Recipe for steamed curd soufflé. Curd soufflé. Steamed meat soufflé

Cottage cheese is a source of healthy vitamins and calcium. This dish is especially recommended for children and those on a diet. Steamed cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker is an ideal delicacy with a bright taste, at the same time light and very healthy.

For variety, we recommend adding various fruits, cereals, and cookies. You will love the steam soufflé not only because of its appetizing appearance, but also because of its amazing taste. Once you try this dessert, you will never forget its taste - tender, airy, with a slight sourness imparted by berries. And to prepare you will only need about 50 minutes of free time and a slow cooker.

We offer several simple recipes for cottage cheese soufflé. Desserts prepared according to these recipes are low-calorie and contain a higher portion of the protein component. That is why these dishes are an effective assistant for those who want to lose weight.


  • Cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • Milk – 70 g;
  • Semolina – 1 tsp;
  • Eggs – 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream – 2 tsp;
  • Sugar – 2 tsp.


  1. Separate the whites and beat with a blender until foam forms.
  2. Separately combine the grated cottage cheese, cereal, sour cream and yolks, mix.
  3. Pour the protein foam into the container with the curd mass.
  4. Grease the mold with oil, and then put the curd soufflé into the mold.
  5. Pour 400 g of hot water into the multicooker pan and set the “Steam” mode, time – 40 minutes.
  6. The dessert is ready, serve, after pouring berry syrup or sour cream.

Curd soufflé with berries


  • Cottage cheese - 460 g;
  • Fresh or frozen berries – 170 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Starch – 120 g;
  • Yogurt without additives – 200 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 80 g


  1. Grind the cottage cheese so that there are no grains.
  2. Pour soft cottage cheese into the bowl of a food processor, add sugar, egg, sour cream, 60 g of starch, yogurt. Using a metal knife attachment, chop.
  3. Roll the berries in the remaining starch. This must be done so that during the cooking process the berries do not settle to the bottom.
  4. Transfer the berries to the curd mixture and stir.
  5. Place the mixture into silicone molds, having previously greased them with oil. Place the molds in the steam tray and add 400 g of water to the bowl.
  6. Cook the dessert in the “Steam” mode for 30 minutes
  7. Remove the dessert from the molds and place on serving dishes. Garnish with mint sprigs.

Bon appetit!

Curd soufflé with cranberry sauce - video recipe

Soufflé is a light and airy dish that will please any gourmet. Its delicate consistency makes it suitable for everyone, including patients with pancreatitis, small children, etc. The basis for making soufflé is lean meat, vegetables and fruits, and even cereals, etc., and whipped whites provide tenderness and porosity . Read the article for the most common recipes used for inflammation of the pancreas.

Meat soufflé

Meat soufflé is easy to prepare. It has excellent taste, so it is suitable not only as a dish for patients with pancreatitis, it will definitely be appreciated by those who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. When cooking, it is necessary to use lean meats, for example, chicken, rabbit, etc. Such a dietary dish will not harm people who are required to eat special foods.

It is very easy to spoil a soufflé, no matter what it is made from, so it is imperative to adhere to the recipe, especially when it comes to cooking time. Compound:

  • rabbit (any dietary meat) – 0.5 kg;
  • cabbage – 0.5 kg;
  • cheese – 0.1 kg;
  • sour cream (less fat content) -100 ml;
  • medium bulb;
  • eggs;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

If you use fillets, you don't need to clean anything. In other parts of the carcass, you need to cut out tendons, fatty places, etc. Cut the fillet into pieces and twist through a meat grinder or grind using a blender. Chop the onion into pieces and add to the minced meat. We carry out the same actions with cabbage. It is more convenient to grind it like meat; it will take less time and provide the correct consistency of the soufflé. Sour cream should be warmed to room temperature and added to the mixture.

We separate the eggs into whites and yolks, making sure that nothing gets into the whites. You need to take a cold product. Beat the whites in a dry, cold bowl using a mixer until stiff peaks form. The yolks need to be beaten with salt until white foam and poured into the minced meat. After this, carefully add the whites to the meat and stir with a spatula. Then add salt and pepper.

At this time, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. Pour the mixture into the mold and cook for 40 minutes. When the soufflé is almost ready, sprinkle it with cheese and continue cooking. Meat souffle is suitable not only for people with diseases of the digestive system, but also for babies who have recently been introduced to complementary foods. Milk can be replaced with meat broth.

