Cooking roast beef from beef. Roast beef is a classic recipe. Recipe video

British culture is a collection of contradictions. Classic and modern, tradition and innovation - everything in it is harmoniously combined, complementing each other. Who else but the British could come up with such a controversial dish as roast beef?

Juicy and tender on the inside, with a firm, spicy crust on the outside, this is one of the most delicious options for preparing beef. Despite some “historicity,” the recipe for the dish is improved and supplemented by each housewife at her own discretion.

I don’t know what sauce English women serve roast beef with, but my mother marinates ready-made meat in soy sauce. It turns out very tasty, elegant, festive.

Today I will share with you exactly her recipe - even for me everything turned out with a bang, despite the fact that beef is a rather capricious meat to cook.

Kitchen appliances needed electric or gas stove and oven with temperature controller.
Kitchen utensils that will be useful: mortar for grinding spices, cutting board and knife, plate, frying pan and tongs for turning meat, baking paper, baking sheet, marinating utensils with a lid.

If everything is clear with the dishes, all that remains is to figure out the necessary components of this delicious meat dish.


Beef500 g
Olive oil40 ml
Onion150 g
Garlic20 g
Cilantro15 g
Parsley15 g
Rosemary10 g
Coriander3 g
Oregano3 g
Allspice peas5 g
Pink peppercorns5 g
Black peppercorns5 g
Cowberry20 g
Salt3 g
Worcestershire sauce45 ml
Soy sauce150 ml

How to choose ingredients

To cook beef roast beef according to the classic recipe in the oven, you need to be responsible when choosing ingredients:

  • Choosing beef, keep in mind that for roast beef it is important that the meat is ripe - the carcass must be at least three days old. Steamed meat will be tougher at the end of cooking. At the same time, a piece of meat should be fresh, a beautiful red or cherry color, not sticky, without specific odors or bruises. Choose a good cut from a thick or thin edge, sirloin or tenderloin. Try to take the meat of a young animal - it will be much more tender.
  • Onion and garlic choose by appearance. The main thing is that there are no sprouts on them and that the husk fits tightly to the onion or clove. They themselves should be firm, without soft areas or dark spots.
  • Choosing greens, look at her appearance. The cilantro, parsley and rosemary should be nice, green, juicy and fresh. Do not take greens that have dark spots on the leaves.
  • Buying spices, pay attention to the condition of the packaging. It must be intact and not worn out. Check the expiration dates - the aroma of the future roast beef depends on it.
  • With choice soy and Worcestershire sauce There shouldn't be any difficulties. The main thing is that the container is intact, the lid is sealed and the dates of final consumption are in order.
  • Olive oil Be sure to take it in a dark glass container - the oil will go rancid in the light. By itself it should be transparent, let’s say there is a small sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Also check that the packaging is sealed.

Did you know? Marbled beef is considered ideal for roast beef. This is when the entire piece is permeated with fatty patches between the muscle fibers. However, it is not always available in the store or at the market. Once you are done with purchasing the ingredients, you can begin the process of creating this British culinary masterpiece!

Step-by-step preparation

The easiest way for you to prepare marinated beef roast beef is to use the recipe given with photos. However, before cooking, you need to thoroughly rinse the meat under running water, pat it dry with a waffle towel and remove excess veins and films, peel the onions, wash the herbs and berries. And now you can cook:

  1. Take 5 grams of allspice, black and pink pepper, put them in a mortar, add 3 grams of coriander. Grind the spices well.
  2. Place a piece of beef weighing about 500 grams on a cutting board or baking paper. Pour 20 grams of olive oil over it and spread it well with your hands over the entire surface of the piece.
  3. Sprinkle the meat with spices crushed in a mortar and add 3 grams of oregano. Distribute the seasonings evenly throughout the entire piece of beef; the taste of the future roast beef depends on this.
  4. Sprinkle the meat with salt (about 3 grams is enough), distributing it evenly over the entire surface of the piece. Set the beef aside on a plate.
  5. Take about 20 grams of garlic (that’s about 3-4 cloves) and crush them with a knife and add them to the meat. Coarsely chop a branch of fresh rosemary and add it there.
  6. Pour 20 grams of olive oil into a preheated frying pan and place a piece of meat along with garlic and rosemary. The future roast beef must be fried on each side until a dense golden crust is formed. I fried for an average of 5-7 minutes on each side, which was enough. It is important to turn the meat over with tongs so that it does not lose its juices.
  7. After frying, transfer the contents of the frying pan to a baking tray lined with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. The cooking time for meat depends on the result you want to achieve. If you want roast beef with a pink center, it will take 30-35 minutes. For medium roasting you need 40 minutes, and for a well-baked dish - all of 50 minutes.
  8. While the meat is cooking, you can make the marinade. Cut an onion weighing about 150 grams. I cut it into half rings, but you can also cut it into cubes. Transfer it to the container in which you plan to marinate the meat.
  9. Separate the stems and coarsely chop 15 grams of cilantro and 15 grams of parsley, transfer the greens to a marinade container, add 45 milliliters of Worcestershire and 150 milliliters of soy sauce, about 20 grams of lingonberries. Mix well and the marinade is ready.
  10. Place the baked piece of meat in the marinade, cover with onions and chopped herbs from the marinade, tightly cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for at least 10 hours.

