Draniki preparation. How to make potato pancakes. Potato pancake recipe

Grated pancakes raw potatoes Belarusians do it best. Therefore, the word potato pancakes is known throughout the world, at least to the Slavic world.

In terms of potato dishes, Belarusians can generally give a head start to all other nations. There are a lot of potato dishes in Belarusian cuisine: sorcerers, zrazy, dumplings, drachena, babka, etc. From raw potatoes with juice, from potatoes with squeezed juice, from boiled and crushed potatoes... Potatoes are added to pancakes, pies are made from them, and they are not only used for filling, but also for dough. So you can safely trust Belarusians in potato matters.

Glasses are to a certain extent universal. Whether they go to make crisp or more gum depends on the specific variety. Central Election Commission - on the contrary, they are thriving, blossoming easily. If you use these potatoes, you're pretty sure the plaques will be crispy without being intimidatingly buzzy. Or go to Globe where they have a huge fact sheet listing the varieties sold straight to the veg. The ingredients we need.

Now we'll say something about the grid. Our aunt shuffled the potatoes onto the classic four-neck grater when it just came to her hand, momentarily to the left, instantly to the right, without turning the grater. It may have been a boring movement due to fatigue, but our research team came up with a series of attempts to find that it is extremely important for the right consistency dough! Hold your order because the slurry, unlike thin noodles, turns brown quickly. Remove excess water from the bowl and pour half a cup of warmed milk over the potatoes.

How to get very tasty potato pancakes with a crispy crust? There are several tricks.

Photo: Shutterstock.com


All ingredients for potato pancakes must be removed before cooking. Prepare everything so that the dough can be made as quickly as possible. Don't forget about cheesecloth for squeezing potatoes and a grater.

Pumpkin pancakes with potatoes

The milk will give the food its finesse, and, especially, the dough will not come undone before we process it. Well, the most important thing is behind us. We control the density of the mixture with milk and flour. Pour lard into a saucepan and heat the pan. We pick up the dough and we go to work. Gently rub a wooden spatula over the pan and make a few holes to prevent steam from entering and the plate still making contact with the pan. Rotate the pan and cake occasionally to ensure even browning. When the first side is gold, we turn.

To prevent potatoes from turning black

You need to rub it last. Squeeze quickly and immediately add a little milk or sour cream. And then add the dough prepared previously to the potatoes.

To make potato pancakes tender

Potatoes need to be grated fine grater. Grate the onion along with the potatoes. Mix. Onion juice will prevent the potatoes from darkening.

Beware, the oil still needs to be soaked in the pan so the other side is fried and not selectively cashed in, understandable right? Fill the potatoes with a mixture of minced garlic and salt. So we will have country potatoes. Classic potatoes with garlic.

Recipe with minced meat

Potatoes can also serve as an accompaniment to most meaty dishes. It can also be wrapped in a pocket like a pocket, such as the Chmund Chapel. Potato dough can also serve as a wrapper for deep-fried meats. However, this is already a higher gastronomy, because in order to keep the meat raw, it is necessary to use a microwave oven in the interphase. However, even simple potatoes can be interesting and easy to enrich, for example.

Instead of flour

Draniki will turn out even better if you let the squeezed liquid from the potatoes sit, then drain it, and add the settled starch to the dough. In this case, you don’t have to put flour in the dough.

Even easier

Can be stapled potato mass not a whole egg, but replace it with two whites. The pancakes will turn out to be very fluffy, and although it’s somehow strange to remember the calorie content when frying potato pancakes in lard, they will be a little easier on the stomach and liver than it could be when using yolks.

While the cheese is cooking, the cheese is arranged perfectly. We continue in the standard manner. With these two options, you can put garlic in the dough just like other recipes. However, according to the findings of our research group, garlic, French fries in their excesses are completely unnecessary.

How to make potato pancakes

We drank beer in our potatoes and listened to the classic fall tramp. The following potato beans can be used as a conversation topic: - exotic color skin is not a sign best quality. Initially, the colored potatoes bloomed so that the scammers could not provide industrial potatoes for consumption.

