Cocktail champagne with orange juice proportions. The best champagne cocktails at home

Preparing for any holiday or celebration consists not only of selecting dishes, but also choosing alcohol. You can add variety and novelty by using champagne cocktails, which will present the familiar drink in a new light.

Champagne cocktails at home

You can prepare exquisite champagne-based cocktails at home if you use special recipes and adhere to certain rules, which are as follows:

  1. Drinks can have different degrees of strength, it all depends on the proportions and what additional component will be used. For example, it could be peach or some other juice, martini, vodka, absinthe, liqueur.
  2. To make cocktails with champagne, it is better to take special measuring containers - jiggers, they will allow you to follow the recipe as accurately as possible and make cooking easier. If there is a need to grind or thoroughly mix any components, you can use a shaker or blender.
  3. It is recommended to prepare glasses in advance and place them in the freezer.
  4. An excellent decorative element would be a berry thrown into a glass, or a slice of fruit or a mint leaf attached to the edge of the glass.
  5. Alcoholic cocktails with champagne can be effectively served in beautiful glasses decorated with a “snowy” edge. To do this, the edges of the glasses are moistened with lemon juice or water and dipped in sugar.

Martini cocktail with champagne - recipe

Invited guests will appreciate its exquisite taste. If desired, the additional component can be replaced with another vermouth; this will not greatly affect the final taste, and the aroma of the herbs included in its composition is revealed in the drink. In moderate quantities, it can even have a healing effect.


  • dry champagne – 75 ml;
  • martini – 75 ml;
  • mint – 2 leaves;
  • lime – ¼ piece;
  • ice – 150 g.


  1. Pour ice into a glass and gradually fill it with champagne and martini.
  2. Squeeze the lime juice and stir the contents of the glass, garnish with mint, after which champagne cocktails are ready to drink.

Mimosa cocktail with champagne

A cocktail made from champagne and... has a light and pleasant taste. The peculiarity of his recipe is that it is necessary to use freshly squeezed juice, and it is better to extract it not with a juicer, but to squeeze it out with your hands. This method will allow you to obtain liquid from the zest, which gives a unique flavor.


  • champagne – 90 ml;
  • orange juice – 90 ml.


  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange and pour into a pre-chilled glass.
  2. Add champagne and stir the drink.

You can make simple champagne cocktails at home, one of which involves adding vodka. To give the strong drink an original taste, you can add Campari, a liqueur that has woody and earthy notes. Citrus flavor and filling can be achieved using orange zest.


  • champagne – 150 ml;
  • vodka – 20 ml;
  • "Campari" – 20 ml;
  • orange zest;
  • ice – 2-3 cubes.


  1. Shake ice and vodka in a shaker and pour into a glass.
  2. Add champagne and orange zest.

Cocktail champagne with cognac

The original ones with champagne, which are made on the basis of strong alcoholic drinks, also include the addition of cognac. You can add a sweet and sour note by adding lemon juice and sugar syrup. The latter can be taken ready-made or made independently by diluting sugar in water.


  • sweet champagne – 100 ml;
  • cognac – 35 ml;
  • lemon juice – 1 5 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 2 tsp;
  • ice – 2-3 cubes.


  1. Mix cognac, lemon juice and syrup in a shaker.
  2. Put ice in a glass, pour in the mixture, and then champagne.

Champagne cocktail with peach juice

A champagne cocktail with Bellini juice is considered a very successful recipe. The drink is a low-alcohol drink; initially, a cooking method was used that included . To simplify the cooking process, this component was replaced with juice with pulp, and the taste did not deteriorate at all, but sparkled with new notes.


  • champagne – 100 ml;
  • peach juice – 50 ml.


  1. Pre-cool the glass and pour the juice and pulp into it.
  2. Gradually add the main ingredient and make a bright orange champagne cocktail.

Cocktail with champagne and liqueur

Any celebration will be decorated with delicious cocktails with champagne and liqueur. This component can have absolutely any flavor: black currant, raspberry, peach, blueberry, apricot. A small amount will be needed to give the drink a spicy, rich note. It is served in a classic long glass and can be decorated with a berry, a slice of lemon, or a mint leaf.