After the time has passed, the roast beef is ready, all that remains is to cut it into thin slices and serve. Bon appetit!

How to decorate a dish

If everything is done correctly, the dish does not require decoration. Main - thinly slice the roast beef against the grain of the meat, place the slices on a plate. Along the edges you can put onions, herbs and lingonberries from the marinade - it turns out very good.

If you want additional decoration, you can place it near the slices of meat. cherry tomatoes, halved or sprinkle on slices finely chopped dill.

  • The most important - choose the right meat, the success of the entire event depends on its quality.
  • Can be used ready-made mixture of ground peppers- this is much faster and easier, but in this case the meat loses some of its flavors and is somewhat reminiscent of regular meat.
  • Fresh rosemary is possible replace with dry– this is not critical, I checked. And the composition of spices is not an axiom; you can add them at your discretion.
  • About an hour before cooking remove the meat from the refrigerator– let it warm up to room temperature, this is one of the secrets of juicy roast beef.
  • Fry the meat- a mandatory procedure. This way you will seal its juice inside, the finished beef will be very juicy.

You can serve beef roast as an independent treat, or with a light vegetable side dish or a fresh salad.

Cooking options

In its original version, the British don’t even salt the roast beef during cooking, they simply coat it with Dijon mustard for beauty. The taste, aroma and texture of roast beef depend on which cut of the carcass you choose and what spices you use. You can cook roast beef:

  • with the addition of coffee and mustard;
  • with the addition of horseradish;
  • marinating in wine;
  • adding basil, cumin and nutmeg.

I believe that every housewife in her kitchen can experiment with meat as her heart desires. Learning how to cook beef deliciously is not that difficult.

For example, I started with, then I spotted an interesting recipe from a friend using the same meat.

And now I’ve mastered my mother’s roast beef recipe. It only scares you with its name, but in general everything is simple, even simpler than, you will definitely be convinced of this when you prepare it. This is what British cuisine is like: conservative, simple in execution, but incredibly beautiful and tasty.

Recipe video

This video clearly shows process of creating roast beef marinated in soy sauce. It demonstrates in detail how to coat meat with spices; it tells what needs to be done so that the juice remains sealed inside the piece and the roast beef comes out juicy, aromatic, with a thick, spicy crust.

If you have any interesting thoughts about How to improve the given roast beef recipe or you know your own unique way of preparing this tasty, juicy meat - share your ideas in the comments!

In terms of rules, the classic roast beef recipe is simple and complex at the same time. We will need:

Choose suitable meat;
- observe the temperature regime.

Suitable meat for roast beef

Tenderloin, thick or thin edge, rump, and sirloin are suitable for preparing roast beef. Choose a large piece that is as even as possible to ensure even cooking. It’s good if the meat is marbled, that is, with layers of fat. During baking, the fat will melt, giving juiciness and pronounced flavor to the meat.

Frozen meat is absolutely not suitable! The beef should be fresh, but not steamed. Aged meat will be much tastier, juicier and softer. Professionals recommend keeping it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, during which time special enzymes are formed in the tissues, which change the structure of beef meat, help soften muscle protein during the cooking process, due to which the dish acquires a unique aroma and taste, and turns out soft and juicy. For the same reason, you shouldn’t take veal; it has a different structure and the taste will be slightly different.

