Pickling sauerkraut. How to pickle cabbage with forks for the winter with different additives

The famous Georgian sauerkraut is a recipe for a “red” appetizer made from cabbage with beets.
Chop the cabbage in large pieces(in eighths), beets in thin slices, celery stalks and hot pepper in pieces. Place all vegetables tightly in layers in a jar or pan, sprinkle with chopped garlic. Pour boiling marinade over the mixture - 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water with 1/2 tbsp 9% vinegar so that the vegetables are completely covered with it. Place in a warm place for 2-3 days. Then cool, and Georgian sauerkraut is ready.
Carrots are not put here... She will give sweetish taste and will “kill” the spice….
Doesn't last long...

    Try this: O! I join your question... no matter how much I searched online for recipes, everything turned out to be complete nonsense, not the same... it’s called cabbage in Korean... I have a feeling that they first ferment the cabbage, and then add spices + garlic to taste... but not like that as many people write on the net - that they either cook it with boiling water... or they don’t say something... I’ve already tried 5 recipes and nothing...

    Try this: my mother made it a long time ago, the recipe was called Cabbage in Armenian... I can’t find it now, sorry, maybe you’ll find it on the Internet under that name...

    Try this: Cut the cabbage into large squares, red beets into thin slices, celery and pepper into pieces. Place all vegetables tightly in layers in a jar or pan, sprinkle with chopped garlic. Pour the boiling marinade over the mixture - 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water with vinegar so that the vegetables are completely covered with it. Place in a warm place for 2-3 days. Then cool, and GEORGIAN SAUERED CABBAGE is ready.
    fresh white cabbage - 1 head
    beets - 1 pc.
    hot red pepper - 1 pc.
    garlic - 1 handful
    vinegar - to taste
    celery or parsley - to taste
    salt - to taste
    sugar - to taste

    This is a recipe from the Internet. I don't add sugar or parsley. More pepper. And I don’t know how to cut a round head of cabbage into squares. I cut a small head of cabbage into 4 pieces, and a large one into 8 pieces.

    Keeps in the cold for a long time.

    Here's some advice: An old grandfather’s recipe, my grandfather taught me to use it and recommend it to others: Finely chop two medium-sized cabbage, mix in a basin with a stack of salt (it will be medium salty) and a tablespoon of dill seeds, knead well until the cabbage releases juice, then very tightly, with using a rolling pin or potato masher to compact the three liter jar, laying layers with bay leaves (4-5 pieces per jar) and placing the jar on the floor (it’s cooler on the floor, not for religious reasons) the next day the cabbage must be pierced to the bottom long knife so that the gases escape. On about the third day, the cabbage will ferment and can be put into the refrigerator. It can be stored for approximately 3-5 months.
    I think you can do the same with the quarters, but probably cut them into eighths, mash them in a basin and put them in a jar under good pressure, and you don’t need to add any water or marinade.
    Grandfather himself is from the Urals, all his life he, his grandfather, and so on, salted cabbage for the winter

    Maybe you are right: Chimcha (Korean pickled cabbage)


    10 kg cabbage,
    1/2-1 kg salt,
    200-300 g garlic,
    hot red pepper to taste.


    Cut white (or Chinese) cabbage into 4-6 pieces and pour in strong warm brine and leave for 3-4 days. Then grind the garlic and hot pepper in a meat grinder. Remove cabbage from brine and rinse running water and coat with the received spicy mixture cabbage leaves(this must be done with gloves!), Place in a prepared container under pressure for souring. If the cabbage produces little juice, you can add water. The cabbage is ready when it ferments, like regular sauerkraut. Keep refrigerated.

    Chimcha in a different way


    2.5 kg cabbage,
    200-250 g ground red pepper,
    60-80 g garlic,
    2 heads head lettuce,
    50 g salt,
    1 tsp Sahara.


