Pizza without soda and yeast on kefir. Yeast-free thin dough for pizza with kefir.

You can prepare pizza dough different ways– there are many recipes from him, from elementary simple to very complex. One of the interesting and simple options is pizza dough with kefir, the preparation of which we will tell you about in this recipe.

What is the difference between pizza cooked on kefir dough? The fact that such a base turns out to be tender, melting in the mouth, this dough is very soft, so after baking, kefir pizza will not have hard “crusted” edges, which many people don’t really like.

However, kefir dough for pizza can also be very different, we will tell you about quite a lot simple version its preparations.

Kefir pizza dough recipe


250 g wheat flour

80 ml low-fat kefir

1 egg

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

How to prepare pizza dough with kefir:

Break the egg into a bowl, beat lightly with a fork, pour in warm kefir, add salt, beat everything thoroughly.

Add baking powder or baking soda to the mixture.

While kneading the dough, dust it with flour so that it does not stick to your hands.

After kneading, let the dough rest for 5-7 minutes.

Next, roll out the dough, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment or foil, grease with ketchup or tomato sauce, lay out the filling and bake the pizza with kefir at a temperature of 220 degrees in a heated oven for about 15 minutes, sprinkle cheese on top and place in the oven at the same temperature for another 5-7 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Friends, what kind of pizza dough do you prefer? Share your favorite kefir dough recipe in the comments.

Video recipe for pizza dough with kefir

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Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

In the process of preparing any dough, it is important not only how to knead the dough correctly, but also to correctly select the ingredients for it. If you are looking for a proven recipe, then you can safely use my recipe. I prepare pizza dough with kefir, a recipe with a photo of the preparation of which is offered today, than anything else. Kefir makes the dough crispy and simply extraordinary. Compared to yeast, butter dough, kefir dough the cooking steps take much less time, so saving a few hours will speed up the cooking process. I remember my mother taught me how to prepare dough for regular kefir, because it was easy and I could do it. I learned it the first time and everything went like clockwork for me. I was very proud that I learned how to prepare the dough the first time, and even though it was cooked on plain kefir. If the dough with the addition of yeast is very fluffy, there is so much dough itself that the filling can hardly be seen. Agree that you don’t really want to eat pizza with a large layer of dough. But the kefir dough comes out thin after baking, just what it needs for pizza.

Required Products:
- 150 grams of kefir;
- 2.5 cups wheat flour;
- 1 full tables. l. granulated sugar;
- 0.5 tsp. l. salt;
- 0.5 tsp. l. baking soda;
- 70 grams of vegetable oil.


I put kefir in the room 40 minutes before the start of preparation so that it is not icy. After that, I pour it into a bowl and add baking soda, as it will begin to fizz in an acidic environment and react.

Then I pour in vegetable oil(preferably refined, odorless) so that the dough is easier to stir and becomes smooth.

I pour flour into the dough, don’t forget about salt, granulated sugar. If you don’t put them in the dough, it will be tasteless, nothing at all.

I roll a lump of dough into a ball. The dough ball turns out soft and alive. I leave the kefir pizza dough to sit, rest for 15 minutes, let it sit and recover after kneading.

The finished dough can be immediately rolled out and baked into beautiful thin pizza, for example,
The main thing is to show interest and new recipes will be a surmountable obstacle for you. To save time in the kitchen, sometimes women don’t want to be there all day, use my kefir dough recipe and you will have the whole day free.

Bon Appetite!

Pizza - famous all over the world Italian dish. The first recipe for this wonderful treat appeared several centuries ago. Everyone in Italy knows how to make pizza dough without yeast at home.

Pizza counts universal dish, because there are many filling options. Cooks use bacon, ham, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, smoked sausage. The listed ingredients are laid out on a flour base and baked in the oven under a layer grated cheese.

Making dough at home is an integral element of pizza, acting as the base. Undoubtedly, any store or supermarket sells ready-made bases in an assortment, but factory-made baked goods are inferior home analogue. Pizza dough is prepared with and without yeast.

