Chicken samsa. Samsa made from ready-made puff pastry with chicken. Recipe with mozzarella from samsa sheets


  • boiled chicken fillet – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For lubrication:

  • chicken yolk – 1 piece;
  • water – 1 tsp.

How to cook samsa with chicken

For the filling, chop the boiled fillet very finely. Peel the onions, wash them and cut them into small cubes. In a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil, sauté the onion until soft. Add finely chopped chicken fillet and, stirring, simmer everything together for 3-5 minutes. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir and set aside to cool.

Prepare the dough. Pour about half of the sifted flour and salt into a bowl; pour warm water and vegetable oil.

Mix thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

Add the remaining flour in parts, in 2-3 additions, mixing thoroughly each time.

Knead soft elastic dough. It may take a little more or less flour, but we try not to overwhelm the dough with flour so that the samsa turns out tender.

Divide the dough into equal pieces weighing approximately 35 g.

Roll out each piece thinly into a circle with a diameter of about 12 - 14 cm. Place about 2 tablespoons of filling in the center.

We connect the edges of the dough, lifting it above the filling, forming a triangular pie. We pinch the edges securely at the top.

Place the finished samosas on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Pour the chicken egg yolk into a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of water and mix well.

Grease the samosa pies with yolk and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C.

Bake the samsa for about 20 minutes (depending on the characteristics of the oven), until golden brown.

Bon appetit!

Samsa with chicken is a great recipe to please your loved ones on a day off. The recipe is not quick, but the result is worth the time spent. The finished samsa turns out tasty, tender and crispy, and cannot be compared with store-bought baked goods. Let's cook?

Samsa or samosa is a popular oriental dish. Traditionally, samsa is baked in a tandoor, but it is easier to prepare the dish in the oven, so the latter option is gaining more and more popularity.

The dough for samsa is made flaky and unleavened. The filling uses finely chopped meat, onions, legumes, potatoes and other varieties of vegetables. A widely spread dish in

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. There, samsa is sold on the street as a snack.

Ingredients for the dough:

1. Flour – 500 g

2. Water – 250 ml

3. Butter – 200 g

4. Egg – 1 pc.

5. Salt – 1 tsp.

6. Yolks – 2 pcs.

7. Sesame – to taste

8. Starch (potato or corn) – 60 g


1. Chicken fillet – 600 g (you can take a mixture of chicken breast and thigh meat)

2. Onion – 300 g

3. Salt – 1 tsp.

4. Pepper – 0.5 tsp.

5. Coriander – 0.5 tsp.

Step by step recipe:

1) Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and mix.

2) Mix hot water (250 ml) with part of the butter (50 g), stir until the butter dissolves.

3) Add the scrambled egg.

4) Pour the resulting liquid into the flour.

5) Knead the soft dough.

6) If necessary, you can add a little flour or water.

7) Wrap the resulting dough in cling film and put it in the freezer. At this time, let's make the filling.

8) Chop the onion into small cubes and mash it with your hands so that it releases a little juice.

9) Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. To make the meat easier to cut, you can put it in the freezer in advance for 5-10 minutes.

10) Mix the meat and onions, add all the spices. Stir thoroughly.

11) Take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into 3 parts.

12) Roll out each part into a thin layer. When rolling, use starch instead of flour.

13) Melt the remaining butter (150 g) and let it cool.

Place a layer of dough on a work surface and generously spread a layer of butter on top.

Cover with a second layer and also apply a layer of oil. Next is the third layer, and again apply oil on top.

14) Roll the dough into a tight roll.

15) Cut into pucks 2-3 cm thick. Spin the pieces a little and cover one edge of the puck with dough.

16) Place the dough in the freezer for 10 minutes to cool the dough a little.

17) Roll out the dough pucks on a board sprinkled with starch. Try to leave a small mound in the center of the piece - this will make the finished baked goods more beautiful.

Place 1 tbsp in the center of each piece. fillings.

