Dietary cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker. Cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker

Cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage are an incredibly tasty lunch that can be prepared in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for preparing cabbage rolls in a slow cooker:

  • Chinese cabbage
  • ready minced beef and pork 50/50
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • vegetable oil for frying onions and carrots
  • tomato paste or ketchup
  • enough salt

How to cook cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker:

Chop the onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and prepare the minced meat as for cutlets. If you don’t like to bother with minced meat, you can buy it ready-made on the market, but you need to be sure of its quality.

Let's fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil in the baking mode for 10 minutes until they soften. Leave half of the roast in the slow cooker and add 2-3 tbsp of tomato paste.

Add the other half to the finished minced meat.

Let's cut off the base of the head of cabbage.

And we will separate it into separate pieces of paper.

Soak the Chinese cabbage leaves in hot or boiling water for one minute until they become soft and roll easily. There is another way: put it in the microwave for three minutes, at full power.

Place the minced meat on a piece of paper.

And fold it into an envelope.


We roll all our cabbage rolls like this until the minced meat is gone.

Place in a frying pan. Pour water or meat broth, salt and pepper. You can add some seasonings.

The best mode for cooking cabbage rolls in a slow cooker is stewing for two hours. But I needed to cook faster, so I cooked for 1 hour while baking, but if you are not in a hurry, then it is better to choose the first mode. Bon appetit!


  • Large head of Chinese cabbage (or white cabbage)
  • Minced meat - 500 g (any kind, but beef + pork 1 to 1 will be tastier)
  • Rice - 1/2 cup
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

Stuffed cabbage rolls are one of my family's favorite dishes. It's tasty, healthy and can be prepared quickly enough. We are accustomed to the fact that white cabbage is usually used to prepare cabbage rolls. But most often it requires additional preparation. So, cabbage leaves are boiled, the stalk is cut off, etc. I’m used to cooking Chinese cabbage, which is softer and easier to process.

Every housewife knows many ways. Some fry them, some stew them, some bake them. I loved cooking cabbage rolls in a slow cooker using Chinese cabbage. Everything is very simple, fast and tasty.

You can cook this recipe in any model, be it Polaris, Redmond, Panasonic. If you only have a pressure cooker, the cooking time can be reduced to 40 minutes.

  • Stuffed cabbage rolls can be offered on the menu to children from 3 years old.

How to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker - recipe with photo:

1. To have everything at hand while cooking, prepare the ingredients.

Mix pork and beef in a 1:1 ratio. If you don’t want to bother too much, you can buy ready-made minced meat in the store.

Choose Chinese cabbage for cabbage rolls with large leaves. Or prepare a regular white cabbage. Peel carrots and onions. Rinse the rice. prepare tomato paste, sour cream, salt and black pepper. You can also add bay leaves and allspice to these products.

2. Chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Combine the minced meat and prepared vegetables, add rice, salt, black pepper, and mix everything thoroughly.

I didn’t boil the rice, but just washed it several times under water. Some housewives boil rice until half cooked. This is also not forbidden, i.e. it all depends on your taste and desire.

6. Take Chinese cabbage. Separate the leaves from the base.

7. To make the leaves softer, you need to immerse the leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes or heat them in the microwave for 2 minutes. This will make the leaves even softer and more pliable.

8. Now we carefully form the cabbage rolls in the shape of an envelope.

9. The cabbage rolls are formed. Now let's make the tomato sauce. Mix tomato paste and sour cream in 0.5 liters of water. Add a little salt and black pepper to this.

10. Place cabbage rolls in a slow cooker bowl and pour tomato sauce over it. Add a bay leaf and some allspice if desired.

11. And then everything is very simple. Turn on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. A tasty and nutritious dish for all family members is almost ready!

You will need:

  • 1 large head of Chinese cabbage
  • 150ml tomatoes, chopped in a blender
  • 150gr. sour cream
  • salt, spices, bay leaf to taste

For filling:

  • 500gr. meat (pork, beef)
  • 150gr. cooked rice until half cooked
  • 2 onions
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • salt, pepper to taste

Sooner or later, serving dishes from your kitchen assistant to the table over and over again, you will definitely ask yourself, how to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker? As it turns out, it’s very simple, and even faster than in a regular stew. But if young, tender cabbage is used in the summer, then in winter preparing cabbage rolls from ordinary cabbage is a real challenge! Hard leaves need to be boiled for a long time, and then make sure that they do not tear when twisted. But, thanks to the appearance of Chinese cabbage in our stores, the problem with delicate leaves for cabbage rolls in winter and early spring has been solved. Cabbage rolls made from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker are no less tasty, and there is much less hassle with preparation.

But every recipe has its own tricks. Today I will share with the readers of the site my secrets of preparing cabbage rolls in my REDMOND RMC 4502 multicooker.

