Homemade caramel dulce de leche sauce. Caramelized condensed milk "dulce de leche" In Argentina, the birthplace of this sweet, dulce di leche is used to make creams for cakes and pastries, add to ice cream and simply enjoy it like regular jam.

When I tried this dessert today, I experienced some kind of deja vu and I can’t remember when I already tried it. Dulce de leche comes from Latin America and is somewhat reminiscent of boiled condensed milk, but differs significantly in its consistency and taste. If you ask if it can be used to make cream, I think it can. Add to baked goods - why not?

I’ll be honest, after reading negative reviews on the Internet from novice cooks, I was afraid that I wouldn’t get the right consistency. But it turned out to be not so difficult, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly. We use only patience and consistency as our assistants, and the result will not be long in coming.

To prepare the Dulce de leche dessert, we will take the products according to the list. If your milk is low in fat, then dilute it with 10 percent cream. Since you won’t find vanilla in our area during the day, I replaced it with 1 g of vanillin.

Bring the milk to a boil while stirring constantly. To do this, it is better to take stainless steel or non-stick cookware. Enameled cookware is not suitable. It is also preferable to use a wooden spoon.

Add sugar and soda. Stir well and prepare for a long stirring process. From now on, you should not be away from the ladle even for a second. Fire - below average or weak.

After 20 minutes, the milk mixture will turn yellowish.

After another 15 minutes the mixture will become a rich cream color. Continue stirring constantly, otherwise a persistent coating will form on the bottom.

And after some time our brew will turn brown. And the consistency will resemble thin jelly. Remove mixture from heat and continue stirring until cool. When cooled, the dessert becomes much thicker, but if it is left hot unattended, a film will form on the surface. In total, I cooked the dulce de leche for 50 minutes and cooled for another 10 minutes, stirring. Then you can strain it so that any accidentally formed lumps are completely dispersed. Then pour it into a convenient container with a lid, and you can store it in the refrigerator for several weeks if it is not eaten immediately.

Our Dulce de leche dessert is ready. I poured it into a small container much earlier. It can be seen that it is still a bit light in color. I was interested to see if it would get thicker. Yes, it became thicker as it cooled. And in a larger container - the result of my labors. The result was approximately 250 ml of the finished product.

Serve dulce de leche dessert with tea, use it in baking, pour it over ice cream and eat it just like that:) It has a rich caramel-milk taste.

IN gotovim_vmeste a round of dishes with condensed milk was announced. And this is what prompted me to do something that I had been meaning to do for a long time, but never got around to...

To be honest, I’m not a fan of condensed milk, the kind that comes from a can, and I perceive it only in one form - boiled. That is, I thought that I loved her... until I came to Spain and discovered here that what we understand as boiled condensed milk is (and I am not afraid of this statement) only a pathetic imitation of the real, famous Argentinean (and not only Argentinean, but also Uruguayan, in a word, belonging to the Río de la Plata region) dulce de leche. In this region it is made from cow's milk and sugar, closer to Colombia they will add vanilla and boil it with a spoon of soda, which will make it more aromatic, lighter and even more caramel, but in Mexico, for example, instead of dulce de leche they will call it cajeta and cook it from a mixture of cow's milk and goat's milk, which gives it a special shade.

This incomparable milky-caramel, with a subtle vanilla aroma, taste of hand-brewed dulce de leche is not associated with my many Argentinian acquaintances, and not even with the Uruguayan mother of my Catalan friend, who cooks and brews dulce de leche in her kitchen and distributes jars to everyone he knows, and with my dearly beloved, so dear ninelle , with which we have already been familiar, albeit virtually, for 7 whole years. Nina, dear, was cooking and thinking about you. I know that you would now give up with me on all our diets, and if you were here, we would sit down over a cup of mate and, armed with spoons, we would finally de-virtualize in full.

In the meantime, having cooked such a jar, I signed my own death sentence, because my beloved husband, having eaten the spoon he brought for testing, declared that I would never get away with condensed milk from a jar again.

