How to prepare bechamel at home? Options for bechamel sauce at home: with onions, meat, cheese and mushrooms. How to make bechamel sauce at home.

Of all the white sauces, bechamel is the most commonly prepared and restaurant chefs, and housewives. A simple recipe over time has become almost synonymous with gourmet cuisine, although in fact there is nothing special about it. This is a simple version of the gravy that was popular in medieval Europe.

Bechamel at home can be prepared no worse than in a restaurant. And having mastered basic recipe, it's time to start experimenting. Ruin the taste traditional sauce It’s unlikely to work, but enriching it with new notes is easy! Pasta is served with béchamel sauce, lasagna is made with it, and it is added to various vegetable and meat casseroles.

Bechamel sauce at home - general principles of preparation

The main ingredients of the sauce are butter, flour and milk. Butter should not be replaced with spread - the taste will be clearly worse. You can take milk of any fat content. The flour should be white, best premium. All additional ingredients, including nutmeg, pepper, Bay leaf, greens are variations on the traditional sauce.

To prepare bechamel sauce at home, you will need metal utensils, such as a saucepan or stewpan. In principle, you can cook bechamel in a regular frying pan with high sides or in a multicooker bowl.

Bechamel sauce “Classic”

Basic bechamel sauce can be prepared at home in literally 20 minutes. Required minimal amount ingredients, which is why this sauce is very popular among culinary experts.


Half a liter of milk;

Two tablespoons of flour;

Salt to taste (half a teaspoon).

Cooking method:

Melt the butter in a dry frying pan. It is very important not to let it brown, so keep the oil on low heat.

When all the butter has completely melted, add flour and fry until golden brown. Don't overcook.

Remove the frying pan from the stove and quickly but carefully pour in the cold milk.

Mix vigorously, thoroughly breaking up any lumps of flour.

When the sauce becomes homogeneous, return it to the heat and add salt.

Boil after boiling for a minute. This time is usually enough for the sauce to thicken.

Bechamel sauce “Muscat”

No less popular recipe Bechamel sauce is prepared at home with the addition of ground nutmeg. The taste is subtle and very pleasant. Typically, nutmeg bechamel is included in lasagna.


Fifty grams of butter;

Half a liter of milk;

Fifty grams of white flour;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A quarter teaspoon of nutmeg.

Cooking method:

Place a piece of butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan and heat until it has completely melted.

Add flour and fry, stirring constantly, for two minutes. It will work out thick mass with a pleasant nutty aroma.

Pour in the milk in a thin stream while stirring the sauce with a paddle. Try to immediately “break through” all the lumps, achieving a homogeneous mixture.

As soon as you get a thick base (about a third of the milk should remain), add salt and immediately add ground nutmeg so that it gives off its aroma and disperses.

Pour in the remaining milk, stirring the sauce again with a whisk.

Simmer until thickened, about four to five minutes.

Bechamel sauce “Onion”

An interesting version of the sauce, which is prepared with milk and meat broth with the addition of onions. The sauce will be similar in consistency to bechamel, but its taste will be completely new and piquant. It is not necessary to add the spices specified in the recipe.


One hundred grams of butter;

One and a half glasses of milk;

One and a half glasses of meat broth;

Half a small onion;

A third of a glass of flour;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

Black or red pepper, bay leaf (to taste).

Cooking method:

Combine in a saucepan meat broth and milk, place over medium heat.

Chop the onion very finely and throw it into the pan.

If you decide to cook the sauce with spices, add the bay leaf right away.

Wait until it boils liquid foundation, boil the onion for three minutes, remove from the stove. The gravy should sit for fifteen minutes.

In a dry frying pan, dissolve the sweet butter, chopped into pieces.

Throw a measured portion of flour into it, fry, stirring constantly with a spoon. The flour should take on a nice golden hue.

Strain the milk and broth to remove the onion cubes.

Pour the aromatic milk mixture into the pan and immediately begin stirring the sauce.

When the flour and milk boil, pepper and add salt to taste.

Cook the sauce for about twenty minutes, then carefully strain so that there are no lumps.

Bechamel sauce "Meat"

An unusual sauce with pieces of veal, which can easily be replaced with other meat, is not only very tasty, but also very filling. This homemade bechamel sauce can go well with any meat dish or baked cauliflower.


Sixty grams of butter;

A liter of milk;

Seventy grams of flour;

Half a small onion;

Seventy grams of boiled meat;

Salt to taste (about one teaspoon);

A pinch of thyme;

A third of a teaspoon of nutmeg;

A pinch of red pepper.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion very finely.

