How to fry beef liver with sour cream. How to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy. Chicken liver baked in sour cream with onions and mushrooms.

You know what I want to talk to you about today about how to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy. Many housewives are afraid of this dish, unfairly believing that only professional chefs, and they think that the liver is, in principle, not easy to cook so that it turns out juicy and soft.

Or is it still acid?

By the way, this recipe for sour liver is one of the most frequently read in this ever-growing set of recipes. Preparation of sour liver: Cut the onion into rings, peel the garlic in half and pour them in like hot oil. Place flour on a flat plate. Meanwhile, cut the liver into narrow strips. - Never warm the liver before frying, otherwise it will become tough! - Easily turn the liver into flour, add the onion and fry for a short time. Add softness and marjoram.

When the vinegar evaporates, add meat broth or veal broth. Cook for another five minutes at very low temperature. Finely chop the parsley, season the liver with salt and pepper, remove from the pan and add butter to the ice cream. Place the sour liver back into the pan and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

I hasten to assure you of the opposite: tender beef liver in sour cream is a quick and light dish which turns out to be very, very tasty. Of course, as with any recipe, there are nuances and secrets on how to properly prepare beef liver, but believe me, even the most inexperienced and novice housewife can follow them.

Stewed chicken liver recipe

Green salad and mashed potatoes. Naturally, it also goes without saying that it does not always have to be calf liver. There are other interior recipe suggestions at the end of this post. In addition to this recipe for sour Swabian liver, there are other dishes in which the innards originate.

It's actually liver goulash with salami. It tastes even spicier and even better, but many people don't like liver, and sometimes more quick goulash with pigs, they can’t hurt. You should try this as a variation! For 4 people. Everything is best before you prune.

My mother taught me how to properly cook beef liver so that it is soft - it was she who told me good recipe cooking beef liver in sour cream.

At that time, I was just taking my first culinary steps; I had virtually no experience in cooking liver. But I got this recipe for how to deliciously cook beef liver in a frying pan with sour cream the first time, and it came out very tasty and appetizing.

Heat the onions over medium heat until they become glassy and brown. Simmer the bark from the bottom of the pot 2-3 times. Before the last round, add the garlic. Remove onion and garlic.

Fry the meat precisely, but really high level. Extinguish 2-3 times and dissolve the burning from the soil. Roast is the most important thing! If you don't, you can leave it the same!

Also take the mushrooms, then sauté and remove.

Cover the whole thing with a lid and simmer on the lowest level until the meat is tender. Pour water into the sauce. But keep in mind that there is also a cup of sour cream at the end - so don't make it water. After seasoning, the sauce from the samezh will come out. Once the meat is tender, add a cup of sour cream.

Since then I have prepared this dish often, and I am always pleased with the result. I will be happy to share with you how delicious it is to cook beef liver with sour cream quickly and without special troubles. Shall we go to the kitchen?


  • 0.5 kg beef liver;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of high fat sour cream;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt, black ground pepper taste.

We wash the liver cold water, remove films, vessels, pieces of fat (if any).

At the end there is again a decent portion of marjoram. Must be a really good thing, but of course according to Gusteau. This costume includes potatoes, rice, and large portion with a regular slice village bread! Add a spoonful of sour cream to the goulash and everything is perfect!

Is a Russian noodle company with meat filling. This dish originates from Siberia and is the favorite dish of the coachman on their long journey across the vast cold country. They were prepared and frozen at home. So they were either in storage or could travel with them. On the way, you only had to light a fire, hang a kettle of water or melt snow and cook in it. During the harsh winters, this warm, well-satisfying meal was a blessing.

Cut the liver into pieces 7-10 mm thick. The piece sizes are such that there are approximately 2-3 per serving. Form portioned pieces liver depends on the shape of the piece being cut, so they will be slightly irregular in shape and may differ slightly from each other.

Drizzle with melted butter and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately as chilled dumplings are not very pleasant. Instead of using dill parsley.