Cooking method

  1. To start, I'm looking for a fairly large head of Chinese cabbage with green leaves and a wide crown. This means that in my work I will have the right size leaves.

    For the filling, I boil the rice in advance until half cooked, let it drain well, and prepare homemade minced meat from lean and beef , I add a fairly large amount of onion and a little stalk celery to it for juiciness and aroma. When all this is ready, I start cooking.

  2. I put a liter of water on the fire in a wide-bottomed saucepan and bring it to a boil.

    I cut off the base of a head of Chinese cabbage, since the rough white part of the leaves is not useful to me. It can be used for salads, where it will be good, but here we need the tender part of the leaves.

  3. I separate the rest of the cabbage into individual leaves, carefully removing them as they grow. From this amount of minced meat and rice, I cook about 15-16 pieces of cabbage rolls, so I remove 15-16 leaves. The remaining middle will also go to the salad.

    I put the leaves in a saucepan with water and blanch under the lid for 4-5 minutes.

  4. At this time I prepare the stuffing for cabbage rolls. Add rice to the prepared minced meat and mix thoroughly with a spoon until smooth.

  5. And I also have time to prepare the dressing for cabbage rolls. Mix tomatoes, sour cream, spices and salt in a separate bowl. I beat everything lightly with a whisk until smooth.

  6. I take the cooked leaves out of the boiling water with a fork into a colander and let them drain a little and cool.

  7. Then I roll the cabbage rolls. On the table I lay out the leaves of Chinese cabbage in rows with the tops facing me. I place all the minced meat on the tips of the leaves. I like this method because I know for sure that I won’t have any extra minced meat or extra cabbage leaves!

  8. I roll up the cabbage rolls. I cover the top of the minced meat with the tip of a cabbage leaf, then fold the edges at the sides so that the minced meat is securely covered.

  9. Then I roll the rolled minced meat to the end of the sheet and place the cabbage roll on the very edge. The edge should be at the bottom, then the cabbage rolls will be easy to place in the bowl, and then taken out for serving on plates.

    I repeat the wrapping manipulations for all the remaining cabbage rolls.

  10. I take a bowl out of the multicooker and put the cabbage rolls in it. I pour the dressing on top and add a bay leaf for flavor.

  11. I place the bowl in the multicooker, close the lid, and set the cooking program. The best mode for this type of dish is STEWING. Cooking cabbage rolls in a slow cooker is not a very long process, about 40 minutes, so I set this exact time. I start the multicooker and cook until the end of the program.

    Now the question of how to cook cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker is off the agenda? Hope so!

  12. Ready-made cabbage rolls are best served piping hot, as they say, that is, straight from the multicooker bowl steaming with the aromatic spirit. Stuffed cabbage rolls are traditionally served with black brutal bread and topped with sour cream and herbs. But you can also practice the “chamber”, more refined version, by serving cabbage rolls on warmed elegant plates, pouring a small amount of filling. Serve long-toothed knives and forks.

Now that you know how to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker, you can experiment with serving as much as you like, because the main thing is that they will always taste good! Have fun and enjoy your meal!

Time: 70 min.

Servings: 8-10

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Recipe for delicious cabbage rolls made from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker

A little unusual - cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker. A dish with this name is most often prepared from white cabbage.

Chinese cabbage is more expensive, and thanks to its soft, juicy leaves, it is more often used for preparing fresh salads. Having bought a large head of cabbage, the small inner leaves can be left for salad, and the large outer leaves can be used for cabbage rolls. The leaves of this type of cabbage are really more tender and the cabbage rolls will turn out wonderful.

In addition to taste, we should note the convenience and ease of preparing cabbage rolls from Chinese cabbage in a slow cooker. After processing in boiling water, the leaves are soft and pliable, making it convenient to wrap minced meat in them. The gravy does not evaporate during prolonged stewing in the slow cooker, and the cabbage rolls do not burn. If there is a pressure cooker function, then cooking will be reduced to 40 minutes. Cabbage rolls made from Chinese cabbage are a hearty and tasty lunch for the whole family without much effort.

It is better to prepare the minced meat for the filling yourself. The quality will undoubtedly be better than in the store. You can use any meat; this recipe uses beef.

The rice for minced meat is long, it can be placed raw, because in an hour of stewing it will be perfectly cooked. If you like your rice soft, boil it for ten minutes before adding to the filling.

Gravy for cabbage rolls is prepared in different ways. Some recipes suggest frying carrots and onions, and then mixing the vegetables with tomato and water. This recipe shows the fastest way to prepare gravy, with tomato, sour cream and water, without frying.

