We roll up cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers for the winter. Assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter

You'll want to serve as many different preparations as possible to the table. Show off your harvest a little (and why not), surprise guests, or maybe just eat delicious food. Here, such a preparation as an assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers is just right. A universal thing, I'll tell you.

Below I will share my secrets and tips on how to preserve unusual and very tasty assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter in different ways and tell you what you will need for this.

A few days earlier, I told you how to cook deliciously and quickly using fresh vegetables from the garden. You can find recipes for their preparation on the website. Now we will talk about the most famous summer crops - tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as recipes for preparing delicious snacks from these vegetables for the winter.

Let's get started!

Classic recipe for assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with dill and garlic

Here we will preserve only two products, such an assortment without additives, but of course with spices. It's very tasty, believe me!

You should take for the preparation:

  • The cucumbers are ripe, but the tomatoes are strong and without damage, enough for a 3-liter jar (you can take more of some fruits, less of some, or put the products in equal parts).
  • 1.5 liters of water for every three-liter jar.
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.
  • 4 spoons of sugar.
  • 20 ml. table vinegar.
  • 2 dill tops (umbrellas).
  • Peppercorns (to taste, usually 5-6 pieces are enough for a jar).
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2-3 bay leaves.

For assorted cucumbers and tomatoes, it is best to take them small in size and with a dense consistency; overripe and rotten products will not work in this case.

Actions step by step:

1. Rinse all containers under water and soda, and then sterilize them in a convenient way; both sterilization over steam and in the microwave or oven are suitable.

2. The lids that will be used for the preparation must be new, plus they must first be boiled for 5 minutes.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cucumbers, and cut off the ends of each fruit on both sides.

4. Fill clean, sterile containers with prepared fruits, compacting the ingredients as tightly as possible.

5. Boil the specified amount of water, pour boiling water into the jar, without covering, let stand for about fifteen minutes.

6. Drain the water into a saucepan, add all the ingredients required for preparing the marinade according to the list, stir, and let the brine boil again.

7. Pour the boiled marinade back into the jar and now seal it properly, turn it over onto the lids, cover it with any blanket and leave it in the room to cool for a day. After such procedures, the seals can be opened and put away in any place convenient for you for storage in the winter.

Assorted vegetables in marinade with tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini

As, I think, in any dacha or vegetable garden, the zucchini harvest is always a success. This is an unpretentious culture, and that’s good. So we’ll add it to jars with assorted tomatoes and cucumbers. A little sweet taste that the zucchini will give will not hurt, but will only give our preparation a certain taste.

For the marinade we take (calculation for three three-liter containers):

  • Water – 5 liters.
  • Salt and sugar in equal quantities - 30 grams each.
  • Table vinegar without flavors (9%) – 150 ml.

For pickling:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes 2.5 kg each.
  • 2-3 small zucchini, can be replaced with squash.
  • 3 onions.
  • An umbrella of dill in each container.
  • 6 bay leaves.
  • 3 peppercorns for each container, 9 in total.
  • 2 peas of allspice, 6 pcs.
  • 6 dry clove buds.

How to prepare this assortment:

Choose medium-sized vegetables, preferably young and strong in consistency. Wash them, cut the zucchini and cucumbers into large circles.

Sterilize the jars, place dill, laurel, garlic, cloves and peppers in them at the very bottom, then lay them out as the gardener likes. You can alternate vegetables, or you can lay them out in layers.

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, pour boiling water over the food, then cover with lids and leave for ten minutes.

Drain all the liquid back, add salt, sweeten, add vinegar, and put back on the stove.

As soon as the marinade boils again, pour it over the tomatoes and cucumbers, cover with new, sterilized lids and roll up for the winter.

Wrap the finished rolls in a warm blanket, leave the container in the room until the morning, and then put it away for storage in a pantry or cellar.

Recipe for a delicious assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers with bell peppers

This will be a fragrant and tasty preparation for the winter. Eaten at once, you just have to open the jar.

You need to prepare for cooking:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes (take the quantity depending on the number of jars and their size).
  • Bell pepper at the rate of one fruit per jar.
  • A small head of garlic (4-5 cloves).
  • Horseradish leaf (one per container).
  • Dill umbrella.
  • 5 peppercorns.
  • A couple of sprigs of parsley.
  • A teaspoon of grain mustard.
  • 2-3 currant leaves.

