Children's cake for a one-year-old boy: 1. What should a custom-made cake for a one-year-old boy be like? Video: decorating a cake for a one year old boy

So, the baby's first birthday is coming up. Surely the hero of the occasion himself does not yet realize the full responsibility of such a moment, which cannot be said about his parents and invited guests. Therefore, everything should be well thought out in advance: the birthday boy’s outfit, festive, but comfortable, so that you can move and play freely, useful and cute gifts and, of course, a cake. Of course, whether to give a baby such a delicacy at his age is a rather controversial issue, but maintaining the appropriate solemn atmosphere (especially the baby’s first birthday in his life) is simply necessary. A custom-made cake for a year will help with this, which you can quickly and profitably purchase on the website of the Moscow Baker confectionery.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is the huge variety of design options for such a festive delicacy. You can order the decoration of the cake in accordance with your sketches, or you can not bother yourself and choose a ready-made version of the sweet decoration from our catalog. For example:

  • Single cake. Children's cakes for one year are often ordered as a single item. And not without reason, because this number can not only symbolize the child’s first birthday party in his life, but also become a sincere wish for the child to always be the first in everything.

  • Cake with angels. Little children look like angels, so a cake with the appropriate design will definitely become a cute and original table decoration, as well as an eloquent compliment to the baby’s parents.

  • Children's paraphernalia. When ordering a birthday cake, you can choose to decorate it with sweet baby paraphernalia. Typically, such delicacies are decorated with children's toys made from sugar mastic: teddy bears, cubes, pyramids and other touching things that the baby loves to play with. Since the birthday boy is already beginning to stand on his own feet and take his first steps, the treat can be decorated with tiny edible booties. Strollers, pacifiers, rattles and other cute attributes that accompany a child at this stage of his life will be embodied by our craftsmen on your sweet gift.

  • Little engine. Children's cakes for a one-year-old boy are often made in the shape of a train. Especially if he has already ridden such an attraction or has a favorite toy that makes “choo-choo.” In this case, the cake in the shape of a train will appeal to the baby and, without a doubt, will delight all the gathered guests.

  • Cartoon and fairy-tale characters. If a one-year-old toddler has already acquired his favorite fairy-tale characters, then our confectioners will be able to embody his first sympathies in the design of a birthday cake. If you don’t have clear preferences yet, you can decorate the 1st birthday cake with bears, lion cubs or other cute animals.

  • Traditional design. You can also present your baby with a birthday cake with a traditional, more neutral, but no less gentle and touching design. As a rule, preference is given to flowers, bows and ribbons.

  • Fruit cake. Our confectioners can decorate a custom-made cake for a one-year-old baby with fresh fruit at your request. This option is not only beautiful and healthy, but will also allow the hero of the occasion to taste his own birthday cake.

At the confectionery “Moscow Baker” you can order any birthday cake you see fit and our craftsmen will qualitatively translate all your wishes into a festive delicacy. In addition to the variety of external design, we offer a wide range of tender, juicy and incredibly tasty fillings. Holidays with the “Moscow Baker” are always the most original and sweet!

You can choose a single-tier dessert weighing 2 kg, decorated with edible elements or berries. It should be complemented with a cream ruffle, a candle, baby figurines and mastic applications. A large multi-tiered cake is decorated with balloons, inscriptions, numbers and birth details. The option with photo printing is inexpensive. This design can be made to order using a child’s photograph or pictures. Adults will be pleased with a cake with a stork or with a metric that will remind you of the time when the baby was born, weight and height


The Fillings and compositions section describes 17 flavors https://site/nashi-nachinki/. For a children's party, we recommend light options: cream, napoleon, bird's milk, yoghurt, curd. To try all the flavors, sign up for a free tasting. To do this, select your arrival date and coordinate the time with our managers by calling 8-499-499-23-22.


  • High production speed. From the moment of application to the delivery date 1 - 2 days (for 3D products - 3 days);
  • Delivery at our expense when ordering over 5 kg or when ordering cupcakes worth more than 6,500 rubles;
  • Compliance of the finished product with the photo on the website;
  • We'll refund your money if you don't like the dessert;
  • Discount system: 10% - for regular customers, 2% - when registering at night, 3% - when submitting an application 20 days in advance.
We will be grateful for your feedback and posting the photo on your Instagram page with the link @site.