  • champagne – 150 ml;
  • liqueur – 20 ml.


  1. Pour liqueur into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Top with champagne. You can throw ice cubes.

Absinthe cocktail with champagne

You can make cocktails with champagne, the recipes of which include the addition of strong alcohol. The drink can be given a twist by adding absinthe to the main component. If desired, it can be replaced with pastis, and bitters, which are enough in the amount of 1-2 drops, will add an original note. You can soak a sugar cube in absinthe and drop it into a glass before drinking.


  • champagne – 150 ml;
  • absinthe – 30 ml.


  1. Pre-chill the champagne.
  2. Pour absinthe into the bottom of the glass and champagne on top.

Champagne cocktail with ice cream

Lovers of sweet desserts will appreciate a champagne cocktail with strawberries and ice cream. It can have absolutely any taste depending on the individual wishes of the hostess, but preference is given to lemon, raspberry and vanilla. You can add berries and fruits to the drink, which may taste the same or differ from ice cream.


  • champagne – 150 ml;
  • ice cream – 20 g;
  • strawberries – 1 pc.


  1. Pour champagne into a glass.
  2. Add ice cream pieces.
  3. Throw in the berries, after which cocktails with ice cream and champagne are ready to drink.

Cocktail with limoncello and champagne

On a festive evening, ladies will appreciate a cocktail with Brut champagne and limoncello liqueur. The last component can be purchased ready-made, but it can be easily prepared at home. To do this, you will need a simple set of ingredients (alcohol, sugar, water, lemon zest) and a certain amount of time for the drink to infuse.

Champagne cocktails are drinks that will help create a festive mood at any event and will appeal to all guests, regardless of their preferences. Many people think that champagne cocktails are difficult to make at home and require professional bartender skills, but this is not true. We will tell you about the most popular and interesting sparkling wine drinks that anyone can prepare.

Champagne ice

A cocktail that is more than just a drink. It can be called more of an alcoholic dessert than a cocktail with white ice cream. We take:

  • 55 ml dry champagne;
  • 100 grams of ice cream;
  • 60 grams of strawberries;
  • a few mint leaves for garnish.

Place strawberries in large pieces mixed with ice cream balls and finely chopped mint. Carefully pour dry champagne into a glass.

Black or white

The drink with a name like a Michael Jackson song will appeal to coffee lovers and those who prefer cocktails with a characteristic mild taste. The resulting Black or White will be a rich brown color, and to prepare it you will need:

  • champagne;
  • Baileys with coffee flavor.

Pre-chill glasses and food. First, coffee liqueur (30 ml) is poured into the glass, then 125 ml of champagne. Ready Black or white can be decorated with a few roasted coffee beans.


The famous Bellini cocktail is the first thing that comes to mind about champagne drinks. A classic of bartenders’ art, it was invented in Italy at the beginning of the last century, and for decades now it has been pleasing sparkling wine lovers with its delicate taste. For preparation you need:

  • champagne;
  • peach;
  • granulated sugar.

A large peach is converted into a soft mass with a teaspoon of sugar in any convenient way. The original recipe, invented by a bartender from Venice, requires making peach puree by hand. It is advisable to pass the puree through a sieve after grinding: it is important that it is as homogeneous and tender as possible. The puree is cooled, then transferred to a bowl, and cool champagne (100 ml) is carefully poured into it. If possible, it is better to pour the puree and champagne into a shaker, add a few pieces of ice and shake gently. Pour into glasses (no ice!) and serve immediately. Important: the finished Bellini must be very cold.

Cocktail Kiss Marilyn

A cocktail for which you can use any grenadine will appeal to many. For preparation you need:

  • dry champagne;
  • Calvados;
  • syrup with any taste.

150 ml of champagne, 50 ml of Calvados and 5 ml of grenadine are cooled, mixed and served in a martin.

Ginger Sparkler

Spicy and aromatic, Ginger Sparkler is usually drunk at Christmas and New Year's holidays. To prepare you need:

  • 50 ml water;
  • 130 grams of sugar;
  • 750 ml dry champagne;
  • 10 grams of fresh ginger.

