Theoretical foundations of organizing restaurant activities in the Russian Federation. Complete course in the restaurant business "restaurateur"

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs

____________Kamasheva Yu.L.


Questions for the state interdisciplinary exam in the specialty “Technology of catering products”, specialization “Technology of organization of restaurant business” and the direction of training “Technology of products and organization of public catering” profile “Technology of organization of restaurant business” for students of all forms of education

For the 2014/2015 academic year.

Disciplines: – Organization of production and service at catering establishments

– Restaurant business

– Technology of catering products

– Special types of food

– Equipment for catering establishments

– Physiology of nutrition

– Sanitation and food hygiene

Organization of production and service at catering establishments. Restaurant business

1. Public catering is a socio-economic system operating in market conditions. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Forms and types of corporate entrepreneurship.

2. Classification of enterprises, their characteristics in accordance with GOST R 50762-2007 “Catering services. Classification of public catering establishments." The concept of retail trade in public catering. General requirements for public catering establishments.

3. Basic concepts: service, service process, quality of service, method and form of service, service personnel. Classification of public catering services, general requirements for them in accordance with GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements". Restaurant services.

4. Rational forms of organization of production: concentration, specialization, cooperation in public catering.

5. Objectives and basic principles of organizing the supply of public catering enterprises. The technological process of product distribution at a public catering enterprise and its characteristics. The role of wholesale trade in the rational organization of food and logistics. Types, sources and forms of supply. Agreement and contractual relations with suppliers.

6. Organization of acceptance of food products in terms of quantity and quality. Regulatory and technical documents regulating the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality. Features of acceptance of imported goods. Stocks of products, their purpose for the rhythmic operation of the enterprise.

7. Organization of material and technical supply: requirements for it, features of goods acceptance. Suppliers of logistics goods. The procedure for determining the needs of enterprises for equipment and material resources.

8. Purpose and functions of warehouse facilities. Composition and characteristics of premises for receiving, storing and dispensing goods; equipment requirements. Means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations. Organization of warehouse operations. Documentation and accounting of the release of products and goods. Commodity losses, the procedure for their registration, write-off and accounting.

9. Organization of packaging facilities. Purpose and classification of containers, characteristics of packaging turnover (acceptance, opening, storage, return). Standardization and unification of packaging. Measures to reduce packaging costs (organizational, technical and economic).

10. The essence of organizing production at enterprises in the industry. Production structure: workshop, non-shop. Basic concepts: production, workshop, department, site, workplace, production line, production process. Organization of the work of workshops for finishing semi-finished products and processing greens at enterprises with a non-shop structure.

11. Operational planning at procurement, pre-production and full-cycle production enterprises, its sequence.

12. Organization of the work of the meat and fish workshop of a medium-capacity public catering enterprise with a full production cycle and the organization of workplaces for thawing, cutting, deboning and trimming meat, for the production of portioned semi-finished products and minced meat products.

13. Organization of work of the hot shop. Purpose, location, operating mode, relationship with other workshops and premises, range of products, procedure for selecting and placing equipment, organization of the technological process and workplaces. Organization of work in the workshop.

14. Organization of work of the cold shop. General requirements, features of the organization. The range of products, the organization of the technological process and workplaces. Organization of work in the workshop.

15. Organization of production of confectionery products at catering establishments. Classification by power, range. Composition of premises, preparation of raw materials. Technological process of manufacturing flour confectionery products, equipping the workshop with equipment and inventory.

16. Essence and objectives, main directions of scientific organization of labor in public catering: development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor; improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces; introduction of advanced techniques and methods of work; improvement of working conditions; training and advanced training of personnel; rationalization of work and rest schedules; strengthening labor discipline; improvement of labor standards, their characteristics.

17. The essence and objectives of labor regulation. Methods of labor standardization: experimental - statistical, analytical. Classification of working time costs. Methods for studying working time costs: photograph of working time, photograph of a working day; timing of working hours.

18. Media. Purpose and principles of menu design. Menu types: with a free choice of dishes, complete food rations (breakfast, lunch, dinner), daily rations, dietary, baby food, banquet, special types of services; their characteristics. Menu engineering. Wine, cocktail, drink lists: concepts, purpose, rules for compilation and design. The role of the sommelier in developing the wine list.

19. Characteristics of modern types of services and forms of service: buffet, themed buffets, express room, express table, Russian table, business lunch, Sunday brunch, coffee break, presentation. Promotion of restaurant services: coupons, prizes, sweepstakes, special events, gift certificates, presentation of food and drinks.

20. Peculiarities of service for guests at the highest level (VIP). Serving snacks, meals and drinks in the VIP lounge. Tranching in the presence of visitors, flambéing dishes and desserts. Features of preparing and serving fondue dishes.

21. Basic elements of service: meeting guests, placing them in the hall, offering a menu and wine list, an aperitif, receiving and placing an order, recommendations in the selection of snacks, dishes and drinks, clarifying the order, resetting the table in accordance with the order, transferring the order to production , serving drinks, snacks and dishes, paying guests.

22. Progressive service technologies: creation of conceptual catering establishments; expansion of the network of virtual restaurants; preparing dishes in the presence of visitors; organization of catering services; introduction of merchandising (selling products and services).

23. Social nutrition: concept, meanings. Peculiarities of organizing catering and service at industrial enterprises with concentrated contingents of workers and dispersed teams (meals, equipment and decoration of halls, furniture, tableware, cutlery, menu features). Forms of service, calculation.

24. Organization of catering and services for students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, students in secondary schools: diet, equipment and decoration of halls, furniture, tableware, cutlery; features of the menu, forms of service and payment.

25. Banquet at the table with full service by waiters: concept, purpose, characteristics. Features of preparing and holding a banquet. Serving banquet participants. Table setting for a banquet with full waiter service.

26. Buffet reception: purpose, distinctive features, characteristics. Organization of reception-buffet. Types of serving buffet tables with glassware, plates, cutlery, linen and paper napkins. Buffet service for participants.

27. Informal banquets: concept, types. Banquet at the table with partial waiter service: purpose, characteristics, preparation for the banquet. Pre-serving and placing cold dishes, snacks, and drinks on tables.

Catering business is an integrated sphere of entrepreneurial activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population for varied, healthy and tasty food, services, as well as making a profit.

The object of the restaurant business is the restaurant, and the subject is the restaurateur.

Restaurant - a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including specialty and complex preparations, as well as a high level of service combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Restaurateur– restaurant owner, a person who owns and manages a restaurant.

