Chicken liver cutlets for children. Cutlets like in kindergarten according to this recipe. Steamed diet cutlets in a slow cooker

Cutlets like in kindergarten are another forgotten but pleasant taste. The very first experience of meat-eating, which many children enjoy. This is an appetizing choice for young gourmets, regardless of the era of birth and continents of residence.

And it often happens that the love for cocoa, cutlets and noodles from childhood later “turns” into a passion for steaks, whiskey and cigars. But in the abundance of tastes of adult life, there is always a place for the same love for “young” cutlets. Tested on my own daughter! All the details of preparing “kindergarten” cutlets are in the culinary report of the “Menu of the Week” portal.

The phenomenon of these cutlets was a mystery to me until I asked to work for my mother. I really wanted to peek at the secrets of the “kindergarten” recipe.

I was given a white robe, a change of sterile shoes and was given access to the most delicious “heart” - the kitchen, where at five in the morning they begin to cook porridge for breakfast and then “knead” cutlets for lunch. In the kindergarten kitchen, all pots are labeled, numbered, and cutting boards are sorted by cooking method. The cutlets get their start in the raw production department. Here beef carcasses are cut, bones, films, tendons are removed and the meat blood is drained. For example, on the day of my “report,” 184 children were on food.

Chef Natalia Ivanovna received almost 24 kilograms of meat. Minus the waste mass, about 18 kilograms went into cutlets. Broth is made from meat waste - this is one of the main points in the technology. Below I will show a technological map for a beef cutlet - there is a calculation for one serving.

For 200 cutlets, they gave me the following breakdown: 17.6 kg of beef, 300 ml of vegetable oil, three loaves, one and a half kilograms of onions and carrots and about half a kilo of breadcrumbs. Of course, no one will make 200 cutlets in a home kitchen, so the layout is reduced for a family of four in the calculation that everyone will get two cutlets. Well, where have you seen families in which they eat one at a time?! Two is at least!

  • Total and active cooking time – 1.5 hours
  • Cost – 10 $
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 183 kcal
  • Number of servings – 8 pcs.

Cutlet recipe like in kindergarten


  • Beef – 800 grams
  • Loaf – 80 grams
  • Milk – 1/2 cup
  • Onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Breadcrumbs– 40-50 grams
  • Vegetable oil– 30 ml.
  • Salt - to taste


Cutlets in kindergarten are made strictly from beef. Sometimes from chicken, less often from lean pork. Lamb and fatty pork are prohibited. Although there is now an active pediatric opinion among parents that beef is not the best meat for children.

Piggy without fat is still better suited for a child’s body, because the composition of amino acids in “pork” protein is identical to human protein, and therefore pork is the most non-allergenic meat. However, the developers of proper baby food still recommend “cow”.

The chopped beef is minced three times in a meat grinder. The first time - only pulp. The second time - meat and onions. The third is meat with onions and a loaf soaked in milk. Salt to taste. The resulting minced meat is well beaten and small “piles” are formed.

The minced meat is weighed in parts to make it easier to monitor the weight of each cutlet. The requirements in children's institutions are as follows: older children should be given a cutlet of 70 grams. Taking into account the fact that beef gives 30% “shrinkage”, the cutlet is formed quite weighty - 100 grams in its raw form. Toddlers get a slightly smaller cutlet.

From the prepared cutlet mass, oval-flattened portions with a pointed end are calibrated. Each cutlet is coated in breadcrumbs.

The baking sheet is heated to 150-160 degrees. Lubricate with oil, put a little chopped carrots and onions on the bottom.

The breaded cutlets are placed tightly on a baking sheet.

The oven is heated to 180-200 degrees. And bake the cutlets for 15 minutes.

The benefits of eating liver are known to many. However, children often refuse such dishes, so mothers have to experiment and come up with different options for combining tasty and healthy. The most common way to hide such an ingredient in a dish is to prepare chicken liver cutlets or pancakes. Do not forget that the recipes for these dishes for the youngest consumers are slightly different from the usual ones. We'll tell you how to make delicious cutlets quickly and easily.

Chicken liver cutlets: composition

Fresh liver contains vitamin B9, a lot of proteins and iron. All of these components are beneficial to health, so their presence in a child’s diet is important.

To make the cutlets fluffy and tender, you need to use good minced meat. A dish based on chicken liver is much softer than one made with ground beef or pork. Choose the main ingredient carefully and carefully. Take the liver in its original packaging, dark in color with a smooth surface and without obvious blood clots.

Liver cutlets are prepared with the addition of various additional products. It can be oatmeal, potatoes, semolina, carrots. Since the dish is intended for a child, we advise you to opt for semolina. This cereal has unique moisture-absorbing properties; it does not spoil the taste of the dish, but makes it tender and soft. Liver cutlets do not take much time to cook, because they are quite simple to make.