Peel the ginger root and grate it on the finest grater. Mix sugar and water and put on fire. When thickening, add grated ginger to the water and, stirring, cook until the mixture turns into a thick syrup. Strain the resulting liquid through a fine strainer so that no pieces of ginger get into the expressed liquid. Pour the syrup into portioned glasses, then add champagne to them. Some recipes add a little lemon juice for flavor.

Afternoon Death

A cocktail of champagne and absinthe is quite strong, and one glass is enough to get you drunk. 30 ml of chilled absinthe is poured into a cool glass, 160 ml of champagne is added on top.

Fizzy Kiwi

An exotic cocktail of a cheerful green color will not leave fruit lovers indifferent and will definitely lift their spirits. Necessary:

  • Large kiwi;
  • 40 ml sparkling wine;
  • 40 ml orange juice.

Turn the peeled kiwi into puree, then cool. Mix with champagne, orange juice, sprinkle with lime zest for decoration.


Tintoretto, like the Bellini cocktail, was named under the impression of the painter’s works. For preparation you will need:

  • white or pink sparkling wine;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • granulated sugar.

We cook syrup from granulated sugar and water so that the output is 10 ml of the mixture. Mix 120 ml of chilled champagne and 30 ml of juice with sugar syrup and pour into a glass.

Peach haze

Unlike Bellini, Peach Haze is a spicy cocktail with citrus notes. Therefore, not everyone will like it. For preparation you need:

  • cognac or brandy;
  • champagne;
  • Orange juice;
  • large peach.

Grind the peach into puree, cool and mix with 25 ml of cognac and the same amount of orange juice. Pour the mixture into a glass and add 50 ml of champagne.

Golden velvet

To some, mixing beer with champagne (as well as with vodka or gin) may seem like a mockery of the ingredients, but that’s exactly what Golden Velvet is. If you are open to experimentation, then prepare:

  • 1 part light beer;
  • 1 part champagne;
  • a quarter of pineapple juice.

All ingredients are cooled and after mixing they are served in a beer mug. Ready!

Cocktails with champagne at home are not difficult to prepare, and in terms of performance and taste they will not differ from the result of the work of a professional bartender. The main thing is not to skimp on the quality of ingredients and be ready to experiment. Adding a little playfulness and variety to your celebration is easy!

Attention, TODAY only!

Champagne is an invariable attribute of most holidays. This drink is included in various cocktails, which you can learn to prepare yourself. It is not recommended to shake champagne in cocktails - rising bubbles will lead to instant intoxication. Use large cocktail glasses and keep the ingredients chilled. Avoid cheap sparkling wines. The better the quality of the champagne, the more pleasant the taste of the cocktail.

This cocktail has a light taste that creates an “airy” mood among those gathered. You will need 150 milliliters of champagne, a tablespoon of sugar, 20 milliliters of liqueur (orange) and 50 milliliters of juice (also orange). The recipe is:

  1. Pour 10 milliliters of liqueur into a small bowl, and pour sugar into a separate saucer.
  2. The edges of the glasses are dipped into the liquor and then into the sugar. If you did everything correctly, you will see a sugar rim.
  3. Pour the remaining 10 ml of liqueur into a glass, and add champagne and juice there.
  4. Mix the liquid thoroughly.
  5. Garnish the cocktail with an orange slice.

"Kir Royal"

This drink was invented in Burgundy and named after Felix Cyrus, a hero of the French resistance. The key ingredient is currant liqueur, which is traditionally believed to have originated in Burgundy. The drink is mixed in a champagne glass. You will need exactly two components:

  • 20 milliliters of liqueur (currant);
  • 130 milliliters of brut champagne (other varieties are not suitable).


The author of the recipe is considered to be Giuseppe Cipriani, the iconic Venetian bartender. The drink is named after Giovanni Bellini, an Italian artist whose specialty was pink shades. Connoisseurs appreciate the cocktail for its characteristic peach flavor. There is information about that. that Sinclair Lewis and Ernest Hemingway loved this drink. You will need a teaspoon of sugar, one large peach and 100 ml of champagne. The cooking process looks like this:

  1. Peel the peach, chop it finely and place it together with the sugar in a blender. Grind until smooth.
  2. Place peach puree in a 50 gram glass.
  3. Pour champagne in there (after cooling).
  4. Garnish the cocktail with a slice of fruit (any fruit you like).