Steamed meat soufflé

Meat soufflé.

The same recipe can be used for steamed soufflé, or you can use a different recipe. Compound:

  • boiled lean meat ¼ kg;
  • egg – 50 g (1 pc.);
  • low-fat cottage cheese – a quarter of a pack (50 g);
  • butter – 10 g;
  • white bread pulp - a small piece;
  • cheese - a piece;
  • milk – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • greens, salt, pepper.

The bread must be soaked in milk. Divide the egg into white and yolk and beat separately. Using a meat grinder or blender, make minced meat and homemade cheese, which is mixed with bread and yolk. Then slowly add the protein, salt, pepper, herbs and mix. Place the mixture in a greased pan and sprinkle with cheese. Cook in a water bath for about a third of an hour.

Beef soufflé

  • boiled lean beef - a third of a kilogram;
  • milk – 130 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • oil - teaspoon;
  • flour - teaspoon;
  • salt.

Grind the beef with a blender or meat grinder and add a mixture of milk, yolk and butter. Stir or blend again in a blender. Beat the whites to stiff peaks and slowly add them to the minced meat. You need to use a form where the minced meat is placed in a layer of 3 fingers. Grease the container with oil and place in an oven preheated to 230 degrees for a third of an hour.

Beef soufflé with rice

Beef soufflé with rice.
  • lean boiled meat – a third of a kilogram;
  • dry rice – 10 g;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • oil drain – tablespoon;
  • salt.

Grind the meat, add salt, some butter, yolk and put it into a blender again or grind with a meat grinder. Cook the rice and add it to the beef when cooled. Beat the egg whites cold in a dry container until peaks form and stir into the minced meat. Place in a greased container in a 3 cm layer and place in a water bath for a third of an hour.

  • cottage cheese - a third of a kilogram;
  • lemon;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • dry semolina;
  • egg – 4 pcs.;
  • apples – a third of a kilogram;
  • butter – 40 g.

Grind the apples and homemade cheese using a meat grinder. Pour in cold butter, whipped with yolk and sugar. Mix everything well. Pour dry semolina and grated citrus zest. Beat the egg whites cold until they form stiff peaks and gently fold into the curd mixture.

You need to cook the soufflé for half an hour in the oven at low temperature.

Steamed curd soufflé

Steamed curd soufflé.
  • cottage cheese - a third of a kilogram;
  • dry semolina - a tablespoon;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • small egg - 1 pc.;
  • oil;
  • low-fat sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Beat the main product with a blender or grind with a meat grinder. Add milk, dry semolina, granulated sugar, yolk and twist again. Beat the whites to stiff peaks and fold into the mixture. Gently mix everything and place in a mold, which is then greased with oil. Cook in a water bath, in a slow cooker or double boiler for about 40 minutes.

Soufflé with carrots

Carrots are a vegetable that is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are useful for pancreatitis. It is used to prepare many dietary dishes, one of which is soufflé. Compound:

  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 25 g;
  • salt.

Cut the vegetable into cubes, add part of the butter, a third of the milk and simmer. After cooking, puree with a blender and mix with the yolk, remaining milk, granulated sugar and salt. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form and fold into the carrot mixture. Grease the mold with oil, pour everything there and place in a water bath for 2/3 hours. Apples are often added to this soufflé. The dish should turn out juicy.

Due to the high content of nutrients in carrots, once cooked, the portion of a patient with pancreatitis should be limited to 150 grams.

Soufflé with cookies

Sugar cookies with soufflé.
  • low fat cottage cheese - packaging;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • small egg - 1 pc.;
  • oil – 1 tsp;
  • “Maria” cookies – 27 g;
  • milk – half a glass;
  • low fat sour cream for serving.

Grind the cookies to crumbs, mix with sugar and add milk to the dry mixture. You need to let it stand for a quarter of an hour. Separate the white and yolk. The whites need to be beaten with a mixer until they form stiff peaks.

Homemade cheese must be whipped with a blender or twisted using a meat grinder. Add to it a mixture of milk and cookies, cooled melted butter, and yolks. Mix everything until smooth and slowly add the protein. Place the mixture into a greased pan. It's best to cook it steamed.

Curd soufflé is an excellent alternative to simple cottage cheese or casserole. The soufflé has an unusually delicate texture and airiness. This dish is enjoyed by both adults and children, who often do not consume cottage cheese in their usual form. In this article we will tell you how to prepare cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker and provide a detailed description of delicious and interesting recipes.

