Recipes for salads with mushrooms for the holiday. Salads with mushrooms for the New Year's table. Amazing appetizer “Tenderness”

You don't need to be an experienced chef to make a delicious mushroom salad. These are simple snacks that even novice cooks can handle. All of them are prepared easily and quickly from available products, and their elegant design attracts attention and whets the appetite.

Ingredients: 210 g chicken, 120 g pickled champignons, 120 g canned white beans, onion, 2 pickles, salt, mayonnaise. How to prepare a salad with pickled mushrooms is described below.

  1. The chicken is cooked until done. For aroma, you can add roots and aromatic spices to the water. The finished cooled meat is finely chopped.
  2. The onion is finely chopped and fried until golden. The cooled vegetable goes into a bowl with the chicken.
  3. Beans without marinade and cucumber cubes are added to the salad.
  4. The mushrooms are washed, cut if necessary and also added to the appetizer.

The finished “Obzhorka” salad is topped with salted homemade mayonnaise.

Layered salad with fried champignons

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, carrots, 3 pickled cucumbers, 3 boiled eggs, onion, 220 g of fresh mushrooms, 60 g of cheese, salt, pepper, sauce.

  1. Thin mushroom slices are fried with onion cubes until fully cooked. The mass cools down.
  2. Root vegetables are boiled until soft, peeled and chopped into cubes. Boiled eggs and cucumbers squeezed from the marinade are also crushed.
  3. The first layer of the appetizer will be potatoes coated in sauce with salt and pepper. You can use regular mayonnaise.
  4. The second layer will be fried mushrooms and onions, coated with sauce. The third one is cucumbers.
  5. Next, add carrots with sauce and eggs.
  6. The appetizer is decorated with grated cheese.

The finished salad with fried mushrooms is covered with cling film and kept cool for half an hour.

Amazing appetizer “Tenderness”

Ingredients: chicken fillet, 3 boiled eggs, half a can of pickled champignons, onion, 80 g of cheese, salt, mayonnaise.

  1. Finely chopped mushrooms and onions are salted and then fried together for 3 - 4 minutes.
  2. The chicken is cooked until cooked and separated into fibers. It will become the first layer of treats. A mesh of salted mayonnaise is drawn on the meat.
  3. Half of the roast from the first step is laid out on the chicken.
  4. Next comes half the grated cheese and mayonnaise.
  5. Then - grated egg whites and sauce again.
  6. The layers are repeated and covered with crumbled yolk.

The dish will need at least an hour to soak in a cool place.

Forest glade - simple and tasty

Ingredients: 230 g of whole honey mushrooms, the same amount of poultry fillet, 2 pickled cucumbers, 3 potatoes, carrots, 110 g of cheese, 3 boiled eggs, a bunch of herbs, table salt, mayonnaise.

  1. The container for the future snack is covered with film. Mushrooms are placed in it, caps down, without marinade.
  2. Very finely chopped greens are poured onto them, which will imitate a clearing.
  3. Then the shredded boiled chicken is distributed, greased with salted mayonnaise.
  4. Next come layers of grated boiled carrots, cheese, eggs and sauce.
  5. The last to be distributed are grated pickled cucumbers and boiled potatoes chopped in the same way with a large amount of mayonnaise.

After 3 - 4 hours in the cool place, the appetizer is carefully turned over onto a flat, beautiful plate.

Recipe with chicken, pineapples and champignons

Ingredients: 330 g chicken meat, 120 g cheese, salt, 5 boiled eggs, mayonnaise, a glass of canned pineapple cubes, 230 g pickled champignons, onion.

  1. Pre-cooked and cooled chicken is cut into strips.
  2. The champignons are crushed into plates.
  3. The prepared ingredients are mixed with pineapple cubes.
  4. The appetizer includes grated eggs and cheese.
  5. Onion cubes are poured with boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which they are squeezed out of the liquid and transferred to a common bowl.
  6. All products are mixed.

The prepared salad with mushrooms and chicken is delicious seasoned with salted mayonnaise. Instead of this sauce, you can use sour cream with crushed garlic.

Salad with smoked chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: 310 g smoked chicken, 4 boiled eggs, sauce, 220 g cheese, table salt, a jar of pickled mushrooms.

  1. Mushrooms (champignons are best) are chopped and lightly fried in any heated fat. Then they cool and pour into a salad bowl.
  2. Small pieces of fried chicken are transferred to the mushrooms.
  3. Cubes of cooled eggs and grated cheese are added to the appetizer.

The resulting salad with smoked chicken and mushrooms is salted to taste and dressed with any suitable sauce.

