The most dangerous food in the world. Dangerous food

and even kill a person.

There are some products of animal and plant origin that, like poison, will poison the body instantly.

The following list includes the world's most dangerous foods.

However, the right tips for preparing it will help you avoid tragedy and turn food from a potential killer into delicacies that will amaze you with their unusual taste.

Dangerous food

1. Puffer fish (Japan)

Fugu fish rightfully bears the title of one of the most dangerous delicacies in the world, although it is considered the national dish of Japanese cuisine.

No one can give a 100 percent guarantee that you can survive after such a dinner. It is very important that the chef who prepares fugu is a true, proven professional in his field.

Fugu fish can be eaten:

Fried, boiled, raw (sashimi). It is also common to eat fugu with rice vodka, as well as with miso, a product of traditional Japanese cuisine.


Eat the liver and other internal organs of puffer fish, as they contain a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin. This poison paralyzes a person's muscles and leads to respiratory arrest.


Between 1996 and 2006 There were 44 deaths reported after eating puffer fish.

The most dangerous food

2. African burrowing frog or bullfrog (Namibia)

In a number of African countries, in particular Namibia, the entire burrowing frog is eaten, not just its legs. This is where the main danger lies.

Eating such a frog before the breeding season begins means risking your own health.


There is such a whole frog. It contains a number of dangerous toxic substances that can kill a person.


Young individuals that have not yet begun to reproduce are the most deadly. Eating them can cause death in humans from kidney failure.

Food is a killer

3. Aki (Jamaica)

Ackee or Bligia savory is a tree widely grown in the Caribbean, particularly in Jamaica.

Unripe ackee fruits, as well as the black seeds contained inside, pose a danger.

Can be eaten:

Only ripe fruit and no seeds.


Eat unripe fruits. They contain the toxin hypoglycin A and B. Once in the human body, this substance turns into a deadly poison, which causes the so-called Jamaican vomiting disease.

There are cases where this disease led to severe dehydration and even death.


In 2011, 35 cases of poisoning with this exotic fruit were recorded.

Approximately 1 in 1,000 people who try ackee put their body at risk of being poisoned.

Dangerous food

4. Sannakji (Korea)

Sannakji is a traditional Korean dish. Live octopus is doused in sesame oil and then sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Since the octopus is served alive, it still writhes on the plate and moves its tentacles. Small suckers on these tentacles cling to everything they can in a person's mouth, and therefore can lead to death from suffocation.

The most important rule when eating this dish is to chew it thoroughly.

Statistics: every year about 6 people die from suffocation as a result of such an unsuccessful dinner.

Dangerous food in the world

5. Blood clams (China)

Blood clams are a very popular dish in Asian countries, particularly China. They got their name because of their bright red color.

This color is due to the presence of a large amount of hemoglobin inside.

The shellfish are boiled or steamed.

The danger of eating them is that these shellfish contain various viruses and bacteria.

Hepatitis A, E, typhoid fever, dysentery - this is just an incomplete list of diseases that can result from eating contaminated shellfish.

It is precisely because of the risk of a number of diseases that the import of such a product is prohibited in many countries.


In 1988, about 300 thousand people were infected with contaminated shellfish. A real epidemic of hepatitis A began in Shanghai.

The outbreak resulted in 31 deaths.

About 15 percent of those who eat blood clams become infected with one of the above diseases.

6. Hakarl (Iceland)

Hakarl is a national dish that is very popular in Iceland. This dried Greenland shark meat is in demand both among Icelanders themselves and among numerous tourists.

In its raw form it is very dangerous. The thing is that polar shark meat contains a large amount of urea, which makes it poisonous.

The shark does not have kidneys or a urethra, which is why toxic substances are released into the skin.

To avoid poisoning, the shark carcass is cut into pieces and dried for 6 months. The carcasses are first placed in special containers with holes into which poisonous juices flow.

Rotten cheese

7. Casu Marzu (Italy)

Casu Marzu is a type of cheese produced in Italy (Sardinia region).

Known for containing live cheese fly larvae, which cause fermentation of the product. It’s not for nothing that this rotten cheese is considered the “most dangerous” cheese in the world.

The larvae can pass through the intestinal wall, thereby causing a number of serious diseases.

8. Jellyfish Nomura (Japan)

All toxic substances must be removed. The glands of this jellyfish contain real poison that can kill a person.

However, properly processed and prepared jellyfish do not pose any danger.

The Japanese serve jellyfish dishes as a very valuable delicacy.

9. Pangium edible (Southeast Asia)

Pangium edible is also known as the "disgusting" fruit.

Contains a high amount of cyanide, making it deadly to humans.

The fruit can be consumed only after it has been thoroughly peeled and processed.

10. Fesikh (Egypt)

Fesikh can be enjoyed on the day of the spring festival in Egypt (Sham el-Nessin).

The fish is dried under the sun and kept in salt for a whole year, after which it is ready to eat.

But this is not a guarantee that you will remain alive after tasting it.

Every year, dozens of Egyptians are hospitalized with severe poisoning. For example, in 2015, 6 people were hospitalized with severe poisoning after eating this fish.

Statistics for 2009-2010 are even more sad: there are at least four known cases of poisoning that ended in death.

11. Cassava or edible cassava (South America)

Cassava is eaten boiled, fried, steamed or grilled.

In its raw form, edible cassava contains a high concentration of linamarin, which, when converted to cyanide, can kill a person.

Deaths are regularly recorded after eating such a plant.

So, in 2005, 27 Filipino schoolchildren died after eating a snack that included this product.

12. Monkey Brains (Asia)

Monkey brains are eaten mainly in Asian countries. This delicacy is very popular among tourists.

