Very tasty pizza dough. Thin yeast dough for pizza (like in a pizzeria). Pizza dough recipe from D. Oliver

Probably almost everyone loves pizza. Of course, there are plenty of pizzerias and cafes where you can enjoy this ready-made dish. You can also prepare this simple but very tasty meal at home. Now we will tell you recipes for quick preparation of pizza dough.

Quick yeast pizza dough


  • wheat flour – 400 g;
  • water at a temperature of about 45°C – 1 glass;
  • dry yeast - 2.5 teaspoons;
  • olive oil – 30 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


Combine warm water, yeast, sugar and leave until the yeast dissolves. Pour in olive oil, add salt, flour (preferably sifted) and mix. Leave the dough alone for 10 minutes. After this, distribute it on a baking sheet with hands previously moistened with olive oil. If desired, this dough can be sprinkled with seasonings such as thyme and basil. That's it, the dough is completely prepared. You can place the filling on it and place it in a room heated to 220°C for 20 minutes.

Quick yeast-free pizza dough


  • kefir – 250 g;
  • chicken eggs (large) – 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour – 350 g;
  • olive oil – 40 ml;
  • baking soda – ¼ teaspoon;
  • salt – ¼ teaspoon.


Place kefir in a bowl, add soda slaked with vinegar into it. Add the eggs beaten with salt and mix the resulting mixture well. Add flour little by little, add olive oil and mix. Pour it onto a greased baking sheet, and place the filling on top.

Delicious quick pizza dough


  • warm water – 70 ml;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • dry yeast – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 10 ml.


Dissolve honey in warm water, add dry yeast, let the mixture stand in a warm place so that the yeast “comes to life”. This will take 5 minutes. Now sift the flour, add vegetable oil and salt. Mix the dough. It turns out soft and elastic. Let it sit warm for 5 minutes. After this, you can roll out the dough and begin.

Quick pizza with puff pastry


  • wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • little creamy – 280 g;
  • water – ¾ cup;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 5 ml;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • salt.


Sift the flour, put the chilled butter in the center and chop it finely with the flour. Now make a hole in the flour, chopped with butter. Pour salted water into it, add an egg, lemon juice and quickly knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, cover it with a napkin and put it in a cold place for 2 hours. And just before baking, roll out the dough 2-3 times and fold it into 4 layers.

Quick pizza dough recipe


  • wheat flour – 125 g;
  • soda – ¼ teaspoon;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken egg (large) – 1 pc.


Mix the egg with mayonnaise until smooth. Add flour and soda to it. We form a ball and roll it out into a flat cake about 2-3 mm thick. You should get a blank for a mold with a diameter of 30 cm. This blank will make a thin pizza with a crust. And if you want the finished dough to be softer, then you need to make the dough thicker. Place the filling on the dough and bake the pizza at 175°C for about 10 minutes.

Quick preparation of pizza dough


Pizza is a traditional Italian dish that has long won the hearts of adults and children!

Pizza is a traditional Italian dish that has long won the hearts of adults and children thanks to its wonderful taste.

The variety of recipes allows you to prepare an almost unlimited number of delicious and varied pizza options, so its preparation turns into real creativity. You can cook absolutely any pizza to your taste, which is what made it one of the most popular dishes in the world.

The secret of good and tasty pizza lies in its base. Pizza dough can be anything: yeast, puff pastry, unleavened, egg, curd - it all depends on your taste. Some people like pizza with a thin, crispy base, while others like it fluffy and thick.

You can make pizza from any dough, as long as it goes well with the filling. At the same time, homemade pizza dough is much tastier than store-bought semi-finished crusts and it is not at all difficult to prepare.

Yeast pizza dough (recipe)

Pizza with yeast dough cooks quite quickly and turns out very filling and tasty.

To prepare, you will need 2 tablespoons of yeast, a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of sugar, 3 cups of wheat flour. Heat a bowl, put the yeast in it and fill it with warm water. Add sugar to them and wait 5-10 minutes until the yeast starts to foam.