    Prepare spicy pasteground pepper dilute a small amount warm water, add salt and sugar, chop the herbs (you can use a blender), squeeze the garlic through a press, mix everything thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into 4-6 pieces, coat each leaf thoroughly, put the cabbage in tight bags, tie it and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Make sure that the bags are tightly tied so that the released juice covers the entire cabbage, and the smell does not penetrate into the refrigerator (it does not disappear for a long time!). After a week, put the cabbage in a bowl, cover with a lid and let stand for 2-3 days. This cabbage can be stored for no more than a month.

    Interesting tip: Salted cabbage with beets.
    4 kg squirrel bushes
    50 g garlic
    50 g horseradish
    50 g parsley
    150 g beets
    Brine: for 2 liters of water - 100 g of salt, 100 g of sugar.
    Cut the cabbage into 4-6 pieces, removing the stalk. Finely chop the garlic and parsley. Grate horseradish. Cut the beets into large cubes.
    Place the food tightly in a pan (bucket) in layers: a little beets at the bottom, then greens, cabbage, etc.
    Boil the brine, let cool slightly and pour warm over the cabbage. Close the lid, add the weight. Leave for 48 hours at room temperature, and then put it in a cool place (refrigerator). Ready on the 5th day.
    Recipe tested!! I did it several times!! Delicious!!

    So: Cabbage in 4 hours
    1 large head of cabbage (about 2 kg), 4 cloves of garlic, 2 carrots, 1 beet.
    For the marinade: 1 cup water, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1/2 cup 6% vinegar, 1 tbsp. salt. Chop the cabbage (or you can just cut it into segments), grate the carrots and beets, finely chop the garlic. In a saucepan, mix cabbage, carrots, beets and garlic. Prepare the marinade: dissolve sugar in boiling water and stir. oil, vinegar, salt. Pour the resulting marinade over the cabbage and leave for 4 hours.

    Try this: Korean cabbage:
    for a 3-liter bottle...1 head of cabbage (cut into cubes), 1 beet (diced), 1 carrot (slices), 3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped), 1 glass of vinegar 9%, 0.5 tbsp. rast. refined oils
    Filling: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. salt - boil...
    Place vegetables in a bottle in layers. Press the cabbage, but not too much. Pour in vinegar and oil. Boil the brine and pour hot over the cabbage. Cover the bottle with a lid (plastic) and wrap it up.
    A day later the cabbage is ready.
    ... During the day, turn the cabbage in the bottle 1-2 times, shake it and wrap it again. If there is not enough filling, calmly fill it with boiled water.

    Sauerkraut - “spaghetti”
    A very simple recipe for making sauerkraut, the whole originality of which lies in in an unusual way shredders. This cabbage looks very impressive on the table, and it tastes wonderful!
    Products: 3-4 kg of cabbage, 300-400 g of carrots.
    For brine: 1 liter of warm water, 2 tablespoons coarse salt, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar.
    Remove the leaves from the cabbage. Using a sharp knife, cut off the protruding parts of the veins.
    Unfold ready leaves on the table and leave to dry for half a day. Then roll 1-2 sheets into rolls and use a thin sharp knife to cut across the length, as thin as possible - no more than 4 mm.
    Rub it on coarse grater carrots and mix it with cabbage. Fill the resulting mass tightly into a large enamel pan, but not to the brim.
    Prepare a brine from water and salt without sugar and fill the cabbage to the top with it, and then put it in a warm place. No weight needed.
    On the second and third days, pierce the cabbage in several places with a stick. On the third day, drain the brine and dissolve in it granulated sugar. Then stir the cabbage so as to move the lower layers of the cabbage to the top, and the top layers to the bottom and fill with new brine (which you drained before. Let the cabbage stand for another day in a warm place, and then you need to put it in the cold.

    As usual, we put a load and let the cabbage ferment for three days, periodically removing the weight and releasing the gas formed during fermentation.

Many housewives pickle cabbage for the winter in order to be able to serve it as an independent salad, and also use it for variety of dishes. In most cases, the vegetable is finely chopped and then poured with marinade, but you can greatly simplify your task and cook whole heads of cabbage.

The processes are very similar, but it is important to have an appropriately sized container. For example, it could be a barrel, large saucepan or a plastic bucket. Let's look at a few proven recipes.

