How to make kvass from sour birch sap. Classic birch kvass with raisins. Dark kvass from birch sap with barley

Since early spring, there is unique opportunity collect Birch juice, which is a treasure trove useful substances. It can be drunk diluted, preserved in bottles for the winter, or prepared as miraculous kvass.

By the way, it is the fermentation process that does not destroy healing properties juice But first you need to assemble it correctly.

There are special rules for this:

  1. Birch should not be young.
  2. Collection takes place from early morning until evening.
  3. The minimum trunk circumference should be 25 cm.
  4. An incision in the trunk is made at a height of 50 cm - this is the minimum.
  5. After collecting the juice, the recess must be covered with moss, dirt, etc.

How to make birch kvass from birch sap at home?

There are many recipes. They depend on the components used. They have different taste characteristics, so choose the recipe that suits your taste.

Recipe without yeast

Yeast-free kvass perfectly quenches thirst and has no extra calories.

To make kvass without yeast you will need:

  • birch sap in the amount of 2 liters;
  • wheat grains - approximately 30 grams;
  • raisins - 20 pieces.

Cooking process. Pour the juice into a 3-liter glass jar, add raisins and wheat grains. Be sure to close plastic cover and set aside in a cool place. The drink is considered completely ready on the 3rd day.

How to make delicious birch kvass with raisins?

Recipe No. 1. For cooking any kvass drink It is customary to use raisins as they speed up the fermentation rate.

The classic recipe involves using the following ingredients:

  • birch sap – 5 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • raisins from white grapes– 25 pieces.

Cooking process. Wash and dry the raisins thoroughly, strain the juice through 2-3 layers of gauze. Combine sugar and juice and dissolve it, then add raisins. Cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment for three days. The room should be at normal room temperature. Before drinking the drink, it is further filtered.

Recipe No. 2. This recipe based on the use of dark raisins. If the first method involves a fermentation process of only 3 days, then this method requires 3 months. Sometimes this is necessary, since birch liquid cannot be stored for a long time without canning. And during conservation, beneficial substances are destroyed.

Cooking process. Take about 3 liters pure juice and about 25 dark raisins. As in the previous case, wash the raisins and strain the juice. The resulting starter is sealed and left for 3 months in a cool room.

How to make kvass with bread from birch sap?

Recipe No. 1. Especially for lovers of regular kvass, a recipe for birch sap with bread was developed. Unlike a simple bread drink, birch drink is more healthy.

You will need:

  • birch sap – 2.5 liters;
  • black (Borodinsky) bread – 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 75-80 grams.

Cooking process. Pour birch liquid into a pan (necessarily enameled), add granulated sugar and bring to a low boil. After this, put bread toasted in the oven, sliced in small pieces. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it in the room for two days.

ATTENTION! It is prohibited to boil the starter! If you want to achieve a darker shade of birch kvass, you need to brown the bread as much as possible.

Recipe No. 2. This fermentation method will allow you to diversify the taste of the finished liquid. You need:

  • birch sap – 5 liters;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • black bread – 350-400 grams;
  • some raisins;
  • the same amount of whole coffee beans.

Cooking process. Coffee beans and bread are roasted separately in the oven cabinet or in a frying pan. The raisins are washed and dried. Combine all ingredients and pour strained birch sap. It is advisable to pour the starter into a glass jar, since you will need to put a rubber glove on the neck, which is first pierced with a needle. Leave the container in a warm room for fermentation for about 2-3 days. When the drink begins to ferment normally, the glove will become inflated. You can also determine the readiness of birch kvass by looking at the glove - it should deflate. Ready drink strain and wait 1-2 days for infusion in the cold.

Recipe for sweet kvass made from birch sap with dried fruits

Kvass with dried fruits turns out to be very fortified. You can add any dried fruit, prunes, dried apricots and definitely raisins to it.

You will need:

  • birch sap – 2.5 liters;
  • raisins – 150 grams;
  • dried fruits to taste;
  • To soften, you can add barberry lollipops.

Cooking process. Wash and dry dried fruits. Combine all ingredients and add strained juice. Cover the container with gauze and set aside for fermentation for a maximum of 4 days. The starter must be stirred a couple of times a day.