They can be consumed raw, baked and boiled.

However, you should be careful with this dish. After all, it can cause a serious illness, the so-called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which affects the cerebral cortex.

This disease can cause death in the infected person.

The harm of absinthe

As a rule, liquids are more dangerous than food.

Absinthe, which is made from the juice of sweet fennel or anise, contains the toxic substance thujone.

By and large, thujone is a natural hallucinogenic and psychotropic drug. If addictive, it leads to mental disorders, tuberculosis and even epilepsy.

Those addicted to this substance may also experience suicidal tendencies.

14. Elderberry (worldwide)

Berries should be consumed when ripe, carefully cooked, and cleared of seeds, twigs and leaves.

It is these parts of the berry that contain a substance dangerous to humans – cyanide.

Surely everyone knows that this substance can be considered a severe poison for the human body.

Failure to follow the rules for processing berries can lead to bouts of diarrhea, as well as other more serious diseases.

15. Raw cashew nuts

Remember: never eat cashew nuts raw! You can eat them ONLY fried.

As a rule, the “raw” nuts that we see in the supermarket have already been steamed to rid the product of chemically harmful substances.

Raw cashew nuts contain urushiol, a poisonous substance that can kill humans. There are cases where poisoning with this substance caused the death of a person.

16. Rhubarb leaves (worldwide)

Rhubarb root contains oxalic acid, which has a negative effect on our kidneys.

Symptoms of poisoning are as follows:

nausea, breathing problems, diarrhea, eye pain, burning in the mouth and throat, red urine.

There are several known cases where rhubarb root poisoning resulted in death.

17. Carambola (worldwide)

If you have problems with kidney function, then just 100 grams of the juice of this fruit can become real poison.

For those whose kidneys function normally and filter harmful substances (neurotoxins), this fruit does not pose a danger and can be safely eaten.

No one will deliberately eat strychnine, rat poison or toadstools. Because everyone knows that these are deadly poisons and is afraid of them. However, people often consume foods that can kill them. What is the most dangerous food in the world, and how does it end up on the dinner table?


Fugu is the most dangerous food in the world. This is a Japanese dish. It is prepared from the fish of the brown rockfish and other representatives of the pufferfish family. Their skin, gall bladder, liver and caviar contain the deadly poison tetrodotoxin, which is 500 times stronger than potassium cyanide. Just 1 gram of poison can kill 500 adults. There is no antidote to tetrodotoxin.

Only chefs who have received a special license have the right to cook fugu. Before taking the exams, they spend a whole year learning how to prepare this dish correctly. One mistake and the visitor will never leave the restaurant. First, his lips and tongue will become numb, then he will feel dizzy, weak and nauseous, then all the muscles of his body will lose sensitivity, and the person will turn into a zombie. He will see, hear and understand that he is dying, but will not be able to move his arm or leg.

Every year, 10-50 cases of fugu poisoning are recorded. In the old days, if fugu was poisoned, the cook who prepared the dish was obliged to eat it himself or commit ritual suicide.

Despite the risk of poisoning, fugu is a very popular dish in Japan. Restaurant visitors love to tickle their nerves with a dish that costs from $100 to $500 per serving. At the same time, up to 40 cases of fatal poisoning are recorded annually after eating fugu. Doctors can only help by artificially supporting the respiratory and circulatory system until the effect of the poison is neutralized by the liver. Even if rescued, the body remains sick, since the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and heart is disrupted.

Casa marza is prepared on the island of Sardinia in Italy. It is also called wormy or rotten cheese. And this is not an allegory. The cheese is indeed contaminated with live cheese fly larvae. Manufacturers advise closing your eyes while eating, because the larva can jump out of the cheese and damage your eye...

"Ugh! That's disgusting!" – many will say. But worm cheese has many gourmet fans in the world who love it for its unusual pungent taste and pungent smell. This is a treat for them.

It is prepared simply: the famous Pecorino Sardo variety (a very tasty sheep's milk cheese) is placed outside. Cheese flies immediately flock to it and lay eggs in the cheese, from which larvae emerge after a while. They eat the cheese from the inside, “fertilizing” it with waste - the products of their vital activity. After a couple of months, the kasu marzu, which looks like a viscous porridge, is ready.

Kasu marzu is a deadly food. The most harmless thing that awaits a person who dares to eat wormy cheese is an allergy. Serious consequences include severe poisoning with a fatal outcome and intestinal damage resulting in peritonitis. The fact is that the larvae do not die in the gastric juice, but enter the intestines alive and, trying to get out, drill through it. However, rotten cheese is very popular in its homeland. Italians serve the delicacy for birthdays, weddings and other celebrations. But they only hide it, since wormy cheese is officially prohibited for consumption as a product that is very dangerous to human health and life. You can only buy it on the black market from village shepherds. So, in addition to the larvae, unsanitary cooking conditions are also added. Eat a piece of this dubious delicacy, and a bouquet of diseases will be in your pocket, and your life will be in danger!

This is the name of a Korean dish that is prepared from live octopus. As a result, when the diner puts a piece in his mouth, it wriggles, can crawl from the mouth into the nose through the nasopharynx or stick to the tonsils, resulting in suffocation. To avoid this, each piece must be washed down with plenty of water, that is, washed off...

It must be very disgusting when food comes out of your nose on its own, but how does a poor octopus feel when it is eaten alive? No comments...

Literally translated as “fast food”. It is prepared from semi-finished products that only need to be heated or poured with boiling water. It is already clear that such food is devoid of vitamins and minerals and does not provide any benefit to the body. But that's not so bad. Fast food is very unhealthy for the following reasons:

  • such food contains excess preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers;
  • prepared from genetically modified vegetables;
  • increases the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • fast food is a strong carcinogen, causing cancer;
  • destroys the body's immune system;
  • increases the risk of developing diabetes by 10 times;
  • if consumed regularly, it causes obesity (an American problem).