To fill one three-liter bottle:

  • 3 spoons of granulated sugar.
  • 2 level spoons of coarse salt.
  • 1.5 liters of clean water.
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence.

Algorithm of actions:

Pre-sterilize all containers and lids for seaming.

Wash the vegetables from the garden, cut the tomatoes into large slices, if a small variety is used, you can leave them whole, peel the peppers from internal partitions and seeds, cut into strips, use gherkins cucumbers whole, cut large varieties into circles.

Wash the greens, dry them, place them on the bottom of the container, add peppercorns and mustard, and add chopped garlic.

Press the vegetable fruits on top.

Pour boiling water over the workpiece for 20 minutes, which should then be poured into a saucepan.

Add sugar and salt to the brine, stir until these products are completely dissolved.

Fill the jars with all this, add vinegar essence to each, and roll up.

Place in the room until completely cooled, turning the necks down and covering with a warm blanket.

Adding cauliflower to the recipe will add even more originality and piquancy to the preparation.

To prepare one liter of assorted vegetables, take:

  • Three small cucumbers.
  • Five tomatoes (it is better to use small varieties).
  • About 200 grams of broccoli.
  • One bell pepper.
  • One medium-sized onion.
  • Two carrots.
  • Four cloves of garlic.
  • Two clove buds.
  • Two bay leaves.
  • The top is a dill umbrella.

For the brine:

  • Nine percent vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Water – 700 ml.
  • Salt and sugar - a teaspoon each.

Preparation stages:

Wash all greens and vegetables well. Cut the onions and carrots into slices, peppers into strips, cut off the ends of the cucumbers, leave the tomatoes whole, and separate the cabbage into small inflorescences.

We sterilize the containers, put all the prepared herbs, as well as spices and garlic, at the very bottom.

Fill the jars with vegetables, while arranging the ingredients as you like.

Pour boiling water into the container with the ingredients, let it sit for a little, literally 10-15 minutes.

Drain the marinade, bring it to a boil again and fill the jars again. We repeat these steps one more time, after which we roll up the products, wrap them and leave them warm until they cool completely.

Incredibly interesting preparation of assorted tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with grapes

When you pull out such a homemade product from the bins, open it and invite your guests to try this miracle of preservation, first everyone will salivate, and then compliments will pour in your direction. The taste of this assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers cannot be compared with the classic version. You can say this - “The taste is specific”!

You will need to prepare the filling:

  • A liter of clean water.
  • A tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • Two spoons of granulated sugar.
  • A spoon of classic table vinegar.
  • Soy sauce 1 tbsp. l.

From vegetables and spices we take:

  • Tomatoes and cucumbers in equal quantities.
  • 150-200 gr. green grapes without seeds.
  • 3 garlic cloves.
  • 2 laurel leaves.
  • Dill umbrella.
  • A quarter of ground or grated chili.
  • One bell pepper is the smallest.
  • Horseradish leaf.


Place all the cooked greens on the bottom in sterile containers, wash them first, add grated chili, chopped garlic or whole cloves, and bay leaves.

Fill the jars with clean vegetables and grapes, and remove the seeds from the bell pepper first. This product can also be cut in half, or placed whole.

Put water to boil, add all the ingredients according to the brine recipe, except vinegar and sauce, boil for 2 minutes and pour into jars.

After ten minutes, drain the liquid, boil again, distribute into jars, add soy sauce directly into the jars, let sit again for ten minutes and drain, repeat the procedure.

Pour the marinade one last time, add vinegar to the container and roll up.

Invert the jars onto their lids, cover, and leave for 24 hours.

Preserving assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for beginners - step-by-step video recipe from “A to Z”

Here the auntie will really tell you everything and show you how to act correctly and in what sequence. For those who are just starting to install their own blanks, a good and understandable guide.

  1. It is best to select assorted vegetables that are small in size, firm, and without signs of rotting.
  2. Tomatoes are traditionally placed whole in such preparations, but the remaining ingredients can be cut or used whole if desired.
  3. An excellent addition to an assortment of tomatoes and cucumbers can be eggplants, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, white or Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, cranberries, currants, grapes, and some other vegetables and berries.
  4. The most suitable herbs and seasonings for such preparation are parsley, dill, leaves of the cherry tree, currant, oak, horseradish, and tarragon.

Harvest large harvests and prepare a lot of delicious homemade preparations for the winter.