"Tequila boom"

This is a whole series of cocktails, the preparation process of which uses carbonated drinks. The cooking container is a compact glass with a thick bottom. The bartender hits the bottom on the counter, thereby shaking the drink. It is important to be careful here: if you lack experience, you can break the glass. The recipe includes:

  • 70 ml sparkling wine;
  • 30 ml tequila.

After mixing the ingredients, cover the glass with your palm or napkin. Next you need to hit the bottom on the bar counter. And then drink it in one gulp.

"Champagne ice"

This drink is a good compromise between an alcoholic dish and a cocktail. You will need the following components:

  • 100 grams of ice cream (sundae is best for this);
  • 50 ml dry champagne (brut will also work);
  • a couple of mint leaves;
  • 50 grams of strawberries.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the strawberries into large pieces and the mint into small pieces.
  2. Stir strawberries, mint and ice cream into a glass.
  3. Pour champagne into a glass.
  4. Insert the tube.

Strawberry ice cream and champagne are a great dessert. The leftover berries can be used to decorate the dish.

"Bucks Fizz"

The cocktail has a rich history - it was invented in 1921 in a London club called the Bucks Club. It is best to drink the drink before breakfast, as it is incredibly fresh and light. The closest relative of the cocktail is the above-mentioned Mimosa. You will need two ingredients:

  • 50 milliliters orange juice;
  • 100 milliliters of champagne.

Both components are placed in a champagne glass and mixed. Lemon zest will complement the composition.

"Martini Royale"

This is a low-alcohol, refreshing drink that allows you to combine a martini with champagne. The composition is quite complex:

  • 75 ml champagne;
  • the same amount of Martini Bianco;
  • mint leaf;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • 160 grams of ice (cubes).


  1. The glass is filled with ice.
  2. Champagne and martinis are also poured there.
  3. Now you need to squeeze lemon juice into the glass.
  4. The cocktail is thoroughly mixed with a spoon.
  5. The composition is decorated with a slice of lemon and a mint leaf.


You will need ice, champagne (120 ml) and strawberries (three berries). Cooking process:

  1. The strawberries are kneaded and placed in a shaker (you can use any wide container instead of a shaker).
  2. Ice cubes (a couple of pieces are enough) are also placed in the shaker.
  3. Champagne is added.
  4. The cocktail is thoroughly mixed with a spoon.
  5. The liquid cools.
  6. Through a strainer (or a regular strainer), Rossini is poured into a glass. The glass must first be cooled.

"Black and white"

The key ingredients are coffee liqueur and champagne (can be replaced with sparkling wine). In addition to 120 ml of champagne and 30 ml of coffee liqueur, you will need three grams of coffee beans. Recipe:

  1. Cool the glass.
  2. Fill the container with coffee liqueur.
  3. Pour in champagne.
  4. Garnish the drink with coffee beans.

"Aperol spritz"

You will need:

  • 40 ml Aperol (Italian aperitif);
  • 20 ml soda;
  • 60 ml Prosecco martini;
  • 60 grams of ice cubes;
  • 40 grams of oranges.


  1. A wine glass is filled with ice.
  2. Aperol and Prosecco are also added there in the indicated proportions.
  3. The cocktail is complemented with splash soda.
  4. The liquid is mixed with a cocktail spoon.
  5. The glass is decorated with an orange slice.

Usually beer and champagne do not go together, but original exceptions delight gourmets. The composition is as follows:

  • 100 ml beer (necessarily light);
  • the same amount of champagne;
  • 25 ml pineapple juice.

Cold champagne is poured into a glass (beer glass). Important: the glass must be large. Beer and pineapple juice are also added there. The cocktail is thoroughly mixed. You won't need ice. The drink must be consumed through a straw.

"Northern lights"

We used to call this cocktail “New Year’s”, mixing vodka with champagne. In fact, there are many more components:

  • 50 ml vodka;
  • spoon of sugar (tablespoon);
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 150 grams of ice cubes;
  • 100 ml of champagne (prefer semi-sweet or sweet).

