Borodino bread in a bread machine: an easy recipe. Borodino bread in a bread maker Recipes for making Borodino bread in a bread maker

Preparing Borodino bread in a bread machine will not be difficult if you have such kitchen equipment. With its help you will get fragrant and airy baked goods, with a crispy crust and a unique taste. After cooking, it is advisable to cool freshly baked bread and only then serve it. It is perfect for first and second courses. Borodino bread can be cut into slices, spread with butter and flavored with red caviar, or made into sandwiches with your favorite filling. From this quantity of products, bread weighing 950 g is obtained.


  • Water - 400 ml
  • Malt - 2 tbsp.
  • Rye flour - 350 g
  • Wheat flour - 170 g
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil- 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Coriander seeds - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Cumin - 1 tsp.


Unsweetened baked goods
Servings - 8
Cooking time - 2 hours 15 minutes

How to cook

The first step is to brew the malt. Boil 150 ml of water. Place the malt in a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it. Stir and leave until cool. The malt solution should be warm.

As soon as the malt has cooled, add the remaining amount of warm water, malt solution, salt, and honey to the bread maker. Instead of honey, you can add sugar or molasses.

Add sifted wheat and rye flour. Sprinkle dry yeast in the center. Close the lid. Set the program “Borodino bread”. Each bread machine has a different time program. In this case - 2 hours 15 minutes.

Monitor the kneading process from time to time. A loose bun should form that slightly sticks to your hands. If the dough is runny, add a little more wheat flour little by little.

There was a battle on the Borodino field,

Buckshot screeches like a knife hitting glass,

And the French are an easy target

Our convoy with flour and fodder arrived.

Either a crazy cannonball, or a mine,

Either a shell hit the van with flour,

And then came a van with cinnamon, cumin,

And the explosion mixed the flour and caraway seeds.

Well, do we need to feed the soldiers something?

It's no good throwing food away!

After all, with cumin, that flour is not poisonous...

So they began to bake Borodinsky.

And they say that even Kutuzov himself,

Or maybe Bagration himself,

They praised the accuracy of those French

What was so successfully slammed into the van.

And so, from a century that has become epic,

Bread has come to us, which is familiar to everyone.

It’s so good that there was a van with caraway seeds,

Not with beans or garlic!

So I decided to make one of the most delicious breads - of course, Borodino bread!!! This bread is usually sold in stores in the form of a small, tiny loaf, but it costs…. crazy money... Of course, for some it is easier to buy a loaf of bread in a store and not bother. For me, baking and preparing bread always brings a lot of joy just because my family eats exclusively homemade bread, and not what our supermarkets offer. Often, in store-bought bread you won’t even find the ingredients that bread should consist of. I consider the recipe for this Borodino bread to be ideal and any housewife can prepare it, it is only important to have rye malt and, of course, rye flour in stock. Then you will be guaranteed an excellent result and your family will be satisfied.


  • Rye flour - 300 gr.
  • Wheat flour - the recipe indicated 170 g. (I used 270 grams of flour)
  • Instant yeast - 2 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Rye malt - 2 tbsp. (dry ground)
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp.
  • Natural honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp.
  • Cumin - 1 tsp.

How to prepare fragrant Borodino bread with honey and coriander:

First of all, we need to immediately brew the rye malt. To do this, we fill it with freshly boiled water (100 ml of the total volume of water), mix and leave until the mass reaches room temperature. Stir the brewed malt from time to time.

While the malt is cooling, place the ingredients in the bread machine bowl. I most often prepare homemade bread with the help of my super assistant - an LG bread maker. First we add the liquid ingredients, then the dry ones: yeast, salt, sugar, honey, vegetable oil. Here I immediately add almost cooled brewed rye malt and then there are two types of flour. Don't forget to add cumin and coriander, ground or grains, to the dough. You can also add coriander directly to the surface of the bread after the last rise. I added some coriander to the inside of the dough and then to the surface of the bread.

Place the bucket in the bread maker and turn on the program. I usually bake bread using the RUSSIAN COOK program (for 3 hours 30 minutes). During this time, the dough rises 3 times and after the last rise, it switches to the last baking mode. With this program, the bread always turns out excellent. The main thing (this is my personal opinion) is not to cook bread using the FAST program))) Still, during the time included in this program (about 1.5 hours), bread and other baked goods do not have time to rise properly and rise properly. Therefore, I recommend baking bread for a long time.

As I already wrote in the ingredients for Borodino bread, 170 grams of wheat flour were withered in the recipe... But it took me about 270 grams. While kneading the dough, I kept an eye on it and had to add additional flour. So I advise everyone to monitor the dough during the first kneading (if you are preparing baked goods for the first time) and then it will be clear whether additional liquid or flour is required... This is the consistency of the dough for Borodino bread. If your dough is liquid, be sure to add flour.