How to pickle cabbage with forks for the winter?

This method of preparing this vegetable is especially popular in Bulgaria. Prepared from whole leaves various snacks, for example, cabbage rolls or Korean salads. The prepared ingredients are designed for a 100 liter container.

To prepare cabbage with forks for the winter, take the following products:: 50 kg cabbage, 2.5 kg large sea ​​salt And cold water. In addition, you need to take a 1.5 m long plastic hose. You can include other vegetables and spices in this recipe for taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. To pickle the forks, the heads of cabbage must be prepared by removing the leaves from them and removing the stalk. Make a cross-shaped cut on the fork. Fill the hole where the dense part of the vegetable was with salt;
  2. Place the cabbage heads tightly into the prepared container, having first lowered one edge to the bottom, and the other should stick out on the surface. If you wish, you can add a couple of onions, quince or horseradish root. These ingredients will give the vegetable original taste and aroma;
  3. put the remaining salt into the water, mix well until completely dissolved, and then pour the brine into the container. The liquid should cover the vegetables. Place a weight on top so that the heads of cabbage do not float;
  4. over the course of 5 days, it is necessary to mix the brine, for which you will need a hose, which was first fixed in the container. Remove the pressure, and then blow strongly into the free end of the hose about 10 times. This will be enough to mix the brine. Over the course of 3 weeks, the process should be repeated a couple of times. After a couple of months, the cabbage is considered ready. A white film will appear on the surface of the liquid, which is one of the signals of readiness. Using a slotted spoon, remove it. The process must take place in a cold room.

Salting cabbage for the winter with forks in a barrel

The ideal vessel for this procedure is an oak barrel. Forks prepared according to this recipe are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Thanks to the fact that whole heads of cabbage are salted, they can be stored until spring and enjoyed all winter delicious dishes. By the way, cooking vegetables in a barrel was common in the pre-revolutionary era.

First you need to prepare the container. Take the barrel and rinse it thoroughly with a solution of soda and boiling water. After this, it must be completely filled with water and left for 7 days. This is necessary so that the wood swells and subsequently does not absorb the solution. To pickle cabbage with forks, it is recommended to use late varieties of vegetables. Also prepare carrots, tomatoes and Bell pepper. If you want to add more to the vegetable beautiful colour, then add beets.

Cooking steps:

  1. To begin, remove the outer leaves from the fork so that you are left with a smooth and dense head of cabbage. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the cut leaves, because they can fill the voids in the top row and after a few weeks they are considered ready;
  2. remove the stalk using a sharp knife. Thanks to this, the salting process will proceed evenly. Place the vegetables in the prepared barrel, filling the voids with large pieces of carrots, tomatoes and peppers. These vegetables will make the taste of the product even more original;
  3. We will add salt in brine, to prepare which combine 10 liters of purified water and 400 g of salt. Pour the liquid into the barrel, place the leaves in the voids and cover the top with a piece of linen cloth. Place the cross and press it down with a load, for example, a stone;
  4. every week, you need to take out the fabric and wash it with the circle in water, removing the mold that has formed. In a couple of months everything will be ready.

How to salt cauliflower with forks?

You can cook not only white cabbages, but also colored forks, which also turn out very tasty. Individual inflorescences will be an excellent basis, for example, for Korean salads.

For this recipe for the winter you need to take the following products:: 2 forks of cauliflower, 0.5 kg of carrots, 5 bay leaves, 6 peppercorns and the same number of garlic cloves. To make 1 liter of brine, you will need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and a little less than 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pickling begins with preparing the vegetable: take a good look at the forks, as they should be firm, white and without stains. Otherwise, they are considered unsuitable for pickling. Rinse them in water, then soak them for a couple of hours to remove insects. It is best to remove legs that are too hard. The next step is to lower the forks for 2 minutes. into boiling water, and then transfer to cold water. It is important not to overcook the vegetable, as it will become soft and unsuitable for cooking. further processing. Grind the peeled carrots on a regular Korean grater;
  2. To make a brine, dissolve salt and sugar in water. After this, put the liquid on the stove and boil. Place forks in the pan, add carrots, pieces of garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns, and then pour cooled brine over them. Place pressure on top and leave for 2 days at room temperature. After this, move the container to a cool place, and after 4-5 days the cabbage will be ready. The vegetable should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for fork-sauerkraut with apples

Another option for preparing a vegetable, which thanks to apples turns out to be aromatic. In addition, salted fruits also turn out very tasty. Most often, this recipe is used by people who want to cook delicious and juicy cabbage rolls in winter.

