Soybean flour and how to prepare it. Dessert recipes with soy flour. What will soy flour give us? Product benefits

Scientists have conducted many studies, the results of which have established that wheat flour has not only benefits. Alternatively, you can find corn flour, rice flour, soy flour, and other varieties in grocery stores. If many have heard about the first two options, then it is advisable to pay more special attention to the last one.

Before we talk about the benefits and harms of soy flour, it is worth studying its nutritional value.

Chemical composition of soy flour:

  • 48.9 g protein;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 21.7 g carbohydrates;
  • 5.3 g ash;
  • 9 g water;
  • 14.1 g dietary fiber;
  • 15.5 g starch.

Calorie content per 100 g of product is 291 kcal.

The consistency of soy flour is practically no different from the wheat version, but the benefits are much greater. It is rich in vitamins A, B, E, minerals, fiber, iron and protein, and does not contain gluten.

Thanks to the above composition, soy flour:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • prevents the formation of gallstones;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • reduces the risk of musculoskeletal dysfunction.

In addition, baked goods with its addition do not go stale for a long time. Since there is no gluten in the composition, the baked goods remain fresh and attractive for a long time.

The main harm of the product is due to the fact that it accelerates metabolism, and therefore its excessive consumption can lead to too rapid aging of the body and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Pregnant women and children should also avoid using products containing this ingredient. The latter may be allergic to soy.

Pancakes made from soy flour

Anyone who has tried such delicate and thin circles once will no longer be able to eat similar products in the traditional version.

Ingredients for two servings:

  • 100 g soy flour;
  • 400 ml hot water;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a packet of baking powder (10 g);
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. All components are sent into the container, combined, and beaten using a mixer.
  2. The dough is left to “rest” for 10 minutes, then pancakes are baked from it in a dry frying pan. The fire should be of medium intensity.

For breakfast, pancakes should be accompanied by a delicious sauce made from banana whipped with cocoa.

Diet cookies

Recipes for dietary baking made from soy flour include not only pancakes. If you need a composition that contains more protein and less carbohydrates, then you should perform the following variation.

To make sure of this, it’s enough to have at hand:

  • 300 g soy flour;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 5 g cocoa;
  • a glass of water;
  • 300 g cottage cheese;
  • 10 g honey;
  • 30 g each of cranberries and prunes;
  • 100 ml milk.

The dietary treat is prepared as follows:

  1. Proteins are placed in a wide container, soda and baking powder are added to them.
  2. After 5 minutes, as soon as a little foam forms, the mixture is lightly whipped together with cocoa.
  3. Next, add a little honey, which makes the baked goods slightly sweet.
  4. Now the composition is replenished with flour, a thick dough is kneaded.
  5. Boiling water is poured into the resulting homogeneous mass.
  6. Now the composition is carefully placed on a baking sheet, then sent to a hot oven (160 °C) for 10 minutes.
  7. At this time, the cottage cheese, together with milk and lemon zest, are whipped into a homogeneous cream.
  8. When the cake is ready, the filling is laid out on it.
  9. Berries are laid out on the edge of the layer, after which the product is rolled into a roll, which is left in the cold for 2 hours.

So, if you know a few secrets, then using soy flour you can easily prepare delicious and low-calorie treats.

In various professional circles, relatively recently they began to talk about the dangers of wheat flour. Indeed, this product has many contraindications, which forces people to look for alternative options. It should be noted that there are many such substitutes. On the shelves of modern stores you can find rice, buckwheat, and corn flour. But soy flour is especially popular among consumers in this category. It is obtained from the legume crop of the same name, which grows well in a wide variety of soils.

The beneficial properties of soy are highly valued in cooking, it is necessary as a basis in the production of cosmetics, and is widely used in folk medicine. Let's try to understand the unique characteristics of this, one of the most widespread agricultural crops on the planet.

Plant characteristics

Soybeans were first grown in Asia about 6-7 thousand years ago. Its resistance to adverse environmental influences and ability to self-pollinate contributed to its rapid spread to other continents. Soybeans are classified as annual leguminous crops. The plant is relatively short; under favorable conditions it can reach up to 70 cm in height. During the flowering period, white inflorescences appear on the dense, hairy stem, and when the time comes for the fruits to ripen, small flowers give way to pods with yellow beans.

There are soybean varieties that produce green and brown seeds. Soybeans tolerate drought well, but light deficiency negatively affects yields. With a lack of light, the yield sharply decreases because the fruits decrease in size.

Advantages of soy

In many countries, soybean is the main agricultural crop. And this is no coincidence. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it is possible to obtain fairly high yields. And given the leading position of this legume representative in the gastronomic segment, manufacturers receive enormous income from the sale of beans. After all, they have long learned to make such primary food products as meat, various nutritional pastes, cheeses, and butter from soy flour. If we talk about the nutritional properties of soybeans, then in this regard it has practically no competitors. One only has to look at the composition of the beans to make sure that this conclusion is correct.