Cooking with Chinese cabbage and tomatoes

Ingredients: onion, can of canned champignons, fresh cucumber, large tomato, 230 g of boiled chicken, half a fork of Chinese cabbage, 4 boiled eggs, salt, garlic, mayonnaise.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried until transparent. Add champignon slices without liquid to it. Cook the ingredients together for 5 – 6 minutes over medium heat. They are salted and cooled.
  2. Boiled chicken is cut into pieces. The eggs are crushed into medium cubes. Tomato and cucumber are cut in the same way.
  3. The cabbage is finely chopped and lightly kneaded directly with your hands.
  4. All products are mixed and salted.

It’s best to season the dish with a mixture of mayonnaise and crushed garlic.

Mushrooms under a fur coat for the festive table

Ingredients: 370 g of potatoes, 230 g of fresh champignons, 130 g of semi-hard cheese and 230 g of processed cheese without additives, 3 pre-cooked and cooled eggs, 80 g of fresh dill, a clove of garlic, a piece of butter, salt.

  1. Potato tubers are boiled directly in their skins until soft, after which they are peeled and coarsely grated.
  2. Mushrooms are cut into very thin slices and fried in melted plums. oil until an appetizing golden hue appears. During the process they are salted to taste. You can add pepper and your favorite seasonings. The mass is laid out on paper napkins to rid it of excess fat. It's cooling down.
  3. Boiled eggs are chopped into cubes.
  4. Garlic is cut into miniature pieces. Dill is randomly chopped with a sharp knife.
  5. Eggs, garlic, herbs and melted cheese are combined. The resulting mixture is blended with a blender. You can add salt to it to taste.
  6. The remaining cheese is coarsely grated.
  7. The appetizer is laid out in layers in a culinary ring - potatoes - frying - egg-cheese paste - grated cheese. The resulting structure is compacted tightly. Only after this is the restraining ring removed.

The dish is decorated with fresh herbs.

Appetizer “Portofino” with salmon and pepper

Ingredients: 80 g each of pickled champignons, sweet red peppers, fresh cucumbers, lightly salted salmon, a bunch of green salad, 1 tbsp. l. lime juice and olive oil, 40 g cheese, red onion, salt, pepper mixture.

  1. Fresh vegetables are chopped into thin long strips.
  2. The champignons are cut in half, the onion is chopped into half rings.
  3. The ingredients are combined in a bowl, salted, peppered, and mixed.
  4. Add a mixture of lime juice and olive oil.
  5. A flat plate is covered with washed and dried lettuce leaves. Place mixed salad on top.

The appetizer is decorated with grated cheese and thin pieces of lightly salted fish.

Original salad with pancakes and oyster mushrooms

Ingredients: 4 eggs, onion, 220 g oyster mushrooms, 320 g ham, salt, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, freshly ground black pepper.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried in hot oil until golden brown along with chopped mushrooms. The contents of the frying pan are immediately poured into the salad bowl.
  2. Thin pancakes are fried in the remaining oil. To prepare the dough for them, beat eggs with salt and pepper. You will get about 5 pancakes, which, after cooling, are cut into strips.
  3. The ham is chopped into thin strips.

All products are combined, salted to taste and seasoned with sauce.

Festive appetizer “Ryzhik” with squid

Ingredients: 160 g smoked squid, a jar of pickled mushrooms, 3 pcs. boiled potatoes and eggs, a can of canned corn kernels, 2 teeth. fresh garlic, a pack of wheat crackers with cheese flavor, 2 tbsp. l. sweet mustard, bunch of parsley, salt, 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

  1. Potato tubers are thoroughly washed, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven at 220 degrees until soft. Next, the root vegetables are cooled and crushed into cubes.
  2. Smoked squid is also ground.
  3. The mushrooms are placed on a sieve. It is best to use honey mushrooms.
  4. The eggs rub coarsely.
  5. The products from the previous steps are mixed in a deep bowl. Corn grains are added to them.
  6. The squid salad is salted, mixed and dressed with a sauce of chopped herbs, mayonnaise and mustard.

Already when serving the dish to the table, it is sprinkled with wheat crackers.

With ham and mushrooms

Ingredients: 340 g ham, 3 boiled eggs, 370 g pickled champignons, 80 g homemade white croutons with garlic, 70 g cheese, mayonnaise.

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into small cubes. They need to be fried in a small amount of fat until fully cooked. During the process, the mushrooms are salted. You can pepper them or flavor them with any seasonings to your taste.
  2. Pre-boiled eggs are cooled, shelled and crushed into cubes. A special vegetable cutter will greatly simplify the housewife’s task.
  3. The ham is cut into short thick strips. If you make the pieces too small, they will hardly be felt in the dish.
  4. Pour meat, eggs, and cooled fried mushrooms into a bowl. Garlic croutons are added to the ingredients.
  5. Cheese can be added to the salad either grated or cut into small cubes. It will be the last component of this original snack.

The finished salad with ham is salted and poured with sauce. The appetizer can be served immediately.

How to prepare Berezka salad?

