Pasta in a slow cooker. How to cook pasta in a slow cooker Proportions of pasta and water in a slow cooker

When cooking pasta, miracle saucepans “multi-cookers” live up to advertising slogans that they simplify the life of housewives and free up personal time. Now you don’t need large pans to ensure that the pasta feels good and doesn’t crowd, you don’t need a colander, a frying pan and, most importantly, you don’t need to stand over it with a stopwatch in your hands so that God forbid you overcook it. In a slow cooker you will immediately prepare a delicious side dish - fried vegetables and perfectly cooked pasta, you just need to pour the right amount of boiling water over them, which will be absorbed without leaving a trace, and sprinkle with grated cheese before serving, what could be simpler? Pasta in a slow cooker is simple and even simpler.

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Number of servings: 4 pcs.


  • 200 g durum wheat pasta (I use multi-colored pasta with added vegetables)
  • 320 ml boiling water
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 100 g onions
  • 100 g carrots
  • salt to taste
  • some cheese for decoration

To prepare the pasta, we used a multicooker-pressure cooker Brand 6051 with a power of 1000 W and a bowl capacity of 5 liters.


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    Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.

    Wash and peel the carrots, grate them on a fine grater.

    Set the “frying” mode, pour 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and when it is hot enough, add the diced onion. Fry the onion, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until transparent.

    Then add the grated carrots (you can add your favorite herbs if you wish) and continue to fry for another 3 minutes, stirring the carrots occasionally and bringing them to softness.

    Turn off the “fry” mode, and while the roasted vegetables are still hot, add the pasta and stir lightly. Meanwhile, turn on the kettle to have boiling water at hand.

    For every 100g of pasta you need to add 1 measuring cup of boiling water (160ml), in this recipe I use 200g of pasta, so you need to add 2 measuring cups of boiling water. Salt and stir the contents of the multicooker bowl.

    Close the multicooker with a lid and set the appropriate mode for cooking pasta, if your model has a “pasta” mode - ideally, if not, use the “baking” mode for as many minutes as indicated for cooking pasta on the package. As soon as the operating mode is completed, open the lid and, after stirring again, place the pasta on a plate, since if you leave it in the multicooker, you risk overcooking it.

    In my case, the cooking time for al dente pasta is 8 minutes, while the minimum cooking time in the “baking” mode is 10 minutes, this is a little inconvenient, since I had to be on guard to force the multicooker to turn off 2 minutes before the end of the mode.

    There is one more nuance. In a multicooker-pressure cooker, even in the “baking” mode, the steam release valve blocks the lid and it cannot be opened while the mode is operating. Meanwhile, I would really like to open it, because, in my opinion, pasta needs to be stirred at least once during cooking. Unmixed pasta ends up a little drier on top than needed. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to open the lid, do it halfway through the cooking time of the pasta in the multicooker, stir lightly and close again until the end of the mode.

Pasta is a universal product. They are used to prepare both side dishes and independent hearty dishes.

But, before we tell you how to cook pasta in a Redmond multicooker, let us draw your attention to an important feature of the device: you can prepare any dish tasty only if you adhere to the weight and volume selected in the recipes.

Implement mode options are shown in parentheses. In some models, modes are indicated in English. To prepare pasta, select the “Pasta” command.

Recipe No. 1. Simple side dish

You will need:

  • pasta (about 200 g)
  • butter (one tbsp)
  • water (two liters)
  • salt (about 10 g)

Measure and place the pasta in a bowl, add water and salt.

Cooking time is a quarter of an hour (“Pasta”). If your model does not have such a mode, select the “Soup” option. Mix the finished side dish with butter.

Recipe No. 2. With navy stew

Recipe No. 3. Neapolitan style

The Italians are especially famous for their pasta dishes. Here is one of the recipes for Neapolitan cuisine - Carbonara pasta. Cooking pasta is more difficult, but the dish is worth it. Its aroma and creamy cheese taste will be remembered by household members for a long time.

Will need

  • spaghetti (300 g)
  • bacon (300 g)
  • grated Parmesan cheese (200 g)
  • glass of cream
  • two glasses of water
  • egg
  • two cloves of garlic
  • dried basil
  • basil sprigs for decoration
  • sweet onion
  • olive oil (two tablespoons)
  • salt (to taste)

Finely chop the onion and cut the bacon into cubes.

Pour oil into a bowl and add onion. Simmer for six to eight minutes (“Frying”, “Baking”). We watch, do not allow the onions to fry. It should become transparent.