Roast beef degrees of doneness

Beef should not be baked at too high a temperature, otherwise there is a risk of drying it out. It is optimal to cook roast beef after frying at 160 degrees (in some recipes, baking is carried out at even lower temperatures - for example, they cook at 90 degrees for 2-3 hours). Much also depends on what cut is used; if the tenderloin cooks faster, then the sirloin takes longer.

The degree of roast beef roasting is determined by the temperature of the meat at the end of baking:

  • 60 degrees - “with blood”;
  • 70 degrees - medium done;
  • 80 degrees - fully cooked.

To accurately determine how well done a piece is, you'll need a food thermometer. If it is not there, then be guided as follows: beef weighing 1 kg at a temperature of 160 degrees, as a rule, needs to be baked for 30-40 minutes (depending on what cut is used).

Baked meat from the oven should be immediately wrapped in foil and left for 30-40 minutes “to rest” - due to slow cooling, the juices inside the piece will be evenly distributed, the roast beef will turn out very juicy and soft.

Set of herbs and spices

Roast beef according to the classic recipe requires the use of only pepper, salt and vegetable oil. Such a minimal set of seasonings makes it possible to enjoy the real taste of meat, uncluttered by third-party aromas. If you still want to add spices, you can expand the list by adding rosemary, mustard, garlic and onion powder.

Total cooking time: 90 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 8 servings


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    Rinse the meat in cold water and dry thoroughly with paper towels. Sprinkle with the mixture of peppers, pressing them in with your hands - it is advisable to use coarse, freshly ground pepper. In the classic recipe, it is not necessary to use pepper; the meat is simply greased with vegetable oil and heat treated. But roast beef in pepper turns out much tastier and more aromatic, try millet!

    Grease on all sides with vegetable oil and wrap in cling film. This time I took a rump, weighing 1 kg. The meat is fresh, so I kept the piece in the refrigerator for 1 day (to prevent it from suffocating, I made punctures in the film with a toothpick). If your meat is not fresh, but already seasoned, then it is enough to marinate it in pepper for 8-10 hours. Please note that there is no need to add salt.

    Before continuing cooking, the meat should be removed from the refrigerator and left for 1 hour to warm up to room temperature (20-22 degrees inside the piece). If you skip this step, it will cook unevenly and you will end up with a soggy center and a dry edge. We tie the piece with thread so that it takes on an oval shape - this will make it easier to cut after baking.

    Let's start roasting. Place a grill pan on the fire, grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil and heat it until red hot. Place the meat in a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown, 3 minutes on all sides. This way we will “seal” all the juices inside the piece, they will not leak out during baking. Do not move the meat throughout the pan, otherwise the fibers will tear and valuable juice will leak out. For the same reason, you should turn it over with tongs (or a pair of wooden spatulas).

    Place the beef in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees. My grill pan has a detachable handle. If you don’t have such dishes, then transfer the piece to a warm baking sheet (with high sides). It is most convenient to determine readiness using a thermometer. I baked the roast beef in the oven for 30 minutes, then measured the temperature - it reached 60 degrees. If you like a stronger degree of roasting, then cook to 75-80 degrees. To determine the degree of readiness of meat without a thermometer, pierce it with a sharp knife: if pale pink juice is released at the puncture site, then it is ready; bright red color means you need to keep it in the oven for at least 15 minutes; light and clear juice indicates that the meat is overdried.

    Transfer the finished meat to a wooden board or warm plate. Wrap in several layers of foil. And leave it “to rest” for 30-40 minutes. All this time, the meat will be cooked, and the meat juice will be evenly distributed inside the piece.

Roast beef is good both hot and cold (in the latter case, fully roasted is recommended). Before serving, remove the foil from the meat, cut into slices and sprinkle with coarse salt. It is customary to serve without a side dish in the traditional sense; appetizers, sauce and herbs can be served as an accompaniment. The British prefer the combination with sauces based on mustard and horseradish, sometimes served with green peas, cabbage, French fries or mashed potatoes, salad or Yorkshire pudding.

The main task of the housewife is to give the meat maximum juiciness on the inside and an appetizing crust on the outside of the piece, so it is pre-fried in a frying pan on both sides. You can coat the meat with Dijon mustard or liquid honey and sprinkle with Provençal herbs.

What is roast beef? History of the dish

Roast beef is a dish of English cuisine, known back in the 17th century. Translated from English, the name “roast beef” is translated as “baked beef.” The cooks pre-rubbed the meat, baked in the oven in one large piece, with vegetable oil, salt and spices.