The fruits of soybean crops contain the following valuable macro and microelements:

  • a complex of vitamins, among them such important ones for health as: vitamins B, PP, E;
  • proteins make up 50%;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • beta carotene.

Of course, a product with such a valuable set of nutrients can satisfy hunger and have a beneficial effect on health. But this is not the main advantage of soybeans compared to other crops of the same family. It has a special structure that allows you to conduct various gastronomic experiments with its derivatives. Doctors value soy, first of all, for its ability to have a positive effect on the structure of blood vessels and the functioning of the heart.

Proponents of vegetarianism, for example, took soybeans as the basis of their diet, once abandoning animal foods. In any form, soy is perfectly absorbed by the body and significantly promotes digestive processes.

Useful qualities

To judge the usefulness of soybean culture, you need to study a little the properties of each component of the composition separately.

  1. Protein is present in excess amounts in soybeans. It is known that protein of plant origin has a set of essential amino acids.
  2. The calcium present in soybeans, more than the element contained in milk, helps strengthen bone tissue.
  3. Zinc is essential for strengthening immune strength and muscle growth. Without this macronutrient, not a single important process in the body takes place. Zinc takes an active part in protein synthesis, regulates metabolic processes, and promotes tissue regeneration.
  4. Phospholipids are found in large quantities in soybeans. There are much fewer of them in other legumes. These elements are responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, they help restore cell membranes, which is especially important for vascular tissue. Phospholipids can also reduce the body's need for insulin. This ability can help people suffering from diabetes.
  5. Fatty acid. Soy contains unsaturated acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own. These chemical components regulate hormonal functions and reduce cholesterol concentrations.

Product varieties

The food industry produces three types of soy products:

  • flour, low fat or meal;
  • non-fat product;
  • half-skimmed flour.

Each category of flour products has its own characteristics. For example, meal, which is in great demand, is a by-product of soybean oil production. The meal contains a lot of protein, for which it is valued by supporters of a healthy diet.

Experts advise including coarse soybean flour in your diet, because it has an excellent taste and is most beneficial.

Soy products in cosmetology

Soy protein purified from fatty impurities is widely used in the production of cosmetic products. Products containing soy strengthen the hair structure and have a beneficial effect on the skin. The soy ingredient is added to daily care formulations. And such products do an excellent job of their task: they smooth out wrinkles, moisturize the skin, nourish it and improve color.

When can soy be dangerous?

Research by scientists has shown that with long-term consumption of legumes, serious disruptions in important functions can occur in the body. But hormonal imbalance is especially dangerous. Therefore, pregnant women should generally avoid dishes containing soy. This product should be used with caution by women of childbearing age; soy should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Diabetics should also not overindulge in soy products, as their ability to lower blood sugar levels may have the opposite effect.

Several useful recipes

It is natural that the beneficial properties of soy did not go unnoticed by traditional healers. It is believed that the plant can even prevent the development of cancer pathologies. After all, phytic acids inhibit the growth of foreign structures. Therefore, soybeans are quite suitable as a prophylactic agent.

  1. For strong immunity. You need to sprout the beans first. This will take 5 days. This is done like this: first, the grains are soaked in ordinary water, and after a day they are laid out on a damp cloth. The mini-plantation should be kept in the sun, regularly moistening the beans. When the sprouts hatched from the beans reach 5 cm, they can be added to the salad or eaten fresh in small portions.
  2. Soy decoction helps cope with fatigue and also relieves anemia. Healing nectar is prepared in the following way: soybean fruits (50 g) are boiled for 15 minutes in ½ liter of water. After the solution has cooled, it is filtered. The resulting amount of decoction should be drunk throughout the day.
  3. Soy milk is used to normalize menopause. It is recommended to drink the product three times, 2 tablespoons each, for a whole month.

There are also many useful formulations using soy products. There are many interesting recipes for preparing cosmetic compositions that can provide beauty and health. But we must remember that any remedy will be beneficial only if it is used wisely.

Video: benefits and harms of soy products

Duck with pancakes and soy sauce Cut off the wing bones of the duck down to the elbow joint. Remove excess fat from the neck and rump area. Pour boiling water over the carcass, dry, then sprinkle with wine, rub with salt inside and out. Place vertically on a special stand and leave for 30 minutes. Lubricate...You will need: Duck - 1 pc., Rice wine - 1/4 cup, Honey - 5 tbsp. spoons, Sesame oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons, ground ginger root - 1 tbsp. spoon, Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Chopped green onions - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground black pepper, salt, wheat flour - 1 tbsp...