Ingredients: 3 pcs. boiled eggs and potatoes, 2 chicken breasts, 430 g of fresh champignons, 90 g of hard cheese, salt, fresh parsley and prunes to decorate the dish, light mayonnaise.

  1. The chicken is cooked until fully cooked, cooled and cut into random pieces. You can cut the meat into cubes or simply tear it into fibers.
  2. Potatoes boiled directly in their skins are rubbed coarsely. Cooled eggs are also crushed.
  3. Mushrooms are cut into thin slices and fried until tender, after which they are cooled.
  4. The grated potatoes are placed on an oval plate. It is smeared with salted mayonnaise.
  5. The meat is distributed on top. It is also covered with sauce.
  6. Next come mushrooms with mayonnaise and grated eggs. Under the cling film, the snack will infuse in a cool place for a couple of hours.

Before serving, you need to arrange the “Birch” salad. To do this, it is covered with finely grated cheese, decorated with fresh parsley leaves and strips of prunes, imitating the pattern on a tree trunk.

Cooking with prunes, mushrooms and chicken

Ingredients: 430 g poultry fillet, 140 g fresh champignons, 80 g prunes, 130 g hard cheese, 60 g walnut kernels, onion, rock salt, light mayonnaise.

  1. The prunes are poured with boiling water for about 20 minutes, after which the water is drained from them. Dried fruit is cut into small pieces.
  2. Chopped mushrooms with miniature onion cubes are fried until golden brown in hot oil. The mass is immediately salted. You can sprinkle it with pepper and dry garlic to taste. The roast is cooled.
  3. The bird is boiled in salted water and cooled. The meat is cut randomly.
  4. The appetizer is laid in layers, each of which is coated with salted sauce: chicken, onion and mushroom frying, dried fruit, grated cheese, chopped nuts.

It is beautiful to serve this salad in transparent serving glasses.

Simple appetizer with crab sticks

Ingredients: 180 g of fresh oyster mushrooms, large onion, 90 g of high-quality juicy crab sticks, 2 large boiled eggs, 4 tbsp. l. olive mayonnaise, tooth. fresh garlic, salt, spices.

  1. Mushrooms are cut into small pieces and fried in a frying pan with well-heated oil. They need to be stirred constantly during the process. After a couple of minutes, add onion cubes. Together, the ingredients are fried for 9 - 10 minutes with frequent stirring. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices, then transferred to a plate and left to cool.
  2. If necessary, add a little more oil to the same frying pan and fry medium circles of chilled crab sticks in it. Most of them should unwind and brown during the process. The cooled sticks are poured into the already cold frying from the first step.
  3. The eggs are crushed into neat cubes and mixed with crushed garlic. Then they also go into the salad.
  4. All ingredients are salted to taste and topped with olive mayonnaise.

The appetizer is decorated with fresh parsley and immediately served to guests.

Hearty salad with liver and mushrooms

Ingredients: 230 g of pork liver, 90 g of fresh champignons, 2 small onions, 160 g of potatoes, carrots and barrel pickles, 3 boiled chicken eggs, salt, a mixture of ground colored peppers, classic mayonnaise.

  1. The first step when preparing such a salad is to deal with the offal. If you don’t have pork liver on hand, beef or even chicken ingredients will do. The product is washed very thoroughly with cold water, the film is removed from it, and the bile ducts are cut out. It is the pork liver that must first be poured with ice milk for about an hour.
  2. Next, the meat is rinsed with water and sent to cook. To speed up this process, you can immediately cut the liver into small pieces. In this case, it will take a little less than half an hour to cook it.
  3. Root vegetables are boiled in a separate common pan.
  4. Chopped mushrooms are fried in hot oil along with onion cubes. The already golden, ruddy mass without excess liquid is salted, peppered, removed from the heat and cooled.
  5. All that remains is to chop the pickled cucumbers into cubes.
  6. The already cooled liver rubs coarsely. Boiled eggs and all root vegetables are also crushed.
  7. The products can be simply mixed in one plate or laid out in layers. In the second case, the first “layer” will be potatoes, and the last one will be pickles and eggs.
  1. The preparation of the snack begins, as in the classic recipe, by boiling all the root vegetables. They are cooked directly in the skin until soft.
  2. While the vegetables are cooking, you need to take care of the other components of the future treat. Pickled cucumbers, along with the skin, are cut into miniature cubes. Mushrooms are washed with cold water and finely chopped.
  3. The apple is removed from the skin and seed box, and then cut into small pieces.
  4. The onion is chopped into cubes. Then the already cooked root vegetables are crushed in the same way. It is desirable that the cubes are approximately the same size - even and neat.
  5. The peas get rid of the liquid.
  6. All components are poured into a common spacious bowl.
  7. To make the sauce, combine mustard, butter and salt. The resulting mixture is poured into the salad.