Take these ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 250–300 g;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • pepper, salt - to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Do not overdo it with the addition of spices in the minced meat, because the taste buds of children are much more sensitive than those of adults.

How to cook chicken liver cutlets

It will take one hour to cook semolina cutlets. The processes for preparing minced meat are no different from the usual cutlets, but have some nuances.

The preparatory stage includes the following actions:

  • rinse the liver under warm water. There is no need to pre-soak it in milk, because due to the addition of semolina it will already be quite soft and tender;
  • wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the onion into several large pieces, and grate the carrots on a fine grater.

We make minced meat and cutlets like this:

  • Using a meat grinder, chop the liver and onion;
  • add grated carrots. Salt and pepper. Stir;

  • beat in the egg and add semolina;
  • Stir again and leave to brew for 20–30 minutes.

When the minced meat is ready, fry the cutlets as usual. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Using your hands or a spoon moistened with water, form small cakes. Fry the cutlets without a lid for 3 minutes on each side.

Decorate the finished cutlets with herbs or serve with sauce. This cooking option is ideal for showing your child how tasty and healthy chicken liver is. Recipes for cutlets can be completely different, but they are always associated with home comfort and mother’s cooking.

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Liver is a very healthy product, which is rich in vitamins such as A, B6, B12. Also, when consuming liver, vital microelements enter the body: zinc, iron, sodium and calcium. It is especially useful to use liver for children.

With daily consumption of liver, the child’s body accumulates a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals for the further growth of the child’s body. In addition, the liver increases hemoglobin, and the child will not feel tired, but, on the contrary, will always be in good shape and full of energy.

For children's dishes, it is best to use chicken liver, as it is more tender and does not have an unpleasant odor, so the child will eat it with pleasure. And since all kids love cutlets, chicken liver cutlets will be eaten within a few minutes.

In addition to liver cutlets, children can cook them simply with a side dish.

For tender chicken liver cutlets for a child you will need:

  • Chicken liver – 0.3 kg
  • Minced chicken (from breast) - 0.3 kg
  • Medium bulb
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs
  • A piece of pumpkin or zucchini
  • vegetable oil for frying

Liver cutlets made from chicken liver and minced meat - recipe with step-by-step photos:

1. The liver must be washed well. Then remove all bile ducts so that there is no bitterness. It is not necessary to soak the chicken liver - it is already soft and tender.

2. Peel the onion and a piece of pumpkin. Chop and add to chicken liver.

3. Place in a blender bowl and grind at medium speed. If you don’t have a blender, then pass the liver and vegetables through a meat grinder.

4. Add minced chicken.

Add breadcrumbs (can be replaced with flour), egg and a pinch of salt.

Mix everything thoroughly and leave to brew for 10 minutes. During this time, the crackers should absorb excess liquid.

5. Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. Over medium heat, fry the cutlets on both sides.

7. After light frying, add a little water and simmer the liver cutlets over low heat with the lid closed for about 10 minutes.

8. You can serve tender liver cutlets with buckwheat, rice or potatoes.

No one now disputes the usefulness of the liver product in the nutrition of children. Pediatricians have long recommended feeding infants chicken or beef liver. Therefore, how to prepare simple liver dishes for children important for every mother to know.

The most useful are chicken and beef liver. It contains proteins that are much more easily absorbed by the child's body. In addition, the liver contains many useful substances, such as folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the child. As well as vitamins A, B, C, which help ensure normal brain function, vision, maintain smooth skin, healthy hair and teeth. Agree that all this is so important for the mother and for the child and the whole family as a whole.

The liver is very useful for stimulating the production of hemoglobin and strengthening the immune system, due to the presence of iron and copper in it. For the prevention and treatment of the initial form of anemia in children, there is more benefit in using liver as food than taking iron medications, which require calcium and vitamin C for proper absorption. And in the liver, all this is in a complex.

Dear parents, get ready liver dishes for children at least once a week, and many diseases will bypass your family.

When the children were little, I often made chicken pate myself.

To do this, I took 0.5 kg of chicken liver, boiled it in salted water and minced it twice. Today it is faster to use a blender for this. To the finished minced meat I added a pack of butter (250g) and 8 yolks of boiled chicken eggs, mashed with a fork. Everything was thoroughly mixed until homogeneous and stored in the refrigerator. Children enjoyed eating this pate with bread in the morning and as snacks throughout the day.

The only contraindication for eating liver is its dubious origin. You should never buy liver from a spontaneous market. In areas where the ecological situation is unfavorable, because it is the liver that collects all harmful substances, protecting the body of chicken, bull, pig, fish, and humans from the adverse influence of the environment.

I will share with you simple and healthy cooking recipes liver dishes for children and adults.

Recently we prepared cutlets and vegetable stew based on beef liver.

Stew with liver


Liver - 300 gr.

Sweet bell pepper - 3 pcs.

Potatoes - 10 pcs.

Carrots - 2 pcs.