Today, the success of a restaurateur depends on many facts, but, first of all, on the presence of good management, modern cuisine, the presence of a restaurant concept, a bar, impeccable service, an interesting interior and reasonable prices.

The most important element of the restaurant business, without paying attention to which you should not count on success, is restaurant location. The correct choice of location allows you to determine what kind of restaurant to be: democratic or elite. An affordable restaurant is usually located in a large area. The halls can be located on two floors. An elite restaurant is placed in a small area in order to ensure its return on investment. Having parking next to it is mandatory. The choice of location is preceded by a demographic analysis of the area in which the restaurant will be located. The age, occupation, and average income level of people who regularly visit the area and are future potential consumers of the new restaurant are studied. Traffic flows must be carefully studied. In places where there is a large flow of pedestrians, affordable restaurants are located, for example, taverns and fast food establishments.

Having defined the concept, the restaurateur must pay attention assortment policy and quality of service, which must be interrelated. Russian restaurateurs have a clear idea of ​​how to organize the preparation of national cuisine. In addition, they widely use the work experience of foreign restaurateurs. Many Russian cities have accumulated enormous potential for creating a restaurant business.

Many Russian cities are centers of tourist, spiritual and cultural life of the country. One of the main tasks for the near future is the creation of an established infrastructure and public catering. According to official statistics, there are more than 2 thousand restaurants in Moscow alone. And, despite this, currently existing restaurants, bars, cafes do not meet the needs of all segments of the population with different income levels.

A restaurant is a living organism. Just as a person cannot save on his health, in the same way in a restaurant one cannot save on equipment, porcelain and glassware, and most importantly, on staff. The name of the restaurant is made by the team, which must realize that everything in the work of the restaurant is interconnected. When choosing a restaurant or bar, consumers take into account the following features: the quality and range of dishes, the level of services provided, the attitude of staff towards consumers, the general atmosphere of the establishment, external and internal decoration, the relationship between the location of the enterprise and the prices of food and drinks.

Today in Russia there are many restaurants that meet all these requirements. Managers are trying to become more democratic and attract potential clients with a greater variety of services. They began to pay more attention to service, menu quality and wine list. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose cuisine to suit every taste: Italian, Spanish, German, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Today, the restaurant business requires professionalism. The requirements for production and service personnel of restaurants have increased, the level of qualifications of which must meet the requirements of the standards. The restaurant business is being structured: designers and suppliers of equipment, food and beverages have appeared working exclusively in the restaurant market. On the other hand, control on the part of government bodies (sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state trade inspection, fire and tax authorities) has been tightened. Competition among restaurants has intensified, and new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have emerged. There is an increasing need to constantly expand knowledge about wines, supporting them with new information that the consumer wants to know.

Forms and methods of service in the restaurant business are dictated by the specific circumstances of time and place, as well as the technology of preparing culinary products. With the advent of new cooking technologies, modern forms of service (business lunches, Sunday brunches, etc.) are further developed.

The quality of service affects the financial results of the restaurant, as it forms a steady flow of consumers who want to use the services offered and enjoy the level of service provided. With the growth of service culture, turnover increases, profitability increases and distribution costs of restaurant business enterprises decrease.

In modern conditions, the activities of a restaurant are based on the following principles: reimbursement of all expenses for carrying out production and economic activities with income, the dependence of further development of production on work efficiency, the connection of material incentives for employees with the final results of the enterprise.

The main trends in the development of the restaurant business in Russia are:

– creation by restaurants of a favorable image for their establishments;

– timely settlements with suppliers, on which the credit limit and the attitude of the suppliers themselves towards a given restaurant depend;

– formation of a positive opinion about the restaurant among regular consumers.

In the future, small, inexpensive restaurants and bars in the mid-price group will see promising development. There won't be many expensive and elite restaurants and bars left.

At the same time, the creation of democratic restaurants will undergo rapid development in the restaurant business.

Democratic restaurant– a new direction in the restaurant business, located at the intersection of technologies such as fast food and high-quality national (or mixed) cuisine, requiring an individual approach.

World practice shows that democratic restaurants are the most dynamic trend in the restaurant market.

The main visitors to such restaurants are middle class people. On the one hand, in developed countries, eating is transferred to restaurants due to lack of free time, on the other hand, thanks to new technologies and high competition, democratic enterprises are becoming accessible to the population. Some democratic restaurants are united in networks.

The high-level training program is designed for:

  • those who want to open their own restaurant, cafe or any other catering establishment in the future
  • novice restaurateurs facing problems in running a restaurant business
  • restaurant or cafe owners seeking to improve the level of their establishment
  • restaurant managers who do not have an appropriate education document
  • line staff (waiters, cooks, pastry chefs) planning to move up the career ladder - to become a restaurant manager

The course is taught (teachers and their lesson plans):

Mikhail Elizarov - restaurateur, anti-crisis manager, specialist in opening and developing establishments in the HoReCa segment

How to open a restaurant. Step by step plan

Document flow in a restaurant. Accountant calculator reporting

Personnel decides everything

Personnel document flow. The practical side of the issue. Induction before mentoring and dismissal

Pavel Dzyublo - graduate of Tsaritsyno College, brand chef of MKN company

There are no trifles in the restaurant, there are a lot of doers

Routine is your worst enemy

Who is the chef in your kitchen?

How to start production with minimal losses

What is automation and why is it needed?

Smart investments at the beginning of your journey will help you earn money in the future

Anna Shuvalova is a graduate of Tsaritsyno College, professional experience: manager of the Mandarin restaurant. Noodles and Ducks", restaurant "Huang He", restaurant "Fani Kabani" and "proMYASO"

Restaurant business management

Yuri Rozhkov is a graduate of Tsaritsyno College, head of the personnel training and development department at Foodservicecompany

Chain restaurant management

Valeria Yakovenko is the head of the Training Center of Megatron LLC, the Training Center of the Restaurant House of A.K. Dellos (cafe Pushkin, Turandot, Shinok, TsDL, Bochka, Ostankino, cafe chain Mu- Mu")


Effective communication. Managing a Conflict Guest

How to increase sales?