I advise people watching their weight to cook pizza on dough without yeast, like in a pizzeria. It contains fewer calories and the effect of the dish on digestive system less harmful. Having prepared an appetizer with the addition of ham, Parmesan, tomatoes and herbs, you will understand why there is so much happiness in the life of Italians. Popular Recipes flour base without yeast you will find below.

Calorie content of pizza dough without yeast

Attention people who follow the rules healthy image life, I want to draw attention to the fact that pizza - high-calorie product, daily use which is fraught with obesity.

The calorie content of pizza dough depends on the filling and flour base used. In 100 grams of dough with milk there are 265 kcal, and with kefir – 243 kcal. If the base is made with water, the indicator is 215 kcal. This product can be used without fear by people who are trying to gain weight.

Pizza dough without yeast like in a pizzeria

People who regularly visit a pizzeria and order specialty of the house, they know that the base of a classic open-faced pie is thin and crispy. To conduct a tasting culinary masterpiece, you don’t have to go to a cafe, since the dough without yeast, like in a pizzeria, is easy to make at home.


  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Milk – 0.5 cups.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 0.25 cups.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Heat the milk to 30 degrees. Add eggs and vegetable oil, beat. To speed up the process, use a mixer.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix flour and salt. Make a small depression in the resulting mixture and pour the egg mixture into it, gently kneading the dough.
  3. Knead by hand until you get a smooth, elastic mass. Hold the dough under a damp towel and roll it into a thin layer.

Video recipe

The technology for preparing classic thin dough without yeast is as simple as possible, but there is one peculiarity. When baking in the oven, do not overdry the flour base, otherwise the result will be disappointing.

Classic pizza dough with kefir without yeast

Recipe without yeast dough for pizza, which I will describe below, in a circle professional chefs considered the most correct. Using kefir helps take the flavor of the flour base to the next level. And it cooks incredibly quickly, which reduces the cooking time of your favorite baked goods.


  • Kefir – 1 glass.
  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml.
  • Soda – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt.


  1. Combine a glass of flour with kefir and salt. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs using a whisk or mixer. Add the egg mixture to the dough along with half the butter.
  2. Mix the contents of the dish thoroughly with a spoon and gradually add the remaining flour. If the flour base is too runny, add more flour. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. Set the dough aside for 15 minutes, then roll out. If the mass is sticky and there is enough flour, treat the surface a small amount vegetable oil.

As in the first case, the classic kefir base for an open pie is made quickly. I don’t rule out that it won’t work on the first try. Don't get discouraged and practice, mastery comes with time.

How to make quick dough without yeast using water

The base of yeast dough with kefir is more fluffy and tender. But delicious dough can be made with water and without yeast. To make the base soft and absorb the juice of the filling, roll it out not too thin.


  • Water – 0.5 cups.
  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour flour into a deep container and add salt. In a separate bowl, combine vegetable oil with eggs and water, beat. Gradually pour the resulting mass into the flour, stirring.
  2. The flour base will be quite sticky. For this reason, sprinkle your hands with flour periodically. When the dough becomes elastic and free of stickiness, form a ball, place in a pan and cover with a towel.
  3. After a third of an hour, the dough is ready. Roll it into a layer. Quick option without yeast on water goes with any filling. Some even add Korean carrots.

Video cooking

As you can see, quick dough for pizza is made from the most simple ingredients, but in combination with the filling provides ready-made dish incredible taste and aroma qualities. Make sure of this by trying the recipe in practice.

How to make a simple dough without yeast using milk

The recipe has several advantages, including ease of preparation and low time investment. It takes no more than 30 minutes to prepare a simple pizza base with milk, and the airiness and fluffiness of the treat will repel even yeast baked goods.


  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Milk – 125 ml.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Sift flour into a deep bowl and add salt. In a separate container, combine vegetable oil, milk and eggs, beat with a fork. The main thing is to mix the ingredients well. There is no need to beat the mixture until foamy.
  2. Gradually add flour to the milk-egg mixture, stirring the dough with a spoon. Wait a few minutes for the flour to soak in the vegetable oil and liquid. During this time, a sticky mass forms.
  3. Knead the dough thoroughly. To do this, place it on a floured table and knead for 15 minutes. The result will be a smooth, elastic mass. Make a ball and hold under a warm, damp towel for a quarter of an hour.