Fast food includes chips, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, French fries, porridge, noodles, mashed potatoes and instant soups. Scientists have long proven that fast food is the most harmful food! However, it is very popular due to its speed of preparation and low cost. Typically sold in fast food cafes. The menu of McDonald's restaurants includes only fast food.

The composition of any “fast” food includes monosodium glutamate E-621 (see this for yourself by reading the composition of the product on the packaging). It is a toxin that affects the human nervous system. It masks the taste of foods, deceives the brain, creating the illusion of the most delicious and favorite food in the world. But the most interesting thing is that it creates an addiction similar to a drug. That's why we can't go past chips or fries.

It is terrible that such unhealthy food is available to the public, it has taken over the whole world, and hundreds of thousands of people consume it every day, slowly killing their bodies.

Sausage is not the most dangerous product, sausage will not kill you in an hour like fugu, but it is definitely the most harmful food for humans. Pediatricians advise not to give either boiled or smoked sausage to children, calling the product a “meat nightmare.”

Once upon a time, during the times of the USSR, sausage was prepared exclusively from meat. The grade of products depended on the type of meat used in production. The highest grade of sausage was made from beef soaked in cognac, the first grade was a product made from pork-beef or minced pork, the second-grade products were made from minced chicken, and the low-grade ones were made from offal (liver, blood, heart, etc.). According to GOST, 100 kg of “Doctorskaya” at 90 kopecks per kg contained:

  • 70 kg lean pork,
  • 25 kg beef,
  • 3 kg eggs,
  • 2 kg of natural (not powdered!) cow's milk.

Since 1974, it was allowed to add 2% starch to Doktorskaya minced meat.

Today, even premium sausages are not 100% meat. In an effort to reduce the cost of the product as much as possible and get maximum profit, manufacturers put, at best, 10-20 kg of meat per 100 kg of product. Everything else is lard, skin (often unpeeled, along with feathers), cartilage, bones, starch or flour, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives. There is no talk of any eggs or milk.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a component of any type of sausage product as transgenic soybean. It causes mutations in the body at the cellular level, premature aging and cancer. The most recent studies by German scientists have proven that transgenic soybean reduces maternal instinct and provokes aggression towards offspring.

Unsanitary cooking conditions are another bonus for sausage lovers. It's no secret that a rat or mouse can get into huge industrial meat grinders.

Nobody thinks about the health of the consumer. This is why a delicious sausage is a slow-acting poison. With regular use of the product (1-3 times a week), the risk of developing cancer, obesity, diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines increases by 40%.

Only homemade sausage made with your own hands from natural raw materials has the right to be on the table. It comes in meat, liver and blood. Today, supermarkets offer already purified natural intestines and food-grade synthetic ones, which are easy to fill with homemade minced meat. Garlic, black pepper, and cognac are added for taste.

Some foods are considered a priori healthy and many people eat them to “stock up on vitamins for the winter.” However, even seemingly safe tomatoes destroy teeth and are contraindicated for older people. Therefore, foods that are considered healthy, but can also be harmful to health, can be considered the most dangerous food that we eat. In order to maintain health, a person has to not only exercise and give up bad habits, but also carefully monitor what he eats. Doctors, environmentalists and “knife and fork” workers diligently recommend consuming only “healthy” foods and avoiding “harmful and dangerous” ones. However, is what we are recommended safe?

Let's take the ten most common "healthy" products and see what they threaten us with.

1. Green tea. Green tea contains polyphenol oxidase, an antioxidant substance that prevents free radicals from damaging cells and prevents inflammation of blood vessels. Indeed a very useful product. Research has shown that in order for the health benefits of green tea to be noticeable, you need to drink at least 6-10 cups of tea per day. But alas, green tea cannot be called a panacea. Because research from the John Innes Center at the University of Murcia (Spain) has shown that green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for normal fetal development, and therefore increases the risk of birth defects in the newborn if a woman drinks this drink during conception or pregnancy. Moreover, the danger arises if you drink only 2-3 cups of tea per day.

And researchers from the State University of New Jersey found that too much green tea can cause liver and kidney disease. With intensive consumption of an invigorating drink, the amount of polyphenols in the body increases, causing negative changes in the liver. Moreover, the dose at which drinking green tea becomes dangerous is 2 ordinary European cups per day.

2. Fish. Sea fish, which contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which slow down the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of heart attack, has been recommended by doctors to patients for about 20 years, and they recommend eating it at least a couple of times a week. Or, take fish oil capsules. In addition, fish contains a huge amount of useful minerals. In particular, iodine, which affects the reduction of cholesterol, and manganese, which promotes the formation of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. And mercury... Oops... But mercury does not produce any beneficial effect on the human body, and its content in fish, alas, increases from year to year, along with the level of pollution of the world's oceans. And a large study of more than 3,000 men, led by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of East Anglia, found an increased mortality rate in those who took fish oil capsules. Moreover, according to the latest data, scientists are unable to prove the benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, if you have problems with the pancreas, consuming them is simply harmful, and an overdose can lead to serious problems with the adrenal glands.

3. Blueberry and pomegranate. They have high antioxidant properties, protecting the brain and reducing the risk of clogged arteries and atherosclerosis. Red-purple blueberry juice is useful for anemia, cystitis, leukoplakia and as a sedative. Fruit juice prepared from it is taken for fever. However, you need to keep in mind that blueberries growing near wild rosemary thickets can “absorb” and accumulate in a bluish coating the poisonous essential oil of wild rosemary, which causes severe headaches, nausea and vomiting.