Anna Bolshakova is a business consultant in the field of marketing and development of public catering facilities. In the field of HORECA since 2010. Portfolio includes work in the chain of bakeries "Nasuchny Bread", the chain of coffee shops Coffee and the City, corporate canteens "Mezhdu Delo" at the Moscow business center

Trends in catering: popular concepts, features of each, statistics and research

Restaurant marketing: goals, objectives, metrics. Types of marketing or Marketing 360

Product (Brand identity)

Price (The concept of cost, food cost, markup. Working with menus and pricing)

Place (Local point of sale marketing)

Promotion (SMM, PR, Digital Marketing)

The restaurant business is a field of entrepreneurial activity related to the organization and management of a restaurant or other catering enterprise, aimed at meeting the existing needs of people for tasty, varied and healthy food, as well as making a profit.

Let's consider the basic principles of organizing restaurant production, which ensure a reduction in the cost of production, an increase in labor productivity and an increase in turnover.

“Cook less, sell more” - this principle should be the basis for the activities of catering enterprises. Its implementation can be achieved in two simple ways. Firstly, this is a limitation in the range of dishes. The significance and advantages of a limited menu is that having a wide selection of dishes and drinks in the assortment requires a lot of time and labor to prepare them and, therefore, affects the cost of production. Since each enterprise operates on the basis of a planned and approved cost estimate, the excess of which is unacceptable, the more funds are used for production, the less is left for operations related to dispensing food and serving visitors. A survey of numerous catering enterprises and an analysis of their activities show that success is achieved only by those enterprises that shift the center of gravity from preparing food to selling it and, for this purpose, limit the range of dishes to items that are most popular among visitors.

The second way to implement the principle of “cook less, sell more” is the use of semi-finished products, frozen foods and ready-to-eat meals. This approach is available to every food service enterprise, regardless of its type, purpose, nature and location. Of course, these products should be processed according to technological rules. It is a mistaken opinion that the quality of ready-made dishes when using semi-finished products, frozen foods, etc. is lower than dishes prepared from fresh ingredients. However, the enterprise, having done preliminary work to familiarize itself with the range of instant products, can choose exactly those types that will ensure the proper quality of ready-made dishes. Moreover, the volume of such work is less than the labor costs that are necessary in the manufacture of dishes from raw materials. When using semi-finished products and ready-to-consume products, quality control is facilitated and simplified, since the quantity of goods to be purchased and stored is sharply reduced, not to mention the reduction in the volume of production activities of the enterprise. Although purchasing prices for instant products are slightly higher than for raw materials, this increase is often more than compensated by the reduction in the cost of ready-made meals and the elimination of losses and waste.

It is clear that planning, organizing and executing the production of high-quality food products is not an easy task. The kitchen manager and the chef get to work, estimating the expected influx of customers over the next few days. Records from the same period last year can provide insight into not only total sales, but also the day-by-day breakdown for each item. As already noted, ordering the required quantity of products and receiving them must be carried out in advance in accordance with the production schedule.

The manager checks how the instructions of the cook responsible for the main production line for the deployment of the food preparation area are being followed. It should be noted that the chef is the central figure in the restaurant. It is he who makes most of the decisions regarding the production process. In addition, many restaurateurs rely on the chef in their marketing strategy, so that the chef’s personality dominates everything, and people go “to a specific ace” (PR promotion of chefs: interviews, advice, etc.).

The qualifications of the chef and his assistants must correspond to the concept and profile of the restaurant. Two factors are key when determining it: can they handle the flow of orders during peak hours; whether their culinary skills meet customer expectations. (Recently, due to the popularity of ethnic restaurants, there is a tendency to invite chefs from abroad). In order to convey the flavor of national cuisine, you need to know this cuisine thoroughly. Therefore, quality increases when a Chinese restaurant has a Chinese chef, and an Italian restaurant has an Italian. Thus, the defining indicators of qualifications are: the chefs’ compliance with the conditions of a particular restaurant, the available menu with a certain number of dishes of a certain complexity and a certain number of visitors.

Also, the ability of cooks to demonstrate their skills is influenced by the available kitchen equipment. Modern high-tech equipment helps improve the production process. The equipment is placed in the kitchen space so that it is convenient to prepare dishes provided for in the menu of a restaurant of this profile. Most full-service restaurants have a similar kitchen layout and design: interior work areas, walk-in refrigerators, freezer, dry food pantry, prep area, salad area, production line, dispatcher, dessert area, serving area.

The production conveyor is the main part of the kitchen. It may include the following areas: frying over an open fire, in frying pans, preparing sauces, salads, serving (these are the most typical areas of the workroom sections). The size of the kitchen and its equipment correspond to the forecasted sales.

An important role in the layout and equipment of the kitchen is played by considerations of the priority of the dishes being prepared - what visitors prefer and order most often.

Many chefs are able to adapt to the existing equipment and cook quite high-quality dishes using it. Some develop a detailed methodology for what and in what quantity should be prepared before starting the process of preparing various dishes. They call this technique in the French manner mise en place (mise en place) - “everything in its place.”

Chinese restaurants provide an excellent example of effective menu planning and use of kitchen capacity. The basis of the menu of many of them is set lunches, i.e. several dishes with a fixed price for the whole complex. The administration explains that this is convenient for both guests (60 to 70% of their visitors order the complex) and chefs, who can prepare complexes in advance and fulfill orders very quickly. A la carte orders wreak havoc on restaurant operations because the kitchen capacity and cooks simply cannot cope with the large number of individual orders. For such cases, every chef has a signature dish, which is always in high demand and relieves stress on the production line.

It is worth especially emphasizing that investing financial resources in the restaurant business has become a fairly popular line of business in our time. This is quite a profitable business, since even not very successful establishments of this type provide approximately 20 percent of income for each unit of money invested. The average profitability data is 25 percent, and the best restaurants can reach 60 percent.

The classification is given in the standards by which restaurants distinguish between first class, luxury and superior. Although in our time a different classification is used, which has formed among the people directly involved in this business:

  • - elite restaurants with a famous chef, where the prices are very high, but visitors are provided with a delicious variety of dishes, an interior designed in the same style, and comfort;
  • - “mid-range” restaurants are intended for the middle class, here the prices are lower, the decor is more modest, the main advantage is the dishes offered;
  • - “fast food” restaurants, that is, fast foods - cheap, the same type of menu, plus self-service.

Features of starting a restaurant business are based on one of two fundamental principles:

  • 1) do everything yourself, “from scratch”;
  • 2) acquisition of a ready-made restaurant. The main thing in such a business is that the idea, premises, and other resources for its implementation are sought and purchased later.

