Chocolate rolls. Chocolate roll: recipes with photos. How to make chocolate roll with nuts from puff pastry

Today I baked this delicious roll; I am very partial to chocolate pastries. This recipe can work even for those who are not very good at baking, because you only need to beat the egg whites according to the recipe. I would like to complain that my whites were not very whipped, as a drop of yolk got into them when separating the eggs. And no matter how hard I tried to remove the remaining yolk, I couldn’t get a fluffy white cap. The mass was pouring out of the container, and this is not correct.

The advantage of the recipe is that even with the wrong proteins, you get a very soft and fluffy sponge cake. I would like to clarify about the number of eggs. All other proportions depend on their size. My 3 shelled eggs weighed 255 grams, they had double yolks. If you have smaller ones, then you need to take a larger number of them, about 5 pieces.

We will need the following products:

Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Mix the yolks with half the amount of sugar - 2 tbsp. and grind with a hand whisk. Pour in vegetable oil and stir everything again.

Add sifted flour with baking powder, vanilla and a pinch of salt to the yolks. Be sure to add salt to sponge cakes. It enhances the taste. Mix everything with a whisk again.

Then add cocoa and make the dough homogeneous. The dough will become tight, you need to take a spoon. If it turns out too dense, then the dough can be diluted with a couple of tablespoons of milk.

I had to add milk.

Separately, beat the whites with a pinch of salt. Gradually add the remaining sugar. Try to beat the egg whites so that they do not spill out of the bowl when turning. Mix the beaten egg whites into the dark batter. This is best done in three steps using a spatula. Do not stir for long so as not to kill all air bubbles. The dough is not thick, it pours from a spoon.

Prepare a baking sheet with parchment. Preheat the oven to 170 gr. Pour the dough onto the baking sheet and smooth it out with a spatula. Bake for 12-15 minutes. The biscuit should spring back when pressed with your finger.

Remove the baking sheet from the oven and immediately place the baked layer of dough along with the paper on the table.

Take a spatula and pry the biscuit from below along the entire perimeter, as if separating it from the paper. I don't turn it over. Roll the dough together with the parchment and leave it like this until completely cooled.

While the roll is cooling, whip the cream and sugar until stiff peaks form. Instead of cream, you can take the discarded sour cream and beat it with sugar to taste. Or you can beat boiled condensed milk with butter. Add chopped chocolate and stir.

Unroll the cooled roll and soak it in chocolate liqueur. The liqueur can be replaced with any other liqueur to taste or with regular sugar syrup or compote.

And roll it again. This time I didn’t even let it cool for a minute, I cut it right away. It turned out to be a very tasty, soft and aromatic roll. The roll can be sprinkled with nuts or chocolate fudge, if desired. I coated the top with cream and sprinkled with chocolate biscuit crumbs.

Enjoy your tea!

Yes, yes, exactly yeast and exactly fast. In this recipe there will definitely not be any dancing with tambourines over the yeast dough; we will not create greenhouse conditions for it, knead for hours and knead countless times. In general, a friend shared the recipe for this very test with me, and the teacher showed it to them in middle school - I want you to pay attention to the level of difficulty, the children coped with it without any problems. This means that everything will work out for you. I baked everything from this dough - pies, buns, even pizza. Well, this time there will be a roll with chocolate filling.
The roll is incredibly beautiful, thanks to the unusual way of cutting the dough it “with a slight movement of the hand” turns into a lush multi-layered wreath, there is a lot of chocolate filling in it and it is literally everywhere! But the filling behaves differently, and this is also interesting: the inside soaks and softens the layers of dough, and the outside is baked into crusts and caramelized. By the way, few people immediately understand, looking at the finished roll, how it was made - here is a great opportunity for you to feel like a magician! At the same time, you will receive a lot of well-deserved compliments, because this roll is fantastically tasty, such a chocolate trap - once you start breaking off the sweet slices, it’s impossible to stop...

To prepare a quick yeast roll with chocolate filling you will need the following ingredients:

120 ml warm water,
50 g butter,
1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
0.5 tbsp. l. dry yeast,
1 egg,
370 g flour.