But I caught (a little unsuccessfully) the dough after the second rise and it almost looked bad. But I think it's okay. I immediately sprinkled coriander seeds on top. If your coriander does not stick to the dough, I advise you to slightly grease the future loaf with water using a brush and immediately sprinkle with coriander. That's what I did - lubricated it with water.

Now, the dough will rise for the third time and after that the bread will be baked. But I extracted this beauty immediately after being notified that Borodino bread was ready.

In the morning, when the bread had cooled well, I cut it with a sharp knife and served it for breakfast to my family and friends. It was a sumptuous breakfast with some of the most delicious bread. Once again I want to say that I recommend this recipe for Borodino bread to all lovers of this bread.

Bon appetit to everyone and always delicious homemade bread on your table - wishes Svetlana and my home site!

This beloved rye bread has a rather sad romantic history. I don’t know if this is true or just a beautiful legend, but the story is really interesting.

They say that Borodino bread was first baked by the wife of General Alexander Tuchkov, Margarita, who was looking for the body of her beloved husband on the battlefield, but never found him. Then she had the idea to erect a church on the site of the Battle of Borodino, which over time was transformed into the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. In 1820, when the construction of the church was completed, the woman suffered another misfortune - her only son died. It was then that Borodino bread was first baked in the bakery, which was built on the territory of the church. This bread has long been a memorial dish, symbolizing the Russian soldiers killed in 1812.

The main ingredients of Borodino bread are rye malt, honey or sugar, rye and wheat flour, and coriander. Borodinsky bread prepared using the custard method does not go stale for a very long time and has a very rich taste. Today I will show you a recipe for Borodino bread for a bread machine.

Cooking steps:

Borodino bread has been familiar to me since childhood. I remember my grandmother sent me to the store and told me to buy white and black bread and also said that if the usual black bread is not available, then take Borodino bread. For some reason, I didn’t like this bread then, but over the years tastes change and now the time has come when I can bake Borodino bread at home. I am no stranger to baking bread in the oven, but I continue to experiment with a bread machine. I suggest you, dear readers, to bake Borodino bread using a bread machine. The bread comes out very fragrant - real, Borodino!

The first step is to brew the malt. In some recipes, malt is added in dry form, but it seems to me that when brewed it better reveals the full aroma and the taste of the finished product is richer. The malt should be poured into a small bowl and pour boiling water over it, mix well and cool.

Pour the brewed malt into a bread machine bucket, add honey, wine vinegar and sunflower oil.

Sift wheat and rye flour on top. Add cumin.

Then add salt, ground coriander and yeast into the center.

Set to "French baking" mode, weight 750 g, crust color - medium. The duration of the program is 4 hours 10 minutes.

At the end of the program, remove the bread from the bucket and cool on a wire rack.

Slice the bread when completely cooled, but I had to cut it while it was still warm. The aroma is incredible!

Bon appetit!

It's time to cook Borodino bread in a bread machine. For a long time I looked closely at various recipes. I found this one. I was very pleased with the taste.

To prepare Borodino bread in a bread machine we will need:

  • 220 grams of boiling water,
  • 2.5 tablespoons of malt (can be replaced with dry kvass),
  • 3/4 tablespoons ground coriander,
  • 0.5 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar,
  • 0.5 tablespoon of sugar,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of honey,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • 2.5 tablespoons olive oil or other vegetable oil,
  • 1.5 teaspoons Saf-moment yeast,
  • 185 grams of peeled rye flour,
  • 125 grams of wheat flour,
  • 90 grams of raisins (optional),
  • sesame, cumin or anise seeds for sprinkling.
  • Recipe for making Borodino bread in a bread machine.

    Wash and dry the raisins. Adding raisins is optional, but I really like Borodino bread with raisins. The first time I tried this was when I bought a ready-made bread mixture.

    Pour boiling water over the malt and stir until completely dissolved. Add coriander, stir and let this solution cool to room temperature.

    Add salt, sugar, honey (can be replaced with 1.5 tablespoons of sugar), olive oil, vinegar. In general, in the classic recipe for Borodino bread, there is no vinegar in the composition, so the next time I prepare it, I will try to cook it without it.

    Sift rye flour into liquid ingredients, then wheat flour. Add yeast on top.

    Place the bucket in the bread machine, select the “Rye” or “Borodinsky bread” mode. If you don’t have such a regime, then don’t worry, we can do without it. We select a mode like “Basic”, but with a beepper for adding ingredients.

    Don’t forget to keep an eye on the kolobok so that it is not liquid (in this case, add flour) and not too thick (in this case, add water). My bun turned out great, in my opinion.

    When the beep sounds to add ingredients, add the raisins. We wait until the second batch is finished and remove the dough mixer blade. We form a beautiful bun with our hands dipped in water, sprinkle with sesame seeds, cumin or anise. The bread maker no longer needs our control. We can leave her with peace of mind.

    When the beep sounds about the end of the program, take out the bread. Let it cool completely and only then cut it.

    Borodino bread with caraway seeds