Add the bacon to the onion and cook for another five minutes in the same mode. Stir with a spatula.

Pass the garlic through a press and send it to fry. Pour in cream and water. Add basil and salt. Cook for a quarter of an hour (“Soup”).

Place spaghetti into boiling liquid. They can be broken into two or three parts. Set the timer to twenty minutes (“Pilaf”).

Carefully break the egg, separate the white, we won’t need it. In a bowl, mix the grated cheese with the yolk.

Spread the cheese mixture onto the cooked spaghetti, close the multicooker, and turn on “Warming” for three minutes.

Serve garnished with basil sprigs.

Time: 40 min.

Servings: 2-3

Difficulty: 1 of 5

Cooking delicious noodles using a slow cooker

Vermicelli is often used by modern housewives to prepare many dishes. At the same time, this flour product is used not only as a side dish, but also perfectly complements recipes for soups, salads, and is also excellent on its own.

Namely, with the addition of various products that can give the dish excellent taste and appearance.

Cooking vermicelli using modern kitchen appliances is quite simple - cooking in a slow cooker will not only make this cooking option easier, but will also save a lot of time, since you will not need to stand at the stove and wait for the dish to cook.

It is worth noting that vermicelli cooked in a slow cooker turns out to be especially tasty and healthy. In addition, it certainly will not stick together, will not boil over and will turn out incredibly tasty.

Any housewife can easily cook such a dish in a slow cooker, because this recipe includes standard cooking rules that are probably known to any woman.

As a result, it is worth noting that cooking pasta using kitchen appliances is easy and quite quick. It is worth noting that the method of preparing such a dish is significantly different from cooking on the stove.

The fact is that cooking in a slow cooker can be done quite elegantly - in the end you will get not just boiled noodles, but an independent dish that can be safely supplemented with certain ingredients.

This could be cheese, olives, pates and other products that, in your opinion, can make the dish especially tasty and healthy.

You can prepare vermicelli using kitchen appliances quite simply - the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe, since the wrong ratio of water and pasta can lead to a different result, which will be significantly different from the traditional preparation.

This way, you can not only make a side dish or an independent dish for lunch or dinner, but also make an excellent recipe that the whole family will certainly appreciate.

It is important to note that vermicelli cooked in a slow cooker is a universal dish that can be served with almost all additives.

These include fish dishes, meat dishes, gravies, vegetables, dairy products, semi-finished products, salads and other recipes.

In this case, it all depends on you - which addition to choose for the noodles cooked in the slow cooker.

A multicooker is a modern technique in which you can prepare a large number of recipes, from gravy to baked goods.

Any recipe made in such a kitchen appliance will turn out extremely tasty and healthy for the body.

That is why many women choose to cook in a slow cooker to reduce the cooking time and also get an excellent result in the end.

  • Cooking vermicelli in such a device is quite simple - you do not need skills and abilities in the cooking process. In addition, cooking is practically no different from cooking on the stove.
  • The pasta will definitely not boil over and will not lose its shape. This happens thanks to the correct temperature, which allows you to maintain the shape of flour products.
  • Vermicelli turns out to be beneficial for the body, also thanks to the optimal cooking temperature and several modes.
  • You will not need to constantly stir the pasta while cooking, since it will definitely not stick to the bottom of the multicooker bowl and its walls.
  • The cooking process will take much less time than when cooking on the stove - especially if you boil the water in advance.

As you can see, there are many advantages of cooking in a slow cooker. This means that every woman will be able to prepare such a side dish at home, without encountering any difficulties or problems.

What should you serve the dish with?

As mentioned earlier, you can serve vermicelli cooked in a slow cooker with any food. These can be sauces and gravies, meat and fish dishes, jellied, fresh or winter vegetable salads, homemade or store-bought cheeses. In addition, vermicelli is an excellent staple that is used to make soups. Moreover, soups can be not only vegetable, but also dairy.

By following some tips, you can quickly and easily cook vermicelli using a multicooker, since cooking it is quite simple, and the result is always especially tasty and nutritious.

  • Vermicelli should be chosen from durum wheat, as such pasta will definitely not fall apart and turn into porridge as it cooks.
  • You should use hot water for cooking so that it boils faster.
  • Salt is added at the beginning of cooking, since vermicelli cooks quite quickly - only 10-12 minutes.
  • As you cook the pasta, you should immediately remove it from the multicooker so that it does not become soggy. Drain the water using a sieve or colander.

Cooking pasta in a slow cooker is quite quick and easy - try making this side dish yourself, and you will probably be surprised at the result.