Now add salt and 1 cup of flour to the yeast and, stirring thoroughly, add another 1 cup of flour. Place the resulting dough on a table sprinkled with flour and start kneading it, gradually adding the remaining flour to it. Knead for 8-10 minutes until the dough becomes elastic.

Form it into a ball and place it in a bowl greased with vegetable oil. Cover it with a damp towel and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. When the dough has risen, knead it for another 1-2 minutes and roll it out. This dough will make 1 thick or 2 thin pizzas. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5-7 mm and place in the mold. Now you can add any filling.

Puff pastry for pizza (recipe)

Puff pastry pizza is crispy on the outside, but soft and tender on the inside. Many people prefer this kind of pizza, but preparing puff pastry is a rather labor-intensive process. To prepare the dough you will need 2 cups of flour, 0.5 cups of cold water, 250 g of butter, yolk, citric acid and salt.

Mix all the ingredients except the oil and knead the dough, then put it in a cold place for half an hour. Mix butter with 3 tablespoons of flour, roll out into a square shape and put in a cool place.

Take out the chilled dough, roll it out and put butter in the center. Then fold the edges of the dough over and roll it out, fold it in half and roll it out again. Repeat this procedure as many times as possible, constantly folding and rolling the dough.

Unleavened unleavened pizza dough (recipe)

The main advantage of this dough is that it is quickly prepared and preserves better. You will need 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of margarine, a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 cups of flour.

Pour the flour onto the table in the shape of a mound, make a depression in the center and put margarine, eggs, sour cream, salt, sugar there and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, cover with a towel and refrigerate for half an hour.

Egg pizza dough (recipe)

This elastic dough is perfect for making pizza. To prepare you will need 500 g of flour, 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of dry yeast, 4 tablespoons of butter, half a glass of warm water, salt.

Pour the flour into a mound and place the eggs, softened butter and yeast diluted in warm water into the depression. Add salt and mix thoroughly until smooth. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, then cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 1 hour.

Curd dough for pizza (recipe)

Pizza made with curd dough has a unique, unusual taste that you will definitely like. To prepare this dough, take 1 cup of flour, 1 egg, 125 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt.

Mix cottage cheese, egg, salt and olive oil thoroughly with a mixer. Then gradually add the curd mass to the flour, kneading the dough until the dough becomes elastic. Roll out the dough and place on a baking sheet.

Do you love pizza like the Italians do? "Certainly!" – many of us will answer. Do you know how to cook? Agree that every housewife simply must be able to prepare her favorite dish at home. This is quite easy to do. All you need is a small amount of ingredients, patience, a good mood and the desire to bake the perfect pizza. You will learn where the history of the most popular Italian dish began, what real pizza should be, and even how to prepare pizza dough without yeast.

Nowadays, chefs and amateur cooks have come up with so many recipes that it is probably impossible to count them. Pizza can be thick or thin, salty, spicy and even sweet, with meat or seafood, or it can be just vegetable - for every taste, as they say.

The basis of the dish is the dough, which is baked in the form of a flat cake with various fillings. For many housewives, it is not difficult to make dough even at home and bake a wonderful pizza. Probably, simplicity lies the main secret of everyone’s love for this dish.

The history of Italian flatbread goes back centuries. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks served round bread with fillings. Bakers were able to make real pizza when tomatoes were brought to Europe, that is, in the 16th century. A little later, a special profession appeared “ pizzaiolo" Since the 17th century, these people have been baking food for the poor, which, in conditions of general hunger, became very popular with the common people.

The most famous pizza in the world is Margherita, as you know. But it was named so for a reason - the beautiful name was given to it by Margaret of Savoy herself, the queen and wife of the Italian ruler Umberto I.

There is an opinion that Maria Carolina of Austria often ordered this dish to her cook. Later, pizza appeared in America. And today it is difficult to imagine European cuisine without such a dish.

Pizza came to us already in the late 90s, when Italian restaurants and fast food establishments began to appear in all cities. Nowadays we can hardly find a person who has not tried pizza at least once in his life. But for those who haven’t cooked it, it’s quite easy, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the recipe for a delicious pizza.