To prepare sauerkraut you should take: 3 heads of cabbage, 1 kg of apples and salt, which should be taken on the basis that there should be 90 g per 1 liter. In general, you will need about 5 liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. cabbage prepared for this recipe should be cleaned of old leaves and different spots. Using a sharp knife, remove the stalks. Take a large container and pour it in warm water and dissolve the salt. Stir well until the salt dissolves;
  2. Place the heads of cabbage and apples tightly in a container with brine. Cover the top with a layer of gauze and place pressure, for example, it could be a bottle of water. Leave for 5 days at room temperature. After the time has passed, rinse the gauze in running water to remove mold, and also turn the heads of cabbage over. To make the workpiece crispy, it is recommended to add a couple of corn cobs. Place the gauze again and apply pressure. After this, move everything to a cool place for a month.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about sauerkraut and anyone can cope with this process. Be sure to use the suggested recipes to get tasty and healthy dish for your family.

Many housewives pickle cabbage for the winter so that they can serve it as an independent salad, as well as use it for a variety of dishes. In most cases, the vegetable is finely chopped and then poured with marinade, but you can greatly simplify your task and cook whole heads of cabbage.

The processes are very similar, but it is important to have an appropriately sized container. For example, it could be a barrel, a large saucepan or a plastic bucket. Let's look at a few proven recipes.

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How to pickle cabbage with forks for the winter?

This method of preparing this vegetable is especially popular in Bulgaria. Various snacks are prepared from whole leaves, for example, cabbage rolls or Korean salads. The prepared ingredients are designed for a 100 liter container.

To prepare cabbage with forks for the winter, take the following products: 50 kg of cabbage, 2.5 kg of coarse sea salt and cold water. In addition, you need to take a 1.5 m long plastic hose. You can include other vegetables and spices in this recipe for taste.

Preparation steps:

  • To pickle the forks, the heads of cabbage must be prepared by removing the leaves from them and removing the stalk. Make a cross-shaped cut on the fork. Fill the hole where the dense part of the vegetable was with salt;
  • Place the cabbage heads tightly into the prepared container, having first lowered one edge to the bottom, and the other should stick out on the surface. If you wish, you can add a couple of onions, quince or horseradish root. These ingredients will give the vegetable an original taste and aroma;
  • put the remaining salt into the water, mix well until completely dissolved, and then pour the brine into the container. The liquid should cover the vegetables. Place a weight on top so that the heads of cabbage do not float;
  • over the course of 5 days, it is necessary to mix the brine, for which you will need a hose, which was first fixed in the container. Remove the pressure, and then blow strongly into the free end of the hose about 10 times. This will be enough to mix the brine. Over the course of 3 weeks, the process should be repeated a couple of times. After a couple of months, the cabbage is considered ready. A white film will appear on the surface of the liquid, which is one of the signals of readiness. Using a slotted spoon, remove it. The process must take place in a cold room.

Salting cabbage for the winter with forks in a barrel

The ideal vessel for this procedure is an oak barrel. Forks prepared according to this recipe are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Thanks to the fact that whole heads of cabbage are salted, they can be preserved until spring and enjoyed in delicious dishes all winter long. By the way, cooking vegetables in a barrel was common in the pre-revolutionary era.