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Lemon juice, sugar and vodka are mixed in a shaker.
  2. The resulting liquid is filled into a glass.
  3. Ice is thrown there too.
  4. Champagne is added.
  5. A straw is inserted into the glass.


Another Italian masterpiece, named after the painter. The main advantage of the drink is the pomegranate aftertaste. All components are mixed in one glass, and the composition is as follows:

  • 30 ml pomegranate juice;
  • 120 ml champagne (ideally pink);
  • 10 ml sugar syrup.

"Noon Death"

This is the strongest alcoholic drink in our selection, so you should not drink more than one glass per evening. Reason for caution - . You will need 150 ml of champagne and 30 ml of absinthe. Recipe:

  1. Fill the glass with absinthe, observing the dosage.
  2. Add champagne.
  3. Mix thoroughly.

"French 75"

This is a complex cocktail with a lot of ingredients. The composition is as follows:

  • Botanical gin (30 ml);
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 90 ml Prosecco (dry sparkling wine, similar to champagne);
  • 20 ml of sugar syrup (only the Monin brand is suitable);
  • red cocktail cherry;
  • lemon wedge;
  • ice cubes (200 grams).


  1. First, gin, sugar syrup and lemon juice are poured into a shaker.
  2. Ice is poured in and the mixture is whipped.
  3. Flute glasses are cooled, and the prepared liquid is poured into them through a strainer.
  4. Prosecco is poured.
  5. The cocktail is re-mixed.
  6. The glass is decorated with a cherry and lemon.

"Effervescent Kiwi"

Alcohol lovers are attracted to this drink due to its unusual green color. You will need:

  • one kiwi fruit;
  • 30 ml champagne;
  • the same amount of orange juice.

Kiwis need to be peeled, placed in a blender and the pulp beaten. The pulp is transferred to a glass, and champagne is added there. The glass is decorated with an orange slice. The drink must be consumed through a straw.

Among drinkers, not a single important celebration is complete without champagne. In our minds it is associated with memorable moments in life. I suggest looking at this drink from a slightly different angle by making simple champagne cocktails at home. The editors of our site have prepared a rating of 12 available recipes, which we consider the best.

General tips:

  • champagne in cocktails should not be shaken (it foams a lot); if necessary, it should only be stirred slowly with a spoon;
    Before cooking, all ingredients and the glass are well cooled;
  • use only large glasses, the capacity of which is 20-30% greater than the total volume of all added components;
  • The higher the quality of the champagne, the tastier the cocktail will be; this is not the case when you can buy the cheapest drink.

1. "Mimosa".

A cocktail with a light, pleasant taste, suitable for creating a festive mood among guests. The perfect combination of liqueur, champagne and juice.

  • orange liqueur – 20 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • champagne – 150 ml;
  • orange juice – 50 ml.


1. Pour 10 ml of liqueur into a small bowl and pour the sugar into a saucer.

2. Dip the edges of the glasses into liqueur and then into sugar. You should get a sugar rim.

3. Pour liqueur (remaining 10 ml), juice and champagne into a glass, then stir.

4. Garnish with orange zest.

According to another recipe, the Mimosa cocktail is made from champagne and orange juice, mixed in equal proportions. I advise you to try both options and choose the best one.

2. Bellini.

The recipe was invented by the famous Venetian bartender Giuseppe Cipriani. He named the cocktail in honor of the great Italian artist Giovanni Bellini, who knew how to create unique pink shades. The drink is memorable for its peach flavor.

  • champagne (sparkling wine Prosecco) – 100 ml;
  • large peach - 1 piece;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon.


1. Peel the peach and grind it in a blender along with sugar until smooth.

2. Add 50 ml of the resulting puree to the glass.

3. Pour in well-chilled champagne.

4. Decorate with any fruit.

At different times, this cocktail was highly appreciated by Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles, Sinclair Lewis and other representatives of the world famous bohemia.

3. “Champagne ice.”

Something between a cocktail and a sweet alcoholic dish.

  • champagne (brut or dry) – 50 ml;
  • ice cream (seal) – 100 grams;
  • strawberries – 50 grams;
  • mint – 2-3 leaves.
Champagne Ice


1. Cut strawberries into large pieces, mint into small pieces.

2. Mix strawberries, ice cream and mint in a glass.

3. Pour in champagne.

4. Drink a cocktail through a straw. Leftover strawberries can be eaten with a spoon.

Champagne with ice cream and strawberries is usually served for dessert.