Pomegranate juice is recommended to drink for exhaustion, anemia, atherosclerosis, respiratory infections, bronchial asthma and sore throat. However, it is strictly contraindicated for gastric ulcers and gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. You can drink it only diluted with water, otherwise the acids contained in it will not only irritate the stomach, but can also corrode the enamel of the teeth. In addition, it has a fixing property, so it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the digestive system.

4. Olive oil. Olive oil contains all the same antioxidants, the beneficial properties of which were listed above. At the same time, it has the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and protects a person from the threat of atherosclerosis. Cold, extra virgin olive oil is considered the healthiest of all oils, but we should not forget that a tablespoon of both butter and olive oil contains 110 calories, and when consumed in large quantities (it is often recommended to drink at least 100 grams daily this oil) it will easily help you gain extra pounds. In addition, it is not so easy to choose the right olive oil, because it is the first, cold-pressed oil that is useful, but the so-called “orujo”, which is obtained by heating the pomace, should absolutely not be used, since it contains harmful carcinogenic substances such as benzopyrene, from -for which a ban was introduced on low-grade oil "orujo" in Europe.

5. Nuts- walnuts, almonds, cedar, macadamia. These nuts help limit sugar and cholesterol intake, are recommended for heart disease and inflammation, and contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts are also useful for anemia, for example, walnuts, as they contain iron and cobalt compounds. But the same walnut is harmful for cough, bronchitis, ARVI, sore throat, diathesis, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. And it is contraindicated for gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. And excessive consumption of nuts can cause headaches, vomiting or even poisoning. All nuts are high in protein and especially fat, so they are quite high in calories. In addition, nuts are susceptible to fungal diseases, which can lead to the growth of toxic substances harmful to humans, and are also often carriers of the larvae of harmful insects, such as the nylon beetle. And nuts are a strong allergen, so you need to eat them very carefully and little by little, especially for the first time.

6. Whole grain- oats, wheat, barley. They help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve the functioning of blood vessels, and also reduce the likelihood of inflammation. Whole grains contain a high amount of fiber. This grain consists of three main parts - bran, sprouts and endosperm. Processed flour is cleared of bran and sprouts, along with which fiber and other nutritional elements are removed. However, with all the advantages of eating green grains, there are also disadvantages - an excess of plant fibers has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora and is not recommended for people with open stomach ulcers. Some whole grains may be harmful for people with digestive problems because they are difficult to digest and, in older adults, too much fiber can cause gas or stomach upset.

7. Red grapes. Red grapes, thanks to the large amount of antioxidants and polyphenols they contain, help improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin levels, and have a beneficial effect on heart function, preventing the formation of blood clots. In addition, grapes have antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. However, the polyphenols and tannins present in red grapes can cause migraines, from which there is little escape, and contaminants on the skin - yeast and mold, harmful substances from air pollution and pesticide residues - are even more dangerous.

8. Garlic and onion, are thought to carry a number of sulfur-containing compounds that protect against heart disease and some types of cancer. Recent studies have shown that garlic and onions do not reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body, which means they do not prevent cardiovascular disease. But they cause irritation of the mucous membranes, heartburn and scare away with their sharp, characteristic odor. Garlic and onions should never be eaten if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, with acute gastritis or exacerbation of chronic gastritis, or with inflammatory kidney diseases. In addition, it is dangerous to use garlic with aspirin or any other anticoagulant, since it thins the blood.

9. Broccoli- contains substances that help prevent cancer and also strengthens memory. In people with high acidity and pancreatic diseases, it can cause bloating and colic.

10. Tomatoes- Contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, which helps stimulate the immune system and protects against certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer. But besides lycopene, tomatoes are rich in calcium and are strictly contraindicated for both elderly people and those who have problems with osteoporosis and other joint diseases. Since the increased consumption of tomatoes and tomato pastes and sauces leads to the accumulation of calcium and salt deposition in the body and causes the formation of kidney stones, and also contributes to the erosion of tooth enamel. Tomatoes, or rather the acids they contain, are harmful for gallstone disease - because they can cause spasms of the gallbladder.

On August 24, 1853, an employee of the restaurant at the Moon's Lake Lodge hotel in the town of Saratoga Springs (New York) - a mestizo Indian named George Crum - by a stroke of luck prepared potato chips. Legend has it that the catering was visited by none other than himself railroad magnate Vanderbilt, and, oddly enough, ordered the most ordinary fried potatoes. However, the spoiled “oligarch” repeatedly returned the food to the kitchen as not fried enough. Then the cook got angry, cut the potatoes into the thinnest slices, fried them in oil until crisp and served them that way. To his surprise, the client not only did not reject the dish, but was extremely pleased with it. Soon, “Saratoga-style potatoes” were included in the restaurant’s menu, and then, not without the participation of the same Vanderbilt, they began to be produced in take-out packaging. bags.

160 years later, the chips have come a long way from their original, ideal recipe. And today they top not only the list of the most desirable delicacies, but also the rating of the most harmful products. The Weekend project decided to remind us which popular dishes doctors consider the most dangerous for our health - and, most importantly, why.

1. Chips and fries

Popular diets: macrobiotics for microsizeThe Weekend project analyzes in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today on the agenda is Madonna's weight loss system, macrobiotics.

A well-known catchphrase is that “everything pleasant in this world is either illegal, immoral, or leads to obesity.” Potatoes fried in oil do not violate the law and moral boundaries, but, representing a heavy dose of starch and fat, it inevitably leads to weight gain if you include such a culinary “delicacy” in the daily menu.