First you need to prepare the container. Take the barrel and rinse it thoroughly with a solution of soda and boiling water. After this, it must be completely filled with water and left for 7 days. This is necessary so that the wood swells and subsequently does not absorb the solution. To pickle cabbage with forks, it is recommended to use late varieties of vegetables. Also prepare carrots, tomatoes and sweet peppers. If you want to give the vegetable a beautiful color, add beets.

  • To begin, remove the outer leaves from the fork so that you are left with a smooth and dense head of cabbage. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the cut leaves, because they can fill the voids in the top row and after a few weeks they are considered ready;
  • remove the stalk using a sharp knife. Thanks to this, the salting process will proceed evenly. Place the vegetables in the prepared barrel, filling the voids with large pieces of carrots, tomatoes and peppers. These vegetables will make the taste of the product even more original;

  • We will add salt in brine, to prepare which combine 10 liters of purified water and 400 g of salt. Pour the liquid into the barrel, place the leaves in the voids and cover the top with a piece of linen cloth. Place the cross and press it down with a load, for example, a stone;
  • every week, you need to take out the fabric and wash it with the circle in water, removing the mold that has formed. In a couple of months everything will be ready.

How to salt cauliflower with forks?

You can cook not only white cabbages, but also colored forks, which also turn out very tasty. Individual inflorescences will be an excellent basis, for example, for Korean salads.

For this recipe, you need to take the following products for the winter: 2 forks of cauliflower, 0.5 kg of carrots, 5 bay leaves, 6 peppercorns and the same number of cloves of garlic. To make 1 liter of brine, you will need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and a little less than 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

  • Pickling begins with preparing the vegetable: take a good look at the forks, as they should be firm, white and without stains. Otherwise, they are considered unsuitable for pickling. Rinse them in water, then soak them for a couple of hours to remove insects. It is best to remove legs that are too hard. The next step is to lower the forks for 2 minutes. into boiling water, and then transfer to cold water. It is important not to overcook the vegetable, as it will become soft and unsuitable for further processing. Grind the peeled carrots on a regular Korean grater;
  • To make a brine, dissolve salt and sugar in water. After this, put the liquid on the stove and boil. Place forks in the pan, add carrots, pieces of garlic, bay leaves and peppercorns, and then pour cooled brine over them. Place pressure on top and leave for 2 days at room temperature. After this, move the container to a cool place, and after 4-5 days the cabbage will be ready. The vegetable should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for fork-sauerkraut with apples

Another option for preparing a vegetable, which thanks to apples turns out to be aromatic. In addition, salted fruits also turn out very tasty. Most often, this recipe is used by people who want to cook delicious and juicy cabbage rolls in winter.

To prepare sauerkraut, you should take: 3 heads of cabbage, 1 kg of apples and salt, which should be taken on the basis that there should be 90 g per 1 liter. In general, you will need about 5 liters of water.

  • Cabbage prepared for this recipe should be cleaned of old leaves and various stains. Using a sharp knife, remove the stalks. Take a large container, pour warm water into it and dissolve the salt. Stir well until the salt dissolves;

  • Place the heads of cabbage and apples tightly in a container with brine. Cover the top with a layer of gauze and place pressure, for example, it could be a bottle of water. Leave for 5 days at room temperature. After the time has passed, rinse the gauze in running water to remove mold, and also turn the heads of cabbage over. To make the preparation crispy, it is recommended to add a couple of corn cobs. Place the gauze again and apply pressure. After this, move everything to a cool place for a month.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about sauerkraut and anyone can cope with this process. Be sure to use the recipes provided to get a tasty and healthy dish for your family.

How to pickle cabbage with heads of cabbage - 2 ways!

Talking about sauerkraut, housewives most often mean shredded cabbage, salted with carrots. But you can also ferment cabbage with heads of cabbage. A small head of cabbage surrounded by other fresh and salted vegetables will become worthy decoration even for the holiday table.

You will need

Small heads of cabbage;



Wooden barrel or vat:

Wooden circle:

Linen canvas or gauze;

Sharp knife.

To pickle heads of cabbage, you need to be especially careful when choosing cabbage. Select small and medium-sized heads of cabbage. It is desirable that they be approximately the same size. Remove the covering leaves.