How can you make kvass with barley from birch sap?

Barley birch kvass The taste is similar to a yeast drink, but it does not have extra calories.

You need:

  • juice – 1.5 liters;
  • barley – 50 grams.

Cooking process. Cool the strained juice and combine with roasted barley. Leave in a warm place for 4 days, stirring the starter periodically.

IMPORTANT! Not only the tone of kvass, but also the taste depends on the degree of roasting of the grains. So, for the delicate notes of the drink, fry the grains until slightly golden; to add bitterness - until dark. For convenience, barley can be placed in a piece of gauze and dipped into liquid.

Recipe for making birch kvass with drying

Dried kvass has a delicate refreshing taste.

You need:

  • birch sap – 2.5 liters;
  • raisins – 150 grams;
  • drying: apples, pears, apricots, rose hips, lemon balm or mint, a little barley.

Cooking process. Combine all components in a glass container. Cover the jar with a plastic lid. Leave for 4-5 days in a cool place.

Basic rules for preparing birch kvass

To make birch kvass perfect, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. For faster fermentation, add a little more sugar than in the recipe.
  2. Juice should be used exclusively freshly collected.
  3. Be sure to strain the juice through a very small strainer or gauze, which must be folded in several layers.
  4. Fermentation vessels can be made of glass, wood or enamel.
  5. Place a plate under the container with fermented kvass, as the drink may spill over the edge.
  6. It is advisable to consume the finished kvass within 5 days. Otherwise it becomes very sour.
  7. Remember that by pouring kvass into a plastic bottle, it is subject to even greater gas formation. Therefore, unscrew the cap slowly.

Birch kvass is a healing balm for the body

Birch kvass is a healing balm for the whole body. About him beneficial properties there are legends.

Do you like birch sap? This drink after winter is simply super necessary for all of us! Removes salts and all sorts of nasty things from the body. It saturates it with vitamins, etc., and if you prepare it according to the recipes below, then bye-bye pharmacy!, because kvass made from birch sap is simply incomparable. You will need fresh birch sap and one of the following recipes:

Recipe No. 1. For 10 liters of birch sap you will need 50 grams of yeast. Next: Boil the birch sap so that some of the water evaporates and the liquid becomes thicker. Cool, add yeast, let ferment. Then pour into bottles and refrigerate. The kvass is ready. Then pour the birch kvass into bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

Recipe No. 2. For 5 liters of birch sap, fry half a loaf of black bread in the oven, 5 tbsp. fry wheat or barley in a frying pan until dark brown, burn 1 glass of sugar until dark brown, bring the juice to a boil, then turn it off, mix all the ingredients, add three sprigs of black currant and leave in the room for three to four days, then the kvass is ready , strain and drink or put it in the refrigerator or basement.
This recipe can also be used in more simple version FOR THE LAZY: don’t boil the juice, don’t fry the bread, but put the crusts more toasted, don’t overcook the sugar, and instead of wheat put rice and 30 grams of yeast or don’t put in yeast, it will also work - all the options are very good, you can also add raisins, rose hips and any ingredients from the recipes below - it all depends on your preferences.

Recipe No. 3. Collected juice poured into polyethylene bottles, add raisins, rose hips, sugar, close them and put them in the cellar for 1-2 months, if you need to check the bottles longer, because burst from pressure. For a 1.5 liter bottle add 2 rose hips, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5-10 raisins and maybe a slice of lemon.

Or you can limit yourself to one raisin or add a little to it grains of wheat. Screw on the lid tightly and place in a cool place. In a couple of days the kvass is ready.

Recipe No. 4. You can make something like this from birch sap. In 3 liter jar pour 2.5 liters of juice, half a glass granulated sugar, a bunch of raisins, a bunch of fried coffee beans and toasted Rye bread. No yeast needed! They pull a rubber glove over the top and wait until it shows “HELLO!!!”, usually this happens on the second day, after which the juice needs to be strained, poured into plastic bottles and into the cellar or refrigerator, in 2 days it’s ready, you can consume it! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 5. Very delicious kvass can be prepared from birch sap with honey and raisins.
To 10 liters of birch sap add the juice of 3 lemons, 50 g of yeast diluted in water, 200 g of honey. You can put 2-3 raisins in a bottle, then pour kvass into it. Seal the bottles and store the kvass from birch sap in a cool place for several days.

