Preparing potato casserole with meat. Cooking potato casserole with meat in the oven. Potato casserole with cheese

There are many potato lovers among us. This unique vegetable is tasty and good both fried and boiled. But baked potatoes are even tastier and juicier.

Potato casserole with meat under a delicious cheese crust will please everyone without exception. A simple but very tasty dinner is on our menu today.

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • pork (pulp) – 400 g;
  • onion – 2 onions;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 100 ml;
  • salt, ground black pepper, thyme.

How to deliciously cook potato and meat casserole:

Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut into thin slices. This can be done quickly and easily with a grater, but you can also use a knife. Fill with water to prevent the vegetable from darkening.

Cut the meat into small thin pieces. Any part of a pork carcass is suitable for casserole. If possible, use fresh meat for cooking; this will have a positive effect on the taste of the finished dish. If you don’t have meat, you can cook it, it’s also tasty and satisfying!

Peel the onion and cut into thin rings or half rings.

Place 1/3 of the potatoes in an even layer in a baking container and season with salt.

Cover with a mayonnaise mesh, place half the meat on top, salt and pepper, add dried thyme and sprinkle with half the onion.

Repeat the layers again in the following order: potatoes - mayonnaise - meat - onions - potatoes, not forgetting to add salt and pepper.

Sprinkle the top layer with grated cheese and cover with mayonnaise. At high temperatures, the cheese will melt and the casserole will be covered with a delicious golden brown crust.

Cover the container with foil.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place a container with potatoes in it and bake for 50 minutes in the “warm from above and below” mode.
Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.
Carefully remove the finished casserole from the oven and let cool slightly.

Carefully cut, place on serving plates and serve. Our potato and meat casserole is ready, you can help yourself!

Cooked by Olga Bar, bon appetit!

Preparing this treat is not difficult; moreover, it allows you to realize a lot of creative ideas! Recipes for casseroles with meat are amazingly diverse: you can come up with hundreds of unique varieties! Using various ingredients, culinary specialists strive to create new flavors and sensations. You can bake any meat: be it pork, rabbit, beef or chicken - every time the cook will receive a completely original dish.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Weight watchers can choose the “easiest” option to deny themselves the pleasure of tasting the treat. In addition, potatoes and other vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, butter, and many different spices and herbs would be appropriate. Fans of spicy food willingly add garlic and use hot sauces, creating a spicy, fiery taste. Spicy greens give a pleasant aroma, awakening the appetite. Soon a ruddy and juicy creation will emerge from the oven, which everyone will appreciate! Regardless of the type of minced meat, the dinner will be incredibly satisfying, delighting those sitting at the table.

Potato casserole with meat is a good option to diversify your daily menu and please your family with a tasty and satisfying dish. If you are expecting guests, have prepared salads and appetizers, but still haven’t decided on a side dish, then a casserole will come in handy more than ever.

Cooking secrets

  • Combine meats. Minced meat can be made from chicken, pork, beef, rabbit, nutria, turkey, etc. Combine them with each other and get an unusual taste. You can also cut into pieces or beat into thin slices.
  • How to fry. Fry the minced meat or pieces separately from the onion. And only when both ingredients are almost ready, combine in one pan. When cooked together, the onions simply stew and give off an unpleasant taste and smell.
  • How to cook meat casserole quickly. Place pre-prepared foods into a mold or baking sheet. Raw ones take longer to cook. The thinner the casserole layer, the less time it will take to cook.
  • Uncooked casserole mistakes. When using raw potatoes and (or) minced meat, the products require a liquid in which to stew them. This is either the juice of vegetables - tomatoes, onions, etc., or a sauce - made from cream (milk) and eggs, as a variant of sour cream or mayonnaise with water.