Cooking method

Vermicelli cooked in a slow cooker is significantly different from cooking on the stove. In this case, everything depends on the chemical treatment of the product: first, the pasta is fried in oil, after which it is stewed in a small amount of water. Thanks to this cooking process, you can prepare an unusual version of a regular dish, since the taste of the noodles will change significantly as it cooks.


You can also add fresh vegetables, olives or black olives if you wish. The dish should be cooked before serving.

Step 1

Set the multicooker bowl to the “Frying” mode. Once the bowl is hot, add the butter and let it melt completely.

Then put the pasta in the slow cooker and fry until golden brown. To do this quickly, you can break the pasta into small pieces.

Step 2

Add water to the multicooker and salt the mixture.

Step 3

Close the kitchen appliance and install the “Pilaf” program. Cook the pasta, stirring occasionally.

Step 4

As soon as the dish is ready, drain the vermicelli using a sieve and immediately sprinkle with cheese and boiled yolk. As you can see, cooking pasta in a slow cooker is quick and easy.

See another version of this dish:

Cooking pasta is the fastest way to feed your family a delicious dish, because almost everyone loves pasta! This product is universal, served with any side dish, and can serve as an independent dish. There is nothing difficult about cooking pasta if you cook it in a slow cooker.

For those who do not yet know the history of the appearance of pasta, we remind you that this product was invented at the beginning of the 18th century, when a special machine was made. And you don’t even have to guess - pasta was first invented in Italy, which is the birthplace of pasta. The Italians call them not like in Russia, but pasta. There is even a pasta holiday, which is celebrated on October 25th. But this is part of the story, and we need to learn how to cook this simple dish using a slow cooker.

What ingredients will you need?

  • pasta (preferably from durum wheat) – 200 g;
  • water – 350 ml;
  • a piece of butter;
  • salt - as needed.

How to prepare the dish:

  1. Of course, many housewives may argue that it is easier and faster to cook pasta on the stove, but those who have already appreciated the benefits of a multicooker will say otherwise. We start cooking.
  2. Remember, you need to cook dough products for 9 to 12 minutes. It all depends on the quality of the pasta. Starting from the 8th minute, you need to pay more attention to cooking so as not to miss the main point. Otherwise, you may end up with porridge instead of what you expected.
  3. Place the pasta in the bowl of the device and fill it with water. It is necessary that it only rises slightly above them. That is, the bedspreads were several centimeters deep. Attention, we take hot water!
  4. Oil - add immediately. That's all the cooking tricks. Now the desired mode: the “Pilaf” program or the classic “Steam” program is suitable. If your multicooker has a function like “Pasta,” great!
  5. We wait 8 minutes, then we begin to act. Just stir the contents of the multicooker and, of course, try it. Hard pasta, prepared to taste. That is, they should remain a little hard - and this is the norm. Or classic pasta, then we try and control it so that it does not overcook.
  6. After the specified time, you just need to stir the finished dish and then decide what to do with it. By the way, for multicookers with a very convenient multicooker function, there is a special recommendation: cook at 100 degrees, minimum 7 minutes, maximum 12.
  7. As you already understand, all the liquid will evaporate during the cooking process; there is no need to drain the water and rinse the pasta. They will be ready to eat immediately and, very importantly, will not stick together, since we added a little oil in advance.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker with vegetables

In a multicooker you can cook several dishes at the same time and this is not a myth, but a reality. For example, pasta and steamed vegetables. So it's quick and easy to prepare a simple breakfast dish.

To work you need:

  • durum pasta – 200 g;
  • a little boiling water;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • frozen vegetables: several types of cabbage, sweet peppers, zucchini.

Sequence of preparation of this dish:

  1. The classic is to use good quality pasta for cooking, so as not to worry about extra pounds, smoothly distributed on the sides and waist, and also so that there are no problems with cooking. Italians eat pasta often and in large quantities, but do not gain weight. And we too can adopt this habit.
  2. The pasta should be poured into a pre-prepared multicooker.
  3. Pour enough water to cover the pasta. There should not be too much water, otherwise the pasta will simply boil and turn into porridge. Although, this cannot be said about the highest grades of products, but still. Rules are rules and must be followed.
  4. Take 200 g of pasta - count on 4 servings, or if you are cooking only for yourself, then reduce the amount.
  5. Pour hot water over the pasta, add a piece of butter (about half a teaspoon), and a little salt (if you can’t do without it).
  6. Place a steamer rack on top and place the vegetables on it. By the way, you can take both frozen and fresh. In 12 minutes, zucchini with peppers, as well as cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) will quickly cook.
  7. Now you need to lower the lid and set the desired cooking mode. In this case it is “Pasta”, “Pilaf” or “Steaming”. Any of these programs will allow you to quickly prepare this dish.
  8. We wait for the signal, after 12 minutes we check the pasta for readiness. We advise you to prepare the dish according to the information indicated on the package, since different types of products require different cooking times.
  9. The finished dish must be transferred to a plate and the vegetables served separately. Decoration and additional ingredients are at your discretion. We want to enjoy our meal!