When thinking about opening a restaurant, you need to remember that there are expert consultants in this field who can carry out analytical research for a restaurateur, formulate a business plan, and give advice. Such experts will analyze:

  • - movement of people in a certain place, determining on this basis the composition and well-being of future potential guests of the establishment;
  • - the operating principles of competitors will constitute the company’s competitive advantages;
  • - other objects near the future establishment (attractions, etc.);
  • - appearance options;
  • - area infrastructure - parking lots, roads;

The cost of the study is 3-5 thousand dollars, a business plan for several years in advance will cost another 500, which will make it possible to minimize the likelihood of errors and loss of invested money.

You can draw up a business plan yourself, but to do this you need to conduct a series of research and competitor analysis.

To successfully register a restaurant business with the tax authorities, you must have a good understanding of the difference between the various forms of taxation. When opening a restaurant, of course, you will have to register a limited liability company.

Speaking about the design features of the restaurant, it is worth emphasizing that the general idea of ​​the establishment is, of course, mandatory. Competition in this area is quite strong; a new restaurant must be very different from others, otherwise the majority of potential visitors will choose a familiar restaurant. This idea can change over time, and, of course, depends on fashion. For example, not so long ago the Japanese style was fashionable, but in Russia its popularity has almost disappeared. Nowadays, healthy, low-calorie food and vegetarianism are most popular.

But usually fashion is formed artificially. Nowadays fusion is popular, which involves a combination of different directions and styles: classic and European in design with a slight “touch” of exoticism. There can be a lot of design options.

A restaurant is a place where people come to eat. Therefore, the kitchen should be the center of attention. In the fusion style, the menu may be European, where exoticism will appear in the details (dish design, names). This will make it possible to use the effect of novelty. But when choosing a cuisine, the menu should be oriented towards the tastes of potential customers. It is important not to overdo it with exoticism, otherwise people will come only once.

If we talk about the peculiarities of payback for the restaurant business, then it would not be out of place to note the fact that the average annual income of a successful middle-class restaurant will reach almost 100-500 thousand dollars. With project implementation costs of almost 250 thousand dollars, the restaurant will fully pay for itself in a couple of years, or even faster. A bar brings its owner 20-60 thousand dollars a year, and the business of opening a cafe is 10-25 thousand dollars, and this is with a small start-up investment.

In some establishments, the main income of waiters is tips. In others - salary. The first approach is more typical for European countries, and the majority of people give tips reluctantly, feeling dissatisfied, so it is worth paying the work of your subordinates adequately, so that none of the staff eventually develops a desire to steal.

Domestic equipment for restaurant establishments is often the cheapest, although their quality matches the cost. In our country, it is worth purchasing only devices in which there is simply nothing to fail - these are, for example, cutting tables. But in general, the better the quality of the equipment, the more expensive it is. The UK ranks first here - everything here is of high quality, and therefore expensive. It is followed by the Federal Republic of Germany and Italy.

Some of the enterprises can even provide equipment on a completely free basis, but only if they stipulate a mandatory rental agreement for the subsequent purchase of all relevant products (for example, beer), exclusively from this company.

In order for a restaurant to always be a success among visitors and potential clients, it is necessary to pay special attention to trends in the development of the restaurant business and assess the prospects for the development of this area. It is necessary to constantly adopt positive experience from Western colleagues.

Proper management in the restaurant business plays a big role in the profitability of the restaurant business. Today it is he who is receiving a lot of attention. Only a few people can engage in strategic management, so to find a truly qualified specialist, you should pay attention to the services of a recruitment agency.

It is also worth noting the fact that there are a huge number of automated accounting systems that were developed specifically for the restaurant business. This is similar to specialized software products, as well as solutions based on 1C and more. The cost of such systems varies widely. For example, R-Keeper in its most minimal configuration will cost about 10 thousand dollars, but a software product called “Restaurant 2000” costs an order of magnitude less.

During the renovation of the restaurant, work must be performed in the following sequence:

  • - redevelopment of premises;
  • - carrying out the necessary communications;
  • - final finishing;
  • - design design.

Among other things, it is also important that in restaurants, especially inexpensive and middle-class ones, the design of the premises is not one of the determining factors. The general style is best demonstrated in various details and little things, for example, branded stylish mugs, etc. Each similar item should be equipped with the logo of the new restaurant.

Nowadays, it is quite easy and simple to succeed in the field of restaurant business as it is a profitable business idea. And all because most restaurant establishments - likely competitors - still practice this approach to their customers, which is more familiar, rather, to canteens from the times of the Soviet Union. It is for this reason, in order to look much better against their background, that the restaurateur simply needs to begin his honest and painstaking work, independently select the appropriate professionals in their field (cooks, waiters, administrators), who, together with the owner, will be able to transform a new restaurant to a profitable and popular establishment with good prospects.

Many restaurateurs, when starting their business, do not fully understand what role they will play as owners. They believe that managing or executing the operational tasks of a restaurant is all that is needed to achieve a good result in the business.

For example, a chef opening a bistro, or a head waiter who managed to attract capital and created his own concept. They are confident that since they know how to run a restaurant, they know how to build a successful business. However, this is a misconception that leads to negative consequences or, at a minimum, to unprofitability.

One of the common mistakes of a restaurant owner is complete immersion in the process of managing his establishment and the inability to determine the strategic objectives of the business as a whole. Any restaurant depends on the owner and the distribution of his working hours. If an owner is unable to detach himself from the day-to-day activities of running a restaurant, he will, with rare exceptions, be unable to organize the work necessary to move the business in the right direction. And there is no one other than the owner to perform these actions.

The operating principle of the created system is suitable not only for franchises and chain restaurants. A systems approach works everywhere, and a restaurateur should try to implement it in the management of his restaurant, since there are so many variable details and functions that must be performed the same every time and with every guest. Without a system, it is impossible for staff to perform guest service consistently and predictably, over and over again.

With the system, the restaurant becomes valuable in its own right, as it can deliver consistent results with or without the owner's involvement in the process. However, many restaurateurs never stop working for their restaurant. During preparations for the opening, they delve into everything - and this is understandable and justified. But if they are stuck in this state for many months and even years to come, the business (and the owner too) suffers. If the owner is completely overwhelmed with the daily work of the restaurant, he ceases to be an owner, but turns into an ordinary employee.

The reason many restaurants have problems is because the owner is caught up in the daily grind and is not focusing on the goals that need to be achieved to move the business forward.

Let's imagine that a restaurateur has been made a tempting offer to invest capital in creating a chain of restaurants similar to the one he owns. So, the restaurateur will be faced with the prospect of opening, for example, 50 more restaurants. He will no longer be able to manage his establishment the way he did before; part of the routine work of his own restaurant will have to be transferred to the shoulders of other workers. And his efforts should be devoted to building a system capable of constant and predictable, high-quality results, and almost always without his presence.