More often, roast beef in English homes was served on weekends and holidays. Thanks to its luxurious aroma, delicious crispy crust and versatility of serving - hot or cold, roast beef has become a favorite all over the world.

How to choose meat for roast beef

According to all the rules of culinary art, only beef with fatty layers is chosen for roast beef - marbled beef. If your budget is modest, choose plain beef with little fat, as the fat will add juiciness and flavor to the meat when roasted.

The parts of the carcass from which meat for roast beef is selected are important. This can be a tenderloin, thin meat - the back part, and thick meat - the lumbar part. Roast beef will be juicy if cooked on the ribs. It is better to take a cut of 4-5 rib bones with meat.

The meat must be seasoned. It is kept in special chambers at temperatures within 0 degrees for up to 10 days. Do not take fresh or frozen meat.

Stores offer ready-made semi-finished products in vacuum packaging - this option is also suitable for roast beef, but pay attention to the shelf life of the product and storage conditions at retail outlets.

How to cook and serve roast beef

You can bake the meat in foil or on a baking sheet with a non-stick coating, or in the summer you can grill it with a lid.

The readiness of the roast beef is checked with a special thermometer, which measures the temperature in the middle of the meat dish - ideally 60-65 degrees, but you can use a wooden skewer. If, when the meat is pierced, pinkish clear juice oozes out and the meat is soft inside, turn off the oven and leave the roast beef to “cook” for another 10-20 minutes.


  • thick edge of beef – 1 kg;
  • sea ​​or regular salt – 20-30 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 20 gr. for rubbing and 60 gr. for frying.


  1. Keep the meat at room temperature for about 1 hour, rinse, remove films, and pat dry with a dry cloth.
  2. Rub the meat with salt, black pepper and vegetable oil.
  3. Place the cooked piece in a deep plate, cover with a damp towel and let it soak for about 30 minutes.
  4. Fry the prepared meat in heated vegetable oil until golden brown.
  5. Place the fried piece on a baking sheet and bake in the oven preheated to 200°C for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160°C and continue baking for another 30 minutes.
  6. Check the readiness of the dish with a skewer, turn off the oven and let the meat stand for another 15-30 minutes.
  7. Cut the dish into portions and serve.

Marinated roast beef baked in foil

As a side dish for this dish, you can bake fresh vegetables separately in foil, greased with oil: bell peppers, carrots, onions, eggplants. Cooking time: 3 hours, including marinating.


  • beef tenderloin or thick edge of the rib part of the carcass – 1.5 kg;
  • any vegetable oil – 75 g;
  • salt – 25-30 g;
  • mixture of Provencal herbs - 1 tablespoon;
  • ground black and white pepper - to taste;
  • ground nutmeg - on the tip of a knife;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tablespoon;
  • orange juice – 25 g;
  • soy sauce – 25 g;
  • honey – 2 tablespoons.


  1. Rinse the meat, dry it, place it in a deep bowl.
  2. Prepare the marinade: mix 25 g. (1 tablespoon) vegetable oil, salt, pepper, nutmeg, herbs, mustard, honey, orange juice and soy sauce.
  3. Rub a piece of meat on all sides with marinade and leave it to marinate for 2 hours at room temperature.
  4. Fry the marinated meat in a frying pan, adding 25 gr. vegetable oil.
  5. Take several sheets of food foil so that there is enough to wrap the roast beef, grease its surface with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, and wrap a piece of meat in foil.
  6. Bake in the oven for 45-60 minutes.

Tender roast beef - Jamie Oliver's recipe

The famous chef and TV presenter offers his recipe for the most delicate delicacy. Let the meat rest a bit after baking. Serve the roast beef on a board, cut into portions and garnish with oven-roasted vegetables. And choose dry red wine to pair with such a luxurious dish.


  • young beef meat – 2.5-3 kg;
  • grainy mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil – 50-70 g;
  • Worcestershire or soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • liquid honey – 2 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste;
  • sprig of rosemary.


  1. For the marinade – combine mustard, rosemary, half the olive oil, salt, pepper, finely chopped garlic.
  2. Rub half of the marinade over the meat and let it stand for 1.5 hours.
  3. Preheat the oven to 250°C and bake the meat.
  4. After 15 minutes, coat the meat with the remaining marinade using a rosemary sprig as a brush, reduce the oven temperature to 160°C and bake for another 1.5 hours, until golden brown.
  5. 10 minutes before the end of baking, spread the meat with honey to make the crust glossy.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the meat.