  1. The onion is chopped into the thinnest half rings, after which it is poured with table vinegar and put aside. The vegetable should marinate a little.
  2. The chicken is finely chopped and poured onto a flat, beautiful dish. This will be the first layer of the future snack. It is immediately poured with mayonnaise. The amount of sauce should be adjusted to your own taste.
  3. Next is the onion, already pickled and squeezed out of excess liquid.
  4. Then come chopped mushrooms, grated boiled eggs and sauce.
  5. The final layers will be Korean carrots without marinade and coarsely grated cheese. It should lie on the salad like a fluffy airy cap.

The appetizer will need a couple of hours to soak in a cool place.

Korean-style champignons for the festive table

Ingredients: half a kilo of fresh (not frozen!) mushrooms, 7 allspice peas, 1 small. spoon of special mixed seasoning for Korean carrots, 5 teeth. fresh garlic, 1 large spoon of any vegetable oil, the same amount of classic soy sauce, bay leaf, salt.

  1. Mushrooms are washed thoroughly. The cutting areas are refreshed. Both dark royal and white champignons are suitable for the appetizer under discussion.
  2. In a three-liter saucepan, bring water with bay leaves and peppercorns to a boil.
  3. Mushrooms are immersed there. After boiling again, they cook for 8 - 9 minutes. You need to remove the foam. Next, the champignons are placed in a colander. After cooling, cut into slices.
  4. Mushrooms are mixed with garlic, cut into small pieces and seasoning. Oil and sauce are poured onto the food. Add salt to taste.

After mixing, the appetizer is covered with a lid and refrigerated overnight.

Sunflower with corn and mushrooms

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 370 g canned sweet corn, 160 g pickled champignons, 3 boiled eggs, 2 boiled carrots, purple onion, olives and chips for design, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Chicken pieces are fried in any oil.
  2. Cooled eggs and root vegetables are rubbed coarsely.
  3. The onion is chopped into cubes.
  4. The ingredients are laid out in layers: chicken with mayonnaise, carrots, mushrooms with mayonnaise, onions, eggs with mayonnaise, corn. Some of them are salted to taste.

After all, every housewife wants all her guests to be well-fed on New Year’s Eve and to praise their culinary skills. The website Tasty Recipes has the best selection of interesting salads with mushrooms for the New Year's table. They are quick and easy to prepare, so you will have plenty of time to prepare for the celebration, decorate the house and select an outfit for the meeting.

Choose and surprise the mistress of the new coming year - the White Metal Rat. After all, mushroom salad is prepared in different ways: add chicken, pork, ham or fish. Season with mayonnaise, sour cream or specially prepared homemade sauce. Use fresh mushrooms, pickled, salted and even dried. There are no limits to your imagination, feel free to combine any products with mushrooms!

Original salad with mushrooms for New Year 2020 “Winter Well”

An appetizing, original Winter Well salad will leave only positive memories and impressions. And the reason for this will not only be its intriguing, mysterious name. And the mistress of the coming year, the metal rat, will really like it.

Walnuts and, of course, champignons give the salad its so-called zest. You can talk for a long time about the beneficial properties and taste of walnuts, but this is a separate story. Likewise, the attractive aroma of champignons, with which you can find more than one recipe on the pages of this site, if desired, does not require any additional advertising.

The only thing I would like to say is that thanks to these components, the Winter Well salad acquires a rich, piquant taste. And when suddenly the need to prepare some kind of salad arises, if you have a suitable composition of products, you will make a choice in its favor.

We take the ingredients needed to prepare the salad:

  • Boiled or minced ham or sausage - 200-300 g;
  • Chicken egg (hard-boiled) - 4 pcs.;
  • Canned champignons - 1 jar;
  • Cheese - 180-200 g;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Walnut - 4-5 pcs.

How to prepare an original salad with champignons and cheese - step-by-step recipe with photos:

Cut the sausage into small cubes or rectangles.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Place the sausage and cheese in a dish. Take the eggs and separate the white from the yolk. Then chop the protein or grate it on a coarse grater and also add it to the dish.

Cut the champignons into small pieces and place in a salad bowl.

Chop the walnuts and also add them to the salad bowl.

Grind the egg yolk, add mayonnaise (amount at your discretion) and mix well.

Add the resulting mixture to the prepared products and mix.
That's it, the salad - the winter well is ready. Bon appetit!

New salad with mushrooms and potatoes “Nezhenka”

For two servings of salad, prepare:

  • a couple of medium potato tubers;
  • 150-200 grams of champignons or any wild mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150-200 g homemade mayonnaise.

How to prepare a holiday salad with mushrooms and boiled potatoes - recipe with photos step by step:

This recipe for a delicious layered salad will definitely appeal to mushroom lovers in combination with fresh cucumber. Preparing mushroom salad is very simple and quick. Every housewife can find the ingredients for its preparation, and if you work a little magic on the design, you can put it on the New Year’s table and please the most important guest, the Rat.