At your baby's first birthday, everything will be for the first time. Therefore, parents try to make this holiday memorable and bright. Let it be a large themed banquet or a cozy family party dedicated to the anniversary - in any case, all the attributes, all the little things should emphasize the importance of the holiday. Among the culinary variety or modest treats, the cake will take center stage. After all, today a birthday cake for a one-year-old child plays the role of not just a tasty treat, but also a thematic decoration.

What should a 1 year old birthday cake look like?

A hand-baked cake for a boy or girl’s 1st birthday will be a wonderful addition to holiday treats.

But recipes for cakes made from standard sponge or puff pastries, buttered with cream and decorated with roses and an inscription, are a thing of the past.

Today, experienced confectioners and caring mothers are trying to give a baby’s birthday cake not just a presentable look, but to come up with a real fairy tale story.

This approach is especially relevant when preparing sweets for an anniversary.

A child at this age is interested in everything bright and remarkable. Therefore, cake decoration should be memorable.

The sweet product is decorated with edible color pictures, figurines, and animals. Such a work of art will definitely attract the baby's attention.

But don’t forget about the preferences of the hero of the occasion. And this applies to both decoration and taste of the culinary product.

If your baby doesn’t particularly like cottage cheese or strawberries, you shouldn’t use such ingredients for the sake of a beautiful picture or strict adherence to the recipe you like.

Mom knows exactly what sweets, fillings, and fruits the birthday boy likes. Therefore, there should not be a problem with the choice of ingredients.

Immediately avoid allergenic foods and new foods unfamiliar to your child.

Birthdays are not the time for food experiments. Keep in mind that other little guests will also try the cake.

If you do not want to conduct a preliminary survey about your children’s intolerance to certain foods, immediately cross off honey, nuts, and citrus fruits from the list.

Separately, you need to dwell on the quality of the components used, both for baking the cake and for making decorations.

To create a beautiful picture, many people use synthetic dyes. This approach is not acceptable for preparing treats for small children.

There are many options for how to tint mastic with natural, natural dyes that are safe for children.

Use the juice of strawberries, beets, carrots, celery, and parsley for coloring.

If you order a cake from a professional chef, ask what dyes will be used.

And don’t forget about the freshness of the cake itself.

It is better to bake it immediately on the eve of the holiday or pick up the order on the day of the celebration.

What is better for decorating a 1st birthday cake, cream or mastic?

Many parents doubt which is better to choose a cake for a 1 year old boy or girl, cream or mastic. Mastic seems to be a more relevant solution, and cream seems safe. Let's try to place the right emphasis in solving this problem.

Mastic for cake decoration

The cake with fondant looks absolutely amazing. Thanks to the plastic sweet dough, you can create real masterpieces.

With mastic you can not only cover all the cakes and hide imperfections, but also sculpt thematic figures and plot compositions.

The main advantage of this material is its plasticity and the possibility of coloring, which allows even a novice or amateur pastry chef to work with it.

What can we say about those real works of art that are created by experienced craftsmen. This cake will leave a lasting impression and decorate the most elegant table.

Moreover, you can use milk, chocolate, velvet, or marshmallow mastic. It’s easy to prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made.

But some people are not too fond of the taste of mastic itself. She seems too sickly sweet.

In addition, parents of one-year-old babies try not to give them a lot of sweets.

Is it possible to upset a child during a holiday by not allowing him to try a colorful sweet car or a bright mastic bee? Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the baby will definitely try to taste all the bright elements of the cake made from sweet mastic dough.

Video: how to decorate a cake with fondant for a one-year-old girl

Buttercream decorations

If you really don’t like the taste of mastic or don’t want your child to be treated to too sweet dishes even on his birthday, consider other options for decorating the cake.

A cake for a 1 year old girl without mastic can be decorated with airy cream.

This sweetness will be a decent competitor to a mastic cake if you approach the process creatively.