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker with cheese

For pasta lovers, we offer a simple but quite tasty recipe - cook pasta with hard cheese in a slow cooker. The dish is very tasty, aromatic (depending on the type of cheese) and nutritious. Suitable for breakfast or dinner.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • pasta – 200 g;
  • hot water – 600 ml;
  • hard cheese - a piece of 50 g;
  • salt – as needed;
  • piece of butter – 50 g.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. Place a kettle on the stove or turn on an electric kettle; you will need just boiled water.
  2. Place pasta in slow cooker. 200 g – this amount is enough for 4 family members.
  3. Fill with water. You may need a little less boiling water, so that the water covers the pasta by 2-3 cm. Don't pour too much water, it's too much.
  4. Immediately add a piece of butter and a pinch of salt. You can refuse salt in favor of hard cheese - as a rule, it is moderately salted and this may be quite enough.
  5. We don’t touch the cheese yet, you will need it a little later. We do the following: lower the lid after adding all the products, select the optimal cooking mode - ideal if it is the “Pasta” mode, no problem if you set it to “Pilaf”. The pasta will be cooked even in the “Steam” mode. You need to wait for the water to boil, count 8 minutes, then boil the pasta for another 4 minutes, and then try - each product may need less or more time. Different manufacturers use their own technologies for preparing pasta, so it is difficult to clearly say how much time to allocate for this process.
  6. The pasta is cooked, there should be no liquid left, you can evaporate it (turn on the “Pilaf” program), or drain the rest.
  7. Transfer the finished dish to a plate and now all that remains is to enrich it with grated cheese. The piece needs to be grated on a grater with medium or fine notches, added, and mixed. Ready! It's time to try and invite everyone to the table.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker with milk

In childhood, many people fell in love with a simple dairy dish - milk vermicelli. Mothers often prepared this dish for their children for breakfast; some were happy, while others demanded vermicelli with sausage and “Krasnodar” sauce. Those who love milk noodles find it difficult to give up this dish as adults. What for? At least once a month you can treat yourself.

What products are needed for cooking:

  • noodles or thin vermicelli – 200 g;
  • water 1 glass;
  • milk – 3 glasses (multi);
  • salt - just a little bit;
  • sugar - to taste, but no more than 2 tablespoons.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker:

  1. Set the “Porridge with milk” mode and set the timer for 60 minutes. You can save time and do the following: set the “Steaming” program, the time is only 10 or maximum 15 minutes.
  2. Pour a glass of water and the specified amount of milk, immediately add the dry ingredients: salt and sugar, wait for the liquid to boil.
  3. Add vermicelli to the boiling milk and stir immediately. If you want, add another piece of butter, it will turn out tastier and more aromatic.
  4. Everything has boiled, now you need to switch the multicooker to another program - in this case, to prevent the thin vermicelli from boiling, we set the “Warming” program and keep the lid closed. We wait about 5 minutes, maybe a little more if you need the pasta to be softer and more pliable.
  5. That's all, immediately pour the dish into plates and start tasting. We wish you bon appetit and enjoy this delicious dish from childhood.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker. Video

Pasta in a slow cooker is a quick dish for the whole family. By preparing it this way, you can be sure that the products will not stick together or boil over. Of course, if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

Do you want a tasty and simple dish? Try cooking pasta in a slow cooker. Of course, this process is faster on the stove, but it’s more convenient in a slow cooker.

I love pasta, even though they say it will ruin me...

Required Products:

  • salt and butter to your taste;
  • any pasta – 200 grams;
  • clean water – 0.35 liters.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the selected pasta in a bowl and fill it with hot water that has just boiled. Its level should cover the contents very slightly, about one centimeter. We also put butter here, if you decide to cook with it, and salt.
  2. We turn on the device in the “Pilaf” or “Steam” mode, or, if available, you can set “Pasta” and the time for 8 minutes.
  3. After this time, mix the contents, taste and, if necessary, cook a little more.