Dietary cottage cheese soufflé is useful not only because it is prepared from cottage cheese, but also due to the cooking method. The use of hot steam in cooking helps ensure that the ingredients retain a large number of useful components. In addition, steam soufflé is prepared without the use of oil or any other fats, which makes it low-calorie and healthy for the figure. Let's look at what ingredients are used in preparing steamed curd soufflé in a slow cooker.

  • low fat cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp;
  • sour cream 15% fat - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 5-6 tbsp;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • any berries to taste – 100 g.

Steamed curd souffle in a multicooker is prepared quickly; the most important thing is that your equipment supports the “Steam cooking” option and is equipped with a special accessory. Let's look at the cooking steps below:

  1. The main ingredient of the curd soufflé should be a thoroughly crushed mass of homogeneous consistency. If there are lumps in the cottage cheese, the soufflé will not turn out tender and airy. So, to achieve the desired consistency, first grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve.
  2. Wash the eggs, carefully break the shells and separate the whites from the yolks. Pour the whites into a deep, dry bowl and place in the refrigerator while preparing the remaining ingredients.
  3. Add sour cream, sugar and yolks, as well as semolina to the grated cottage cheese. Mix everything with a spoon.
  4. Pour the berries into a colander and rinse with running water. Let them drain, then pour them onto a dry paper towel to absorb the remaining liquid.
  5. Add 1 pinch of salt to the chilled whites and beat with a mixer until they turn into a stiff foam. The foam should be such that when the bowl is turned upside down, it does not leak out and remains in its original shape.
  6. Add the protein foam into the curd mass. Slowly and very carefully mix the ingredients with a spoon.
  7. We transfer the future soufflé into a suitable form and place it in a container for steaming. Sprinkle the curd mixture with berries. Pour the required amount of water into the bowl of the device, activate the “Steam” program and cook the steamed curd soufflé in the multicooker for 30 minutes.

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker in 4 variants

This dietary soufflé is low in calories and can be considered one of the best desserts for those who care about their physical fitness. The originality of the recipe lies in the fact that the dish is prepared with several flavors at once. The base is cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and vanillin. During the cooking process, the curd mass is distributed into small portioned molds, into which sour cream, milk and cinnamon are added. As a result, you get one dessert with four different flavors. By the way, if you want to make the dish completely dietary, use only whites instead of whole eggs, and also reduce the amount of sugar. Let's look at a detailed list of ingredients that are used in preparing cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker:

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% - 300 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15% - 2 tsp;
  • milk – 1 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon – ¼ tsp.

Don’t forget that to prepare curd soufflé in a slow cooker you will also need small ceramic molds. Having prepared everything you need, you can start preparing the dessert:

  1. To give the soufflé airiness and lightness, first grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. Add sugar and vanillin to the cottage cheese.
  2. We wash and dry the eggs, then carefully separate them into whites and yolks. Immediately transfer the yolks to the cottage cheese and mix, and combine the whites with a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer. To get a homogeneous dense foam, you should turn on the mixer at the highest speed, do not slow down or turn it off until the desired result is achieved.
  3. Distribute the curd mass into prepared ceramic molds. We leave one of them as is, add a spoonful of milk to the second, sprinkle cinnamon on the third soufflé, and put sour cream in the fourth.
  4. Place the molds on the bottom of the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Baking” program. Set the temperature to 160°C and cook the curd soufflé in a slow cooker for 20-30 minutes.

The finished dish can be eaten warm or cold. As a rule, the soufflé settles a little in the first few minutes after baking, but its taste still remains delicate.

Apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker

This recipe uses canned apricots, but you can easily replace them with fresh ones or use peaches, for example. The fruits that make up the dessert exude a sweet, pleasant aroma that goes well with the curd taste. Add a little apricot liqueur to the soufflé and the dessert will take on some piquant flavor. Let's take a closer look at what products are used in preparing apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker:

  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • canned apricots – 400 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • potato starch – 1 tbsp;
  • apricot liqueur – 20 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 50 g;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • mint - for decoration.