Take 1 kilogram of good, fresh, preferably young beef, and wash the meat under cold running water to remove blood and any other type of contaminant.

Afterwards, we dry it with paper kitchen towels to remove excess moisture, place it on a cutting board and clean it of chaff, cartilage, and small fragments of bones that could remain on the meat after chopping the carcass.

Then we rub the beef to taste with salt and ground black pepper, we do not regret these ingredients, do not forget that they will only saturate the piece of meat on top, the inside will remain unsalted.

Wrap the meat treated with spices in plastic cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 1 – 1.5 hours for impregnation.

Step 2: fry the meat.

After 1.5 hours, preheat the oven up to 200 degrees Celsius, cover a non-stick baking sheet with a sheet of food-grade aluminum foil and place a metal grid on it. Then we take a piece of beef out of the refrigerator, remove the film from it and place the meat in a deep plate. Then turn on the stove to medium level and place a frying pan with 50 milliliters of vegetable oil on it.

When the fat is hot, carefully lower the still raw roast beef to the bottom of the pan.

Fry it on all sides until dark brown, periodically turning it from side to side using kitchen tongs.

At this stage of cooking, there is no need to bring the meat to full readiness, it just needs to be covered with a thick crust so that after baking the beef remains juicy inside.

Step 3: bake the roast beef.

When the roast beef is covered with a blush, transfer it to a metal rack, previously placed on a baking sheet prepared for baking.

We check the temperature of the oven, and if it is warmed up, we send the resulting structure with meat into it for 40 minutes. Every 15 minutes open the oven door and use a tablespoon to pour the juice that accumulates at the bottom of the pan over the meat.

After the required time has passed, using oven mitts, remove the baking sheet with the finished roast beef from the oven and place it on a wooden cutting board. Transfer the hot meat to a clean cutting board.

Using a knife for cutting fried or baked meat, cut the beef into layers. Place the pieces of meat on a large flat dish, add your favorite side dish and serve.

Step 4: serve classic roast beef.

Classic roast beef is served hot as a main hot dish. After baking, the sliced ​​meat is poured with the sauce that accumulated at the bottom of the container during baking.

This yummy can be served with any side dish, for example, baked potatoes, vegetable purees, fresh vegetable salads, boiled cereals, pasta, rice, or you can simply savor roast beef with bread in the form of a sandwich. The ideal light aperitifs for this dish are sweet or semi-sweet red wines with a subtle amber of Muscat. Supporters of non-alcoholic drinks can be offered juices from grants, red or white grapes, as well as lemonade. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

The set of spices indicated in this recipe can be supplemented with such spices as ground dried garlic, bay leaf, ground white pepper, allspice, turmeric, curry, ginger, savory, sage, and these are just a few of all the possible options.

If you wish, you can do without salt, just marinate the meat for 3 hours in a mixture of ground black pepper (to taste), soy sauce (300 milliliters), garlic (100 grams) and vegetable oil (200 milliliters). Afterwards, dip it in paper towels and proceed according to the recipe.

To prepare roast beef, any large piece of beef carcass is suitable, tenderloin, thick edge - these are the first 4 - 5 ribs, thin edge - these are the next 4 - 5 ribs or rump - these are the last 3 ribs.

Roast beef is a classic English dish. The translation of the word “roast beef” can be interpreted as “baked beef.” In England, it is customary to bake beef in the oven, or to simmer a piece of fresh meat over low heat. Roast beef can be prepared in different ways. Let's look at the generally accepted definition of "roast beef".

Roast beef - what is it?

A haute cuisine dish known throughout the world as roast beef, it is prepared from carefully selected meat. It is preferable to choose marbled beef for this dish, but a simple tenderloin, as well as thick edges of the meat from the carcass, are quite suitable.

Roast beef is never prepared from a frozen meat product..

The famous fresh meat is not entirely suitable for roast beef. When baked or fried, it becomes harsh. The essence of this recipe is that the meat acquires a special flavor and remains tender.

Therefore, it is necessary to buy meat for roast beef two to three days after slaughter, which was kept at a temperature of 4-5 degrees above zero.

