to the fact that not all housewives know how to cook liver so that it is soft and tasty.

You should not deprive your loved ones of this useful and nutritious product– the liver contains microelements such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, as well as amino acids necessary for our body.

Choose your favorite recipe from those suggested below and go for it! Just don’t forget about the little tricks that will help you properly fry beef liver in a frying pan:

  • properly prepare the liver before frying - be sure to remove the film and bile ducts;
  • do not overcook the liver (you need to fry it quickly, over high heat);
  • We check readiness by piercing the liver with a fork or knife - if blood does not ooze, it means the offal is already fried;
  • Add salt and pepper at the end of frying, not at the beginning of cooking, this also affects the stiffness of the liver.

And one more, perhaps the most main advice– when purchasing a liver, make sure that there is no blood near it. It is advisable to choose a piece that has a film on one side; this part of the liver will have the fewest bile ducts. If blood has already drained from the liver, then no amount of tricks will make it juicy and soft. The only thing that can be prepared from it is liver pate.

There are quite a few recipes for cooking liver; it goes well with various sauces(mustard, tomato, sour cream, wine, creamy garlic) and vegetables (carrots, onions, bell pepper, fresh herbs). We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most simple and delicious recipes fried liver.

Liver fried with onions

With the help of this simple recipe, you can deliciously fry beef liver with onions and feed your family hearty second dish. As a side dish, we advise you to prepare mashed potatoes or boiled buckwheat.


  • beef liver (0.5 kg);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • flour (half a glass) - we will use it as a breading;


Wash the liver under running water, thoroughly clean it of films and veins. Cut it into small cubes about 1 cm thick. You can lightly beat the liver. To do this, place it in a plastic bag and lightly tap it on both sides with a meat hammer.

Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil. Each block must be dipped in flour and then placed in a frying pan. Fry the liver on one side for about 2-3 minutes, then turn it over and add salt to the fried side. When the second side of the liver is fried, place it on a plate and add salt to that side.

We will cook the onion separately. To do this, take a clean frying pan, heat it and add oil. Fry the onion cut into half rings until golden brown. When the onions are ready, turn off the stove and place the liver in the pan with the onions. Cover with a lid and leave for five minutes. Before serving, mix the liver with onions.

Your family will surely love fried liver prepared according to this classic recipe!

Tender fried liver soaked in marinade

A good way to make beef liver softer and juicier is to pre-soak it in milk or, as in this recipe, marinade.


  • beef liver (1 kg);
  • chicken egg (2 pcs.);
  • soda (1 teaspoon);
  • sugar (2 teaspoons);
  • salt (2 teaspoons);
  • garlic (5-7 cloves);
  • flour for breading (half a cup);
  • vegetable oil (3-4 tablespoons).


We are preparing a marinade in which you will need to keep the liver for 1-2 hours. Break 2 eggs into a deep bowl or saucepan and whisk with a whisk. Add soda, salt, sugar and garlic (if you don’t like it, you don’t have to add it) and mix well.
Remove the film from the liver and remove the bile ducts. Cut into steaks 0.5-1 cm thick. Place the liver in the marinade, stir, cover and leave to marinate.

After the allotted time, take out the pickled pieces of liver, place them in a plastic bag and beat them with a special hammer on both sides.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the liver pieces rolled in flour. Fry the liver on both sides until golden brown.

Be sure to try frying it beef liver, marinated according to this recipe. It really turns out very juicy and tender!

Liver fried with onions in sour cream

Sour cream is often used to prepare various meat dishes. Therefore, if you are planning to fry beef liver and there is sour cream in the refrigerator, be sure to add it, you will get a very appetizing dish.


  • beef liver (500 g);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • vegetable oil (3-4 tbsp);
  • fresh sour cream (200 g);
  • salt, spices (to taste).


Cut the pre-prepared liver into cubes approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm.

Chop the peeled onion in any convenient way. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the onion until it becomes transparent.
Turn up the heat and put the liver in the pan. Fry until a thin crust forms.