Different dough for one pizza

In the classic Italian recipe, the dough should be thin. But there are so many variations on the theme of the dough that the Italians themselves no longer remember the classic taste of their national dish.

Now many people prepare fluffy, thick yeast dough, since it is easier to work with it at home, where the baking process takes place in the most ordinary gas or convection oven or grill oven.

The traditional way is to bake pizza in a special oven on stones made of fireclay clay.

Dough is divided not only into yeast and unleavened. There is sponge dough and prepared without sponge method. It can be with the addition of olive or butter, Italian herbs and even honey, mixed with sour cream, whey, water or kefir. There is dough prepared with mineral water and beer.

According to the structure of the finished product, it can be thick or thin (of course, the yeast or yeast-free recipe you choose plays a key role here), crispy or soft, dense, rich or tender. In the face of such diversity, it is sometimes difficult to choose “your” recipe, but when you find it, you will not change it to any other. Or maybe you want to constantly experiment! In the meantime, here are a few recipes, tested by time, guests and failures.

Yeast-free dough - easy

This method has a huge number of advantages, including simplicity and speed. You don't have to knead the dough for a long time, wait for the yeast to react with the rest of the ingredients, worry about how well the dough will rise when baking, or whether it will be too heavy.

  • Of all the recipes, this is the fastest and least expensive. To make yeast-free pizza dough at home, you need the following products:
  • flour (2 cups);
  • water (100 ml);
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • eggs (2 pcs);

salt and spices to taste.

While kneading the dough, lubricate your hands with olive oil to gradually incorporate it into the dough and make work easier.

Continue the kneading process until the dough becomes soft, homogeneous and no longer sticks to your hands. Then roll out a circle with a diameter of 30 -50 cm and a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm, on which any filling is placed.

Classic Italian recipe - delicious

In fact, there is no one classic recipe for the most authentic Italian pizza. Every day, pizzaiolos all over the world gain invaluable experience, discover new secrets, which they then pass on from generation to generation. Every self-respecting pizzaiolo will never reveal all the secrets of his skill. But this is no reason not to repeat the classic recipe at home, known throughout the world as Margherita pizza.

For the test you will need:

  • flour (300 grams);
  • dry yeast (7 grams);
  • water (200 ml);
  • Mozzarella cheese (150 – 170 grams);
  • mild tomato sauce (20 ml);
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • salt;
  • basil;
  • oregano and other spices to taste;

Dissolve the yeast in the water. Mix flour, dry spices and salt. Gradually pour water into the flour and knead the dough. Don't forget to gradually add olive oil to it. Then form the finished dough into a round ball and leave it to “rest” for 2 hours in a dark and warm place.

After the dough has approximately doubled in volume, roll out the flatbread, place it on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, add tomato sauce and Mozzarella. After baking, we recommend adding fresh basil and arugula.

If, in addition to cheese and tomato sauce, you want to add other products, then, undoubtedly, you will get a delicious pizza, but not the classic Margherita. Experiment, because there are a lot of interesting things in homemade recipes!

How to prepare sponge dough for fluffy pizza?

For baking thick, fluffy pizza, sponge dough is ideal, the preparation of which will take a little longer than the usual recipe. Take products:

  • milk (1 glass);
  • dry yeast (8 grams);
  • flour (400 - 500 grams);
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • salt, sugar and Italian herbs to taste.

Dissolve the yeast in the milk and wait until it rises in the shape of a cap (this is the dough). In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with salt, add the dough. Gradually add flour and knead the dough. Leave the finished dough for 1-2 hours in a warm place. Then you can bake pizza with any toppings on its basis.

For thick pizza, it is better to use not too rich toppings. Otherwise, it will turn out heavy - both on the taste and on your stomach. In addition, it is better to avoid using fatty meats, including bacon, pork and other options.

What don't you know about pizza yet?

Pizza rightfully deserves the popularity it enjoys in the world. Do you know how much pizza the average European eats per year? Or how healthy is this dish?