However, excess weight is a mere trifle in the context of other health problems that the presented dishes are fraught with. And the harm caused by modern chips can hardly be attributed to potatoes - after all, today they are prepared from wheat and corn flour and a mixture of starches, including genetically modified soybeans. Add to this all kinds of “flavors” - bacon, sour cream and cheese, red caviar and even (!) “fried potatoes”. Of course, they are all components from the E line - food flavorings and taste enhancers.

In particular, manufacturers especially love E-621, also known as monosodium glutamate. This toxin, acting on the human nervous system, can “make” even the most indecent food tasty and desirable and, moreover, instill a dependence on it akin to a drug.

French fries can also “inspire” a need that is quite real and not far-fetched. True, it is prepared from real potatoes, only “genetically improved” ones - even, smooth, with large tubers, in order to facilitate the cleaning process. After cutting it into slices, it is doused with steam (hence this effect of a crispy crust with a soft core, practically unattainable at home), frozen and sent in this semi-finished form to fast food chains. There, the slices are fried in oil, or rather a mixture of deep-frying oils, which includes a combined “cocktail” of fats, including palm and coconut oil. This mixture costs a lot, but once poured, it can be used for up to 7 days without going rancid. During this time, acrolein, acrylamide, glycidamide are formed in it - fat breakdown products and strong carcinogens, that is, substances that cause the appearance of cancerous tumors. By the way, one serving of French fries, with its comparatively low nutritional value for fast food of 273 kcal per 100 grams (that is, approximately 340-390 kcal per “standard” serving), contains about 30 grams of this “reusable” fat. It would seem, what is 30 grams? To visualize this amount, imagine: one tablespoon contains approximately 15 grams of oil, so it’s as if we are sipping delicious crispy potatoes with a couple of spoons of oil with carcinogens. The average rate of fat consumption per day is 90-100 grams, and they, like other nutrients, are contained in one dosage or another in almost all food products.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - and not because, eating chips and French fries, you will soon not be able to button up your favorite jeans. Increased cholesterol, plaques in blood vessels, atherosclerosis, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, degenerative changes in the liver, deterioration of sexual function in men and, most importantly, the development of cancerous tumors, and not only in the gastrointestinal tract - all these consequences of adherence to fast food have already been observed by scientists in the USA almost 70 years old.

In Russia, the fast food industry flourished a little more than 20 years ago, in the post-perestroika era. Today, both the “shortage” and the “dashing 90s” are already behind us - alas, family holidays are still accompanied by a trip to a fast food restaurant, and an evening relaxation watching a movie involves a bag of chips under your arm.

AFP/Paul J. Richards

2. Burgers and hot dogs

The side effects described above can also be attributed to “quick” sandwiches, but here, in addition to frying in oil, the situation is complicated by the “meat component”. To ensure that there is enough protein for everyone who wants a quick and satisfying snack, cows, pigs and fish are bred on an industrial scale and using industrial methods, using special feed (sometimes with anabolic steroids) for rapid weight gain. By the way, thanks to such meat and fish, which are included in our menu, we become extremely resistant to the action of antibiotics when they are really needed, that is, when we are sick. Against this background, the high calorie content of the dish and the same cholesterol seem like nothing at all.

Further - more, to the very dubious protein they add the ubiquitous soy, glutamate and a whole range of E-components: preservatives (so that the cutlet can retain its presentation for years), stabilizers and synthetic dyes. These additives irritate our digestive system, dull the feeling of fullness, and force us to eat more and more often. The stomach stretches, and without help from “E-shek” it begins to demand that the banquet be continued.

It would seem - a bun, a cutlet, a leaf of lettuce, well, cheese, well, mayonnaise. But, you must admit, a burger made from homemade products is not at all similar in taste to its “restaurant” counterpart. After all, in our kitchen arsenal, fortunately, we do not have the same nutritional additives that are stuffed into minced meat in mass production. And it is they who make us return to the food outlet again and again, suggesting that at home it is not so tasty.

3. Sausage range and canned food

The described “meat nightmares” would also be true for sausages if only natural meat were used in their production. However, it is also worth adding here the dangers of hidden fat - after all, even the most natural sausage product consists mainly of pork skins and lard. Skin, cartilage, offal and meat residues, plus 25-30% transgenic soybeans and, of course, preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants, food colors, flavors - this is the approximate composition of any sausages, regardless of the variety and brand of the manufacturer.

Canned food is, in fact, a dead product that has retained its relative nutritional suitability solely thanks to the “solution” of “E-shek”, acetic acid, sugar and, of course, a huge amount of salt (with a human need of 6-10 grams of sodium -chlorine per day, only 100 grams of canned food contains an average of 15 grams of salt).

RIA Novosti/Anton Denisov

4. Instant noodles and purees

Beef, chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, plus practically spaghetti with almost a sauce - this is how the producers of miracle food from bags offer royal lunch, dinner and breakfast. And this is exactly the case with “free cheese”. Of course, it would be very convenient to pour boiling water over the contents of a plastic cup for 3-5 minutes - and voila! - get actually Italian pasta, fettuccine or risotto. In fact, we will get a hot (for faster absorption) “mix” of all possible food additives and absolutely zero benefits.

With the systematic use of such “compound feeds” the system in the body collapses - it seemed like he received food and calories, but they contained too few substances that he really needed for normal functioning. Deprived of nutrition, it soon sends SOS signals to the brain, and we again feel like we want to eat.