Also try to cut the meat finely.

Melt the butter in a deep frying pan.

Throw in the flour and start frying, remembering to stir the mixture.

Pour milk into the sauce, immediately breaking up the brewing flour.

Add onion, spices, salt and cook the gravy, stirring constantly and waiting for it to thicken.

At this point, add pieces of meat to the sauce, cook for another five minutes and turn off the heat.

Bechamel sauce "Cheese"

This version of bechamel sauce at home has no competitors. Cheese in gravy is already delicious. And when it comes with butter, nutmeg and white pepper, the result is something absolutely incredible in taste. A real pleasure. Be sure to try it.


Seventy grams of butter;

Two hundred grams of semi-hard cheese;

Three tablespoons of flour;

Half a liter of milk;

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A third of a teaspoon of white pepper;

Half a teaspoon of nutmeg.

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Cut the butter into cubes and dissolve in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.

Make sure that the oil does not fry, that is, does not acquire an unpleasant Strong smell and it didn't get dark.

Pour all the flour into the butter, add nutmeg.

Using a rubbing motion, boil the flour in the oil for two minutes. When frying, be careful not to burn the mixture.

Pour the milk into the saucepan, without removing from the heat. You need to ensure that the flour disperses in the milk without forming lumps. Grind and break them up so that the next portion of milk can be added to a homogeneous base.

When the last of the milk has gone into the sauce, cook until thickened.

As soon as the gravy begins to thicken, add the cheese crumbs and stir. The cheese should be completely melted.

Season with salt and white pepper.

Beautiful cheese sauce Homemade bechamel is ready.

Bechamel sauce “Mushroom”

Another unusual option bechamel - with the addition of mushrooms. The result is a deliciously aromatic thick gravy with wonderful rich taste and unusual consistency. This sauce can be served literally with anything: meat, pasta, boiled or baked vegetables and even fish.


Three hundred grams forest mushrooms or fresh champignons;

One hundred grams of butter;

Medium bulb;

A third of a glass of flour;

Three glasses of milk;

Two tablespoons chopped fresh dill(not necessary);

Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the mushrooms, dry them paper napkin and cut into small cubes.

Chop the onion.

Melt the butter in a deep frying pan and add the mushrooms and onions.

Fry mushroom cubes until golden brown, cover with a lid and simmer until done.

After five minutes, add salt and pepper.

Pour flour into the mushroom frying, stirring, and heat for all three minutes.

Pour milk into glasses into the resulting aromatic mass, breaking up all the lumps. Do not pour in the next portion of milk until the flour has dispersed.

Cover the sauce with a lid and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Five minutes before readiness, add dill.

Serve the sauce with fish, pasta, meat or potatoes.

Bechamel sauce at home - tricks and useful tips

The most important thing about bechamel sauce is the absence of unpleasant flour lumps. You can, of course, simply strain the mass. But it is much easier to beat it with a blender or mixer.

If the sauce is too thin, there is no need to add flour to it. It will spoil the taste. just cover the sauce with a lid and simmer at a low simmer until the mixture thickens. This will definitely happen, and the taste will not be oversaturated with flour.

To make bechamel sauce more flavorful at home, add spicy note, you can put a clove bud or an onion cut into quarters into the milk. After half an hour, when the milk has absorbed the aroma, you can start preparing the gravy.

If there is too much sauce, it should be put in the refrigerator. But flour can give an unpleasant crust on the surface, which will have to be peeled off and thrown away. To avoid this, pour bechamel a small amount melted butter. Afterward, simply stir this butter layer into the base sauce as you reheat it.

The history of this sauce is lost in the centuries. Either it was invented by the Marquis Louis de Bechamel himself, a courtier of King Louis XIV, or the nimble royal chefs slightly altered old recipe, dedicated it to the nobleman...

Bechamel is one of the five so-called “mother” sauces, on the basis of which “daughter”, secondary sauces are prepared, which I will also say a little about.

The basis for many French sauces, including bechamel, is lightly fried butter flour. Tender pasta resulting from frying is called roux ( roux).

Depending on the degree of roasting, the flour dressing can be white, golden or brown. For our bechamel you will need to make a white roux.