Garlic - 2 cloves

Vegetable oil


Clean the liver from films. Rinse thoroughly with running tap water and cut into small pieces. Stew with liver cooking is easy and quick. We do this in a slow cooker, and my daughter cooks it in a pressure cooker.

Peel, wash and chop all vegetables. Place the liver and vegetables in a saucepan at the same time and lightly fry in vegetable oil. Then add water and cook for about 40 minutes. Only then add salt, spices and garlic. In this case, the liver becomes softer. And for children, you can put the prepared stew without garlic on a plate.

Since we had a large piece of liver, and the peeled and chopped vegetables remained and did not fit into the pressure cooker, I divided the liver and cooked more from half liver cutlets for children : Emira and Viti. Both adults and children ate them all together in one evening.

Liver cutlets for children


Liver – 30-400g

Potatoes - 2 pcs.

Carrots - 1 pc.

Garlic - 3 cloves

Boiled buckwheat

Egg - 2 pcs.

Flour - 2-3 tbsp. l

Vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

The liver, boiled buckwheat, garlic, carrots and potatoes were crushed in a blender.

The result is a semi-liquid mass, to which you need to add a little flour for gluing, mix with eggs, and add salt.

In winter, I often use ginger. I really love this seasoning. For medicinal purposes, I use fresh ginger root; we always have it in stock in the refrigerator in a sealed container.

From the resulting minced meat I formed cutlets and quickly fried them on both sides in a frying pan.

Then I transferred the cutlets into two frying pans, poured boiled water over them and left to simmer for half an hour. If necessary, add a little liquid. Some of the cutlets browned well, and some turned out to be steamed in appearance, just right for kids.

When I cook cutlets, I add potatoes and mayonnaise to them for juiciness. But since this time I was cooking liver cutlets for children On purpose, I limited myself to adding only vegetables to the minced meat. It's a pity there was no cabbage. It gives special juiciness to the cutlets.

So try, experiment, cook and enjoy healthy food for the whole family.

The article participates in the children's culinary competition “Child Nutrition” on the Razvivashka blog.

P.S. By clicking on the button, you can get acquainted with the details of your personal experience in preparing liver pate from chicken liver.

Mommies, how to cook baby liver cutlets (baby 10.5 months)? and got the best answer

Answer from Irima[guru]
Ingredients for pate: 75 grams of liver, 10 grams of onions, 15 grams of carrots, a teaspoon of butter.
To prepare liver pate according to this children's recipe, you need to simmer the liver in a frying pan under a lid along with onions and carrots in a small amount of water until soft. When the liver has cooled, mince the carrots and onions 2-3 times, add salt to the pate, and add whipped butter.
You can do it without onions.
Advice: baby food should be freshly prepared; give any new product only in the morning and a little in order to see the body’s reaction during the day and avoid allergies.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: mommies, how to prepare baby liver cutlets (for a 10.5 month old baby)?

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva(Burlutskaya)[guru]
Liver cutlets
For the recipe you will need:
- beef liver - 500g
- onion - 1 pc.
- egg - 1 pc.
- flour - 2 tbsp. l.
- salt, spices.
- boiled rice
Pass the liver and onions through a meat grinder, add the egg, flour, salt and spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly, add a little boiled rice and form cutlets like pancakes because the minced meat is liquid. Bake covered.

Answer from Irichka[guru]
Probably a little one can’t eat fried food, everything should be steamed... and besides, you need an egg in the minced meat... maybe I should just make it from the liver? I bought canned liver and beef for mine - I ate it with pleasure :)

Answer from Anna Goldinstein[guru]
0.5 kg of liver,
2-3 carrots,
2 eggs,
Mince the liver. Peel the carrots. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Add eggs and salt to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Add onions and carrots. Mix, add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour or semolina. . Cutlets must be steamed

Answer from Lana Perovskaya[guru]
Such a little one doesn't need cutlets. Just prepare liver puree.

Answer from shhhhh shhhhh[guru]
liver into the processor until minced... bread of milk and an egg... and steamed... do not fry

Answer from DiNoChka[expert]
grind and fry in sunflower water. butter....doesn't seem to add salt

Answer from Sit FM Vozrozhdenie[guru]
The recipe for my baby, who had low hemoglobin, was given by an elderly, experienced doctor (though the child was already about 2...), and it was not cutlets, but pancakes: fresh liver - through a meat grinder, add a lot of eggs; pour into a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil (I think you can do it without oil, in a Teflon one) and turn it over almost immediately; The result was thin, soft pancakes. As for flavoring additives such as salt, it will be good if the child does not become addicted to them for a longer time...

Answer from April[guru]
Pass the liver through a meat grinder, add an egg or half an egg (depending on the amount of minced meat). Bake in foil in the oven or, in extreme cases, steam.
Place a colander over a pan of boiling water and close the lid on top. It's ready in 15 minutes.