Salt dough dog for the New Year. Salt dough dog step by step with photos, master class. Step-by-step instructions for making dough crafts for beginners

Elmira Dolova

teach children to sculpt dogs, conveying their characteristic features (oval body, round head, elongated muzzle)

Develop eye and fine motor skills,

develop a love for animals

continue the ability to share impressions, express your opinion, listen to other children

enrich children's vocabulary with words (kind, smart, loyal dog, friendly)

develop the ability to evaluate the actions of animals and the actions of people

Preliminary workdogs dogs. Conversation about dogs based on the experience of children in whose families these animals live. Reading a Mordovian fairy tale "How the dog was looking for a friend» , memorizing poems and riddles about dogs, pre-cut and painted paper doll chains.

Material: sculpture dogs,dough rolling pin, stacks, boards for sculpting, wet and paper napkins.

Preliminary work: Consideration of rubber and plastic toys - dogs, getting to know the appearance of different breeds dogs(postcards, albums, illustrations, etc.).

1. Organizational moment.

Children sit on the carpet in a circle. Children passing the ball to each other tell their mood (cheerful, no tears, good, etc.)

Educator: It’s great that you are all in a good mood, then let’s wish each other a good day.

Children doing physical education

Let's stand side by side in a circle (holding hands, shaking them)

Let's say hello to each other (nod our head)

We are not too lazy to say hello (we shake our fingers)

Hello everyone and good afternoon (hands up and wave them)

If everyone smiles (smile)

Good morning will begin (we sit on the carpet)

2 Main part

Educator: Oh, guys, look, we received a package, what could be there? Yeah, there's some kind of hint here, let's read it!

“He is friends with the owner, he guards the house

He lives under the porch, and his tail is like a ring” (we use a mnemonic table « dog» )

Children: This dog!

Educator: Opens the package, and sits there dog Buddy. Hello, Friend, we haven’t seen you for a long time, and here you are with us again. Guys, let's remember thanks to which fairy tale we met Druzhko?

Children: "How the dog was looking for a friend»

Educator: That's right, guys! Let's remember who dog met on my way. Questions teacher:

Why the dog decided to look for a friend?

Who did you meet first? dog in the forest?

Did they become friends? Why?

Whom did I meet after the hare? dog? Where did she meet the wolf?

Did the wolf and dog friends? Why?

Have you become friends? dog and bear?

Who did she become a friend to?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done boys! Children, my friend wants to tell us something. The friend says that he did not come alone, but with friends, but they scattered throughout our group, let's find them. Children are looking for paper dolls. It turns out that Buddy told them how great and fun it is to live with a person, and the little paper kids also wanted to have such a friend as dog! Let's help paper boys and girls find a pet and make them dogs.

Children: Let's help!

Looking at a sculpture dogs, clarification of the shape and features of the parts, the head is round.

Finger gymnastics. "Friendship".

Friends in our group

Forcefully clench and unclench your fists.

Girls and boys.

Alternately touch the fingertips of the right and left hands, starting with the thumb.

We will make friends with you

Little fingers.

Separate your fingers one by one.

One two three four five.

Connect your fingers again.

Five, four, three, two, one.

Shake your hands vigorously

Demonstration and explanation.

First you need to soften dough, roll it into a bun, then take a rolling pin and roll it out into a circle. (show)

Then take the seeds and make a round muzzle, placing the seeds in a circle, make ears from the seeds, then make eyes and a nose from coffee beans!

(During operation, the composition plays "Sounds of the Forest")

At the end classes The teacher reads a poem and invites the children to give names to the sculpted animals.

You and I have

The cat and the horse have

In a pig and a piglet,

A cow and a calf.

Only our puppy

No name yet!

(M. Plyatskovsky)


Who were we talking about?

Who did you buy for yourself?

Well done! You tried really hard! At home, tell your parents that the paper boys and girls have made new friends. And teach your friends to sculpt the same ones dogs as you and I learned today.

Exhibition of children's crafts.


"How the dog was looking»

Once upon a time I lived in the forest dog. Alone, alone. She was bored. I wanted to find a friend for the dog. A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.

Met dog a hare in the forest and says to him:

Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!

“Come on,” the bunny agreed.

In the evening they found a place to stay for the night and went to bed. At night a mouse ran past them, dog I heard a rustling sound and how it jumped up and barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears shaking from fear.

Why are you barking? - speaks dog. “When the wolf hears it, he’ll come here and eat us.”

“This is an unimportant friend,” I thought dog. - He's afraid of the wolf. But the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.”

In the morning I said goodbye dog with the hare and went to look for the wolf. I met him in a remote ravine and speaks:

Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!

Well! - the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.

At night they went to bed. A frog jumped past dog I heard her jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let's scold dog:

Oh, you are so, so so! The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.

“And the wolf is afraid,” I thought dog. “It’s better for me to make friends with a bear.”

She went to the bear:

Bear-hero, let's be friends and live together!

Okay, says the bear. - Come to my den.

And at night the dog heard, as he was already crawling past the den, she jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and well scolded dog:

Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.

“Gee! - thinks dog. “And this one turned out to be cowardly.”

She ran away from the bear and went to person:

Man, let's be friends and live together!

The man agreed and fed dog, built a warm kennel for her near his hut. At night the dog barks, guards the house. And the person doesn’t scold her for this - he says thank you.

Since then dog and man live together.

Dog - a symbol of the New Year 2018 with your own hands. Before the holidays, everyone is looking for gifts and most want them to be original and unique. In stores, everything is usually sold of the same type, but if this thing is original, then most likely you will have to pay a considerable amount for it. Since the symbol of 2018 is a dog, we will consider several options on how to make the symbol of the year with your own hands.

Original DIY crafts for the New Year 2018, the year of the dog.

Do-it-yourself dog - symbol of the year 2018: crafts with photos and videos:

Photo: The dog is the symbol of 2018 made from salt dough.

Clay and ceramic figurines look beautiful, but why not try making one yourself. After all, a homemade gift is valued much more than one bought in a store. For example, you can consider making crafts from salt dough.