We will describe in detail the process of preparing apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker:

  1. Leave a few apricot fruits whole, and transfer the remaining fruits to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer the puree into a small metal bowl, add 6 tbsp. apricot juice, 50 g sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Place the bowl on low heat and boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  2. Grind the lemon zest and measure out 0.5 tsp. and add to apricot puree. By this point, the burner should already be turned off. We divide whole apricots into halves and also add them to the rest of the ingredients. Add liqueur there.
  3. We distribute the whites and yolks of the eggs into different containers. Add sugar to the yolks and grind them with a spoon or whisk until they acquire a light yellow tint. Combine the whites with a pinch of salt and beat them into a stiff foam using a mixer.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add the yolk-sugar mass, sour cream and potato starch to it. Gently fold the protein foam into the resulting dough.
  5. Grease the soufflé molds with a piece of butter and spread the curd mixture into them. Please note that the soufflé will increase in volume during baking, so you can only fill the molds 2/3 full.
  6. Place containers with curd mass in a multi-cooker vessel. We activate the “Baking” program and prepare the curd soufflé in a multicooker for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.
  7. Remove the finished dessert from the bowl, turn the soufflé molds onto plates and pour apricot sauce over the dish.

At the very end, the dessert should be decorated with powdered sugar and mint leaves.

Curd soufflé with ricotta and berries in a slow cooker

A delicate, airy soufflé with ricotta has a pleasant berry-creamy taste, an additional note of which is given by the bright citrus aroma of orange zest. This dessert is best eaten slightly warm, although its taste is extremely pleasant when cooled. The ingredients for making curd soufflé in a slow cooker are the following:

  • Break the eggs and separate the whites and yolks. We distribute them into different bowls. Add a little salt to the whites and, using the mixer at high speed, beat them into a dense foam.
  • Grind the cottage cheese until smooth, combine it with ricotta and egg yolks. We also beat this mass well using a mixer. Then pour a few tablespoons of sugar into the curd mass, the amount of which you can adjust to your taste.
  • We also add orange zest and potato starch to the future soufflé. Beat everything well with a mixer one last time.
  • Add the protein foam into the mixture and carefully mix it all with a spoon.
  • Place the berries in a colander and rinse under running water.
  • Grease the bottom of the multicooker pan with oil. Place the berries in an even layer and cover them with the curd mixture. We put the multicooker in the “Baking” mode.
  • Bake the curd soufflé in a slow cooker for 40 minutes.
  • Once finished, the dessert can be decorated with anything: sour cream, powdered sugar, berry syrup, jam, condensed milk, etc.

    Curd soufflé in a slow cooker. Video

    Proper nutrition and diets have become a lifestyle choice for many women. If you are used to eating exclusively healthy and low-calorie foods, try the dietary curd soufflé. This dessert will diversify your diet and improve your mood without the slightest harm to your figure.

    The diet is always based on easily digestible, healthy and low-calorie foods. The path to an ideal figure should be safe. Constant dietary restrictions can negatively affect not only the psycho-emotional, but also the physiological state of a person. To avoid breakdowns, feel good and fully enjoy life, you need to introduce healthy goodies into your diet, for example, cottage cheese soufflé in the oven. His dietary recipe is simple, like everything ingenious.

    On a note! To prepare a dietary treat, you will need a fermented milk product with a minimum percentage of fat content or completely low-fat.


    • 0.2 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
    • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
    • 2 tsp. low-fat sour cream;
    • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
    • 10 g butter;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • vanilla to taste;
    • 2 tsp. semolina.


    On a note! Please note that immediately after baking the soufflé turns out fluffy, but literally after a minute it settles. However, the taste of the dessert does not depend on this.

    Healthy dessert without baking

    Using the recipe described above, you can make curd soufflé in the microwave. It must be prepared in special containers and at maximum power. There are recipes that do not require heat treatment at all. In this case, you need to add a thickener, for example, agar-agar or food gelatin.


    • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 2 tsp. cocoa;
    • 15 g gelatin;
    • 1 banana;
    • 2 tbsp. l. cow's milk with a minimum percentage of fat content.


    Preparing dessert while playing

    Even an inexperienced cook can prepare a cottage cheese soufflé in a multicooker, since a smart kitchen appliance will do all the work for you. You only need to prepare the products. Do not forget that a dish with low nutritional value will be obtained if you use low-calorie products.

    To add a variety of flavors to the curd soufflé, you can add chopped apples, carrots, freshly squeezed lemon juice or citrus zest.


    • chicken egg – 5 pcs.;
    • 0.25 liters of sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat content;
    • low-fat curd mass – 0.75 kg;
    • table starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • 1 ½ tbsp. granulated sugar;
    • vanilla to taste.