Working with cream without experience is difficult. Not every amateur can handle using a cream syringe to create unusual jewelry.

But the effort and training will be worth it. After all, a cake covered with cream decorations looks more delicate and airy. In addition, it holds its shape perfectly.

Any cream is less sweet than mastic. But keep in mind that cream sweets are richer and more filling.

Therefore, for parents who are more concerned not about a beautiful picture, but about healthy eating, we suggest that you consider safe options for making and decorating a cake.

Beautiful and safe DIY cake decorations for a 1 year old boy or girl

Let's leave the exquisite versions of 1-year-old cakes, decorated with mastic or complex cream, for experimentation by real masters. For caring mothers who decided to please their child with a homemade birthday cake, we offer several ideas for decorating your treat.

Fruit jelly

To prepare colorful jelly, you can use ready-made compositions. But if you're considering a safer option, make your own fruit jelly. Fortunately, the process of its preparation is simple and accessible to everyone.

  • seasonal berries – 300 – 400 gr.;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • gelatin or agar-agar.

You will need berries from which you can cook a concentrated compote or squeeze the juice. The resulting liquid is mixed with the jelly composition.

Regular food gelatin in granules, plates or vegetable agar-agar is suitable.

From these components we make a preparation according to the recipe on the pack. Mix the fruit and jelly parts.

To decorate the cake, you can pour the slightly cooled jelly directly into the mold on top of the cake. Pieces of fruit and citrus fruits will look original in such a jelly cake.

You can make several multi-colored layers of jelly or waves, stripes of different shades.

Another option: pour the jelly into a suitable sized mold and leave until completely hardened. The thin jelly cake must be carefully removed from the springform pan and transferred to the cake.

Meringue for cake decoration

Wet meringue or meringue are great for decorating children's cakes.

In addition, the protein cream perfectly holds its structure when prepared correctly, which allows you to create truly fabulous compositions.

For preparation you will need:

  • egg whites – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • citric acid – ¼ tsp.

Beat well-chilled egg whites in a completely dry and clean container. Gradually add sugar, vanillin and citric acid.

There is no need to achieve the thickness of the protein cream. The main thing is to get a homogeneous mass.

Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath and continue to beat it with a mixer. Heat the meringue, whisking constantly, for about 15 minutes. An indicator of the readiness of the cream will be persistent marks from the mixer.

Remove from the bath and beat the cream for another 3 – 5 minutes.

At this stage you can color the meringue. Natural dyes cannot be used, as they will disrupt the necessary structure of the cream.

It is better to use liquid food coloring. Dry ones will have to be diluted in vodka first.

Add the dye one drop at a time, without stopping stirring, until you achieve the desired shade.

Place the finished meringue in the refrigerator until it cools down. After which you can start creating using a culinary syringe or bag. You can make not only flowers and leaves from wet meringue. This cream is perfect for creating towers, butterflies, and inscriptions on a 1-year-old cake.

Meringue can also be used to decorate cupcakes and muffins.

Cakes with meringue baked after decoration look original. After baking, droplets appear on this cream, which is visually perceived as “tears of an angel.”

To make buttercream at home, it is better to use raw materials of animal origin. Optimal fat content is 30 – 40%.

Vegetable cream is a mixture of fats and stabilizers.

Therefore, you should not use them to decorate a cake for a child’s first birthday.

Homemade cream will not work either, since after whipping it turns into butter, not cream.

To prepare we will need:

  • store-bought cream – 0.5 liters;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • food colorings.

You will have to work with cream cream quickly, without being distracted by searching for the necessary equipment, tools, and ingredients. Therefore, we immediately prepare everything that will be useful for work.

Cool the cream in the refrigerator in advance. It is better to leave them in the cold overnight.

The temperature of the whipping cream should be within 5 - 10 degrees.

To maintain the required temperature when whipping, place the container with cream in a bowl with ice water or pieces of ice. First whip the cream at medium speed. Then we move to high. Now you can add vanillin and other flavorings, sweeteners in the form of sugar or powdered sugar if desired.

The readiness of the cream is indicated by the peaks and traces that remain on the cream from the mixer.