18) Pinch the edges, giving the samsa a triangle shape.

19) Place the samsa seam side down and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

20) After 15 minutes, you need to grease the pastry with a beaten egg and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake for another 15 minutes or until done.

Serve the samsa hot.

Additional Information:

If you don’t have much time to cook, you can cheat and not bother with the dough. Just make samsa from puff pastry. Then you will need to roll out a layer of dough, cut out blanks from it and wrap the filling inside. Then bake as usual.

And if your family loves potatoes, then you can add them to samsa. Samsa with potatoes and chicken is a good alternative to the classic recipe.

Prepare the filling as follows: half meat, half raw potatoes (they can be cut into small cubes or grated), onions and spices. Taste of the finished product
the dishes will not suffer from such a replacement.

A simple recipe for homemade samsa with chicken and onions - treat yourself and your loved ones with a delicious dish. Enjoy your meal.

A simple and satisfying treat - samsa made from puff pastry stuffed with chicken. Easy to prepare at home.

Good housewives always surprise their loved ones with their new culinary achievements. That is why today we decided to replenish your piggy bank with goodies, aromatic Uzbek pastries, which, along with pilaf, are quite well known to collectors and connoisseurs of national recipes. To your attention samsa with chicken made from quick puff pastry.

Puff pastry for samsa - composition of ingredients

  • 2-3 tbsp. fine flour;
  • Partial glass of water;
  • 50-80 g butter;
  • Salt.

Filling ingredients

  • Chicken fillet of one large breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • ½ part of a teaspoon of cumin (jeera);
  • 2-3 pinches of paprika with ground coriander;
  • Salt (to the cook's taste).

Additional dish components

  • Yolk and water (for greasing samsa);
  • Vegetable oil (for greasing parchment).
  • Sesame (for sprinkling).

Preparing homemade puff pastry for samsa is a fascinating process, and if you involve assistants in it, everything will go much faster. First, let's prepare a simple dough - sift flour mixed with salt into a kneading container and add cold water.

Mix all ingredients well and form into an elastic piece of dough. We put it in a cool place for about ten minutes to rest.

Heat the butter on the stove until it melts well but does not burn. Then cool the oil slurry.

First, roll out one piece into a thin layer, and flour and a rolling pin are the best helpers at this stage.

Cover the resulting cake with cling film or cellophane so that it does not dry out and roll out the second piece of dough.

Generously grease the entire surface of the layer with warm butter.

We cover it with whatever is hidden under the film, but we first coat it with oil in the same way. We connect the layers with oil surfaces, holding them with both hands.

Then we also apply a layer of melted butter on the second cake, and in order not to get confused - two layers and three layers of oil.

We twist the layers into an elongated roll, place it in a container and put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

The next and no less important point is the filling for puff samsa. We make it from chicken fillet, peeled from chicken skin. We cut the fillet into cubes and, if possible, the smallest ones, but if there is no time, we pass them through a large meat grinder.

On a board, chop the onion as finely as possible, but do not use a grater, because we really need the juice that has been released intact and intact.

Place the chopped chicken in a bowl where we will mix the minced meat. I have some cumin in stock and in our opinion, without it, samsa is not samsa, but just pies.

Add all the prepared spices to the chicken, according to the list of ingredients, and salt.

Mix everything thoroughly - the filling for the samsa is ready.

The third step is the formation of samsa from puff pastry, kneaded in a simple homemade way. We take the dough roll out of the refrigerator and cut it into pieces up to 3 cm wide. We form them into pieces according to the image in the photo for the recipe.

Roll out the dough into round puff pastry circles and if the rolling pin sticks to the dough, be sure to dust it with flour.

Place one full teaspoon of spicy minced meat in the middle of each mug.

We place the cute figures, seam side down, on greased parchment paper, which we use to cover a baking sheet in advance. Lubricate the surface of the Uzbek pies with yolk diluted with water.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds and place in an oven preheated to 200° for about forty minutes. We vary the temperature during baking as needed (from 180 to 200°), focusing on browning the surface of the Uzbek pies.