    1. Place the curd mass in a fine sieve and grind thoroughly until it is homogeneous.
    2. Break the chicken eggs and separate the white mass from the yolks.
    3. We immediately introduce the yolks into the curd mass, and for the time being we send the whites to the refrigerator for a while.
    4. Add table starch to the curd mass, as well as sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat content.
    5. Season with vanilla to taste and mix thoroughly.
    6. Beat the chilled egg whites with a blender or mixer into a stable foam.
    7. Add the whipped whites in portions to the curd mass.
    8. Mix with a spatula.
    9. Grease the multibowl with butter and sprinkle with semolina.
    10. Spread the prepared curd dough.
    11. Select the “Baking” program mode. Set the timer for 60-70 minutes.
    12. After the sound signal sounds, do not rush to remove the soufflé from the multi-cooker container.
    13. Let the dessert sit in automatic heating mode for another half hour.

    Dishes during a diet and proper nutrition should be easily digestible, contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of nutrients. The dietary soufflé made from cottage cheese is just one of these. This tender, airy dessert based on cottage cheese and egg whites contains a lot of calcium and protein, does not burden the digestive organs, saturates cells with useful substances, improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc.

    In order for the beneficial properties of the dessert to manifest itself, you need to choose the right ingredients. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to the correct dosage of products and follow the preparation technology.

    Is the dish suitable for weight loss and proper nutrition?

    A dietary soufflé made from cottage cheese will make the menu more varied and healthy. When properly prepared and consumed in moderation, this dessert will allow you to steadily lose weight and improve your overall health:

    1. The soufflé contains elements of group B, vitamin A, D. Thanks to these substances, vision, the condition of the musculoskeletal system are improved, metabolic processes are improved, etc.
    2. The dish contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, etc. These minerals strengthen bones, normalize metabolism, and improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin.
    3. The dessert is rich in proteins, which are necessary for the structure of body cells (including muscle cells).
    4. The dish is easily digestible and does not overload the digestive organs, liver, or kidneys.
    5. If you supplement the recipe with vegetables, fruits or herbs, fiber will enter the body, which will cleanse the digestive tract of harmful accumulations and activate intestinal motility.
    6. When honey is added, the dessert has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and immunostrengthening effect.

    Curd soufflé can be cooked in the oven, steamed or in the microwave. But there are gelatin-based recipes that are not heat treated. Dishes containing gelatin or steaming retain the most nutrients.

    With the right selection of ingredients, dietary soufflé contains a minimum of calories. Plus, it's delicious and quick to prepare. Therefore, the dish is quite suitable for a diet.

    What you need to prepare: the right ingredients

    To prepare a tasty, healthy and dietary dessert, you need to know what ingredients to use. It is better to take cottage cheese of medium fat content, since the low-fat recipe does not contain milk fat, which is needed for the absorption of calcium.

    The dessert includes eggs. It is better to limit their number to 2 – 3 pieces.

    It is better to replace sugar with honey or a natural sweetener, such as stevia. Dried fruits also add sweetness to the dessert. Some housewives add jam to the dish, but this sweetness is not beneficial.

    Important! It is better to choose milk and sour cream for dietary soufflé with medium or low fat content. It is recommended to use cream with 10% fat content. Use coconut oil instead of butter

    The dietary dish can be supplemented with vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, and dried fruits. Nuts, seeds, and orange zest are often used for decoration.

    Vanillin and cinnamon give the dessert a special aroma and taste. Rice flour, potato starch, and oatmeal reduce the moisture content of the dish.

    How to choose the right cottage cheese

    For a dietary soufflé, you need to choose the right cottage cheese; to do this, pay attention to the following characteristics:

    1. Fat content from 5 to 9%. The product retains more fatty acids, calcium, protein and other substances necessary for the body.
    2. Buy cottage cheese in sealed packaging. A homemade product has more useful substances, but may contain harmful microorganisms. If you choose the latter option, then heat it before use.
    3. Soft, pasty cottage cheese. Avoid dry, grainy foods. Choose a mass with a delicate, uniform consistency of white color with a light creamy tint. There should be no impurities and separation into solid and liquid parts.
    4. Fresh cottage cheese has a pleasant, slightly sour taste and aroma.
    5. Make sure that the package says “Cottage cheese” and not “Curd product”. The latter contains a minimum of benefits and chemical additives.
    6. Be sure to check expiration dates and storage conditions.
    7. Avoid buying curd mass; it contains vegetable fats, emulsifiers, and stabilizers.