Good luck and all the best!

Soak cucumbers in water for 4-6 hours. It is advisable that the water be cold all the time. If possible, the container with cucumbers can be placed in the refrigerator. Even if the vegetables were not picked today, soaking in cold water “strengthens” the cucumbers, making them dense and crispy.

The pepper needs to be washed, cleared of seeds, cut into slices, each of which should also be cut horizontally. In this form, the jars will contain the maximum amount of these vegetables.

The jars need to be rinsed well with soda, or you can scald them with boiling water. It is not necessary to sterilize them, since the vegetables placed in them are also not sterile.

After the cucumbers have stood in the water, they need to be rinsed very well and placed in jars so that they fill them 1/3, and it is advisable to do this as tightly as possible. You can shake the jar of cucumbers to help the vegetables compact better.

But you don’t need to compact the tomatoes too much, otherwise their delicate skin may crack. They are carefully placed on top of the cucumbers, leaving room for the bell peppers.

The third layer should be layered with bell pepper slices.

Add 3 allspice peas and 4 cloves to each jar. For variety, 1-2 jars can be made more piquant by adding a couple of small pieces of hot pepper. But hot pepper is added before the very last pouring.

Now you need to pour boiling water into each jar, cover with a lid and additionally wrap it with a towel so that the water does not cool down so quickly. So they should stand for 12-15 minutes.

After this, drain the water from the cans back into the pan and boil. While waiting for the water to boil and the second filling, it is advisable to cover the jars with vegetables again with a towel. Now you need to pour boiling water over the vegetables a second time, let them stand and after 20 minutes drain the water again.

Boil the same water a third time. Before the third pour, vinegar, salt and sugar are added to the water. After the marinade boils, pour it over the vegetables and roll up.

The finished assorted jars should be immediately turned upside down and wrapped in something thick, such as a blanket. This is done so that the workpiece stays hot longer, thus undergoing additional sterilization. After 10-12 hours, you can put the jars with assorted items for permanent storage.

Probably everyone loves to enjoy spicy, crispy, pickled cucumbers and complement their main dish with juicy canned tomatoes. But you can prepare both in one jar, and get a delicious salty snack 2 in 1. It is very easy to prepare an assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers for the winter. We offer the most delicious simple recipe. It is not at all necessary to build a structure for sterilization, because such vegetables are perfectly preserved by repeated pouring boiling water. A delicious marinade, without unnecessary ingredients, will give you vegetables - a real delight.


  • cucumbers - 350-400 g,
  • tomatoes - 250-300 g,
  • sweet pepper - 0.5-1 pcs.,
  • sprig of dill - 1 pc.,
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.,
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.,
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves,
  • kitchen salt - 2 tbsp.,
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.,
  • table vinegar - 6 tbsp.

The amount of ingredients is calculated for one liter jar of assorted ingredients.

How to prepare assorted tomatoes and cucumbers

We wash all our vegetables. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and remove the core and seeds from the sweet peppers.

We sterilize the container in any way convenient for you. Soak the lids in boiling water for a few minutes. Place peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns, dried bay and a sprig of dill into a sterile container.

If desired, you can add a few leaves from a blackcurrant bush or cherry tree. Now place a layer of cucumbers tightly in the jar. They should be positioned vertically and very closely. You can place slices of bell pepper in between the vegetables. Don't forget to leave room for juicy tomatoes. We place them tightly in the top of the jar.

Now pour boiling water over the vegetables, wait 10 minutes and pour the water into a saucepan to boil it again. We repeat the procedure again.

After this, from the same drained water, cook the brine. Throw in kitchen salt, sugar, vinegar. Boil for a couple of minutes and pour in the assortment. Roll up the lids, turn over onto the lids, and cover with a blanket.

We put the preserved food in the pantry or basement when it becomes cold.

Easy on the stomach, quick to prepare, affordable products, healthy vegetables, spicy dressing... This is a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers with lemon-soy dressing.
Recipe contents:

People say “every vegetable has its time.” In the meantime, while the vegetable season is not over, we will replenish the body with healthy vitamins and prepare delicious and aromatic salads. Tomatoes and cucumbers are amazing versatile vegetables that go wonderfully with many other vegetables, cheese, fruits, meats, sausages, seafood... Combining them in salads with different foods, you can always get different flavors, from spicy to piquant.