For this you will need:

  • Salt (preferably fine) – 120 gr.
  • Water – 80 ml.
  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Vegetable oil or hand cream

Mix all components until a homogeneous structure. Those who have experience in modeling can form a three-dimensional figure of a dog; those who do not have experience in modeling can simply roll out the dough into a cake and use molds in the shape of a dog. Using a needle or toothpick you can draw eyes, fur and other details. After sculpting, the craft is dried for 8-10 hours, then baked. Then let the craft cool for several hours and put it back into the oven. When your blank is ready, start decorating the symbol of the year. Acrylic paints, gouache, beads, tinsel, sequins and anything that comes to your mind are suitable for this. It all depends on your imagination. By the way, what’s good about this method is that you can always involve your children in the work, and they will be happy.

Photo: Dog is the symbol of 2018, felt keychain.

Let's consider an option that you can give to your family or friends, even work colleagues - this is a keychain. The keychain is always relevant.

For this you will need:

  • Sample
  • Threads, needles, ribbon, keychain holder

You can draw the template yourself on paper or you can simply print it on a printer by downloading it from the Internet. We take felt, it is very suitable for a keychain because of its density. We transfer the template to the fabric, you need to have two parts. Afterwards we sew them together, to make the dog more voluminous, and stuff cotton wool inside. Then we tie a ribbon or leather braid around the neck of the craft and attach a holder for the keychain to it. Our symbol of 2018 is the dog, ready!


Photo: Dog – symbol of 2018, felt magnet.

Fridge magnets are in great demand. The magnet will be an excellent souvenir and gift on the eve of the New Year. Let's consider the option of how to make a symbol of the year that will flaunt on the refrigerator doors.

For this you will need:

  • Felt in grey, white, black or brown
  • Silicone glue
  • Scissors
  • Magnetic strips

Do-it-yourself dog is a symbol of the New Year 2018:

First you need to make a dog template. You can draw it yourself if you know how to draw, or the easiest option is to print it on a printer, making it the desired size. Then we attach the template to the felt and trace it. Next, cut out the parts along the contour. The next step will be to connect the parts together, that is, glue them to each other using silicone glue. At the end, we glue the magnetic strip using the same silicone glue; the eyes and nose can be made from beads, beads or cut out of black felt. Such a symbolic gift can be given to colleagues, friends or relatives.


Do-it-yourself dog - the symbol of the year 2018: crafts. Video:

Photo: Dog - a symbol of 2018 made of polymer clay.

A polymer clay dog ​​will help you decorate your keys or handbag, or simply place it as a figurine on a shelf. It won't be difficult to mold it.

For this you will need:

  • Polymer clay (sand, white, pink, brown shades)
  • Plastic knife
  • Stylus

Do-it-yourself dog is a symbol of the New Year 2018:

Using sand-colored polymer clay, use your fingers to form the dog’s head in the shape of a pear. Using the same method, using sand-colored clay, we sculpt the body of the dog, but slightly flatten its upper part. The next step is to form the legs. We form four pieces in the shape of carrots with blunt ends, also from sand-colored clay. In order to decorate the paws, we use white clay. We form four small balls, then roll them into a thin circle with a stylus and cover the edges of the paws, make small indentations, thereby simulating toes. Depending on which paws are front or back, the upper edges are flattened on the inside and slightly bent at the top. The hind legs are attached to the sides of the body, and the front legs in the middle. The next step is to connect the head to the body of the dog. Then we form a small ball from brown clay and attach it to the end of the face, this will be the doggie’s nose. Next, from pink clay, we make a flat strip, this will be a collar, attach it to the neck. At the very end, we form ears from brown clay. We make them in the form of drops, there will be hanging ears, right down to the paws. To add charm to the dog, you can make a bow on the ear from pink clay. Before drying the figure, you need to attach the key fittings to the head or back. The clay dries quickly and the result is a very elegant and original gift.

If you do not have multi-colored clay, then sand-colored clay can be painted in the desired color by adding paint of the desired color to it, then you will get clay of the desired color.


Do-it-yourself dog - the symbol of the year 2018: crafts. Video:

The soft symbol of 2018 is the dog.

Photo: The soft symbol of 2018 is a dog.

A favorite of all ages is the soft toy. And if you do it yourself, it is truly priceless. You can play with such a toy. She can become a faithful travel companion or guard sweet dreams at night. Sewing a dog yourself is not as difficult as it seems.

For this you will need:

  • Black and white threads
  • Tailor's needles or stationery pins
  • Scissors
  • White fleece fabric
  • Sintepon or cotton wool
  • Two black beads or small buttons

Do-it-yourself dog is a symbol of the New Year 2018:

First we make a paper pattern. It can be downloaded from the Internet and printed. Then we cut out all the details. We attach all the details to the fabric with tailor's needles or stationery pins. We outline a couple of millimeters more than the pattern itself. This is necessary so that the toy retains its original size and does not become smaller after sewing. Next, remove the pattern and start sewing. First, we sew together the front part of the dog-face with a couple of stitches, then we sew in the oval part of the head and connect two symmetrical parts of the back. The next step will be stitching the dog’s belly together; a slot needs to be made in the center of the belly for further filling with cotton wool or padding poly (you can also use holofiber). Next, turn the toy right side out and straighten all the seams well. After turning the toy inside out and straightening the seams, we fill it tightly with filling and sew up the belly with a hidden seam. Then we take a black thread and embroider the dog’s mouth and a black triangular nose with a loop stitch. We sew black beads or buttons on the sides; these will be the eyes of the symbol of the year. Next, we sew together the paired parts and sew them in place of the future ears with a hidden seam. The last detail is the tail, fill it with filler and sew it to the back of the body with the same hidden seam. To prevent the dog from being completely white, we take a marker and put spots on it, and we get a charming Dalmatian who will definitely find a caring owner on New Year’s Eve.


Do-it-yourself dog - the symbol of the year 2018: crafts. Video:

Crocheted dog.

Photo: DIY Symbol of the Year 2018

For those who have crocheting skills, it will not be difficult to crochet a dog using bouclé yarn. This dog will please you with its softness and will warm you up on cold winter evenings.