  • Instead of minced pork mixed minced meat or minced beef fillet.
  • For filling, take chopped ox liver.
  • In this case, pour in sour cream and cook in the oven in a clay pot.
  • Use water instead of egg whites.
  • Serve with sour cream or a little vinegar instead of melted butter.
For tart ø 28 cm yeast dough 250 g flour 150 ml milk 10 g yeast salt filling 400 g sour cream about 100 ml sweet cream 2 eggs 4 copies.

Place the chopped pieces of liver in a spacious bowl and pour boiling water over them (so that all the pieces are covered with water). Let it sit for about 5 minutes. This procedure will help the liver remain soft and juicy.

Chopped onions 8 full-bodied tomatoes salt, pepper Knead the dough ingredients and leave covered. You can also prepare the yeast dough in the morning if you want to bake the cake in the evening. The appetite for flour desserts is growing enormously. Swabian cuisine is so rich in these - it doesn't always have to be booklets or steamed noodles, no! Apple jelly Beat the eggs with the white sugar foam, gradually stir in the butter. For 4 people 500g lentils 2 large onions garlic to taste 2 carrots per person 1 pair of string sausages 1 piece smoked belly butter for frying thyme salt, pepper, vinegar 150g two-handed Wheat flour 3 eggs salt Wash and rinse lenses.

Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into half rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

How long to cook beef liver so that it is soft:

Heat a frying pan with half the vegetable oil. Place the liver and fry over high heat on both sides until golden brown crust. Then simmer on low heat under the lid for 3-5 minutes. At the end add salt and pepper.

Which liver is better to cook?

Berglinsen only needs a brief beating, Alb-Leisa is best for the night. Peel the onion, garlic and cut into cubes. I have a panther in the house. Balsamic 250 ml 100 g Cream flour sauce marjoram, salt, pepper Peel the potatoes, cut into evenly thin slices and sauté in a little fat. Cook on a small flame.

Beef liver stroganoff with sour cream - recipe

After half the cooking time add small onion and leave on low heat. For 2-3 people 200 g flour 2 eggs 1 egg yolk 1 good tea. The dough should fall after cracking heavily but still evaporate nicely from the spoon. Milk 2 large eggs 100 g soft butter 1 pinch salt 100ml milk 1 pinch Bourbonville soil 100g raisins 1 egg yolk milk Place the flour in a bowl, press the center of the hood. For 4 people 350 g of liver. 350 g flour 3-4 eggs 1-2 tbsp. Marjoram Salt, pepper, nutmeg 2 large onions 4 eggs Parsley Cut off the liver or cut it into small pieces and mix thoroughly with a stick.

At the same time, in another frying pan vegetable oil sauté the onions and carrots, stirring occasionally, for 5-8 minutes.

In a small bowl, combine sour cream with 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water.

Sugar 100 g Sultanas Cut the yeast head into thin slices and rinse with half the milk. Peel the apples and cut them into thin slices. Beat the remaining milk with cream, sugar and eggs. Pasta 400 g flour 4 eggs 2 tbsp. Bacon cubes 200g spinach For the pasta dough Place the flour in a bowl, form a mold in the middle and chop 2 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks.

Pancake with jam

Starch with abrasive from half a lemon. First, mash all the ingredients together, then spread them onto a floured surface and place them in a well-greased pan. Because today he has to go absolutely, very quickly, there is no picture. Chop the onion and fry a little oil. Add liver and sauté on all sides.

And pour this sour cream over the sautéed vegetables. Add salt and pepper. Mix.

Place the frying pan with sour cream and vegetable sauce on the fire, bring to a boil and add the liver. Turn the liver over in the sauce so that the pieces are completely covered.

Diced ham 2 eggs 2 slices toast 2 tbsp. Milk 2 onions garlic to taste 500 g salt paste, pepper onion and garlic, finely chop and fry. Click on the thawed spinach. Two more of my favorite dishes are made from beef liver. On the one hand, Swabian dumplings, for soaking, liver, onions and bacon soaked in milk, are turned over with a meat grinder and then processed with eggs and spices into a dough. This is used to form dough-sized dumplings, which are then pulled into the broth.