What you need:

  • a thick-bottomed frying pan or a heavy saucepan
  • whisk
  • 500 ml cold milk
  • 30 g butter
  • 30 g flour
  • salt, freshly ground white pepper, nutmeg

pay attention to the same number flour and butter - this is one of the main rules for bechamel sauce. And the milk must certainly be cold. Pepper - white: in sauce bechamel It's not the spiciness that matters, but the aroma. Nutmeg will delicately highlight the milky taste. By the way, the milk for the sauce can first be infused with onions, carrots, cloves, and bay leaves.

What to do:
Melt the butter over medium heat and, as soon as it foams slightly, pour flour over the entire surface. Rub quickly with a spoon or whisk and leave on the fire for 1-2 minutes.

Then, while continuously stirring with a whisk, carefully pour in the cold milk. Add heat and, continuing to stir, bring to a boil. Don't be afraid of lumps! A few more seconds and they will disperse into a homogeneous, thick sauce. And if this suddenly does not happen, rubbing the sauce through a sieve is considered quite natural. Some recipes even recommend straining the sauce through a sieve to remove clots. But this will happen a little later, when the bechamel is completely ready.

In the meantime, you need to reduce the heat to low and heat for 40-45 minutes. Yes, the process is not fast and, at first glance, it seems unnecessary, but this is far from the case. During long heating, excess moisture evaporates and the taste of flour completely disappears. If you do not follow this rule, then after the sauce is removed from the heat, it will change its consistency quite significantly - it will thicken.

At the end sauce add salt, white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Variations on the theme of bechamel

Your own bechamel sauce as a seasoning for hot dishes of meat, fish, vegetables and pasta is ready. But its use does not end there. Béchamel sauce is used as an ingredient in dishes such as lasagna, moussaka and many gratins.

By the way, the famous and beloved Soviet ceremonial dish meat in French there is nothing more than gratin from potatoes with meat. Only, of course, it should not be drowned in a flaky mayonnaise substance, but baked with bechamel sauce. So feel free to prepare forgotten dish and serve proudly like a gratin. The only advice is that the baking sauce needs to be made a little thicker. To do this, you should not reduce the amount of milk, but keep it on the fire a little longer - up to 1 hour.

As I said at the very beginning, others, no less, are prepared on the basis of bechamel. famous sauces. These are Mornay, Nantua, Aurora, Soubise.

Sauce mornay prepared with the addition of raw yolks, cream and Gruyere cheese. This sauce is poured over dishes before baking under the grill - spring rolls, poached eggs, fish and seafood.

Sauce Nantua- This is bechamel sauce with the addition of delicious crayfish butter. The famous pike quenelles are cooked in Nantua sauce.

Sauce subiz- bechamel with the addition of stewed onions and cream. Ideal with baked chicken, guinea fowl and veal.

Sauce Aurora- This " mother sauce» plus cream, butter and tomato paste. Pairs well with pasta, cauliflower, and turkey escalopes.

Olga Syutkina:
“The Kitchen of My Love” was the name of my first book. Since then, in addition to traditional gastronomy, my husband and I have taken up the history of Russian cuisine and written a new book - “The Uninvented History of Russian Cuisine.” It is about the past of our gastronomy, how it arose and developed. About the people who created it. Now a continuation of this work is being published - this time about the Soviet period. Together with the readers, we are trying to figure out whether there was soviet cuisine a logical stage in the development of great Russian cooking or became an accidental zigzag of history. Here I will try to tell you about how sometimes in a surprising way history comes into our world today, onto our kitchens and tables.

Olga Syutkina's recipes:

Meat broth


She is preparing from the young beet leaves, spinach, sorrel, cucumbers and herbs, and for satiety, noble white fish is added to it.

Fig Pie

Olga Syutkina reminds us that figs, although they seem exotic fruit, in fact, is an old Russian delicacy, and suggests making a pie with figs.

Good afternoon friends! These are the sauces that count now amazing invention, designed to make the lives of gourmets more diverse. Performing several functions at once - enhancing the taste of a dish, making it more tender or becoming the basis for cooking, sauces have long been firmly established in our menu, decorating it. I bring to your attention Bechamel sauce, which you can make yourself at home according to the classic recipe. You do not want traditional version– I’ll please you with more modern ones.

Did you know, friends, that the main purpose of all sauces invented in ancient times was to disguise stale, “smelly” products. Surprised? Judge for yourself, there were no refrigerators then, and dishes, especially in summer time, could not be stored for a long time. So the cooks tried their best to cover up flaws and save the cooked meat, fish or poultry. Bechamel sauce, the recipes for which I will offer you, is no exception.