Recipes for potato and meat casserole in the oven

Classic recipe with photo

Potato casserole with meat in the oven, served hot. It tastes much better this way. The calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 215 kcal. This figure may have an error depending on the type of cheese, fat content of sour cream or mayonnaise.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • minced pork and beef - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 medium;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 100-150 ml;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking recipe

  1. Add egg, salt and spices to the minced meat. Stir.
  2. Place the potatoes, cut into thin circles, on the greased bottom of the pan.
  3. Pour in the sauce: mix 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream with three tablespoons of boiled water. Add salt and pepper. This way the potatoes will cook faster and will be soft.
  4. Arrange the onion, cut into half rings. Spread the minced meat on top.
  5. Cut the tomato into slices and place.
  6. Make a mayonnaise or sour cream mesh and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  7. Cooking time in the oven is 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

With chicken, vegetables and processed cheese

You will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • minced chicken - 500 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 medium;
  • processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. Make mashed potatoes without water or milk. Beat in the eggs and mix.
  2. Sauté finely chopped onion and grated carrots until soft.
  3. Also fry the prepared minced meat or finely chopped meat.
  4. Place parchment paper or grease with butter in a wide pan or baking sheet.
  5. Add half of the puree. Then vegetables, minced meat and the remaining potatoes. Place slices of butter on top.
  6. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. The optimal temperature is 200 degrees.
  7. Remove and sprinkle the top with grated cream cheese. Cook for another 10 minutes. Potato and meat casserole is ready.

With mushrooms, eggplant and Brussels sprouts in a slow cooker

An original and healthy recipe for meat casserole with potatoes, mushrooms and vegetables will surprise all family members or guests. This is a convenient and “tasty” way to enjoy eating unloved, but so healthy foods. If possible, use cheese in the casserole. It is an integral part of a delicious dish.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • eggplant - 1 small;
  • Brussels sprouts - 300 g;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 medium onion;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


  1. Make mashed potatoes.
  2. Separately fry the onions, mushrooms, minced meat and eggplant. Cut foods finely. Don't forget to salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Boil Brussels sprouts for 5-7 minutes after boiling. Let it drain.
  4. Shake the eggs. Then stir in the cream and a pinch of salt.
  5. Grease the multicooker pan well with oil. Place potatoes (third part), eggplant with mushrooms, potatoes, minced meat with onions, potatoes. Cut the Brussels sprouts into halves and arrange evenly.
  6. Pour in the creamy egg mixture. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese.
  7. Cook in the Baking program for 40 minutes. You can take out the potato casserole with meat and vegetables only after it has cooled.

Alternatively, you can make a casserole with meat and vegetables, but the mushrooms are the highlight that completes the recipe. The consistency of the dish in the slow cooker is soft and tender, like a pie.

Microwave casserole in 15 minutes

How to bake potatoes with meat in a non-standard way in just 15 minutes? Make it in the microwave. Most people use a microwave oven for heating or defrosting. But it turns out that it performs the functions of an oven perfectly. It just speeds up the cooking time significantly.

At the maximum microwave mode, food does not burn if the dish contains vegetables that release enough juice or liquid products - cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, etc.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese - 70 g;
  • mayonnaise (sour cream) - 3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - a sprig;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.


  1. Cut the potatoes into strips or semicircles. Chop the onion into half rings.
  2. Mix vegetables with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, chopped herbs and garlic (press through a press).
  3. Place half of the mixture in a microwave-safe dish.
  4. Cut the chicken fillet into thin slices, beat, sprinkle with salt and spices. Spread evenly.
  5. Spread the remaining potatoes and onions on top.
  6. Cook for 10 minutes on maximum power. Then remove and sprinkle with cheese shavings. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Now you know how to cook a casserole with meat and potatoes. Having potatoes, any piece of meat or minced meat, as well as eggs, you can handle this dish. In what form you put food is a matter of taste. Potatoes can be cut into circles, grated, or mashed. Use the meat in the form of minced meat, thin chops or fried pieces. There are no strict rules in preparing casseroles, and your personal imagination is welcome.