Reduce heat and add sour cream to the pan, stir, salt and pepper. Simmer covered for 10-15 minutes.

The dish is ready and can be served with boiled rice or potatoes.

Liver in tomato-mayonnaise sauce

Another recipe that will require the preparation of a simple dressing from products available in everyone’s household - mayonnaise and tomato paste. Liver with gravy will come in handy with such side dishes as boiled rice, buckwheat, pearl barley.


  • beef liver (500 g);
  • milk (0.5 l);
  • carrots (1 pc.);
  • mayonnaise (70 g);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • tomato paste (70 g);
  • water (2 tbsp);
  • sunflower oil (3-4 tbsp);
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • fresh greens.


Prepare the liver: wash, remove the film and cut off the veins. Place the offal in a deep container and fill it with cold milk (preferably fresh). It is necessary to keep the liver in milk for at least 1-2 hours. This soaking will remove the bitterness and taste of blood from the liver, and will also make it more tender and juicy.

Peel the onion and cut into large half rings. Grate clean carrots onto coarse grater or cut into thin strips. Heat a frying pan, pour in sunflower oil and place the prepared vegetables in it. Fry them until the onions turn golden.

Remove the liver from the milk and cut it into cubes or cubes. Add oil to a hot frying pan and fry the liver on both sides until a crust forms.

Transfer the sautéed vegetables into the frying pan with the liver, stir and keep on reduced heat for another 5-10 minutes.
Prepare the sauce - mix tomato paste and mayonnaise, add water. Pour the resulting mass into the frying pan with the vegetables and liver, wait until the sauce boils, add salt and pepper and remove from heat.

Our dish is ready, put the liver on plates with any side dish and decorate with herbs.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing fried liver. Be sure to include this valuable byproduct in your family's weekly diet!

There has been a long debate about whether beef liver is harmful or beneficial? But today we will not argue or discuss this topic. It's a waste of time. There are such active supporters that it is harmful that it is impossible to argue with them. Therefore, we will cook for those who love this delicious product!

And we will cook the simplest option - fried beef liver with onions. Let's cook it so that it is soft, juicy and very tasty.

In order to prepare it this way, you need to choose it correctly in a store or market. To make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy, it is advisable to take fresh liver. A frozen liver loses many of its useful qualities. It will be possible to cook it deliciously, but we want to get maximum benefit from the product? We don’t cook liver that often, so if you come across it in the store good piece, feel free to take it and cook it.

Before purchasing, pay attention to the appearance of the liver. It should be shiny and have a smooth, uniform surface. Veal liver red, beef is darker. Very dark liver do not take it, the darker the color, the older the animal, and the tougher the finished dish will be.

The smell should be pleasant, slightly sweet. If you feel that the smell does not match this, it is better to refuse the purchase. Lightly press the piece with your finger; there should be no marks left on it.

Try to choose a piece with fewer ducts. This will reduce processing time; they will all need to be removed.

Do not ignore these tips, the future taste of our dish directly depends on them.

Beef liver fried with onions

We will need:

  • liver - 600 g
  • onions - 4 pcs (large)
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs. or tomato paste
  • spices - cumin, coriander
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • greens for decoration - dill, parsley, green onions


1. And so we have already purchased a good one fresh piece beef liver. Now you need to rinse it thoroughly, then cut out all the ducts, remove the veins and films. If we don’t do this, the liver will shrink during frying. And while eating, you will come across absolutely unchewable pieces. If we remove everything in a timely manner, this will allow us to get a juicy and tender dish.

2. When all the excess has been removed and cleaned, cut the liver into pieces 2 cm thick and 5 cm long. Some pieces will be smaller, but try to keep the thickness the same.

3. Cut the onion into half rings 0.4-0.5 cm thick. Do not cut off the tails; they are convenient for holding the onion when slicing.

4. Grate the tomatoes and remove the remaining skin. Or you can keep the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute, then the skin will be very easy to remove. Also grate the tomato. Or the second option is to cut the tomato into 2x2 cm cubes.