The homemade samosa, the recipe for which has come to an end, has baked well during this time, so let’s hurry up and remove the baked goods from the oven, moving it to a large dish. Let cool slightly and you can serve immediately while it’s still hot.

Recipe 2: samsa with chicken made from puff pastry

Samsa with chicken is the most popular product in Asian cuisine, baked in a stone, oven or electric oven. The dish is prepared using unleavened or puff pastry without yeast (less often yeast). A kind of pie can have a different shape, but most often samsa is baked in a triangular shape.

In this simple recipe we will tell you how to prepare quick and tasty samsa with chicken and onions. The abundance of juicy meat filling in this treat can be combined not only with onions, but also with mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, cheese, cabbage, pumpkin and other favorite foods. You can make your own samsa with boiled chicken, but in this case you will need to combine it with one or more of the ingredients listed above so that the filling has a classic rich taste.

Homemade samosa with a delicious chicken filling can be prepared either from purchased prepared dough or from one kneaded with your own hands. Our simple recipe uses unleavened dough without the use of yeast, which tastes in no way inferior to yeast or puff pastry, and can be made much faster in time. Like the “puff pastry”, this homemade version of the dough involves the use of butter, but there is no need to knead it or transfer it a huge number of times. We just kneaded it, placed it in the refrigerator for half an hour, and after the time had passed, we cooked tender, juicy samsa in the oven with onions.

  • wheat flour - 250 gr
  • water - 100 ml
  • butter - 100 g
  • chicken fillet – 500 gr
  • onion - 200 gr
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • sesame – 50 gr
  • table salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Before you start preparing homemade samsa, you need to lay out all the ingredients on the work surface. Pour sifted wheat flour into a deep container, add salt and cold butter, grated on the coarse side of a grater.

Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth, and then pour in very cold water. After this, knead the dough thoroughly again, but not for long. Roll the base into a ball, wrap it in plain cellophane and keep in the refrigerator for half an hour.

While the dough is infusing, you should prepare the filling. To do this, you need to cut chicken meat and onions into small squares, mix in a suitable container, lightly knead with your hand, add salt and add ground black pepper, as well as your favorite spices.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, and you can also lightly rub the rolling pin with this food product. Divide the lump of dough in half and place one piece back in the refrigerator. Form the other part into a sausage shape and cut into 5 pieces.

First flatten a piece of dough with your hands, and then roll it out very thinly with a rolling pin so that the circle is as even as possible, about 10 cm in diameter. Place the filling in the middle of the rolled out thin flatbread; place it in such a way that you get a decent mound of meat.

In order to give the product a triangular shape, you need to pinch the two side edges together from the edge to the middle.

After this, you should attach the remaining top edge with two pinched ones.

Carefully pinch the resulting triangle at the joints again.

Repeat the same process with the remaining dough and filling.

Place the prepared products on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and coat the triangles with egg yolk diluted with 1 tbsp. l. plain water. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of the egg coating.

Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees Celsius for about 40 minutes or until an appetizing golden brown crust appears. Almost Uzbek delicious, juicy samsa with chicken and onions is ready. It is advisable to serve the baked goods hot with tomato sauce and a sprig of fresh herbs.

Recipe 3: homemade samsa with chicken and potatoes

Samsa is a traditional Asian pie, which is always baked on holidays, but samsa is also baked on weekdays. Due to the unusual preparation of the dough, a pattern in the form of lines is formed on the surface of the pie - these are the layers that “peek out”. Their quantity depends on your diligence; the thinner you roll out the dough, the more layers there will be on your pies. The filling is minced lamb with onions, seasoned with Asian spices. But it is also possible to cook samsa with other types of meat. For example, samsa with chicken and potatoes, a step-by-step recipe with a photo of which I have prepared for you below.

For the test

  • wheat flour – 300 g,
  • water – 150 ml,
  • salt – ½ tsp.,
  • butter – 80 g.