Bechamel sauce, along with several others, such as mayonnaise, is considered the oldest base sauce, on the basis of which cooks have invented many others. And, best of all, its composition is quite simple. Milk, Wheat flour and oil - this is its original composition. True, at first they used ordinary bread instead of flour.

Bechamel sauce - history

Italians and French have been arguing with each other over the copyright of the sauce for several centuries. If you believe the Italians, then he was born among them, and then he is more than 500 years old. And perhaps they are not lying: it has long been known in Italy white sauce balsamella, whose composition is very similar to bechamel.

The Italians claim that to France classic recipe The bride brought the preparation of Bechamel sauce French king Henry Valois Florentine Maria de Medici. According to legend, it follows that she arrived in the country with a whole army servants, including cooks. During the celebrations in honor of the couple's marriage, the French first tried and then appropriated the recipe for the sauce. And they even came up with their own name.

According to the French, bechamel sauce was invented by the Marquis de Bechamel from the retinue of King Louis XIV. The chamberlain of the royal court was not only a dexterous courtier, but also a talented cook. It’s as if one day he decided that the cod he cooked was a little dry and shaded its taste with sauce, slightly changing the traditional French sauce"veloute". To be honest, it’s hard to believe that the Marquis himself knew how to cook, but there is a mention of this in one of the Duke d’Escard’s letters.

The most likely author of the sauce is a contemporary of the Marquis, the chef of the King of the Sun de la Verena. Whether this is true or not, no one will know. But for a long time The sauce was prepared in noble families, but then ordinary French people did not know how to make it.

The classic recipe for Béchamel sauce is described in detail in the French cuisine recipe book Le Cuisinier François.

The sauce came to Russia thanks to French chefs who came to our country after the French Revolution. It was they who introduced the fashion for exquisite sauce.

But as usual, time and the wild imagination of culinary specialists have made their own adjustments; there are many variations of bechamel sauce. Add nutmeg or red pepper to it, and it's ready new recipe. Add black pepper, bay leaf, horseradish root, tomato paste, cheese and even fried onion. Each component will enhance the taste and the sauce will sparkle with new colors.

Based on its purpose, bechamel is made thick or liquid, achieving the desired consistency by adding more or less wheat flour. Liquid bechamel makes an excellent gravy for the second course. Thick seasoning for soups, lasagna, vegetables, julienne, spaghetti. Fish and meat are baked with it.

Bechamel sauce - homemade recipe

Before I tell you about the recipes for making Bechamel sauce, I will first share some nuances, perhaps they will be useful to you

Advice from experienced chefs

  1. If there is a need to preserve Bechamel sauce prepared at home for several days, then pour it with a thin layer of pre-melted butter. The sauce will not dry out and a crust will not form on it.
  2. Is the sauce too thin? Don't add flour to it. It’s better to keep it on the stove longer, this will be enough, the sauce will thicken.
  3. During cooking, it is much more convenient to pour milk directly from the bag without pouring it into a glass.

Bechamel sauce - a classic recipe at home

This is the basic base, which is actually called bechamel sauce. It is from this that, adding other ingredients, at home you can have completely different variants wonderful sauce. Suitable for making julienne and lasagne.

We will need:

  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Milk - half a liter.
  • Flour – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt.

How to make classic béchamel sauce using this recipe:

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Then pour flour into it and fry it a little so that it slightly changes color to light golden.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat, quickly pour in the milk and stir quickly. Try to break up all the lumps; if you do not remove the dishes from the heat, it will be more difficult to fight them and stirring will not be very convenient. Many argue whether to heat the milk before adding it to the sauce. Decide for yourself how to do it; there is no consensus in this case.
  3. Return the pan to the heat, add salt to the sauce and, when it boils, cook for a minute. Ready sauce should thicken.

Bechamel sauce - a modern recipe

We will need:

  • Milk – 1.5 cups.
  • Meat broth - 1.5 cups.
  • Onions - quarter.
  • Butter – 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Flour - a third of a glass.
  • Salt, bay leaf, pepper - to your taste.

How to make bechamel sauce at home using this recipe:

Pour milk and broth into the pan, add finely chopped onion, bay leaf and put on fire. When it boils, remove and leave for 15 minutes.

  1. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan and add flour. Stirring, fry until golden brown.
  2. Then pour the strained mixture of milk and broth into the pan. Let it boil (without stopping stirring) and add pepper and salt.
  3. Cook on the lowest heat for 20 minutes and then strain again.