You will need very little preparation. All products can be bought at the nearest supermarket all year round. And it won't cost much in terms of money.

Boil the potatoes in their jackets, wait until they cool, peel the skins and grate them. Mushrooms, if you can’t find fresh champignons, any other mushrooms will do, even forest or canned ones, cut and fry. It will be delicious if you fry mushrooms with onions.

Use a ceramic frying pan (with a ceramic coating) - this will allow you to use a minimum amount of oil, because it will be unnecessary in the salad.

Rinse the fresh cucumber thoroughly under running water, grate it carefully on a coarse grater, from top to bottom, then again from top to bottom. If you draw from bottom to top, excess juice will be released. You can use a Korean grater to get a long, thin straw of fresh cucumber. You can also cut it into thin strips with a knife. Whatever you prefer.

Mayonnaise is prepared very easily from a chicken egg and 125 grams of butter in 5 minutes; I have previously written about the process of making homemade mayonnaise more than once.

Now lay out and form the salad. All products go in layers, each layer is coated with homemade mayonnaise: potatoes, mushrooms, onions, cucumber, then we repeat the layers again - do not forget to coat with mayonnaise, and decorate the top with an egg. All! Ready for the New Year 2020, set the table and invite guests!

Video: Festive salad with mushrooms, ham and cheese

Salad with pickled mushrooms, eggs and carrots for the festive table

Ingredients for one serving:

  • pickled champignons - 300 g;
  • potatoes in the amount of 2-3 medium-sized tubers;
  • carrots - 1-2 pieces, depending on size;
  • apple and fresh lemon juice;
  • two eggs;
  • 120 g cheese.

Recipe for salad with pickled mushrooms for the New Year 2020 of the Rats:

Boil potatoes in their jackets, peel and cool. Coarsely grate. Potatoes must be cold, because... Warm or hot potatoes do not rub well, and the starch becomes stringy and sticky.

Cut the champignons into slices. You can use ready-made ones from the store or marinate yourself.
Peel the boiled carrots and grate them.

Wash the apple thoroughly, pat dry with a paper napkin or clean towel. Remove the seed capsule, cut in half, grate. Sprinkle the apples with lemon juice to prevent them from browning.

Separate the whites from the yolks of boiled eggs and chop them. Also grate the cheese onto a coarse grater. Place a shot glass and a glass on a large flat plate and form a salad around them. Lay everything out in layers in the following order:

  1. boiled potatoes;
  2. pickled champignons;
  3. boiled carrots;
  4. yellow apple;
  5. egg yolk;
  6. egg white;

When you have laid out the last layer, cover with film and compact it, straightening it with your hands. Remove the film and glasses, everything is ready. The symbol of the coming year, the Dog, will definitely love this festive salad with mushrooms.

Salad with mushrooms and chicken breast in the shape of a hedgehog


  • chicken or turkey breast - 500 g;
  • champignons - 500 g;
  • larger onion;
  • mayonnaise, preferably homemade;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • olives;
  • a couple of tomatoes.

How to prepare a holiday salad with mushrooms and chicken breast in the shape of a hedgehog for a children's holiday table:

Bake the meat in the oven or fry in a frying pan in a small amount of oil. After which, do not chop coarsely.
Chop the champignons and also fry in oil. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and... fry too.

Place in layers on lettuce sheets (it is better to take a salad that is greener in color than the one used in the photo):

  1. Fried, not coarsely chopped chicken or turkey.
  2. Fried sliced ​​mushrooms (champignons).
  3. Fried onion.

Coat layers with mayonnaise

Form in the shape of a hedgehog; this is easier to do if you cover the salad with film and level it to the desired shape with your hands. Next, remove the film and decorate:

  • Muzzle - grated cheese or egg (white)
  • Body - grated fresh carrots
  • Eyes, nose - olives
  • Ladybugs - cherry tomatoes
  • Dill and whole champignons

In general, you can make a hedgehog from any salad you like, even ordinary Olivier salad. The main thing is decoration.
This design is perfect for a New Year's cheese salad.

Video: New Year's salad with mushrooms and carrots in Korean

Salad with mushrooms and chicken: a very tasty recipe with photos for the New Year's table

A tender and tasty salad, just like its name - first love, will be an excellent dish for a romantic dinner for two and on the New Year's table for a large and noisy company.


  • champignon mushrooms - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 small salad turnip;
  • 200 g lean fillet (turkey, chicken breast);
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 100 g cheese + garlic;
  • 2 eggs;
  • greenery;
  • mayonnaise (preferably homemade 1 egg+150 ml olive oil).

How to cook layered mushroom salad with chicken - holiday recipe:

The salad is prepared quickly; the time for frying the mushrooms and boiling the chicken is 15-20 minutes. Assembling the salad takes no more than 5 minutes. In a total of half an hour, the salad will be ready!