Here it would be useful to remind you under what codes on the product packaging these or those manufacturers’ assistants are hidden: preservatives(can cause cancer, kidney stones, liver destruction, food allergies, intestinal disorders, oxygen starvation, blood pressure disorders) - E from 200 to 290 and E 1125, stabilizers and thickeners (cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver) - E 249-252, E 400-476, E 575-585 and E 1404-1450, emulsifiers(cancer, stomach upset) - E 322-442, E 470-495, antioxidants(liver and kidney diseases, allergic reactions) - E300-312 and E320-321, food colorings (cancer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, nervous disorders and allergic reactions) - E 100-180, E 579, E 585, flavor enhancers(nervous disorders, brain damage) - E 620-637.

In fairness, it is worth noting: there is a modest list of additives that are considered harmless and even beneficial to health - it can be easily found on the Internet if desired.

These “magic” sauces, which traditionally accompany most fast food dishes, can turn even the healthiest food into poison. Ketchup, in addition to stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives, contains chemical dyes and consists of almost a fifth of sugar. Such dressing perfectly hides the natural taste of even the most unappetizing, or even simply spoiled, dishes - it’s not without reason that they say that “with ketchup you can eat everything.”

Mayonnaise is a carrier of so-called trans fats - isomers of fatty acids that can deceive our body by being integrated into cell biomembranes instead of natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Transconfigurations lead to oncogenesis, atherosclerosis, increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and, to put it mildly, worsen immunity - they interfere with the work of enzymes that guard our body. An additional danger comes from plastic packaging, where mayonnaise is often poured in order to save money - the vinegar contained in the sauce has a superpower to suck out carcinogenic substances from it. Guess where they end up.

6. Chocolate bars, candies and gummies

Without the danger of developing diabetes, oncology, obesity, osteoporosis, dental problems and allergic reactions, a person can eat a maximum of 50 grams of sugar per day. This highest limit of the norm is approximately 10 teaspoons, but do not forget that in addition to the “pure” sugar that we put in tea or coffee, glucose and sucrose await us, say, in the same ketchup. Or in yogurt. You never know where: it’s worth reading the composition of familiar products, the subheading in the “carbohydrates” column - and it will become obvious how much we exceed the norm allowed by WHO (World Health Organization), even without auxiliary materials in the form of chocolates, caramels and cakes (by the way, the latter - another ideal carrier of trans fats, along with mayonnaise).

These products have the highest glycemic indexes, meaning the sugar from them is absorbed almost instantly. However, they do not contain any useful substances - unlike such glycemic leaders as honey and dried fruits. Moreover, bright candies, glazed candies and chewing gummies with all sorts of flavors can hardly be called “food” at all - they are rather a mixture of sweeteners and sweeteners, stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents, emulsifiers, antioxidants and food colorings.

7. Sweet sodas and juices

Popular diets: losing weight by blood typeThe Weekend project analyzes in detail the 10 most popular diets - with all the pros, cons and sobering comments from a nutritionist. Today on the agenda is the legendary nutrition according to blood types.

Speaking of the daily sugar consumption rate, one liter of cola contains approximately 112 grams of sugar and about 420 calories (despite the fact that the daily consumption rate for most people is 2000-2500 kcal). Let's add to this caffeine, dyes and orthophosphoric acid, which “washes out” calcium from the body, plus carbon dioxide, which allows us to distribute harmful components throughout the body even faster.

Sodas in the “light” version are considered more preferable, as they are not harmful to the figure. However, while zero calories, they contain sweeteners - mainly aspartame, which breaks down into formaldehyde (a class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine (toxic when combined with other proteins).

It is poorly washed off with saliva, irritates the oral mucosa and provokes thirst again and again - in order to get rid of the cloying aftertaste. And the harmlessness to the figure is very doubtful - soda promotes the formation of cellulite, and in the long term for lovers of light drinks it means metabolic disorders.

But if, in general, no one has any illusions with soda, then for some reason, with regard to “boxed” juices, there is a very strong belief not only about their harmlessness, but even about their health benefits. However, with the exception of carbon dioxide, their composition is almost identical to that of sweet sodas. One glass of orange juice from a carton contains approximately six teaspoons of sugar, and one glass of apple juice contains approximately seven. Undoubtedly, apples and oranges themselves contain sugar, but not only that - vitamins and dietary fiber become a pleasant bonus, and glucose is no longer absorbed into the blood with such lightning speed. Packaged juices do not have such advantages - they are reconstituted from concentrate and are enviably durable, they can vary in cost depending on the “promotion” of the brand, but remain just as harmful to health.

8. Popcorn

Corn itself does not pose any health hazard - yes, it is a carbohydrate, yes, it contains starches, and the calorie content for plant foods is considerable - about 330 kcal per 100 grams of product. But it contains fiber and a lot of other useful substances - vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

In a word, imagine popcorn as just fried corn kernels - it will not be included in the ranking of the most harmful products. But everything changes when they arrive - butter, salt, sugar, caramelizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings. By the way, the dose of salt in classic salted popcorn is so high that no chips could even dream of it - and this is fraught, at a minimum, with increased blood pressure and impaired kidney function. Well, thanks to various additives, the nutritional value of popcorn increases to an average of 500 kcal per 100 grams.

9. Alcohol

Degenerative disorders in the cerebral cortex, liver destruction, oncology, genetic mutations - it would seem that everyone is well aware of the dangers of alcohol for the human body. People who drink live, on average, 10-15 years less, and the quality of this life is very low - in addition to the above-mentioned health problems, they are plagued by mental disorders and depressive states. 1/3 of all suicides (and, by the way, 50% of accidents) occur while intoxicated.

Even in very small doses, alcohol interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, it is very high in calories in itself - 7 kcal per 1 gram (for comparison, the nutritional value of pure proteins and carbohydrates is 4 kcal per 1 gram). And the main danger is that the border between “use” and addiction is very fragile, it is easy to cross it without even noticing it.

