Sandwiches for the road by car. Delicious sandwiches for the road: recipes. How to cook pies on the road: recipes

What food is best for a long journey? What to prepare for children and families on the road?

Food for the road by car, train, bus in the summer for children, dietary, sandwiches: list of food for the road

The question of choosing a travel menu always comes to a head before the trip itself, because most of the products that are purchased can quickly deteriorate from heat, direct exposure to the sun, moisture, dry air, and also have an expiration date.

When choosing food for a trip, the taste preferences of passengers play a big role, which often becomes the main mistake, because products such as crackers or chips, despite their resistance to weather conditions, are not the best choice for food on the road. They can deprive you of further appetite, they can increase hunger, and they may also not be digested at all.

Instead, it is worth remembering that there are longer-term products, namely, we are talking about sausages And cheeses, which can be stored on the go in plastic containers. Also, to preserve the quality of food, you can use cloth or paper to wrap food in; this will help preserve food for up to two to three days.

Place food in plastic containers to help maintain food quality

The absurdity of the road menu is expressed when choosing especially unpredictable hard, flour dishes, or even, on the contrary, soft ones, for example, such as stewed beef tenderloin or zucchini stew. It is strictly not recommended to cook these and similar dishes on the road.

The absolute counterbalance to flour and solid dishes is fresh vegetables and fruits. With their help, you can prepare delicious salads and desserts almost without wasting time, which will quickly be absorbed in the body and help get rid of hunger for a while.

  • It is recommended to take with you vegetables on the road: cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, carrots, and from fruits you can take apples And pears any colors, citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines and containing a lot of fiber - bananas
  • You can also add unsalted ones to your travel menu. nuts, dried berries, dried fruits, granola bars with various additives

On the road, you need to avoid spoiled food, as well as junk food such as fast food, it may not be digested by the body or even poison it, making the trip truly unforgettable.

Fast food is especially hard on an empty stomach

What foods do not spoil in the heat: list

Heat is one of the most detrimental factors for any food that contains moisture, and the more moisture, the faster the product will deteriorate under the influence of high temperature, that is, home-made products such as boiled sausage or meat pies automatically fall into the category of not recommended.

It is difficult for food to withstand heat, so you should be careful about the products you take with you on the road and create the right conditions for storing them.

vacuum food storage container

Not all products can be stored for a long time, and some only need a couple of hours to spoil. You can take with you on the road:

  • Raw smoked products
  • Dry snacks: snacks, bread, crackers, cookies, dryers
  • Yogurt
  • Canned food (except for sprat in oil)

You can also take prepared food with you:

  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Jacket potatoes
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Soft meat (such as fried chicken)

To satisfy a slight hunger, a snack with an apple and juice is perfect

Video: “What healthy snack can you take on the road?”

What products can you take on the road by car?

Traveling by car can rightfully be considered the most comfortable way to travel, and all this is due to the fact that having a car, you can freely navigate routes through catering establishments or supermarkets.

In order to determine the first rating of an establishment, you should pay attention to the cars parked near the establishment. Most often, truckers eat at select establishments with good food and service.

In order to decide what food you need to take with you on the road, you should pay attention to the following:

  • first of all you will need to drink a lot water, it can be either ordinary still water or a thermos with tea or coffee, the main thing is that you always have something on hand to quench your thirst in the heat.
  • pushing into the background, you should focus on light food, which most often suits your taste, these can be sandwiches, wind products, For example sausages in dough.
  • if you have a thermal bag, this makes it possible to store dairy products for some time on the road - yoghurts or even milk which can be used for cooking cereal.

The main advantage of traveling by car is the ability to make stops during which you can prepare food. Using a gas burner or primus, boil water and cook a quick meal, such as instant soup or frying eggs in a frying pan.

It is especially difficult for children to adjust their diet on the road, so you need to eat as often as possible

Ready-made food for traveling by car in the summer: recipes

Sometimes you just need to take home-made food with you on the road, because you can be sure of it - it’s tasty, healthy, and most importantly, proven, that is, you don’t have to worry about food poisoning.

The difference in the cost of food also plays a big role - in comparison with ready-made store food, it can decrease by two or even three times.

muffins with bacon, chicken, bell peppers and herbs

In order to cheer yourself and your family up with a pleasant time on the road, you can create a completely untypical menu.

  • For something unusual, you can take homemade spring rolls, they are made from vegetables, rice paper and shrimp, which can be replaced with crab sticks. To prepare, simply unroll the rice sheets, moisten them with warm water, place the ingredients on the surface and roll them into a tube. Chili sauce or nut sauce will help add bright notes to the taste.
  • It's hard to believe, but exactly pasta Can be a great snack on the go. When kept in containers, they do not spoil even when exposed to strong heat in the first half of the day, they take up little space, they can be eaten cold, and most importantly, they are filling and, by eating even a small portion, you can satisfy your hunger for a while.
  • Those who like to wrap everything in pita, you can also be happy, because the food wrapped in pita, pita, tortilla can be stored longer, and you can wrap anything to your taste.
  • Can be an excellent snack on the road muffins, they are versatile because they can be either sweet or savory. You can use bacon, aromatic herbs, fried onions, cheese, sausage and much more as muffin fillings.
  • Sandwiches with meat- this is an excellent option for lovers of nutritious food, if you prepare such sandwiches without sausage, butter and mayonnaise using only chicken, turkey, roast beef, and a baguette and vegetables as a base. By choosing sandwiches, you guarantee yourself a delicious snack for the first day of your trip. To make the kids like it, you can take sesame buns instead of a baguette and make hamburger-shaped sandwiches.

delicious spring rolls

Video: “What products should you take with you on the road”

Ready-made food for the train journey: recipes

If we talk about the advantages of a train over other transport, the first thing that comes to mind is a comfortable table and the opportunity to ask the conductor for tea if necessary.