The recipe is very simple, but so delicious! It’s surprising that such a simple set of products turns into such a masterpiece! We recommend preparing mushroom salad with chicken for New Year 2020, your guests will be delighted! First you need to buy the necessary products and prepare them.

Choose juicy onions from salad varieties; green ones are great (by the way, they have more vitamin C than rose hips!) If they are bitter, then marinate them in any way:

  1. Pour a mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 50x50 for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Mix chopped onion with half a teaspoon of sugar, place in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, drain the juice and the onion is ready to eat.
  3. Sprinkle the chopped onion with salt and a pinch of sugar, stir, leave for a while, when the juice releases, it’s ready.

Wash the mushrooms, dry them, peel them, chop them and simmer them in a dry frying pan until the liquid has evaporated, add oil and fry. If desired, the onions can be fried along with the mushrooms.

Boil chicken or other available meat until tender in salted water with the addition of spices. It’s good if the meat cools in the broth - this will allow it to remain juicy. Cut the cooled meat into cubes or strips.

The meat in the mushroom salad can be replaced with smoked chicken, this will make the taste of the dish original.

Dry the nuts in a frying pan, peel off the skins and chop. Grate the cheese on a medium grater, mix with chopped garlic and mayonnaise.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for 8 minutes. Cool in cold water, peel, rinse, cut into small cubes or grate. Leave one yolk to decorate the salad on top.

In order to prepare mayonnaise, you will need one raw chilled egg and olive oil, preferably kept for 1 hour in the freezer. Pour the egg into the bowl and start beating; after 30-40 seconds, start pouring in the oil, without stopping beating. If desired and to taste, add lemon juice (vinegar), mustard, a little sugar, pepper, and other ingredients.

The salad is laid out in layers:

  • 1 layer - chopped and fried onions with mushrooms, brush with mayonnaise
  • 2nd layer - boiled chicken meat, grease with mayonnaise
  • 3rd layer - grated walnuts
  • 4th layer - grated cheese mixed with garlic and mayonnaise
  • 5th layer – chopped boiled eggs
  • There is no need to lubricate the last layer.

Decorate the salad with herbs and egg yolk crumbs. That’s it, the festive layered salad with mushrooms and beans is ready, you can set the table.

There is a little advice so as not to wait for the salad to soak, usually for this purpose it is left in the cold for several hours, mix each ingredient with mayonnaise before using - this will allow the salad to be served immediately after preparation.

Hearty New Year's salad with mushrooms and beans

Among the endless variety of salads, it is very difficult to choose what will truly satisfy your particular culinary taste. A huge number of recipes for holiday, dietary, meat, fish, fruit and other salads can be found on the Internet. How to figure it out?

The proposed salad that will look great on an elegant holiday table. Very light and extremely tasty, it will appeal to lovers of healthy eating. Garlic sauce is used as a dressing here, which perfectly replaces heavy mayonnaise.


  • beans (any) – 200 g;
  • fresh champignons – 500 g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • sour cream – 6 tbsp;
  • greenery.


First fill the beans with cold water (for 5-6 hours) so that they swell. Now let's put it to cook. During the time it takes for the beans to cook until done, we will work on the remaining components of the salad.

Let's peel the onion. We will cut it with a knife as you are accustomed to, for example, into half rings or rings. The frying pan with vegetable oil has already been heated, put the chopped onion in it.

Wash the champignons very thoroughly. We will also cut them, but not very finely. Let's send it to the onion. Fry for ten minutes. After which we give them time to cool.

Garlic sauce was used as a dressing, as mentioned above, in this recipe. Chop the dill very finely and chop three cloves of garlic using a garlic press. Combine all this with five to six tablespoons of sour cream and mix vigorously.

Cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes and place them in a salad bowl. We will send the cooled mushrooms and onions to the cucumbers. The beans are already cooked and cooled, so let's add them to the rest of the ingredients. Since cucumbers themselves are salty, there is no need to add salt to the salad. Mix all ingredients, season with garlic sauce, mix again. Grate the cheese and sprinkle generously on top.

Our mushroom salad with beans for the New Year 2020 is completely ready.

Caesar salad with mushrooms and chicken for the holiday table

For the salad you need:

  • champignons - 300 - 400 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken (fillet) - 400 g;
  • tomatoes (cherry) - 7 -8 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 50 g;
  • romaine lettuce - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 2/3 cup.

How to cook a festive Caesar with mushrooms and chicken:

Grate the cheese on a medium-sized grater and mix in a container with mayonnaise and finely chopped garlic. Add lemon juice there.

Boil the chicken and mushrooms. Cut the chicken into strips. Place and mix chopped mushrooms, lettuce leaves (cut or torn into pieces), chicken meat and tomatoes (in slices) into a deep bowl.

