How to make turkey steak according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Cooking turkey steak in a frying pan: recipe with photo Turkey steak cooked in the oven

Prepare the ingredients for turkey steak in a frying pan according to the list.

Rinse the turkey fillet and pat dry with paper towels. Remove films, if any. From the thick side of the fillet, cut 4 steaks (or another number, depending on what size fillet you have) with a thickness of two to four centimeters. The thickness of the cut will depend on the desired size of the steak itself.

If the steaks are small in size, then you can either beat them slightly (only for this purpose you need to use a hammer with a flat side or, alternatively, you can use a regular rolling pin so as not to damage the surface of the meat), or cut them in the center into two halves, without cutting through the fillet to the opposite edge and open it like a book. At the end, the thickness of such a steak should be 2-2.5 cm.

Season each turkey steak on both sides with pepper and salt (optional, you can also add a mixture of your favorite spices).

Heat the pan well. This rule is extremely important! Add a little oil and place the seasoned steaks on the hot surface. Do not overload the pan; the steaks should lie freely. Fry turkey steaks on each side over high heat for 1-2 minutes until crispy.

Then reduce the heat to medium, and fry the steaks over moderate heat for about five more minutes on each side until they are fully cooked. Five minutes before the meat is ready, add 1-2 tbsp to the pan. l. butter, thyme sprigs and one or two cloves of garlic, crushed with the flat side of a knife (as soon as the cloves are browned, they need to be removed so that they do not give off bitterness). Drizzle melted butter over top of steaks. Garlic and thyme add extra flavor and flavor to turkey steaks.

To be honest, I just can’t get into the rhythm of starting to regularly cook something new and then publish it on the blog. But I still try to organize myself, so here is another recipe. I usually make delicious little cutlets from ground turkey (recipe), but today I wanted something a little more interesting. For some reason, turkey steaks came to mind, so I decided to jump on this idea. I must say that they turn out to be quite dietary, since I did not add an egg to the minced meat, and used oil when frying, so even those who are watching their figure can afford it. The secret of such a correct shape of steaks is in the use of ramekins and pre-freezing, which allows you to fry them on the grill while maintaining a beautiful appearance. So…

Cooking time: 5 minutes
Freezing time: 30-40 minutes
Oven baking time: 25 minutes

For 4 steaks


  • 800 g minced turkey
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Bunch of parsley
  • A bunch of cilantro (can be omitted)
  • Salt and ground black pepper

For the sauce:

  • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • 7 tbsp. l. water
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • A small piece of ginger root
  • Chili pepper
  • 1 tsp. starch

Cooking method:

Add finely chopped herbs and garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Mix well. We cover a cutting board with cling film, and using culinary molds (you can make them yourself - from a plastic bottle or a tin can), spread the minced meat on it, forming beautiful, regular steaks with smooth edges. We put the board with the steaks in the freezer - freeze it thoroughly to fix the shape.

Heat up the grill pan (if you are confident in yours, you can do without oil, or grease it a little with olive oil). Directly from the freezer, without defrosting, place the steaks in the pan and fry on each side until beautiful grill stripes appear (about a couple of times for 2 minutes on each side). Then place the frying pan with the steaks in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

At the same time, prepare the sauce. Pour water (6 tablespoons) and soy sauce (3 tablespoons) into a small container, add honey, finely grated ginger and finely chopped chili pepper (remove the seeds if you don’t want a fire in your mouth!). Bring the sauce to a boil and, reducing the heat, simmer for 5 minutes. Then dissolve the starch in a tablespoon of water and add it to the sauce. We wait for it to thicken and it’s ready!

Rice, mashed potatoes, grilled or steamed vegetables, or just a green salad are ideal as a side dish for turkey steaks. The sauce can be poured over the steaks immediately or served separately.

Turkey is a large poultry. But its meat is quite lean, so it is recommended for dietary nutrition, as well as for those who cannot eat fatty foods.

Tender turkey fillet is suitable for frying and baking. It makes delicious steaks that can be cooked in the oven, on the grill or in a frying pan. But so that they are not dry when finished, they should not be overcooked.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Despite the tender meat, steak fillets are cut across the grain. In this form, they fry faster and remain juicy.
  • Cooking them in a frying pan makes them less dry. Before frying, they need to be coated with vegetable oil. It will prevent the juice from leaking out.
  • But to do this, they need to be fried over high heat so that the meat quickly becomes covered with a crust, which “seals” the juice inside.
  • To fully fry the steaks, 5-8 minutes of heat treatment on each side is enough.
  • Steaks are fried without a lid. Only the finished meat is covered with a lid or foil so that it reaches the desired condition.
  • It is recommended to marinate turkey fillet before frying. Thanks to the aromatic marinade, the steaks acquire a piquant taste, become softer and juicier.
  • You should not overuse spices and herbs with a pronounced odor, so as not to drown out the natural odor of the bird. It is better to salt steaks before placing them in a frying pan or during frying. If the meat is sprinkled with salt long before cooking, it can produce juices that turkey already has in short supply. As a result, the steaks will turn out dry.