Here are some interesting facts about pizza:

This is what it is - Italian pizza. Its greatest advantages can rightfully be considered ease of preparation, availability of ingredients and excellent taste. With a little work, your pizza will always be cooked to the highest standard, even at home.

If you cook pizza at home, you will know for sure how healthy it is and exactly what ingredients are included in it. In addition, you can ensure the quality of materials and expiration dates of all products. Finally, home cooking will allow you to open up a wide scope for experiments, which pizza is much more favorable to than other dishes.

The best recipe for pizza dough is homemade. Purchased ones are not suitable for these purposes. After all, the main secret of Italian pastries is their delicate structure, but at the same time crispy. In addition, you are the one who chooses from which products and how to make the pizza dough. Main ingredients: flour, olive oil, water and salt. You can add yeast, eggs, and replace the water with any dairy product: milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt. There are ways to prepare pizza dough with mayonnaise.

The five most commonly used ingredients in pizza dough recipes are:

The classic method that the Italians use is a recipe with the ingredients listed above, but with the addition of yeast. The latter must be of high quality, alive, otherwise baking will not work. Before cooking, it is better to play it safe and check their functionality. If there is no doubt about dry yeast, it is added to the flour. The process looks like this: the flour is sifted in a heap, mixed with yeast, a hole is made in the center, where warm water and oil are poured. Knead with your hands from the edges to the center. When the mass becomes homogeneous, continue to knead continuously for 10 to 20 minutes. In this case, you won’t be able to make pizza dough quickly - it needs to rest for at least half an hour under a napkin at room temperature. It is better if the dough increases slightly in size.

Another successful recipe for pizza dough is made with kefir. The products are the same, only kefir is used instead of yeast. To make the mass more airy, you need more soda. The result is a very pliable dough that rolls out easily, does not tear and takes any shape.

Five of the fastest pizza dough recipes:

An excellent solution for novice housewives who want to prepare pizza dough is to choose a liquid base. Compared to the one that needs to be kneaded and rolled out, the liquid one kneads faster. In addition, it is much easier to make a perfectly smooth round pizza from it - the main thing is that you find a suitable shape in the kitchen.

I wonder why this happens: you try one pizza and can’t tear yourself away, but when you eat a piece of another, it’s not at all as if there’s something missing in it. What really is the secret of delicious pizza? Do you think in the filling? You are wrong, it’s all about the test and only about it. To make the pizza truly tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough, which can be varied in its recipe, but it is this dough that will influence the final result of the dish you prepare.

The simplest version of the dough is without yeast. It is without their presence that the dough turns out thin and crispy. By the way, this is exactly the recipe that Italians use. Any housewife can prepare pizza dough without yeast at home without any problems. The main advantage of this pizza dough is that it bakes much faster than yeast dough, which means it will take you much less time to prepare the pizza than usual.

It can be simple unleavened, with sour cream, butter or with the addition of cottage cheese. Pizza dough with sour cream turns out tender and crumbly, and with the addition of cottage cheese it turns out soft and airy. You can also prepare pizza dough without yeast using kefir, beer or mineral water. Each type of pizza dough has its own individual taste. Arguing about which dough is better is just a waste of time. It is much easier to prepare each of the dough recipes we offer in turn and choose the one that suits your taste and liking.

Pizza dough with milk “For Italian pizza”

2 stacks wheat flour,
2 eggs,
½ cup warm milk,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk and vegetable oil until smooth. Gradually, in small portions, stirring constantly, pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour. The flour should completely absorb the liquid and you should end up with a homogeneous sticky mass. Start kneading this mass with your hands, periodically sprinkling it and your hands with flour. The dough will be soft, elastic and smooth. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in a damp towel and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough as thin as possible.

Pizza dough with olive oil

2 stacks sifted flour,
½ cup boiled, lukewarm water,
4 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tbsp. baking powder for dough,
1 tsp sea ​​salt.

Add salt and baking powder to the sifted flour and mix. Then pour in water first, then olive oil. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until elastic. Roll the finished dough into a ball. Separate the amount of dough you need from it and stretch it on the table with your hands to the required size, and then transfer it to a baking sheet.