For this you will need:

  • Hook No. 4
  • 100 grams boucle yarn
  • Holofiber or padding polyester
  • Wire
  • Scissors
  • Medical patch
  • Buttons

Initially, they begin to make a toy - this is from the body. We cast on and close four loops. The body of the dog should be knitted with double crochets, while making increases:

  • in the second row, through one loop
  • in the third row along the row, every two loops

We knit the body, which consists of twenty-four loops, to the required length, and then we go to decrease. Then we put the required amount of padding polyester or holofiber in the body and tighten the hole. The next step will be knitting the paws. All four paws are knitted according to the same pattern:

  • From an air loop we knit six single crochets
  • Two air loops for row lifting
  • One half double crochet, two half double crochets from the next five stitches. It turns out one row consists of twelve loops
  • Eleven subsequent rows are knitted in a circle, in each of which twelve loops are formed
  • The last row will be with six double crochets

We place the wire inside the paws, having previously wrapped it with a medical plaster. Fill the cavity of the paws with a small amount of filler. Before attaching the legs to the body, we attach buttons to its sides. We pull the thread for attaching them through the body filled with padding polyester or holofaber. It should look like the buttons are sewn on at the same time. The finished paws are pulled over the buttons and tightly tightened with thread. We attach the front legs in a different way. We stretch the wire through the body. We wrap it with medical plaster. Afterwards, the paws are put directly on the wire and sewn with thread, with a hidden seam. This method allows you to bend the dog’s paws and create any position.

The next stage is creating the neck and head. This stage begins with knitting the neck and ends with the head. Knitted in three rows:

  • Circle of eleven single crochets
  • Two rows are knitted with a double crochet
  • Next we knit the dog's head. This process begins with knitting the nose:
  • From an air loop we form seven single crochets
  • After adding stitches, the next even row will have fourteen stitches. They are knitted in the same way up to the fifth row inclusive.
  • In the sixth row, increments are made every three loops, you should get seventeen loops
  • In the eighth and ninth rows we make new increases through each loop
  • In total, in the tenth row there will be thirty-eight loops, which were knitted with a semi single crochet
  • From the eleventh row we begin to decrease the loops. In the twelfth row there will be seventeen loops left, and in the thirteenth there are already twelve loops.

At this stage of creating the toy, filler is inserted, leaving only six loops in the fourteenth row, and the head is firmly sutured.

The eyes and nose, which can be made from felt or leather scraps, are then attached to the head.

All that remains is to knit the ears, they knit easier than everything else:

  • seven air loops are cast on, we knit seven rows, which we use throughout the entire knitting with half double crochets.

The last detail is the ponytail. Knitted according to the principle of knitting ears, only there are half as many loops.

We attach the head, ears and tail to their rightful places with a hidden seam. The symbol of 2018 is ready. He will definitely bring joy to his owners.

Another option is crocheting a dog. This is made from regular yarn. The dog turns out no worse than the previous one. Since 2018 is the year of the yellow dog, consider the option of knitting with yellow threads. We will breed a yellow dachshund.

For this you will need:

  • The yellow skein is a priority, and we also need other colors of thread of your choice
  • Hook
  • Filler (cotton wool, padding polyester)
  • Beads or ready-made eyes for toys
  • Needle and thread to sew on some details

The first step is to knit the head, for this

  • We make two loops, in the second we knit six single crochets
  • Each column is knitted with two loops, their number needs to be increased
  • From the new row you begin to add stitches through the loop
  • We make the next row without columns
  • Next, in each row we make two decreases
  • The last two rows will be the dog’s nose, it’s better if you knit it in black or brown

The head is ready. We fill it with filler and start knitting the ears:

  • We collect four loops in the chain. We make one single crochet at a time - and so two rows
  • We add columns through one loop. And we do one row without increments
  • In the first two loops we add a single crochet, in the next two loops there are already two stitches, and in the next two loops we add one stitch each
  • In the next two rows we make two decreases
  • The last row will have one single crochet

One ear is ready, do the second ear in the same way and then start knitting the paws.

  • Make six stitches in one loop
  • After which you make an increase through one loop
  • Next, in the new row we make two decreases
  • Then make one column in each loop in three rows

Using this pattern, you make four legs, and the back and front ones are the same. Once the legs are finished, we make the tail:

  • Make six single crochets in a loop
  • Then we knit one table at a time into a loop
  • The number of rows depends only on you, how long you want to make the tail, how many rows you knit

In order to make the body, we will use several colors of threads, thereby imitating the clothes of a dachshund:

  • We make six stitches in one loop
  • In the next row we add loops
  • We make two columns in a loop
  • Then we begin to alternate one or two columns at a time. Without adding, we make two rows.
  • Next, we make one single crochet into the loop. At this stage we change the color of the threads
  • This makes a total of ten rows, but if you want a longer dachshund, make more
  • We finish the body with yellow threads, while making two decreases in each row

Then we stuff the body with filler and finally sew all the parts into place. The symbol of 2018 is ready. A bright yellow dachshund will evoke positive emotions and a bright mood in its owners.


Do-it-yourself dog - the symbol of the year 2018: crafts. Video:

Symbol of 2018 made of cardboard.

The easiest and fastest way is a cardboard dog. Even children can make such a craft, and the gift will leave only positive emotions.

For this you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Markers
  • Scissors

To make this craft, you need to draw a head, tail, paws or print a template from the Internet. The disc will be used instead of the torso. We attach all the parts to the body disk. You can use felt-tip pens to draw spots like those of a dog. Or you can cut out spots from cardboard of a different color and glue them on. And the symbol of the year is ready.

You can also make a three-dimensional dog out of cardboard; to do this, you simply print out a template from the Internet and fold it along the dotted lines; even a small child can do this, and the result is amazing.

Dog made of cotton wool.

Photo: DIY cotton wool dog

This process is quite quick and not complicated. But the result is very interesting. There is no limit to your imagination here.

For this you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • White paper (A4)

First of all, we draw a dog on white paper or print it out on a printer. The next step is to cut out this dog along the contour and paste it onto a colored sheet of cardboard. Next, we tear the cotton wool into small pieces and stick it on the ears, paws, tail and body. The symbol of the year is ready. And if you show a little imagination, you can make a frame for this picture, put everything in the frame and you will get a whole work of art.