    High-quality cottage cheese without preservatives has a shelf life of no more than 7 days.

    Curd soufflé recipes

    To get the perfect dietary soufflé, you need to remember the rules for its preparation:

    1. Select the ingredients correctly and maintain their proportions. Use only fresh, high-quality products for the dish.
    2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites thoroughly in a clean, deep glass, ceramic or enamel container. The dishes must be dry and clean. To get a fluffy foam, put the eggs in the refrigerator before beating, and then add a little salt to the whites. First, beat some of the whites, and when they turn into a strong foam, add the rest. They are combined with the base gradually, carefully at the end of cooking, so as not to disturb their airiness.
    3. It is recommended to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat it with a blender to achieve the ideal paste-like consistency.
    4. Silicone molds are used for heat treatment, and for soufflés with gelatin, you can use any utensils (except aluminum).

    Attention! The dietary dish can be supplemented with fruits, berries, dark chocolate, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts, seeds, mint leaves, etc. There are also unsweetened versions of the dish. For snacks, dietary meat, mushrooms, herbs, and vegetables are used.

    In the oven

    For a dietary soufflé of cottage cheese and dried fruits, products that are available all year round are used. The calorie content of the dessert is 176 kcal/100 g.

    Cooking steps:

    1. Grind 2 tbsp using a blender or coffee grinder. l. oatmeal.
    2. Separate the yolk from the white. Combine the yolk with 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 tsp. honey, beat. Place the protein in the refrigerator.
    3. Supplement the base with cereal, 2 tbsp. l. chopped dried fruits, for example, dried cranberries, apples, raisins, dried apricots.
    4. Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently fold into the mixture.
    5. Pour the mixture into silicone molds and bake for about 30 minutes at 180°.

    If you replace honey with stevia and remove dried fruits from a dietary dish, the calorie content will decrease. But even without changes, such a soufflé complies with the norms of proper nutrition (PN).

    From cottage cheese and orange you can make a low-calorie dessert with a delicious aroma, delicate, porous texture and excellent taste. To do this, follow this plan:

    1. Blend 400 g of cottage cheese, natural sweetener or honey (to taste), a pinch of salt, and yolk with a blender.
    2. Add the juice of ½ orange to the cottage cheese, beat.
    3. Grind a little zest, add to the mixture, and stir.
    4. Add 3 tbsp. l. whole grain flour or ground bran, beat with a blender.
    5. Beat the egg white separately and add it to the base.
    6. Pour the mixture into molds and bake for about half an hour at 180°.

    Serve this healthy dessert with a little jam or fruit sauce.

    Sometimes you can prepare an original snack from cottage cheese and champignons:

    1. Simmer 150 - 200 g of champignons, 1 chopped onion, and paprika cut into strips (2 pieces) in a mixture of olive oil and water (1:2) until the liquid evaporates.
    2. Mix 350 g of cottage cheese, 2 yolks, 1 tbsp. l. semolina, 50 grated hard cheese (low-fat varieties), a pinch of salt and pepper.
    3. Beat the whites separately, add 1 tbsp. l. foam into the base.
    4. Add the stewed vegetables, stir gently.
    5. Pour the mixture into molds and bake for half an hour.

    Sprinkle the finished dish with dry basil. The taste of the dietary dish is delicate and at the same time rich.

    In a slow cooker

    In this way, the dietary soufflé takes longer to prepare, but it turns out fluffy, juicy, airy, and has the most delicate consistency.

    Simple soufflé recipe:

    1. Whisk 300 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of low-fat sour cream, yolk, 20 g of ground bran or whole grain flour, honey or sweetener, and a little vanilla if desired.
    2. Beat the egg white and add to the rest of the ingredients.
    3. Pour the mixture into molds, place in the multicooker container for an hour, activating the “Baking” mode.
    4. Keep it warm without opening the lid for another half hour.

    The dietary dessert can be sprinkled with cocoa or cinnamon and topped with maple syrup.

    If desired, you can add chopped fruits or berries to the curd base.