Fresh dough with mineral water

3 stacks sifted flour,
1 stack mineral water,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. soda,
½ tsp. salt.

Right on the kitchen counter, combine all the dry ingredients: flour, salt, sugar and soda. Make a slide with a small hole in it and, while stirring, add water in portions. Knead the elastic dough. Next, tear off a piece of the size you need from the finished dough and, after rolling it out on a floured surface, transfer it to a mold or onto a baking sheet and spread out the filling.

Pizza dough without yeast and eggs

1.5 stack. flour,
½ cup low-fat kefir,
⅓ stack. olive or any other vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp. soda

Mix kefir with soda and leave for 10 minutes. Sift the flour. Add vegetable oil, salt, sugar to kefir and soda and mix. After this, begin, constantly kneading, gradually introducing flour into the dough. This must be done until the dough begins to stick well from your hands; it should be soft and elastic. After the dough is kneaded, cover it with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Pizza dough without yeast using whey

4 stacks flour,
1 stack whey,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp salt,
½ tsp. soda

Pour the whey into a deep bowl, add 1 cup. flour, salt and soda and mix well until smooth. Then add vegetable oil and mix again. After this, add the rest of the flour in small portions, carefully mixing each new portion. Gradually you will get a well-stretched dough. Divide it into parts. Lubricating your hands with oil, stretch the piece of dough you need into a circle shape directly on a roasting pan or baking sheet, and put the remaining parts of the dough in the freezer until the next time.

Beer pizza dough

1.5 stack. flour,
280 ml beer,
2 pinches of salt.

Mix flour and beer and salt the resulting dough. Cover it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes in a dry and warm place. Then knead it a little with your hands and leave it for 15 minutes again. The dough should not be very thick.

Pizza dough with sour cream

flour - how much dough will take,
2 eggs,
3 tbsp. sour cream,
150 g margarine,
1 tsp Sahara,
½ tsp. soda,
salt - to taste.

In a separate container, beat eggs with salt and sugar, add sour cream and soda to them and mix. Add melted margarine to the egg mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. Then slowly add flour to the total mass and knead into an elastic dough. Cover it with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Then roll out the dough so that it turns into a shortbread.

Pizza dough with baking powder

300 g flour,
100 ml water,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp baking powder for dough,
½ tsp. salt.

Sift the flour 2-3 times. After this, mix the flour with baking powder and salt, pour in vegetable oil and water, which is best added in small portions - 2-3 tbsp. Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and leave for 1.5 hours.

Dough with sour cream and mayonnaise

2 stacks flour,
5 tbsp. sour cream,
5 tbsp. low-fat mayonnaise,
1 egg.

Mix egg, sour cream and mayonnaise in a mixer. Then gradually add flour and do not stop kneading. The dough should eventually resemble thick sour cream. Carefully and evenly pour it into an even layer into a greased deep dish. After that, having distributed the filling, you can cook the pizza in a frying pan.

Yeast-free pizza dough with melted butter

2 stacks flour,
½ cup ghee,
1 egg,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp baking powder for dough.

Heat ghee, stir salt and sugar in it. Then add baking powder, separately beaten egg and mix well. After this, add the sifted flour in parts and knead until a fairly soft dough is obtained. Cover the finished dough with a linen napkin moistened with water for literally 10 minutes and leave for a while. Next, roll it out, dusting it with flour.

Pizza dough without yeast on yogurt

8 tbsp. flour,
1 egg,
100 g softened margarine,
100 g natural yogurt,
½ tsp. soda

Dissolve baking soda in yogurt. Add egg, margarine and flour to the prepared mixture. Stir the resulting mass using a mixer. If the dough turns out too liquid, add more flour. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Sift a little flour onto a board, place the dough on it and roll it in a little flour (this will prevent the dough from sticking to your hands while rolling it out). Shape the dough into the desired shape.

Pizza dough with mayonnaise and kefir without yeast

2 stacks flour,
300 ml kefir,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ tsp. soda,
½ tsp. salt.