For filling

  • minced chicken – 300 g,
  • onions – 1 pc.,
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.,
  • butter – 50-60 g,
  • salt, black pepper, cumin - to taste,
  • egg for brushing
  • sesame seeds.

Combine wheat flour (sifted), salt and water in a bowl.

Knead a soft, elastic and non-sticky dough. Gather into a ball and place in a plastic bag. Leave at room temperature for 1 hour to “rest.”

Roll out the dough into a thin layer, dusting the surface with flour if necessary. The thinner it is, the tastier the samsa will be.

Melt the butter in the microwave. Tip: You can use margarine or vegetable oil instead of butter.

Shake off any remaining flour. Lubricate the entire surface of the resulting layer with melted butter. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the oil is absorbed a little and hardens.

Roll into a tight log and twist a little.

Grease a large dish with vegetable oil and transfer the dough roll onto it. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes (overnight possible).

Add melted butter to the minced chicken and stir. This will make the filling juicier. Tip: You can also use chopped chicken meat for the filling.

Peel the onions, rinse and cut into small cubes. Combine with minced meat.

Peel the potato tubers (raw), rinse and grate on a grater (large or medium) and also add to the minced meat. Tip: if you use diced meat for the filling, then you also need to cook the potatoes - in cubes.

Season the filling with pepper, salt to taste and add cumin if desired. Mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the chilled dough into 10-12 pieces.

Turn each “cut” into a vertical position and press it into the cake so that the layers are visible.

Place 1-2 tablespoons of filling in the center of the flatbread and give it a triangular shape to make it easier to sculpt the samsa in the future.

Connect the upper side parts together, forming an angle. Press the sharp part a little and wrap it up.

Fold the bottom of the cake up. Also press and fold the corners. Turn the resulting workpiece over, seam side down.

Do the same with the rest of the flatbreads. Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Transfer all the pies to a baking sheet. Place them at some distance from each other so that they do not touch while baking.

Brush the surface with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 1800C until done, about 30-40 minutes, placing in a preheated oven.

Samsa with chicken and potatoes is served warm, although it is no worse when cold.

Recipe 4, step by step: samsa with chicken in the oven

Samsa is a popular in the East, amazingly tasty triangular-shaped puff pastry pie with a juicy filling. Traditionally baked in tandoor. If you don’t have an oriental oven in your house, you can prepare this delicacy in a regular oven using simple and affordable ingredients. I will describe in detail all the cooking processes. Read to the end, and feel free to get down to business. The result should pleasantly amaze you and those who are lucky enough to taste your homemade samsa.

  • flour 1 kg
  • chicken thighs 6-7 pcs.
  • onion 3 pcs.
  • salt 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • pepper ½ tsp.
  • milk 200 ml
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • sesame seeds 50 g
  • butter 150 g

Sift 1 kg of flour into a deep bowl. Make a depression in the center, pour salt into it, pour in 200 ml of milk, 100 grams of water and start kneading the dough. When the mixture has absorbed all the flour, transfer it to a clean table and knead thoroughly for another 7 minutes. You will get a firm, elastic dough, similar to dumplings. Just a little tighter. Roll it into a log, place it in a bowl and leave for 15 minutes to “rest.”

Dust the table with flour, take out the dough and divide it into 2 even parts with a knife. Place one of them back into the bowl. And roll the other one, using a rolling pin, into a very thin layer. Do the same with the second piece. To transfer the rolled out layer from one surface to another, you need to, starting from the edge, roll it halfway into a roll.

Melt 150 grams of butter in a small saucepan and, using a brush, evenly brush the entire surface of the rolled out dough.

Place a second thin layer on top, adjust it so that the sheets lie flat on top of each other, roll it a little with a rolling pin so that all the air comes out. Take a paper towel and shake off any excess flour.

Brush the top layer with the remaining butter in the same way as the previous one.