After the time has passed, roll out the dough thinly, place on a greased baking sheet, spread cheese, fish or vegetable filling and put it in the oven. This amount of dough will make at least two pizzas.


  • Flour – 2 cups.
  • Sour cream 20% – 1 glass.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon.


  1. Sift into a large bowl wheat flour. Break the eggs into a well in the flour, add sour cream, butter, salt and sugar. Knead the dough, thoroughly grinding the ingredients. For convenience, I recommend first combining sour cream with eggs, and mixing the resulting mixture with flour.
  2. Make a ball out of the dough. It's okay if the flour base sticks a little to your fingers. The main thing is that it rolls out easily. Cover the dough with cling film and leave aside for 40 minutes.
  3. After the time has passed, roll out the dough into a round layer 2-3 millimeters thick. In the end it will work out thin pizza on sour cream with crust. If you like a lush, open look, make the base thicker.
  4. In the final part of the article I will tell you how Italians prepare pizza dough. They are preparing an open pie on thin basis made with water and olive oil. Italians do not use eggs, milk or other additives, but yeast is an essential component. Thanks to this composition, the dough after baking is thin and crispy, and the pizza is more tasty and appetizing.


  • Flour – 1 kg.
  • Water – 600 ml.
  • Fresh yeast – 50 g.
  • Olive oil – 6 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.


  1. Pour 300 ml into a bowl warm water, add yeast crumbs, sugar and stir. Dissolve the salt in the remaining water. Sift flour onto a work surface and make a small depression in the resulting mound.
  2. Pour into the hole salt water and yeast mixture, add olive oil. On initial stage Knead the mixture with a spoon, then with your hands. Stir until stickiness disappears.
  3. Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour and a half. Knead the risen mass with your hands, divide into 4 parts, roll into round layers with a diameter of 30 cm and place on a baking sheet. Pre-cover the bottom of the mold with paper.
  4. If you plan to bake one pizza, place the remaining dough in plastic bag or in food container with a lid and place in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 3 days. According to the Italians, a flour base left cold makes a tastier pizza.

Video instruction

To prepare pizza, brush the dough with tomato sauce and dried or fresh basil. In classic Italian recipe this spice is definitely present. Place the filling, cover with a layer of grated cheese and bake in the oven

Pizza - incredible tasty dish Italian cuisine which many people love. Of course, the easiest way is to order it at home, but believe me, it turns out much tastier and more tender at home. Today we will tell you how to prepare pizza dough with kefir, and you can come up with absolutely any filling.

Kefir pizza dough without yeast


  • flour – 85 g,
  • egg C2 – 1 pc.,
  • cream margarine – 115 g,
  • kefir 3% – 105 ml,
  • soda – 5 g.


Throw soda into kefir, add egg, melted margarine and add flour in portions. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly with a mixer using special attachments designed for kneading dough. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Sprinkle the table lightly with flour, lay out the chilled dough and knead it with your hands. Now let's give it the required form, transfer to a baking sheet and begin preparing any filling.

Liquid pizza dough with kefir


  • kefir – 505 ml;
  • wheat flour – 345 g;
  • baking soda – 5 g;
  • egg C2 – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 55 g.


So, break the chilled eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat the mixture with a mixer. Next, pour in kefir, add baking soda and add wheat flour. Mix with a spoon homogeneous dough and at the end add melted and slightly cooled butter into it. The prepared mixture will be liquid consistency and ideal for baking homemade pizza in a frying pan.

Quick pizza dough with kefir


  • egg C2 – 1 pc.,
  • soda – 5 g,
  • iodized salt – 5 g,
  • kefir – 315 ml,
  • – 20 ml,
  • wheat flour – 405 g.


In a bowl, beat the chilled chicken egg with a mixer. Then throw in soda and salt. Stir the mixture until homogeneous consistency. Next, pour in kefir and add mayonnaise. Having thoroughly mixed the resulting composition, gradually pour in the well-sifted flour. Mix the mixture with a tablespoon or use a mixer with special attachments. Pour the resulting liquid dough for kefir pizza in a thin, even layer onto an oiled baking sheet and proceed to preparing any filling.