It is because of the presence of a table that you can organize a normal meal, and taking into account the fact that hot water will be at hand at any time, you can take advantage of instant food and take porridge, noodles and mashed potatoes with you on the road.

food that is recommended to take with you on the train

On the first day of the road, you can prepare very tasty ones. For this you will need:

  • Square bread
  • Cold smoked salmon or lightly salted fish
  • Cream cheese
  • Pan onion or regular onion
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Lemon

Sandwiches will not spoil for several days, but it is still recommended to eat them on the first day, because the nutritional value is still lost over time.

  1. The first step is to cut the bread into 8 pieces and make toast out of them.
  2. Then you need to make the sandwich filling: finely chop the onion, grate the lemon zest.
  3. Mix one tablespoon of cream cheese, onion, lemon zest and lemon juice in a bowl.
  4. After the filling has been prepared, you need to trim the edges of the bread and spread evenly on all the toasts.
  5. Carefully place fish and cucumbers on 4 pieces of toast.
  6. Cover the toasts with the rest of the other toasts and sprinkle the edges with onions.

You can also take with you: French fries, in their jackets or cut into pieces; pies with berries or fruits; vegetable salads.

sandwiches with cheese, cucumber and smoked salmon

What foods are best to take on the train in summer?

Before boarding the train, you need to identify several features of mass transport; in a closed room, pungent odors spread especially quickly and it is almost impossible to dispel them immediately, so say “no” to food with a pungent odor, even if you really like it.

Do not use plastic bags or put food together, as this will cause it to spoil faster.

a cooler bag can save you from the problems of a travel menu

Of the ready-made products you can take with you on the train:

  • Fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers
  • Hard fruits: grapes, bananas, apples, oranges and pears
  • Raw smoked sausage
  • Cookies, candy
  • Bread
  • Water without gas
  • Jam in an airtight jar
  • Tea and coffee in sticks
  • Instant jelly
  • Baby fruit purees in sealed jars
  • Juices and nectars in small bags of 200 grams

With the help of some tricks, you can also not worry about the fact that the meat will spoil and cook for the road: chicken, idea, veal and boiled pork, which then needs to be wrapped only in parchment and foil.

food wrapped in parchment can last twice as long and retain the smell

What to prepare for a long trip by car?

When you go on a long journey by car, you thereby deprive yourself of some conveniences that need to be compensated for; in this case, a cooler bag is simply necessary, because it is not always possible to meet snack bars along the way, just as it is not safe to make long stops.

cherry strudel
  • By stocking up on practical experience, you can immediately apply it, thereby saving your life, we love dishes like pasties, pizza or khachapuri, which feel quite cozy in parchment and a cooler bag.
  • You can take it with you baked potato, it is filling and lasts a long time.
  • Or prepare baked goods for the road, for example cherry strudel or charlotte with apples.
  • You can also prepare it for the first time whites, which will be preserved just as well.

You should take with you on the road food prepared immediately before the trip, since any other food that has been heat-treated will quickly spoil.

Charlotte with apples

What to eat on the road on a bus or bus tour?

Bus travel is very similar to rail travel, as it also requires you to limit yourself from food with strong odors. And as in the case of a train, a bus can also be equipped with a hot water boiler or even a microwave.

  • The number one rule for tourists is to take plenty of water with you on the road. Thirst can appear suddenly, and when traveling by bus, this can even become a problem, so you should stock up on regular drinking water without gas, and you can also take a thermos with tea or coffee on the road.

Proper nutrition is the key to a great mood on a bus tour
  • It is recommended to take yoghurt with you on the bus for the first time; it will help stabilize the body’s metabolism and also maintain appetite.
  • A practical solution for those who definitely need to eat several times a day is to take soup on the road; it can be easily placed in a thermos, and it will always be hot and, most importantly, will not spoil.
  • Sandwiches, sandwiches, and sweets for drinks, such as cheesecakes or cookies, are perfect for the road.
  • Of course, another good solution would be to take a lot of fruits on the road, they can last from 1 to 3 days and contain a lot of nutrients.
  • Take plenty of nuts and dried fruits on the road.

Some tour operators include in their range of services the menu offered on the bus, so before you go on a trip, find out about the provision of services and the availability of a boiler with a microwave.

dinner on the bus

What food should you prepare for your child on the road?

It is especially difficult for children on the road, especially if they are traveling for the first time. They get sick, scared, nauseous, they get tired of sitting in one place and food can play a cruel joke on the child’s body, especially if it is fatty food and there is a lot of it.

It is necessary to keep children busy with some activities more often, for example, coloring books or a tablet with cartoons.

you can distract children with games on the road, for example, “train”
  • For example, take some liquid with you puree soup on the road, it is quickly mastered and quite tasty.
  • You can cook a roast with potatoes and meat, you need to eat it in small portions.
  • As you know, porridge can resist heat for a long time, so buckwheat porridge with water can be perfect for traveling, and you can take canned food, such as stew, with it.