Dulce de leche.

For 500 ml of the final product you will need:

2 liters of milk (from 3%)
500 g sugar
1 tsp soda
Vanilla pod, vanilla essence or vanilla sugar.

Ideally, Dulce de leche is cooked in a copper vessel, but if not available, any thick-walled container can be used. I cooked in a cauldron with a non-stick coating.

Bring the milk to a boil with the vanilla pod cut in half. Take out the vanilla, add sugar to the boiling milk and pour in soda diluted in a small amount of water, cook, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and making sure it doesn’t burn, over high heat until the milk begins to thicken (becomes similar to regular condensed milk) and changes color . This will happen in about an hour. Here you need to arm yourself with patience, stand at the stove, slightly reduce the heat and start stirring constantly, until it finally thickens for about another 30 minutes.

If you still miss the moment and the milk is slightly burnt, do not despair, but it is better to simply strain everything into another bowl and continue cooking.

When the milk turns brown and acquires the consistency of liquid honey, remove from heat, transfer the pan to a container with cold water and stir vigorously for another 5 minutes. Transfer to jars and cool.

The whole process takes exactly 1.5 hours.

One of the most simple and wonderful dishes with dulce de leche, in my opinion, is

How to cook Argentine boiled condensed milk (Dulce de leche)

Dulce de leche is a traditional Argentinean dessert that tastes very much like caramel/taffy/boiled condensed milk. If translated literally, it means “milk candies”, “milk jam”, in the same way dulce de frutilla is translated as strawberry jam. Considered a delicacy, it is popular in South America, especially Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay. Enjoy condensed milk to the sounds of the Fender CD-60CE NAT DS electro-acoustic guitar, get charged with positivity and play fiery musical instruments, just like in the homeland of the Duce de Leche.

Ingredients (For 5 people)

Milk 1 l

Granulated sugar 2 tbsp.

Vanillin 1 pack.

Baking soda 1 tsp

Salt 0.25 tsp

Step-by-step recipe for Argentine boiled condensed milk (Dulce de leche) with photo

1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

2. Mix cold milk with sugar, vanilla and salt in a bowl, cover with foil and place in the center of a deep baking sheet and pour water into it to cover at least half the bowl.

3. After 15 minutes, sprinkle baking soda on top, add more water to the baking sheet and bake for 1 hour, adding water periodically.

4. Remove from the oven and stir thoroughly for a minute. Place back in the oven until brown for 2-3 hours, whisking every hour and adding water.

5. When the milk has boiled down to 200 ml, check whether the stripes dripping from the spoon will hold for 10 seconds. If yes, the caramel is ready!

6. Stir it well for 3 minutes, put it in a saucepan and cool to room temperature.

7. Dulce de leche can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks (there are versions that do not exceed 7 days) or eaten immediately. For example, you can make a waffle cake, spread it on toast, cookies or bread, drip it on muffins/bananas/ice cream, make ice cream/pie out of it, etc. Bon appetit!

Dulce de leche is a very popular product in Latin America. It is both similar to our “boiled condensed milk” and not similar. Essentially it is jam made from milk.

In culinary recipes where dulce de leche is found, in the absence of the latter, it can be replaced with boiled condensed milk. Or you can work a little and cook a real Latin American delicacy.

The recipe is very simple, the process is not complicated or time-consuming. Maybe a little long. But as a result, you get milk jam that tastes like toffee or Korovka candies.

In Argentina, the birthplace of this sweet, dulce de leche is used to make creams for cakes and pastries, add to ice cream and simply enjoy it like regular jam.

Ingredients to make 0.5 liters of dulce de leche:

  • 2 liters of milk (at least 3% fat)
  • 500 g granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Vanilla bean, vanilla essence or vanilla sugar

Making dulce de leche:

Ideally, “dulce de leche” is cooked in a copper bowl, but in the absence of one, you can use any container with thick walls and a bottom. If the pan has a non-stick coating, then this is generally great.