Yeast-free pizza dough with kefir


  • kefir – 155 ml,
  • oil or cream margarine– 15 g;
  • iodized salt – 5 g,
  • granulated sugar – 10 g,
  • baking soda – 5 g,
  • table – 20 ml,
  • wheat flour – 515 g.


Sift the wheat flour into a bowl several times, forming it into a mound. Make a small depression on top and place softened margarine or butter in it. Next, add sugar, throw in salt, soda and carefully pour in cognac. Now mix all the ingredients into an elastic dough. Give it the shape of a ball and leave for 1 hour, infuse, covering the top with a cloth towel.

After this, knead it thoroughly again, roll it out on the table, give it the desired shape and transfer the workpiece into an oiled baking dish.

Delicious pizza dough with kefir

We’ll talk about how pizza came to our kitchen next time.

Today there is a topic that is more extensive and serious - preparing pizza dough with kefir. This type of test is a quick option.

More likely, Italian “pizzaiolos” would be surprised by such pizza- on kefir, or they would consider the dish not pizza, or they would be outraged by such a blasphemy of professional and culinary pride - Italian open pie. They don’t make pizza dough with kefir - only with yeast!

Kefir pizza dough - general technological principles

This article will focus on kefir pizza dough. But to do the best and most correct dough It’s not enough to rewrite the recipe and go to the kitchen. Each oven bakes the same way, but the pies are always different. If you understand some of the subtleties, then you won’t have to look for a recipe, and you won’t have to worry about what was put into the dough a lot and what was not enough.

“The dough needs to be able to feel and know what it breathes with”, - our grandmothers said and they were right.

So, about kefir and how it behaves in kefir pizza dough.

Kefir- comparatively New Product. At least in the form in which it appeared relatively recently. Fresh, fermented milk product has undoubted benefit to participate in digestion, since it, even artificially, is enriched with lactic acid bacteria. But already at a temperature of 70°C, the sporeless bacteria that are present in kefir die.

If the baking temperature of the dough in the most gentle mode reaches two times higher than the most critical temperature for the life of lacto- and bifidobacteria, then what is the benefit of kefir as a fermented milk ingredient for dough?

We can absolutely say that lacto- and bifidobacteria, changing their structure, take part in the fermentation of the dough, forming gas bubbles, which, during baking, under the influence of temperature, expand and makes the dough more airy.

Dairy products - all without exception are the best natural environment habitat for this type of bacteria. Consequently, they are present in milk, sour cream, and yogurt - in any dairy products. Their participation in fermentation is similar to the action of yeast - “colleagues at work”. In addition, you should not run for kefir, if there is sour cream or yogurt in the house- these products will make the dough rise no worse.

But there is a difference between these two groups of microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria, as opposed to yeast will not start without an alkaline environment, and the yeast, in order to revive it, needs carbohydrates contained in sugar, flour and other dough components.

Lactic fermentation stops when a certain concentration of lactic acid accumulates in the mass, and begins to play the role of a preservative. It is in the growth and accumulation phase that milk microorganisms make the dough loose, but after their colony grows to a critical level, the reverse process of fermentation begins.

If you miss this moment when making pizza dough with kefir, then its fermentation can only be started with the help of alcohol-producing yeast. Otherwise on thick crust you won't have to count.

For baking dairy products, as a method of fermentation in dough, are advantageous in that they will not eat more sugar than they should, so the sweet dough will remain sweet. The alcohol-forming “companions” of lactic acid bacteria eat up so much sugar that as a result the dough can even smell like acid and alcohol, creating bad taste in finished baked goods.

But these two types of microorganisms, entering the same environment, do not interfere with each other at all. Lactic acid bacteria “do not pay attention” to the alcohol secreted by yeast and do not “take away” sugar from them - main product nutrition. Yeast also does not care about the proximity of lactic acid bacteria.

But the presence of both microorganisms helps the dough rise faster and better.

You shouldn’t count on a particularly fluffy kefir pizza dough without adding yeast. Many housewives have baked pancakes more than once and know this recipe by heart. Remember that the dough for baking pancakes is liquid. And therefore it quickly rises and bakes, and products made from it turn out juicy and soft. It follows from this that flour should be added to kefir dough very sparingly, unless, of course, your plans include baking a crispy flatbread.