Make cross-shaped cuts along the stalk on each head of cabbage, place in wooden barrel in rows. Sometimes the heads of cabbage are sprinkled with shredded cabbage, but this is not necessary.

Prepare the brine.

Required ingredients are water and salt. In 1 liter cold or lukewarm (but not hot) boiled water dissolve 40 g table salt. You can add sugar to the brine (the same amount as salt). Some housewives add honey to the brine instead of sugar.

The ratio of honey and salt is 1:2.

Place on top of cabbage heads removed leaves. Cover it all with a piece of clean linen fabric or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. Place a wooden circle on top of the fabric and a bend on top. Pour brine over the cabbage until the circle is slightly submerged.

For the first five days, keep the barrel of cabbage in a room with room temperature. After this, place it in a cold room or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The cabbage is ready in 3-4 days. Cut the heads of cabbage into several pieces, season vegetable oil and serve.

You can also pickle un-shredded cabbage using a hot method.

True, for this you still have to cut the heads of cabbage in half or into 4 parts, depending on the size. Cut out the stalks. Immerse the cabbage in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

Prepare hot pickle. To do this, dissolve 40 g of salt in 1 liter of water. Finely chop 400 g of celery and 100 g of garlic, place them in the prepared water. Bring the brine to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Place the cabbage in a wooden or glassware. Cover the top with a cloth, place a wooden circle and a bend, and fill with brine. If the brine does not cover the circle, add the remaining amount of cold brine. Make it using the same proportions as in the first recipe. Place the container in a cool place.

When fermenting cabbage with heads using the second method, observe the process. At some point, the cabbage will settle to the bottom, then you will need to add more half-heads. Make sure that the circle is constantly submerged.

How to pickle cabbage heads When talking about sauerkraut, housewives most often mean shredded cabbage, pickled with carrots. But you can also ferment cabbage with heads of cabbage. A small head of cabbage, surrounded by other fresh and salted vegetables, will become a worthy decoration even for a holiday table. You will need - small heads of cabbage; - salt; - water; - garlic; - celery; - wooden barrel or vat: - wooden circle: - oppression; - linen canvas or gauze; - sharp knife. To pickle heads of cabbage, you need to be especially careful when choosing cabbage. Select small and medium-sized heads of cabbage. It is desirable that they be approximately the same size. Remove the covering leaves. Make cross-shaped cuts along the stalk on each head of cabbage and place them in a wooden barrel in rows. Sometimes the heads of cabbage are sprinkled with shredded cabbage, but this is not necessary. Prepare the brine. Required ingredients are water and salt. Dissolve 40 g of table salt in 1 liter of cold or lukewarm (but not hot) boiled water. You can add sugar to the brine (the same amount as salt). Some housewives add honey to the brine instead of sugar. The ratio of honey and salt is 1:2. Place the removed leaves on top of the cabbage heads. Cover it all with a piece of clean linen cloth or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. Place a wooden circle on top of the fabric and a bend on top. Pour brine over the cabbage until the circle is slightly submerged. For the first five days, keep the barrel of cabbage in a room at room temperature. After this, place it in a cold room or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The cabbage is ready in 3-4 days. Cut the heads of cabbage into several pieces, season with vegetable oil and serve. You can pickle unshredded cabbage using the hot method. True, for this you still have to cut the heads of cabbage in half or into 4 parts, depending on the size. Cut out the stalks. Immerse the cabbage in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Prepare hot brine. To do this, dissolve 40 g of salt in 1 liter of water. Finely chop 400 g of celery and 100 g of garlic, place them in the prepared water. Bring the brine to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes. Place the cabbage in a wooden or glass bowl. Cover the top with a cloth, place a wooden circle and a bend, and fill with brine. If the brine does not cover the circle, add the remaining amount of cold brine. Make it using the same proportions as in the first recipe. Place the container in a cool place. When fermenting cabbage with heads using the second method, observe the process. At some point, the cabbage will settle to the bottom, then you will need to add more half-heads. Make sure that the circle is constantly submerged.