What to fry with

The best potato pancakes are made with lard. It heats up better than meat and grips better potato dough. And in general it goes very well with the taste of potato pancakes. But, unfortunately, many people cannot stand the smell of frying lard.

In this case, you can take either vegetable oil odorless, or melted. Regular butter is bad. When heated, it will hiss and “spit”, since there is water in it, and additional impurities, everything that is melted out of the oil, will burn and give a black precipitate.

If you make your own potatoes at home, use the same potatoes that will serve you best for crispy, crunchy, low-fat fries. The same goes for potatoes, which make a nice smooth crumbly slurry. The basic recipe for potato pancakes is very simple.

Some also give onions, spices, we give the basic recipe which you can freely decorate. What kind of potatoes for potato pancakes? The best thing potato starch with more high content starch. Don't know what kind of potatoes you have? Simply cut the vegetable in half and shake the halves at the intersection. If you choke the juice then you have proper potatoes to fry potatoes, pancakes.

Preheat the pan

Draniki should be placed on a very well heated frying pan. And the fat on it should also warm up, so after pouring the oil (if you cook with it), wait a couple of minutes and lay out the potato mixture.

What to serve with

Very hot potato pancakes with very cold sour cream. If fried in lard, you can also sprinkle with cracklings.

This will prevent the vegetables from darkening so much that the cake mass will retain its color even for several hours. How to do potato pancakes step by step. Once you have the ingredients, you need to get to work - peel, rinse and grind the potatoes on a fine mesh grater. Squeeze the juice and mix with the remaining ingredients. In a frying pan we heat the fat and pour it onto a tablespoon of the mixture - we can put more - it all depends on what kind of pancakes we like. The smaller and thinner the faster you will fry, the more you will need to heat for a long time so they are not soggy in the middle.


Classical Belarusian recipe potato pancakes does not include eggs and flour. Only potatoes, onions, salt, fat for frying. But now eggs are most often added to pancakes. Usually about 1 egg for 4-5 medium potatoes.

Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org

We fry the gold on both sides. How to make flat potato pancakes and the correct thickness? Place the mixture on the frying pan in the form round pie, we'll line it up with a flat, not too greasy pie. This is best done with a spatula or false comb.

When we fry pancakes, the potato pulp in the bowl releases juice, which is worth getting rid of before putting another portion of the pulp into the pan. Thanks to this, the fat will not shoot out, and the pancakes will fry evenly. And some of the most common questions that pop up when you start grilling.


Recipe for 5 potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

4 tbsp. vegetable oil

A little soda

1 cup sour cream

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and onions and grate them. Drain the juice or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Step 2. Add egg, flour, soda, salt and pepper. Stir everything well.

Step 3. Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it properly and lay out the pancakes, forming them with a spoon.

Why do potatoes stick glue to the pan? Pancake sticks if the pan is too small in fat. Fried pancakes V large quantities they advise beginners to pour sufficient quantity butter until the fat is twice as thick as the dough. However, we know that the more fried pies, the easier it is to choose the amount of fat, so start with a smaller portion and add oil to the pan if necessary.

It's also good to choose good equipment that we'll be frying - Teflon or a ceramic pan will work best here. Let's also remember the thin shoulder, which will allow you to easily lift the cake even if it is rolling and turn it over to the other side without fear of falling apart.

Step 4. Fry over medium heat on both sides, add oil if necessary.

Step 5. Serve with sour cream.

Draniki with meat or sorcerers

Recipe for 5 large potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

200 g minced meat

Salt and pepper

Vegetable oil

Step 1. Wash the potatoes and onions, peel them and grate them on a fine grater. Add eggs, flour, salt and pepper.

Why aren't potato pancakes crispy? Pancakes in a pan to have the right amount of space. When we fry them, let the masses settle so that they can be cut evenly. What can you do to keep potato cakes from being greasy? The key to success is correct temperature oils Pour it in hot pan and give her time to achieve required temperature. If it is too small, the pancakes will absorb the fat and they will not start to fry. Let's also remember that each serving of pancakes in the pan lowers the temperature of the fat.