The more dependent a restaurant is on the daily presence of the owner, the greater the chances that that restaurant will not achieve the greatest possible success. The restaurant must become able to operate without the constant involvement of the restaurateur in the management process, and only the development of a system will help him achieve this.

Developing a system or a guide to action is not a simple or quick task; it is impossible to create and maintain a successful business without it. System:

  • 1. Helps overcome the unprofitable phase immediately after opening a restaurant. Creating a system of checklists, forms, and other documentation greatly reduces disorganization and chaos during the opening of a new restaurant.
  • 2. Increases the chances of attracting high-quality employees. Good people want to work for good companies with good internal organization and a serious approach to the work of their employees. There needs to be a systematic approach to recruiting, interviewing and selecting workers and providing them with job descriptions, training manuals, etc.
  • 3. Indicates the direction of the employees’ activities: gives instructions for the quality performance of their functions and information about the desired results.
  • 4. Promotes consistency: makes it possible for employees to repeat the same actions, which creates the impression of consistency for guests. And consistency is the key to creating a good reputation for an establishment.
  • 5. Gives the owner a better chance of getting capital to expand the business and facilitates the opening of new outlets. Let's imagine that the owner of one restaurant decided to build another one of the same kind, without having a “system”. As a result, there will be troubles in the new restaurant due to the opening, and problems in the long-running establishment due to the lack of proper attention and management of the director.
  • 6. Allows the restaurant to operate without the constant presence of the owner, allows the restaurateur to escape from the daily detailed work of the restaurant and enjoy the legal position of the owner.
  • 7. Increases the value of the restaurant in case of sale. Owner-dependent firms are worth much less than firms that can function well without owner involvement.

This manual is also called "internal documentation". The guidelines should cover the following points:

  • * menu and production management;
  • * hall management;
  • * bar management;
  • * administration of employee work;
  • * purchasing and inventory;
  • * training;
  • * hygiene and sanitation;
  • * safety;
  • * marketing and advertising;
  • * financial management;
  • * equipment control;
  • * control of service facilities.

To achieve good results, forms, checklists, and detailed instructions must be developed for each of these areas. For example, “Menu and Production Management” should contain instructions and documentation on the development and pricing of recipes, menu design, food safety, procurement, food circulation, food storage, mandatory actions when opening and closing the kitchen, daily production tasks, etc.

The thought of creating a system to document all of your restaurant's functions and processes to keep things running smoothly and organized can seem daunting and overwhelming. Therefore, you need to start by dividing the entire restaurant operating process into separate parts, creating instructions for no more than two areas at a time.

The first areas to focus on are those that directly impact the guest experience. As mentioned earlier, one of the most important components of restaurant success is consistency of quality. Therefore, you need to start with those points that guarantee the restaurateur that his staff brings the same food at the same level of service to each visitor. If consistency is the priority and deep conviction of the restaurateur, then the development of the system begins with the items “Menu and production management” and “Hall management”.

Creating a system should begin with informing staff about it. Many people don't like change, and the process of systematizing restaurant operations will undoubtedly lead to potential employee objections and personnel changes. The restaurateur should explain to his subordinates that he is going to draw up detailed work instructions that will make the job easier in the future, reduce possible errors and save time, which will help the entire restaurant function in a more organized manner. You should inform the restaurant staff that management will greatly benefit from their ideas and suggestions. It is possible to ask all employees to prepare their own job descriptions and list the work performed during the working day.

This will involve them in the process of creating the system. Obviously, each employee will express his thoughts in his own way, but as a result, the restaurateur will receive enough material to create full-fledged instructions, which will take into account all the main points of the work process.

Developing a guide means collecting and integrating a lot of information. This process should be prepared and well organized, psychologically collected and concentrated. You must purchase separate folders for each section, one for each item. Then place standard file folders in each folder, labeled with the name of the internal category within the main section. For example, the Employee Administration folder will contain the following files:

  • - job descriptions;
  • - employee statement;
  • - interview;
  • - selection and hiring;
  • - education;
  • - schedule;
  • - discipline;
  • - reporting;
  • - schedule of days off and vacations;
  • - system of discounts for employees.

This information can be taken from existing forms, past notes, observations and discussions with employees and place these records or documents in appropriate files. A restaurant owner shouldn't have to do this all on his own. It would be more appropriate to entrust the collection of information to managers (in accordance with their job responsibilities).

Once a sufficient amount of information has been collected on each point, you should begin to evaluate what is actually happening within each point and decide what will be most important to restaurant guests, and whether this does not contradict the interests and concept of the restaurant itself. This process may involve not only the owner, but also the management team, and in some cases, key employees.

Once the directions, schedules and instructions have been discussed and finalized, they need to be compiled, printed, and placed in separate files for each item. Once each item is completed, the owner should review it, discuss it with his managers, and make any necessary changes. After this, it is necessary to compare what has been prepared with what should actually be. If it is decided that the changes are not true, changes should be made and recorded in the prepared documents. Changes to management are recommended until the owner receives acceptable performance from each employee. Upon completion of this work, you need to place copies of each item in a folder. This will be the beginning of successful leadership. The process should continue until each item is completed.

Of course, it is important to note the fact that the number of restaurants in the Russian capital lags significantly behind their number in Paris, New York and other world centers. If in Moscow there are 3,187 people per restaurant, then in world centers this figure reaches 120-130. Thus, the relevance of opening new restaurants in Moscow and other regions of the country still remains at a high level. In Moscow, about 250-300 restaurants close annually, but if you look at other areas of activity, this figure is at the same relative level. Despite this, new restaurateurs are taking the places of the old ones and are successfully developing, reaching the point of creating an entire chain of restaurants.

According to experienced restaurateurs, this trend in the flow of entrepreneurs into this business is due to the fact that today there is everything that is needed to open a restaurant, namely market growth by 20-25% annually, a shortage of restaurateurs in the capital and regions, and high business profitability. If the project to open a restaurant is successful, then its payback occurs after 6-12 months.

Speaking about the essence of the restaurant business, it is worth noting that most pioneers in the restaurant business have a number of misconceptions about the business as a whole. The first mistake is the desire to do everything much better than competitors. At the same time, novice restaurateurs often forget that if for some clients the restaurant is not attractive, then for others it can be very interesting. In addition, in the restaurant business there is adherence to fashion, style, cuisine, service, etc., which fundamentally distinguishes each individual establishment.