100 g softened butter,
170 g sugar,
2 tbsp. l. cocoa,
1 tbsp. l. starch,
1 tsp. ground cinnamon,
1 tsp. vanilla sugar.

How to make a quick yeast roll with chocolate filling:

So, let's move on to the process of preparing a quick yeast roll with chocolate filling.

    Let's start with the test. We will need two containers. In one we combine warm water, sugar, two tablespoons of flour and yeast.

    Mix and leave for 15 minutes for the yeast to come to life and begin to act.

    At this time, in another container, combine softened butter, egg and two tablespoons of flour.

    Grind until approximately homogeneous.

    After 15 minutes, the yeast is already working with all its might. There will be a smooth, delicate foam in the container.

    We combine both masses.

    And gradually add the remaining flour.

    There is not much dough, it is convenient to mix it right in the bowl. This is what it looks like and feels quite soft and plastic.

    You can set the dough aside for a while and start filling. We just connect all the components...

    ...and mix. You can warm it up a little for convenience. In general, the consistency is as follows: the mass spreads well, but does not flow, the sugar is not dissolved.

    Let's immediately prepare the form in which we will bake the roll. Anything with high sides will do. I find it convenient to use the sliding ring. I expand it to the required diameter (20-25 cm), place it on any base and line it with parchment. Parchment in this case is important; without it, the filling will stick to the walls of the pan and burn.

    Well, the most interesting thing is that very cherished trick. Let's spin the roll. Roll out the dough on a floured work surface into a thin layer measuring 30x40 cm.

    Spread the dough layer with the filling.

    Starting from the long side, wrap it tightly into a roll.

It is prepared on the basis of biscuit dough, which does not require any special skills. The main thing is that the whites are well beaten, and here a mixer will come to your aid: either manual or stationary.

The cream is also prepared simply and quickly.

As a result, you will get delicious baked goods.

This roll is a favorite not only with my family, but also with the families of my relatives and friends.

To prepare a chocolate sponge roll with butter cream, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites into a stable foam with salt, vanilla extract and sugar.

If you turn the mixer bowl over, the foam will not budge.

Then add the yolks one at a time, beating after each.

In several stages, add flour mixed with cocoa.

Mix carefully.

Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Be guided by your oven!!! The finished biscuit will spring back when pressed with your finger. If you overcook the cake in the oven, it may break when you roll it.

By the way, this is not critical. And it happened to me that the layer broke, but, as they say, where ours did not disappear... I simply broke the layer into pieces and laid them out in layers (pieces of biscuit - cream) in glasses. It turned out to be a very tasty dessert! You can make a layer of fruit.

The baking tray size is 30x40 cm.

Place a piece of parchment on the table and place a hot biscuit on it. We remove the parchment on which it was baked and cover the sponge cake with film.

Let it cool completely like this.

In the meantime, let's get to the cream.

Whip cold cream with powdered sugar until soft peaks form.

4-5 tbsp is enough for me. powdered sugar. You are free to add as much as you like.

Knead cream cheese at room temperature...

And combine it with cream. Whisk until everything is combined.

The cream is ready.

Apply cream to the cooled biscuit layer.

You can leave a little cream to lubricate the surface of the roll, but this is entirely optional.

We roll up the roll, helping ourselves with the parchment on which the layer lay.

I coated the roll with the reserved cream and sprinkled with cocoa.

Chocolate sponge roll with butter cream is ready.

You can serve it right away, but it’s better to let it rest in the refrigerator for three hours, or ideally overnight.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become a lush mousse! Yes, and cutting the roll will turn out beautifully and evenly.

This is delicious!

Happy desserts!

Chocolate roll can be purchased at any time in the store. However, it will be better if you prepare such a sweet product yourself. After all, this way you will get not only a very beautiful, but also a delicious, delicate dessert.

There are actually many different ways to make a chocolate roll. We decided to present you only simple and accessible recipes.