Beat the egg into the prepared container, add salt and soda to it, mix the resulting mixture well until smooth. Next, add kefir and mayonnaise. Slowly add the sifted flour. The finished dough should have a consistency similar to pancake batter - not too thick and not too runny. Once you have the dough at the desired consistency, place it in a baking dish so that it is smooth and without any lumps. Place the filling.

Kefir dough

500 g flour,
1 egg,
100 ml kefir,
20 g vegetable oil,
1 tsp soda,
a pinch of salt.

Mix half the flour with salt. Beat the eggs into a thin foam and pour into the dough. Add 10 ml of vegetable oil there, add flour and knead the dough. Add remaining vegetable oil if necessary. If the dough turns out liquid, add a little more flour. Let the finished dough rest for 15-20 minutes before rolling out. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when rolling, grease them with vegetable oil.

Pizza dough without yeast with cognac and butter

500 g flour,
150 ml kefir,
10 g butter,
2 tbsp. cognac,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp soda,
½ tsp. salt.

Sift the flour into a large bowl, folding it into mounds. Make a small depression in it, put softened margarine, then add sugar, soda, salt and pour in cognac. Knead a homogeneous dough, shape it into a ball and leave it like that for 1 hour. Then knead and roll out again.

Dough “Like in a pizzeria”

2 stacks flour,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil (olive oil is possible),
⅓ tsp soda,

Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat. In a separate container, mix sour cream and soda, add to beaten eggs and mix well. Then add flour and vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should look like thick sour cream. Let the finished dough rest for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, start forming the pizza, having previously greased your hands and baking sheet with vegetable oil.

Dough “Easy as Easy”

4 tbsp. flour,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
¼ tsp. soda

Mix mayonnaise and egg until smooth. Add flour and soda to it and knead the dough. Form the resulting dough into a ball and roll it out into a flat cake 2 mm thick (it sticks a little to your hands, but you can still roll it out). Bake in the oven at 180ºC for 10 minutes. The pizza will be thin with a golden brown crust.

Curd dough for pizza

1 stack flour,
125 g low-fat cottage cheese,
3 tbsp. olive oil,
1 egg,
1 tsp salt.

Add egg, salt, vegetable oil to the cottage cheese and mix well with a mixer. Sift flour onto the resulting mass and knead the dough until it becomes elastic. Then roll it out and place it on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes, then add the prepared toppings and bake the pizza until done.

Puff pastry for pizza without yeast

2 stacks flour,
¼ cup water,
200 g butter,
1 tsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt,
citric acid - to taste.

Put the butter into the flour and, mixing it with the flour, chop it into small pieces. Then add the remaining ingredients to this mixture and mix well. Roll out the finished dough, fold it several times and place it in the refrigerator to cool. After a while, take it out and start making pizza.

Chopped puff pastry for pizza

2 stacks flour,
150 ml water,
300 g butter or margarine,
1 egg,
1 tsp lemon juice,
½ tsp. salt.

Sift the flour, add chilled butter, cut into small pieces, and chop finely with a knife. Make a well in the flour and butter, pour salted water into it, add the egg, lemon juice and quickly knead the dough. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and put in a cool place. Before baking, roll out the dough 2-3 times and fold into 3-4 layers.

Pizza dough recipe from D. Oliver

3 tbsp. flour,
3 tbsp. mayonnaise,
a pinch of salt with a drop of vinegar.

Combine all ingredients and knead the dough. It should have a consistency similar to pancake batter. Bake the resulting pizza base for 10 minutes, and then put the filling on it and cook for another 10 minutes.

Pizza dough with basil and black pepper

2 stacks flour,
⅓ stack. vegetable oil,
⅔ stack. milk,
2 tsp baking powder,
a pinch of salt, basil and ground black pepper.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl with your hands until smooth (the dough should be elastic and slightly tight). Roll out the finished dough and prick it in several places with a fork. Use the toppings of your choice to make pizza.

Try, experiment, and you will certainly be able to not only appreciate pizza dough without yeast, but also prepare your own absolutely irresistible pizza.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina