Cherry jam in a bread machine recipe. Berry confiture in a bread maker. Cherry and blackcurrant jam with spices and ginger

During the season of picking various berries, be sure to prepare aromatic confiture from them. You have never tried such a mixture of berry flavors - incredibly tender, airy and languid. By the way, such preservation itself becomes dense during heat treatment without the addition of pectin or agar-agar!

Berry confiture in a bread maker is an ideal option for preparing it for the winter, because while it is being prepared you can be absolutely free, since the equipment will do all the work for you! Choose any berries: strawberries, currants, cherries, cherries, raspberries, etc., but remember that when creating confiture from sweet varieties, you need to add a little citric acid or lemon juice.


You will need for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 150 g cherries
  • 200 g strawberries
  • 150 g black currants
  • 150 g granulated sugar


1. Wash the strawberries in water and remove the stems. Place in a deep container.

2. Wash the currant berries and tear off their tails on both sides, pour them onto the strawberries.

3. Wash the cherries and remove seeds and tails from each berry, if any. Add to container.

4. Add granulated sugar, mix and let “rest” for about 30 minutes to release the juice. Since the berries contain sour cherries, it is not necessary to add citric acid.

5. After the berries give juice, pour the contents of the container into the bread maker bowl.

6. Let’s place it in the equipment and close the lid. We activate the “Jam” mode on the scoreboard for 1-1.5 hours and go about our business.

7. After the specified time, pour the finished confiture into a cauldron or pan and place it on the stove, turning on minimal heat.

Recipe cherry jam in a bread machine:

For homemade cherry jam in the bread maker, we select only ripe berries, without rot or blemishes; preferably, fleshy varieties of large cherries, rich in aroma and sweet and sour taste. Having sorted through, we lower the cherries into a spacious basin with cold water - rinse thoroughly, changing the water.

Place in a colander, drain all the liquid and let it sit for 10-15 minutes to get rid of excess moisture. These berries are juicy and there is no need for additional liquid for jam.

Let's move on to the most labor-intensive stage of the recipe - removing the seeds. And it’s great if you have a kitchen gadget for such procedures in your bins. We weigh and measure the amount of sugar.

Add a portion of granulated sugar to the cherry pulp. If desired, you can add ground flavorings such as cinnamon, citric acid, and all kinds of spices.

For convenience, mix in a bowl, evenly covering the berries with sweet and quickly melting grains.

We load the cherry-sugar mixture into the bucket of the bread machine, following the instructions for the specific model, and press the necessary buttons on the electronic menu. For 120 minutes (or another time specified by the bread maker), we forget about the cherry jam and for this period we boldly change the type of activity.

The hot, very fragrant delicacy is ready! Carefully place in pre-prepared sterile jars.

After completely cooling, store the cherry jam in the pantry, cellar or on the refrigerator shelf.

Want to know how to make jam in a bread machine? NameWoman has original and yet very simple recipes for you that will fill your home with the aromas of wonderful spices and give amazing, harmonious new tastes to you, your family and friends. In the article below, you will learn how to make jam from apples, pumpkin, lemons, oranges, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, black currants, and bananas in a bread machine. We will tell you how to store jam, whether it can be made from frozen berries, and what you need to pay special attention to in this case. You will find out which jam is added with pepper, which with rosemary, and what coriander goes best with.

The first photo of the article shows a dessert made in a bread machine in the “jam” mode from apples, sugar, frozen black currants and a small amount of chokeberries with the addition of ground cinnamon and lemon juice.

Are jam and preserves the same thing? No, although these desserts are very similar, therefore often, when talking about one of them, they mean the other or, in principle, use these two culinary terms as synonyms. So, what is the difference between jam and preserves? The first has a more uniform consistency (the fruits used for its preparation are completely boiled) and is characterized by light gelling, which is obtained due to the interaction of pectin and acids. There is a lot of pectin in apples and plums. It is noteworthy that for the best jam, ripe and sometimes overripe berries and fruits are taken, while unripe fruits with a higher pectin content are most suitable for jam. Also, as a rule, jam differs from jam in that it is prepared at lower temperatures and for less time. Sometimes this is done in several stages, allowing the jam to cool. When making jam, a much larger amount of sugar is used than when making jam, and, accordingly, it is better stored. Formally, if you don’t want to be too principled in the field of culinary terminology and technology, you can also make jam using the “jam” function in a bread maker (do not forget that you can reduce the cooking time yourself by stopping the program manually).

How to make jam in a bread machine

To make jam in a bread maker, use the special “Jam” function. Place a spatula in the bucket, load all the ingredients, place the bucket in the bread maker, close it and turn it on. First, the fruit is heated and then cooked with constant stirring at a certain temperature. Now this function is available in almost all commercially available models. So if you look at the catalog of Redmond bread makers, you will see that these modern household appliances have learned not only to knead dough, bake bread and make jam, but also prepare yogurt and meat. So desserts from a bread machine as such will surprise few people. You need to rely on unusual recipes...

Review the jam recipes included in your bread machine instructions. The most important point is the number of products. Stick to the appropriate values, adapting the recipes below to your model of device. As a rule, at one time you can load from 500-600 grams to a kilogram of fruits or berries prepared for making jam into the bread machine. The volume of the finished product (jam or jam), respectively, usually fits into a half-liter or two half-liter jars.

You can make jam in a bread machine with a thicker (more jelly) consistency if you add pectin to the sugar when adding ingredients. For 500-600 grams, it is enough to take 1-1.5 teaspoons of pectin. Pectin can be replaced with a special mixture for sweet canning - “zhelfix” (like pectin, it is mixed with sugar). We recommend choosing one of these additives if you are preparing jam from very juicy fruits (citrus fruits, melon, pineapples) in a bread machine.

Remember that when cooling, the jam prepared in the bread machine gels a little. If it seems to you that the finished product has the consistency of too liquid jam, then you can boil it a little in a saucepan on the stove.

Is it possible to make jam from frozen berries in a bread machine? Yes, you can. If you take frozen berries or fruits together with fresh ones (at room temperature) and the frozen fruits are only one third or no more than half, then you can immediately load them into the bread maker and turn it on. This device first activates the heating function and only then begins to stir the future jam, i.e. frozen ingredients will have time to thaw (make sure that your model of bread machine does not start kneading berries immediately after turning on the “jam” or “jam” mode!). If you plan to make jam in a bread maker only from frozen berries and fruits, then they should first be allowed to melt at room temperature. To prevent accidental damage to the inner coating of the bread machine bucket (coarse sugar can easily be classified as a coarse abrasive material), first mix the sugar with the other components of the future jam or jam in a separate bowl. After this, load everything into the bucket. You should not put sugar and fruits in the bread machine in two layers.

Added based on user comments: Having placed all the ingredients for making jam in a bucket, cover the top with foil (the matte side is outward and the reflective side is inward) and secure the edges. This will protect the inside of the bread machine and the walls from possible splashes.

After finishing the jam making program, immediately pour the contents of the bucket into jars and wash the bread maker bucket (pour more hot water into the hot bucket, gradually lowering the temperature).

How to store jam and marmalade made in a bread machine? After the finished product has cooled, close the jar with a lid and put the jam in the refrigerator. Traditional Russian jam is less capricious in terms of storage (it can be stored at room temperature) due to the use of a large amount of a natural preservative - sugar - when cooking (sugar and fruits or berries are usually taken in equal parts, and if the jam is made from vegetables, then the amount of sugar by weight completely exceeds the main jam product). In the recipes below, you will see that significantly less sugar is used to make jam in a bread machine.

Classic apple jam in a bread maker

For half a kilo of apples cut into slices (there is no need to finely chop the fruit, the jam will still be quite homogeneous), you need to take 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is believed that when preparing apple jam in a bread machine, it is not necessary to remove the peel from the fruit. However, not everyone likes its presence in jam. But most are delighted with those dried apple slices that remain on the walls of the bucket until the end of the jam preparation when kneading.

NameWoman, preserves and preserves made from a mixture of different fruits always taste more interesting. Home cooking is about exciting experiments. Therefore, the following are recipe options for a bread machine, where apples will have additional company to create a fragrant symphony of flavors. Use spices to impress family and friends. Try apple jam from a bread machine with the addition of cinnamon, nutmeg, and orange zest. If the fruits are very sweet, then you can make apple jam in a bread maker with lemon (one citrus is enough, cut it into circles directly with the zest and divide each circle into four sectors).

Orange jam in a bread maker

To make orange jam, we need half a kilo of orange slices (make sure there are no seeds) and 100 grams of fresh orange zest. Cut it into long narrow strips. For the indicated amount of citrus fruits, take 160 grams of granulated sugar.

If you prefer jam that is sweet rather than sour, then such jam can be made from a mixture of orange and apples in equal proportions. The jam looks interesting, in the bread machine recipe for which a handful of raisins are added to the oranges.

Recipe for pumpkin jam in a bread machine

Hot-spicy pumpkin jam in a bread maker (the cheerful red contents of the jars in the photo on the right) is a very impressive flavor combination. To ensure that the finished product does not turn out cloying, in this case you will definitely need citrus fruits. Cook 200 grams of pumpkin pulp cut into small cubes over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. We drain the water. Mix pumpkin with 180 grams of sugar, 100 grams of sliced ​​apple and 250 grams of orange or tangerine slices. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 5 allspice peas and 5 cloves, crushed with a mortar - this combination is typical for jams and compotes from American cuisine. For those who like savory jams, we also recommend adding 1-2 tablespoons of orange zest and finely chopped three cloves of fresh ginger.

Recipe for lemon jam in a bread machine

Cut 4 medium-sized lemons into slices, cut each slice in half, remove all seeds. Mix the lemons, along with the juice released from the citrus fruits, with 500 grams of sugar, add the seeds of half a vinyl pod (can be replaced with vanilla sugar) and 10 ml of fresh apple juice.

Strawberry jam in a bread maker

According to the recipe for strawberry jam, half a kilo of strawberries requires 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Does the recipe seem too banal to you? Then, when preparing strawberry jam in a bread machine, you can add 2/3 teaspoon of cinnamon and ground seeds of one star anise. Advice from NameWoman: strawberry jam will take on an interesting note if, immediately after preparing it, transferring the hot mixture into a jar, add chopped leaves from two or three sprigs of basil.

When making jam in a bread machine, fresh lemon juice can, in principle, be replaced with citric acid. Instead of a tablespoon of juice, take a pinch of citric acid or a little less than half a teaspoon.

Simple blueberry jam

For 450 grams of blueberries you will need a tablespoon of lemon juice and 130 grams of granulated sugar.

Cherry jam in a bread machine

As when making strawberry jam in a bread machine, for 500 grams of berries (after removing the seeds), take 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Cherry and blackcurrant jam with spices and ginger

You can make wonderful sweet and sour jam in a bread maker if you use both cherries and black currants to prepare it. In the cold season, frozen berries are perfect for these purposes. If you want to reduce the sour notes, then replace half the berries with chopped sweet apple pieces. The secret recipe for this jam is to add half a teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and ground coriander. Another trick to get a unique taste is to include finely chopped fresh ginger root (literally 2 cm) in the ingredients. Calculate the ratio of the fruit and berry component to sugar as in the recipe for cherry jam for a bread machine – 10:3.

Attention: if you are making jam in a bread machine from frozen cherries that were originally sold as such, NameWoman recommends first defrosting them at room temperature and making sure there are no seeds. Cherry pits often cause scratches on the paddle and the inner lining of the bread machine bucket. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cook jam from raspberries and red currants in a bread machine.

Apricot jam

For 540 grams of pitted apricot halves, take 150 grams of sugar, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice.

The apricot jam you have prepared will get an interesting twist if you add a prepared sprig of rosemary to the hot mixture and pour the contents along with it into a jar for storing the jam. Also, at the very beginning, putting the ingredients for the future piquant apricot jam into the bread machine bucket, you can add half a teaspoon of chopped dry rosemary and pink pepper.

By the way, sweet apricots can be used instead of apples when preparing jam with cherries and blackcurrants in a bread machine.

Banana jam with orange notes

Cut 3 large bananas into slices, add 200 grams of sugar, juice from three large oranges and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Ground coriander goes amazingly well with bananas in compotes and jam. Add a teaspoon of this spice when making jam in a bread machine.

Recipe for jam in a bread machine from bananas and black currants

You can make amazing, tender jam in a bread maker if you take 250 grams of black currants and bananas and mix them with 350 grams of sugar.

Maria Koshenkova

Ingredients: Cherry – 1000 g; Sugar - 300 g; Lemon juice - 2 tbsp; if natural fruit is not available, this ingredient can be replaced with citric acid (1 tsp).

The preparatory work will take 30-40 minutes, it all depends on dexterity and practical skills in removing seeds from berries.

Cherry jam in a bread machine. Preparation:

The preparation time for cherry jam is 1 hour 20 minutes, but cooking does not require human intervention, which means you can rest peacefully (read, watch TV, or get acquainted with new preservation recipes).

Cherry jam in a bread machine

The method for preparing this jam is simple and accessible; it can be done by a novice housewife, or even by a schoolgirl who has decided to surprise with her amazing culinary skills.

So: Rinse the cherries thoroughly, then place in a colander to allow excess water to drain, lightly dry the berries.

Removing pits from cherries is the most labor-intensive process in this recipe. If you don’t have a special device, you can make your task easier by using a regular toothpick. Insert a toothpick into the stem of the berry, pry up the seed and press lightly, lifting the toothpick up. That’s it – the cherries are ready for further processing!

Cherry jam in a bread machine

If you want to add some zing to your cherry jam, add a few raspberries or strawberries. You need to install a spatula in the bread machine mold to mix the dough; without it, the process will not move forward. Place the ingredients in the following order: cherries, sugar, lemon juice. Shake the pan slightly to mix the ingredients more evenly.

Cherry jam is a delicacy whose taste each of us remembers from childhood. Scientists say that cherries are an essential source of anthocyanin, whose actions are aimed at improving heart function, removing toxins from the body and reducing cholesterol levels. It is recommended to consume this preparation at least twice a week, as it is considered one of the best means for preventing colds.

Please note that today you can prepare such a delicious dish in a variety of ways, using different techniques. The cherry jam made in a bread maker deserves special attention. The thing is that thanks to her, this process has become incredibly easy and simple. But keep in mind that this preparation does not last long, only a couple of months. If you need to increase this period, close it in pre-prepared sterilized jars.



  • fresh or frozen cherries - one kilogram;
  • water - one hundred milliliters;
  • sugar - one kilogram.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Sort the cherries, wash them from dirt, add sugar, water and place them in the bucket of the bread machine. But keep in mind that if your berries are frozen, you don’t need to wash or sort them.
  2. Select the “Stew” mode and cook the jam for about an hour. At the same time, do not forget to regularly stir the pulp and remove the film from it. Pour the jam into jars.

It is recommended to store cherry blanks, like any other, in a cool, dark place. This could be a cellar, basement, refrigerator, etc. You can also sign each jar. Thanks to this, you will know exactly when the jam was prepared.

Little secrets

To ensure that the cooking process does not upset you, follow these rules:

  • Do not use large quantities of ingredients, as this may cause the jam to burn, overflow and foam. Remember, everything should be in moderation, otherwise it will lead to undesirable consequences.
  • As soon as the workpiece is ready, pour it into a clean saucepan and rinse the bread maker bucket using special products.

Cherry jam has only one drawback - it requires a lot of sugar. It is because of this that it should be consumed in moderation; it is best to add this delicacy to cottage cheese, tea, pies and porridge.