You can add liquid dyes to the finished buttercream. Transfer the resulting mass into a bag with a suitable attachment.

You should not store or freeze creamy foam. Such material quickly loses its shape and settles in heat.

Therefore, you can decorate cakes for a 1-year-old girl’s birthday with cream, if it is possible to serve it immediately to guests. Creamy peaks look great on fruit salads and cupcakes.

Cake painting with icing

Icing is a sugar glaze that can be used to decorate not only Christmas gingerbread cookies, but also any cakes in an original and colorful way. Three-dimensional figures created using this technique look very attractive and unusual.

From glaze you can create not only inscriptions and drawings, but also thematic compositions and lace coverings.

To prepare the icing you will need:

  • egg white – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar – 150 gr.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp.

We first separate the white from the yolk and place it in a completely clean and dry container. Begin beating at medium speed until foam forms.

Now you can add powdered sugar in parts, increasing the whipping speed.

When the mixture acquires a sufficiently thick consistency, you can add lemon juice, which will give the glaze a special shine.

Icing is ready for use. But craftswomen need to know a few more secrets with this ingredient.

The mass can be divided into several parts, and each one can be colored with food coloring in the desired color.

To outline the outline, you will need a thicker glaze, which, after drying, will form a border.

To fill the surface with icing, the mixture will have to be diluted with water. The main thing is not to overdo it.

You can draw figures for decoration either on a dried glaze surface or on a silicone board. In the second case, after drying, the figures are carefully removed from the board and transferred to the surface of the cake.

To prevent the elements from falling apart and sticking to the board, it must first be lubricated with vegetable oil.

The elements are connected to create three-dimensional figures with each other using the same glaze. This glaze can be safely stored in the cold for 3 to 5 days in a closed container.

Therefore, at any time you can correct mistakes or correct the pattern on the cake.

By the way, you can decorate the cake in an original way with painted gingerbread cookies.

And also prepare beautiful gingerbread cookies with themed inscriptions as gifts for guests.

Ready-made cake decorations for 1 year

If you don’t want to waste time on fancy decorations or experience working with labor-intensive technologies, a solution can be found by turning to professionals. And you don’t have to order expensive themed cakes.

Feel free to bake a treat according to your favorite recipe and choose decorations for cakes for a 1 year old boy or girl from the photo.

Today you can easily buy ready-made edible decorations for your masterpieces.

Consider these interesting options:

Marzipan figures. The network offers not only ready-made sugar flowers, leaves, bouquets, but also babies, babies in strollers, babies in petals, petals, fairy-tale and cartoon characters, princesses, castles, butterflies, cars, animals.

From such a variety it is easy to choose figures that correspond to the first birthday and the theme of the holiday. The main thing is to take into account the production and delivery time so as not to be left completely without sweet decorations.

Waffle pictures. Thanks to food printing technology, many interesting proposals for cake decorations have appeared. Most often this is a waffle base on which a thematic picture is applied.

When choosing, pay attention not only to the composition itself, but also to the size of the workpiece. The size of the future cake for the baby’s first birthday will depend on it.

Individual photo print of the baby. If you wish, you can order a print of not just a fairy-tale picture, but also a drawing based on your own sketches, and even a photo of the baby.

Just think a few times about whether it would be pleasant to cut a cake decorated with such a portrait.

The most delicious decorations for a 1st birthday cake

The simplest, but at the same time the most delicious decorations will be your baby’s favorite foods.

Chocolate. You can make beautiful, unusual and very tasty cake decorations from ordinary chocolate. Chocolate can be used to prepare glaze, which is poured onto the surface and sides. You can make drawings, figures, and lace from chocolate of a different or the same color.

The easiest way to decorate the cake is with chocolate chips, which are sprinkled on the surface.

Fruits and berries. Cakes decorated with berries and fruits look exotic and fresh. Rich color and taste will add its own zest to the holiday treat.

They can be laid out whole, in plates, or as a fan. Create flower arrangements or fruit litter.