Roll the dough into a roll, moving from one end to the other.

Cover a wide dish or bowl with parchment paper and place this roll on it. Place it in the freezer for half an hour to harden.

Remove the skin and bone from 6-7 chicken thighs. To do this, make several cuts along the bone and cut it out. Then remove the skin by trimming it a little with a knife. The result is a flat piece of meat. There is no need to trim the fat.

Cut the meat with a knife or chop it into small cubes with a hatchet. Place the meat in a bowl, add a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper.

Peel and chop three onions using a blender. This way it won’t be felt in the finished product, and the filling will be juicy. Add the chopped onion to the bowl with the meat and stir. The filling is ready.

Remove the roll from the dough. Cut it into pieces about 3-4 cm thick.

Now you will need to roll them out. Take one piece (no need to add flour), press it with your palm. From the warmth of your hand it will become soft and pliable. Then roll it into a thin layer with a rolling pin. You should end up with a thin, round cake, 7-9 cm in diameter.

Place a tablespoon of filling in the center of the tortilla and make a triangle. Fold the two edges on one side and the other, press lightly with your fingers. Overlap another end and press the triangular product at the corners. It turns out a nice triangular-shaped samsa. Make about 20 pieces in this way.

Set the oven to preheat to 200°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place the products on it.

Separate the whites of two eggs from the yolks. You only need the yolks. Stir them until smooth. Brush your products with yolk. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Send this beauty to bake in an oven preheated to 220°C for 35 minutes. Remove the delicious rosy samosa from the oven and place it on a wide plate to cool. Place the next batch in the oven to bake.

Recipe 5: chicken samsa made from puff pastry (with photo)

Today I suggest you get acquainted with a very successful chicken samsa recipe. This dish is quite filling, so it is ideal for lunch or dinner. An oriental treat will create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house, and everyone will love it. Follow our recipe and you will succeed.

For the test:

  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Sea salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Wheat flour – 3 tbsp.
  • Butter – 150 g.

For filling:

  • Legs – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 3 pcs.
  • Sea salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper – a pinch
  • Zira – 1 tsp.


  • Egg yolk – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 tsp.
  • Cumin seeds - to taste.

Pour warm water into a bowl and add salt. Gradually add flour. Mix with a whisk. Kneading is not a very tough dough.

Cover with a napkin and leave for half an hour.

Meanwhile, melt the butter.

Divide the bun in half. Roll out each part very thinly and grease with cooled butter.

Roll the dough tightly into a log shape. Wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator.

We wash the leg and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Peel the onion and chop it.

Don’t be afraid to use a large amount of onion, the juiciness of the filling depends on it. In a deep bowl, combine the ingredients, add salt and spices. Mix.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator, cut it into pieces, and roll it out.

Place the filling in the center and pinch the edges.

Place the samsa in a baking tray greased with vegetable oil, seams down. In a separate bowl, mix the yolk and water, grease the workpieces with it. Sprinkle with cumin. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake our pastries for 40 minutes.

Samsa with chicken is ready! It is usually served hot, but it is just as tasty when cooled. The combination of thin puff pastry and rich, juicy filling will not leave anyone indifferent.

Recipe 6: Puff pastry samsa with chicken fillet

  • onions – 2–3 pcs.
  • chicken fillet – 2 pcs.
  • puff pastry dough – 1 kg
  • pepper
  • eggs – 1 pc.

Onions must be peeled and cut into small cubes. The smaller you chop, the better. Otherwise, when baking, the onions will not cook well.

Chicken fillet should be washed and cut into small cubes.

Place the onion in a deep bowl. Pour the chicken in there too. Season everything well with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly so that the seasonings and onions are evenly distributed throughout the minced meat.

Pre-defrost the dough and roll it out thinly. Make circles and put minced meat in them.

Form the dough into triangles. Make sure that it is well sealed on all sides, otherwise the filling will start to leak out during baking.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Carefully lay out the samsa so that the distance between the buns is at least 5 cm. Brush the tops with yolk.