The particular convenience of this cooking method is that the water is completely evaporated, it does not have to be drained, and the finished dish does not need to be washed.

Navy style

Navy pasta in a slow cooker is a dish on its own that is suitable for dinner for the whole family. And cooking doesn't take much effort.

Required Products:

  • 0.3 kg minced meat;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 250 grams of any pasta;
  • bulb.

Cooking process:

  1. Turn on the appliance to the “Baking” mode, add finely chopped onion to the bowl and fry it for five minutes.
  2. Then put the minced meat there and keep it together with the onion in the same mode, but setting the time to 10 minutes. Products at this stage can be seasoned with spices.
  3. Pour in the pasta, add water so that it slightly covers all the ingredients, and bring to readiness in the “Rice” mode, setting the time for 20 minutes.

Pasta with chicken

Another way to easily and simply get a hearty lunch or dinner.

A very filling and tasty dish.

In addition, if you use durum wheat pasta and chicken fillet, then this dish will turn out to be quite light.

Required Products:

  • various spices;
  • 0.8 kg of any chicken parts;
  • garlic clove;
  • one onion and carrot;
  • pasta – 0.4 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. The chicken needs to be washed, all excess removed and cut into small pieces. Sprinkle them with your chosen spices, grate them and let them sit for a while. If possible, you can marinate the chicken for several hours.
  2. Place the prepared meat in a bowl, turn on the device in the “Frying” mode for five minutes. The pieces should become golden brown and “grab” on all sides.
  3. Then extend the mode for another couple of minutes and combine the meat with chopped onions and grated carrots.
  4. Pour dry pasta on top and fill it with only hot water. Add seasonings without stirring anything. Cook for 20 minutes in the “Pilaf” mode.

With stew - step by step

Who doesn't love pasta with stew? Almost everyone knows and loves this dish, even children. It can be easily made in a slow cooker, and it turns out much tastier than in a saucepan.

Required Products:

  • spices;
  • a can of good stew;
  • onion - one piece;
  • 350 grams of pasta.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the fat from the stew, place it in a bowl and heat in the “Baking” mode.
  2. Add chopped onion and fry it on the same program until golden brown. Then do the same with the stew. Cook until it starts to break into pieces.
  3. Top everything with the selected pasta and pour water so that it covers the entire contents of the bowl. Stir and add seasonings.
  4. Turn on the multicooker to the “Pilaf” or, if available, “Pasta” mode. We set the time to no more than 10 minutes. All that remains is to wait for it to be ready.

Spaghetti carbonara in a slow cooker

It turns out that you can cook this delicious pasta in a slow cooker. Be sure to try it!

Pasta carbonara is the most popular Italian pasta in the world.

Required Products:

  • 0.25 kg spaghetti;
  • spices;
  • 0.2 liters of cream;
  • 200 grams of bacon;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of cheese.

Cooking process:

  1. Immediately turn on the “Baking” mode for an hour, add chopped garlic and chopped bacon, fry for about 10 minutes until beautifully colored.
  2. Pour the cream here, season with spices to taste and keep until the mass becomes thick enough, similar to a sauce.
  3. Add grated cheese to the ingredients, wait for it to melt, and carefully cover everything on top with spaghetti. Fill them with water and hold until they become soft. Stir and switch the device to the “Pilaf” mode. The dish is ready in 10 minutes.

Casserole with minced meat

Pasta with minced meat can be prepared in a slightly different way, for example, in the form of a casserole.

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • one egg and onion;
  • 300 grams of pasta;
  • 0.2 liters of cream;
  • seasonings

Cooking process:

  1. Turn on the multicooker to the “Frying” mode and place the chopped onion in the bowl so that it fries until it has a beautiful color.
  2. We put the specified amount of minced meat there and keep it until it turns slightly white. At the same time, it must be stirred constantly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Required Products:
  • 200 grams of spaghetti;
  • 0.3 kg of meat or prepared minced meat;
  • seasonings;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • two tomatoes and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • bulb.

Cooking process:

  1. Set the “Baking” mode for 35 minutes. Place the chopped onion in a bowl, fry lightly, add the garlic in pieces and keep until it turns golden brown.
  2. Send the tomato pieces there, mix everything, and after five minutes add the tomato paste.
  3. After another two minutes, you can lay out the minced meat, pouring a small amount of boiling water over it and seasoning it with spices.
  4. All that remains is to add spaghetti to the bowl and switch the mode to “Pasta” or “Pasta”. Cooking time will take about 8 minutes.