Shell dog.

After the summer holidays, most of you went to the sea and brought back a large number of shells. You can make a symbol of 2018 out of them and this souvenir will be very original and interesting.

For this you will need:

  • 14 shells (heart-shaped)
  • 1 spiral shell
  • Plastic eyes
  • Glue gun

First you need to wash and dry all the shells. After preparing the glue gun, it perfectly connects these surfaces and is very convenient for work. We take four large shells and glue them together in pairs, this will be the muzzle and body of the dog. Then you need to glue these parts together, with the wide side facing each other. Next, glue four small or medium-sized shells to the bottom of the body; these will be the dog’s paws. We glue two identical shells onto the muzzle, these will be the dog’s cheeks, we glue a small shell on them, this will be the nose, and under the nose we glue another small shell, this will be the mouth. Next, take two small shells of the same size and glue them onto the head with the narrow side, these will be the ears of the symbol of the year. We also glue plastic eyes onto the head; they can be purchased at any children's store in the creativity department. The final touch, the tail, take a spiral-shaped shell and glue it to the back of the body. The original symbol of 2018 is ready. It will remind you of a wonderful vacation and bring a lot of joy and warmth to its owners.

Dog made from plastic bottles.

Everyone drinks juices, carbonated drinks, water from plastic bottles. And you don’t have to throw them away, but use them. You can make them into the symbol of 2018, a dog.

For this you will need:

  • Acrylic paints
  • Plastic bottle with cap
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Glue moment or gun

We paint the cork black, this will be the dog’s nose. Next, paint the bottle itself the color you want your dog to be. Prepare paper templates: ears, paws, tail, tongue. Next, all these parts are cut out from felt of a suitable color using the template. Next, we glue all the details onto the already painted bottle. You can buy plastic eyes in the store, or you can make them yourself from white cardboard and paint black pupils. This is the easiest way to make a dog from improvised materials.

You can make a dog from several plastic bottles, you can cut out all the details from the bottle and paint it with acrylic paints. Or you can use one plastic bottle as a body, and make parts for it from caps and cardboard. And also paint with acrylic paints.

If you want a small breed dog, then use bottles with a capacity of 1, 1.5, 2 liters. If you want a large dog, use a 5 liter bottle. And if you also use cotton wool, you can get a beautiful white poodle, which can also decorate the New Year's holiday.

Symbol of 2018, a dog, made from socks.

The most readily available material for socks can be made from both old and new socks. You choose the color according to your taste. No matter what color the socks are, the toy will still turn out great. If you take a longer sock, you will get a kind of dachshund.

For this you will need:

  • Socks 4 pcs.
  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Buttons 2 pcs. for eyes
  • Filler for toys

We take two socks, cut off the top part of the sock, in the future they will serve as paws for the dog. We fill both socks with filler (cotton wool, padding polyester, holofaber, any of your choice). Take one filled sock, which will be the head. We make a nose from the tip of the sock. Using a “forward needle” stitch, we make a circle around the nose and tighten it, while pulling it up a little so that the nose does not look down. You can imitate the nostrils of the nose with ordinary strings made of thread. We also make drawstrings in place of the eyes and sew buttons there. The muzzle is almost ready. We sew it to the body, again don’t forget to pull it up a little so that the dog “doesn’t plow the ground with its nose.” Next, we take the trimmings from the top of the socks, cut them into halves, you get four trimmings. Fold each piece in half and sew it together, leaving the top unsewn. We fill the paws with filler and sew them up completely, after which we make a circle of thread with the nose and tighten it. We press it so that the symbol of the year can stand and sew it to the body. Next we make the ears, take the second pair of socks and cut the bottom so that the ears are not very long. We make drop-shaped ears from the bottom of the sock (if you have a machine, you can sew along the edge contour, it will be more beautiful), do not stuff them, turn them inside out and sew them to the head. All that remains is to make the dog's tail. To do this, take the rest and cut off a small piece from the heel part. Fold it in half, stuff the end with filler and sew the edges together. With the thick side of the tail we sew it to the body. The symbol of the year is ready. For decoration, you can hang some kind of pendant - it will be a kind of collar. You can embroider a mouth out of threads and make a tongue by cutting it out from the rest of the sock. You can also make a booth out of cardboard and put everything under the Christmas tree, then you will definitely spice up the symbol of 2018 and the whole year will be successful!

Have you already prepared gifts for your friends for the New Year? Complete them with one more small detail - such a cute souvenir. Making a dog from salt dough with your own hands is not difficult. The sculpting process is accompanied by step-by-step photos. And such a symbol of 2018 can become a talisman.

DIY "Dog" fridge magnet

To work you will need:

Salty dough;
rolling pin;
toothpick or stacks;
gouache paints;
paint brushes;
universal varnish;
adhesive-based magnet (optional).

For the test:

0.5 tbsp. flour;
0.25 tbsp. coarse salt;
0.25 tbsp. extra salt;
0.5 tbsp. water.

Let's sculpt a red dog

We start sculpting by creating a wooden fence from behind which the dog peeks out. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a layer 1 cm thick. Using a knife, cut out a rectangle of the desired size. If necessary, you can use a ruler.

We remove excess dough, and make notches along the edges of the rectangle with the blunt side of a knife. Thus, it will be possible to imitate old chips and cracks in wood.

Using a toothpick, make transverse dents in the form of a permanent circle. The length and distance between the notches should be different, as well as the pattern on the wood.

From the remaining dough from the fence, tear off a small piece and roll into a ball. We flatten the ball and stick it on top, extending a little onto the fence.

Now we stick another smaller one to the flattened ball at the top, but do not flatten it. As a result, the dog’s body and head have already appeared.

Roll up two identical pieces of dough into voluminous droplets and place them directly on the fence close to the dog’s body. At the bottom of each droplet we make 2 notches so that the pieces of dough become like paws.

Now we make two more oblong droplets of the same size, then flatten them so that they become flat.