Preheat the oven to 180 C and place a baking sheet in it. Samsa bakes quite quickly. In just 20 - 25 minutes the dish will be ready. The baked goods will rise significantly due to the yeast dough and acquire a beautiful golden crust.

Remove the finished samosa from the oven and let it cool. Now you can serve it to the table.

Recipe 7: how to make samsa with chicken legs

Samsa is a popular pastry of Central Asian cuisine, combining thin puff pastry and a generous amount of filling. Lamb along with fat tail fat is most often used as a filler, but there are also options with beef, poultry, or even without meat at all - with pumpkin, potatoes, and herbs.

Today we offer to bake homemade samsa with chicken. To make baking in the shortest possible time, we will save ourselves from the long process of forming classic puff pastry by preparing it using a simplified method.

For the test:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • cold water - 100 ml;
  • fine salt - 1/3 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • chicken legs - 2 large (about 700 g);
  • onions - 2 medium heads;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For decoration:

  • sesame seeds (optional) - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg yolk (for lubricating samsa) - 1 pc.

Combine flour with salt in a deep bowl. Rub the solid butter into large shavings and add to the dry mixture (the butter stick should be very cool, but not frozen).

Stir the mixture and then add cold water. Knead the dough by hand and put it on the refrigerator shelf for at least half an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling ingredients. Remove the skin from the legs, cut the chicken meat from the bones and finely chop. We don’t throw away the fat, but also use it for filling to make the samsa as juicy as possible.

Peel the onion heads and chop them very finely or chop them in a blender bowl.

Combine chicken meat and onions. Pepper the samsa filling well and add salt to taste. If desired, add your favorite spices and/or fresh herbs.

Divide the chilled dough into two equal portions. For now we put one part back in the refrigerator, and from the second we form a “sausage”, which we divide into 7 approximately equal pieces.

Roll each piece into a round cake with a diameter of 10-12 cm on a surface sprinkled with flour. Place a portion of chicken filling in the middle.

We assemble a triangle: we lift the bottom and side edges of the dough towards the center and stick them together, forming an angle. Then we raise the second side edge to the center and fasten it.

Thus we get a pointed triangle. We try to fasten the seams very carefully so that they do not come apart in the oven. Similarly, we form triangles from the remaining dough.

Turn the pieces over to the other side (the seams should be on the bottom). Mix the yolk with a spoon of water and grease the surface of the future baking. Lightly sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet with parchment and bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees (until golden brown).

Serve samsa with hot chicken. Thin dough and a generous amount of juicy filling - it's very tasty!

Recipe 8: homemade samsa with chicken and onions

Samsa with chicken is a great recipe to please your loved ones on a day off. The recipe is not quick, but the result is worth the time spent. The finished samsa turns out tasty, tender and crispy, and cannot be compared with store-bought baked goods. Let's cook?

The dough for samsa is made flaky and unleavened. The filling uses finely chopped meat, onions, legumes, potatoes and other varieties of vegetables. The dish is widespread in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. There, samsa is sold on the street as a snack.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Flour – 500 g
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Butter – 200 g
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Sesame - to taste
  • Starch (potato or corn) – 60 g
  • Chicken fillet – 600 g (you can take a mixture of chicken breast and thigh meat)
  • Onion – 300 g
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • Coriander – 0.5 tsp.

Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and mix.

Mix hot water (250 ml) with part of the butter (50 g), stir until the butter dissolves.

Add the scrambled egg.

Pour the resulting liquid into the flour.

Knead the soft dough.

If necessary, you can add a little flour or water.

Wrap the resulting dough in cling film and place it in the freezer. At this time, let's make the filling.

Chop the onion into small cubes and mash it with your hands so that it releases a little juice.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. To make the meat easier to cut, you can put it in the freezer in advance for 5-10 minutes.

Mix meat and onions, add all spices. Stir thoroughly.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into 3 parts.