“Light” cakes, curd desserts, yoghurts and mayonnaise only seem to be a friend and assistant to people watching their figure and cholesterol. In fact, the very decrease in fat content in the product is more than compensated by an increase in the proportion of carbohydrates - starches, sugars and sweeteners, the dangers of which we have already discussed.

Thus, a passion for foods in the “light” version actually contributes to obesity - the food additives in them slow down metabolic processes, or even lead to “carbohydrate crashes”, when the body, which is preparing to break down glucose, suddenly discovers that some kind of cyclamate has been slipped into it or aspartame. The psychological aspect also plays an important role here - since the product is “light”, it means that you can eat 2-3 times more of it without remorse (and without feeling full).

Another negative side of the passion for exclusively low-fat products is vitamin deficiency, because some vital vitamins (A, D, E and K) are fat-soluble. Calcium from low-fat dairy products is also not absorbed.

Food has long been turned into weapons. And the officials who authorize their sale in Russia have long been bought or recruited. So we ourselves need to take care not to be poisoned by some nasty thing in a beautiful package...

Be careful - food! List of deadly foods

In February 2010, the occupation authorities canceled mandatory certification of food products under the pretext of its uselessness. However, they started poisoning people earlier. Right from the liberalization of prices in October 1991. Mandatory certification of food products was introduced in 1993, because fake turned out to be up to 90% of all goods, pouring onto the shelves. Now the process of increasing the share of harmful products has reached its climax. The occupation power religiously carries out Thatcher’s order: to reduce the population of Russia to 15 million. According to Rospotrebnadzor, about 50% goods sold in the Russian Federation do not meet safety and quality standards. According to Rostest, such goods are about 60-80% .

The information is more for those who still live in cities and adhere to a regular diet. The article shows all the products that absolutely not possible use! These products are not only harmful, but dangerous for good health!

Monosodium glutamate E-621

You should not eat foods with the additive E-326 (monosodium glutamate). You take the packaging of the product in the store and read it. If monosodium glutamate is indicated, don't buy her at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Nowadays it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to “get the population hooked” on them. Be careful! It is better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc. But glutamate is under no circumstances - just you will die.

White rice, polished

B e ri-b e ri [emphasis on both eE.L.]. This disease was so widespread in eastern countries until the beginning of the 20th century that it was considered one of the main diseases in the world. In patients who are ill, the nervous system is damaged, which leads to weakness, loss of appetite, increased excitability and paralysis with a very high probability of death. Japanese sailors often suffered from beri-beri. Only in 1884 did the Japanese nutritionist T. Takaki notice that the disease could be avoided if the diet of sailors was made more varied and vegetables were included in it. In the 1890s, the Dutch physician H. Eijkman discovered that the disease occurs when consumed as a staple food. polished rice, and that a similar disease, polyneuritis, can be caused in chickens if they are fed only polished rice. Polished rice is produced by removing the outer husks of rice grains. It turned out that the shells going into waste have a healing effect. After much effort, scientists were able to isolate a crystalline substance that contained sulfur in small quantities from yeast and rice shells. This substance is a vitamin IN 1, or thiamine, prevented and cured beriberi, and its absence in polished rice was the cause of the disease. Thiamine was studied chemically and synthesized in 1937. Currently, synthetic thiamine is added to polished rice and white flour.


All sugar substitutes have a strong choleretic effect. In people with bile duct diseases, sugar substitutes can aggravate the disease. And few people take the sugar substitute seriously in carbonated drinks. And in vain. Boys drink liters of soda, and as a result, they pay for water with “zero calories” prostate.

Acesulfame – E950. He's the same Sweet One. In 1974, in the United States, it was recognized by doctors as a slow-acting poison and a substance that can accelerate the development of malignant tumors.

Aspartame – E951. Commercial names: sweetley, slastilin, sucrazide, nutrisvit. In 1985, the chemical instability of aspartame was discovered: at a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius in carbonated water, it decomposed into formaldehyde (a class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine.

Cyclamate – E952(tsukli). Since 1969, it has been banned in the USA, France, Great Britain and a number of other countries due to the suspicion that this sweetener causes kidney failure. In the countries of the former USSR it is most common due to its low price.

Saccharin – E954. Nicknames: Sweet'n'Low, Sprinkle Sweet, Twin, Sweet 10. Permitted in most countries, but doctors do not recommend using it in cases where a person does not have diabetes. Suspicions that saccharin affects the exacerbation of gallstone disease have not yet been completely removed.

Xylitol – E967. Sorbitol – E420. In large doses (more than 30 grams at a time) it causes stomach upset.

Trans fats

Trans fats are a specific type of unsaturated fats obtained artificially. As a result of the hydrogenation process, liquid vegetable oils are converted into solid vegetable fats - margarines, cooking fats. Hydrogenated fats have a distorted molecular structure that is not typical for natural compounds. By integrating into the cells of our body, trans fats disrupt cellular metabolism. Hydrogenated fats interfere with the proper nutrition of cells and contribute to the accumulation of toxins, which causes diseases.

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten under any circumstances. This is trans fat - low-grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen. Oil less than 82.5% can not be. If you can’t find such oil, then it’s better to eat vegetable oil. It's better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or kilogram of trans fats. According to the UCS-INFO 447 report dated July 15, 1999, scientific research has established the following negative consequences of eating trans fats:

  • Deterioration in the quality of milk in nursing mothers, while trans fats are passed into the mother’s milk when feeding the baby.
  • The birth of children with pathologically low weight.
  • Increased risk of developing diabetes.
  • Disruption of prostaglandins, which negatively affects the condition of joints and connective tissue.
  • Disruption of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase, which plays a key role in the neutralization of chemicals and carcinogens.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone and deterioration in sperm quality.
  • Violation of cellular metabolism is fraught with diseases such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, obesity, and visual impairment.