Recipe No. 6. Another very tasty option honey kvass. FOR 10 liters of juice, 200-300 grams of honey and 200-300 grams of barley fried until dark brown, close, let stand for 3-5 days at room temperature, pour into bottles and into the cellar. Kvass is ready.

Recipe No. 7. Add well-fried bread crusts to the birch sap and dark raisins. Leave to ferment, hold for 1-2 days, strain, pour into plastic bottles to the very top, and into the basement. Do not add sugar to kvass, it will stretch. If you don’t have raisins on hand, you can do without them too). Bon appetit!!!

Recipe No. 8. For 20 liters of juice - fried crackers, 0.5 loaves of black bread, pour boiled juice - 2.5 liters and infuse for 5-6 hours. Dilute 20 grams of yeast with juice, add 20 tablespoons kvass wort(sold in stores). Pour 1 kg of sugar into the juice and mix all the other ingredients (until the sugar dissolves), let it sit for 24 hours, pour it into bottles or jars, close it and put it in the cellar to refrigerate. We drink all summer!

Recipe No. 9. Add to birch sap: crusts of well-fried bread and dark raisins; Leave to ferment, after it has fermented, pour into bottles. Do not add sugar to kvass, it will stretch.


Rolled juice:

  • The collected juice is heated to a boil, add 4 tbsp to a 3-liter jar. l. sugar, citric acid on the tip of a spoon. Closed under an iron lid.
  • For 3l. juice, 3-4 mugs of orange, a pinch of raisins, 0.5 tsp lemon, sugar to taste, roll up. A scalded sprig of black currant is also placed in the jar.
  • For 3 liters of juice, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice - bring to a boil and add 1 Mint or Duchess caramel to the jar. Pour, roll up.

Among the ancient Slavs, fermented in wooden barrels Birch sap was extremely popular: not a single feast would be complete without this drink. Over time, it became known that it not only refreshes summer heat, but also has health and beauty benefits. How to prepare delicious kvass that will not cause harm to the body will be discussed further.

The benefits of kvass from birch sap

Birch sap is a healthy natural drink, but fresh it is available for a fairly short period. Great way preserve the product by preserving it healing power, - make kvass.

Flavoring and medicinal properties kvass from birch sap do not disappear within 4–6 months.

This drink has the following beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases vitality;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • provides a diuretic effect and removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates regeneration processes;
  • supplies the body with vitamins (groups B and C), organic acids, macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, manganese, copper) and other necessary substances.
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract With low acidity(ulcerative lesions, gastritis, etc.);
  • kidney ailments;
  • reduced immunity;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • colds, cough;
  • joint diseases (gout, arthritis and rheumatism).

External use of kvass from birch sap helps in getting rid of:

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications to the use of kvass are individual intolerance to the product and an allergy to birch pollen. The drink should be consumed with caution in case of gastric ulcers, cholecystitis and pancreatitis, urolithiasis and a tendency to dysbacteriosis.

Kvass is carefully introduced into the diet of children: it is not recommended to give a child more than 50 ml of the drink per day, so as not to provoke gastrointestinal disorders.

Use birch kvass in medicinal purposes possible only with complex therapy and after consulting a doctor.

Homemade recipes

To prepare kvass you need to use natural birch sap. It is best to obtain the product yourself, and a suitable tree should be looked for away from highways and large populated areas.

Video: How to extract birch sap?

Before preparing kvass, birch sap must be strained using several layers of gauze rolled up to remove dirt and debris from the product.

Classic bread drink (on crackers)

  1. Pour 10 liters of birch sap into a wooden barrel (or small barrels).
  2. Dry 200 g of bread crumbs and place them on a piece of gauze. Connect the edges of the material and tie a long rope to the resulting bag (if kvass is made in several barrels, you need to wrap the crackers in the same number of bags).
  3. Lower the device into the container with juice without immersing the upper part of the rope in the liquid.
  4. After about 48 hours, the fermentation process will begin. You will need to take out the crackers and add half a glass to the barrel oak bark, 300 g of dried cherries and several stalks of dill.
  5. Then the drink should be allowed to brew for 14 days.