We should not forget about the acid kidneys, which are thinly cut veal or pig carrots, which are cooked in a very dark, slightly sour sauce. It is very important to have fries. In my home town of Schwabisch Gmünd the court was changed before using half a kidney and a liver of a pig, which I liked even better by the contrast between the harder kidney and soft liver. In addition to the beef or pork roasts that are common on Sundays, I am particularly impressed with the veal casserole, which does not excite, but only tastes like an egg melt sauce.

Place on the lowest heat and simmer the beef liver in sour cream for another 5 minutes.

This beef liver, stewed in sour cream, is good on its own, and in company with some kind of side dish (porridge, potatoes), and with vegetable salad.

The only one meat dish which my father produced daily was Swabian fried potatoes, stewed for a long time, very dry, but also very boring and extremely tasty. Or like a feast, the breast of a stuffed calf, in which most of the breast of the calf is filled with stuffing white bread, bacon, onions, wool and spices, and then cooked in the oven until a hard crust forms. Also recommended are Swabian venison dishes, such as the reindeer roulette in juniper cream or the wild boar in sour cream, which every uncle, celebrated every year with a festival of incomparable quality. The same uncle was able to prepare the tattoo so well that he no longer thought about the starting product, namely that trip is a good part of the belly of cattle. In Schwaben you can buy trophy prepared from a butcher so you can save on cleanup and hours of cooking in salt water from vinegar. At home, cut the tripe into strips or thin slices and lightly cook them in sauce or deep fry them. After gallbladder surgery or cholecystectomy, the body needs time to heal.

Friends, now you know how to cook beef liver so that it is soft and juicy. I hope my recipe is step by step photos will give you confidence in the kitchen, and you will certainly try to cook beef liver in sour cream for your loved ones. Or maybe you have your own interesting way How to deliciously cook beef liver with gravy? Write in the comments to the recipe, or in the group 8 in social network in contact with.

After you leave the hospital, your doctor may recommend following a low-fat diet for the first month to help reduce digestion and indigestion. After this, normal supply usually resumes without any restrictions. It is common to experience constipation for several days after surgery. If this happens, taking prune juice or taking another mild laxative may help promote regularity, recommends Medical Center University of Maryland.

Fat digestion after surgery

Your bile is located under the liver and acts as a concentrated source of bile salts, which are released into the intestines to help digestion dietary fat. Immediately after gallbladder surgery, you may find it difficult to digest a large number of fat in food. If so, cutting back on your daily fat intake may help you get better. If your doctor prescribes a plan low-fat diet After surgery, you may be advised to avoid fried, fatty and spicy foods as they may irritate the digestive tract.

If you want to get more thick sauce Before frying, you can roll the liver pieces in flour. Or simply add 1 teaspoon of flour to the sour cream before diluting it with boiling water. The main thing is to mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

1. Wash the liver well under running cool water, then transfer it to a bowl of boiling water, literally for a minute. Then fill it with cold water.

2. Peel off the film and cut into strips 0.7 - 1 cm wide.

3. Pour into the frying pan sunflower oil, put on medium heat When the oil is hot, add the chopped liver.

4. Stir the contents of the pan constantly for several minutes until all the liquid has evaporated.

5. Chop the dill with a knife and cut the onion into half rings. Add to the liver.

6. Add spices: nutmeg, paprika, ground coriander.

7. Fry beef liver with onions for 5-7 minutes. Add 1⁄2 cup boiled water, wait for it to boil. Then cover with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer for 10 - 15 minutes.

8. Mix sour cream with salt and black pepper, put in a frying pan, mix well.

9. Pour the remaining water into the flour, mix so that there are no lumps. Pour the contents of the glass into the liver with sour cream and onions. Stir. Simmer until the sauce thickens. After cooking, let the dish sit for 10-15 minutes.

Beef liver in sour cream and onions is ready.

10. Serve with any side dish, fresh vegetable salad or just pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.