Potato casserole. Potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables. Its economy, pleasant taste and wide possibilities of use make not only ordinary consumers, but also artists sing an ode to potatoes (take, for example, Tosya from “Girls”, listing dishes made from potato tubers). One of the simple and tasty potato dishes is casserole.

The unique neutral taste of potatoes is a field for culinary imagination, since the vegetable goes well with any type of meat and poultry, offal, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, etc. By the way, depending on the filling you need to select spices. You can use ready-made seasonings for potatoes and other vegetables, but their taste is fairly standard due to flavor enhancers and preservatives. Another thing is to choose from a number of natural seasonings to suit your taste. Black pepper, nutmeg, and cumin go well with potatoes. Garlic rules the show here too - not only the taste, but also the smell will not leave any member of the household indifferent (otherwise, look, the neighbors will come running over too). Green onions, parsley and dill are always welcome guests in potatoes. Thyme, marjoram, and ginger are great for potato casseroles with meat. Provençal herbs, mixtures of which can be found on sale everywhere, go well with potatoes. If you want to diversify the dish, use oriental turmeric and coriander. Experiment by recording the progress of the experiment. Very soon you will probably hear from your household asking you to “repeat” the dish.

Many people consider potatoes to be a high-calorie product that is best avoided. However, nutritionists have long refuted this opinion, pointing out that potatoes can be a dietary product if prepared correctly, and the potato diet is recognized as one of the effective weight normalization systems. Depending on the ingredients, potato casserole can be either filling, high-calorie (for example, made from fatty meats), or lean (with potatoes and other vegetables).

Making potato casserole is a pleasure. All you have to do is put the ingredients in a mold (or frying pan) and send the future culinary masterpiece to the oven. An appetizing dish with a fragrant crust will be prepared in the blink of an eye - before you even have time to look back.

Potato casseroles are very diverse, because they can be prepared from raw potatoes, or from cooked, boiled, or mashed potatoes. Is there leftover puree from lunch, which, as we know, loses its taste when reheated? Use it to make a casserole for dinner. Take some minced meat or pieces of chicken breast, ham or sausage, stewed cabbage or champignons, place the filling between two layers of potatoes, spread sour cream on top - and you will get a great dish for dinner, and maybe for breakfast. Although this is unlikely - casseroles have a short life, since they are eaten very quickly (they are unlikely to last until the morning). By the way, in order for the dish to keep its shape, it is recommended to use eggs, sour cream and cream. Many also sprinkle potato casseroles with grated cheese - the magnificent duo of potatoes and cheese has long earned them fame and love from all who love to eat deliciously.

It happens that you come home from work, you’re incredibly hungry, you look in the refrigerator, and it’s empty. And there is no strength to cook, and there is no particular desire to do so. Is this a familiar picture? In this case, there are several options: go to the nearest cafe, buy an “unhealthy” hot dog, or, even worse, dubiously produced white meat. Or you can stand at the stove, just for a little while. But in half an hour you will receive an incredibly appetizing, juicy and satisfying dish. At the same time, spend a minimum of time on its preparation. Well, do you want to know how to do this? Then write down the recipes for potato and meat casserole.

Quick casserole

Let's start with the simplest recipe, and then look at more complex variations on the theme of “meat dish”. This casserole of potatoes, onions and carrots is served as an independent dish. Top it with homemade sour cream and eat with pleasure!


  • one kilogram of crumbly potatoes
  • 300 grams of meat
  • two small onions
  • vegetable oil
  • one large carrot
  • salt and seasonings - to taste
  • one chicken egg

Cooking method:

We specifically did not indicate what meat we used. You can buy beef or pork, depending on which product you like best. And if you have ready-made minced meat in the refrigerator, it will also make a very appetizing casserole.

So, boil a piece of meat and cook peeled potatoes in another pan. Meanwhile, cut the onion into small cubes and grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater. Then place the vegetables in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry, stirring constantly.