So when we fry one batch, we heat the oil in the pan again. After frying, it is also recommended to place the pancakes on a paper towel so that they do not excess fat. And if you're wondering how to make potato pancakes different ways, check out our gallery - you will find many inspirations and original additions to famous pies.

Step 2. Salt and pepper the minced meat.

Step 3. Heat a frying pan with oil. Place portions on it with a spoon potato dough, smooth out to form pancakes.

Step 4. Place a little minced meat on top of each pancake and cover with a spoonful of potato mixture.

Step 5. Fry on both sides, then close the lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Serve hot with sour cream.

There are tastes that each of us knows from a child. The thought of certain foods always makes us salivate. IN Polish cuisine has its own repertoire, however, many underrated snacks. One of the most delicious potato pancakes that has been present on Polish tables for centuries. Nowadays, their preparation has become faster and easier than ever before. How are potato cakes made?

You don't have to be a great chef to know that potato pancakes are a very simple dish. As the name suggests, potatoes are the base, but how do you choose them? To achieve delicious potato pancakes, you should avoid potato salad varieties, which are hard and relatively low in starch. Potatoes that are meaty and light in color won't work well either - let's get on with the last ones and puke. So what would be most suitable? Classic, versatile potato varieties such as serviceberry and iris.

Draniki are the most famous Belarusian potato dish. They were first mentioned in 1830 by Jan Šytler. And the dish appeared under the influence of German cuisine.

As a result, potato pancakes have become one of the most popular dishes at different nations. Recipes for potato pancakes can be found in Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish and Eastern European cuisines. Only in Belarus they are called draniki, in Israel latkes, in Russia as kakorki, and in Ukraine they are called potato pancakes, tertyukhi, karemzlyk.

Many people say it's safer to just buy yellow potatoes from Polish farmers. When fried they will be soft in the middle and crispy on the outside - that's what they are! What should you do with peeled and washed potatoes? Our grandmothers and mothers ground them on a thick mesh grater, so they were delicious. You know exactly how long it will take. Modern and useful people come to kitchen robot. It is worth choosing such a variety of cutting modes and functions to enter the kitchen every day.

How to make potato pancakes?

Once you've made your potato pancakes, you can use one device to cut the potatoes to your thickness and mix them with other ingredients. As we already mentioned, the earth is good potatoes. In addition, each potato cake recipe also contains onions, eggs and a small amount of flour. Proportions and possible additions vary according to different regions. For example, in Podlaskie they cannot imagine potato pancakes without marjoram, while in Silesia they are traditionally baked on a plate instead of frying.

Draniki are simple and very tasty dish. Its preparation does not take much time, money and effort. There are quite a few ways to prepare potato pancakes. Minced meat or squeezed cottage cheese can also be added to the dish. One way or another, first of all, it’s better to learn how to cook traditional potato pancakes.

How to cook potato pancakes?

The recipe is quite simple. For the dish you will need 8 potatoes, 2 eggs, vegetable oil for frying, sour cream and salt.

Clean raw potatoes, rinse it thoroughly and grate it on a medium grater. In principle, if you wish, you can grate it on a fine grater, depending on your preferences. It is better to use potatoes to make potato pancakes crumbly varieties. This will not give a lot of juice, so you won’t need to squeeze out the grated mass and add flour. And if the need nevertheless arises, then you can get by with 1-2 tablespoons of flour.

Traditional potato pancakes

We decided to give you the simplest and, in our opinion, The best way make potato pancakes. Peel the potatoes and wipe them thoroughly with the kitchen robot. Prepare the potatoes by boiling the eggs and adding half a cup of flour. Peel the boiled onion and cut it into quarters, then throw it into the kitchen robot. Season with salt and pepper and stir until smooth. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry it thin pancakes until the color turns golden brown.

Potato pancakes are delicious, but if you're interested, you can also dip or serve them with sour cream or - as a main dish - with meat stew. Do you have dinner guests and don't know what to serve? Prepare some orange pancakes, which you can fill with what you have in the house from cheese, meat and vegetables. They will definitely be impressed.

How to cook potato pancakes?