In order not to be tormented by the question of how to open a restaurant, it is advisable to use the phased implementation of the project.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the affiliation of the restaurant, that is, to draw up a standard portrait of the future client, based on the parameters of wealth, status, hobbies, age, etc.

Next, it is important to classify the establishment into a certain price segment. For example, when creating a restaurant using Italian cuisine as the main basis, it is impossible to achieve the desired results. The restaurateur must determine the cost of the average bill.

And, of course, it is necessary to remember that the restaurant business is not a cafe, not a pizzeria or a canteen. The specifics of their activities are somewhat different, so the concept of the establishment must be clearly defined. If you can try to introduce something original with a cafe, then with restaurants this approach will be extremely ineffective. It is most advisable to follow the prevailing fashion in the market, that is, if it is popular today to eat Italian cuisine, then it is recommended to equip the restaurant with such products.

In addition, it is worth noting that competition can be imposed in the restaurant business using various methods. The most effective way is to create a high-quality kitchen. Here you can use maximum imagination, world-class techniques, innovations, etc.

Finding premises for a restaurant can be compared to a game of poker, namely the efficiency of the player’s location. This is due to the fact that for some types of restaurants another place where other types of restaurants operate successfully is not at all suitable. Thus, when choosing a location, it is necessary to use the concept of the future establishment.

In addition to the location of the restaurant, an important point is its future area, which also depends on the conceptual features of the establishment. For example, establishments offering fast food allow about 10 people per day to pass through one table, while gastronomic restaurants serve at least one seat per day. The standard area of ​​an average restaurant in Moscow is, as a rule, 350-450 square meters, and the full occupancy of the hall with such an area is 150-250 people. Touching upon the metropolitan prices for renting premises, we note that the annual rental cost of one square meter varies from 500 to 600 dollars per square meter.

If the premises in question are completely satisfactory to the restaurateur, there is no need to rush to complete the paperwork. In order to obtain maximum information about the condition of the premises, it is recommended to contact professional companies. These can be construction and consulting firms that inspect the condition of walls and roofs, assess the current state of communications, and issue an opinion.

The main employees of the restaurant are the manager and the chef. Before recruiting a full-fledged team, it is worth taking care of them. The total number of employees depends entirely on the scale of activity. A small restaurant can easily be managed by 15 to 25 workers, an average of 35 to 55, and in large restaurants their number reaches 100 people. They include cooks, waiters, cleaners, kitchen workers, hostesses, etc.

Anyone who is wondering how to open a restaurant faces the problem of finding employees, which is more relevant to the conditions of the Russian capital. This is due to the fact that today a large number of similar institutions are opening, and each of them needs competent specialists. When choosing a chef, you should not pay attention to age, since most virtuosos in this field are young and energetic people. Much more important than age criteria are the candidate’s experience and biography. Today it has become popular to invite foreigners into the restaurant business as kitchen workers. There are cases when such an action is effective, but for the most part, statistics indicate the opposite. Foreigners first need to adapt to Russian living conditions, use other products, other tools, etc. And this introduces certain difficulties into the process of personnel adaptation.

Of course, no business project is immune from failure. Usually, a restaurant fully justifies itself after one year, having established all the main processes of its activities. Thus, assessing the effectiveness of a restaurant should be carried out only after a year. If during the first year of operation, the restaurant experiences financial difficulties, and plans for the implementation of the project are practically not implemented, then there is a whole range of emergency measures to restore the business.

When recovery plans also do not bring results, then you should seriously think about closing the restaurant business. As a rule, such a development of events for beginners is a definite signal that it is worth moving to another market.

On the one hand, it would be financially wrong to close a running business, since selling an unprofitable business at cost is almost impossible. It is unlikely that there will be anyone who will acquire a failed project. The most optimal solution to this problem, of course, exists, but it needs to be implemented at the very beginning, when questions about how to open a restaurant still arise.

Franchising is a safe option for opening any business. Firstly, through a franchise it will be possible to avoid large financial losses. Secondly, by working under franchising terms with experienced companies, you can gradually adopt the quality of work of professionals. Currently, there is a large catalog of franchises, ranging from popular to unknown brands. Among such diversity you can find open-air restaurants, fast food restaurants, democratic restaurants, etc. The main thing is that when choosing a franchise, preference is given to the company that has been able to prove its effectiveness in the market.

So, in order to understand how much money is needed to open a restaurant, let’s consider such an aspect of the problem as the restaurant’s financial plan. According to experts, investment in the restaurant business directly depends on the tasks set. The average cost of creating a restaurant in Moscow is from 4,000,000 rubles; in other regions of the Russian Federation, this bar is somewhat lower and varies between 2-4 million rubles.

The payback period for a restaurant business occurs in the first year of activity; if this does not happen, then a novice restaurateur should seriously think about the feasibility of further work. Naturally, it is possible that each restaurateur has his own development strategy, where payback can be planned even after five years. But a standard restaurant becomes unprofitable if, with the proper approach, after 1-1.5 years it does not produce the proper financial result.

Considering the evolution of public catering enterprises, we can distinguish periods that, in historical terms, correspond to periods of development of human society:

Ancient (IV millennium BC - 476 AD);

Middle Ages (V-XV centuries AD);

Modern times (XVI century - early XX century);

Modern .

Most historians attribute the appearance of the first guest enterprises - prototypes of modern hotels and restaurants - to the ancient period of social development. Mention of such enterprises - taverns - is contained in ancient manuscripts, one of which is the code of the king of Babylonia Hammurabi, written around 1700 BC.

In Ancient Greece in the first millennium BC. taverns were an important element of social and religious life. Although taverns had facilities to accommodate travelers, they were primarily intended to provide food services.

The first public catering establishments and inns - taverns - appeared in Ancient Rus' a very long time ago. But almost nothing is known about them, except that in medieval times they were not considered charitable institutions. It was completely different in the West. Its developed urban culture and more dynamic social life shaped social relations in which a tavern or tavern was the norm in the life of a free person, his earthly worries and joys.

Western European taverns and cafes were not directly linked to government fiscal interests; they were simply natural centers of attraction for already established social groups - soldiers, students, robbers, merchants, burghers and guild artisans.