Real Russian kvass is traditionally prepared in wooden barrels, but utensils made of other materials can also be used. Important condition- do not use plastic containers; it is better to make the drink in enamel or glass containers.

With Borodino bread

  1. Infuse 3 liters of fresh birch sap in the refrigerator for 1–2 days.
  2. Cut 300 g of black (Borodinsky) bread into small cubes or sticks and make crackers using the oven or in a lightly oiled frying pan.
  3. Pour crackers into a glass container and pour in birch sap (it is advisable to warm it up a little first), add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Cover the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3–5 days.
  5. Strain the finished drink.

With raisins

  1. Add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to 10 liters of birch sap and mix thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour raisins (50 pieces) into a container and cover with cotton cloth.
  3. Allow the drink to ferment, leaving the container for 3 days at room temperature.
  4. Strain the finished kvass and pour into storage glass jars or bottles.

With dried fruits

  1. Keep 3 liters of fresh birch sap in the refrigerator for 1–2 days.
  2. Add 600–800 g of dried apricots and/or prunes and 150–200 g of raisins to the container.
  3. Cover the container with several layers of gauze rolled up (you can also use any lid with holes) and let the drink stand in a warm place for 5-7 days.
  4. Strain ready kvass.

If you add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar during preparation, the fermentation process will speed up, but in this case the drink may lose the flavor notes characteristic of birch sap.

Video: How to ferment birch sap with dried apples and pears?

With honey and lemon (with yeast)

  1. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons into 10 liters of birch.
  2. Add 50 g to the composition fresh yeast, 30–40 g liquid honey(if the product is candied, you should first melt it in a water bath) and raisins (3 pieces).
  3. Cover with a lid or gauze and let the drink ferment, usually 3-4 days are enough.

This drink has pronounced antibacterial properties and will help protect the body from infections during epidemics, as well as improve the condition of colds.

Video: Making kvass by adding honey and lemon

With orange (with yeast)

  1. Place the orange cut into rings into a deep glass container (there is no need to peel the citrus).
  2. Grind 10 g of yeast with 1 teaspoon of sugar and also place in a container.
  3. Add a few sprigs of lemon balm and/or mint and 250 g of granulated sugar.
  4. Pour all the ingredients into 2.5 liters of fresh birch sap, cover the container with a lid and leave for 2-3 days (before fermentation begins).
  5. Strain the resulting drink and pour into small glass bottles, adding raisins to each (1-2 pieces).
  6. Infuse the finished kvass in the refrigerator for another 24 hours.

With barley

  1. Place fresh birch sap (3 l) in the refrigerator for 1–2 days.
  2. Lightly fry a glass of barley in a dry frying pan.
  3. Pour the prepared raw materials into the container with the juice and mix.
  4. Infuse the drink for 3-4 days at room temperature, stirring it from time to time.
  5. Strain the kvass and store in a cool place.

To make kvass soft in taste, barley must be fried until golden brown. With a darker (almost black) shade of the raw material, the drink will have a characteristic bitterness.

Video: Recipe with barley, caramel malt, beebread and zabrus

With wheat

  1. To 2 liters of birch sap add 30 g of wheat grains lightly fried in a dry frying pan, raisins (20 pieces) and 1.5 teaspoons of granulated sugar.
  2. Cover the container loosely with a lid or gauze and leave at room temperature for 3-4 days.
  3. Strain the finished drink.

To protect the drink from mold, you can throw 2-3 match-sized birch chips into the container along with the main ingredients.

To obtain various flavor combinations together with breadcrumbs and sugar, you can add them to birch sap, lightly fried in a frying pan coffee beans, barley, black currant leaves.

Kvass made from birch sap will perfectly quench your thirst and help improve your health. To do healing drink at home, you won’t need any special time investment or any culinary talents.

To strengthen the immune system, many begin to collect birch sap and make delicious kvass. Birch sap is not inferior to many vitamins; for this it is worth going to the forest to put up jars. Kvass made from birch sap is very rich in vitamins, which are very necessary for our body. Many people have known this drink since ancient times. They drink kvass from various wastes and toxins, cleanses the liver and digestive tract. Birch sap begins to be collected from the end of April to the end of May, but you need to be very careful in the forest, many are afraid of encephalitis ticks. There are a lot different recipes kvass Today we will look at the most famous ones.