If you are cooking in winter and the tomatoes are not juicy, use tomato paste. I use it in stock. If you have store-bought pasta, take two tablespoons. It is more concentrated, so much will be enough.

5. Put the frying pan on the fire, pour in some vegetable oil. So that it slightly covers the bottom. When the oil is warm, put the liver in the frying pan and fry over high heat for 30-40 seconds. from each side. And immediately remove it to a separate plate. Please note that we did not salt the liver first. Our task is to quickly “seal” all the juice in it, so that in the process further preparation it is preserved in every piece. In this case, the liver will turn out juicy and tender.

6. From the specified amount of liver, I got two batches. If pink juice appears on already fried pieces, it’s okay, the liver will undergo further heat treatment.

7. In a separate frying pan, fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. There is no need to make the fire big, let it come up slowly over medium heat. Liver and onions make very good friends, so there is no need to skimp on the onions. Firstly, the onion will enrich the dryish liver with its juice, and it will also become juicy and very tasty. And secondly, the onions themselves in this dish will be very tasty.

8. When the onions are fried, add tomato puree. Fry everything together for 5 minutes.

9. Transfer the contents to a separate plate. Place a layer of liver in the vacated frying pan. Pour the juice that remains in the plate on top. Do not pour it out under any circumstances, it will give the desired taste. ready-made dish. Add salt, put onion and tomato on top, salt it too. First a little, then when everything has simmered for about 10 minutes, we’ll try and add more salt, but this is only necessary.

10. Grind cumin and coriander in a mortar. Add spices to the pan.

11. Pour a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low. Simmer for 15 minutes. Test to see if there is enough salt. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

12. Open the lid, pepper. Cover again, after 5 minutes turn off the gas, do not open the lid, let it brew for 15 minutes.

The total simmering time is 30-40 minutes. During this time, almost all the water will evaporate. If you like it with gravy, add a little more water.

Beef liver fried with onions - second option

1. First, fry not the liver, but the onion. Also until golden brown.

2. Once fried, add liver and spices. Now don’t yawn, mix everything thoroughly. In order for the liver to fry evenly, you need to stir almost constantly.

3. When both the liver and onion are browned, pour in 200 ml. boiling water Cover with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

4. After this time, add tomato paste or tomatoes, pepper and salt to taste.

5. Simmer for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it sit for another 10-15 minutes without opening the lid.

If you like your liver lightly fried, then fry it over high heat for 10 minutes.

If you like it well-done, then simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

You can serve the liver on a large separate dish, on either portion plate with a side dish. It is good to use for a side dish. Today I wanted some variety, so I made a side dish of grilled baby zucchini. Moreover, now more and more of them appear every day, they contain a lot of vitamins, and they are simply very tasty!

Grilled zucchini in the oven

We will need:

  • zucchini - 4 pieces
  • salt - to taste


1. Wash the zucchini, dry it, peel if the skin is rough. Cut into 4 parts, add salt.

2. Place on a wire rack greased with vegetable oil and place in a preheated oven. Bake on the “Grill” mode until done. If your oven does not have such a mode, then bake at 180 degrees until done, about 25-30 minutes.

Ready-made fresh young zucchini turns out very tasty, soft and juicy. If you have never cooked these before, I recommend giving them a try. I'm sure you won't be indifferent!

Bon appetit!

Beef liver steak is a hearty and healthy addition to home-cooked dinner. Fried liver goes well with porridges, pasta, peas or mashed potatoes, With vegetable salad or just with a slice fresh bread. The liver contains a lot of protein, valuable amino acids, vitamins A and B, there is a trace element such as iron. Regular use Beef liver increases hemoglobin, the body's protective functions, and strengthens vision. This offal is nourishing, but low in calories, so it is often included in a fasting diet.

The recipe for beef liver, fried in pieces, will also be useful for those who want to eat sparingly. Compared to meat tenderloin, liver is much cheaper, although it is not inferior in taste and nutritional properties. Cooking delicious liver in a frying pan is not at all difficult if you follow a few rules, which I will now discuss in detail.