Feel free to experiment, friends. Based on the sauce, you can prepare a variety of at least tasty additives to the dishes. Add cheese, cream, yolks, various greens. Mustard seeds work well.

If you first soak cloves or onions in milk, the taste of the sauce will change and take on a new note.

Famous french chef Auguste Escoffier, who created the Culinary Guide, a veritable bible, at the end of the 19th century French cooking, added veal to the sauce. And it was incredibly delicious. The cook of kings and the king of cooks, as Escoffier was called, knew a lot about food and its preparation.

Bechamel sauce - an ancient recipe

From Auguste Escoffier, which you can prepare at home.

We will need:

  • Flour, sifted – 70 gr.
  • Butter – 60 gr.
  • Milk – 1 liter.
  • Veal, lean, boiled – 60 gr.
  • Onions - quarter.
  • Pepper, thyme, salt, nutmeg - a pinch each.

How to make Bechamel sauce:

  1. Add flour to the heated butter and fry briefly, stirring continuously. When the flour turns golden brown, mix the gravy with the warmed milk. (When you heat the milk, add onions and all the seasonings). Stirring, bring the sauce to a boil.
  2. Add the veal, cutting it into cubes as small as possible, and add salt. Cook for half an hour. Then strain the finished sauce.

I hope that you are familiar with Bechamel sauce and often prepare it at home. Well, if not, then try to make it according to my recipes and be sure to write about the result, my dears. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Culinary art largely depends on the skill of the cook. No wonder they say: “The same torment, but not the same hands.” When it comes to meat dishes, we can confidently say that from the same meat, some people manage to prepare a piece as tough as a sole called “steak,” while others produce meat that is tender and uniquely tasty. This can be achieved using, for example, bechamel sauce, the recipe for which is not too complicated even for a novice housewife.

Anyone wondering how to make bechamel sauce should know that this seasoning contains only three ingredients: milk (cream), flour and butter. According to legend, this sauce was created by none other than the Marquis de Béchamel, majordomo of King Louis XIV. It is doubtful that he himself stood at the stove with a ladle. Surely this seasoning was invented by his cook, but it is Monsieur Bechamel who is remembered with a kind word, seasoning the next one with the resulting marinade meat dish.

Making bechamel sauce: basic recipe

You can start mastering French cuisine with different seasonings, but the classic béchamel sauce, the recipe of which can have several variations, is prepared first. It may be thin like gravy, it may have medium thickness, to season the soup, but for baking fish, meat, vegetables, flavoring lasagna, julienne or spaghetti, a thick consistency is used. Density most often depends on the amount of flour. The gravy can acquire new shades of taste if you add grated horseradish root, cheese, as well as ketchup, bay, nutmeg, black pepper, and even fried onions.

How to prepare basic bechamel?

Making béchamel sauce is super easy!

Seasoning ingredients:

  • 300 ml milk;
  • 100 g fresh butter;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of flour (wheat only);
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 10–15 minutes.

Step by step recipe for this delicious seasoning well known. You can easily prepare bechamel sauce at home. Only need to produce a few simple actions:

  1. Dissolve the butter in a small saucepan over low heat.
  2. Add flour to the melted butter, stirring vigorously with a wooden spatula so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour milk into the resulting thick mixture, stirring thoroughly - you know what to do correctly to achieve the desired thickness.
  4. Milk sauce Bechamel thickens greatly when it cools, so when hot, it is better to leave it liquid consistency.
  5. While the bechamel sauce is hot, the recipe suggests adding salt, pepper, and nutmeg to it, then stir thoroughly and leave to cool on the stove. Finished product It is best to use immediately: after heating the bechamel sauce in the microwave taste qualities are getting worse.

To give bechamel sauce with milk a special taste, some housewives use a slightly different preparation technology. They do not add flour to the melted butter, but, on the contrary, first fry it in a frying pan until it turns a soft golden color, and only then add butter to it, and after that - liquid - broth with milk or cream.

How to diversify the taste of seasoning?

Not every housewife has enough time to try cooking new dishes every day, and she certainly doesn’t have enough time for new seasonings. Therefore, the usual bechamel sauce prepared with milk can be varied with all sorts of additives. Some people prefer to add ready-made seasonings, someone connects basic foundation with ketchup, mayonnaise, there are those who expand taste palette by adding mushrooms, vegetables, nuts. But perhaps it would be easier to prepare bechamel with cheese.