  • Birch sap 8 - 10 liters;
  • Sugar 500 gr;
  • Dried raisins 500 gr;
  • 1. Strain fresh birch sap from debris.
    2. Rinse the raisins in hot water
    3. Mix raisins with sugar and add birch sap. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. You need to pour it into jars, preferably 3-liter ones. We close it not with a lid, but with a thin cloth or take gauze.
    5. Keep the kvass for 2 days.
    6. Strain our finished kvass and enjoy.
    7.Can be stored for 4 months.

Fragrant kvass made from birch sap with honey and lemon


  • Birch sap 6-8 liters;
  • Liquid honey 40 g;
  • Lemon 3-4 pcs.; lemon acid 2h/l;
  • Yeast (preferably live 50 g)
  1. 1. Decant birch sap from small debris.
    2. Squeeze lemon juice or dilute with 2 tsp citric acid.
    3. Add liquid honey.
    4. Dilute live yeast with water.
    5. Mix all ingredients.
    6. Pour everything into glass jars. The drink must be tightly covered with a cloth and kept for 3 days at room temperature.

Delicious kvass made from birch sap with black bread and coffee


  • Birch sap 2-3 liters;
  • Black bread 3 crusts;
  • Sugar 150 gr;
  • Small raisins 50 gr;
  • Coffee beans 50 gr
  1. 1. Strain the birch sap.
    2. Roast coffee beans for 3-4 minutes.
    3. Pour in raisins hot water, rinse well. Dry the raisins.
    4. B three liter jar add sugar, coffee, raisins and add juice.
    5.Instead of the lid, insert a rubber glove with a punctured hole into the jar.
    6. When the glove rises, the kvass begins to ferment. We wait 2 days, when rubber glove will return to its position.
    7. Put it in the refrigerator. You can drink it after 24 hours.

Dark kvass from birch sap with barley


  • Birch sap 3 liters;
  • Dry yeast on the tip of a spoon.;
  • Barley 3-4 tbsp;
  • Crackers without seasoning 150 g;
  • Sugar 3 tbsp;

Barley gives kvass not only aromatic taste, but also dark color kvass From barley kvass You can make okroshka in the summer.

  1. 1. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    2. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    3. Fry the crackers in a frying pan without oil and place in the pan.
    4. Fry the barley too and put it in a saucepan.
    5. Stir with sugar until it dissolves.
    6. Cover with a lid and leave for 36 hours for the kvass to ferment. Place in the refrigerator.

How to deliciously prepare kvass from birch sap with oranges


  • Orange 1 piece;
  • Birch sap 2 - 3 liters;
  • Raisins 2 tsp;
  • Yeast 10 g;
  • Mint 3 leaves;
  1. 1. Cut the oranges into slices.
    2. Grate the yeast with sugar.
    3. Add orange, yeast, sugar and birch sap to the jar.
    4. Pour into jars and add raisins. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours and the kvass is ready!

Sweet kvass made from birch sap with dried fruits without yeast

Believe it or not, our ancestors prepared birch kvass long before the baptism of Rus'. This drink was called berezovitsa. Later, in the 10th-11th centuries, slightly fermented birch sap was replaced with kvass, which is familiar to us. But the sediment remained. There are also recipes for kvass made from birch sap. So we'll talk to them.

As a child, I spent a lot of time in the village, did not disdain hard physical labor and learned about all aspects of rural life. In the summer, when there was more work than we would like, birch kvass, which my uncle prepared every year in the amount of 100-150 liters, often came to the rescue. It was an amazing drink with dried fruits (you will find its recipe below), which perfectly quenched thirst, invigorated and gave strength. I was already amazed by the technology of its production - after collecting birch sap, it was poured into large enamel pans, several kilograms were poured into it home drying and... that's it! In this form, under gauze, he stood until the summer and nothing bad happened to him. It's that simple!

Of course, if you want to get a decent drink, you should follow some simple rules and recommendations. That's where I'll probably start.