And in between meals, you can give the kids small bags of juice, buns, sweets, including marshmallows and even marshmallows.

the main thing is that the children feel good on the road

Video: “What is the best thing to eat on the road?”

Diet food for the road

It is precisely because there is no opportunity to cook on the road that the most important problem of the quantity and quality of food arises, because most dietary products quickly deteriorate on the road. Finding an alternative is difficult and for this you will have to go to several catering establishments and stores in search of suitable dietary food and this will be difficult, because, as you know, most often such food contains a lot of fat, flavor enhancers and artificial calories.

To begin with, you should exclude portions of French fries and bread from your travel menu, and then double the portions of vegetables. By combining them with prepared salads, you will be on your way to creating a good dietary travel menu.

the main dietary food is vegetables

The next step will be to select a list of products that will fit on the road. You can safely include low-fat milk in your menu; it will help replace the need for sweet drinks.

  • Sea food is perfect as an appetizer - grilled oysters, clams or steamed mussels. These products contain a lot of protein and will keep your figure in good shape.
  • When preparing salads, use olive oil and lemon juice as a dressing. The same dressing can be perfect for fish or red meat such as fillet, tenderloin, the main thing is to choose meat that contains the least amount of fat.
  • From the first, you can take vegetable soup, sour soup, chicken broth on the road and, on the contrary, refuse soups with a high starch content.
  • And for meat, you can take the road turkey breast or chicken meat in any form, preferably without using oil when frying.

Ultimately, you can choose a menu with a different diet for every day on a long journey of 1-4 days.

grilled clams

Sandwiches to take on the road: recipes

Sandwiches are best suited for summer - they are practical, easy to prepare and their exceptional ability to fly off the table is simply mesmerizing.

The first associations that sandwiches evoke are associated with a picnic and going out into nature, and this is a justified association, because you can often notice how friends, couples, and families go out into nature and eat their original food with happy faces. But the question arises, which sandwiches are most suitable for the road and which sandwiches are easier to prepare, this is what we will talk about.

sandwiches with chicken and cucumber
  • A tasty travel solution would be to choose a few good recipes, the first one being a recipe sandwich with chicken and cucumbers. In order to prepare it, you will need chicken fillet weighing 400 grams, which first needs to be washed and cut into thin slices. Then salt, pepper and fry these pieces on both sides and cool after cooking. The loaf is cut in half and smeared with a layer of store-bought mayonnaise, then sliced ​​chicken fillet is laid out on it, and sliced ​​canned cucumbers are placed on top of it. The final step is to cover the top of the sandwich with another piece of loaf and wrap it in parchment.
  • Can be cooked sandwiches with fish, for example with herring and carrots. They are prepared from ordinary products that can be found in the refrigerator. First of all, the herring is cleaned and cut into fillets - you will need 1 fish in total, then three carrots are boiled and peeled. All these ingredients are placed in a meat grinder and finely twisted until smooth. Then the loaf is cut and this mixture is evenly spread on top. Now all that remains is to decorate the sandwiches, and to do this, the remaining herring is carefully placed on the sandwiches and finely decorated with greens.

Such sandwiches will be a tasty symbol of the beginning of the trip, and will bring pleasure even to those who do not like carrots.

If you have already decided what food you will take with you on the road, it is worth checking the list of things that you may have forgotten to take with you on the road.

The travel menu is a sore subject for many who are going on a trip. Whatever the weather outside, we must remember that many products quickly deteriorate. Yes, when choosing food for the road, you can take into account your preferences. But in moderation. After all, let’s say, chips or crackers are a time bomb that can deprive a child and an adult of appetite, and cause gastrointestinal upset. What useful things should you take with you on the road? Which dishes and packaging do you prefer? Let's understand all the nuances!

List of foods that do not spoil in the heat

Yes, no one will argue with this that heat is one of the most detrimental factors for food containing moisture. And the list of not recommended products includes those products that quickly deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures.

IMPORTANT: In addition to careful handling, it is necessary to provide the products with decent storage conditions. Therefore, it is better to select the best packaging, such as vacuum containers, paper and even fabric, in which you can wrap food for 2-3 days.

So, here are the products that will last the longest on a trip and which it is advisable to include in the travel menu:

  • Raw smoked (for older children and adults).
  • Dry snacks in the form of bread, cookies, dryers, crackers (homemade).
  • Dried fruits in the form of dried apricots, dried berries and fruits.
  • Bread (packed in paper, not plastic - otherwise it will quickly become moldy).
  • Yogurts.
  • Nuts (unsalted!).
  • Muesli bars.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, from which you can always prepare various hearty and healthy salads or desserts on the road.

It is worth mentioning separately about vegetables, fruits and berries that it is advisable to take on the road, and these are:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots.
  • Fruits: apples, pears, citrus fruits, bananas.

IMPORTANT: If you take food prepared at home, it must be consumed within 5-7 hours.

This food can be in the form of:

  1. Hard-boiled, peeled and chopped eggs.
  2. Jacket potatoes.
  3. Boiled potatoes.
  4. Soft meat (say, chicken fillet, turkey, etc.).

What is it not advisable to take with you on a long trip?

First of all, these are different types of stews, stewed meats, dairy products, any fast foods and other products that can cause problems for the child and your body.

What to take on a road trip by car: recipes

Of course, this is the most comfortable way to travel, since the route can be planned taking into account catering establishments or supermarkets.