Spread the mayonnaise mixture evenly on top of the salad and cool, covering with a lid. When serving, stir the salad and transfer to a plate.

Video: Layered salad “Caprice” with mushrooms and meat

This festive salad is ideal for both the New Year and any holiday.

Mushrooms are a tasty and nutritious product that occupies a high place in traditional cuisines of many countries around the world. Thanks to the lecithin they contain, mushrooms prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques in blood vessels. We bring to your attention several excellent mushroom dishes, any of which will surely please your guests and be eaten without leaving a trace.

Mushroom salad with fruit

A refreshing salad suitable for lovers of healthy food. The recipe for mushroom salad with pineapple came from France. Provencal chefs perfectly combine seemingly incompatible products. As a result, the salad tastes amazing. Products:

  • champignons - 300 g;
  • canned pineapples - 200 g;
  • grapefruit.

There is nothing difficult about preparing salad at home. Pineapples are cut into pieces and placed in a salad bowl with a small amount of juice. The citrus is cleaned, divided into slices, and the seeds are removed. Grapefruit is cut into pieces and mixed with pineapple. Raw mushrooms are cut into slices and added to the fruit. The champignons will be soaked in juice and become sweet. It is kept overnight in the refrigerator for soaking.

Salad "Violet"

Flowers are not given as often on New Year's Day as on other holidays. Therefore, you can add flowers to the holiday table. And the fact that they are not real, but the decoration of the salad, will not be a disadvantage, but one of the decorations of the festive table. Ingredients:

  • champignons - 400 g;
  • Korean carrots - 200 g;
  • two medium cucumbers;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • chicken breast - 200 g;
  • yolk;
  • spinach or basil leaves, radishes for decoration;
  • beet juice and mayonnaise;
  • saltine cracker;
  • salt.


  1. The products for the salad are prepared: the chicken is boiled, the mushrooms are fried, it is assembled in layers, the layers are salted to taste and coated with mayonnaise. Order of layers: chicken, chopped prunes, champignons, cucumbers and carrots.
  2. For decoration, green leaves are laid out on top of the salad, like a green meadow. Radishes are cut into circles and stained with beet juice. Radish buds are placed in the middle of the greenery. Yolk is poured into the flower to imitate stamens.
  3. The sides are decorated with crackers. A beautiful flower meadow will definitely delight your guests. And novice cooks are presented with photo and video instructions for preparing the salad.

Salad with mushrooms and nuts

Mushrooms - numerous recipe ideas for light but satisfying salads.

  • pickled mushrooms, oyster mushrooms or honey mushrooms - 400 g;
  • bulb;
  • two carrots;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • salt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

How to cook:

  • The onion is finely chopped, the carrots are peeled and coarsely grated.
  • Vegetables are fried in a frying pan.
  • Chopped prunes and nuts are added to them. The mixture takes about 10 minutes to prepare.
  • Mushrooms, if large, are cut into pieces and placed in a salad bowl. Add salt and nut mixture. Dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Vinaigrette salad, along with Olivier, is often prepared for the New Year. It gets its name from the French vinaigrette sauce of the same name: vinegar, olive oil and mustard. When preparing a traditional salad, you can add mushrooms and the dish will sparkle with a new taste:

  • salted or pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • two potatoes;
  • two carrots;
  • beet;
  • two eggs;
  • green peas - 100 g;
  • salt, sugar, herbs;
  • sour cream - 100 g.

Vegetables and eggs are boiled and finely chopped. Mushrooms, if large, are chopped and mixed with vegetables and peas. Salt, sugar and sour cream are added. When serving, mushroom vinaigrette is sprinkled with herbs.


Here are some great recipes for preparing mushroom dishes for the New Year 2020. Every housewife can prepare mushroom salads at home. The main thing is that the mushroom salad should steep for at least 30 minutes. Bon appetit!

From mushrooms, fresh, dried, salted and pickled, you can prepare a huge number of dishes: salads, casseroles, roasts, stews, goulash, appetizers. They look harmonious almost anywhere, no matter how they are prepared. This is especially true when you are fasting, on a diet, or want to get something lighter compared to the same meat, for example. That is, mushrooms readily replace meat or chicken in any of the recipes you know, including popular salads with big names.

The five most commonly used ingredients in mushroom recipes for the New Year:

As a snack, pickled or salted forest creatures are good both on their own and as components of more complex culinary compositions. They can be used to stuff rolls and rolls, canapés, tartlets, vol-au-vents, sandwiches and even whole pork or chicken carcasses.

Mushrooms go well with any type of meat and vegetables: baked, fried and stewed. Moreover, their variety does not even matter much - as long as they are edible. Well, there is no need to name the most delicious ones; they are known to everyone.