We stick the ear blanks at the top of the dog’s head. The ears must be pressed to the head along their entire length so that they do not break during use.
From a small volumetric ball we make a protruding part of the muzzle and stick it down to the head.

Use a stack or the blunt side of a knife to make a vertical, shallow dent. We make a nose out of a small ball.

We use very miniature balls of dough to make eyes for the dog. Don't forget to moisten the dough with water before gluing the parts.

The last step is finalizing the details. You can draw a mouth in a stack, you can add folds above the eyes or dots on the cheeks.

Since the figurine is small, it will dry quickly naturally, on a radiator or outside in the summer. Drying will take no more than three days. If you don’t want to wait, dry it in the oven at the lowest temperature and turn it over every half hour.

Painting of a doggie

Immediately paint the top and sides of the fence with brown gouache. So that all the cracks are filled with paint and the dough is not visible, you need to dip the brush well in water. Such parts are always painted with colored water rather than paint.

When the fence is dry, we paint the dog. To make the color more natural and soft, mix orange paint with white. We paint the entire dog orange except for the protruding part of the muzzle and nose. While the layer is not dry, add brown color in places and tint the ears and paws a little, blurring the junction of the paints with water.

We paint the protruding muzzle white. We paint the nose, eyes and mouth black, but only after the previous layers have dried.

Lastly, we finish the small details. To emphasize the relief of the fence, dip a dry, hard brush in a dark yellow color and brush it over the fence. This creates an interesting textural effect. You can make hair for a dog using the same method.

We coat the finished figurine with varnish. When the varnish is dry, glue a reinforced magnet onto the unpainted side.

A dog carrying a forgotten Santa Claus hat and a Christmas tree ball is a reminder that the New Year is coming very soon. The symbol of the coming year is a yellow dog, but what breed is unknown. Dachshunds are very good-natured and playful by nature, so it’s worth making such a funny little dog.
To work you will need:
salty dough;
rolling pin;
stack or improvised tools;
gouache and brushes;
acrylic lacquer;
rhinestones on a self-adhesive basis.
For the test:
cold water.
Everything is in equal volume.
Dachshund sculpting
We will sculpt the dachshund using a stencil method, but with applied parts. We draw or print a picture in advance, cut it out, then cut off the false ear and tail.
Roll out the dough evenly into a thick flat cake, place a stencil on top and cut along the contour. Smooth the edges of the figure with a wet brush.

Roll two identical pieces of dough into voluminous ovals and stick them up onto the head, forming eyes. From a small ball we make a nose at the very tip of the elongated muzzle.

Use a knife to outline the mouth and trim the dough a little so that it appears slightly open. We also use a knife to make vertical stripes to separate the legs. We form a sausage from a large piece of dough, then roll it out so that one side is very thin and the other wide. We sculpt the sausage with the narrowed side at the top of the head and lower it vertically to create a hanging ear. The sausage can be flattened a little.

We make a similar sausage only many times smaller and apply it to the back with the wide side. Moisten the joint with water and smooth it well. Flatten the resulting tail a little with your fingers and bend it. Using a sharp stick, draw a line along the edge of the back.

Now we make a Christmas ball. Take 2 pieces of dough, one large and the second 3 times smaller. Roll a large piece into a ball, then stick a piece of dough up onto it and form a smoothed square. Now on the square, use a toothpick to make vertical dents. The result is a Christmas ball with a holder.

To “hang” the ball on the dachshund’s tail, you need to roll a thin sausage. Now we put a sausage on the tail and put a Christmas tree toy just below the tail.

We form a triangle from a flattened piece of dough, stretch and bend one of its edges, as in the photo. At the bottom of the wide part of the triangle, draw a strip with a knife. Now pierce the allocated strip shallowly with a toothpick. Then we form a small ball of dough and stick it to the elongated narrowed side. We also pierce the ball with a toothpick.

Place the resulting cap into the dachshund's slightly open mouth and press the dough well. Dry the finished work in the oven at minimum temperature. Every 20-30 minutes the figure must be turned over to prevent cracks from appearing.

Coloring New Year's dog
We paint the dog with brown gouache. Carefully paint the sides and do not touch the hat, ball and eyes.

Use black paint to slightly tint the bottom of the ear, the upper part of the back and the tail. To make the transition from black to brown smooth, you need to smear the joints with a wet brush, without paint. All subsequent parts are painted only after the previous layers have dried.

We coat the finished figurine with varnish on top and sides. When the varnish is dry, decorate your work with adhesive-based rhinestones or other small decor.

New Year's dog made from salt dough, master class

As you already understand, you can mold anything and even a New Year's mood from salt dough. A souvenir in the form of a funny dachshund carrying a Santa hat and a decorated Christmas tree will be a pleasant surprise for your friends.

To work you will need:

Salty dough;
rolling pin;
stacks or improvised devices;
paints with brushes;
aerosol varnish;
glue-based rhinestones.

For the test:

1 tbsp. flour;
1 tbsp. regular salt;
0.5-0.7 tbsp. cold water.

Modeling of a New Year's dachshund

To begin with, draw a dachshund on paper and draw out all the details, then cut out the figure and cut off the ear and tail. The result is a strange outline of an unknown animal. Roll out the dough into a layer 4-5 cm thick. Attach a stencil and cut along the contour.

Now moisten the sections of the figure with water and smooth them with your fingers. Make eyes from two identical balls and place them at the very top of your head. Place a small ball on the edge of your oblong nose.

From a large piece of dough we make a sausage, which should be much narrower on one side than on the other. We stick the narrow edge on top of the head, lowering the sausage straight down. The resulting ear needs to be slightly flattened with the palm of your hand and pressed well against the main figure of the dog at the points of contact.

Take a piece of dough and roll it into a flat cake up to 1 cm thick. Draw it with a knife, and then cut out the Christmas tree of the desired size.

We stick a Christmas tree on the edge of the dachshund's back. Smooth the tree cuts with wet fingers. Using a sharp stick or the blunt side of a knife, we make embossed branches.

Using a knife, we make a slightly diagonal dachshund into a slightly open mouth, into which we put the corner of a flat, small triangle. The outer edge can be slightly extended and curved so that the shape of the figure resembles a Santa hat.

