When to add peas to soup. Step-by-step recipe for pea soup with photos. How to cook pea soup with smoked meats. Secrets of cooking beans

Over the weekend, we decided to diversify our menu, remember our childhood and make pea soup. No sooner said than done. Moreover, there are peas at home. And it’s easy to prepare.

I used split peas to make the soup. It boils faster and can be cooked even without pre-soaking. I recommend soaking whole legumes in cold water in advance to save time.

Basically, any broth is suitable for pea soup. Vegetable or chicken can be used for a dietary version of the dish, and meat (preferably pork on the bone) for a richer soup.

Ingredients for pea soup with smoked meats:

  • peas - 0.5 tbsp.
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • smoked pork ribs - 300 g
  • water or meat broth - 2 l
  • cervelat – 100 g
  • medium onion - 1 head
  • medium carrot - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - 0.25 tsp.
  • ground paprika - 0.25 tsp.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • allspice - 3 peas
  • parsley - a few sprigs

Preparation of pea soup:

Calorie content of the recipe
"Pea soup" 100 g

    Calorie content

  • Carbohydrates

The first step is to soak the peas. To do this, rinse the beans under running cold water. Then fill them with cool water and leave for two hours or more. You can leave the peas overnight.

For soup, I recommend pork broth. I have already told you the recipe for making meat broth; a link to it is in the list of ingredients. Instead of beef, buy a pork bone, fresh or smoked ribs and cook them for 40-50 minutes.

When the broth is cooked, add the swollen peas to it and cook the ingredients for about 20 minutes.

While the peas are cooking, wash and peel the potatoes. Cut the tubers into cubes.

When the legumes become soft, add the chopped potatoes into the boiling broth. We will cook it until almost done, about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, wash the carrots, peel and grate. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes.

Pour the vegetables into a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Stirring, sauté the onions and carrots over low heat until soft.

When the potatoes are ready, add sautéed vegetables to the soup.

Peel the sausage from the casing and cut it.

Add chopped cervelat or other smoked meats to the soup.

Salt the pea soup, season it with spices to taste, add bay leaf and allspice. For flavor, add chopped parsley or dill. Let the pea soup sit for 2-3 minutes and serve.

This is such a delicious rich pea soup we made! Bon appetit!!!

Pea soup has a high nutritional value, rich in folic acid, iron, and protein, necessary for full-fledged activity.

To make pea soup cook faster, it is better to soak dried peas for 2-3 hours (or even better, overnight). The proposed version of pea soup is without preliminary sautéing. This approach may be of interest to those who are looking for a way to prepare peas for disorders of the digestive system, since peas are heavily boiled here. For more traditional cooking options, see the links:.


  • 1 large onion
  • 4 carrots
  • 4 to 6 cups of water
  • 2 cups dried peas
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 70 g butter
  • Ham, diced

Method for making pea soup

1. Chop the onions and carrots. Pour 4 to 6 cups of water into the pan (the amount of water depends on the thickness of the soup you prefer). Add chopped carrots and onions to the pan, place pre-soaked peas there. Salt and pepper to taste.

2. Place the ham and butter cut into small cubes into the pan. Depending on your preferences, you can prepare a vegetarian version of the soup; in this case, do not use ham and replace the butter with vegetable oil.

3. Cook over very low heat for 40-50 minutes (if you didn’t soak the peas first, it will take you 5 hours), until the peas are soft and the soup has the required consistency. At the very end, the soup can be decorated with herbs and left to simmer under the lid for several minutes.

Pea soup is especially popular in the winter, as it is very nourishing, rich, warms and gives extra strength. There are many recipes for pea soup, to suit every most sophisticated taste.

Basic rules for preparing products

Dried peas are yellow and green, depending on the degree of ripening. Whole peas should be soaked in cool water before cooking; crushed peas do not need to be soaked; they will not cook for long without it, just like dried green peas. After soaking, be sure to wash in running water.

If the liquid boils away during the cooking process, add only boiling water, otherwise the peas will not boil. In order to get pea soup - puree, the peas are mashed while still hot.

Depending on the variety, the cooking time for peas varies. For one variety it is enough to cook for 15 minutes, for another - more than an hour and a half. Soaking time is also important to achieve the expected result. The finished dish is served with croutons, croutons or crackers; this gives the soup a rich and noble taste.

Pea soup with smoked ribs

This is the most common version of pea soup. It is very simple to prepare and you only need to spend very little time on it. In addition, the result will tell you
am for myself. This dish is not only beautiful, but also rich, satisfying, and aromatic.

  • dried peas - 500 g;
  • smoked ribs, in this case pork - 500 g;
  • roots (onions and carrots) – 1 pc.,
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • salt, garlic and herbs.