Roll each part into a thin layer. When rolling, use starch instead of flour.

Melt the remaining butter (150 g) and let it cool.

Place a layer of dough on a work surface and generously spread a layer of butter on top.

Cover with a second layer and also apply a layer of oil. Next is the third layer, and again apply oil on top.

Roll the dough into a tight roll.

Cut into pucks 2-3 cm thick. Spin the pieces a little and cover one edge of the puck with dough.

Place the dough in the freezer for 10 minutes to cool the dough a little.

Roll out dough balls on a board sprinkled with starch. Try to leave a small mound in the center of the piece - this will make the finished baked goods more beautiful.

Place 1 tbsp in the center of each piece. fillings.

We pinch the edges, giving the samsa a triangle shape.

Place the samsa seam side down and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

After 15 minutes, you need to brush the pastry with a beaten egg and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake for another 15 minutes or until done.

Serve the samsa hot.

Recipe 9: chicken samsa from ready-made puff pastry

Samsa with chicken made from puff pastry is the easiest and fastest delicacy to prepare. Samsa is oriental pies, very tasty, filling and aromatic. And today you can prepare this dish for your household so that they can try and appreciate this meat pastry!

  • Yeast-free puff pastry 1 pack.
  • Chicken fillet 400 g.
  • Onion 200 g.
  • Butter 80 g.
  • Spices for chicken 1 tsp.

Initially, you need ready-made puff pastry, buy it in the store, or prepare it yourself. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it defrost.

Now take the chicken breast, wash it and cut it into pieces.

Peel the onion. Take a meat grinder and grind the meat, onions and frozen butter.

Add spices for chicken meat to the minced mass; it is advisable that oriental herbs are present, for example, turmeric, cumin. Now add salt to the minced meat and stir thoroughly.

Divide the puff pastry into sheets.

Place the filling on each test layer, carefully pinch the edges, you should get a samsa in the form of a triangle.

Turn on the oven and let it preheat to 200 degrees.

Take a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil and lay out the prepared products.

Bake the dough triangles with the filling for half an hour. That's all, the delicious and aromatic samsa with chicken made from puff pastry is ready!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Samsa is a traditional Asian pie, which is always baked on holidays, but samsa is also baked on weekdays. Due to the unusual preparation of the dough, a pattern in the form of lines is formed on the surface of the pie - these are the layers that “peek out”. Their quantity depends on your diligence; the thinner you roll out the dough, the more layers there will be on your pies. The filling is minced lamb with onions, seasoned with Asian spices. But it is also possible to cook samsa with other types of meat. For example, samsa with chicken and potatoes, a step-by-step recipe with a photo of which I have prepared for you below. And here's another one.

Yield: 10-12 pcs.

Required Products:

For the test

- wheat flour – 300 g,
- water – 150 ml,
- salt – ½ teaspoon,
- butter – 80 g.

For filling

- minced chicken – 300 g,
- onions – 1 pc.,
- potatoes – 2-3 pcs.,
- butter – 50-60 g,
- salt, black pepper, cumin - to taste,
- egg for greasing,
- sesame seeds.

How to cook with photos step by step

1. Combine wheat flour (sifted), salt and water in a bowl.

2. Knead a soft, elastic and non-sticky dough. Gather into a ball and place in a plastic bag. Leave at room temperature for 1 hour to “rest.”

3. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, dusting the counter with flour if necessary. The thinner it is, the tastier the samsa will be.

4. Melt the butter in the microwave. Tip: You can use margarine or vegetable oil instead of butter.

5. Shake off any remaining flour. Lubricate the entire surface of the resulting layer with melted butter. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the oil is absorbed a little and hardens.

6. Roll into a tight roll and twist a little.

7. Grease a large dish with vegetable oil and transfer the dough roll onto it. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes (overnight possible).

8. Add melted butter to the minced chicken and stir. This will make the filling juicier. Tip: You can also use chopped chicken meat for the filling.