Chicken with soy sauce and ketchup Fry the onion in oil for a few minutes, add sweet pepper, crushed almonds, ginger, fry a little, stirring constantly, and add the chicken pulp. Separately mix corn flour with soy sauce, ketchup and hot...You will need: chicken (breast, boiled and diced) - 500 g, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons, ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 1/3 cup, onion, cut into large pieces - 1 head, peeled almonds - 1/2 cup, corn flour - 1 1/2 ...

Soy flour buns Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add vegetable oil, egg whites, sugar, salt, flour, knead the dough and place in a warm place to ferment for 2 hours. During fermentation, do 2-3 kneads. Form the prepared dough into buns...You will need: salt - to taste, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, milk - 2/3 cup, yeast - 20 g, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, egg whites - 2 pcs., egg - 1 pc., wheat flour - 1/2 cup, soy flour - 1/2 cup

Soy cakes Combine flour with soy mince, water, add salt, soda and knead the dough. Roll out the dough into a layer and bake until done. Form a cake, layering with jam. When serving, decorate with berries.You will need: salt and baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon each, thick jam - 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 1 cup, soy mince - 1 cup, wheat flour - 1 cup

Lenten Gourmand Cake First, coconut milk. You can fill the coconut shavings with water in advance. But everything was spontaneous for me. I just crushed the shavings in a coffee grinder (there was a little coffee in there, I didn’t pour it out, that’s where the color came from). I poured it into a saucepan and filled it with water. Boiled it. Didn't strain...You will need: “Sponge cake”: 200 ml of water (boiling water) + 50 g of coconut flakes (this is instead of milk), 150 g of sugar, 2 tbsp of corn starch (or potato) + 50 ml of cold water (this is instead of 2 eggs), 4 tbsp cocoa, 4 tbsp flour + 1 tbsp starch, 2 tbsp baking powder...

Pear dessert Be healthy! Pour milk into the rice flour. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Add a pinch of salt, sugar and bring to a boil over very low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon or whisk. Cook over low heat until thickened. It thickens very quickly and strongly. That's how it should be...You will need: 120 grams of rice flour, 500 ml of soy milk, 2 tablespoons of brown cane sugar, zest of 1 lemon, 2 pears, a pinch of salt

Festive bread No. 2 (Fly agaric :-)) Sift the flour, add dry yeast. Heat the whey (add salt and sugar) and pour into the flour. Knead the dough, gradually adding vegetable oil. The dough will be runny. Divide it into 3 parts. Add wheat groats to one and the other two (2 pieces of...You will need: 11 g of dry yeast, 500 ml of whey, 500 g of wheat flour, 150 g of rice flour, 150 g of soy flour, 100 g of vegetable oil (I had unrefined and not deodorized sunflower), 1 beet (80 g), 100 g wheat cereal, Salt - 2 tsp, Sugar - 4...

Fish with ginger, lemon, green onions in soy sauce Cut the fish into pieces, roll in flour and fry in oil until crispy, set aside. While it is frying, you can have time to prepare the sauce: in a frying pan in hot oil, quickly and quickly fry the grated ginger, garlic, then add chopped green onions, also lightly...You will need: 1-2 fillets of sole, soy sauce (good), green onions (I take a bunch), garlic (4 cloves), lemon, ginger (4 cm), olive oil, flour, it will turn out vigorous, for those who like something softer, you can reduce the number of ingredients

Super-mega blockbuster Can't sleep on Maslenitsa or StervoZka - 2 Grind the yolks with salt, sugar and butter. Add 1 cup of flour. Mix with a spoon. Add 1 more cup of soy flour. Grind into powder with your hands. Add milk little by little and stir thoroughly. If necessary, strain... Beat the whites until foamy. Enter carefully...You will need: 2-4 yolks, 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. sugar, 8 tsp. vegetable oil (I used pumpkin oil), 2 cups soy flour, 3 cups baked milk, 2-4 egg whites

Fish fried with wine and sweet soy sauce 1. Cut the fish into pieces, add salt, sprinkle with fish spices, bread in corn flour and fry until golden brown on both sides. 2. When the second side is fried, sprinkle with onion and garlic, pour soy sauce and wine over the fish, leave...You will need: Fish - 3 small fish (I took hake), Sweet soy sauce - 2 tablespoons, Dry or semi-dry red wine - 2-3 tablespoons, Vegetable oil for frying, Corn flour for breading, Onion and garlic, Salt

Soy flour is a product obtained from processed soybean seeds (soybeans), cake and meal. Dishes made from soy flour are especially popular in the regions of East Asia.

The production of soy flour is carried out as follows: soybean grains are dried and roughly crushed, removing the shells and seed germs that contribute to the rapid rancidity of the flour. After completion of the preparatory operations, finer grinding of soybeans is carried out in roller or burr mills.