A refreshing low-alcohol cocktail that harmoniously combines champagne and martini.

  • white vermouth (Martini Bianco) – 75 ml;
  • champagne – 75 ml;
  • lemon – 1 quarter;
  • mint – 1 gram;
  • cubed ice – 160 grams.
Martini Royal


1. Fill a glass with ice.

2. Add martini and champagne.

3. Squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon into a glass.

4. Stir the cocktail with a spoon.

5. Garnish with a mint leaf and a slice of lemon.

You can also replace white vermouth with red (Rosso), and add cherry juice instead of lemon juice. The result is a “Red Royal Martini”.

5. "Black and white."

A successful combination of sparkling wine and coffee liqueur.

  • coffee liqueur – 30 ml;
  • champagne – 120 ml;
  • coffee beans – 3 grams.
Cocktail B&W


1. Fill a chilled glass with coffee liqueur.

2. Add champagne.

3. Garnish with coffee beans.

The result is an invigorating drink with a subtle coffee taste.

6. "Golden Velvet".

  • light beer – 100 ml;
  • champagne – 100 ml;
  • pineapple juice – 25 ml.
Golden velvet


1. Pour cold champagne, pineapple juice and light beer into a large beer glass.

2. Mix well.

Serve without ice. Drink through a straw.

7. "Northern Lights".

This cocktail is also called “New Year’s”, since it is on New Year’s Eve that it is customary to mix vodka with champagne. But when prepared correctly, the drink is not as intoxicating as it is believed, especially if you use high-quality ingredients.

  • vodka – 50 ml;
  • lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • champagne (sweet or semi-sweet) – 100 ml;
  • cubed ice – 150 grams.
Northern lights


1. Mix vodka, sugar and lemon juice in a shaker.

2. Pour into a glass filled with ice.

3. Add champagne and mix thoroughly.

Serve with a straw.

8. "Noon Death"

  • absinthe – 30 ml;
  • champagne – 150 ml.
Midday Death


1. Pour absinthe into a glass.

2. Add champagne and mix well.

It turns out very tasty, but too intoxicating, especially for girls.

9. “Peach Haze.”

An exquisite fruit cocktail that perfectly combines cognac and champagne.

  • cognac (brandy) – 25 ml;
  • orange juice – 25 ml;
  • champagne (brut) – 50 ml;
  • peach – 1 piece.
Peach haze


1. Beat peach pulp, cognac and orange juice in a blender.

2. Pour the mixture into a glass.

3. Add champagne.

“Peach Haze” will appeal to lovers of sweet cocktails.

10. “Fizzy Kiwi.”

A cocktail with an unusual green color.

  • orange juice – 30 ml;
  • champagne (sparkling wine) – 30 ml;
  • kiwi - 1 piece.
Fizzy Kiwi


1. Peel the kiwi and beat the pulp in a blender.

2. Pour into a glass and add champagne.

The cocktail can be garnished with a slice of kiwi or orange zest and drunk through a straw.

11. "Kiss Marilyn."

A cocktail in which champagne is mixed with liqueurs. The video contains a recipe and the author's presentation of two versions of this drink.

12. "Tintoretto"

Another cocktail named after the painter. This time, the author of the recipe was inspired by the Renaissance artist Jacopo Robusti, known as Tintoretto (translated from Italian as “little dyer”). The cocktail has an interesting pomegranate flavor.

  • pink champagne – 120 ml;
  • pomegranate juice – 30 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 10 ml.

Preparation: pour juice, syrup and champagne into a glass. Mix with a spoon.

For extreme sports enthusiasts

Champagne is the most common and festive drink in the world, without which not a single significant event in a person’s life can happen. The Drinks Encyclopedia cannot ignore such an exquisite and sophisticated category of drinks as champagne-based cocktails. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular and delicious recipes for champagne cocktails, which are easy to prepare at home.