When the meat product is ready, disassemble it into thin fibers and place it in a saucepan, lightly salt it, pour a little oil and fry. Then add the vegetables, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water and simmer for a short time.

Don't forget the potatoes. After it is cooked, crush it into a puree and add the previously whisked egg. If the mass seems thick to you, add 30 milliliters of the liquid in which the vegetable was cooked. Now process the insides of the form in which the casserole will be baked, and lay out a layer of mashed potatoes, then the filling and again the potatoes. Place everything in the oven at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees.

After half an hour, you can serve the potato and meat dish with sour cream, mayonnaise or without gravy. If you have fresh herbs, garnish each serving with them.

A fragrant casserole from childhood

This juicy casserole has been familiar to many since early childhood. Most housewives love this dish for its speed of preparation and the range of products available to everyone. We used pork, but if your family prefers beef, feel free to buy this meat. Your dish will not suffer from changing the ingredients!


  • potatoes - 700 grams
  • 400 grams of pork
  • any oil - for lubrication
  • two onions
  • garlic - one head
  • half a pack of mayonnaise
  • 100 grams of “Russian” cheese
  • 30 grams of dill

Cooking method:

It goes without saying that even though salt is not listed in the recipe, it must be present in the dish. Add this ingredient, as well as black pepper or other seasonings, based on your taste.

Using a knife, peel the potatoes and cut them into not very thick slices, then cook in slightly salty water for no longer than ten minutes. The product should not be completely ready, but only half ready.

Cut the onion into thin rings and chop the garlic cloves. Now set the oven temperature to 180 degrees and begin further cooking. To do this, cut the pork into large pieces and place it on the bottom of a mold greased with any oil. Add a pinch of salt and, if desired, spices. Then sprinkle everything with garlic, pour mayonnaise and put onion rings. Cover everything with a layer of potatoes. To make the dish with a crispy, soft golden crust, treat it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with pre-grated cheese. Bake for about twenty minutes.

When the meat casserole is ready, let it cool slightly, cut into portions, place on plates and sprinkle with chopped dill. Bon appetit!

Potato and meat “Joy”

If you think that the casserole is greased exclusively with mayonnaise or egg, then you did not know about the existence of this recipe. This time we will water the potato and meat dish with pasteurized milk. Thanks to this, the dish will turn out very soft, juicy and tender.


  • eight large potatoes
  • egg - two pieces
  • salt - at your discretion
  • a little olive oil (needed for frying)
  • 50 grams of butter
  • three tablespoons of low-fat sour cream
  • hard cheese - 100 grams
  • 400 grams of boiled beef
  • spices - optional
  • small onion
  • spoon (tablespoon) flour
  • two glasses of milk

Cooking method:

Meat “Joy” is made in different ways: some potatoes are mashed, others, on the contrary, use the finished boiled product, cutting it into slices. There are a huge number of recipes, as well as opinions, and each housewife chooses the one that appeals to her the most. We hope you will like the option we offer.

Make a thin puree from pre-peeled and already boiled potatoes. Then, in a separate bowl, beat the following products: sour cream, two eggs and a piece of butter. Pour the resulting mixture into the potatoes and stir several times until smooth.

Cut the boiled meat into thin strips and place in a saucepan. Add olive oil and fry, remembering to stir. Now peel the onion and cut it into small cubes, then combine with the beef. When the vegetable becomes translucent, add flour and pasteurized milk. We do not recommend adding salt to the dish - whoever wants to do it himself will do it. Season the onion and beef mixture with spices, you can add basil. Mix all the products well, cover them with a lid and keep on low heat for seven minutes. When the mass thickens a little, it’s time to remove it from the stove.