Candies, cookies. Children really like cakes that are decorated with their favorite bright candies. There can be many ideas here. Use chocolate and multi-colored dragees, glazed nuts, which are placed on the surface.

The sides can be lined with bars, long cookies, and wafer rolls. You can decorate cakes with toffee, marmalade pieces, and jelly candy figures.

How to decorate cakes for a 1 year old boy: ideas with photos

Boys already at one year old are quite inquisitive. Therefore, we will prepare colorful, themed cakes for them. Decor in the form of characters from your favorite cartoons and fairy tales is ideal.

Drawings and figures of equipment will definitely attract the attention of the little ones. Feel free to make cars, spaceships, planes, helicopters.

You can not only decorate a classic cake with figures, but also bake cakes in the shape of a cake, a soccer ball, or a car.

But simply beautiful cakes with a congratulatory inscription, the baby’s name, and a drawn one will also work.

An original idea is to make a sweet set consisting of one cake with a candle and many small cakes.

In this case, you can safely give the main component of the composition to the birthday person, without worrying that the guests will not get any treats.

Fantasize and make your dreams come true. And they will help you decide on the choice of photos of ready-made cakes for 1 year old boys.

How to decorate a cake for a girl’s 1st birthday: interesting ideas with photos

For little princesses, it is better to prepare a themed cake. It will complement the overall theme and emphasize the importance of the first holiday.

Decorate it in delicate colors using airy cream, chocolate or protein glaze, and sugar lace. Beads, flowers, and butterflies would be appropriate here.

If you choose jewelry from figurines, you can choose animals, princesses, bows, crowns, and angels.

But remember that for children aged 1 year you can also prepare cakes with neutral decorations. Therefore, any beautiful confectionery masterpieces in the form of cubes, a set of cupcakes, cakes with fruits or sweets are ideal for a child’s first birthday.

Video: decorating a cake for a one year old boy

Pickup: Kurskaya metro station, Kostomarovsky lane, building 3с8. Please note that all our vehicles are equipped with refrigerators. It's better not to save on delivery and play it safe.
Delivery within Moscow - 540.00 rub.
Delivery up to 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 650.00 rub.
Delivery from 30 to 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 650.00 rub. + 40 rub./km.
Delivery of cupcakes in Moscow - 350.00 rub.
Delivery of cupcakes up to 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road 450.00 rub.
Delivery of cupcakes from 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road 450.00 rub. + 40 rub./km.
Delivery to the exact time - 1,300.00 rub.
Delivery from 23.00 to 07.00 - 2,000.00 rub.

Delivery is carried out in three time intervals from 08-00 to 13-00 | from 13-00 to 18-00 | from 18-00 to 23-00.

Payment is made by card through the website or in cash upon receipt

Our company has been on the market since 1998.

At the moment, we have rebranded and entered the market under a new brand.

We prepare the most delicious cakes that will delight both children and adults. We have quality certificates for our products. All products are prepared by hand and only from natural ingredients.

If you cancel your order later than 2 days before the stated delivery or pickup date, the prepayment will not be refunded.

If you cancel your order earlier than 2 days before the day of delivery or pickup, the full amount of the order will be returned. To do this, you need to write an order number to order@site with a request to cancel the order and return the prepayment. Refunds are processed within 5 business days.

The buyer, in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” can issue a refusal to purchase if he discovers that the product is of inadequate quality. A product is considered to be of poor quality if, for objective reasons, it is not suitable for use for its intended purpose.