Soy flour, which is the least refined product of all soy products consumed by humans, serves as a source of fiber that cleanses the human intestines of toxins. It contains up to 54% protein, thanks to which it can replace the proteins of fish, meat, poultry and milk, leading to a reduction in the price of the final product.

Depending on the variety and method of production, soy flour can have different shades: from pure white, cream, light yellow to bright orange.

The shells (husks) remaining after the technological process are used as a source of nutritious dietary fiber in bakery production, as well as as animal feed.

Composition of soy flour

The beneficial properties of the product are determined by the chemical composition of soy flour. It includes microelements such as calcium (212 mg), sodium (5 mg), magnesium (145 mg), phosphorus (198 mg), potassium (1600 mg), as well as vitamin PP (2.3 mg), vitamin A ( 3 mcg), beta-carotene (0.02 mg), B vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), vitamin E (1 mg). Soy flour also contains iron (9.2 mg).

The calorie content of the product is 291 kcal/100 grams. Nutritional value of soy flour:

  • Proteins - 48.9 g;
  • Fats - 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 21.7 g

After adding soy flour to a food product, the final product boasts an increased content of minerals, proteins, lecithin and vitamins, positively affecting the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin B4 contained in soy flour prevents the appearance of gallstones, restores normal fat metabolism, thus promoting natural weight loss.

Applications of soy flour

Soy flour is widely used in the food industry: it reduces the need for additional raw materials (and, consequently, the cost of production), the loss of product weight during heat treatment, while maintaining its quality at an appropriate level.

Soy flour is used in the production of sausages, breakfast cereals, cookies, processed foods, bread, pasta, cereals, and also as a replacement for skim milk powder and some substances in whole milk.

Harm of soy flour

Despite the many beneficial properties for the human body, eating soy flour has its contraindications. The isoflavones contained in soy flour are substitutes for female sex hormones, which have a positive effect on the female reproductive system, but negatively affect the development of the fetal brain during pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In addition, research by scientists has revealed a relationship between excessive consumption of soy products and menstrual irregularities in women of reproductive age.

Abuse of products that contain soy flour can cause cerebrovascular accidents, provoke the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and accelerate the aging process of the body. The harm of soy flour also extends to the endocrine system, causing disturbances in the human immune system, nervous and reproductive systems.

Excessive consumption of soy flour products is not recommended for children under 3 years of age - the product can provoke thyroid diseases and allergic reactions.

The protein/fat/carbohydrate ratio was a pleasant surprise - 43/8/22, respectively. Imagine baking (be it muffins or pancakes) with so much healthy protein!

So I came home and, of course, let’s experiment. I decided to conduct a “trial” test, so to speak, on pancakes made from soy flour. True, fearing for the end result, I added a little spelled flour.

Soy flour was a pleasant surprise: indeed, it has almost no odor (minimal nutty; please note - NOT pea!), the pancakes turn out soft, no worse than regular pancakes.

And then I thought that I definitely need to bake something sweet from soy flour, for example, muffins. The light nutty aroma will be very appropriate, and the benefits will be invaluable! These muffins will serve as an excellent snack and will not harm your figure (in my version - without sugar, butter and wheat flour). And the very realization that a yummy tea (prepared with your own hands) contains only the “right” ingredients, as well as a lot of vegetable protein and complex carbohydrates, brings me incredible pleasure personally :)

I am sure that children will also like these cupcakes; they will hardly notice the “catch”.

So, I won’t bore you any longer – let’s move on to the recipe.

Mini cupcakes made from soy flour: step by step recipe


  • soy flour (deodorized) – 60-70 g;
  • oat flour (or fine oat bran – grind if necessary) – 50 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • raisins/prunes – 3-4 tbsp. (optional);
  • natural yoghurt/ryazhenka – 150 g;
  • applesauce – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanilla extract or vanillin - to taste;
  • brown sugar/stevia/syrups - to taste (I used ¼ tsp stevia and a little agave syrup).


Mix dry ingredients in a bowl.

Beat the eggs until fluffy, add applesauce to them and continue beating for a couple more minutes.

Separately, beat yogurt (ryazhenka), vegetable oil and sugar/syrup.

Pour the oil mixture into the egg mixture in a thin stream and mix gently. Add dry ingredients, prunes or raisins in parts. Mix with a spatula.

Place in molds (about 7 cupcakes) and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Check readiness with a skewer.

P.S. Note that finished soy flour muffins have a fairly moist consistency (+ adding applesauce also plays a role in this), so don’t be alarmed by the fact that they are “under-baked.”

I was very pleased with the muffins made from soy flour: soft, unusually aromatic, and the added prunes were very appropriate here!