IMPORTANT: What should you pay attention to when checking such establishments? If you see a lot of truckers parked nearby, this is the best indicator!

So, to travel by car, take with you (except for a gas burner for preparing quick snacks):

  1. Plenty of drinking water to quench your thirst and make tea, light soup, etc.
  2. Light dry food such as hot sandwiches made from non-perishable foods, muffins, etc.
  3. Milk, which you will store in a thermal bag and feed to your child in the first half of the day.
  4. Sliced ​​vegetables and fruits so you don’t have to cut them on the road.

IMPORTANT: Try to think more carefully about the diet for your children, and feed them more often!

Yes, home-cooked food on the road is good too. After all, it is tasty, healthy, tested by you (this is a guarantee that there will be no food poisoning), and is inexpensive. Prepare a typical and atypical menu for the trip.

Lavash stuffed with vegetables and chicken

  • It could be rolls , prepared with vegetables, rice paper and foods allowed for your child. Having laid out the paper and moistened them with water, fill the surface with the necessary products and roll them into a tube.
  • . Yes, they will last in the container for the first half of the day. They can be eaten cold. They don't take up much space. Saturates quickly and for a long time.
  • Lavash, pita, tortilla rolls . Wrap in them something that is useful for children and adults on the road. Indispensable on the road!
  • Muffins . Different in taste (salty, sweet) and filling, they will become a hearty and tasty snack on the road.
  • Sandwiches . They are nutritious, convenient and beneficial. Just don’t use mayonnaise, butter or sausage, which can easily cause intestinal upset. Boiled turkey, beef or veal, and fresh vegetables go great with a baguette. Children love sesame buns - like hamburgers, you can wrap everything in them, even what they don’t like. And on the road on the first day this is a great way out.
  • - simply dried bread, which can then be greased with jam and other spreads prepared at home.

What to take with you on a long car journey?

Yes, on a long journey by car you will be deprived of a number of amenities. But they can be compensated for, say, with a cooler bag or thermoses. Then you won’t have to look for eateries on the road and stop somewhere for a long time.

  • Baked potatoes are filling and last a long time, making them a great grab-and-go option.
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • You can bake pizza at home with healthy fillings or khachapuri, chebureks (with healthy fillings), which will feel great in parchment paper and a cooler bag.
  • Bring along any homemade pastries with fruit (strudel, charlotte, etc.)
  • You can take with you several thermoses with first and second courses. But it is advisable to eat all this first!

IMPORTANT: Take with you on the road only the food that you prepared right before the trip. After all, food that has undergone heat treatment is the first to spoil.

Food for the train journey: recipes

What's good about traveling by train? This is tea with the conductor and the availability of a table - sit down whenever you want and have a meal. Yes, actually, it's more like a normal meal. Firstly, at the table - just like at home, and secondly, having hot water at hand, you can always brew drinks, warm up other food prepared at home (noodles, porridge, mashed potatoes, etc.).

What food should you take with you on the train? The first thing that comes to mind is sandwiches.

Therefore, take with you, in addition to the square bread:

  1. Lightly salted fish.
  2. Boiled meat (chicken, veal, turkey).
  3. Fresh vegetables.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to eat sandwiches on the first day of the trip.


  • Hot sandwich: Make toast or croutons, cool, spread with cream cheese, add boiled eggs and your favorite vegetables, sprinkle with cheese. bake.
  • Sandwich . After cutting the bread into pieces at home, make toast. Spread them with cream cheese and place thin slices of fish (for older children) or meat and vegetables on top.

Potatoes in their jackets or cut into pieces and seasoned with something healthy and non-perishable, pies with fruit filling, and vegetable salads prepared in the carriage go well. An excellent option is canapes made from your favorite products. As a rule, they are based on bread, potatoes, cucumbers, fish or something meaty.

What to take on the train in summer?

Here is a list of ready-made products, except drinking water:

  • Cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • Banana, grapes, apple, pear and orange.
  • Cookies, sweets.
  • Bread.
  • Jam, sealed.
  • Tea bags.
  • Baby fruit purees, hermetically sealed.
  • Juices in small bags.

IMPORTANT: Eliminate cellophane bags from circulation as much as possible; it is better to choose parchment. Do not put different foods together. When packing provisions on the road, exclude products with a strong odor, which usually does not dissipate in a confined space.

What to take with you when traveling by bus?

This travel mode is somewhat reminiscent of a railway one. After all, there may also be a boiler with hot water and microwaves (these details need to be clarified before the trip). Therefore, it is important to take plenty of water with you. She will quench your thirst in time and allow you to cook something.

So, take with you:

  • Meat , cooked at home, this is boiled pork, for example - cut into thin slices and packaged in a plastic container or cooler bag, it will save the situation, because... will become the basis of a sandwich, sandwich, etc.
  • Yoghurts - in the first moments they will satiate and stabilize the metabolism.
  • First or second course in a thermos - an ideal option for children who need to be fed according to a schedule even while traveling.
  • Sandwiches (very transportable, wrapped in food paper), cookies, cheesecakes and other baked goods.
  • Crispbread, bread , and accompanied by homemade healthy spreads with delicious fruits.
  • Fruits and vegetables , which usually withstand the road and saturate the body of the child and adults with all the benefits (cherries, carrots cut into a convenient format, sweet peppers, small cucumbers, lettuce, etc.).
  • Nuts and dried fruits – don’t skimp on this food, it saves you on such trips, but agree with your child what he likes best.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that food on the road is convenient not only for transportation, but also for dining. To do this, choose the right packaging.