Recipe for pea soup with smoked ribs:

First of all, soak the peas in cool water for 4 to 5 hours. When it is swollen enough, rinse thoroughly. Let the smoked ribs cook for an hour and a half. Wait until the meat begins to separate from the bones, remove it from the dish and leave to cool. Pour the peas into the bubbling broth.

Without wasting time, prepare the vegetables and cut them. Potatoes and onions - into cubes, and it is better to chop the carrots on a medium-sized grater. After half an hour, add to the pan
I love potatoes. At this time, lightly fry the remaining root vegetables in refined oil until soft. Transfer them to the pea soup and cook for another 10 minutes.

Remove the cooled meat from the smoked ribs, cut into small pieces and return to the pan. Now you can add salt and your favorite spices. If there is bacon left in the refrigerator from breakfast, you can cut it into diamonds and place it in a saucepan with soup, pour in the greens and set aside from the stove.

The pea soup should sit for half an hour to reveal its flavor. Now the pea soup with smoked ribs is ready. All that remains is to pour into portioned plates, sprinkle with dill and serve.

Pea soup in a slow cooker

During the development of technology, many housewives now have a multicooker in their kitchen. Undoubtedly, it saves time and the dishes prepared in it are in no way inferior to those prepared in the traditional way.


  • pork - 500 g (it’s better to take it on the bone, the broth will be richer and more flavorful);
  • crushed peas - 1 cup;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 onion;
  • medium carrot - 1 root.

Don’t forget herbs, salt and odorless vegetable oil for sautéing.

Recipe for making pea soup in a slow cooker with pork and potatoes:

A large selection of modes in the multicooker allows you to bring the taste of pea soup to perfection.

First, fry the chopped onions and carrots using the “baking” mode. Take them out, place the meat, cut into portions, into a bowl, fill 3⁄4 of the pan with water. Add peas, diced potatoes, overcooked. Bring the contents to a boil using the “steaming” mode, and only then select the main “stewing” mode. After 2 hours, the pea soup is ready.

You can choose a simpler cooking method, which involves simultaneously loading all the ingredients at the same time. To do this, prepare the vegetables - wash, peel and cut. Also wash the pork in running water, remove any thin parts, and cut into portions.

Put everything in a container, add water, add salt and select the “stew” mode for 2.5 hours. Pea soup in a slow cooker prepared in this way will be no less tasty. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Pea soup with chicken

The chicken thigh broth is rich and has a beautiful golden color. Of course, you can use any part of the chicken for pea soup, not just thighs. From breast, for example, it will turn out less fatty.

  • chicken thighs – 0.3 kg.,
  • small potatoes - 2-3 tubers;
  • split peas - 1.5 cups;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • turmeric - 2.5 g;
  • bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt.

Recipe for pea soup with chicken:

Place the peas, pre-soaked for 1 hour, together with the chicken in a bowl. Fill it with clean cold water. Place on the burner and cook for about an hour, skimming off the foam. Peel the vegetables, grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry a little in refined sunflower oil.

At the very end, season with turmeric and pepper. When the peas are cooked, add diced potatoes to the pan. After a quarter of an hour, add the bay leaf and fry. Reduce heat to low, simmer, and after ten minutes turn off completely. Pea soup with chicken can be poured into bowls and served.

Pea soup with smoked meats

Despite the similar ingredients, smoked soup can be varied in richness, thickness and taste. Below is a classic recipe for this dish.

  • pork ribs – 0.5 kg;
  • brisket (or boiled-smoked bacon) – 300 g;
  • yellow split peas;
  • potatoes - 3 - 4 tubers;
  • parsley or parsnip root;
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 medium head;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • salt - 10 g (1 tbsp);
  • spices.

Preparation of pea soup with smoked meats:

Soak the peas in cool water for a while in advance. In this case, three to four hours will be enough. Pour prepared fresh pork ribs with cool water and cook for about an hour. Remove the meat from the pan, cool, remove from the bones and cut into small pieces.

Pour the washed peas and disassembled boiled meat into the broth, which continues to boil, and cook for another 30 minutes. As usual, cut the onion into small cubes and chop the carrots on a medium grater. Place smoked brisket, cut into small slices, in a preheated dry frying pan and fry. Place the roots there and fry until half cooked.

For a brighter and richer taste, crushed parsnip or parsley root should be added to the roast. Pour peeled and diced potatoes into the broth and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Now add the sautéed vegetables and smoked brisket, add salt, season with spices and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked. Then let the dish “rest” for half an hour.

The most delicious pea soup with smoked meats prepared according to the classic recipe is ready! Serve with chopped fresh parsley or dill.

Video recipe: pea soup with smoked chicken

Peas, like all legumes, contain large amounts of vitamins B and PP. It is rich in fiber, coarse fibers, and sugar, however, it is their content that leads to increased gas formation. To avoid bloating, peas are soaked for a long time in cold water, then washed thoroughly to remove all harmful substances.