Hence the conclusion: pizza dough made with kefir without using yeast should not be too steep. Add enough flour to it so that it is convenient to work with it - make a round cake out of it with your hands. The exception is if you are cooking puff pastry, on kefir, chopped.

About flour.

Never rush to pour all the flour specified in the recipe into the dough. You need to add it in parts to make sure the dough has the desired consistency. Flour has different moisture content, which depends on the type of grain from which it is made and on the conditions of its storage. If the recipe says that you need one glass of flour, then in each case you may need more or less.

The consistency of the dough also depends on the gluten content in it. Therefore, to avoid annoying misunderstandings, use premium flour.

Recipe 1. Pizza dough with kefir, yeast-free

Product composition:

Eggs 3 pcs.

Kefir of any fat content 150 ml

Fine salt

Refined oil 50 ml

Baking soda ¼ tsp.

Flour, wheat 250 - 300 g

Preparation of the dough:

Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer as for biscuit dough, in a large bowl. Beating eggs will add extra fluffiness to the kefir pizza dough. Pour in the vegetable oil in a thin stream, continuing to whisk vigorously. Turn off the mixer, pour in kefir, continuing to stir the dough with a whisk. Add salt, and then begin to sift the flour directly into the dough, in small parts, constantly working with a whisk, but not so intensely, trying not to destroy the bubbles that have formed. The consistency of the dough should be loose and homogeneous, but not liquid, so that you can work with it with your hands - the dough is like for dumplings, only very soft. Add baking soda at the very end of mixing. Roll the resulting dough into a ball, place it in a bowl and wrap it tightly with film to “rest.” Meanwhile, preheat the oven and you can start preparing the pizza toppings. Sprinkle the surface with flour, divide the dough into 2-3 portions, and roll them into a ball. There is no need to roll out the dough on the table. Grease the pans generously and press portions of the dough directly into them using your hand. Leaving the outer part of the circle thicker. Bake the prepared dough immediately, as it cannot be stored.

Recipe 2. Pizza dough with kefir and yeast

This dough is yeast-based, unleavened, and also very quick to prepare. As already mentioned, yeast and lactic acid bacteria in such a dough will work simultaneously without interfering with each other, and therefore the dough will rise very quickly. The main thing is that the kefir is warm enough - not from the refrigerator.


Yeast, dry ½ tsp.

Kefir (any) 120 ml

Sugar (for starting yeast) 5-7 g

Flour 200-240 g (including for dusting)

Preparation of the dough:

Place sugar, salt and yeast in warm kefir. Add no more than 1/3 of the total amount of flour, stir the liquid with a whisk, and let it sit for a while until bubbles appear. Add the rest of the sifted flour and knead the dough. The finished dough should lag behind the utensils and hands. Then transfer it to a floured cutting surface and begin shaping the pizza circle.

Recipe 3. Pizza dough with kefir - pizza in a frying pan, made from batter

By mixing batter Like pancakes, pizza can be prepared very quickly in a regular frying pan.


50 ml kefir

Butter, melted 30-40 g

Flour 140-150 g

Oil, refined (for frying)

Dough preparation method:

Beat the eggs until foamy, add salt to them. It’s more convenient, of course, to use kitchen appliances, blender or stand mixer. There is no need to stop whipping, just slow down and continue adding melted or softened butter, then kefir and sifted flour. Finally, add baking soda and stir. ready dough, but with a spatula or spoon, hold the dough until the baking soda starts working, and start baking the cakes in a heated frying pan. After heating the frying pan and the oil in it well, you need to switch the stove so that you can hold it while baking. medium heat, pour the dough into the heated frying pan, spread it over the entire surface, no more than 1 cm thick, and cover it with a lid so that the dough is baked at the bottom and steamed a little on top. Afterwards, you can spread the sauce and pizza toppings on the dough and continue baking in a sealed container until it melts upper layer, from cheese.

Recipe 4. Pizza dough with kefir and yeast (sponge method)

List of ingredients:

indicated in recipe 2. But the amount of yeast and sugar must be doubled.