Chocolate roll: step-by-step recipe

The tastiest and most tender product is made from biscuit dough. It can be done in different ways. Let's consider the classic version. For it we will need:

  • high fat sour cream - 180 g;
  • light sugar, not very coarse - 250 g;
  • premium flour - one glass;
  • medium-sized chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cocoa - 4.5 large spoons;
  • soda (quench with table vinegar) - an incomplete small spoon;
  • refined oil - for lubricating the mold;
  • dark chocolate - 2 bars (for filling);
  • butter - 45 g (for filling);
  • whole milk - 5 large spoons (add to filling).

Making biscuit dough

The chocolate roll, the recipe for which we are considering, is prepared quite quickly. But before baking it in the oven, you should knead the dark mixture. To do this, the egg yolks are thoroughly ground together with sugar, rich sour cream is added and left aside. Then beat the chilled whites vigorously (with a mixer) and place them on top of the previously prepared mass. After this, slaked soda, cocoa and wheat flour are added to the ingredients.

Having received a homogeneous chocolate dough, begin its heat treatment.

Form and bake the base for the roll

The chocolate roll should be baked on a large rimmed baking sheet. To do this, grease it thoroughly with oil (you can line it with baking paper) and pour out the entire base. The dough should be evenly distributed over the sheet. If this does not happen, we recommend using a wide spatula or a knife with a blunt end.

After the described steps, the baking sheet is sent to a preheated oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees, the dough is baked for half an hour. During this time, it should be completely cooked, become fluffy, soft and tender.

Preparing the filling

The chocolate roll can be made with any filling. We decided to use frosting. To prepare it, two dark chocolate bars are broken into pieces and placed in a bowl. Then the butter is sent there and the ingredients are placed on a very low heat (a steam bath is possible) and heated slowly.

The heat treatment of chocolate is carried out until it completely melts and forms a dark, thick and sweet mass.

Forming the product

The chocolate roll must be formed very quickly. To do this, remove the finished base from the oven and immediately carefully lift it with a spatula so that it completely moves away from the baking sheet. Then the hot sponge cake is coated with hot glaze and rolled into a tight roll.

Place the product on a flat plate, seam side down, and cool it at room temperature. After this, the roll is sent to the refrigerator, after cutting off the ugly edges.

How to serve for a family dinner?

As you can see, the chocolate roll, the photo of which is presented in this article, is easy and simple to prepare. After the product has hardened in the refrigerator, it is transferred to a beautiful cake pan and sprinkled with powdered sugar. In this form, the roll is presented to the table and then cut into pieces no more than two centimeters thick. Having distributed the dessert into saucers, it is served to guests along with a cup of tea.

Making a delicious chocolate roll with cream

As mentioned above, you can prepare sweet roll at home in different ways. The classic version was presented above. Now I would like to tell you about how to make a festive dessert with condensed cream. For this we need:

Knead chocolate dough

The chocolate biscuit roll with condensed cream turns out to be very soft and literally melts in your mouth. This dessert is good to serve at the holiday table instead of the usual cake. But before baking it in the oven, you should knead the base. To do this, grind egg yolks and sugar, and then add ½ can of condensed milk to them. Next, beat the whites separately until stable peaks form and place them on top of the previously prepared sweet mass.

By adding cocoa (4 large spoons) and wheat flour to the ingredients, you get a viscous and dark dough.

The process of forming and heat treating the cake

To bake a chocolate roll, use a wide and not very deep form (for example, a baking sheet). The dishes are greased with oil, and then all the dough is poured out. Having distributed it evenly over the sheet, the base is placed in a heated cabinet.

The chocolate biscuit cake is baked for 27 minutes at 200 degrees.

Preparing the cream

Condensed cream for chocolate roll is easy and simple to prepare. Soften the butter at room temperature and then beat it vigorously with a mixer. After adding the leftovers and cocoa to the cooking fat, it continues to be stirred for some time. The result is a lush and airy dark-colored cream.

How should it be formed?

Usually the chocolate roll is formed while hot. However, placing condensed cream on a cake that has not yet cooled is highly recommended. To do this, remove the finished product from the oven and lift it with a spatula. So that the cake cools a little, but does not break into pieces, it is soaked in a small amount of syrup. Then the product is smeared with cream and rolled into a roll.