Among other things, the taste of the salad also depends on the dressing and the greens used. Tomatoes and cucumbers are combined with mayonnaise, sour cream, and vinegar-oil dressing. Lemon juice, soy sauce, tartar sauce, mustard, and various oils are great here. There are many options for simple and complex refills.

This basic composition of vegetables will be complemented by sweet peppers. And a dressing of soy sauce, lemon juice and vegetable oil will correct and create a unique interesting taste. This salad is easy to prepare. And you can change the ratio of easily digestible ingredients and dressing to your taste. Thanks to additional products, the appearance and taste of the treat will change.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 39 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Sweet red pepper - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1/4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch

Step-by-step preparation of a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in a spicy sauce:

1. Wash the tomatoes and wipe dry with a napkin. Cut it into pieces of any size. But don’t chop too finely so that it doesn’t release the juice. Choose tomatoes that are dense and elastic; soft varieties will make the salad too watery.

2. Wash the cucumbers, wipe with a paper towel and cut into half rings.

3. Wash and dry the sweet peppers. Remove the stalk, clean the seeds with partitions and cut the fruit into strips.

4. Peel the garlic and finely chop it.

5. Place all vegetables in a deep bowl and add salt. Pour vegetable oil, soy sauce over them and squeeze a little lemon juice.

6. Stir the salad and serve immediately. Because it is not customary to cook it for future use. The tomatoes may leak and the food will become too watery, ruining the appearance and taste. If you don’t plan to eat the salad right away, you can chop the vegetables and put them in a bowl, but don’t mix them. And just before serving, pour over the dressing and stir.

This recipe is suitable for those who need to solve the problem of how to close overgrown cucumbers for the winter if only one and a half liter jars are left free. Here's a great recipe for you: a winter assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. The preparation turns out not only very tasty, but also looks great. Is this really what you dreamed of while looking at a bucket of huge cucumbers? As you already understood, the solution is quite simple: we cut the cucumbers into slices. And if you have smaller jars, then you can also divide these slices in half. Then you will need to add more other vegetables: take half a kilo of tomatoes, and six peppers. For taste, we will add a little garlic, onion and bay leaf to the assortment. This assortment is marinated without sterilization. The double pouring method, which is familiar to almost everyone who has dealt with home canning vegetables.

Ingredients (for 3 cans of 1.5 l):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs. (small)
  • cream tomatoes - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • hot capsicum - 0.3 pods
  • Marinade:
  • Water – 2 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp.
  • peppercorns - 12 peas
  • allspice - 9 peas

How to prepare assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter

Before you begin the process of pickling vegetables, you should take care to sterilize the jars and lids. We wash the jars (preferably with soda) and let the water drain. Then we resort to one of the many methods of sterilization. In this case, I used the simplest method and sterilized the jars in the oven. To do this, I preheated the oven to 130 degrees and placed the jars on a wire rack upside down. 15 minutes - and the jars are ready.

Boil the lids for 3 minutes.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut each cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts. It should be noted that this only makes sense in the case of overgrown cucumbers, which as a whole take up too much space in the jar.

Carefully place the cucumber slices in “columns” into jars. If you're like me and going to use quart jars, you'll notice that there's plenty of empty space on top of the cucumbers to fill with other veggies. Place a quarter of an onion, a couple cloves of garlic, bell pepper slices, and plum tomatoes in each jar. Don't forget about the bay leaf with a slice of hot pepper.

Fill the pan with 3 liters of water and put it on the fire. After boiling, fill the jars with assorted boiling water and cover them on top with sterilized lids. Leave the jars like this for 10 minutes. If there is excess water left in the pan, pour it out.

Then remove the lids and set them aside. We close each jar one by one with a special plastic lid with holes and pour the water back into the pan.

Bring the water to a boil again. This time it will not be just boiling water, but a full-fledged marinade. Add 3 tablespoons of salt (without a slide), 6 tablespoons of sugar (without a slide) and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the water. With the boiled marinade, fill the jars to the top again, add peppers (black and allspice) and cover with lids. Let's roll up the assortment.

Turn the jars upside down. This is very important because this is how the final blockage will occur. Thanks to the hot brine, the rubber bands on the lids will swell and further prevent the passage of oxygen into the jar, therefore, this will eliminate the fermentation process.

Cover the jars with assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers with a blanket and leave them like that until they cool completely, and then put them in a dark, cool place (basement, pantry).