  1. A high-quality drink from birch sap should begin to be prepared already at the stage of procurement of raw materials. There is no mystery here, the main thing is not to harm the tree, collect the sap away from roads (the most important rule, otherwise kvass will harm the body more than rejuvenate it) and do it on time. In order not to write a lot of letters on this topic, I suggest you watch a video about the intricacies of collecting birch sap from the famous survivalist blogger Dmitry “Tactical”. I have no doubt about his competence in this matter:

  1. Use suitable fermentation containers – enamel pan just right, stainless steel is fine, glass is better, aluminum can is worse. For subsequent storage and ripening, it is optimal to use PET bottles of any size. They should not be filled completely, but the remaining air should be squeezed out. During the fermentation process, the bottle will swell greatly from carbon dioxide (it will also act as a preservative), so you need to open it very carefully. For the same reason, you should not use glass bottles - they are likely to break.
  1. Many birch kvass recipes use live or dry yeast. Because of this, kvass turns out with a brewy aftertaste, which is not good for a refreshing drink. Instead of “cultivated” yeast, you can use wild yeast, which at its best lives on good raisins. You can check the “goodness” of raisins by making a starter from it, the recipe for which is clearly described in the article with. To start fermentation, you can use either a prepared starter or raisins tested for lice - about ½ cup per 10 liters of juice. Fermentation with raisins is less intense, so you will have to wait a couple of days longer.

The easiest to prepare is birch kvass with raisins. It is enough to strain 1.5 liters of birch sap, add 8-10 raisins and 1 tablespoon of sugar to it. All this, of course, is best stored in a PET bottle, which needs to be tightly closed (see the basic rules above) and left in a cool place until the summer. You need to open the kvass very carefully, slowly pouring out the accumulated carbon dioxide. Simple, tasty, easy. But there are a couple of much more interesting recipes.

Homemade birch kvass with dried fruits

In fact, the same kvass that I drank as a child, only the technology has been slightly improved so as not to confuse anyone. Exceptional drink!

Strain the collected birch sap through cheesecloth and pour into a container of suitable volume, add dried fruits and raisins. Cover the neck of the container with gauze and leave everything for a week in a dark place with room temperature. After a couple of days, fermentation should begin - the cap of dried fruits and raisins must be periodically knocked down so that it does not sour. When the drink has the typical pungency of kvass, filter it through several layers of gauze (you can do it several times) and pour it into small containers for storage in a cool place. You can drink this kvass all summer long, it won’t spoil.

Kvass from birch sap with honey and lemons

Strain the juice and pour into a container of suitable volume. Squeeze the juice from 3-4 lemons there (you can cut all the lemons into small cubes, do not forget to pour boiling water over them beforehand and rub with a hard towel), add honey and mix well. Pour in the yeast, cover the container with gauze and leave for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place. Strain, pour into bottles or jars, add 2-3 raisins for each 1 liter of kvass, close tightly and store in a cool place. If you use raisins instead of yeast, be sure to increase the fermentation period to 4-6 days.

Homemade kvass from birch sap with oranges

Pour boiling water over the oranges and rub with a waffle towel, and then cut into cubes as finely as possible along with the peel. Strain the birch sap into a container of suitable volume, add chopped oranges and sugar, mix well. Add yeast, which can be fermented first (or use raisins instead). At your discretion, add mint, lemon balm, oregano and others aromatic herbs(it is better to place it in a canvas bag). Cover the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for 12 hours to ferment. Strain the slightly fermented kvass through cheesecloth, pour into bottles, and add a couple of raisins to each of them. Store the drink in the refrigerator.

About that same birch tree. In Scythian times, fermented birch sap was, how should I say, a kind of low alcohol drinks, a kind of beer without cooking or even wine. I don’t know how much of it you had to drink to get drunk, but it seems to me that the current generation doesn’t drink that much. It is known that until the 19th century, the tradition of preparing birch bark survived only in Belarus, and then disappeared there too due to inexpediency - it was too expensive.

They also prepare birch kvass with bread and even malt. After looking at all the recipes on the Internet, you will understand that this is a regular one, in which the water is replaced with birch sap. Since we think in this vein, it would be logical to prepare such a drink for rye sourdough and with malt, as Don Anointed wrote about here in.

Happy spring to you, my faithful reader!