Preparation of the dough:

Prepare the dough in advance, preferably overnight, and wrap the dishes tightly cling film(no air should penetrate into the prepared dough), and place the container with the dough in a cool place: if the freezing chamber is at the bottom of the refrigerator, then place the dough on the top shelf. This way the dough can stand for up to 12 hours without the risk of spoiling. When you are ready to cook the pizza, heat the dough for an hour at 20-25°C and knead the dough as usual.

Recipe 5. Pizza dough with kefir and margarine

If you prefer thin, crispy pizza, puff base, then this recipe is what you need.

It's essentially a flaky pastry like Napoleon cake, and the consistency of pizza dough will be the same. The difference lies in the filling. If desired, replace kefir with sour cream or yogurt. If you prefer the real thing, creamy taste, use oil with at least 72.5% fat content.


Margarine, creamy ( premium) 75-100 g

Kefir 50 - 70 ml

Soda or ammonium 3-4 g

Flour 200-300 g

Dough preparation method:

Place the sifted flour in a heap on cutting board and begin chopping cubes of prepared, cold margarine directly into the flour until you obtain fine crumbs of flour and fat. Collect it in a mound, make a depression inside, add salt, add soda and pour in cold kefir. The dough is fatty, so you need to use cold ingredients to prepare it and work with it very quickly. After the kefir is mixed and the dough sticks together into a homogeneous, plastic mass, divide it into portions, roll each piece into a ball and refrigerate. This dough can be prepared for future use and stored in individual portions in the freezer, taking them out as needed.

Roll each portion into a circle on a floured surface and bake immediately with sauce and toppings.

Recipe 6. Kefir pizza dough, vegetarian

List of ingredients:

Flour 300-350 g

Ammonium 5-7 g

Kefir (1%) 150 ml

Dough preparation method:

Sift the wheat flour and add salt and ammonium to it. Pour kefir into a large bowl (it should be warmed until room temperature), beat it with a whisk and, adding the flour mixture in small portions, knead tough dough. Knead the dough on the counter and place it back into the bowl. Seal with film so that the dough remains without air access. Keep it like this, near heat, for at least an hour. Then cut the semi-finished product into portioned pieces, and while dusting the work surface, roll out the kefir pizza dough. The layers should be no more than 1 cm thick. Fold the edges of the flatbreads inward by 3 cm, then place the dough in the mold, seam side down, and prepare the pizza.

Recipe 7. Kefir pizza dough, with fatty, homemade cottage cheese, for sweet filling

If you add less sugar, you can use the same dough to make pizza with any savory filling.

Product composition:

Cottage cheese, full fat (15%) 250 g

Sugar 50-70 g

Kefir 120 ml

Mixture of soda and ammonium 10 g

Creamy margarine (or butter) 125 g

Egg 2 pcs.

Semolina 150 g

Flour 200-250 g


Combine, first separately, the wet and dry ingredients of the dough. Sift the flour first. Carefully beat cottage cheese, eggs and kefir with a mixer into a fluffy and homogeneous mixture, add melted fat. Then start adding the dry mixture, stirring the dough with a whisk, and then by hand. Let the dough stand so that the semolina absorbs moisture. It should be thick, but very soft dough. It should be so thick that it is convenient to work with it. If there is not enough flour, mix it right on the table. Each portion should be rolled in flour and the product should be formed in the prepared form. Immediately spread the filling onto the surface, making a depression in the crust, closer to the center.

    The kefir dough must be allowed to brew so that it becomes plastic and pliable, and the fermented milk bacteria have time to interact with the alkaline medium (soda, ammonium, baking powder). To prevent the released gas bubbles from evaporating, cover the container with the dough with film to prevent it from airing and start working with it when it is slightly limp. Dust your work surface with flour.

    Flour is poured into liquid foundation dough, and not vice versa, so that the dough turns out smooth, without lumps.

    If you prepare the dough with kefir, then there is no need to use the additional oxidizing agent contained in dough baking powder, and citric acid or vinegar. Kefir is acidic enough for a reaction to start. Adding acid can speed up this reaction so much that the dough does not have time to rise.

    When adding soda, try to keep it in moderation. Its excess will give the dough dark color and bad taste. It is better to replace it with ammonium or mix it with it in equal parts.