How to feed and what to do with children on the road?

It will be very difficult for them, and especially on the first trip. They often get motion sickness, they are afraid of everything, they feel sick, they are bored in one place. Even if the food is tasty and healthy.

Bring something with you that will keep your child occupied whenever he gets bored or has any of these symptoms. These are various games, coloring books, a tablet with cartoons, crosswords, etc.

How and when to feed? It is important for us that the child feels great on the road.

So think through everything:

  • Firstly , only feed when the baby is hungry.
  • Secondly , do not overfeed.
  • Third , think over a menu for the road from tasty and satisfying dishes (mashed potatoes, thin soup, roast, cereals, fruits, baked goods, homemade granola with berries and fruits, etc.).

Don't forget to give between meals:

  • Juice in small bags.
  • Buns.
  • Sweets and other light snacks such as yogurt, which are well absorbed by the child’s body (by the way, it is better to choose a small package, which is easier to drink from).
  • Berries that do not get your hands dirty, such as gooseberries, currants, blueberries, hard fruits, dried apricots, dates, raisins, prunes and dried cranberries, which will saturate you with vitamins, improve intestinal motility, and give you a boost of energy.

And finally – let’s summarize!

There is a lot you can take with you on a trip. You just need to know what and in what form to include in the road menu. Some tips will definitely help you.

1. When packing food for the road, try to keep the food from being bulky or heavy. . Otherwise, you will not receive pleasure, but unpleasant memories of how you took care so that nothing fell out on the road and did not get dirty.

2. Take non-perishable food - this is clear, it should be from the category that:

  • healthy, satisfying and high quality;
  • can be stored for a long time without refrigeration;
  • does not melt in the sun or heat;
  • easy to prepare or does not require additional cooking or cutting at all, i.e. It is advisable to cut everything in advance;
  • have no pungent odors;
  • create as little discomfort as possible (crumbs, debris, etc.).

List of healthy and tasty foods for the road. Tips for collecting and packaging them.

The warm season inspires us to change the landscape and faces. People are very willing to travel with the warm rays of the sun.

Whatever type of transport you choose, the journey still takes a certain amount of time. This means you can’t do without food with you.

If you are a supporter of a minimum number of things with you on a trip, then without a basic brake you still won’t be able to hit the road.

What products are tasty and healthy, and can withstand temperature changes on the road - let’s talk in more detail.

List of non-perishable food items for travel

For travelers who spend a lot of time traveling, the following non-perishable foods are suitable:

  • any yeast-free bread, such as bran and lavash
  • rice leaf spring rolls
  • processed cheese in foil and plastic jars
  • hard cheese
  • meat baked in foil with spices
  • fresh vegetables and fruits - zucchini, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, bell pepper, hard tomato, banana, apple, pear, orange, grapefruit
  • vegetable cutlets and pancakes
  • greenery
  • nuts
  • dried fruits
  • muesli bars
  • marmalade, pastille, marshmallow
  • instant porridge
  • pates
  • baby puree in sealed containers
  • biscuits and lollipops
  • still water without sweeteners

Food for traveling by car in the summer: list

Summer travel by car is convenient because you can take ready-cut vegetables/fruits/cheese/meat with you and create sandwiches/rolls.

Plus you have:

  • sets of containers of different sizes
  • disposable tableware
  • cooler bag
  • thermal bag or package

Therefore, a delicious roadside picnic will delight you at the right time.

So, on a trip by car, feel free to take:

  • sweets - muesli bars, marshmallows, marmalade, lollipops
  • bulk - seeds, nuts, dried fruits, instant cereals
  • fresh foods - vegetables, herbs, fruits with strong peels, such as apples, bananas, oranges
  • baked in the oven - potatoes, meat, pies with sweet or cheese filling, cookies and casseroles without glaze
  • boiled - eggs without damage to the shell
  • fried - pies with any filling except meat, cheesecakes, vegetable cutlets and pancakes
  • bakery products - yeast-free bread, lavash, biscuits
  • in sealed bags - juices, pates, baby food in jars
  • others - dried or dry smoked sausage, lard without meat layer, processed and hard cheese
  • still water

What to take on a long train journey: list

If you are planning a long train trip, then organize your meals from the following products:

  • water without gas and sugar,
  • bread without yeast,
  • biscuits,
  • lollipops,
  • hard cheese,
  • fresh fruits and vegetables without damage to the skin. Choose fruits with thick skins so that they do not cause an unpleasant odor and are candidates for discarding ahead of schedule,
  • chips from vegetables and fruits, in other words dried, for example, in the oven,
  • instant porridge, as well as noodles and mashed potatoes,
  • nuts, seeds and dried fruits,
  • boiled eggs in shells without cracks,
  • dry smoked sausage, purchased for the trip and treated with vegetable oil,
  • tea/coffee in a thermos,
  • baked chicken in a sleeve, which you should definitely eat on the first day of your trip.

If you like boiled vegetables, plan to eat them as your first or second meal on the train. Better stock up on baked ones in the oven and foil.

Prepare sandwiches for the road at home in advance from vegetables, herbs, well-baked meat, and cheese.

What to take on the road from food on the bus: list

Nowadays, we travel by bus either for short distances or on tours for a week or two.