Turkey steak with mustard in a frying pan


  • turkey fillet – 500 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ready mustard – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Wash the turkey fillet. Dry with a paper towel. This must be done, otherwise the steaks will not be fried, but stewed.
  • Cut across the grain into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
  • Lubricate them on all sides with mustard. Cover with film and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  • Remove excess marinade. Drizzle the steaks with vegetable oil.
  • Heat a dry frying pan over high heat. Place slices of meat on it. Fry them on each side for 2-3 minutes until crispy. Turn the steaks over again, reduce the heat slightly and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Cooking time depends on their thickness.
  • Turn off the heat. Cover the pan with foil and leave for 10 minutes. During this time, the steaks will be fully cooked.

Turkey steaks with paprika in a frying pan


  • turkey fillet – 500 g;
  • ground paprika – 0.5 tsp;
  • red pepper – 0.2 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash the turkey fillet and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
  • Mix vegetable oil with paprika and pepper. Brush the mixture onto the meat slices. Leave to marinate for half an hour. Add some salt.
  • Place the steaks in a dry, hot or lightly oiled frying pan. On maximum heat, fry one side for 3 minutes. When well browned, turn the slices over and cook the other side.
  • Turn down the heat a little. Fry the steaks for another 3-4 minutes on each side. Frying time depends on the size of the pieces.
  • Remove the pan from the stove. Cover the steaks with foil and let sit for 3-4 minutes. And only after that serve.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Turkey steaks in a spicy marinade in a frying pan


  • turkey fillet – 500 g;
  • mixture of herbs - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Wash the turkey fillet and blot off excess moisture.
  • Cut into pieces 2 cm wide. Place in a bowl.
  • In a plate, mix herbs to your taste, pepper, crushed mustard seeds. Roll the meat slices in this mixture.
  • Combine the oil with lemon juice. Pour this marinade over the steaks. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  • Before frying, pat the meat dry to remove excess liquid.
  • Lightly oil the pan and heat it well. Place the steaks. Fry over high heat until golden brown: first for 2 minutes on each side, then turn over and fry for another 5-6 minutes on each side, while reducing the heat. Add salt during cooking.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, cover with foil and let the steaks rest for another 10 minutes.

Note to the hostess

  • Instead of lemon juice, you can marinate the turkey in vinegar or wine.
  • After preliminary frying in a frying pan, the steaks can be placed in the oven and finished there until cooked.
  • Don't fry them for too long, otherwise they will turn out dry.
  • Instead of a regular frying pan, you can use a grill pan. Thanks to it, liquid from the meat accumulates in the hollows of the pan, the steaks are well fried and not stewed.

Why did I start talking about some banal steak? A cutlet is just that: a cutlet. Or steak. The trick here is to prepare the minced meat!

The original recipe for this minced meat (“minced meat major”), proposed by the Serbian culinary specialist Serge Markovich, was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda on September 6, 2010 (http ://kp. ru/ daily/24552.5/729329/ ). Even then I decided to test the taste properties of cutlets made from this minced meat. I followed the recipe exactly. The cutlets turned out wonderful then! You can read about this in my diary, entry , I won’t repeat myself. And now I made a variation on the theme of this minced meat, and prepared a steak. Turkey fillet.

For minced meat, I took 1 kg of turkey fillet, and one teaspoon each of salt, sweet ground paprika, ground black pepper and soda. Yes, exactly soda!

First, grind the meat twice in a meat grinder with a fine grid. Better in enamel dishes. Add salt, paprika, pepper and soda, and mix the minced meat thoroughly. Very carefully, like dough, for 15-20 minutes. After this, pat the minced meat with your hand to release the air, and put it in the refrigerator for at least a day. Or better yet, for two or three days - the minced meat will be perfect!

I used the first half of the minced meat on the second day, the rest on the third. We just take the minced meat out of the refrigerator, mix it with other ingredients, depending on what kind of dish we are preparing: cutlets, cabbage rolls, meatballs... I just mixed it with one raw egg, without adding anything else, shaped the cutlets and breaded them tightly in flour. It is best to bread it in rice, but you can also use any other - wheat, corn. I used rye flour for breading. The main thing is to bread it so that the juice does not leak out of the meat. And then fry in a frying pan with well-heated vegetable oil. You can also use cream.