9. Peel the onions, rinse and cut into small cubes. Combine with minced meat.

10. Peel the potato tubers (raw), rinse and grate on a grater (coarse or medium) and also add to the minced meat. Tip: if you use diced meat for the filling, then you also need to cook the potatoes - in cubes.

11. Pepper the filling, add salt to taste and add cumin if desired. Mix everything thoroughly.

12. Cut the chilled dough into 10-12 pieces.

13. Turn each “cut” into a vertical position and press it into the cake so that the layers are visible.

14. Place 1-2 tablespoons of filling in the center of the flatbread and give it a triangular shape to make it easier to sculpt the samsa in the future.

15. Connect the upper side parts together, forming an angle. Press the sharp part a little and wrap it up.

16. Turn the bottom of the cake up. Also press and fold the corners. Turn the resulting workpiece over, seam side down.

17. Do the same with the rest of the cakes. Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Transfer all the pies to a baking sheet. Place them at some distance from each other so that they do not touch while baking. I'm sure you'll like this one too.

18. Brush the surface with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 1800C until done, about 30-40 minutes, placing in a preheated oven.

19. Samsa with chicken and potatoes is served warm, although it is no worse when cold.

Bon appetit!

Samsa with Crimean chicken is very tasty and filling. Cooking will require some experience and skill, but the result is worth it! Easily prepared at home from homemade pseudo-puff pastry.

Those who vacationed in Crimea remember the incredible taste of local samsa - small pies with aromatic meat filling. In general, this dish belongs to oriental cuisine, and the classic method of preparation involves baking in a tandoor - a special oven. Of course, it is impossible to find a tandoor in a modern home, but preparing juicy and aromatic samsa is quite possible.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most successful and correct, in my opinion, recipe for real Crimean samsa with chicken.

For the test we will need:

  • 600 g plain flour;
  • 2 medium chicken eggs;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 100 ml of any vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml boiling water;
  • salt, sugar and baking powder - 1 teaspoon each.

For the filling we'll take:

  • 700 g chicken fillet (you can just use the pulp);
  • 4 large onions;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook samsa with chicken

  1. So, sift the flour and mix it with salt, sugar and baking powder.

  2. To the mixture of dry ingredients add eggs, vegetable oil and 40 grams of melted (but not hot!) butter. Mix everything very carefully.
  3. Now it's time for our secret ingredient - boiling water. Pour in just boiled water in a very thin stream with constant stirring. Knead the dough thoroughly, form it into a ball, sprinkle with a little flour and hide in a plastic bag. Leave it like this for half an hour.

  4. While the dough is maturing, let's start preparing the minced meat. In general, the meat filling for samsa can be very diverse, but onions remain a constant component. And the more onions, the juicier and tastier the finished pies. Peel the onions and cut into as small cubes as possible.

  5. We also cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Add onion, salt and pepper to the meat. If desired, you can add any spices and herbs. By the way, real Crimean samsa is never prepared from meat minced, otherwise the taste will not be the same! Only chopped chicken, beef, etc.

  6. If our dough is already ready, then knead it well again and divide it into small pieces, weighing approximately 50 grams. It is clear that weighing at home is not necessary, and it is not always possible, so we do it by eye - such a bun will be approximately the size of a chicken egg.

  7. Each piece needs to be rolled out very thin. The thickness of the “pancake” is literally a couple of millimeters. Place the filling in the center and form a triangular pie, carefully pinching the edges.

  8. 8. Melt the remaining butter and grease all our pies with it. It is more convenient to do this immediately before sending the samsa to the oven.

  9. Samsa with chicken is baked in the oven for about 40 minutes at 200 degrees. During this time, the meat and onions will have time to stew well, and the dough will turn golden brown.

I have tried this wonderful recipe from Crimea more than once, and each time the result was equally delicious!

By the way, samsa should be served immediately - it is when it is hot that the combination of juicy filling and crispy dough, divine in taste and aroma, is fully revealed!