Therefore, we offer the following list of products suitable for such trips:

  • lavash, bran bread, biscuits
  • still water, juice in small sealed packages, tea/coffee in a thermos
  • seasonal vegetables, raw or baked
  • fresh fruits in peel that do not lose their shape on the road
  • dried fruits, seeds, nuts, muesli bars
  • instant porridge
  • ready-made sandwiches/rolls from vegetables, herbs
  • hard and processed cheese
  • lollipops
  • homemade pies without meat and jam

Food on the road with a child: what should a child eat?

Depending on the age, focus on the child's food preferences. If he is categorically against, for example, apples, then stock up on them just for yourself.

The best food for a baby is mother's milk. For a bottle-fed baby, stock up on powder formulas, water and a boiler.

Definitely a must-have food for your baby on the road:

  • biscuits
  • lollipops
  • fruits and vegetables he likes
  • hard cheese
  • oven baked meat
  • instant porridge

Whether you take the juice in a sealed bag or not is up to you. But keep in mind that after opening it, you should drink it immediately or throw away the remains without regret.

Remember the main rule - the more comfortable the child is on the trip, the calmer and more enjoyable the trip will be for you.

What instant food items should you take on the road?

Perhaps the fastest to cook are the foods that do not require it. That is:

  • fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs
  • seeds, nuts

Other tasty examples of similar food:

  • instant porridge soups
  • lavash and sliced ​​yeast-free bread
  • hard cheese, sausage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers - chopped and folded into vacuum packaging

The third type of instant food for travel is those purchased the day before at the store. For example,

  • sweets that don't crumble
  • baby fruit and vegetable purees
  • muesli bars

How to cook chicken on the road: recipe

Every housewife definitely has a signature chicken recipe. However, not all of them are suitable for travel. Because you want to eat deliciously and get as little dirty as possible. Therefore, chickens that are too fat definitely “fly by”.

Prepare some chicken for the road using the recipe below.

You need:

  • chicken breast
  • salt and herb seasoning
  • strong thread
  • boiling water
  • pot
  • Carefully remove the bone from the chicken breast and rub the first one on the inside with seasoning.
  • roll it up and secure it tightly with thread
  • put in a saucepan
  • boil a liter of water and pour over the chicken roll
  • add salt to taste
  • turn on moderate heat and reduce it to low from boiling point
  • leave the chicken to simmer until fully cooked
  • remove from pan and let cool
  • cut the thread

If you're planning a short trip, cut the chicken into rings and use it for sandwiches.

In case of a long trip, leave it whole, put it in a container and add a clove of wilted garlic. It will act as a natural preservative for chicken and extend its freshness for a day.

How to cook cutlets on the road: recipe

There are different cutlets:

  • meat
  • vegetable

Therefore, focus on your gastronomic preferences when preparing them.

As an example, we add a recipe for vegetable cutlets on the road.

You need:

  • boiled potatoes in their jackets 2 pcs.
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • zucchini or zucchini
  • green peas - 2 cups
  • flour - 2 scoops
  • salt pepper
  • sunflower oil for frying
  • cream
  • nutmeg seasoning
  • Grind all the vegetables except onions. Finely chop it and fry it
  • squeeze the juice out of carrots and zucchini/zucchini
  • mix potatoes, onions, zucchini/zucchini, carrots, half the volume of green peas and flour
  • form small cutlets
  • fry them in oil - each side for 2 minutes
  • leave them in a warm frying pan to simmer

If you decide to take these cutlets with sauce with you, prepare it separately:

  • Grind the remaining green peas in a blender
  • combine it with sour cream and mix
  • add nutmeg
  • Place the prepared sauce in a hermetically sealed container

How to make sandwiches on the road: recipes

Recipe 1

You need:

  • loaf
  • processed cheese
  • lettuce leaves
  • ham or any prepared meat
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • fry the bread on one side in vegetable oil
  • spread it generously with melted cheese
  • place a lettuce leaf on each piece of loaf
  • thinly slice the meat ingredient and place on a lettuce leaf on the bread after one
  • cover with the second piece on top

Recipe 2

You need:

  • baguette
  • boiled eggs
  • processed cheese
  • cucumber
  • parsley, dill or other herbs to taste
  • cut the baguette along the wide side and unfold it like a book
  • spread cream cheese on both sides
  • arrange the greens in 1 layer, then slice the cucumber
  • Place the egg slices on top
  • fold the baguette neatly and wrap it in foil

How to prepare sandwiches on the road: recipes

Recipe 1

You need:

  • hard cheese
  • yeast-free bread
  • pickled cucumber
  • cooked meat, such as chicken
  • oil
  • ketchup and mustard
  • cut the bread
  • brush each piece with a little oil
  • turn over and apply a little ketchup and mustard
  • Place cheese, cucumber, meat, pre-cut into thin slices, on top
  • Place future sandwiches on a preheated frying pan and fry until golden brown on both sides
  • remove from heat and cut bread diagonally
  • Use a paper towel to blot up any remaining grease on the sandwiches and place in a travel container.

Recipe 2

You need:

  • loaf/baguette
  • avocado
  • lettuce leaves
  • lightly salted pieces of salmon or similar fish
  • cut the loaf/baguette along the wide side
  • Place lettuce leaves, avocado slices and fish on both sides
  • connect the pieces of bread together and wrap the sandwich in parchment or foil

How to cook pies on the road: recipes

a mountain of delicious homemade pies for the road

Pies on the road are convenient and tasty. Especially if you put the warmth of your hands and love into them, and not just the right filling.