Due to constant financial difficulties, due to the need to maintain the army, the government sought to concentrate in its hands all the most important sources of funds. That is why the state had wine and salt monopolies in its hands. The “sovereign tavern” - a special government establishment for the sale of “bread wine”, i.e., also occupied its specific place in this system. relatively low-proof vodka. This name first appeared in a document in 1563 and by the end of the century it had become the traditional designation of a state-owned drinking house. Typically, taverns were farmed out or maintained by “tavern heads” (kissers) elected from the population - those who, kissing the cross, swore an oath to regularly perform the sovereign’s service.

Taverns were usually located in crowded places - at piers, fairs, customs houses, near shopping arcades, bathhouses. In the 17th century they became an integral part of Russian suburbs. As a rule, in large cities there was a main one - the Red Tavern and several smaller establishments. A new city was built - and immediately a hut, a prison and a tavern appeared. The tavern was by no means intended for forced communication between its subjects. There were no snacks allowed there and therefore no food was served there. For this purpose there were private taverns. Any average person could own a tavern, but selling any kind of drink there was strictly forbidden.

The beginning of the new 18th century literally stunned Russians with all sorts of innovations. The lifestyle of Western Europe became a model. The reforms significantly changed the life of the Russian nobility, and to a lesser extent the townspeople. The life of the latter became more open, ceremonial, and public. In the newly founded St. Petersburg, the first establishment based on the Western European model was opened - the “Auster of Four Frigates”. Following him, “free houses”, wine “Rensky cellars” and other establishments appeared, where they sold take-out and drinking from 7 am to 6 pm.

The drinking houses of the empire were maintained, as in the last century, by Russian merchant farmers who tried to extract maximum profit and opened “points” wherever possible. Even in the Kremlin in the 18th century there were two taverns - the “Unquenchable Candle” at the Tsar Cannon and the “Skating Rink” at the Tainitsky Gate. In developed industrial cities, different conditions were required for urban “public” life: shelters for visitors, places for communication, and business meetings were needed. Along with Peter’s reforms, a tavern or, as it was also called, a “free house”, entered into the life of Russians, where visitors were offered food along with drinks, where they could spend time with friends in a more civilized manner. By the middle of the century, herbergs appeared in Europeanized St. Petersburg - “tavern houses with apartments and beds”, where residents could count on “great pleasures” - coffee and tea, shekolat, billiards, tobacco, grape wines, French vodka, overseas ale beer and half beer mild. Herbergs became the prototype of modern hotels with a “table” for visitors. In 1770, the government finally decided to legalize the existence of public places. All herbergs and taverns were divided into 4 categories.

And yet, at the beginning of the 19th century, the restaurant, as a special category of “tavern establishments,” took place. If the first modern restaurants appeared in the gastronomic capital of the world, Paris, in the 70s of the 18th century, the first Russian “restaurant” opened in 1805 in St. Petersburg. Following him, other similar establishments began to appear. The regulations on tavern establishments of 1821 already identified 5 categories of this kind: hotels, restaurants, coffee houses, taverns and taverns. All of them were opened only with the permission of the city authorities, and their owners paid an excise tax. Cafes opened in new trading houses - “passages”, and in original entertainment centers - “voxals”.

“Tavern establishments” constituted a well-defined hierarchical pyramid, at the top of which were expensive restaurants, which contemporaries unanimously called “fashionable.” In the second half of the 19th century, in big cities, a “runaway” form of dining appeared in restaurants - special buffet rooms - prototypes of the current bar. There you could quickly drink a couple of glasses of vodka at an affordable price with sandwiches, sprats in butter, and herring that appeared for the first time. Special “rented houses” were opened, which their owners rented out for weddings, balls, gala and funeral dinners. The owners of such houses have their own staff of cooks and servants. Dinners and balls were organized to suit every taste and budget. Over time, the capital's restaurants formed their own clientele, passing on traditions from generation to generation. In 19th century restaurants the waiters and the chaff were not paid. On the contrary, when starting a job, the waiter himself paid a cash deposit to the owner, and daily 10-20 kopecks as insurance for “breakage of dishes” or loss of things. Often, waiters paid for the entire order from their own funds and themselves had to receive this amount from the client without any participation from the administration.

The catering industry during the years of Soviet power is often interpreted by contemporaries of the restaurant business as a shameful page in its history: the entire infrastructure of this area was destroyed, the best traditions of the pre-revolutionary past were forgotten, and only louts and swindlers rushed to work in the industry enterprises.

With the Bolsheviks coming to power, large commercial catering enterprises were expropriated. The first to be destroyed were fashionable restaurants, which from the point of view of the victorious proletariat were symbols of bourgeois luxury. Already on the basis of the first decrees of the Soviet government, canteens for workers and Red Army soldiers began to be created on the site of old restaurants and taverns.

Under NEP, the public catering sector was somewhat revived. Along with the first wave of Soviet nouveau riche, restaurants began to rise. However, it was no longer wealthy merchants and artistic bohemians who walked in them, but the newly-crowned kings of NEP entrepreneurship.

Only by the mid-50s did the situation begin to change little by little. The years of the “thaw” introduced previously forbidden values ​​into the way of social life: people’s craving for coziness, comfort, and aesthetics. The view of the restaurant began to change, and in the minds of citizens it more and more became a method not only for satisfying hunger, but also for interesting and beautiful leisure. By the mid-50s, the principles of organizing public catering were partly revised. The salaries of industry workers are now made directly dependent on the quantity and labor intensity of the dishes produced, which began to stimulate the desire to expand the range. At the same time, small retail sales of alcoholic beverages were closed in canteens, cafes, snack bars, and buffets and increased attention was paid to improving the quality of lunch products. Higher culinary courses and a catering technical school were opened in the country - educational institutions from which qualified personnel entered the catering sector. The pre-revolutionary experience of the restaurant business is being partially revived.

Since the late 60s, some new trends in understanding the restaurant business began to gain strength, to some extent anticipating its post-Soviet rise. It was during these years that the managers of restaurants and other catering enterprises formed an attitude towards searching for the style of the establishment. First, in the Baltic republics, and then in other regions, themed restaurants, cafes, and bars are opening, where the flavor of a bygone era is recreated. The focus on substantive diversity and innovations in cooking have had a certain impact on the structure of the restaurant sector. In the 60s, depending on the quantity and quality of services provided, restaurants were divided into categories: luxury, highest, first and second.

In official directories, a restaurant is defined as “a comfortable catering establishment that provides consumers with a wide range of dishes, drinks, culinary and confectionery products of complex preparation, including custom-made and signature dishes. Eating in restaurants is combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.”