Five of the fastest recipes for New Year's mushroom dishes:

Whatever recipe you decide to cook, keep in mind that:

  • any mushrooms are replaceable; that is, if the recipe says “chanterelles”, this does not mean that you can only add them
  • fresh mushrooms can be easily replaced with pickled ones; that is, if you need to add fresh boletus to the frying, use champignons from a jar instead
  • Mushrooms with whole and even caps look most beautiful on a spectacular appetizer.
  • Externally spoiled mushrooms can be put into pate or caviar

Salads with mushrooms are perfect for the New Year's table. Marinated or fried, this product will be an excellent ingredient for any holiday salad. It contains few calories and at the same time gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Previously, it was believed that the choice of additional ingredients for mushroom salads was quite limited - boiled potatoes, eggs, herbs, onions and green peas remained the traditional basis for them. Nowadays, amateur cooks have discovered many amazing combinations that make these dishes really delicious. It turned out that apples or, for example, plums may be quite appropriate in New Year's salads with mushrooms. Almost everyone is welcome to eat vegetables. It is better to choose chicken from meat products. But mushrooms and fish are incompatible, so there is no need to “reinvent the wheel” here.

The recipes presented below will help the hostess feed her guests tasty and satisfying meals.

1. Layered salad with mushrooms and chicken


Preparation. Cook chicken meat (preferably breast) in salted water until tender. You can add a couple of bay leaves and a few grains of black peppercorns. Cool the meat and cut into cubes.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and grate.

Fry the champignons in vegetable oil. In another frying pan, fry the onions and carrots. Add some salt and lightly pepper to all the fried ingredients. To remove excess oil, after frying, place the champignons, onions and carrots in a sieve. This procedure will help make the salad less greasy.

Grate cheese and hard-boiled eggs.

Place the prepared ingredients in layers in the following sequence: potatoes, champignons, chicken, carrots and onions, eggs and cheese. Coat all layers with mayonnaise. There is no need to grease the cheese with mayonnaise. We make small grooves on it from the middle to the edges, and put grated carrots in a heap in the center. You will get a beautiful yellow flower with an orange center.

2. Salad with mushrooms and pineapples


Preparation. Boil the chicken, cool it and cut it into cubes. Place the meat in the salad bowl. We also send pineapple and honey mushrooms cut into small pieces there (you can also use other pickled mushrooms).

Add mayonnaise and add a little salt if necessary. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients and the delicious salad is ready.

3. Salad with mushrooms and cheese


Preparation. Finely chop the cabbage and tear the lettuce leaves into pieces with your hands. Place the greens in the salad bowl. Add pickled mushrooms and crushed garlic.

Crumble the cheese by hand into pieces the size of beans (you can replace the goat cheese with hard cow cheese grated on a coarse grater).

Mix all the products in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper.

4. Salad with mushrooms and ham


Preparation. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden brown. Cut the champignons into small pieces and add to the pan with the onions. Add some salt, pepper and fry for about 10 minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.

Cut the ham into cubes (you can replace this ingredient with brisket, balyk or ham). Cut the tomatoes into cubes and place in a colander to drain the juice.

Boil the eggs and grate them.

Mix the cooled mushrooms with ham, eggs and tomatoes. Put mayonnaise in the salad and pepper. If necessary, add salt to taste.

5. Salad with mushrooms and beans


Preparation. Boil the beans until tender and cool.

Prepare the marinade from vinegar, pepper and vegetable oil. Cut the onion into half rings, add sugar, salt and squeeze until juice appears. Pour the marinade over the onions and leave for 10 minutes.

Cut the mushrooms into pieces (add small mushrooms whole to the salad).

Mix beans, mushrooms, pickled onions in a salad bowl. Add finely chopped green onions. Season the salad with onion marinade.

6. Salad with mushrooms and corn


Preparation. Cut the onion into half rings and fry it in butter until golden brown. Chop the champignons and add them to the onion. Fry mushrooms and onions for 5 minutes.

Cut the cucumbers and bell peppers into equal cubes. In a salad bowl, mix chilled champignons with onions, corn, cucumbers, peppers and mayonnaise.

7. Salad with mushrooms and crab sticks


Preparation. Cook the rice until cooked, rinse and leave to cool.

Chop the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil until slightly golden brown.

Chop the mushrooms not too finely and fry in a separate frying pan in vegetable oil for 10 minutes.

Cut the crab sticks into small cubes.

Mix together rice, mushrooms, crab sticks and onions. Add pepper and salt to taste, use mayonnaise as a dressing.

Instead of mayonnaise, you can make a yogurt-based sauce. To do this, add a teaspoon of mustard and a tablespoon of lemon juice to 100 g of yogurt. Mix thoroughly. This dressing is much healthier than mayonnaise, and at the same time no less tasty.

It is advisable to keep the finished salad in the refrigerator for about an hour so that it is well soaked in the sauce.

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