By the way, form the last one from:

  • rice with egg and herbs
  • cabbage
  • apples and other sweet thick fillings

Recipe 1

You need:

  • Yeast dough
  • Cabbage
  • Bulb
  • Chicken eggs
  • Milk
  • use ready-made yeast dough or prepare it in a way convenient for you
  • chop the cabbage and pour boiling water over it
  • fry chopped onion and add cabbage to it
  • take a couple of minutes together
  • Finely chop the boiled eggs and mix with the cabbage-onion mixture
  • Roll out the dough and divide into equal parts for pies
  • spread out the filling and sell them the mold
  • brush with a mixture of milk and raw egg and bake in a preheated oven

Recipe 2

  • Knead an elastic stiff dough using whey or kefir from eggs, salt and flour.
  • Cut the apples into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Roll out the dough into a sausage shape and cut into circles 2 cm wide.
  • Using your hands, knead each one and form a cavity for the filling.
  • Add it and pinch the edges.
  • Fry the pies in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil.
  • Dip the finished products in a paper towel.

How to prepare baked goods on the road: recipes

Recipe 1 oatmeal cookies

You need:

  • oatmeal 2 measuring cups
  • flour 1 measuring cup
  • sugar 0.5 measuring cup
  • butter 0.5 packs
  • a packet of vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt
  • boiling water 0.5 cups
  • combine oatmeal with vanilla and regular sugar
  • pour boiling water into the mixture and stir
  • melt the butter and add it
  • add flour and mix everything
  • your dough should be moderately moist and elastic
  • pinch off non-balt pieces from it and firm round cookies
  • put them on a heated sheet and send them to the hot oven
  • Check readiness by the color of the cookies
  • If desired, add nuts/raisins at the dough kneading stage, then your delicacies will delight you with new shades of taste

Recipe 2 cottage cheese envelopes

You need:

  • cottage cheese 0.4 kg
  • a stick of butter or margarine
  • half a glass of sugar
  • a couple of spoons of baking powder
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • Grind the melted butter with half a dose of sugar
  • add cottage cheese, stir
  • add flour and knead into a stiff dough
  • roll it out thinly and cut into 8x8 squares or slightly larger
  • Place a small mound of sugar in the middle of each
  • pinch the edges diagonally on each square
  • send to bake in a preheated oven

What can you prepare for a snack on the road?

a quick and healthy snack on the road - homemade lavash rolls with vegetables and meat

All the fresh fruits and vegetables listed in the sections above are suitable as a snack on the road.

Diversify your travel table with the following prepared in advance:

  • cutlets
  • pancakes
  • cheesecakes
  • lavash rolls with your favorite filling
  • baked chicken and/or meat
  • pies with different fillings
  • sandwiches and sandwiches
  • chopped vegetables and sauces, which after mixing turn into a healthy and tasty salad
  • homemade sweet baked goods

An alternative for those who are inclined towards minimalism when eating on the road is:

  • nuts and dried fruits
  • seeds
  • muesli bars

How to pack a thermos for travel, what to put in it?

  • First, focus on the taste preferences of those who will eat on the road. For example, if you are a strict vegetarian, definitely avoid chicken and sandwiches with meat.
  • Consider the duration of the trip and the number of planned meals. Try to eat foods that are prone to spoilage first.
  • Be sure to put apples in your travel thermos. They are rich in fiber and will ensure the smooth functioning of your digestive system.
  • On your trip, you will need canned food, such as seafood and fish.
  • No trip is complete without clean water. Moreover, the less gas and dyes in it, the more beneficial it is for your body.
  • To feel full at lunchtime, stock up on sandwiches, sandwiches, and instant cereals.
  • Nuts, dried fruits and grains are suitable as a tasty and high-calorie snack. Put them in small quantities.
  • If possible, try to use only seasonal vegetables and fruits that are native to your area or are familiar to your daily diet.

Diet food for the road: list, recipes

For travelers on a diet or simply attentive to their weight and well-being, the following products are suitable for travel:

  • fresh vegetables/fruits/greens
  • nuts, dried fruits, seeds, muesli
  • packages of instant porridge/soups
  • pates and processed cheese in sealed packages
  • bread/loaf made from bran or whole grain
  • still water
  • yogurt only before the first meal

Pre-prepared dishes include:

  • light sandwiches without meat, sausages
  • vegetable cutlets/pancakes
  • muesli bars with nuts, dried fruits
  • salad cuts and sauces for them, for example, eggs with vegetables and mushrooms
  • syrniki

From the list of ready-made dishes above, each housewife will have her own recipe, tested by time and the digestive system.

How to preserve food on the road in the summer so that it doesn’t spoil?

food in a container and a photo of the road with the inscription “food for the road: useful tips”

  • The most convenient ways are a cooler bag and a thermal bag.
    If you don’t have them, bottles of water and compote/juice frozen in the freezer will help. Use them to transfer food in a bag and drink it after thawing.
  • Avoid wrapping food in plastic bags. Replace them with foil, parchment paper, and food-grade plastic containers.
  • Pack your bag only from refrigerated foods. Otherwise, excessive heat may cause premature deterioration.
  • Without regret, throw away those products whose freshness you suspect. This way you will protect your remaining supply and the health of your digestive system.

Video: what products to take with you on the road?

For a road lunch, dishes that are convenient to eat are suitable.
Food should not be liquid or finely chopped. Give preference to portioned dishes.
If you do not have a special cooler bag, then the food you took along the entire journey will be warm, so it is better to refuse perishable foods. What products are best to take on the road?