Decoration process

Once formed, it is moved onto the cake pan, seam side down. First, unsightly edges are cut off from the roll. Then its surface is generously greased with the remainder of the condensed chocolate cream, after which it is generously sprinkled with almond slices. In this form, the product is sent to the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, when the cake is soaked in sugar syrup and condensed cream, it can be safely presented to the holiday table.

How to serve it to guests?

After leaving the homemade roll in the refrigerator, it is taken out and presented to guests. Having cut the product into portioned pieces, they are distributed on plates and served to the table along with a cup of tea.

It should be noted that a properly prepared chocolate roll is not comparable to the one sold in the store. It is very tasty, soft, tender and melting in your mouth.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to prepare chocolate roll at home. It can be made not only according to the above recipes, but also in other ways. For example, someone prepares a cake based on kefir or milk, while others even use mayonnaise. It should also be noted that as a cream for such a dessert you can use jam, marmalade, fresh fruits and berries, (or sour cream) with sugar, etc. In any case, whichever of the presented methods you choose, you will definitely succeed A delicious homemade dessert that you simply cannot refuse.

What's great about biscuit rolls is how quickly they cook. Unlike a sponge cake, which takes 40 minutes to bake, a sponge cake on a baking sheet takes only 10-15 minutes! And it cools down very quickly too.

In general, you can have a roll ready from scratch in 40 minutes. The dough is prepared for 15 minutes, it is baked for 15 minutes, and while it is baking, prepare the cream. And let it cool for another 10 minutes, roll it up and unfold it, coat it with cream.

This particular roll is very, very super chocolatey. Just a chocolate explosion! There is chocolate in the dough, in the cream, and sprinkled with chocolate. The whole cake requires as much as 300 g of chocolate. Dedicated to chocoholics!


Bake a chocolate butter sponge cake. For it we will need:

90 g sugar

5 g baking powder

80g flour+20g cocoa

50 g melted dark chocolate

There are two important things about a sponge cake. The first thing is to beat the eggs well and do not let them settle while stirring.

If you have a stand mixer, then sponge cake is easy for you. A planetary mixer can beat eggs and sugar into a beautiful fluffy foam. The foam should be such that you want to eat it with a spoon, almost white, smooth, with small bubbles. I beat for 10 minutes.

The eggs should be at room temperature, or even better, heated to 40 degrees. Better yet, beat them in a water bath - the sponge cake will turn out twice as fluffy!

So, the result is a fluffy beaten egg mass with sugar. Now comes the hard part - adding the flour.
Mix the flour mixed with baking powder with a silicone spatula (or spoon) very, very carefully, with slow movements from bottom to top, adding flour in 2 additions, until all the flour is mixed evenly with the eggs.

If you do not have a planetary mixer, it is better to make the dough in two steps. First, beat the yolks and sugar into eggnog until the sugar dissolves, add flour. Then beat the whites into a strong foam so that they don’t fall out of the spoon if you turn it over. And gently, using bottom-up movements, add the whites to the yolks with a whisk.

Our main task when preparing a sponge cake is to prevent the beaten eggs from falling off. Therefore, we mix everything by hand, as gently as possible.

After adding the flour, stir in the melted chocolate using the same gentle movements.

The less we stir, the fluffier the sponge cake will be!

Spread the dough onto 20x30 cm baking paper (a silicone mat will not work), making sure that the edges are not thin. Bake at 160C for about 10-15 minutes.

Remove the warm sponge cake from the baking sheet, cool slightly and roll it into a tight roll directly in the paper. Then we unfold it, then we fold it again. We do not remove the paper when folding so that our roll does not crack when folding. Let cool. We tear off the baking paper and soak the roll with sugar syrup and cognac or rum.

For the cream, take 250 g of melted chocolate, 20 g of cognac and 100 g of cream, beat until light. Separately, beat 250 g of butter with 50 g of powdered sugar and the zest of half a lemon. Mix the butter with chocolate, spread three quarters of the cream on the roll. Pull the paper on which the roll lies slightly up and roll it into a tight roll. Coat the top with the remaining cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate or cocoa and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Since the cream contains a lot of butter and chocolate, the consistency of the chilled roll will be hard, while at room temperature it will be very soft and tender. Whatever you prefer.