Thanks to its light color, this seasoning is now widespread in many cookbooks It’s called differently – “classic white sauce”. For cheese version of this dish you need two more ingredients - cheese and two chicken eggs medium size. After preparing the main white sauce, without allowing it to cool, you also need to add 100 grams of any hard cheese, and when it melts, carefully add it into the composition raw eggs and bring to a boil again. This way you can cook very delicious sauce bechamel at home.

Sometimes you have to change something due to the lack of some components of the recipe. How to make white bechamel sauce even without milk? You shouldn’t replace it with kefir or fermented baked milk, but sour cream sauce can turn out very well. The preparation scheme does not change, just diluted sour cream will replace milk. Garlic lovers can't ignore it here, but for a piquant twist, it's best to add fried onions to the recipe for this wonderful white main sauce. It won't leave that long aftertaste that sometimes causes heartburn.

Where is white sauce used?

Each housewife has her own secret on how to prepare white sauce, but the range of its uses in cooking is quite wide. Lasagna for novice cooks is still difficult to prepare (although mastering a simple recipe for this Italian dish if desired, it will not be difficult), but spaghetti or our native pasta, seasoned with delicious and hearty gravy, can put anyone in a happy mood.

You can speed up the cooking of the white sauce by melting the butter in microwave oven. If you cook bechamel sauce in the microwave, its taste will be in no way inferior traditional seasoning, and will save a lot of time. Fish, meat, poultry will not only acquire special taste white sauce, but will also become more satisfying, which is especially important in winter time. A husband returning from the cold or children who have played outside should get maximum calories; for this they do not use bread (which made all dishes more filling), but dishes with bechamel sauce.

If you start learning Italian or French cuisine, then you just need to know step by step how to prepare the main white sauce and its derivatives. For simplicity, you can cook bechamel in the microwave. If boiled spaghetti (and also better vegetables) pour the resulting seasoning, then place the prepared dish in a baking dish and sprinkle grated cheese and herbs on top, then you will have a wonderful casserole for dinner. The recipe for preparing such a dish for a working woman is a real lifesaver.

If you already know more than one answer to the question of how to prepare bechamel sauce, all you have to do is master bechamel sauce in a slow cooker. The cooking time will be slightly longer, but the richness of the taste will be unique, and the white sauce, the recipe of which is not at all different from the main one, will delight you with new shades.

In contact with

Bechamel sauce is an integral component of many interesting and delicious food. Some types of pasta are unthinkable without it. Based on bechamel, more complex sauces, as well as a variety of casseroles and other dishes.

How to make bechamel sauce at home - a classic recipe


  • whole milk– 1 l;
  • sifted wheat flour – 75 g;
  • ground nutmeg - a pinch;
  • rock salt - to taste.


Recipe classic sauce bechamel is absolutely simple and involves the use minimum set components. To begin with, place the butter, and it must certainly be natural and of high quality, in a saucepan or deep frying pan and let it dissolve completely. Pour in sifted wheat flour, certainly of the highest grade, and sauté it with continuous stirring for a couple of minutes. Now pour in cold milk (300 ml) in small portions and intensively stir the mass continuously. Then add the remaining milk, mix the contents of the vessel thoroughly with a whisk until the texture is homogeneous and simmer over low heat for five minutes, remembering to stir the sauce all the time.

Finally, season the bechamel sauce with salt, pepper, always freshly ground, and nutmeg, put a piece of butter into it and stir again until it dissolves.

Homemade bechamel sauce - recipe with mushrooms and cheese


  • peasant butter – 65 g;
  • whole milk – 1 l;
  • sifted wheat flour – 85 g;
  • ground - a pinch;
  • freshly ground black pepper – a couple of pinches;
  • onion – 45 g;
  • champignons – 280 g;
  • rock salt - to taste.


The basic classic recipe for bechamel sauce can be supplemented with various components, creating new and no less interesting variations. In this case, we will prepare a sauce with mushrooms and cheese. In this version, bechamel will perfectly complement pasta or lasagna.

To prepare the sauce, as in classic version sauté the flour in melted butter, then add the finely chopped onion and after another minute the pre-prepared, washed and chopped mushrooms. Fry the ingredients for several minutes, then pour in the milk little by little, continuously stirring the contents. Let the bechamel simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes, seasoning it with salt, pepper and nutmeg in the process, and at the end of simmering add the ground hard cheese. If you wish, you can deviate from the classics and add bay leaf to the sauce, which you need to remove at the end of cooking.