You need to take a saucepan of sufficient volume: twice as much as the volume of milk, otherwise the milk will run away. It is better to have a low pan with a wide bottom, and not vice versa, because the wider the bottom, the greater the area of ​​liquid evaporation and the shorter the cooking time.

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and add a vanilla bean, cut in half, into the milk. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. After the milk has boiled, the vanilla must be removed.
  2. Pour baking soda into a large cup and add a little boiling milk from the pan. Stir the milk and soda until it stops foaming.
  3. Pour the milk and soda into the pan with the rest of the milk, stir again.
  4. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, simmer the milk until it begins to thicken and turn brown.
  5. Once the milk thickens, reduce the heat to low and begin stirring constantly, carefully scraping up any clumps of sweet milk from the bottom and sides of the pan. At this point, the milk will resemble a thick foam with darker brown clumps.
  6. Once the milk is no longer foamy, has darkened and is clear, and is brown and thick enough to your liking, remove the pan from the heat and place it in a bowl of cool water. Continue stirring the condensed milk until it cools to a temperature of 40 - 30 degrees.
  7. Pour the milk into dry, clean jars. Store in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea with dulce de leche!

Many believe that this is the same as “boiled condensed milk”, popular in the USSR. The taste of dulce di leche really resembles it, but it does not have the metallic taste inherent in boiled condensed milk, and there is no danger of the can exploding either!
The recipe is very simple, the process is not complicated or time-consuming. And as a result, you get milk jam that tastes like toffee or Korovka candies.
In Argentina, the birthplace of this sweet, dulce di leche is used to make creams for cakes and pastries, add to ice cream and simply enjoy it like regular jam.

For 500 ml of the final product you will need:

2 liters of milk (from 3%)
500 g sugar
1 tsp soda
Vanilla bean, vanilla essence or vanilla sugar

Ideally, “dulce de leche” is cooked in a copper bowl, but failing that, any thick-walled container can be used. I cooked in a heavy non-stick pan.

Important: the larger the bottom area of ​​the pan, the shorter the cooking process will be due to more intense evaporation of the liquid, so the cooking process can take from 40 minutes to 3 hours.
The pan must be of sufficient volume, at least twice the volume of milk, otherwise you risk flooding the entire kitchen with “escaped” milk.

1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar and add a vanilla bean, cut in half, to the milk. Bring the milk to a boil, remove the vanilla.

2. Pour baking soda into a large cup and add a little boiling milk from the pan. Stir milk and soda until it stops foaming. Pour the milk and soda into the pan with the rest of the milk, stir the contents of the pan.

3. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, simmer the milk until it begins to thicken and brown. As soon as the milk thickens, reduce the heat to low and begin stirring constantly, carefully scraping any clumps of sweet milk from the bottom and sides of the pan. At this point, the milk will resemble a thick foam with darker brown clumps.

4. Once the milk stops foaming, darkens and becomes clear, and is brown and thick enough for your liking, remove the pan from the heat and place it in a bowl of cool water. Stir the condensed milk until it cools to a temperature of 40 - 30 degrees.

5. Pour the milk into dry, clean jars. Store in the refrigerator.

* Water for cooling the finished condensed milk should be at room temperature. If you take cold water, the cooling will be too sharp, as a result the milk may crystallize due to the high concentration of sugar.

* Soda must be added to caramelize the milk faster, and it will not be noticeable in the final product. However, if you are particularly sensitive to the taste of soda, you can cook without it.

* If you missed the moment when the sugar began to caramelize and the milk got a little burnt to the bottom, don’t despair! Strain the milk into another pan and continue cooking.

* The vanilla pod that you removed from the milk should not be thrown away! Rinse the pod, dry it with a paper towel and place it in a jar with granulated sugar. After two weeks, the sugar will acquire the taste and smell of vanilla.