Cocktails with champagne and ice cream

Cocktail with sparkling wine and vanilla ice cream

  • 25 ml of your favorite liqueur
  • 50 g ice cream

Place a piece of ice at the bottom of a chilled glass, place a scoop of ice cream on it and pour liqueur on top. And as a final touch, fill everything with champagne.

Cocktail with champagne and popsicles

  • 100 ml sparkling wine
  • 100 g frozen juice
  • fruits or berries (optional)

How to make a cocktail:
Fill the chilled glass halfway with ice cream and carefully pour in the champagne. The top of the cocktail can be decorated with fruit.

Cocktails with champagne and juice

Cocktail Mimosa

  • 90 ml orange juice
  • 90 ml champagne
  • orange zest

Cooking method:
Pour orange juice with pulp into a chilled glass and add sparkling wine. Cut a spiral of zest from a washed orange and garnish the glass.

Cocktail Tintoretto

  • 120 ml sweet champagne
  • 30 ml pomegranate juice
  • 10 ml sugar syrup

Pour sparkling wine into a pre-chilled champagne glass, add juice and syrup. Mix all ingredients carefully.

Cocktails with champagne and vodka

Cocktail Northern lights

  • 100 ml sparkling wine
  • 50 ml vodka
  • 50 ml lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 150 g ice

Mix lemon juice, vodka and sugar in a shaker. Pour the homogeneous mixture into a glass filled with ice and add champagne.

Cocktail Cold duck

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 50 ml vodka
  • lemon zest

Pour champagne and vodka into a cold glass, add a piece of lemon zest for beauty.

Cocktails with champagne and fruit

Rossini cocktail

  • 120 ml sparkling wine
  • 3 strawberries
  • 3 ice cubes

How to make a cocktail:
Place ice cubes in a mixing glass, add strawberry puree and pour in champagne. Stir gently until the drink cools. Then pour the resulting mixture into a previously prepared cold glass using a strainer.

Bellini cocktail

  • 100 ml semi-sweet champagne
  • 50 ml peach juice
  • peach slice

Cooking method:
Pour sparkling wine and juice into a champagne glass, stir lightly and garnish with a slice of peach.

Cocktails with champagne and cognac

Cocktail Peach Haze

  • 50 ml sparkling wine (brut)
  • 25 ml orange juice
  • 25 ml cognac
  • 1 peach

Beat orange juice, cognac and peach pulp well in a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass and add champagne.

Cocktail Chicago

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 45 ml cognac
  • 1 dash Angostura bitters
  • 3 dashes of Cointreau liqueur
  • slice of lemon
  • 3 g sugar

Cocktail recipe:
Pre-chill the Old Fashioned glass. Use lemon juice to make a sugar edge. Pour ice into a shaker, pour cognac, bitters and liqueur, mix the drink well and use a strainer to pour the liquid into a previously prepared glass. Add 100 ml sparkling wine and garnish with a slice of lemon.

Cocktails with champagne and liqueur

Cocktail Kir Imperial

  • 100 ml dry sparkling wine
  • 10 ml raspberry liqueur
  • berries

Cooking method:
The most simple but very tasty cocktail recipe. Champagne is poured into a champagne glass and liqueur is added. The top of the drink is decorated with a skewer with fruits or berries strung on it.

Cocktail Kir Royal

  • 150 ml dry champagne
  • 20 ml blackcurrant liqueur “Crème de cassis”
  • blackberries or raspberries

How to make a cocktail:
Pour liqueur into a tall champagne glass and carefully pour in the champagne, being careful not to allow too much foaming. Mix the ingredients with a bar spoon and serve, garnished with berries.

Cocktails with champagne and syrup

Cocktail Pink Champagne

  • 100 ml champagne
  • 30 ml cherry syrup
  • 1 cherry for decoration
  • crushed ice

Fill the glass one third full with ice, pour in sparkling wine and syrup, stir well with a bar spoon. Garnish the drink with a cherry.

Cocktail Air mail

  • 120 ml sparkling wine
  • 30 ml dark rum
  • 20 ml lemon syrup
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 lime slice
  • ice cubes

Pour rum into a shaker with ice, add syrup and honey, shake several times and pour into a champagne glass. Top up with sparkling wine and garnish the rim of the glass with lime.