Eating foods containing trans fats reduces the body's ability to withstand stress and increases the risk of depression. Foods containing trans fats:

  • margarine;
  • spreads, soft oils, mixes of butter and vegetable oils;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchup;
  • fast food products - French fries, etc., for the preparation of which hydrogenated fats were used;
  • confectionery products – cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, etc., for the production of which cooking oil was used;
  • snacks – chips, popcorn, etc.
  • frozen semi-finished products.

Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging

Lightly salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is without oil, it means it has added urotropin. All over the world, methenamine is recognized as a very dangerous additive and prohibited. Hexamine contains ammonia and formaldehyde.

Lightly salted caviar

The principle is the same. Caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or highly salted. If it is sold lightly salted, it means that either methenamine or citric acid has been added to it. Something else may be added, but the output will still be formaldehyde.

Knownly genetically engineered products

  • Crab sticks. (Crab essence mixed with soy).
  • Cocoa.
  • Peanut. The petunia gene is implanted. A terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.
  • Imported potatoes.
  • Green peas (canned).
  • Corn (canned).
  • Corn sticks and cereal with sugar.

If you buy corn flakes or sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomate.

  • Porridges and cereals with flavors and dyes identical to natural ones. These are chemicals that have a smell - the taste of pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

Lollipops. Barberry

Nowadays, such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wet candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what is happening to your stomach.

Jams. Marmalade

The most powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to preserve cherries in such pristine form. Today's marmalade has nothing in common with what happened under the USSR. These are simply miracles of the chemical industry. Deadly.

Fried potatoes in fast foods and ready-made in stores

Nowadays, antioxidants are used such that potatoes last a year and do not turn black. Everything related to fast food. Shawarmas, pies and even salads at McDonald's.

Fast food products

Instant products: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, bouillon cubes, instant juices such as “Yupi” and “Zuko”. All this pure chemistry, causing harm to the body.

All sausages. Ham. Shinka. Raw smoked sausages and more...

They are made from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausage, pates and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, and pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives. Nothing about naturalness in this case there is no question at all. Take a thin neck and a kilogram of gel. Overnight, in a special machine, the gel is “loose” together with a piece of the neck, and by the morning you get a huge piece of “meat”. As such there is no more meat in it 5% . Everything else is gel (karatinine, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color of this “meat” is given by color enhancers together with special lamps. If you turn off the lights in the display case, you will see that the color is green such. Nobody smokes like before. Smoking liquids are used, which, again, contain formaldehyde.

Dairy products with a long shelf life (more than 2 months). Anything stored for more than 2 weeks cannot be consumed. Aseptic packaging is packaging with antibiotic.


If you got carried away 10 times, then on the 11th you may not get carried away. Watermelon is fertilized with such substances that it is a prime candidate for poisoning.

Grapes that don't spoil

The grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. They haven’t yet managed to remove it from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if some kind of shoo-mouse is sold there and sits for more than 5 days, you should know that it has been treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product.

Any yeast bread

When you eat yeast bread, you are eating mushrooms. Preference should be given to rye bread. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, is confidently included in the top harmful food products. A “sliced ​​loaf” is not a full-fledged bread. This is a “bread”, with all that it implies.

Store-bought mushrooms

Cell poisons (cytotoxins). The most dangerous poisons contained in mushrooms - amanitins (amatoxins) - are found in toadstool, white toadstool and poisonous cap. These are complex substances whose effect is to inhibit the formation of RNA in cells that controls protein synthesis, which leads to liver dysfunction and then death. Symptoms of such poisoning: – abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with blood and mucus.

Dried apricots, prunes, raisins

If you see beautiful dried apricots or raisins, pass by. Think about what needs to be done with it in order to preserve the apricot as if it had just come from the tree. The dried apricots should be ugly and wrinkled.

Ice cream

Especially in specialized establishments like Baskin Robins. Or foreign ice cream. Nowadays it is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real milk ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Fruit ice creams are naked essences, there is nothing natural in them.

Cupcakes in packages

Rolls. They do not become stale, do not spoil, do not dry out, nothing is done to them at all. They will lie there for a month. And in a month they will be the same.


90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all(substitute dyes). Chocolate bars. This is a huge amount of calories, combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavors. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

Chicken corpses, grilled chicken

Men in particular should not eat chicken at all. Because chickens are all on hormones. The chicken receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later. Chicken is now the most commercial product!

Processed cheese

Instant coffee

Absolutely not! There is a complete degeneration of hormonal glands. Coffee has about 1000 substances, and 900 of them, except for coffee, are not found anywhere, and out of a hundred known substances, 75 are frankly poisonous, and only 25 are neutral.

Overseas teas, flavored teas and many of our

Drink natural tea, in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas contain either citric acid, orange acid, or some other acid. The addiction occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

Refined deodorized vegetable oil

This oil should not be used raw in salads. Oil produced by factories for production is obviously not a product intended for consumption. Oils in particular do not provide any benefit to the digestive system, drowning out its work, blocking all digestive processes with a fatty substance.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They contain a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs. In addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

Sweet carbonated drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases to quickly distribute harmful substances throughout the body. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before putting such liquid into your stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful due to their high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such soda, within five minutes you are already thirsty again.

Juices in bags

We are not talking about any natural juices in this case. NO natural juices sold in packages. NO! Don't you dare give them to children! This is pure chemistry.

Strawberries in winter

Absolutely useless product. There is not a single “lousy” vitamin there.

This is an approximate list of products from which you need refuse completely! We are not talking about unhealthy products, but about deadly.