    In a slow cooker you can prepare a delicious soufflé cake from cottage cheese called “Bird's Milk”:

    1. Grease the multicooker bowl with coconut oil and sprinkle a little with whole wheat flour.
    2. Mix 700 g cottage cheese, 100 g kefir, 5 yolks, 60 g whole grain flour, 160 g stevia, ¼ tsp. salt, 1 g vanillin.
    3. Beat 5 whites until stiff foam.
    4. Gradually, 1 tbsp. l. fold the whites into the base.
    5. Pour the mixture into the multicooker, cook for 65 minutes on the “Baking” program.

    After cooking, leave in the slow cooker for 3 hours so that the cake retains its fluffiness. You can decorate a dietary dessert with chocolate glaze.

    In the microwave

    Using a microwave oven, you can prepare a delicious curd dessert in a few minutes.

    Option for dietary soufflé from cottage cheese with apple in the microwave:

    1. Mix the yolk with sweetener or honey and cinnamon (to taste).
    2. Peel and grind the apple.
    3. Combine the yolk with apple and bran (1 - 2 tbsp.), Blend with a blender.
    4. Beat the egg white and mix with the base.
    5. Pour into ceramic cups, bake for 5 - 7 minutes on medium power.

    You can add chopped nuts to the base; instead of an apple, use pumpkin, pear, banana, carrots, etc. For decoration, use cocoa, coconut, and berries.

    For a couple

    Steamed cottage cheese soufflé is the healthiest dessert option.

    If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to reduce the calorie content of dishes as much as possible, so low-fat cottage cheese is used for soufflé. The dish is prepared from a minimum amount of products that must not contain chemical additives.

    Recipe for steamed diet soufflé:

    1. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. semolina ½ cup skim milk, reserve.
    2. Mash a pack of cottage cheese (0% fat).
    3. Combine the main ingredient with the yolk, semolina, 1 tbsp. l. sugar or honey.
    4. Beat the egg white and add to the base.
    5. Pour into molds, place them on the lower rack of the steamer, cook for half an hour.

    Use berries, nuts, and fruits for decoration. Serve the steamed dessert with low-fat natural yogurt or sour cream.

    Recipe for berry and fruit curd soufflé:

    1. Remove pits from 5 cherries and 5 apricots and chop finely.
    2. Combine 200 g of cottage cheese, 1 banana, 2 drops of vanilla extract, a little honey. Beat with a blender.
    3. Beat 2 egg whites until a strong foam forms. Enter it with the base.
    4. Place the chopped fruits in the molds and pour the mixture on top.
    5. Steam for 15 – 20 minutes.

    A delicious, delicate dietary dessert contains only 87 kcal, a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and many vitamins. This is an excellent option for a diet.

    With gelatin

    If you add gelatin to the curd mass, the dessert will resemble Bird's Milk candies. All useful substances are preserved in it. This dish is a relief from hunger on a hot summer day.

    Recipe for chocolate soufflé with gelatin:

    1. Combine 400 g of cottage cheese, ½ pack of sour cream, 2 tsp. cocoa, blend with a blender.
    2. Dissolve 1.5 tbsp in a steam bath. l. gelatin according to the recipe on the package. Add it to the base and mix.
    3. Place chopped fruit into molds (to taste), pour the mixture.
    4. Place in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

    The dietary dessert has a soft chocolate taste.

    This recipe for cottage cheese soufflé is included in the diet of the famous Dukan diet:

    1. Soak 1 pack of gelatin in water until it swells.
    2. Combine 350 g of cottage cheese, 120 g of yogurt, a little sweetener, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, beat with a blender.
    3. Dissolve gelatin in steam and mix with base.
    4. Pour into bowls and place in the refrigerator.

    Before serving, sprinkle the dietary sweetness with cocoa powder.

    Useful video

    Main conclusions

    Properly prepared cottage cheese soufflé will be an excellent addition to your diet. It has low calorie content, normalizes digestion, and prevents the increase in fat. When preparing a low-calorie dessert, follow these recommendations:

    1. Choose fresh cottage cheese with a pasty consistency, white-cream color, with a pleasant sour aroma and taste. Optimal fat content is from 4 to 9%.
    2. The remaining ingredients of the dietary dessert should be low-calorie.
    3. Complete the dish with fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, etc.
    4. Beat the whites separately from the yolks, and then carefully fold the foam into the base.
    5. If you want to preserve maximum nutrients in the soufflé, then cook it with gelatin or steam it.

    Thanks to a tasty and low-calorie dessert, your diet will not cause stress, and proper nutrition will become a habit.