Well, what would a Santa hat be without fur and a pompom? We draw a cross line on the header, separating the bottom stripe. Place a ball of dough on top. To get the fur effect, you need to make marks in a chaotic manner with a toothpick.

Bake the dachshund in the oven at a temperature of no more than 100 degrees.

Painting of a dachshund with a Christmas tree

When the dough has dried, paint the entire dachshund, except for the eyes, brown. While the paint is still wet, add black paint to the edge of the ear and part of the back and shade the junction with a wet brush.

When the main color is completely dry, decorate the tree, hat and eyes. All other small details are drawn after the previous layer of paint has dried.

When the paint is completely dry, spray the work with varnish so that you don't get the paint on your hands. And when the varnish dries, glue the rhinestones to the Christmas tree and the hat.

Dog for children made from salt dough

You can easily make a magnet with such a dog with your own hands, the main thing is to know the intricacies of the process. It is very useful to make such a magnet for the New Year holidays, because, as you know, the symbol of the coming year will be a yellow dog.

To work you will need:

Salty dough;
stacks or toothpicks;
universal varnish;
reinforced magnet.

For the test:

0.5 tbsp. flour;
0.5 tbsp. table salt;
0.5 tbsp. cold water.

Modeling a dog

Most often, dough magnets are molded using a stencil, but in this case, all the parts are overhead and not thin, so we mold them in the classic way.
Roll the dough into a ball of the desired size. This will be the head of the dog, which, as can be seen from the photo, is the largest part of the entire figurine.

Place another slightly smaller ball on top of the head. This will be the protruding part of the muzzle.

To make the nose, roll a small ball, then press it on both sides with your fingers to form a voluminous triangle. Place the nose on top of the previous ball.

Now take a small piece of dough and flatten it to a thickness of approximately 3 mm. This will be the basis for individual parts. Place the dog's head on top of the base. By the way, the junction of the protruding muzzle with the head should be moistened with water and smoothed well with your fingers or a stack to create a smooth transition. At the same time, draw a smile and nostrils on the stack.

We roll out a small sausage from the dough and place it on the base under the head, forming a curve of the arm like a person’s. We stick a small ball onto the edge of the sausage and make 2 shallow dents, forming a paw.

On the other side of the base, simply place a small piece of dough and smooth out the joints. We make another short sausage slightly larger than the paws and place it across the dog’s body. Smooth the edges of the sausage with wet fingers and trim each side a little with the blunt side of a knife. As a result, the dog got a bone.

On the side where we did not form the paw, place the ball of dough directly on the bone and press well. We make 2 shallow cuts and form the second paw.

A dog with a big muzzle should also have big and funny ears. From two identical pieces of dough you need to form voluminous elongated ovals and flatten them only in the middle.

We stick the ears at the top of the dog’s head with the round side. Moisten the joints with water and smooth them well with your fingers.

We form oval, slightly flattened eyes and thin short eyebrows.

Dry the finished figurine in the oven at minimum temperature for 2-3 hours. To prevent the dough from deforming, turn the work over to the other side every 30 minutes.

Painting of a dog with a bone

I used ocher as the main color. We cover the entire dog except 1 paw, long nose and bone.

While the base color is still wet, add a little brown to some details and completely color 1 paw. With wet paint it is easy to make a smooth color transition with just a wet brush.

When the previous layers have dried, paint the protruding muzzle, eyes and bone with white. When they are dry, make a black nose and a brown smile.

Lastly, make small black dots in the eyes and a white highlight on the nose.
Open the finished work with varnish so that the paint does not get dirty.

When the varnish has dried on the back of the figure, glue the magnet. Use any construction sealant or magnet with an adhesive backing. Be sure to buy a reinforced magnet.

Greetings my beloved readers and blog guests!! Once upon a time in the distant past I worked as a teacher in a kindergarten, the work was very interesting, but poorly paid... But today we will not talk about that!! It’s just that anyone who has worked in this system knows that all the materials we use in creative work with children must be environmentally friendly or certified. Therefore, homemade tools come to the aid of purchased stationery. And the simplest means for development is salt dough.

Salt dough has been familiar since ancient times and is still popular in our time, because it is very easy to make, and it is a pleasure to sculpt from such a soft material. And what kind of crafts you get!! Just a sight for sore eyes!! I haven’t worked in the garden for a long time, but at home with my baby we often do modeling, and what was my surprise that not everyone knows how to prepare the dough and what can be obtained from it. That's why I decided to write an article on this topic.

And for a change, you and your kids can make New Year’s crafts from scrap materials and ideas.

First of all, we need to understand the manufacturing process of our safe material. In fact, there are not so many recipes, but I will introduce you to a method that has been proven over the years.

We will need:

  • Medium-sized salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Water -125 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons.

Manufacturing process:

Take a deep container and mix salt and flour in it. Next, pour in a small amount of water and vegetable oil. Mix well and refrigerate for 2 hours. The play dough is ready. You can leave it this color, and after completing the work, paint it in the desired color. Or you can immediately add natural or synthetic dyes: choose gouache or vegetable juice (carrots, beets), you can also use cocoa.

On a note!! To sculpt thin figures, add glue to the dough. And remember that when drying our mass loses color, so add more dye.

Step-by-step instructions for making dough crafts for beginners

Now that you know how to prepare material for creativity, it’s time to begin the sculpting process itself. Let's start with the simplest. I will show you step by step how you can easily and quickly make a beautiful thing. We will sculpt a cute bear.

We will need:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Water;
  • Cup;
  • Acrylic paints or gouache;
  • Brush.

Manufacturing process:

1. First, knead the dough: mix half a glass of flour and half a glass of salt, add a little water and mix everything well. Next, wait 2 hours, during which time the dough sits in the refrigerator.

2. Now we start sculpting the figure: we make one medium-sized ball for the head, a larger one for the body and 7 smaller ovals for the paws, ears and nose. We connect everything together. Then we put the product in the oven and dry it for an hour. After drying, take out the craft and cool it.

Advice!! Cover the finished souvenir with varnish. This will make the craft brighter and more practical!!