How to choose

First of all, it is very important to carefully consider the choice of offal. The liver should be fresh, preferably chilled, and not frozen - when frozen it loses some useful properties. A good liver has a smooth and shiny surface, a rich cherry or reddish color.

If you are offered a matte offal of brown, grayish, or even more so greenish color, with a dried sticky surface, it is better to refuse the purchase - this liver is not fresh, it is stale. From beef liver good quality There is a slightly sweet aroma, but not sour or musty. You can smell liver only by buying it at the market; in the supermarket it is usually packaged in sealed plastic containers.

Another freshness test is to press the liver with your finger. After pressing, there should be no trace left and no water should leak out (unscrupulous sellers often soak stale livers in water with the addition of vinegar and monosodium glutamate). Good liver when cut, it is smooth, not rough.

Don’t forget to ask the seller at the market for a certificate confirming that the offal has been tested by a laboratory (after all, the product may not only be stale, but also affected by helminth infestation).

Recipe information

  • Cuisine:English
  • Type of dish: Offal
  • Cooking method: frying
  • Servings:4
  • 20 minutes


  • beef liver - 700 g
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • sunflower oil - 60 g
  • wheat flour - 5 tbsp.


So, you have purchased fresh beef liver. Rinse the offal well running water. Cut out the bile ducts, vessels and remove the film. It can be easily removed. Just pry it up with your hands and remove it. If this is not done, the film will shrink during heat treatment and give the liver a hard and rubbery structure.

Using a sharp knife, cut the liver into portions, 5-8 mm high, so that they are well fried inside.

Place the chopped beef liver in a deep bowl and cover with cold water or milk for a couple of hours. After an hour, the water can be replaced with fresh water.

To deliciously fry the liver, you can marinate its slices in soy sauce for a couple of hours. The marinade is sometimes prepared with the addition small quantity white wine (or lemon juice) and grated garlic.

Place in a colander and allow excess liquid to drain. Dry paper napkin. Lightly salt and pepper. A mixture of Provençal herbs harmonizes very well with the offal.

Some housewives lightly beat the liver with a hammer before frying to make it soft. To prevent splashes from flying into the different sides, cover the pieces with film ( plastic bag), only then proceed with the procedure. As an option, you can pierce the steaks with a tenderizer.

Bread the liver slices on all sides in wheat flour. Breading helps retain natural juices in the liver, making it tender and soft.

The liver is breaded not only in flour, but also in breadcrumbs. Some recipes call for frying the liver in a lezone.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan. Place the liver pieces. Set the fire to low. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry for 4-5 minutes on one side, until lightly browned. Carefully turn over and continue to fry for another 2-4 minutes, also with the lid closed.

How and for how long to fry so that the liver turns out soft and juicy? Dip breaded steaks only into hot vegetable oil. Do not overcook the offal in the pan. It should be fried for no more than five minutes on each side, otherwise it will become tough. Do not make the heat too high, otherwise the slices will burn on the outside and remain raw on the inside. Over low heat, the offal will turn out dry and tasteless. The optimal fire is medium.

Another option for softening the liver is to sprinkle it baking soda and put in the refrigerator for an hour. After an hour, rinse the liver from soda and start frying.

Place the fried steaks in foil and wrap well on all sides. Leave for 15-20 minutes until they are ready. Check readiness by piercing the liver pieces with a fork or toothpick. If pink juice leaks from inside, the steaks need to be cooked a little more or cooked in the oven ( microwave oven). After cooking, serve the dish with any side dish. It is advisable to eat the steak immediately after frying, warm.

Bon appetit!

On a note:
  • In the same way you can fry pork liver. For frying, not only a frying pan is suitable, but also a slow cooker, cauldron, or stewpan. A very appetizing steak is obtained on the grill.
  • It is very tasty if the dish is served with golden fried onions, mustard, as well as garlic, cream, cheese, tomato or sour cream sauce.