Drain the grated potatoes in a pre-prepared colander and leave for a while until the juice drains. If the mass is grated on a fine grater, then you can use gauze or a fine strainer. It is better to collect the juice in a separate container. We collect the starch that has precipitated and add it back to the potatoes. All these procedures must be done quickly before the vegetable darkens.

Ingredients for potato pancakes

How to make potato pancakes

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Rinse it well and then boil it in salt water. When they are Aldan, it extinguishes the fire and compresses them. Then insert them to mash and add hot milk to them. Mix well and let it cool until it reaches room temperature.

How to Serve Potato Pancakes

Then add the yogurt and beat the egg well. You should get a thick dough that can be taken with polonium. Season everything with salt and pepper to taste. Place the frying pan and add a teaspoon of oil. Serve potato pancakes with cheese, meat or vegetables. You can also serve them garnished with crushed cubes.

Experienced cooks advise adding a little vinegar to potato pancakes to prevent the potatoes from darkening. However, some claim that vinegar makes pancakes tough and suggest keeping the potatoes in a cold water. To speed up the cooking process and not wait for the potatoes to get wet, you can rub the vegetable into a container of water. After this, the potato pancakes turn out soft and fluffy, and besides, there is no excess starch in the product.

At the next stage, we start frying the potato pancakes. This is best done on a hot sunflower or olive oil, V cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom. It is worth noting that there should not be a lot of oil, but enough to cover the bottom of the pan well. Potato fritters carefully place in the pan. It is best to scoop the dough with a tablespoon so that the potato pancakes turn out to be the same shape. Fry each pancake on both sides over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until golden brown crust. After this, reduce the heat, cover the pan with potato pancakes with a lid and bring to readiness. This will take another 3-4 minutes.

Such pancakes classic recipe should be served with sour cream. Draniki can satisfy anyone's taste. To whom classic version not to your taste, you can choose another recipe. However, pancakes are prepared in them traditional method, simply added to them all kinds of fillings and sauces.

For example, potato pancakes can be served with mushroom sauce, garlic sauce (here you just add vegetable oil to the chopped garlic, boiled water and salt), with fried onions and cracklings, tomato sauce or adjika, with simple mayonnaise, with sour cream and cheese, red caviar or vegetables.

Everyone can choose their own recipe or try all the options and come up with their own.

How to cook potato pancakes with meat?

Cook correctly potato pancakes It's not difficult with meat. In Belarus they claim that favorite dish Even children can do it. The dish will require 300 grams of minced meat (beef and pork), 1 onion, 6-8 large potatoes, 2 eggs, 1-2 tablespoons of flour, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and sour cream.

Draniki with meat (pyzy)

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Add flour, salt and pepper to taste, as well as eggs. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

For meat filling take chopped meat, salt, pepper, add finely chopped onion and mix everything well. By the way, you can add a little water to the minced meat.

Next, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the potato dough in the form of pancakes on it using a spoon. For one pancake you will need 1.5-2 tablespoons of mass, although you can choose the size to your taste.

While the potato pancake is frying, make a small flat cake from the minced meat and place it on top potato pancakes, and then fill it with one tablespoon of potato dough.

Fry pancakes on one side until golden brown. After this, turn the pancakes over, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and bring to readiness. This will take approximately 5-6 minutes.

Beetroot pancakes (pancakes)

Instead of potatoes, you can take other vegetables, it will turn out no less tasty and just as healthy. For beet pancakes take two medium beets (400 grams), 4 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and salt.

Grate the beets onto coarse grater, add egg, flour and salt to it. Spoon the dough into the pan and bake the pancakes.

It is best to cook them over low or medium heat so that they are thoroughly cooked. The cooking process will take at least 20 minutes (for baking on both sides). And if you grate the vegetables on a well-aimed grater, the potato pancakes will bake faster and have smooth edges. After frying, it is best to place the pancakes on a paper towel to drain excess fat.

It is worth noting that beet pancakes have a pleasant caramel, sweetish taste. They can be eaten as a snack for the first course or used as bread. They are delicious with garlic sauce or sour cream.

The editors of uznayvse.ru wish you Bon appetit And culinary success in preparing your favorite dishes.