You can resort to one more trick to avoid the negative impact of peas on the gastrointestinal system: add fresh dill to pea dishes. Peas are not recommended for pregnant women and people with kidney disease.

Interesting. Peas have been known since time immemorial. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans actively cultivated this crop. In Europe, before the potato conquered the world, pea soup was the most common dish among both the nobility and the working class. In addition to soup, peas are used in salads, main courses, porridges, and side dishes. Previously, they even made jelly from it. This soup is prepared from fresh green peas, and from dried and canned peas; frozen peas are often used.


  • dry peas – 500 g
  • smoked pork ribs – 500 g
  • bacon – 100 g
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 5-6 pcs.
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • mustard – 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • dill and parsley - 1 bunch each
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper


Rinse the peas, add a small amount of water and set aside for 3-4 hours. Chop the smoked pork ribs into pieces of 2-3 ribs, put in a saucepan and cook for 1-1.5 hours until the meat is easily separated from the bones.

Peel onions, carrots and potatoes. Cut the onions and carrots into very small cubes, potatoes into larger ones.

Strain the finished broth and return to the pan. Remove the meat from the bones and place in a bowl. Add peas to the broth and cook for 30 minutes. Then add the potatoes and cook over medium heat for another 20 minutes.

At this time, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots until golden brown. Add to the pot of soup. Cook for 10 minutes.

In 3–5 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add mustard, reserved meat, salt and pepper.

Wash the greens and chop them. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Cut the bacon into thin strips. Add garlic, bacon and herbs to the soup, heat for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes.

During fasting, it is especially important that your diet be varied and balanced. Experienced housewives know that soups, stews, baked goods and even desserts can be made from lean products - the only question is where to find enough time to prepare all these dishes. This problem is easy to solve! With a smart multicooker REDMOND SkyCooker M903S You don’t even have to be at home to make lentil soup or juicy vegetable stew with chickpeas for dinner. Install the Ready for Sky app on your smartphone and cook while controlling the process from your smartphone! Place the ingredients in the multicooker bowl and start cooking at any convenient time - when returning from work or while walking with your child. For maximum convenience, the application has a built-in cookbook with recipes for all occasions. You can start cooking from the recipe - in 1 click! M903S will independently set the optimal temperature and time for the dish you choose, and when it finishes cooking, it will automatically turn off. Eat tasty, varied and balanced - with a smart multicooker REDMOND SkyCooker M903S!

Many who are going to cook this first dish are puzzled by the question of how to cook pea soup so that the peas are softened. We will look at just such a recipe for homemade pea soup with step-by-step photos below.


  • Peas - 400 grams
  • 400 ... 500 grams of meat for broth
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • One carrot
  • Onion
  • Smoked meats - 400 grams
  • Water, salt, sugar, spices


Delicious and proper homemade pea soup and just pea soup are, as they say, “two big differences.” Therefore, so that even a novice cook can hear a lot of flattering reviews, and not cook something unappetizing that vaguely resembles pea soup, we’ll try to tell you about all the “pitfalls” of this amazing dish. But at the same time, we will try to make the cooking itself as simple as possible and tell you how to cook pea soup so that the peas are boiled.

So the first thing you need to do in order to prepare a delicious pea soup is to soak the peas. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it, just 400 ... 450 grams of dry pea grains

fill it with two liters of ordinary water at room temperature and “forget” about it for eight ... twelve hours. And although such preparation has little to do with how to quickly cook peas for soup, it is really necessary. But there is a little trick: if you forgot to do this in advance, it doesn’t matter. Fill the peas with boiling water, not room temperature. And then the peas will swell and become soft during cooking in just a couple of hours.

Now that the peas have been “pre-treated”, set them to boil. A liter of water (it’s better to leave the one in which it was soaked), one teaspoon of salt, the same amount of sugar, and on the stove. You need to cook it over low heat after boiling and under the lid until it becomes a homogeneous puree. Usually it’s an hour... an hour and twenty, no more. Yes, and it’s better to cook it immediately in a three-liter saucepan, which will then serve as a measure for pea soup, but more on that below.

However, what is pea soup without a tasty, rich broth. Therefore, 400 ... 500 grams of meat, one medium onion (put it directly in the husk, anyway, then the broth will be strained and everything will be thrown out of it), a teaspoon of salt, black peppercorns, bay leaf and two liters of water. After boiling - everything is as always, remove the foam, reduce the heat to low and cook our broth for pea soup for about an hour and a half.

While the broth and peas are cooking, peel and chop the other ingredients of the pea soup. Six - seven small (or three - four larger) potatoes,

cut into thin, short strips.

One large carrot

grate on a coarse grater.