Grease a baking sheet with the remaining oil, lay out half the portion of puree and lightly sprinkle it with finely grated cheese. The next layer consists of beef fried with onions, and again cheese. For the final stage, you will need a special pastry bag: fill it with potatoes and squeeze them out in patterns, brush the dish with pasteurized milk on top and put it in the oven. Cooking temperature - 180 degrees. Now you can rest for half an hour, and then call everyone to the table. Bon appetit!

Chicken, mushrooms, potatoes – equals casserole

We suggest making another potato and meat dish with fresh champignons. It can be served at a family dinner or on a holiday table. A casserole of tender chicken and juicy mushrooms will appeal to men and women, old people and children. We guarantee that you will not regret the time spent in the kitchen!


  • seasonings - optional
  • 900 grams of potatoes
  • fresh chicken - 500 grams
  • 400 grams of champignons
  • onion - two large pieces
  • 150 grams of Dutch cheese
  • table salt - a few pinches
  • 200 milliliters of milk
  • egg
  • vegetable oil - 50 grams

Cooking method:

We recommend purchasing either chicken fillet or brisket. In the latter case, you will need to separate the meat from the bones, and then cut it into medium pieces, and the onions and fresh mushrooms into cubes. If a recipe calls for champignons, this does not mean that you cannot buy another variety. A very appetizing casserole is made from oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms.

Now heat the frying pan, and then pour a little oil into it and add the chicken. Sprinkle the product with salt and your favorite seasonings, cook it, turning it regularly with a spatula, until the meat changes color. Then add the mushrooms and onion and keep everything on the stove for no longer than six minutes.

Cut the potatoes into thin circles and place them in the prepared form. To prevent the bottom of the casserole from burning, coat the bottom and inner edges of the dish with oil. On top of the first layer, place the onion-mushroom filling with chicken and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. The last “floor” of the product consists of the remaining potatoes.

To make the dish browned and covered with an appetizing crust, prepare a mixture - beat eggs with lightly salted milk - and pour it over your creation. Place the future casserole in the oven, heated to 190 degrees. After half an hour, take it out, grate the cheese and sprinkle it on the product, then put it in the oven again. We hope your food turns out great!

Casserole "Festive" with meat


  • butter - 150 grams
  • 800 grams of white potatoes
  • two 150g packs of cream (can be replaced with regular milk)
  • 400 grams of fresh meat
  • 30 grams Gruyère cheese
  • large onion
  • add nutmeg to your taste, the same goes for table salt and seasonings

Cooking method:

You can use both fresh minced meat and boiled meat. If you make a dish with the second one, then about an hour before cooking, put the product on low heat. And then, after cooling it a little, pass it through a meat grinder.

Boil white potatoes, previously peeled, in slightly salty water. Then drain the liquid, make a not too thick puree, putting 50 grams of butter into it. Whisk the cream or other dairy product you are using with a whisk and add it to the potatoes. Now add the crushed nutmeg here. It is not necessary to use spices, but if you like spices, then why not season the dish with them?

In a saucepan with butter, fry the onion, cut into small pieces, and when it lightens, add the meat. Mix the filling well and fry it for seven minutes.

The preparation is almost over. There is very little left - grease the mold with oil and put all the above ingredients into it. The dish consists of the following layers: mashed potatoes, meat with onions and again potatoes. As for elite cheese, grate it and sprinkle it on the food. Now send the product to the oven, heating it to a temperature of 200 degrees. After fifteen minutes, you can remove the pan and set the table.

Finally, we’ll give you a few tips to help you prepare this dish correctly. If you put minced meat in the casserole, it is better to mix it with a small amount of fresh minced meat or raw smoked brisket in combination with fried onions. Then the mass will be denser and tastier.

In some French restaurants, the casserole is served with a green salad dressed with a spicy sauce made from vinegar and chopped garlic. Why don't you do the same? You can divide the salad into portioned plates or place it on the table in a separate bowl.

A hot, aromatic casserole is a wonderful reason to invite friends over. So cook, eat with gusto and enjoy the conversation!

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