Vegetables and fruits can be taken raw. Choose fruits that are not too soft and tender: cucumbers, hard tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, apples, pears, bananas. To make your travel lunch from raw vegetables tastier, prepare simple sauces for them, which are very convenient to take with you in special airtight containers.

An alternative to raw vegetables is vegetable pancakes and cutlets. They can be made from potatoes, zucchini, zucchini, pumpkin, and carrots. By the way, baked potatoes are also a very good option for the road.

Sandwiches They also often take it on the road. They can be made with fried meat, vegetables, and herbs.

Baked meat is recommended for meat eaters- pork, beef, veal, turkey, chicken. Meat can be baked in foil. Wrap the meat in foil and place it in the tray when it's ready - this will make it easier on the go. Do not skimp on spices and herbs (tarragon, rosemary, oregano, garlic) - these are good natural preservatives. After cooking the meat, make sure it is well cooked. Meat that is medium-rare, and especially with blood, is not suitable for travel.

Pies- a traditional travel dish. For the filling, choose products that last a long time.
stored: beans, vegetables, rice, boiled eggs. If you use meat in pies, you must first fry it. You can also make pies with fruits - apples, pears, bananas. It is important that the filling is not too liquid. In summer, you need to give preference to products with a high liquid content. These are cold vegetable soups, salads from juicy watery vegetables - tomatoes and cucumbers. Fruits include apples and pears, and, of course, berries. Take a summer break from cooking. In hot weather, the body requires a lot of energy. Energy is most easily released from foods that are sweet, rich in carbohydrates and microelements. These include fruits, watermelons and melons, as well as dishes made from them. Consume eggs and nuts as a source of protein. Boiled meat is preferable.

Very often we take sandwiches on the road. Here are some sandwich recipes for the road.

Sandwiches with ham and vegetables

To prepare this sandwich, cut medium-thick slices of bread and spread with cream cheese. Place a leaf of green lettuce on top of each slice of bread, then sliced ​​tomatoes (or you can replace the tomatoes with a cucumber). Sprinkle with chopped herbs, then lay out sliced ​​ham and slices of cheese.
Sandwiches are ready!

Sandwiches with sausage and hard cheese

To prepare such a sandwich, cut 2 wide slices of bread and spread with butter (20 grams). Cut two hard-boiled and peeled eggs into slices, add some salt, and place on top of the butter. Next, add 2 slices of sausage and 2 slices of hard cheese. Decorate the sandwiches with dill sprigs.
The sandwich is ready!

Sandwiches with chicken and cucumber

For these sandwiches we need 400 grams of chicken fillet, which we wash in cold water and cut into thin slices. The correct way to cut the fillet into plates is as follows: place the chicken breast cut side down on a kitchen board, pressing it firmly with your hand. Then we cut the fillet with a knife with a sharp blade into plates. Salt and pepper the plates, then fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil over high heat. Fry the chicken on one side, then on the other. The meat should be well-done, but not dry. Place the finished meat on a plate and set aside for now. You need to assemble the sandwich with cold meat, because if you put hot or warm meat in the sandwich, it will simply be wet. Therefore, let the meat cool.
Meanwhile, cut the white loaf in half. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise. Just do not use homemade mayonnaise, because it is made from raw eggs, and this is a perishable product. For such cases, it is better to take fresh industrial mayonnaise made from egg powder. In addition, it usually contains natural preservatives such as vinegar and salt.
On top of the mayonnaise, lay out the cooled plates of fried chicken fillet, then - canned cucumber (2 pieces), cut into thin slices. Lubricate the other half of the loaf with mayonnaise and cover our sandwich with it.
The sandwich is ready! Wrap it in foil and put it in your backpack!
The amount of ingredients is designed for 4-6 sandwiches.

Sandwiches with tomatoes and eggs

To prepare this sandwich, take a fresh white baguette, cut it in half lengthwise - you get a kind of open book. Spread one “page” with mayonnaise and the other with ketchup, then add green salad leaves. Next, add boiled eggs (2 pieces), cut into slices, and cream tomatoes (2 pieces), cut into slices (you can take another variety of tomatoes, but with fleshy pulp). Add a little salt. Now carefully close our sandwich, without pressing too hard so that the filling does not come out. Wrap in foil.
The sandwich is ready!

The good thing about the sandwich is that it does not contain meat or sausage, so it is not perishable, and you can easily take it on the road, on vacation, or at the cottage.

These wonderful and very tasty sandwiches are very good and convenient to take with you on the road. After all, we cook them in pita bread, and thus they turn out closed. You can have a great snack with them at a time convenient for you and your hands will remain clean. These sandwiches are prepared very quickly for travel; they turn out to be appetizing in appearance, very filling and nutritious. For cooking, you can use ready-made pita or prepare it yourself; this is done quite simply and quickly. The ingredients with which you will fill them can be anything according to your taste and desire. Also, you choose their number yourself.


  • sausage
  • tomato
  • cucumber
  • greenery

Cooking method

First of all, carefully cut the pita on one side with a sharp knife, not all the way through, and open it, as it were, and make a pocket. First, coat the lower inner side with mayonnaise, then lay out thinly sliced ​​tomato, cucumber, sausage and greens on top. The sandwiches are ready and all that remains is to pack them in a bag, better yet. if you have it on paper. Bon appetit.