Please note that the leaves of Chinese cabbage are more tender than those of white cabbage. Therefore, they do not need to be boiled in hot water, just keep them in boiling water for a few minutes. It is necessary to cut off the thick edge of the leaves or lightly beat them with a culinary hammer, then the tightly wrapped minced meat will not unfold. There is no need to fry these cabbage rolls before stewing.

Let's start cooking

It is convenient to prepare this dish in any model of multicooker: Polaris, Redmond, Panasonic, etc. Very quickly, Chinese cabbage does not require long preparation, and the multicooker simplifies the cooking process as much as possible.


Cooking process

Step 1

Prepare all the products needed for the dish. They wash the meat and grind it in a meat grinder. The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Carrots, grated on a coarse grater. The rice is washed several times under running water.

Step 2

Carefully separate the top cabbage leaves and place them in hot water. Remove the container with water from the heat. After five minutes, when the leaves become soft, they are placed out of the water onto a dish and cooking continues.

Step 3

Minced meat is mixed with grated carrots, chopped onions and raw rice, salt and pepper to taste. Minced meat is wrapped in leaves treated with boiling water. Cabbage leaves are oblong, they are very conveniently wrapped in the form of envelopes.

Step 4

After greasing the bottom of the multicooker with vegetable oil, place the cabbage rolls in the multicooker and prepare the gravy. Dissolve sour cream and tomato paste in 500 ml of water, add a little salt, stir, and pour into a multicooker bowl on top of the cabbage rolls. Add 1 bay leaf and a few peas of allspice.

Step 5

After closing the multicooker lid, turn on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour. When the beep sounds, place the cabbage rolls on plates, topping them with gravy if desired and garnishing with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Let's start cooking.

To prepare the filling, we take minced meat; I happened to have pork at home.

I add spices to it to taste. I use a mixture of freshly ground peppers and sea salt with garlic.

I definitely add herbs to the minced meat seasoned with spices and salt. Sometimes I put parsley, sometimes dill. Fresh or frozen.

At the moment I had fresh, fragrant, green dill in my refrigerator :)

I also add finely chopped dill to the minced meat.

Now my secret to a delicious stuffing of cabbage rolls is a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. In order for the filling to hold together better and be tender and juicy!

We add pre-boiled rice to the minced meat, I put about 400 grams of boiled rice by eye so that it is 1:1 with the minced meat.

Mix everything and set aside.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes.

Place the vegetables in a preheated frying pan with a piece of butter; it is the butter that will give the aroma and taste very delicate and creamy. And fry and simmer at the lowest temperature/fire. We don't need frying; the vegetables should become soft and sweet to the taste.

After 5-7 minutes, the vegetables were slightly fried and simmered under the lid. Add 2 tbsp ketchup. spoons. Mix and divide into 2 parts.
1 part is needed for stuffing cabbage rolls.
Part 2 for the filling sauce.

Add 1 part of onion and carrot to the filling.

Stir and you're done! Now you can start forming the cabbage rolls themselves.

Wash the Chinese cabbage and separate into leaves. I don't cut off the hard part of the sheet, but do it differently...

I tap the hard part with a hammer and voila, it becomes soft and pliable so that you can wrap the filling in a leaf.

I put a little more than a tablespoon of delicious filling, stepping back from the edge of the soft thin leaf.

I fold the edges of the leaf

I fold the top tender edge, and then carefully fold the envelope. After beating, the leaf becomes very flexible and everything turns out very simple!

I place the finished cabbage rolls in the multicooker bowl.
Let's start with the filling sauce.

Add 1 tbsp to 2 parts of onions and carrots. spoon of flour. Stir in the roast.

Add about 150 ml of water and stir.

Now add sour cream, I had 15% - 200 ml. And mix.

Add chopped dill to the sauce.

Stir, bring to a boil and turn off.

Pour the prepared delicious sauce over the cabbage rolls, and you can also add a little 100-150 ml of water to the multicooker bowl if desired. But in principle, if you don’t add cabbage and the filling will also release liquid and the cabbage rolls will turn out in a wonderful sauce.

For flavor, you can add 2-3 bay leaves if desired. When I add it and when I don’t)

I set the valve to simmer for 20 minutes. If you have a multi without a pressure cooker valve, then the time needs to be increased to 40 minutes.

After 20 minutes have passed, I let the cabbage rolls sit for another 10-15 minutes and the pressure will go away. I open the lid and mmmmm the deliciousness and aroma are indescribable.

Place the cabbage rolls on a plate and pour over the prepared sauce. They turn out juicy, tender, and do not fall apart. And what’s important is that the part that was hard and many people cut it off in Chinese cabbage when preparing cabbage rolls was perfectly stewed and became very soft and melts in your mouth!

And of course you can add sour cream :)
Bon appetit! Cook with pleasure!
I will be glad if someone finds my recipe useful!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.