The British went even further than generally accepted norms when preparing meat for roast beef. They hung the carcasses in cool rooms for three weeks, thereby increasing the amount of enzymes in the fibers of the raw material. At home, where sanitizing the premises is impossible, this is not recommended.

English chefs of the last century believed that meat prepared in this way is more tasty if you use bovine, rather than cow, tenderloin when cooking..

The first attempts to cook something similar to the current recipe were made in England over an open fire. So the meat was not cooked through or was burnt. Then they began to use stoves, grills, roasting pans, and ovens for cooking.

Secrets of juicy roast beef

To hear a lot of compliments from your family and guests, you should know the secrets of cooking roast beef. The subtleties of this dish are as follows:

  • When choosing between vacuum-packed meat and dried fillets, you should give preference to packaged meat. This way, roast beef will be easier to prepare in modern realities, and the meat itself will be more tender;
  • Before placing the dish in the oven, you need to let it warm up to room temperature. Otherwise, you won’t get tender meat; it will cook unevenly;
  • Some recipes contain information that the beef must first be wrapped in thread and then fried in a frying pan until it becomes thin-crusted. It is believed that in this way all the juice in the fillet will remain inside;
  • When housewives cook beef in the oven, they often make a grave mistake: they check the readiness with a fork or knife. In this case, the juice flows out of the beef onto the baking sheet, which worsens the taste of the dish. Only the top fat layer of roast beef can be cut so that the fat nourishes the beef on top as well;
  • At the end of cooking, remove the meat from the oven and allow it to cool on its own for 20 minutes. This is done so that the meat juice is distributed evenly throughout the entire piece of beef.

Connoisseurs of meat dishes know that all similar recipes differ only in the degree of roasting of the beef. What gradation does modern roast beef actually have?

Roast beef and degrees of doneness

Like steak, roast beef has different degrees of doneness. The only way to avoid drying out beef is to not bake it over high heat.

Classic roast beef is cooked at 160 degrees, finally reducing the oven temperature by half.

In English cuisine you can find references to the fact that beef should be stewed at 90 degrees. Then the meat dish will take 2-3 hours to get ready.

The degree of doneness of beef is determined by the temperature at the end of cooking:

  • With blood - about 60 degrees;
  • Medium roast – 70 degrees;
  • Deep roast - 80 degrees.

Since beef cooked according to the English recipe cannot be pierced to determine readiness, you should always focus on the temperature of the process and the baking time.

On average, 1 kg of meat takes 40 minutes to cook when the oven temperature is 160 degrees.

To make the roast beef even softer after cooking, place the warm meat in foil for 30 minutes and leave it on the table at room temperature.

Seasonings and spices for roast beef

The English recipe for cooking beef involves using only salt and pepper in the recipe; it is allowed to add mustard and olive oil to the meat.

Variations on the roast beef theme are made with the addition of rosemary, parsley and dill. Sometimes the meat is seasoned with dried onions and garlic. It is worth remembering that a large number of spices can spoil the taste of meat no worse than improper processing and baking.

English roast beef recipe

The classic roast beef recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • A little more than kg of beef;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Two tablespoons of mustard.

Here the baking time is 130 minutes. The immediate cooking process takes place at a temperature of 150 degrees.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

If you plan to marinate meat for 8-10 hours before cooking, do not rub it with salt, but limit yourself to pepper and spices.

When pre-frying roast beef, do not move the meat in the pan. This will damage the beef fibers and lose some of the precious juice. Meat can only be turned once during frying..

The degree of roasting during the baking process begins to be adjusted after 40-50 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees. The temperature is lowered to the point at which the frying turns out to be light, medium, or full.

What do you eat roast beef with?

The meat dish can be eaten with or without a side dish. In England, roast beef is eaten with sauces and cereals. In European countries, the dish is served with French fries, vegetables, salads, and cabbage.

Roast beef recipes vary. Each country that adopts the recipe adds something of its own to it. For example, in Russia they eat baked beef with potatoes, in the States they like marinated meat, in France they add cognac to roast beef.

Serving roast beef with “green butter” is considered especially chic. In the recipe, add herbs and lemon juice to regular butter and mix the mixture until smooth.

The British often serve Yorkshire pudding with baked beef. In fact, this pudding is a pastry made from batter. The second most popular side dish for real roast beef is green peas.