Thus, the step-by-step instructions for sculpting products from salt dough are as follows:

  • knead the dough;
  • we sculpt the necessary elements and connect them together;
  • dry the work in the oven;
  • paint and wait for it to dry.

And remember that the main sculpting techniques are balls and sausages. 😉

How to make a souvenir from salt dough with your own hands

As you understand, this process is very exciting, and not only children, but also adults enjoy making crafts. Therefore, if you try and use your imagination, you can make an excellent gift or decoration element.

And for the coming New Year, I suggest you make a craft in the shape of a dachshund dog, it will be very symbolic.

We will need:

  • Salt dough is universal;
  • Cardboard, pencil, scissors;
  • Paints and brush;
  • A piece of rope;
  • Clear nail polish;
  • Toothpick;
  • Foam sponge;
  • Glue.

Manufacturing process:

1. Print out a drawing of a dachshund or draw it yourself. Transfer to cardboard and cut out the image along the outline.

2. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm and attach a pattern, cut out the outline of a dachshund along it. Remove the trimmings.

3. Now make two balls and form them into oblong dog eyes. Glue them on a drop of water to the head. To remove unevenness in the workpiece, wet all your fingers with water and smooth them along the contour.

5. To add volume, roll the dough into an oval, glue it onto the ear and smooth the joint with a wet finger.

6. Also add volume to the back and ponytail.

7. Use a toothpick to make dents around the perimeter of the figure.

8. Dry the workpiece in a warm oven. The dry product must be painted with black paint, where the dents are.

9. When the black paint has dried, take yellow paint on a foam sponge and paint the entire body, leaving the dents black.

10. Draw eyes on the dried dachshund and make any inscription.

11. Glue a string to the glue on the back side.

12. Cover the product with clear varnish and let it dry.

Here are some other cool gifts you can make from this budget material:

  • Angel girls

  • Magnetic cats

  • Puppy with a bouquet

Master class on making animal crafts for children

And since most of us do little creative work, those who have children try to come up with interesting activities just for them, so that joint activities will be very exciting.

I suggest you, together with your daughters and sons, make this funny hedgehog, look for photo instructions further.

We will need:

  • Salty dough;
  • Scissors;
  • Beads
  • Paints.

Manufacturing process:

1. Make a drop-shaped piece from a piece of dough.

2. Make eyes and a nose from beads.

3. Now we will make needles, for this we take nail scissors and make small cuts, lifting them up a little.

4. We perform the next row in a checkerboard pattern and so on until the entire back is covered in needles.

5. Dry the finished toy in the oven. We color the hedgehog at will.

It’s also very easy to make a bird and decorate it with bean seeds; it’s not only easy, but also useful for developing children’s fine motor skills. Watch the video of how this craft is made:

Of course, there are a lot of options, and if you surf the Internet, you can find a whole storehouse of ideas, and your leisure time with your child is guaranteed. I share souvenirs that I personally liked:

  • Magic fish

  • Cows

  • Princess Frog

  • Mice

  • Snail

  • Blue elephant

DIY New Year's gifts made from salt dough (pictures inside)

And on the eve, I want to surprise and pamper my family and friends. And if you decide to make surprises yourself, then here are a couple more gifts for you to choose from.

  • Snowman

We will need:

  • Salt;
  • Flour;
  • Water;
  • Toothpick;
  • Blue gouache;
  • Brush.

Manufacturing process:

1. Knead salt dough from salt, water and flour. We make one ball white, and add blue gouache to the other.

2. Pinch off a piece for the head from the white ball and flatten it into a flat cake shape. Under this cake we place another piece of cake - the body of a snowman. Using a toothpick, carefully shape the mouth and also mark the location of the eyes.

3. Make two small balls, and moisten the area for the eyes with a brush dipped in water. Press the eyes, but not too much.

4. Take the blue dough and form very small balls and make pancakes out of them. These will be the pupils. Make eyebrows from the sausages and form a carrot nose.

6. Dry the snowman in a sunny window. Cover with clear varnish. You can glue a magnet to the back. It turned out to be a great gift!!

  • Or you can make these funny figures

  • Santa Claus pendant

  • Great frame

  • Or these funny Christmas tree decorations

  • Option for simple toys

  • Magnets

  • Candlestick

  • Don't forget about the symbol of the year - the dog

It's time to finish writing. And I think that if you were not previously familiar with the technique of modeling from salt dough, then after reading the post, you will definitely want to try it.

And how children love to make such crafts, because there is not only modeling, but also drawing, but the most exciting thing for children is drying the product in the oven. A storm of joyful emotions is guaranteed for you!! Get creative and fantasize with the whole family!!

– this is a popular area of ​​home creativity, because before the holidays you really want to prepare at least small memorable gifts for all your friends, colleagues and relatives. It is unlikely that you will be able to buy so many ready-made gifts - not every budget can support such expenses. But home creativity allows you to make many pleasant surprises with minimal financial investment.

Today, craft stores offer a wide selection of materials - you can buy sets of polymer clay, blanks for scrapbooking, Christmas tree decorations and cards, templates for embroidery or painting. However, you can make unusual toys for the New Year from scrap materials - to do this, it is enough to master the technique of testoplasty or bioceramics. This line of creativity is truly exciting and, what’s nice, requires virtually no additional financial costs.

Salt dough figurines look great and last indefinitely

All you need is to make a special salted dough, from which you can mold whatever your heart desires! The working material has another important quality - it is completely harmless, so feel free to involve children in creativity and make unusual gifts for grandparents, prepare for New Year's exhibitions in kindergarten, engage in joint production, etc. And we will tell you how to make a dog from salt dough for the New Year 2018.

How to prepare material for crafts?

Making dough for sculpting figures is not at all difficult. We offer you a proven recipe, for which you will need:

  • fine salt - 2 cups;
  • flour – 2 cups;
  • oil (vegetable) – 1 tablespoon;
  • water (cold) – 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bowl, pour two cups of flour into it, stir in the salt.
  2. Add vegetable oil and mix the ingredients.
  3. Add cold water little by little and knead the dough.
  4. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. After this, you can start sculpting - the mass will be homogeneous and elastic.