1. Store the finished cake only in the refrigerator.
2. Before eating the cake, you must first remove all inedible parts if they are present on the cake.
3. Flower bouquets and arrangements may have inedible stamens and non-toxic confectionery wire. If your children eat jewelry, make sure they do so under adult supervision because... For flowers and figures, inedible bamboo sticks, wires, and toothpicks are used. Do not give inedible parts to children. Be careful so that this does not overshadow your holiday!
4. For multi-tiered cakes: the top tiers of the cake must be removed (each tier is attached to its own base). Remove the tubes for attaching the tiers (they are not edible).
5. Do not consume the remaining cake on the third or more days, and especially do not give this cake to children (Only natural products without preservatives were used in production and have a limited shelf life).
6. Sugar mastic for covering the cake - edible, beautiful packaging and you can eat it, but not necessarily. It can be easily removed from the piece. Enjoy the taste of the filling.
7. For lovers of bright, sometimes acidic colors. To obtain a bright color you need to use a lot of dye, you must take this into account and understand, especially when choosing children's cakes. The current level of development of food production provides confectioners with natural and absolutely harmless food dyes, but at the same time they do not cease to be dyes.
8. Don’t forget to warn the pastry chef about what your child is allergic to (if any). If the cake is planned for a celebration where your child's friends will be, ask the parents of the children who are invited to the party if they have allergies or any other problems with certain foods. Unfortunately, an allergy can be to the most common and ordinary product, which is often used in the preparation and decoration of cakes: chocolate, citrus fruits, fruits or berries. The pastry chef must be notified about this.
9. Any changes to the order must be made no later than 2 days before the preparation date. If you make changes later, we do not guarantee that they will be taken into account when producing the product.
10. Any of our products are handmade confectionery products made to order. Therefore, these products cannot be returned or exchanged. We may consider your request to replace or return the product at our discretion if the product has not been unpacked, the integrity of the packaging has not been damaged and the product has not been touched or cut.
11. If you decided to pick up the cake yourself, and for some reason were unable to do so, and the cake was prepared, the money will not be returned.
12. As a rule, after making the cake, we send the client a photo of the cake to approve the order. There are times when we do not have time to send photos when production is busy. A photograph of the finished product is a desirable service, but not required.
13. The color of the finished product may not be exactly the same color. This is due to the fact that the color is selected by the pastry chef, and not by a special color matching device.
14. Visually, the cake will be as similar as possible to the picture you provided. But it may be different from her. This is due to the fact that all cakes are made by hand by our pastry chefs and sculptors. And do not forget that our site is for informational purposes only.

One year is a very important date in the life of a baby - one might say that it is a kind of anniversary. You need to celebrate this event brightly and definitely with a delicious and beautiful cake. We offer a beautiful photo anniversary cake, hand-decorated with edible decorative figures. Our delicacy destroys all stereotypes that pink is for girls and blue for boys. What if you like 2 colors at once? we combined them in one cake and it turned out to be a very original delicacy. And most importantly - it is very tasty! We offer 12 fillings to choose from, based on only natural fresh ingredients. Choose the one you like best and order a delicacy that will become the main decoration of your birthday..

A celebration without a beautiful cake never looks festive. Especially if it is dedicated to a little man celebrating his first anniversary. A cake for a one year old boy is a bright, memorable attribute of the holiday. It reflects all the most important events that happened during this period, starting from the rattle and ending with the first steps that he took in smart shoes. Moreover, everything is done not only beautifully, but also tasty - “Private Confectioner” knows how to surprise with melt-in-your-mouth cakes and unusual fillings. You can order a lot of wonderful things - the choice is huge! Delight your guests with real confectionery skills, and for the hero of the occasion, save a masterpiece of culinary art in the photo and...

A son’s first birthday is a holiday for the whole family, the main decoration of which will be a delicious cake for the year without mastic, with a personal congratulation. A delicacy made from airy sponge cake and delicate cream, decorated with fruits and chocolate, looks very original. The taste range of the sweet treat is complemented by notes of aromatic honey and nuts. Decorated with edible beads of different sizes and shades, the dessert attracts attention and evokes an irresistible desire to eat it all at once. Order a delicious cake for your son’s first birthday from the “Private Confectioner”, please the birthday boy, se...

A year is an important moment in the life of a baby and parents. A newborn baby becomes a little person who discovers the world and takes its first steps. A one year anniversary is a great reason to buy a one year birthday cake. And let it be a small miracle for the birthday girl. A variety of fillings are available, from classic honey cake to the most delicate fruit, nut and chocolate options. The highlight is a decoration that will attract a little princess. In gentle pastel colors, you will find your favorite and already familiar things: your favorite teddy bear, pyramid, cubes. Delicious masterpieces at an affordable price is your desire. Our concern is production and delivery. With love, your private...