Restaurants of the Intourist system occupied a special place in the structure of public catering enterprises. In order to adequately host foreign guests, the State Joint Stock Company “Intourist” was created in 1929, which was given one hotel each in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, and Odessa. It was “Intourist” that for the first time in the USSR introduced such advanced forms of service as “Buffet”, European breakfasts, the cost of which was included in the price of accommodation, service for picnics, and hunting tours. It was in these restaurants that variety shows and currency bars first appeared. On the basis of the enterprises of the Intourist system, all services were carried out at the highest level: major international conferences, party congresses, festivals, symposiums.

Perestroika began. People with new thinking began to come to the upper echelons of power. They also entered the restaurant business. The departure from the principles of the command-administrative system and some release of the economic initiative of citizens in the late period of perestroika immediately affected the state of public catering.

From the beginning of the 90s, restaurant empires began to take shape - A. Novikov, A. Dellos, M. Perevezentsev. The rapid rise of the restaurant business in Russia in the first half to mid-90s is characterized by the following facts: at that time, a Muscovite of average income visited a restaurant about four times a month, and 4.45% of the capital’s population could afford regular visits to restaurants.

Current trends in the development of the restaurant business include:

1. Deepening the specialization of the restaurant offer;

2. Formation of international restaurant chains;

3. Development of a network of small enterprises;

4. Introduction of computer technologies.

Thus, the restaurant business is an organization of this type of service that provides the client with food and drinks in a specially designated place and meets some basic hygienic and legal requirements.

A restaurant, as an independent unit or as part of a hotel, produces and offers food to customers in order to satisfy their gastronomic needs. The economic goal of this type of activity is to make a profit, regardless of whether we are dealing with a purely restaurant business (individual restaurants in specially designated areas), or with restaurants that are part of another institution (for example, a restaurant at a university). A restaurant is a special type of enterprise that combines:

Production of a wide range of complex culinary products;

High level of customer service in special halls. The most important distinguishing feature of a restaurant (unlike other food establishments) is an individual approach to the client.

Restaurants perform the following basic functions:

Organization of quality food;

Business (conducting meetings, presentations);

Recreational (rest in a suitable environment: restaurant interior, dishes, music, etc.).

Restaurant business is a type of activity for organizing a restaurant and its work. The restaurant business has its pros and cons.

Pros of the restaurant business:

Owning a successfully operating restaurant is profitable, because the restaurant business is a free activity that is constantly expanding and is not influenced by sudden leaps and whims of fashion;

When properly organized, the business consistently brings profit;

Restaurants become centers of local social life.

The negative aspects of the restaurant business are the following: there is little free time left (the owner needs to personally participate in the life of the restaurant every day); maximum concentration of attention (the restaurateur is constantly distracted from the main business); restaurant workers have to work during hours when everyone else is resting (night work often leads to general depression); the availability of alcohol and constant observation of people drinking can become a temptation for those who are prone to drinking; communicating with people is quite hard work, and it is much harder for the service personnel than for the owner himself.

Necessary conditions for successful work in the restaurant business:

Experience in this field;

Availability of reserves in case of non-receipt of profit during the initial stage of activity;

Having a clear business development plan and clear ideas on how to attract clients;

Confidence in the prospects of the selected premises, the absence of negative factors associated with possible redevelopment of the territory or new construction;

There is a real need for a new restaurant in this location;

Availability of original methods of attracting clients;

Ability to adapt quickly and flexibly;

Knowledge of local market conditions;

Ability to hire and fire people;

A strong character;

Calm perception of the need for constant contact with a wide variety of people and adaptation to them.

It is important for restaurateurs to understand that today they must either provide more services for the same money as yesterday, or - with the same number of services - reduce prices. Successful restaurants update their menus regularly; make changes to the design of the hall; constantly improve the service system. It is also very important for the success of the restaurant to achieve mutual understanding between the restaurant owners, its staff and customers.

Since the amount of initial capital when opening a restaurant is very high, most restaurants are usually owned jointly by several people. Partnership also has its pros and cons. Pros: concentration of capital and the possibility of mutual assistance. Cons: the possibility of one of the participants leaving the business, conflicts over profits, shares, etc. If it is difficult to initially insure against the above factors, then one potential problem is often created by the hands of the restaurateurs themselves. The source of additional conflicts is disputes over the directions of business development and organization, and the distribution of leadership powers. The danger for the restaurant business is a situation where several people at once try to become centers of power in the business. Given the high-stress nature of the restaurant business, this can often be confusing for staff and customers.

The restaurant business is characterized by a network form of organization (franchising), when it is not the entire business that is purchased, but the technology and the right to operate under a brand. This is how the McDonald's restaurant chain and other restaurants (especially in the fast food industry) were built.

The most common reasons for failure in the restaurant business:

Lack of funds - money may run out before the restaurant attracts enough customers to become profitable;

Poor management;

Lack of personal experience of the restaurateur;

The opening of a competing restaurant nearby (a significant blow to the business. Usually a new restaurant, if it provides better services and a range of dishes for the same price, “leads away” a significant part of the customers and staff. A real disaster for a restaurateur is the opening of a fast food restaurant nearby - the place immediately becomes unprestigious for sophisticated clients, crowds of ordinary people, students and other typical fast food visitors, they distract attention, destroy the entire surroundings and “trample down” the road to the “classic" restaurant. A professional restaurateur should always have connections in the authorities and local government in the territory where his restaurant; other levers to prevent competitors from appearing in the immediate vicinity);

Global economic factors beyond our control;

Changing urban transport routes; the beginning of construction nearby (road closures, a large amount of construction equipment, etc.);

Fire (a restaurant is always subject to such a risk for a variety of reasons: wiring, negligence of staff, malicious intent, smoking of customers and employees. An experienced restaurateur should take preventive measures to reduce these factors to a minimum, for example, ensuring proper security of the premises, equipment and electrical wiring , compliance with safety regulations by personnel, etc.);

Internal problems, such as quarrels with partners, departure of key employees, conflicts in the team, etc.

Even in Europe, where this business is more stable than anywhere else, approximately 45% of projects do not survive the start-up period of 2 years. According to Dan and Badstreet's World Bankruptcy Directory, the restaurant business ranks fourth in the list of bankruptcies behind ready-to-wear stores; furniture; photo products.

Restaurants provide an opportunity for people to have great food and socialize with each other. To succeed, a restaurant must attract the attention of a large market, and this can only be achieved when it is located in the right place and offers the right food and atmosphere, and the philosophy of restaurant managers is aimed at politely and skillfully introducing people to good food for reasonable price.