Tip: if you want to get a colored dough, you can add food coloring or freshly squeezed juice (for example, from beets) to it when kneading. If you need to get a mass that is suitable for sculpting elegant thin patterns and figures, add a tablespoon of starch or PVA glue while kneading.

To make crafts, you can use purchased dough cuttings

Tools and items for creativity

In the process of creating salt dough figures you will need:

  • rolling pin or bottle of water (needed for rolling out the dough mass);
  • board for sculpting figures;
  • toothpicks (needed to make patterns and holes);
  • brushes;
  • black marker for drawing lines;
  • gouache or acrylic paints;
  • universal varnish;
  • paper and pencil (to make figure templates);
  • scissors;
  • foam sponge (for painting a large surface);
  • glue;
  • strings (for hanging figures);
  • buttons and beads (for making textured prints);
  • cereals and pasta for making rustic-style panels.

Drying figurines

Proper drying provides strength to the product. You can use one of the following methods:

  • drying in a warm oven– the figures are placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and then in an oven at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. You need to keep the craft for 1-2 hours (it all depends on its size and thickness);
  • natural drying– the figures are placed on a wooden or plastic board and kept in a warm place (without direct sunlight and not on a radiator!). The process is long (4-5 days), but ensures uniform drying, making the figurine strong;
  • oven drying with heating and cooling– the figures should be placed in the oven on a baking sheet lined with parchment, and the cabinet should be set to heat (up to 150 degrees). When the set temperature is reached, the cabinet must be turned off and the figures left in it until they cool completely.

Secrets of decorating crafts

Paint the finished dog figurine with gouache or acrylic paints

Decorative crafts made from unpainted dough look very nice, reminiscent of classic rustic creativity. However, sometimes you want to add color to the figures - in this case, you can use one of these coloring methods:

  • watercolor paints– put a little water on the brush, dip the brush in the paint of the desired color and apply it to the figure element;
  • gouache– first you need to prepare a mixture of gouache with a small amount of PVA glue, and then stir the components and paint the figure;
  • food coloring– this option is useful if you want to work with colored dough right away. Divide the mixture into pieces, form balls, make holes with your finger and drop the dye of the desired color into it. After this, knead the test balls until the paint spreads evenly throughout the mass.

Remember that at the end the craft must be varnished. Otherwise, the paint may fade or crumble. Varnishing is possible using both liquid varnish (it should be applied in at least two layers) and thick varnish (it will better protect crafts that will be exposed to moisture).

Possible problems when making the dough

If you didn’t get the perfect dough or figure the first time, you will need to solve one of the possible problems:

  • bubbles or cracks that appear after drying the figurine indicate that you dried it too quickly by setting the oven temperature to the wrong temperature. Dry the figures naturally or in a preheated oven, but with the doors slightly open. It is possible that your cabinet heats too intensely or unevenly;
  • the paint on the figurine is cracked - most likely, you began to apply colors to the figurine, which did not have time to dry completely. Do not throw away the craft - let it dry in the air, and then remove the paint with fine sandpaper and paint it again;
  • It’s impossible to make a massive figurine (for example, a panel) without cracks - the thickness of the dough prevents it from drying. Remember to turn the item over while it is drying in the oven or air;
  • a piece of the figurine has broken off - do not rush to throw the craft in the trash. Glue the element using PVA, let it dry, go over the joint with sandpaper and varnish.

Master class on making a dachshund dog

Step-by-step instructions for making a dog from dough for the New Year 2018

Now that you are aware of all the secrets of working with salt dough, let's start step-by-step making a cute dachshund dog that will be an excellent gift for the New Year. Making a figurine includes the following steps:

  • Step 1. Take a sheet of cardboard and draw a stencil for the dog. Cut out the template, marking the location of the eyes, nose and mouth, so that you can later refer to the drawing when working with the dough.
  • Step 2. Place the dough mass on parchment and roll it out with a rolling pin into a plate with a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters.
  • Step 3. Place the dachshund template on the plate and cut out the blank with a sharp knife. Cut carefully, trying not to tear the paper - then the piece of parchment with the workpiece will need to be transferred to a baking sheet. If you cut the mass on a board, it will be difficult for you to transfer the dachshund to a baking sheet without crumpling the product. As a last resort, use a wide spatula with thin edges and pry the pawl as you move. Scrunch the rest of the dough into a ball - later it will be useful to give the dog volume.
  • Step 4. Pinch off a couple of pieces from the remaining dough. Form oval eyes, roll them well in your fingers and, checking the drawing, glue them onto the workpiece so that the dachshund has eyes. Before attaching the eyes to the muzzle, wet the area a little with water.
  • Step 5. Wet your fingers in cool water and carefully go over the cut areas, smoothing their edges.
  • Step 6. Pinch off small pieces from the lump of dough and form dachshund eyelids.
  • Step 7. Using a toothpick, draw an ear, paws, and mouth for the dog.
  • Step 8. Tear off a small lump from the dough and form a voluminous ear. Don't forget to moisten the gluing area with water. Glue a lump of dough onto the middle of the future ear and smooth it with wet fingers, stretching it to the edges.
  • Step 9. Glue a piece of dough near the dog’s tail and stretch the mass to the sides, giving the back of the figure volume. Add volume to the dog's tail.
  • Step 10. Using a toothpick, make strokes that imitate fur, drawing lines from the edges to the center of the product. If the test mixture has dried out by this time, slightly moisten the figure with water.
  • Step 11. Dry the dog for several days in the air or in the oven using the methods given above.
  • Step 12. Using black gouache, draw strokes that imitate the dog's fur and draw the main lines. Black paint should be used to highlight all the raised areas on the figure. Let the paint dry.
  • Step 13. Take dark yellow or ocher paint. Apply it to a foam sponge. Blot all protruding parts of the figurine with the colored sponge. Let the paint dry.
  • Step 15. Paint the eyes white and add black dots for the pupils. Write your wish on the figurine.
  • Step 16: Cut a small piece of string or twine. Glue with adhesive sealant to the back of the dachshund.
  • Step 17. Cover the product with a layer of thick or liquid glossy varnish. Leave to dry. The craft is ready!