I did not bread the steak from the first half of the minced meat.

But in vain! The steaks turned out a little dry. But the breaded ones are juicy and tasty! I highly recommend trying this recipe! And the meat... You can take any meat you like. And garnish with vegetables, herbs, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, etc.

Bon appetit!

Turkey is always present in the diet of those people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their diet. This dish has become one of my family’s favorites, too, since turkey is in no way inferior to traditional chicken, on the contrary, it turns out juicier, and it has more beneficial properties.

Turkey Breast Steak Recipes

Kitchen utensils and appliances: deep bowl, cutting board, knife, frying pan, spatula, kitchen hammer, paper towels, stove or hob.


Step-by-step preparation

First, let's prepare the marinade for the meat.

Prepare and marinate the meat.

Frying steaks

Place the finished dish on a plate, decorate and serve!

Video recipe

I invite you to see how you can quickly and easily prepare delicious and juicy steaks for the whole family. In addition, you can see another option for making marinade using coconut oil.

Basic truths

  • There is no need to beat the fillet much, just to give it the desired shape.
  • You can fry steaks not only in a regular frying pan, but also in a pancake frying pan, where it is easier to turn them over, or in a grill pan. Depending on what kind of pan you use, you can add vegetable oil or not.
  • Meat can also be marinated in coconut oil: to do this, combine 2-3 tbsp in a small bowl. l. coconut oil, 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil and add ground black pepper to taste. The finished meat is juicy and has a slight coconut flavor.
  • Before frying the steaks, they need to be removed from the marinade and excess liquid removed.
  • There is no need to add a large amount of meat to the pan at one time. It should lie freely without touching each other. Typically 2-3 pieces of turkey fit this way.
  • Depending on the taste preferences of the guests, steaks can be prepared in different ways.
  • The main mistake when serving a dish is that it is eaten immediately as soon as it is removed from the heat. But in this case, the meat will be tougher, because all the veins shrink when heated and, only after cooling a little, they relax, and the meat becomes soft.

How to decorate and what to serve with

Traditionally, steaks are served with fresh vegetables and garnished with a sprig of rosemary or basil.

Turkey steak is no exception, therefore, this serving option can be used for it, you can also use canned and stewed vegetables. In addition, steak can be an addition to your favorite side dish of potatoes, porridge or pasta.

This dish will go well with tomato, cheese or sour cream-garlic sauce, and a glass of dry red wine will be an excellent addition to the prepared dish.

I also suggest you prepare a traditional one and treat your loved ones and friends with this dish. In addition, it may be an alternative to traditional meat dishes.

Turkey steak cooked in the oven

Cooking time: 1.15-1.30.
Number of servings: 5.
Calorie content per 100 g of product: 138 kcal.
Kitchen utensils and appliances: small bowl, deep bowl, spoon, fork, foil, baking dish or baking sheet, oven.


Let's start cooking

Preparing the marinade

Bake steaks

We decorate the finished steaks and are ready to serve!

Bon appetit!

Video recipe

If you still have questions about how to cook turkey steak in the oven, watch this short video. All stages of preparing and serving the dish are described in detail.

Basic truths

  • To prepare a T-bone steak, you can use ready-made steaks purchased in the store, or you can purchase a drumstick and cut it into slices, approximately 2-3.5 cm thick.
  • The turkey should be sliced ​​across the grain, not along the grain. Then the meat will cook faster and more evenly.
  • To make the turkey juicy, the meat must first be marinated; you can use any of your favorite recipes to prepare it.
  • You need to salt the meat just before cooking, otherwise it will release juice ahead of time, and as a result the finished dish will turn out dry.
  • The steak will be juicy and flavorful if you pre-marinate it in this marinade: Mix the juice of two oranges with 50-60 ml of soy sauce. Add suneli hops, black pepper and chopped 1 clove of garlic.
  • In addition, you can first fry each slice of turkey in a frying pan for 1-2 minutes and then put it in the oven. Then a crust will appear on the meat, which will retain all the juice inside during further cooking.


I am sure that no one will refuse a tasty and soft steak. In order to surprise your loved ones every day with new and new tastes of already familiar dishes, you can use other spices or marinades during the cooking process.

Don't forget to treat your loved ones too. And it’s not at all necessary to wait for some special occasion for this, because preparing the dish will take very little time, and I’m sure the mood will immediately become festive.